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  • Tags: 617 Squadron

Making arrangements for a Cheshire to visit Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE) Farnborough. Goes on to discuss aircraft navigation instrument problems with which RAE may help. Concludes with discussion of photographs and thanks for recent visit to…

From Royal Aircraft Establishment Farnborough provides information from experts at Royal Aircraft Establishment Farnborough concerning trimming Mosquito VI to avoid sideslip. After technical explanation goes on to discuss fitting new artificial…

From Personal Air Secretary on behalf of Secretary of State apologising for not getting to RAF Woodhall Spa due to poor weather. Hopes Sir Archibald Sinclair would visit 617 Squadron at earliest opportunity.

On headed paper from A.V. Roe and Company Limited concerning a visit to to the company by Martin and some members of 617 Squadron to collect a model. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor

From A.V. Roe & Co Limited on headed paper. Thanks Cheshire for visit and hope he will be able to visit the company. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

From A.V.Roe and Co Limited on headed paper. Congratulates him on award of Victoria Cross. Offers him a silver model of a Lancaster which he hopes he will accept.

From Air Marshall Sir Douglas Evill on behalf of Chief of Air Staff congratulating Cheshire on the award of the Victoria Cross. Writes of Cheshire's record and leadership in Bomber Command.

Provides confirmation that her husband was missing as a result of air operations on 21 March 1945. Explains circumstances of loss of aircraft and states it was unlikely that any crew survived. Comments that her husband had completed 45 operations.…

An air to air image of a Lincoln, RF522 'G' over New York, with the Empire State building in the background.

List crew and weapon (Tallboy) and target location. Notes 'shot down by enemy ground defences approx. 1000 today (This a/c was hit by H/7 in the T/A and seen to go down in flames and exploded as it hit the ground near Syke)'.

23 photographs from an album.
#1 is 617 squadron memorial at RAF Woodhall Spa.
#2 is 44 squadron memorial at RAF Waddington.
#3 and 4 is a plaque at 'The Wild Life' pub at Skellingthorpe.
#5 is a memorial at East Kirkby.
#6 is a close up of the…

Two officers stand either side of a white poodle. In the background a large two story Tudor building. On the reverse 'F/O Sumpter + S/Ldr McCarthy of 617, 51:75'. Taken with Simon the poodle in grounds of Petwood Hotel, Woodhall Spa between…

In the foreground a white poodle on the left and an alsatian on the right with two men kneeling behind them on a large lawn. In the background trees and another figure. Identified as Flying Officer Len Sumpter and another 617 Squadron member with…

A newspaper cutting with a squadron photograph of 617 Squadron in front of a Lancaster. Guy Gibson is in the centre of the front row.

Reconnaissance photograph showing open countryside with fields. A railway runs from top right downwards then loops to the left, culminating in the centre, The left side is covered in multiple craters. Craters on the right side are less concentrated.…

Target photograph showing open countryside with heavily cratered area in the centre. Caption '362, WS, 6.7.44, 8", 15600, [....], 1534, Mimoyecques RD, X, 1 x 12000, C, 35 secs, [..]earn, X, 617'. On the reverse '5:99/5, Photo 282'.

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields and roads. Village on the right side edge just below centre. Caption '358, W.S., 6.7.44, 8", 16400, 134 degrees, 1530, Mimoyecques RD, C, 1 x 12000, C35 secsa, F?O Duffy, C, 617' On the reverse…

Target photograph showing open countryside with area covered in craters bottom right. There is an airfield on the left edge just below centre. Caption '367, W.S., 6.7.44, 8", 19000, 130 degrees, 1531, Mimoyecques RD, K1, 1 x 12000, C, 235 secs, F/L…

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields and roads. There is a large area with craters bottom right extending towards the top.There are other scattered craters throughout the image. Caption '367, W.S.,6.7.44, 8", 130 degrees, 1531,…

Target photograph showing open countryside with a large area on dense craters in the centre. Caption '367, W.S., 6.7.44, 8", 16800, 145 degrees, 1529, Mimoyecques RD, Z, 1 x 12000, C, 25 secs, F/O Ross, Z, 617'. On the reverse '51:97/7'.

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields. There are prominent roads running bottom left to top centre and top right to left. Caption '372, W.S, 6.7.44, 8", 17000, 140 degree, 1530, Mimoyecques RD, T, 1 x 12000, C, 35 secs, F/L Willsher,…

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields. Prominent roads run from top centre to bottom and left centre to right. Caption '376, W.S., 6.7.44, 8", 15800, 136 degrees, 1531, Mimoyecques RD, A, 1 x 12000, F/L Pryor, A, 617'. On the reverse…

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields. Prominent road runs top centre to bottom and left centre to right. Craters are scattered over most of the image mostly left of centre line. Caption '377, W.S., 7.7.44, 17000, 178 degrees, 1535,…
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