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A notebook used by Malcolm Staves for recording his training notes on Wireless.

Notes written by Malcolm Staves during his training as a wireless operator.

This edition covers an Editorial on the new vegetable garden, a discussion on April weather, the dangers of Western horse riding, recreation at Penhold, the Penhold Trio - three singers, jokes, alight hearted discussion on 'the usual channels', notes…

This edition covers a photograph of an Oxfor, a cartoon map of Middle Alberta, photographs of commanding officers, a parade, chief flying and ground instructors, pupils, air cadets and accidents, strong memories of Red Deer and its people,…

A record of events and their times recorded at RAF Tholthorpe during the period 2 March to 31 March 1944 (74 pages).

A record of events and their times at RAF Tholthorpe covering the period 17 June to 21 July 1944 (78 pages).

A record of events and their times at RAF Tholthorpe covering the period 21 July to 17 August 1944 (73 pages).

A note book used by Fred as a log book.
His pilots on operations were Pilot Officer Benitz DFC and Flight Lieutenant Brown.

RAF notebook. Contains notes on axis of aircraft, stability, heat, temperature, petrol, carburettors, fuels, thermal efficiency, electrics, physical laws, atmospheric pressures, ohms law, ignition, electromagnetic induction, power/weight ratio,…

Contains notes and diagrams on fuel tanks, control settings, aircraft engine systems, ignition, cooling systems, layout of Merlin and other flight data.

AF Notebook. Contains graph, lists of engine types, aircraft details, diagram of aircraft, notes and diagrams of fuel system, handling notes and procedures. Notes on equipment including dinghies and drills, pyrotechnics, emergency packs, automatic…

A newsletter produced by the No 31 Bombing and Gunnery School, Picton, Ontario. It contains stories, mini-biographies of station personnel, poems, reviews of Picton cafes, a pantomime, news and views, sport and entertainment and cartoons.

Writes that he will be glad when the baby comes, that he had received a parcel and was very pleased with the contents. Asks for hair cream and boot polish in next one. Discusses mail and friends and mentions that snow has gone and that he was playing…

Top - reports arrival of five of her letters to him and mentions other mail. Mentions books he had read and was recommending to her.

Bottom - reports arrival of mail from friends and that he heard they had had a son. He says he will be glad to get…

Thirty-five airmen wearing greatcoats and side or peaked caps sitting and standing in four rows.

Submitted with caption 'Back row left to right. Edward Pullen, became a Wing Commander, killed in action 20 December 1943 when serving with 50…

Personal reference for Aubrey.

Hard back notebook with hand written and drawn notes and diagrams compiled when he was at No 2 A.G.S. at R.A.F. Dalcross in 1943. Twenty nine pages containing the theory behind gunnery, ammunition and the turret.

11 airmen grouped around a statue of Mercury. On the front five of them have their names annotated. On the reverse 'New Zealand air crew officers Happy Days April/43'.


A group of airmen arranged in two rows in front of a Mitchell. Laurie is identified in the caption.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

A setup for teaching the principles of motors/generators and synchronising generator connection to the mains. The switchgear panel include meters, dials, switches, and light bulbs to check phase synchronisation; posters and schematics are visible on…


Quote from Byron with note 'this is my wish for you' from Sgt Nav Cecil E Wood from Canada.

Gives background on what inspired him to write a memoir. Theme of chronical is 'Luck'. Writes of joining RAF as soon as he was old enough and of initial tests and selection as a wireless operator/air gunner followed by 18 months deferred service.…

Pleased to be able to send a letter rather than postcards he had only been able to send previously. Assumed the Red Cross would have informed her we was a prisoner of war. Writes that he is well and with a jolly crowd of companions. Mentions that he…

Writes that he is still well, gives love to all at home.

Writes that mail issue had arrived and he had had a good meal. Asks how she was getting on and regrets that long awaited date was now even further away, but he was still looking forward to it.
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