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  • Tags: aircrew

A group of four men and a woman standing outside the Arlington Hotel. One man is a pilot in khaki uniform, another is in battledress and the remaining two are in khaki.

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A woman stands beside a memorial gravestone to fallen RAF heroes. The same woman, in a second photograph, is standing beside a second memorial.

Left is photograph of a woman standing next to a memorial set against hillside with the inscription;…

Three photographs from an album.
#1 is a head and shoulders portrait of a woman.
#2 is a head shot of an airman.
#3 is a half length portrait of Dick with a trainee's cap. It has a post-it stating 'subject'.

Two photographs of Wolfgang Thimmig.
#1 A half length portrait of Wolfgang, captioned 'Wolfgang Thimmig 1936'. He was the pilot that shot down Paul's Stirling in 1943.
#2 is a full length image of Wolfgang.

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Photo 1 is the Polish president and the Polish Army Choir.
Photo 2 is a group of civilians in a classroom.
Item 3 is a note explaining the President's visit.
Photo 4 is Mieczysław Stachiewicz having tea and cake at the reception.


Six items, Edward's very brief description of the operation, his navigation plot, the expected H2S return over the target. Two press clipping, captioned 'The result of Bomber Commands 12,000 lb bomb attacks on one of the Enemy's V.2 rocket sites'.…

1) 134 members, including 27 in peaked caps arranged in four rows in front of a Halifax.

2) 97 uniformed men and one officer in five rows in an open field.

3) 100 men arranged in six rows in front of a leafless tree in parkland with residential…

Photograph 1 is a street view captioned 'Looking East on Pacific Avenue, Long Beach'.
Under a caption of 'With the "35th" Bombing Squadron, R.A.F., in Southern California. The following is a pictographic review of your activities and recreation…

To Jack's wife advising her of the conclusion that her husband had lost his life.

Letter written by Jack to be sent to his wife Eileen in the event if is death. In it Jack expresses his love and pride for Eileen and his son Robert.

Four airmen, all holding cigarettes, sat in front of a man with pilot's brevet standing left and Thomas standing right. Thomas has his hand on the shoulder of the man, also with pilot's brevet, sat in front of him. Thomas and the other three men have…

The document covers an operation on Rouen on the night of 18/19 April 1944. It describes the attack and details the aircraft and pilots that took part.
Two aircraft were shot down by a Me 410 as they were landing. The crews are listed.

Sketch of a Lancaster dropping bombs, amidst searchlights, cloud and smoke. Each bomb is labelled with the crew member's names 'F/Sgt Turner, F/Sgt Anderson, Sgt Davies, Sgt Hunter, Sgt Coombes, Sgt Cass and Sgt Osterloh'. Below the sketch is a…

A booklet used by John for his laundry account.

Notes on operating a wireless set No 22.

15 airmen arranged in two rows, captioned '1945. 149 Squadron. RAF Methwold. Wireless Operators Section. Leader. F/Lt Charles Wilkie'. Each individual is named in a second caption.

21 aircrew posed in three rows, the end of a wooden building as background. On the reverse caption, 'Keith in Scotland 1943, July 21st, Back row, 5th from right'.

Three images of a metal dial with a red bakelite knob on top. It has the letters 'Q P N M L K J' on the top

A group of six airmen arranged in two rows. Reg Payne is top left.
On the reverse
'W/Op training RAF Yatesbury
Reg Payne
Keith Kenway
Robbie Robertson
Ron Boydon
George Plank
Eric "Tubby" Melhuish'.

List of instructions for actions on ditching and then leaving aircraft and boarding dinghy.

Twelve aircrew posed in two rows, names applied during processing, captioned '79 Course W.OP./AG's'. Signatures on the reverse.

A group of 12 airmen, all in fatigues except one man wearing a shirt and tie. On their left is an air raid shelter. Reg Payne is third from the right, back row.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Head and shoulders portrait of an airman wearing tunic with wireless operator brevet. Captioned 'To Dad with love best wishes Franky'.

Head and shoulders portrait of an RAF officer wearing tunic with wireless operator brevet and medal ribbons and peaked cap.
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