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  • Tags: Stalag Luft 6

A summary of Flight Sergeant David Joseph's RAF service. Joining the RAF on 27 October 1941, in January 1944 he joined 76 Squadron and was shot down on 18 March 1944 on an operation to Frankfurt. He became a prisoner of war at Hydekrug Luft VI,…

Louis Makens worked as a farm worker before the war but volunteered for aircrew. He discusses his training on Wellingtons and operations flying Stirlings with 196 Squadron including a crash landing, and glider towing. His Halifax was shot down 18/19…

Belonging to Sergeant Tom Whitehead, B.P.O.W. 1051, Stalag Luft 6. Contains newspaper cutting with news of Tom Whitehead as prisoner of war. Main dates of events and locations from shoot down to liberation. Includes a poem 'Joe', cartoon, diet sheet,…

Includes: editorial matters, dispensing by air mail; greetings at Lisbon; the letters they write home; official reports from the camps; groups from the camps; the brighter side; 'send us books...'; how they help (fundraising at home); examination…

Includes: a personal message to next of kin from Sir Richard Howard-Vyse (Chairman of Prisoners of War Department); editorial matters; any old tins? (how food tins are reused); the letters they write home; the brighter side; Prisoners of War…

Includes: editorial matters; our sketch club; official reports from camps; the letters they write home; pictures of camp life; groups from the camps; exam results; when they come back; the brighter side; parcels greet repatriates; how they help…

Includes editorial matter; a message to relatives from the Archbishop of York (C F Garbett); official reports from the camps; the letters they write home; groups from the camps; do parcels really get there? how they help (fundraising at home); mail…

Top left - man dressed as woman with surf board. Captioned 'G37 Flieger jockey club gala day, Stalag Luft 6'.
Top middle - man dressed as woman with wide brimmed hat. Captioned 'Flieger jockey club gala day, Stalag Luft 6'.
Top right - blurred…

Top left - two men dressed as Native Americans (man and woman). In the background huts. Captioned 'G36 Flieger jockey club gala day, Stalag Luft 6'.
Top middle - two men in fancy dress in front of a wall with posters. Captioned 'Flieger jockey club…

Top left - group of men in kilts standing behind a table. Captioned 'G26 Flieger jockey club gala day, Stalag Luft 6'.
Top right - group of men in kilts dancing on a wooden floor. Captioned 'Flieger jockey club gala day, Stalag Luft 6. Aug 43'.…

Top left - a large group of men wearing headbands in front of of a totem arch with a hut in the background, Captioned 'Flieger jockey club gala day, Stalag Luft 6'.
Top right - a group of men playing musical instruments marching in two columns with…

Top middle - a man with binoculars and white peaked cap standing by a race tote board, In front a wooden crate and two other men either side. In the background trees. Captioned 'G38 Flieger jockey club gala day, Stalag Luft 6, Aug 43'.
Centre left…

Top middle - five men in various costumes, one with top hat and other with bonnet, standing in line. Captioned 'G24 Flieger jockey club gala day, Stalag Luft 6, Aug 43'.
Bottom left - a band marching in file amongst a large number of spectators.…

Writes of his last operation in a Halifax when his aircraft was shot down and exploded killing all the other members of the crew. Describes journey to camp and being in Frankfurt while it is under bombing attack. Continues with description of life as…

A book of Prison Camp cartoons with some explanations.

Letter on headed paper to Mrs Valentine about the delay of parcels she has sent to her husband in Stalag Luft 6. She is advised to refrain from sending further parcels at the current time because of the difficulties of the transport system on the…

Number 50(167). First letter from the new camp. He mentions the journey to the camp and the conditions on arrival and is very disappointed that there is nowhere suitable for fiddle practice. Mentions new camp has better surroundings and potential…

Number 46. He writes of an upcoming transfer to prisoner of war camp named Heidekrug as far to east as possible in Germany, the likely transportation there and the subsequent change to living conditions and mail arrangements. He also writes about his…

Number 47. Writes that his new address will be Stalag Luft VI, although he hasn’t yet got a date for departure and he is worried that he will not be able to send as many letters. He mentions price limits on house buying and that he had sat his…

Number 48. Writes that they should depart for new camp on or before 10 June. Notes that letters should be addressed to Stalag Luft VI but parcels still to Stalag Luft 3. Says he is looking forward to change as he has been outside camp only once.…

Number 51. Describes conditions in new camp. Mentions they no longer cook their own food therefore little distraction from monotony. Mentions difficulties in continuing with his violin. States that mail will be slow for a few weeks, comments…

Number 52 (109). Comments on lack of mail from her and his violin practice. Mentions he saw German doctor about his loss of loss of taste sense. Medical equipment is in short supply but doctor sympathetic.

Number 53 110. Writes that final party from Stalag Luft 3 arrived along with some mail and photographs. Welcomes his parents in law home and mentions seeing German medical officer who could not find cause of his trouble over sense of taste and smell.…

Number 54 (111). Writes that new camp is not as good as last due to lack of facilities which will take a long time to develop. Mentions new barracks housing 26. Asks her to see if anyone would would send his new hut leader some cigarettes. Worried by…

Number 55 (112). Writes that only one letter from her in the month has arrived but some parcels have come. Asks her to thank senders as his letter allowance would not allow him to send thanks. Mention weather in new camp is shocking. Still has no…
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