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  • Tags: C-47

Six photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a side view of an RAF C-47, captioned 'Dakota'.
Photo 2 is a side view of an RAF York, captioned 'York'.
Photo 3 is an upside down Hurricane, captioned ' Crashed Hurri'.
Photo 4 is a side view of an RAF…

A biography of Jim Tyrie. He was called up on 1st September 1939 and learned to fly on Tiger Moths. He was shot down on his 7th operation over Berlin. In POW camp he was described as a dedicated tunneller. There is a list of the camps he was kept in…

The story of Homer Lawson from birth in August 1921 to death in September 1975. He trained as a Navigator in Wales and in Scotland before converting to Halifaxes in Yorkshire. He completed 38 operations then returned to Scotland for more training.…

A large group of airmen arranged in four rows in front of a C-47 Dakota. Captioned '1945 Full Sutton'.

A large group of airmen arranged in six rows in front and on top of a Dakota.

Photo 1 is a port side view of a Piaggio P108 in Luftwaffe markings. This was a four engined bomber.
Photo 2 is a port side view of a captured C-47 in German markings.
Photo 3 is a port/front flying view of a SM82. This three engined aircraft was…


A summary of the RAF's operations to support Tito's Partisan army in Yugoslavia.

A double exposed image of a C-47. On the reverse 'A DC-3 proves that you can be in two positions at the same time. Edgar does the impossible!!! Moncton 42 SFTS'.

A starboard side view of a C-47, engines running in the snow. It is annotated on the reverse 'A Yankee comes in to show us a big "ship". NUTS. Jan '43'.


An air-to-air view of Australian National Airlines DC-3 VH-CDD in flight. On its nose is 'W7691' in large characters.


Gerry Philbin's talents in hockey whilst serving in the RCAF are described. He then transferred to the UK to fly Halifaxes. During an operation they were shot down and only he and Sergeant Millard survived. He was captured but escaped with the help…

Two Dakotas, one with '38' on the nose, the other with an ambulance badge on the rear fuselage. On the reverse 'S.A.A.F. Dakota, on the Transport Flight dispersal. Fayid. May. 1947'.


Four photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is four airmen under the nose of Dakota. In the notes they are identified as 'Les, Fleck, Ernie & Butch under the "Durham Star" at Bangkok'.
Photo 2 is three airmen identified in the notes as 'Alf, a…

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Three photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a Dakota with four men under the shade of the wing and two men bent over looking for something on the ground.
Photo 2 is a man dressed as a woman wearing a hat, bra and Indian lungi (sarong).
Photo 3 is…

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Two airmen standing at the cargo door of a Dakota. They are dressed in white uniforms. On the reverse 'Butch and Ernie in 52 Sqdn white suits which we wear when flying - They don't half get grubby. 'Fraid this one is a bit out of focus'.

Four passengers in the shade under the wing of a Dakota, waiting to board. On the reverse 'Some of the passengers waiting outside our aircraft whilst at Rangoon'.

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Notes place of aircrew selection board on 10/03/43 and lists all course undertaken, promotion dates, flying times on operational aircraft and last medical board.

A young woman dressed in a skirt with stars and a top with stripes is partly obscured by a bunch of flowers. In her left hand is a flag. Colin is standing beside her. Behind is the nose of a C-47 and other aircraft. On the reverse is 'My Mac Dermot'.…

A group containing three soldiers, one airman and three young girls, including the girl dressed in stars and stripes. The girls are holding bunches of flowers. Behind is a C-47.

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A collection of 21 photographs individually described in Album 3 Denmark

Two photographs.
Photo 1 is of a group of VIPs being saluted by women soldiers. Behind is a C-47. On the reverse 'Rangoon '47 ? Ang San'.
Photo 2 is a men disembarking from the C-47.


A view looking towards a C-47 landing in the distance. On the reverse 'Kun Ming'.


Three C-47 Dakotas parked in a row.


Covers the period 1959 to December 1963.

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