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  • Tags: Stalag Luft 3

Airgraph from Flight Sergeant Jim Cahir to his mother and brothers. He writes that he is well and wishes his mother a happy birthday. He also writes about the entertainment provided at the camp, which he says is very good, that he is progressing with…

Airgraph from Flight Sergeant Jim Cahir to his mother and brothers. He writes that he is well and joined a sing-song on St Patrick’s day with some Irishmen. He also writes about his lecture and meeting an Airforce person who knew his brother and a…

Airgraph from Flight Sergeant Jim Cahir to his mother and brothers. He writes that he is well and that he had just had his first letter since being captured and hoping that they are not worrying about him. He also writes about the best way to send…

Postcard from Flight Sergeant Jim Cahir to his mother and brothers. He writes about the weather and his activities including watching some South African prisoners perform a Zulu war dance on Union day, May 31st. He also writes that he hasn’t…

Airgraph from Flight Sergeant Jim Cahir to his mother and brothers. He writes that he has received two letters from them, about family and friends, that the Red Cross has provided clothing for him, about the recent Corpus Christie parade and of going…

Letter from Warrant Officer Cahir to his mother and brothers. He writes about his capture in Germany after his aircraft was shot down on December 20th 1943 and subsequent capture. He goes on to describe the conditions he was kept in at Stalag IVB…

Letter from M Cahir to ‘Spike’ Alexandratos updating him on the news.

Memoirs of Jim Cahir who served with 466 Squadron RAAF. He writes about being shot down near Frankfurt on Main on the night of 20/21 December 1943 and subsequently being captured and imprisoned in Stalag IVB in Muhleberg. He stayed there until the…

The message advises Mrs Cahir that her son's address is Stalag Luft 3 and his number is 267500.

Writes that he has been promoted to flight sergeant and warrant officer and change in RAF allowances and other financial details. Continues with news of work on new house and catches up with news of family and friends. Mentions she dreams of him…

Lists item sent in recent parcel and writes of financial matters. Writes of first visitor to new house and work completed on house and garden. Concludes with description of recent activities and mention of letter and news received from friend.

Reports arrival of his letter and postcard from previous November and comments on his description his fellows and camp conditions. Mentions his violin practice, that she is sending music and strings as well as asking Red Cross to send medicine.…

Writes that there was no mail from him that week and goes on to describe going up to town to sign mortgage and mentions other house buying financial matters dealt with at solicitors. Continues with further financial matters and mentions visiting his…

Reports on recent activities including daughter's dancing class, clinic and visit to and news of neighbours. Continues with domestic matters and worries over when mortgage payments will start. Reports arrival of three of his postcards from October…

Reports no letters from him and then writes about offering their house and temporary home for expectant mothers and the arrival of the first one. Continues with news of arrival of new bookcase and catches up with news of friends and family. Writes of…

Writes of rush of people enquiring whether they could rent rooms in their house but turned them down as she decided that expectant mothers had priority. Writes of her sister's recent visit and other domestic activities. Mentions plans to get piano…

Reports arrival of heavily censored letter posted in November and commiserates over missing parcel. Catches up with news of acquaintances and hopes that a new violin from the Red Cross will arrive soon. Mentions that his mail is really slow, she now…

Reports arrival of letter and postcard December and January and notes how they raise her spirits. Goes on with discussion of his and her financial arrangements and about a song she wrote which failed to get published. Continues writing of recent…

Mentions receiving his letter of 5 October and another from Caterpillar Club with membership card. Continues with news of domestic activities, the arrival of new lodger with baby which daughter Frances is thrilled to have in the house. Writes of…

Reports arrival of postcards and letter and writes of financial matters. Discusses plans for electrics in house and mentions property taxes, house being painted and lodger with baby. Writes of birthday present from him that she is building for…

Reports arrival of some of his letters and says she will track down source of books he received. Writes of her activities and plans to go to Devon for 10 days. Mentions buying things for house and future commuting to London. Continues with comment on…

Writes from Devon, describes countryside and activities. Mentions celebrating daughter's birthday and lists presents she received. Glad that British MO has found treatment for his nose. Catches up with family news and says she will be glad to get…

Writes that she was thinking of him on his birthday and hoping she could share the next one with him. Mentions returning home from Devon and that lodger was glad she was back. Reports on progress with painting, other repairs to house and state of…

Describes birthday presents waiting for him for this year's birthday. mentions family member's visit, describes activities and writes of news that Swedish friend of his fathers visited camp and reported him well. Describes anxiously waiting for his…

Begins with weather and wishing for rain and continues with description of recent activities including visit to Windsor to get photographs of daughter taken, going to the cinema, shopping, visitors, second hand furniture shopping, re-stowing garage…
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