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  • Tags: Holocaust

15 young chidren, three older boys, some of the young ones have bunches of flowers. Two adults one RAF the other a female in uniform. They are standing in a playground buildings in the background.
On the reverse, handwritten 'Belsen'.

A mass execution of Jews is taking place whilst fierce fires are burning in the background. To the front of the crowd, many have been killed and are lying on the ground. Others are being herded into the mass of people being killed, some holding up…

Three photographs and a newspaper cutting. The first two show the graves at Belsen, one of them still open. The third shows a group of German servicemen. The newspaper cutting reports that allied servicemen have contributed some of their rations to…

One photograph showing a lake surrounded by trees captioned 'Belsen'.


Four photographs, two of Belsen, one shows two allied servicemen with rifles standing in front of a gravesite, captioned 'Belsen'.
The second shows a large amount of discarded shoes.
The other two show a large two storey building. There are…

Three photographs, the first page has two photographs of a line of male guards, walking on a path around a space watched by a crowd of British servicemen, building in the background. Captioned 'Kramer The Beast of Belsen' added later…


Four photographs, one shows what could be the remains of one of the ovens that they used to cremate some of the dead internees. One shows the interior of one of the accommodation huts and has the caption 'Intended to house 60 people, 600 were crammed…


Three photographs, two showing three females sitting on window sills looking out, the second two on the grass, all dressed in striped uniforms. The third photograph is of a wide street, lined with three storey buildings and trees. A wire fence runs…


Aerial photograph showing a camp in open country side. Captioned 3110 T4/35 19 Jun 45. F20" // McCulloch.

Identification kindly provided by Kim Roller of the Finding the location WW1 & WW2 Facebook group.

Prisoners are visible behind barbed wire, wearing blue and white striped clothes and black shoes. A German soldier is guarding them, armed with a rifle. There are two huts. The white building has a large chimney with black smoke billowing out of it.…

Three clippings from The Star, the first reviewing a book written by Constance Babington-Smith, Evidence in Camera describing the work done by the Photographic Interpreters.
The second a cartoon.
The third dated October 17th 1957 is a book review…

Two photographs of eight men, some in remnants of German military uniform, standing in a row, wall of building in the background, the reverse of one photograph has 'Cellie' handwritten.


Three women are sitting on window sills looking out, two outside, behind the wire. On the reverse handwritten 'Belsen'.


A group of guards are sitting on the ground, another group are walking round a space, watched by a crowd of allied servicemen, one of them in the foreground is taking a photograph. Accommodation block in the background. Caption is 'Celle'.


Adriana Ventriglia remembers the bombings of Milan. She provides details about her evacuee life in the Lodi countryside and describes how her father was injured in a train strafing. Mentions her early life in a mixed family, the impact on…

Adriano Landini (b. 1930) recalls his childhood living in the poor Santa Croce neighbourhood in Reggio Emilia. Describes the profound sense of solidarity in wartime, stressing the community spirit among the so-called "popol giost" (the salt of the…

Annunciata Buffadossi recollects her wartime life in Milan. Annunciata stresses poor-quality housing in a low-class neighbourhood close to potential targets; emphasises how much she feared Germans and Fascists; and speaks with affection of her old…

Bernie Harris joined the Air Training Corps and volunteered for the Royal Air Force, joining in April 1943 and training to become an air gunner. He mentions his father serving in the Royal Flying Corps. As a young boy, Bernie witnessed the London…

Coby Van Riel was aged about six when the Germans invaded Holland. She lived in a fishing port area of The Hague, where her father had numerous jobs to make ends meet in the difficult days before the war and her mother ran a chemist shop. She…

Dirk Bosch was eight years old when the German army occupied his home town of Amsterdam. In this interview he describes what life was like for him during this time. He refers to seeing Dutch Jews rounded up and deported. He describes the hunger of…

Eric Wright in lived in Rotherham at the start of the war. As a school child he says that he did not really understand the implications of it. The family moved to Nottingham and he describes life there, with the air raids and sheltering under the…

Jack Bell joined the Royal Australian Air Force as a wireless operator/air gunner and joined 216 Squadron, at Heliopolis, near Cairo. He flew in Valentia and Bombay aircraft in a transport role. On an operation over Libya, his aircraft was shot down…

Jan Black flew operations as an air gunner with 300 Squadron. He was badly burned when his aircraft crashed on a training flight and he became a member of the Guinea Pig Club. He underwent ten operations at East Grinstead Hospital. He describes his…

Lidia Vendramin reminisces her childhood in Sacile including details on her primary schooling, family, and town life. Contrasts the public manifestations of joy the day the war was declared, with the shock and dismay of her parents, whose lives had…

Maurizio Ghiretti describes his early life at Monticelli Terme, a small town near Parma. He remembers various episodes of wartime hardships: food shortages, a tree taken down at night for firewood, men hiding in concealed rooms to avoid roundups, and…
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