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  • Tags: Lancaster

Research taken from Operations Record Books of 109 and 582 Squadrons.

Ikey and his crew. The aircrew are at the back with Ikey on the right. Behind is their Lancaster.

A group photograph taken in front of a Lancaster. Included is a list of some of the men.

Seven airmen standing under their Lancaster port wing. On the reverse 'On loan P&R Darby Woodhall Spa. Dennis Oldman, 3rd from left'. Colin Cole, Wireless operator is second from right.

A group of seven airmen standing in front of their Lancaster. The pilot (centre) is holding a toy creature.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

A newspaper report about operations on Frankfurt.

Six airmen grouped at the front of a brick entrance. They are named in the caption underneath.
Their aircraft is incorrectly captioned. It was DV217.

Seven airmen in front of their Lancaster. Four of them are named on the reverse, 'Dad, Paul, F/O Davey, Eddy'.

Two rows of air and ground crew. Behind is their Lancaster with the record of 25 operations.
On the reverse 'Dad'.

Research notes about the collision of two Lancasters over Branston.

Two photographs of Lancaster "F" for Fox before and after the 35 Squadron tour of the USA.

#1 is a side head and shoulders portrait of Norrie annotated 'Sincere Regards to my Pal Doc 23/8/42'.
#2 is a silhouetted Lancaster captioned 'Aircraft LS-T No 15 Squadron Frankfurt 11/4/43'.
#3 is a Lancaster on the ground with the sun…

#1 is a starboard view of a Lancaster on the ground, captioned 'Lancaster 467 Squadron'.
#2 is the nose of a Lancaster with the crew underneath, captioned 'The Famous "G" George 148 Ops'.
#3 is a front view of a Lancaster in the snow, captioned…

#1 is a montage of three photographs showing a crater, captioned 'Death of a Lancaster where she went in & blew up, 1943'.
#2 is a tangled mess with houses behind, captioned 'After the fire in a crashed Stirling'.
#3 is Robert leaning on a fence,…

A port side view of a Lancaster on the ground, framed by the underside of a second Lancaster.

A starboard side view of a Lancaster R5700 on the ground. Another Lancaster and trees in the background.

A port side view of a Lancaster, captioned 'Lanc of No 50 Sqdn Skellingthorpe 1943'.

A Lancaster banking away from a second aircraft. It is captioned '' Nan' 50 Sqdn pilot Drew Wyness F/Lt DFC Skellingthorpe 1943'.

Air-to-air views of aircraft taken from a Lancaster during fighter affiliation exercises.
#1, 3,4, 7,8,9,10 and 11 are Hurricane and Spitfire
#2 is a Stirling.
#5 is a Mosquito
#6 is a Boston.
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