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Flight from Naples to RAF Glatton (Nr Huntingdon) with 20 passengers then on to RAF Elsham Wolds.

Flight from Naples to RAF Glatton with 20 passengers then on to RAF Elsham Wolds.

Flight from RAF Elsham Wolds to RAF Tibenham then on to Berlin (Gatow) with 15 passengers.

Flight from RAF Elsham Wolds to RAF Tibenham and then to Berlin (Gatow) with 15 passengers.

Flight from Berlin (Gatow) to RAF Tibenham with 15 passengers and the next day on to RAF Elsham Wolds.

Flight from Berlin (Gatow) to RAF Tibenham with passengers and then the next day back to RAF Elsham Wolds.

Flight from RAF Scampton to Naples carrying supplies.

Flight from Naples to RAF Glatton carrying 20 passengers and then on to RAF Scampton.

Three sheets recording flight from Naples to RAF Glatton with 20 passengers and then on to RAF Scampton.

Geoff with four aircrew that he flew with. On the reverse captioned 'L to R Geoff Blamires - Nav, Doug Maycroft - Bomb Aimer, Den Barton - Flight Engineer, Frank Farnham - Mid upper gunner, Dennis 'Danny' Josey - Pilot. The last two are bracketed…

Target photograph shows explosions with dust and smoke clouds. Some target indicator flares are to right. Rural area with some buildings visible in top left with track crossing left to right. Captioned '429.E.W.S. 30.7.44//8" 2.500 200(Degrees) 08.32…

Handwritten diary with a transcription. Covers a short period of time when Geoff had just arrived at Elsham Wolds flying operations on the Lancaster. A detailed account of his life concentrating on the non operational aspect.

Side view of an airborne Avro Lancaster.


A man wearing a side cap sits in the cockpit of a Lancaster holding a hose which trails down from the open window. Under the cockpit is a cartoon of a woman reclining on a bomb under the citation 'Just Jane'. Above the cartoon is a bomb tally of 64,…

A group of seven uniformed men, David second right, standing under the port wing of a Lancaster which has engine trestles by the wings. Three of the group are wearing officer's hats and the other side caps. Six show brevets above their left breast…

A cartoon of a bare breasted woman laying prone painted on the nose of Lancaster. There is also a bomb tally painted alongside.

A cartoon woman holding a fencing sword painted on the nose of a Lancaster with the citation Gee !'. Alongside is a bomb tally of 48. On the reverse 'Aircraft 'G' 61 Squadron'.

A group of five men in uniform, David standing far right and a sergeant standing far left. They are standing under the port wing of a Lancaster which has an engine trestle by the wings.

A cartoon character wearing Arab style dress holding playing cards labelled 'Ali Oop!' with the citation 'I Go - I come Back' painted under the cockpit of a Lancaster, the bomb doors of which are open.. Alongside is a bomb tally of 36 including 3…
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