Browse Items (767 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "United States"

John Blair standing with Leo Balderamos on a tall building with a cityscape in the background.

Caption: 'John Blair (left) and Leo Balderamos of Belize on the Empire State Building, New York, in October 1942'.

Air to ground view of Boston's central business district, Charles river curves from bottom left to bottom right.

Air to ground view of Scott Field surrounded by open countryside.

Partial view of New York out of rear turret. There is part of a tail of a Lancaster bottom right. In the distance Empire State Building, Chrysler Building, and 30 Rockefeller Plaza.

City with many buildings and grid road structure. Taller buildings towards the top and LA river running right to left across the top. The dog legged road is W 8th St in the Westlake South area of the city.

Air to ground view of Kelly Field taken from turret. Barrel of gun visible top left. Hangars on the ground bottom left with aircraft parked on their right.

Air to ground view from cockpit of runway threshold of Long Beach Army Airfield, California. Aircraft on taxiway to left and cars parked on perimeter track in foreground.

Looking across water from boat to sea-wall. Large eight-engined sea plane on land behind sea-wall. Oil tank to the left and crane to the right.

Air-to-ground view of Scott Field, Illinois, with several runways and buildings in the foreground.

Vertical air to ground view of an airfield parking pan running top left to bottom right. Airfield buildings are also shown. Parked on the pan are Lancaster, B-29, C-57, Northrop P61, B-17 and Lockheed Constellation as well as other aircraft.…

Air-to-air view of four Lancasters in light paint scheme taken over Los Angeles, La Brea district.

Air to ground view of a Los Angeles with City Hall and Spring Street courthouse.

Air to ground view of Scott Field with runways left to right and running middle right to top. Buildings bottom left and left side.

Top left - newspaper article 'Americans don't know us say s"goodwill gunner".' Noted that Warrant Officer Arthur Pearce has just returned from goodwill tour of the United States with a view that Americans know nothing about Britain and have no idea…

Top left - newspaper article 'RAF Bombers on mass ocean flight'. States that 16 Lancasters landed at Mitchel Field on first leg of goodwill tour of United States. The 35 Squadron planes carried their own ground crew and all flyers were veterans of…

Top- newspaper cutting and photograph. Shows two Royal Air Force officers and two United States army air force officers in line under a sign that says 'Welcome R.A.F.' Captioned 'Greetings. Group Captain R.C.M. Collard. officer in charge of RAF tour,…

Top - newspaper cutting including photograph of a Lancaster with Royal Air Force personnel lined up in front. In the foreground a welcoming colour party and line of United States servicemen. Captioned 'Color guard (foreground) line up opposite crews…

Top left - air to ground view of Scott Field.
Top right - eight Lancasters in light paint scheme parked in pairs on an airfield with runway behind and buildings on far side.
Middle left - a line of Lancasters in light paint scheme parked on…

Top left - eight Lancasters parked in pairs on airfield with runway behind them. In the foreground a hangar. To the left three B-17s. Top right - newspaper cutting 'Chosen for U.S. Goodwill tour'. Two local men chosen to take part names as W.O Arthur…

Seventeen air and ground crew wearing khaki uniform with either peaked or side caps standing alongside the front of a Fairchild C-82 Packet.

Top right - newspaper cutting titled 'Gen Spaatz welcomes RAF' with three photographs. Top left photograph of General Spaatz at microphone welcoming RAF to Andrews Field. Also in background Lord Inverchapel, British Ambassador, Col Curtis D Sluman…

Top - newspaper cutting with photograph of air-to-air view of formation of 12 Lancasters from 35 Squadron over New York. Caption states that photograph shows them over East River and that they will fly on to St Louis.

Middle right - photograph of…

Newspaper cutting with photograph showing 12 Lancasters over New York City. 'High, Wide, and Handsome. Here on goodwill mission, dozen four-engined Lancaster bombers fly over New York giving inkling of the might that was blended with U.S. warbirds to…
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