Browse Items (275 total)

  • Temporal Coverage starts with "1942-08"

Wishes her happy birthday, no news of next leave. Is now ready to leave West Freugh with its eternal training. - the Operational Training Unit must be better. Notes Scottish band passing by 'they are for ever making no end of a wild din dancing…

Catches up with news and tells his mother not to worry about him.

Bill is interested to hear about the 'fellows in the caravan', who seem to be conscientious objectors. Says he has sympathy for people with genuine objections and has talked with…

Bill hopes harvest is going well and complains about food in the camp.

He gives a vivid description of dinghy drill, which was very funny to watch, but got on well with his own swimming and went on to Girvan where he describes what they did on…

Bill catches up with family news and comments on the wet weather. States food is now better, although not as when first improved. Catches up with more news of farm and friends as well as family fund-raising for dinghies. Outlines what they do for…

Catches up with news and apologises for not visiting while on leave.

Bill says he enjoyed his last leave, although he mentions that the nearby aerodrome is expanding and aircraft going overhead. He did, however, managed to get a trip in an…

Bill thanks her for her parcel and letter. Shocked by story of bombs jettisoned by friendly aircraft but shouldn't judge until know the facts. Worried about Lancaster base being so close to home ('Those Lancasters and the drome are a menace').…

Writes of insect bite and catches up with family news.

Excited that cadets now have own mess and, although not popular with the ground crew, aircrew need a special diet. Food is now much better and describes meals. Writes of flight up to near…

Describes crossing the Atlantic to Canada and journey to Bowden, Alberta and then on to Estevan, Saskatchewan. Day by day account of activities, flying and life in Canada, Concludes with journey back across Canada

A large group of airmen sitting and standing in four rows, All are wearing tunic and side caps, most with training flash. Man sitting in front centre is holding a 'F'. On the left side of second row, a civilian wearing shorts is standing. To the left…


Top left - high jumper over bar. In mid distance left side a line of men sitting on the ground and in the background spectators and huts. Captioned 'C27 Sports day, Stalag Luft 3, Aug 42'.
Top right - a group of men playing basketball with hoop on…

Top left - group of men sitting in front of, at and behind a table. In the background a wooden hut with two windows. Captioned 'C23 Sports day, Stalag Luft 3, Aug 42'.
Top right - spectators to the side of, in front and on the roof of wooden huts.…

Top left - high jumper wearing sports kit in mid air over bar. To the right and official. Captioned 'C[..] Sports day, Stalag Luft 3, Aug 42'.
Top right - long jumper in mid air with officials to the right, Spectators in the far distance. Captioned…

Top left - runner at finish tape while another has fallen behind him. Other runners further back. Spectators on roof of, and in front of huts to the left. Captioned 'C20 Sports day, Stalag Luft 3, Aug 42'.
Top right - on the right man in shorts in…

Top left - runners on track pass officials on right. To the left spectators in front of and on the roof of huts. Captioned 'C37 Sports day, Stalag Luft 3, Aug 42'.
Top right - spectators on roof, in windows and in front of wooden huts. Captioned…

Top left - on the left a shot putter just after throw, shot visible in centre. In the background spectators and huts. Captioned 'C21 Sports day, Stalag Luft 3, Aug 42'.
Top right - crowd of men some in sports kit standing talking in front of wooden…

Top left - a large crowd of man wearing various bits of uniform and sports kit in front of wooden huts. Captioned 'C[..] Sports day, Stalag Luft 3, Aug 42'.
Top right - runners on track coming towards camera. On left wooden huts with spectators in…

Top middle - on the left a group captain wearing tunic shakes hands with a man in sports kit in the centre. A sergeant stands with his back to camera on the right and two other men look on from the background. Captioned '[....]'.
Bottom left - a…

Top left - group of runners on track coming towards camera, Spectators on the right. Captioned 'C35 Sports day, Stalag Luft 3, Aug 42'.
Top right - group of runners with leader at finish tape. On the left of track wooden huts with spectators on…

Top left - a model glider stood on wingtip. Captioned 'A[..] NCO's arts and crafts exhib. Stalag Luft 3'.
Top right - a model sailing ship. Captioned 'A11 NCO's arts and crafts exhib. Stalag Luft 3'.
Centre middle - A model sailing ship on a table…

Top left - a man looking closely at a model ship on a table. In the background other figures. Captioned 'A10 NCO's Arts and Crafts Exhib, Stalag Luft 3'.
Top middle - four posters/drawings mounted on wall. Captioned 'A15 NCO's Arts and Crafts…

During this period Keith was under training in Canada and then in England from June 1943 on 28 OTU at RAF Wymswold.

Writes that he cannot say much due to security. Cannot describe local area as has not been off camp. Says job take until next Wednesday. Asks after children and catches up with family news. Writes of amusing incident.
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