Browse Items (185 total)

  • Temporal Coverage starts with "1942-12"

Printed menu, some signatures on the front, from No 31 RAF Personnel Depot, Moncton, Canada.

Printed programme for Graduation Ceremony for air navigators and air bombers at no 1 Air Observers School.

Describes crossing the Atlantic to Canada and journey to Bowden, Alberta and then on to Estevan, Saskatchewan. Day by day account of activities, flying and life in Canada, Concludes with journey back across Canada

Bill relates how he has been showing Michael's photograph to everyone he meet, whether they are interested or not. Mentions how he has had a long day flying and has been invited to spend Christmas with friends living locally. Describes a visit to…

Bill writes of being very busy with night flying - although often they are almost ready to go before it is cancelled due to bad weather. His bike has arrived at Upper Heyford station but he has not had time to collect it.

Describes his crew in…

Bill writes of flying activity, or lack of it when flights are abandoned or postponed. Mentions visit of circus comprising Ju 88, Me 110 and Heinkel which gave flying demonstration and after he was able to look over them. Was not impressed with crew…

Bill thanks them all for the parcel which included pyjamas, a cake, a carrot and notepaper and envelopes.

They have been working very hard and have managed to get a day off tomorrow. Expecting to go into Oxford and go to a theatre in the…

Bill writes after Christmas, relating the cards he received and all that happened to him. Everything went very well: he went to camp pantomime and cinema just before Christmas and spent Christmas Day at his friends' house in Lower Heyford. He…

Girl in overalls and head scarf with finger to lips. In the background a cloud with a number of gremlin figures as well as building, tree windmill and gate. One gremlin has rope to girls left ankle while three others pull back on rope to left ankle.…

A dinner menu for Christmas 1942 and New Year 1943 produced by the Airmen's Mess, No 1 Central Navigation School, Rivers, Manitoba. On the reverse are the signatures of some of the attendees.

The first issue of The Dafoe Digest, a magazine produced by No 5 Bombing and Gunnery School, Dafoe. Each section on the base has had a chance to write a short article about their activities.

Fourth of David Geach's diaries describing the final part of his training in Canada. He writes of his service and personal life training as an air bomber. He describes his ground and flying training experiences, social life both in camp and in local…

Third of David Geach's diaries describing his service & personal life training as an Air Bomber in Canada. He describes his ground & flying training experiences, social life both in camp and in local Canadian towns and New York. He details train…

Pilots flying log book for D E Owen, flight engineer, covering the period from 15 October 1942 to 5 August 1943. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Stradishall, RAF Mildenhall, RAF Lakenheath and RAF Scampton.…

Number 32. Notes letters received. States he has no objects belonging to his pilot (Floyd) and that he also tried to get recognition of his gallantry without success. Catches up with news. Writes he is fully occupied but has not stated his…

Number 33. Wishes her happy birthday. Speculates on when he will be home. Mentions health and medicine issues. Writes about his Dutch room mates and another Belgian prisoners he likes. Describes multinational nature of prisoners in his block. Notes…

Number 34. List letters and parcels that have arrived. News from home and glad daughter avoided measles. He has a streaming cold.

Number 35. Lists letters and parcels (contents) received. Writes of nasal problems and relates issues of another prisoner, Frank Pepper who has been in interned for 2 1/2 years. Describes treatment of prisoners and reckons he is in best camp. Reports…

Number 36. No mail received for some time. Has seen doctor about nose problems and would only be solved by operation. Reports parcel arrived from Sweden.

Number 37. Notes received parcel from mother and asks her to send thanks as he has no spare cards. Reports other parcel arriving and thanks her for organising foreign contributions. Red Cross Christmas parcels as well. Notes camp choir and orchestra…

Number 38. Mentions Christmas food and activities but still problems tasting anything. Didn't enjoy himself. Asks after daughter and requests news as only one letter from her received that month. Hoping for big things in 1943.

Number 39. Mentions letters and parcels, and their contents, that have arrived. Discusses medicines and his health. Writes that Christmas was dull but they were allowed some watery beer. mentions theatrical show and that they are allowed to have…

On the left, Ursula Valentine is sitting with Frances Valentine on her lap. In the centre a Christmas tree on a sideboard. On the right a woman in light blouse and dark shirt looks across at Frances. Further right a man wearing a suit with arm round…

Dave has returned to work, following four days' leave for Christmas in Winnipeg. He apologises for writing infrequently. Dave explains that he has saved Betty's Christmas present, until he can give it to her in person. He describes the intense work…
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