Browse Items (154 total)

  • Collection: Rosser, Lewis Victor

Seven aircrew wearing flying clothes, lifejackets and parachute harness standing in line in front of a Lancaster with 90 bomb symbols below cockpit.

Target photograph showing roads with houses and fields and large amount of smoke in the centre. Captioned '3946 WIT 24.4.45//7" 8000 340 1043, Bad Oldesloe, 10ANM590T.2 ANM64DT.C32 secs F/O Rosser 115'. Underneath 'Bad Oldesloe, 115 Sqdns last raid'.

Left - newspaper cutting - Oxford man's DFC. Concerns award of medal to ex Flight Lieutenant Lewis Victor Rosser in connection with sinking of Admiral Scheer. Gives review of citation and some background details. Includes full face b/w…

Top left - view from behind of a man in civilian clothes sitting in the pilots seat in the cockpit of a Lancaster.
Bottom left - note stating that in 1981, allowed to sit in pilot's seat of Lancaster in the museum at Hendon, his daughter was allowed…


Inside and outside of dark blue album rear cover.

The leaflet contrasts Hitler’s repeated declaration on 16th March 1941 that Germany would achieve the final victory with that of Roosevelt on 16th [15th] March 1941, announcing America’s total commitment until total victory.

A quotation is…

Describes the effects of sowing hatred. Hitler had talked about war for 20 years, prepared for 7 years and started it on 1st September 1939. The people whose land he has occupied and attacked are said to hate him. An ever increasing hatred is…

Leaflet describes how the United States is fulfilling President Roosevelt’s promise of 16th March 1941 to provide Britain with ships, aircraft, tanks and weapons and how much it is producing. Many of the war materials are at no cost and on…

300 more American warships are now protecting shipping routes following President Roosevelt’s order on 12 September. Numbers of vessels in American navy at the outbreak of war are listed and the number will steadily increase.

William Sebold, a…

On 7th June Sir Robert Peirse, Commander in Chief of Bomber Command, reported on the British success against German vessels since 12th March. For land-based operations, they are mass producing larger aircraft with larger bombing capacity to have…

Describes how German army’s progression around Moscow is not as rapid or complete as indicated by propaganda from Berlin. They are meeting tenacious defence from Russia, preventing the German infantry from joining the Panzer Divisions. Suggests…

Article regards German claims of any victory over Moscow and the Russian army to be false. It points to a number of German spokespersons from Hitler himself to German press or radio making false reports of victory. Six examples of false claims are…

Note on envelope 'samples of leaflets dropped on Germany by RAF'.


There’re no irreconcilable differences between Great Britain and Italy - only Germany is to blame for the bombing war waged on Italy. Keeping on fighting means strengthen Germany, Italy’s natural enemy.


Congratulates him on award of DFC and ask how things are in 'civvy street'. States he was due out next April but is considering a deferment. Goes on to write about news from the squadron and his activities. Invites him to a party in the mess and…

Note on envelope 'Johnny Cantrell - deceased 21 Feb 46'. Writes that he had not received to his invitation and then tells a story about spending 12 days at Bari. Continues with news and gossip about the squadron and his activities. Concludes that he…

Note on envelope 'from Al Laughland DFM later killed'. Asks after Vic Rosser's ankle. Describes a little of his current posting and activities. Catches up with friends news.

Catches up with news after recent meeting and thanks him for posting on letters. Writes about cost of sending his bicycle by train and explains why it is essential in his current location. Catches up with gossip and his activities and flying.…

Apologises for taking so long to answer letter. Mentions Cologne and Essen operations and fighter engagement on the former which resulted in damage and belly landing at RAF Manston. Catches up with news of families and colleagues as well as some oh…

Mentions lucky trip to Cologne and subsequent DFC. Mentions seeing Rosser in a bus queue in Oxford but missed meeting up. Writes a little about his operation to Cologne (flown as an Operational Training Unit crew) where he was engaged by fighter…

Writes that he is about to join a Pathfinder squadron despite trying to get on Mosquito, but does not know where yet. Carries on to write of the great difficulty of getting onto a Mosquito squadron. Recommends that if Rosser get posted to main force…

Writes complaining about his current location goes on with gossip about various people there. Mentions he had done nothing recently and continues to complain about his situation. Envelope is covered with handwritten flying hours calculations.

Writes complaining about the state of the war. Mentions casualties and their effect on him and others. Describes the crash that killed Sergeant Ian Hay (748459). Comments on incorrect news about himself but he was obviously still alive.

Writes that he had received news of Rosser and letter was attempt relieve browned off feelings. Comments that his course would shortly be over and he could leave that awful place and hopes he could join Rosser at his Operational Training Unit Tells…

Relates history of his recent postings and that he was happy at Morpeth as it was near his home and girlfriend even though he would have liked to joined Rosser. Asks how things are with him. Mentions he has leave coming and describes some of his…
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