Flying Control Log Book



Flying Control Log Book


A record of events and their times at RAF Tholthorpe covering the period 17 June to 21 July 1944 (78 pages).



Temporal Coverage




78 handwritten pages


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[underlined] S.O. Book 129. [/underlined]
Code 28-69-0

From June 17/44
Flying Control Log to July 21/44

G. [crest] R.


T.2523. Wt. 5630 Gp. 99-21-0 10/42 E.JA. & S. Ltd.

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[underlined] June 17/44. [/underlined]

0020 / Crash / Ex.12 Group – Report of crash in V-3515 – Allerston Moor – south of R.O.C. post at Goatland, could be seen from Lockton. 61 Base informed Wombleton taking action

0118 / H33/T / False start, ran off end of runway and bogged.

0130 / Taxi Accident. [underlined] 433/I & 424/O [/underlined] (Cat B A resp.) LV911 LW119 / Due to entry [deleted] 0020 [/deleted] [inserted] 0118 [/inserted], change of runway necessary. Aircraft are marshalled. In manoeuvring around, the tail of 431/I was chewed up in prop of 424/O. Rear Gunner badly injured. – (died of injury) F/S. Hoston D.E. R-176443. Informed G.2.d. [inserted] A.O.C. [symbol] [/inserted] SASO [symbol] – AIR I [symbol] – SFCO [symbol] – EQUIP. [symbol] – ENG[symbol]

0350. / Crash Entry 0020 / Upon arriving at Lockton, no trace of crash or fire to be seen by fire tender & ambulance. Authorities surrounding the district checked. Eventually Wombleton learned from “Q3” that some Polish troops had been on manoeuvres. R.O.C.L.O. 12 had previously said definitely the army were not out.

0320 / [deleted] 0 /deleted] 1664/B 1664/N Accident / “B” landed at 0240hrs. on way to dispersal one engine raced and in front of hangar near watch office pilot switched engine off and ground crew took over. Several other a/c manoeuvred around it to dispersal, but “N” failed to notice it and crashed into it enroute to dispersal.

1664/B (LL175) Prov. AC. Tail unit + turret replacement Pilot – F/O Steppe.
1664/N (LL174) Prov. A. Props and cowling damaged Pilot Sgt. Diamond

Informed G. A. I., G.2.L [symbol], Eqpt
AOC [symbol] SASO [symbol] AIR1 [symbol] SFCO [symbol] ENG [symbol]

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[underlined] Target XI/A/43 [/underlined]

Balloons. – [deleted] Coventry – 1500’ – 0130 – 0500 [/deleted] [inserted] none [/inserted]
Longley & Weybridge – 1500’ – 0210 – 0310
Brockworth – 1500’ 0130 – 0500
Birmingham – 1500’ 0130 – 0500

[underlined] Gardens [/underlined]

[symbol] Billingham – Cl. hauled – 2130 – 2300
0230 – 0415

10 Brockworth – 500 2300 – 0230
10 Bristol – 1500’ 2300 – 0230
10 Yeovil – 1500’ }
10 Weston Super Mare } – 1500’ 2330 – 0230

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0900 Off duty F/O Spence. On duty B.T.O Beirse F/O

0935 / Balloons / Two Mark V balloons at 15000’ sweeping across Dishforth a/D. Inf. 12 Grp F.C. who have sent up two spitfires to shoot them down.

0950 / 432/S / - permission to go to Preston at 1030 – for modification OK’d by AIR 1

1010 / Proctor / - G/C Wurtell to take G/C Kerr to Wombleton. – OK’d by AIR 1.

1010 / 426/M / Crew at Woodbridge may bring back a Hal. (repaired A/C) - but not a Lancaster – OK’d by AIR 1

1020 / 1666 CU / - Crew to be taken to Marston Moor to bring back 1666/Z. – OK’d by AIR1.

1210 / a/c away / 425/G, 426/M, MZ585/432, all serv. at Woodbridge – No crews. Inf. 62 Base.

1420 / 425/ / 1 a/c to Preston for modification. 1 a/c + 2 skeleton crews to Woodbridge to pick up serv. a/c. OK’d by AIR1 & SASO.

1645 / Balloons requested – see opposite page.

1655 / Anson / N5359 l. Topcliffe 1611 from West Freugh. W/T U/S. – Hope to serv. in 2 hrs – Inf. 29 Grp.

1900 / 1666 CU / - Permission for a/c to take crew to Carnaby to pick up S/1666.

1935 / Mosquito LL577. – P/O Speke took off from Dishforth at 1845 for Hensdon pilot “beat up” the aerodrome in two directions at approximately 20’.
Reported the above breach of discipline to 11 Grp. F.C. with a request that action be taken.

015 / 1666 CU / a/c could not land at Carnaby – owing to cross wind. – “S” remained at Carnaby.

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Sunday – June 18/44

0001 / Off duty F/O Beirse
/ On duty HL Spence F/O. Off duty F/O Spence.

0900 / On Duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O.

0905 / TO C.F.C / - All aircraft landed at base. No diversions.

0950 / 431/a/c / F.C.L.O. 12 Grp reported that one of our a/c is circling Stirling ascending and descending between:

1005 / 420/K, 425/B / - Permission to go to Preston granted.

1015 / Croft a/c / - 12 Grp F.C. – report one of Crofts a/c circling at Stirling – between 200’ – 1000’. At 1012hrs. a/c went S.W. out to sea at Oban 13 Grp. are concerned about it and request that we get a position report on our a/c
Requested Croft HF/DF to find position if possible. Early ones should be over the Irish sea.

1100 / Croft a/c / Consulted signals (6 Grp) re using MF section “K” – decided against contacting all a/c on MF.

1300 / Lightnings / CY-W – Lt. Pope, CY-D Lt took off at 1244 from Dishforth for Wormingford. Lightnings shot up the aerodrome at low across runway in use for 10 min. Reported it to VIII Fighter Command for discipline.

1440 / Croft a/c / - Ref. 1015 Entry – all a/c returned to base safely. - Asked Croft to check and report to 6 Grp. the reason for the above behaviour.

1500 / “Bristol” / Flashlight target is on to-night from 0310 – 03.35 hrs. It is not a Bullseye & 10 Grp & 93 Grp have no gen, so 6 Grp have no offers for it.

630 / Balloons requested for Gardens – see next page

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[underlined] Balloons. [/underlined] – [underlined] Gardening [/underlined]

[symbol] Billingham – close hauled 2145 – 2330
0230 – 0415

[symbol] Birmingham – 1500’ } 2300 – 0230
[deleted] Brockworth 500’ [/deleted]

[symbol] Bristol } – 1500’ 2315 – 0245
[symbol] Weston-super-Mare }
[symbol] Yeovil – 1500’ 2330 – 0215

[underlined] Z – 3166 [/underlined]

Balloons – [symbol] Billingham – 2330 – 0030.
0245 – 0450

12 Norwich – 1500’ – 0045 – 0130.
[symbol] Harwich – 1500’ – 0050 – 0130
[symbol] Langley } – 1500’ – 0200 – 0315
[symbol] Weybridge }

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1820 / Balloons – Z-3166 – Requested.

1820 / To C.F.C. / Request for 7 provisional weather diversion bases in the 92-3 Grps.

1830 Off duty – B.T. O’Beirn F/O
1830 On Duty F/O Spence.

2200 / Ops =. / Cancelled = Gardening at A.O.C’s discretion.

2200 / Colerne = / Laid on a definite diversion for all Gardening A/C. Stn informed & each individual A/C informed by S/L Jones. S.F.C.O. before take-off.

2300. / X Country / = Rather dubious re weather on return of Croft’s & Tholthorpe.

JUNE. 19/1944.

0230. / DIVERSION / All 5 A/C landed at Colerne instructed 10 Grp. to have A/C keyed up for early morn. return if weather permits.

0700 / Met. / Check weather re return of 5 A/C away.

0900 off Watch F/O W.A. Warwick
On Watch B.T.O’Beirn F/O

0935 / 428/ - 5 a/c at Colerne – Instructed 10 Grp to have them return.

1012 / Anson (AOC) / + pilot standing by at Dishforth for AOC. At 1630 hrs.

1030 / 61 Base / - Query seviceability of Carnaby [inserted] #58 [/inserted] occult 4 Grp – report it serv. day & night.

1210 / Anson (AOC) / - Only A.O.C. going in Anson at 1630 hrs. – Inf. 61 Base.

420 / ANSON (A.O.C. / - for A.O.C. to Hendon. – Informed 12 Grp M.L.O., Hendon F.C. & 61 Base Route – via York to Hendon. ETD – 16.30.

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[underlined] Z – 3076 [/deleted]

Balloons –
[symbol] Billingham – 2300 – 0045 {2230-004
0330 – 0510 {0210 - 051

[symbol] Chelsmsford - } 1500’ –
[symbol] Thames Estuary } 0110 – 0200 (2330-020

[symbol] Langley& Weybridge 0235 – 0320

[underlined] Z – 3136. [/underlined]

[symbol] Billingham } 2230 – 0030
Close-hauled } 0210 – 0430
[symbol] Chelmsford } – 1500’ 2330 – 0145
[symbol] Thames Estuary }
[symbol] Harwich – 1500’ 0130 – 0230
[symbol] Norwich – 1500’ 0145 – 0300

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June 19 1944

1530 / [underlined] Proctor [/underlined] / – Reserved for S/L Rawson – to go from Dishforth to Wombleton. – all day. ETD – 1000hrs 20/6/44.

1535 / Anson - / Request 61 Base to have the motors ready at Dishforth for the arrival of AVM MacEwan at 1630.

1600 / DIVERSION Bases – Request to C.F.C. for 13 Provisional weather bases.

1645 / ANSON - / - DG-816 – Pilot F/O MacIntosh – passengers A.O.C., W/C McIntosh, T.O. 1631 – ETA Hendon 1744. Inf. 12 Grp Sn.L.S. & Hendon F.C.

1700 / Carnaby / Occult #58 – 61 Base & 62 Base query position – Given in SD 214 – Amendment. Does the same method of approach prevail?

1730 / DIVERSION Bases – C.F.C. Cannot assign us any stations until after the late Met. Conference. Only SW Eng & NW Eng.

1807 / Balloons requested – See opposite page.

1810 / Diversions. Z3136 to listen out on Grp. frequency after point “R” send Z3076, after “I”

1830 / Off duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O
On duty H.L. Spence F/O.

2200 / Balloons / Requests cancelled.

2330 / Night Flying / Met deteriorating – X-C’s recalled on M.F. & H.F.D.F.

2350 / Wombledon C & L. / At Eastmoor told to return to Base. On doing so Wombledon contacted Eastmoor direct & sent them over again. No advice given to 61, or 62 Base or 6 Group until 62 informed us.

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Tuesday. – June 20/44

0010 / Enemy Activity / Ex 12 Group:- 13 Group report a Junkers 88 around Leuchars, possibly on route of some of our recalled cross countries.

0030 / Enemy Activity / Warning “Enemy aircraft on track” sent to our 61 Base aircraft on Sect K M.F./D.F.

0045 / Weather. / Low cloud over Filey now. Should be over Wombleton by 01.30hrs. Base 1500 ft; In case of emergency Silloth & Millom are quite fit: 10 mi vis. N.L.C. all night.

02.05 / Diversion / From 1 Group:-
20 aircraft to be diverted by WT. if we can give them a base. Met. suggest Linton as being quite O.K. for some time

02.10 / Diversion / Call-signs and aircraft letters passed to 62 Base.

02.14 / Diversion / 1st aircraft over Linton!

02.15 / Diversion / One a/c from 4 Group “Bandbox” C to Linton

02.28 / Last X-Country from 61 Base down.

03.40 / Diversion / Last aircraft landed – 16 at Linton, 3 at Eastmoor

0900 / Off duty F/O Spence. On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

0930 / 4 Grp / - “C”/102 – Instructed to return to Pocklington

1050 / 1 Grp / - a/c to return to their bases 62 Base inf.

1450 / J/434 / - 64 Base report m/n a/c overdue. T.O. on Radar X/C. ETA – 1335.
Checked with 12 Grp F.C.L.O.

1600 / J/434 / Landed safely at 1500hrs – Took 1 hr to get this info from 64 Base – a poor show.

1635 / 429/R / - 63 Base base m/n a/c recalled on MF “K” – F/O Hitchen arranging to send message.

1640 / 429/R / “R” acknowledged recall on HF/DF.

1650 / Weather / - deteriorating in Grp. – All X/C a/c down in 62, 63, & 64 Base.
61 Base – 1664 have 2 on P/B & 2 on A/A. Advised then to check W/X & recall if not nearly due.

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1745 / 1 Grp - / All 1 Grp a/c except 1662/M from Blyton have returned to their base.

1745 / Night Flying / Weather uncertain for 4 – 5 hrs – Low stratus. Even after midnight weather is uncertain

1815 / NF. / - Inf 61 Base that no a/c to take off without S.O.C. permission.

1830 / Off duty – B.T.O’Beirn F/O.
On duty H.L. Spence F/O

1920. / N.F. / Gave 61 Base Group Met picture 800 – 1200ft cloud base, 10/10ths, vis 2 – 4 miles all night. Controller’s advise they check carefully before commencing cross-country.

2055 / Bomb Demolishing / Informed F.C.L.O. 12 Group 1000 pounder would be demolished by Tholthorpe at 2130hrs.

2055 / N.F. / 61 Base going ahead with night flying, as their Met. Picture somewhat improved:- cloud 10/10’s, 1000’ to 1500’ thickness up to 2500’. Crews to be particularly briefed what to expect on return. Possibility of diversion being necessary.

2130 / N.F. / Summary to C.F.C. Their Met feel cloud at Silloth should not be lower than 1500ft. Normal there might request it as a diversion base.

2240 / Re Marshalling of Operational Aircraft / To Station & Base. Ops to be passed to D.F.C.O’s.
(1) The order of take-off for the Squadrons will be passed to the Stations by this HQ.
(2) Aircraft are to be marshalled in Squadrons.
(3) The order in which these Squadrons are to be marshalled at the individual stations will be passed from this H.Q.
(4) No Marshalling to commence until this order is received.

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2330 to 2350. to 0015 / N.F. / Checked 61 Base. – not happy – Contacting their stations re their wishes – final decision to divert – C.F.C. suggest we contact [inserted] direct [/inserted] bases we wish. Chose Ayr, Squiresgate and Prestwick. Information passed to stations; also 13 Group. F.C. & C.F.C.

[underlined] Wednesday – June 21/44 [/underlined]

0200 / / Ident Board changed.

0300 / a/c away / Crews to stand by at 1000hrs for instructions for return to base. Informed Squiresgate & 13 Group & Prestwick.

0800 / Information re. Diversion / Passed to Central Flying Control.

0900 / off duty P Revyman F/L. On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

0930 / a/c away / - Instructed Prestwick to stand by for instructions about mid-day.

1030 / 426/B & K / - to go to Croft – Permission by Air I checked W/X at Croft and 6 Grp Met. Advised 62 Base to have a/c fly below cloud.

1040 / a/c away / - Instructed Prestwick to have a/c return – 1664 a/c to proceed to Topcliffe and call on Channel “D” for further instructions.

1042 / Anson / - Com. Fl. Dishforth is U/S at Halton. AIR I cancelled his request for the Anson.

Signal A [inserted] 79 [/inserted] [deleted] 01 [/deleted] – 20th June – Cypher Message – Changing the restricted area – plotted – on SD 300, Restriction map and nav.chart.

1240 / a/c at Prestwick ready to take off at 1330 plan to fly back in formation.

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[underlined] Balloons. – Z – 3072 & Z3005 [/underlined]

Billingham – 1700 – 1830, 2100 – 2300
Langley & Weybridge – 1500’ – 2000 – 2130

[underlined] Diversion Bases – Provisional Weather. [/underlined]

[underlined] Sqn [/underlined] [underlined] No. a/c [/underlined] [underlined] Station [/underlined] [underlined] Group. [/underlined]

408 18 Desborough 92
426 12 Markey Harborough 92
420 18 Bruntingthorpe 92
425 18 Bitteswell 92
432 18 Silverstone 92
419 15 Wing 92
428 6 Wing 92
427 17 Little Horwood 92
429 17 Westcott 92
424 17 Chipping Warden 92
433 17 Turweston 92
431 17 Morton-in-Marsh 91
434 16 [deleted] Enstone [/deleted] Honeybourne 91

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/ / S.O.C. forbids the formation return
/ F/1659 HAL V LL-171/ - Inf. Prestwick
- Requires a new tail wheel. Inf 61 Base. – Suggested that S/L Chipling could take it & work party to Prestwick.

1255 / Oxford / - W/C Weiser B.T.I. wishes to take Oxford to transport tail wheel and rigger to Prestwick, as S/L Chipling is not going.

1255 / HAL “H” /Tholthorpe / - ready at Ford. Instructed to fly above stratus.

1715 / 61 Base / - Re A.F.C. at Dalton – F/L Lewis is to let his two A.F.C. proceed and S/L Swann is to provide him with two A.F.C. from his surplus by to-morrow morning. – Inf. D.F.C.O at 61 Base who was to inform S/L Swann & F/L Lewis.

1717 / Balloons – Requested – See opposite page.

1720 / 61 Base a/c. Away – 1664/D., 1664/L. ready for take off from Squires Gate tomorrow morning 1664/X – should be serv. to-morrow evening. 1659/N. tomorrow morning.

1830 / C.F.C. / -Allocate provisional Weather Bases in 91 & 92 Grp.

1830 / Off duty – B.T. O’Beirn F/O.
On duty H L Spence F/O

2030 / A.S.R Search / Ex 16 Group:- Request offers for tomorrow, to search for Airborne boat crew had boarded and was lost due to weather; also to-day’s American effort. Checked Controller & Air I. Informed 16 Group we had large effort out now and could not give them an offer until morning our commitments were known.

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1800 / 429B. LV-866 Pilot F/O LASEK. / Engine cut on take off. Pilot had the tail up, cut his motors, braked but could not stop. Continued on past end of runway. Stbd. wheel collapsed; stbd props & rudder & wheel damaged. CAT. B.
Inf – SASO [symbol] AIR I [symbol] SOC. [symbol] SFC.O [symbol] ENG. O. [symbol] EQUIP. [symbol]

1830. / Div’n’s / Provisional Weather Dv’n’s. Stations laid on in 91 & 92 Grp. Met. not very sure of weather for return.

2120. / Ops. / First A/C [deleted] off [/deleted] [inserted] landed [/inserted] on Z-3005.

2140 / Ops. / Skipton it seems sent 12 A/C + out to sea to jett. but do not know which A/C. opened up on York 9 & 10 plotting same. Weather holding out OK.

2317 / Ops. / All A/C down, none missing.

2330 / 5 Grp. / 5 Grp’s effort due back at approx. 0430hrs. and possibly diverting to 4 Grp. & if possible our Linton clutch could possibly take some.

JUNE 22nd 1933 [sic] .

0330. / 5 Grp. / Figure they can cope with their present weather.

0800. / Squires Gate. / Gave them permission to let. 1664. Sqds. 2 servicable A/C return to base, 61 Informed

0900 / Off duty – F/O Spence. On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

0930 / Report to F/L Smith of Gransden – no new work.

0930 / Oxford/1657 / - Permission for S/L Skene to take radiator to Prestwich granted by AIR I.

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0945 / Oxford/P-1820 / - Permission for Engineer party to inspect 2 a/c at Colerne & St Eval respectively. – Granted by Air I, saying it is a matter for Base Com. As it is their a/c.

0950 / Proctor (61 Base) / - G/C Wortell – Dishforth wishes to Com. Flight Proctor to fly locally. Has received SASO’s permission. S.O.C. agrees.

1030 / A.S.R. / Refer – 2030hr entry 21/6. – 428 sqdn offer – 6 a/c.
16 Grp – now do not require us.

1700 / 62 Base / - Request permission for P/O Severard – pilot attached Linton to go on Bullseye with experienced crew. – Granted by S.O.C.

1730 / Bullseye / - Met are not happy about returns – fear of stratus. Further check later.

1830 / X/1664 & N/1659 / - Should be airborne within an hour. If not off before 2030hrs check with Met. & inform Squires Gate & Prestwick. Inf. 61 Base

1830 / Off duty – B.T O’Beirn F/O
On duty H.L. Spence F/O.

2315 / X-C. / Cross countries recalled due to weather. – To make ETA Base 0100hrs.

Friday – June 23/44.

0230 / 1666/W / Called Darky – answered by Croft – was given QDM to Wombleton. Had considerable trouble breaking cloud. York 9 & 10 lines opened to watch his progress, also looking for 1666/T. M/n. landed at 0313hrs.

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Call sign LVB/T.


[underlined] 1666/T. [/underlined] – Crew List.

Pilot J25812 F/O. Haacke A.B.
Nav. J35518 P/O Foy, M.A.
B.A. J29903 P/O Garwood, H.M.
WOP. R96696 W/O Plante J.M.C.
R.G. J39863 P/O Lemon, L.B. – OK.
M.U.G. J.40067 P/O Scutt L. A.
F.E. Sgt. Lucas RW. Hemlington Emerg. Hospital Compound Fracture Pattela [sic]
F.E. Sgt. Davis.

Informed A.O.C. [symbol] S.A.S.O. [symbol] Air I [symbol] Cont. [symbol] S.F.C.O. [symbol] G.T.I. [symbol] G.A.I. [symbol] Equipt [symbol] Engrg. [symbol] P.4 [symbol] C. of. A. [symbol]

Category E – Burned.
Guard – Wombleton.

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[underlined] Friday – June 23/44 [/underlined]

0235 / 1666/T JD-106. Overdue. / Over one hour overdue if route completed. Having 12, 13, 15, & 9 Groups check re crashes or landing of visitors. No joy although a false report from Squiresgate indicated “Airblast “C”” landed there at 0312hrs. However further check revealed this in error as the a/c concerned was a Wellington from 92 Group. Overdue action by 61 Base.

0400 / 1666/T / Following to 15 Group Air Sea Rescue. Route:- Base 2145 – Stirling 2247 – Inverness 2319 – Mull [indecipherable word] 2357 – Mull Galloway 0019 – Holy Head 0041 – St. Bees Head 0111 Base 0147. Crew of 8. Request for search They ask for our offer

0450. / Report of Crash. / 61 Base state Thornaby on to Wombleton re crash. Checked 12 group. No knowledge. Then 61 Base advise Thornaby taking action on crash in QZ 074260 near Ingleby Greenhow. Police there informed them of it [inserted] at 0420hrs. [/inserted] . 12 Group finally confirmed this.

0500 / Report of Crash. / Thornaby have no further particulars as yet, except the police rescued the Rear Gunner who mentioned Wombleton. Informed 13 & 15 Groups. + C.F.C.

0605 / Report of Crash. / Ex. Thornaby. N.F.S. report 2 of crew alive & 6 dead. Stokesley Police also at scene of crash. 61 Informed.

0640 / Report of Crash. / Ex Stokesley Police:- At 0318hrs. Rear Gunner of Halifax from Wombleton reported from Bank Foot Farm, Ingleby Greenhow, that aircraft had crashed about 2 miles south east of the farm on the Moor. Plane was on fire.

0720 / 1666/T Crash. / Ex. Thornaby & 61 Base. Above entries definitely 1666/T. P/O Lemon OK. One other of crew at [deleted] Scorton [/deleted] Hemlington Emerg. Hospital. Bodies of remaining 6 will be taken to Thornaby

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Gardens. Colerne?

[underlined] Balloons. [/underlined]

- [deleted] Billingham – close-hauled 2130 – 2300 [/deleted]
[deleted] 0430 – 0630 [/deleted]

[underlined] Z-3180. [/underlined]

[symbol] [deleted] Billingham – Close hauled – 2200 – 2345 [/deleted]
[deleted] 0200 – 0400 [/deleted]

[symbol] Harwich – 1500’ – 2330 – 0030

[symbol] Thames Estuary – 1500’ – 2300 – 0045
[symbol] Langley & Weybridge – 1500’ – 0100 = 0200.

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0800 / 1666/T / Thornaby & Stokesley police report watches of some of crew stopped at 0105hrs. Middleton Met then was 3/10ths cl. l. 3,000ft., vis 6 miles. Observer Post S.I saw nothing but report a sound plot on our a/c at about that time. They also report heavy ground mist at that time with a cloud base of 1,000 to 1500ft.

15 Group A.S.R., 12 Group & 13 Group in the picture.

0900 / Off duty F/O Spence, On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

1115 / 1664/X / - Took off from Squires Gate at 1011 without permission from 6 Grp – Squires Gate made arrangements direct with Dishforth. Pilot was given a forecast at Squires Gate.

1200 / 1664/X / Landed Dishforth OK.

1210 / 64 Base Oxford [inserted] “T” [/inserted] 1820 (F/O Walker) / - Request information. – Story exists that above a/c is U/S at Honiley (9 Grp) & that G/C of Defford (10 Grp) was going to fly this Oxford to Defford. – 64 Base do not wish this.

1220 / Oxford [inserted] T. [/inserted] 1820 / - Not at Honiley, Defford, St Eval nor Colerne.
Last known, he took at 1719 for Colerne from St Eval. Where did he land?

1300 / Oxford [inserted] T. [/inserted] 1820 / Did not land at Desborough – 92 Group have no information

1500 / Oxford 1820 “T” / - Located at Harrington – VIII Air Force Composite Command. Requires Engine Change. Pilot, who was broke, instructed to get a travel warrant from Americans, or nearest R.A.F., or R.T.O. and return by train.
Inf. 64 Base F.C.

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Blenheim # 7425 – from Woodhall Spa en route to Dundee. Staging overnight [inserted] or Dishforth [/inserted] proceeding Dundee in the morning.

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1505 / Oxford “T” -1820 / - Requested by 6 Grp. Diversion Servicing at Gransden to handle the matter. – May only need a cylinder sleeve & new cylinder not a new engine?

1540 / 64 Base - / Request enquiry at A.M. re Signal A/7288 5th June – Pundit 87 U/S – Pundit 245 to operate for it. Extreme distance between the two.

1550 / 61 Base - / Query Nav. Warning A2543, 17 June no times are given for this firing. 61 Base are planning X/C routes near this area.

1720 / Return of Ops – Met say bases good – No diversion bases requested.

1800 / Re 1540 Entry – Correction to A7288 – 5th June Pundit – 256 to operate for Pundit 87. Inf. 64 Base.

1810 / Re 1550 Entry – Nav Warning A2543 17 June was cancelled by A2849 18 June. Inf. 61 Base.

1810 / Balloons – D.F.C.O. note / Billingham balloons have been removed for the past two day – perhaps permanently. 12 Grp B.L.O. will notify us if they are put into operation again.

1812 / Balloons – Requested for Target Z-3180.

1830 / Off duty – B.T. O’Beirn F/O.
On duty H.L. Spence F/O.

2040 / 431/N / Ex. 9 Group. Report from RAF N.I. the m/n stooged around Eire and infringed I.A.Z. at Belfast. etc., Plotted carefully by Radar & R.O.C. to make certain where he landed. Croft checked Pilot who admitted being off course & lost for some time. Crews intending to fly this route to be particularly warned in future, no such infringements will be permitted

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[underlined] Balloons. [/underlined] Z – 3027 (DAY

[symbol] Thames Estuary } – 1500’ – 1600 – 1645hrs.
[symbol] Chelmsford }

[symbol] Langley } [deleted] 1500’ [/deleted] 1725 – 1810hrs.
[symbol] Weybridge } 500’

[underlined] Z – 3179 (NIGHT) [/underlined]

Thames Estuary – 1500’ – 0050 – 0140

Langley – 1500’. 0210 – 0300

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2300 / Dalton F/A. / Requested 63 & 64 Bases to have stations light up outer circles to assist Fighters to keep their bearings.

/ 419 & 428. / 2 Lancs to go to Aston Down for Radar equipment installation. E.T.D. 1000 S/L. Miller & G/C Lawson going along.

[underlined] Saturday – June 24/44 [/underlined]

0900 / off duty S. R Wyman F/L. On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

1030 / Low Flying – 12 Grp grant permission for low flying up 500’ over the sea.

1035 / Ops Route – cleared with M.LO 12 Grp. Mablethorpe – Skegness. Kings Lynn Gravesend. – 10000’+.

1100 / Local Bullseye. offered to 61 Base.

1110 / 427, 429 / - Recall from X/C. MF “K” – C/s – RPF a/c N, Y, MAV, a/c N, W, Z, Q. Message “XA” – Return to Base. Contacted Duty Eng. Officer.

1110 / 428/I / took off from Mid. at 0958 for Aston Down.

1120 / Weather good for return 0 – 3/10 S.C. – 2000 – 4000’ no request for diversion bases.

1215 / 427 – 429 / - X/C – one “Z” yet to acknowledge message. – Continuing message on MF.

1245 / Balloons requested for Z-3027.

1511 / 62 Base / - Requested check on 408/ M & L. on X/C over the sea., one hour & 45 min. overdue.

1512 / 62 Base / F.C.L.O. 12 can not help as he has no plot of a/c flying at 500’

1515 / 62 Base / a/c returned to base OK.

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[underlined] Z – 3027 [/underlined]

[underlined] Non Starters [/underlined]

434/E – started P.I. & S.O. failed and turned around and started again.

434/O LW 385 P/O Bacoye (Cat a/c.) – Undercarriage collapsed; a/c slid over perimeter track into a ditch. A/C did not burn nor explode. Crew OK.

434/P NZ 749 (F/L. Flewelling?) – a/c was flying this morning and damaged leading edge of port tail plane.
They tried it but the tail plane was vibrating too severe

[underlined] Early Returns [/underlined]

F/427 flying for Y/433 – U/C would not retract

431/D – Hyd. Failure; pipe line burst; U/C would not retract.

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1715 / 61 Base / - Request to fly non – op. below 5300 from Isle of Man to Fishguard, Shrewsbury, and Gainsborough – Refused by SASO.

1740 / Local Bullseye scrubbed for 61 Base upon request to 6 Grp. SASO. Permitted X/C exercises instead as target at Newcastle will be obscured by stratus. Inf. Night Ops 12 Grp & 61 Base.

1750 / Balloons requested for Z – 3179.

1815 / Off duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O
On duty H.L. Spence F/O

19 [deleted] 0 [/deleted] 15 to 1940 / A.S.R. Exercise / S/L. Seabourne advises he & some Command A.S.R. Officers wish to do an exercise off Whitby using Special Flash Bombs, which are in stock in Dishforth Station Armoury. Wishes W/C Sinton to line up an aircraft, Pilot & crew and load with the special bombs. Informed 61 Base who later wished S/L. Seabourne to call W/C Sinton as they did not think they could cope this evening. Unable to contact S/L. Seabourne at Harrogate before he left for 6 Group.

M.L.S. 12. Notified & has requested the a/c should go 40 miles east of Whitby to drop the special bombs.

2358 / Balloons / Ex 11 Group. Following are non-operational until further notice:-
Langley – Weybridge – Harwich Thamesford.

2359 / Balloons / Thames Estuary will be controlled at 1500ft. from 0745 – 0845hrs.

Sunday – June 25/44

/ A.S.R. Exercise / S/L. Seabourne contacted. Put three to [indecipherable word] was to let us know final decision forth re m/n but failed to inform believes exercise off for tonight

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Missing – Day Ops – June 25/44

433/S – HX 275
Pilot – F/O Prescott – [underlined] not missing [/underlined]


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June 25/44

0023 / 419/W Overshoot (KB707) / Overshot, continued on past end of r/w 24 (100yds away) scraped a hut. Damaged tail plane - whipped off H2S blister etc. Crew OK. Pilot – P/O. Mansfield. First attempt to land a Lanc.

Informed Cont., G.T.I., G.A.I. Equipt. Air I AOC’s PA

0300 / 408/U (D.S. 651) F/O. Kennedy. / Overshot, continued on past end of runway, obstructing it temporarily [inserted] U.C. Collapsed. [/inserted] Information received from 62 Base F.C. at 0335. Linton coping O.K. with return of operational a/c. Early Return 408/W diverted to Eastmoor in interim – landed 0317hrs.
Informed Cont., G.T.I., G.A.I., Equipt. Air I AOC’s PA

0420. / 408/X D.S. 741 P/O Kasper / Believed to have burst tire on take off. O.C. N.F. requested to land it at Carnaby. Passed “gen” to 4 Group F.C. Landed 0440. Undercarriage collapsed, a/c turned around about 4 times before finally settling. Crew O.K. Informed Cont. G.A.I., G.T.I., Equipt. Air I AOC’S PA

0530. / Crew of. 408/X / Ex 62 Base. Crew to return by rail or first available civilian transport. Informed 4 Group F.C.O.

1100 LANDED CHAILEY } / 433/S Missing HX – 275 F/O PRESCOTT / Identified on [deleted] Hull [/deleted] [inserted] Southampton [/inserted] at 0922hrs. bearing of 114° from Southampton. ASR. 11 Group say the Channel area is getting a thorough search.

1230 / 433/S Missing HX – 275 F/O PRESCOTT / No other Groups a/c missing and from sightings etc., indications are favourable that a/c ditched in Channel. Report that 2 Spits are circling an aircraft in the vicinity.

/ [underlined] ASR Exercise [/underlined] / Ref. entry 1905d. 24/6/44. This to be done tonight. S/L. Seabourne & W/C Sinton conferred. Informed 61 Base F.C.O.

1400 / Off duty F/O Spence, on duty B. O’Beirn F/O

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From 11Gp.

1425 / 433/S See 1620 ENTRY / Crash landed at Chailey at 1000hrs. approx. Crew injured and in sick-bay. Advised Ops 2.; G.F.C.O.; 63 BASE; SKIPTON; 64 Base; Int D.S.O SASO. P4.

1445 / 408/X / Crew to remain with a/c at Carnaby

1500 / 408/X / a/c now serviceable. After checking met. gave O.K. for a/c to come home.

1505 / 62 Base a/c to Woodbridge / Permission granted by S.O.C. (seconded by S.A.S.O) for 408 a/c to go to Woodbridge to collect Lanc LL621.

1550 / 62 Base a/c to Woodbridge / Cancelled 408 a/c to Woodbridge. Anson will go to-morrow. S.A.S.O. has said O.K. for the Anson.

1555 / 61 Base: (1659) / Ops 1. 6 Gp said O.K. for an a/c from 1659 to go to Wellsbourne on a liaison visit to-morrow, provided weather O.K.

1620 / 433/S / S/L Lewington 433 says a/c landed at Chailey 0943. A/c ready to return to-morrow, 1 member of crew wounded.

1700 / A.S.R. - / S/L Seabourne requests permission to do special exercise of dropping parachute flares 40 miles east of Whitby 0001 – 0100 hrs to-night M.L.O. 12 Grp grant permission.

1715 / A.S.R. / Info. 61 Base ZU – “C” Call sign WGX – MF “K”.

1830 / 419 – 4 Lanc. “V” “D” “S” “P” / X/C routed over Middlesborough G.D.A. – 64 Base did not inform us until 1800hrs – a/c already airborne & had set course at 1750.

Informed 12 Grp. M.L.S. – Instructed 64 Base to have Mid., divert a/c by WT about the G.D.A. Requested that 64 Base insist what Mid. pass their movements in plenty of time for clearance.

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[underlined] Balloons – Z – 3031A - [/underlined]

Thames Estuary – 1500’ – 1215 – 1315

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1830 / M.L.O. 12 - / Sanctions routes for to-morrow’s ops.

1845 / Skipton / - Request a route & weather forecast for Harvard to Hullavington 2200 – 2300hrs to-night

1845 / 64 Base / - Ref. 1839 entry. Mid. S.G. have contacted S.D.A. posts and Middlesborough and they are happy about 419 4 a/c crossing their area now.

(1800) / 62 Base. / AIR I agreed to use Linton station Oxford for all day to-morrow instead of 6 Grp Com. Flight Anson.
Permission granted for 408 sqd to use Anson to take equipment and extra crew to Woodbridge to-morrow.
Inf. 61 & 62 Base.

[underlined] Monday June 26 [/underlined] .

0140 / Handfull / “Z” – Calling, requesting permission to land & Q.FE. Topcliffe are answering him.

0215 / Handfull / Wellington 15H- “Z” landed M.S.G. at 0200 hrs. – staying overnight – Engine trouble – a/c from Nuneaton, sat. to Bramcote – Transport Command. Inf. 9 Grp. F.C. & 12 Grp F.C.L.O.

0415 / Darky / - Aline “B” heard by Top. Dish. & Womb. Thought to be an Am. a/c – Answered by St Mawgan in Cornwall – Inf. 12 Grp.

0850 / 433/S / - From Intell. Report – only one member of the crew B/A. F/O Harris was wounded. (Surrey Gen. Hosp.)

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Magister – N3838 from Church Fenton landed Dishforth – staying overnight

Douglas DC-3 FD 943 from Sherburn-in-Elmet landed at Topcliffe & taking off again soon
T.O. 1959

[underlined] Balloons [/underlined]

Birmingham – 1550’ – 2345 – 0100
Bristol – 1500’ – 0001 – 0445
Yeovil – 1500’ – 0015 – 0430

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0850 / Balloons – Requested – Thames Estuary – 1500’ from 1215 – 1315.

1005 / Balloons / Time of Control postponed indefinitely.

1000 / Comm. Flt. Anson / Reserved for G/C Fauquier for today.

/ 433/S / F/L. Smith unable to get any information from Chailey re this a/c FCLO 12 Group checking for us. 63 Base also checking re entry 1620 hrs. 25-6-44.

1540 / Dvn. Base / Provisional weather diversion base requested for 9 Gardeners

1630 / 433/B / Is serviceable & waiting for weather improvement to return. Likely tomorrow.

1810 Off duty F/O Spence. On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

1820 / C.F.C. / Morton-in-Marsh – allocated as diversion weather base for 428 Gardeners.

1900 Diversion Base confirmed with C.F.C. & 91 Group.

1930 Diversion Station information passed to 64 Base.

2015 Balloons reserved

2245 / 91 Grp / - a/c letters etc to 91 Grp for diversion to Morton-in-Marsh.

[underlined] Tuesday June 27. [/underlined]

0100 / 91 Grp / - Report that Morton has 2000’ although Enstone has cloud base of 500 – 800’.
6 Grp Met. are still hopeful of conditions improving in 91 Grp. If not at 0230 we can have them diverted to St Eval.

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Visiting a/c.

Lib. [deleted] F/L [/deleted] FL/K (Lt. King) from Bungay landed at Topcliffe at 16:45hrs. Returned 1817hrs for Bungay.

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0235 / 428/a/c / Weather duff in 91 Group. Decided to divert to Saint Eval. Call D.S.O.

0238 / 428/a/c / C.F.C. agree and say for us to make arrangements with 19 Group.

0243 / 428/a/c / 19 group confirm Definite diversion. Passed them the gen.

0250 / 428/a/c / W/T room confirms diversion signal being sent.
Advised 12 M.L.O. 64 Base
10 M.L.O. & FCLO 91 Group.

0305 / 428/a/c / 10 Gp F/control say all of [deleted] own [/deleted] [inserted] their [/inserted] stations good, and any one not looking too happy will be contacted on R/T and put down. Gave them R/T call signs.

0500 / 428/a/c / Ex MLO 10 Gp. From plots it would appear 6 aircraft received the diversions. 1 landed at Colerne – 1 landed Morton-in-Marsh.

/ 428/a/c / Instructions to 10, 19 and 91 Group F.C.L.O’s. Aircraft to remain until they receive the “go” signal from us.

0525 / 428/C / Received diversion signal in a rather awkward place & was afraid to go across to St. Eval and so made landfall in the usual manner & was s/n’d to Colerne.

0740 / C.F.C. / Diversion summary – 6 a/c to St Eval, 1 to Colerne, 1 to Moreton-in-Marsh.

0900 Off duty – B.T. O’Beirn F/O
On duty H L Spence F/O

0940 / A/c away / Conferred with Met. & Controller. Instructed 9, 19, 91, & 11 Groups to have a/c return as soon as possible.

1545 / 428/P. & Y / All but m/n returned from St.Eval.
P – Electrical trouble.
Y – Mag. trouble.
Crew of Y to bring back 428/X
Informed Middleton who report a crew going by train now for their a/c at St Eval.

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[underlined] Non – Starters [/underlined]

428/B – 4 attempts to T.O. – Slow leak in starboard tyre causing swing.

428/S – Brake air line broken. Too late to take off. Confirmed by C.T.O.

434/Y – Fuel warning lights U/S. Confirmed by C.T.O.

[underlined] 425/A. NZ 683 [/underlined] [underlined] CRASH [/underlined]

PILOT – R-13677 Sgt Lavaie M.J.P. – (Serious Back Injury
(York Military Hos

M.UNDER/AG. R-189709 Sgt PICHE – BURNS on face & hand
F/E 1592787 Sgt RAPER – Contusions on left hand.

Other members of the crew OK.

A/C Ross – Right hand amputated above the wrist – In York Military Hospital.

Crash Tender Crew
LAC Wolfe – injured – in York Military Hosp.
LAC McKenzie – injured in York Military Hosp.
LAC Jardine – injured in York Military Hosp.

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Tues. June 27/44.

1830 / / Off duty H.L. Spence. On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

1900 Balloons – GSGS 4250. – Thames Estuary – 1500’ – 2330 – 0015hrs.

/ D.F.C.O.’s Note } / Billingham G. Yarmouth, Lowestoft & Norwich may be operative. any day – Consult B.L.O. daily.

[underlined] Wednesday June 28 [/underlined]

0030 / RE Bases / - Met advise there is no need for diversion bases.

0035 / 61 Base / - Wombleton reports a white light hovering 100 – 200ft off the ground about 2 miles west of Wombleton. Info. R.O.C.L.O.

0240 / 61 Base / - Wombleton report distant explosions. Info. 12 Grp. F.C.

0245 / 61 Base / Tholthorpe report 3 red vereys N.W. Tholthorpe

0250 / Red flares / - Dishforth report 3 single red cartridges 15 miles east of Dishforth Info. 12 Grp. F.C.

0300 / 426/B. / Unable to locate 426/B. – He was on R/T but disappeared Checked with 12 Grp.

0310 / 425/A [underlined] CRASH [/underlined] NZ-683 / Crashed [inserted] at 0307 hrs. [/inserted] on runway at Tholthorpe – burning – bombs exploding, no particulars. Rundway obstructed

0400 / 425/A [underlined] CRASH [/underlined] NZ-683 / A/C Ross suffered the loss of his hand and possibly his arm as result of the explosion Taken to the hospital.
Reported to A.O.C. & SASO.

0420 / 425/A [underlined] CRASH [/underlined] NZ-683 / 425/A – All crew alive – pilot Sgt Lavoie badly injured, and two others of crew injured. Three of fire tender party injured.

0425 / 426/B. / - Landed at Molesworth 0305hrs – Ran into thunderstorms – Crew O.K.

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0430 / 408/A / - Landed at Ford at 0113. Mid. Under Gunner Sgt. Proudlove wounded in arm and leg – fighter action. a/c shot up.

0500 / 425/A / S/L Austin reported that A/C. Ross had his [inserted] right [/inserted] hand amputated above the wrist.
S/L Austin reported that a/c had not received permission to land. He passed the funnel in the circuit and began to lose height. He turned at right angles and tried to land on aerodrome. In landing he collided with “U” Uncle, which was u/s and bombed up. Both a/c burned and explosions occurred wounding A/C Ross. & others.

0900 / 425/A / - Cat E – Burned –
425/U – Blown to pieces.
425/W – Hole in wing. possible damage to 2 – 4 other a/c.

0900 Tholthorpe aerodrome U/S obstructed TFN.

Off duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O.

0950 / 420 a/c Mod. / Permission granted to fly extra crew to Preston to pick up m/n. if not required today.

/ Linton Oxford / OK. For F/L. Smith to take m/n to [deleted] Cransh [/deleted] Cranwell to pick up brake parts for the 6 Group Servicing Oxford at Dalton.

1125 / 428/E / Ex 19 Group:- SI. & S.O. Engs. u/s.; came in with burst tire (unknowingly), swung on landing, crashed into & through dispersal line, ending up into rubbish pile breaking a wing. Informed 64 Base.

/ 428/Y / Ex 19 Group: Now serviceable at St Eval Check 1230hrs for take-off permission

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Emergency Petrol Diversion Bases.

[underlined] Snaith [/underlined] – 427, 429, 424.

[underlined] Burn [/underlined] – 426, 432, 433.

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Wed. – June 28/44.

1212 / Piper Cub. / Landed at Linton for refueling. Received Met forecast of poor weather en route and at Carlisle, but took off nonwithstanding.

1335 / Hudson BW619 / G/C Davis + 1 G/C left Dishforth in m/n a/c E.T.A. 1443. Cleared with R.A.F Hendon and MLS 12. Movement No. 1535.

1330 / Wellington KB-E Hixon / Advised 93 Group – m/n a/c landed at Wombleton with P/E u/s. When servicable is to take is to take off for base after checking with this Group HQ.

1520 / 426/B / Instructed to return from Molesworth – to get good route forecast before taking off.

/ 428/Y / Checked Met & Controller. Instructed crew to bring back crew of 428/E with them. Suggested route – St Eval – Holyhead – Leeds – Base, below freezing level of 5,000ft.

/ Leeming S.B.U. / Temporarily U/S.

1745 / Petrol Dvn. Bases / C.F.C cannot guarantee any bases south of 53°N (from Spurn Head to S.W. Wales.

/ Bulls Eye Weather / Southern part of route no good from a Met Standpoint for Bulls Eye purposes. A.D.G.D. change in route on request of 100 Group to assist them in their work tonight, particularly first leg out from Ipswich to Sea 91, 93, 1, 3 & 6. Groups were on it originally. 91 & 3 Groups have scrubbed and remainder are wobbling.

1845 / Div’n to 6 Group / C.F.C. have asked for our 3 stations, as possible diversion tonight. Have approx. 60 a/c to look after. We are to inform C.F.C.

1850 Off duty F/O Spence. On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

1930 / To C.F.C. / - Offer Mid, Croft & Dishforth for diversion to us from 8 Grp.

2015 4 Grp & C.F.C. agree to our using Snaith & Burn as emergency petrol bases.

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2020 / / Diversion – Emergency Petrol bases – gen to stations.

[underlined] Thursday June 29. [/underlined]

0001 / 1666/G. BB.-217. / At 1507hrs 28/6 – taxied into a building at Wombleton – Damaged port propeller and nose of fuselage
Category A (R) – 2 engine. P.Bomb & 4 Landings.
Pilot – Sgt MacDonald W.H.K.

/ 1659/D HR-801 / At 2250hrs landed at Dalton. a/c was on Radar X/country – S.I. engine became u/s. As the pilot was about to land S.O. engine cut. As he landed he was travelling too fast, swerved to port, ran across the road, through two hedges and stopped at the edge of the bomb dump. Crew are O.K. Considerable damage to a/c. – Special equipment removed and guard posted.
Pilot – F/L Bugle
Category –

0055 / RAF NI / - One of our a/c – 30 miles west of course at 5400N 0645W. proceeding N.W. at 18000’ – over Eire.

0200 / Div. Bases / - Met. advise Skellingthorpe and Bardney. S.O.C. will make decision before 0250 broadcast.

0215 / 427/D / - Early return – Navigator trouble A.P.I. u/s., H2S u/s.; D.R. Compass u/s. 10 miles off track using P4 compass further investigation in the morning.

0250 / DIV. Base. / Message – “If require [deleted] emergency [/deleted] petrol [inserted] diversion [/inserted] land at Waddington.” Sent a/c on Z642.
Waddington will divert to Skellingthorpe or Bardney.

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0300 / To 5 Grp / - C.F.C. – Arrangements for possible petrol diversions to Skellingthorpe & Bardney.

0300 / 433/C LV-839 / Landed at Woodbridge. 0235 – Shot up.
At 0216 – W/T 6 Grp picked up message from 433/C to Southampton “Rudder u/s hit by fighter” T.O:O 0200. – At 0226 hours “Landing at Woodbridge 0225hrs”

0330 /13 Grp. / - Had a Halifax plot at 0245hrs – QB5452 (west of Stornaway – then plot disappeared. – Inf. 61 Base

0400 / To 5 Grp / - passed call signs to F.C. – re possible petrol diversion.

0405 / 433/C LV-839. / Jettisoned 15-20 mi N.W. of Chatellon sur Marue (4908N 0345E) a/c in a spin – gave orders to bale out.
M.U/AG – Sgt Palmer R.W. } Baled out over France
A/B – F/S. Carter } Baled out over France
[underlined] Pilot W/O McVeigh [/underlined] regained control of a/c and returned to England with the rest of the crew.
Skipton informed 6 Grp.

0600 / Skipton / Request permission to take Anson from Dishforth to pick up crew of 433/C at Woodbridge. S.O.C. wishes us to wait for AIR I.

0600 / a/c away – After landing were to refuel and return.

0740 / a/c away – All a/c instructed to get airborne as soon as possible.

0750 / C.F.C. / - Diversion Summary – 12 a/c landed at 9 stations.

0810 / 63 Base / - Re 0600hr entry. AIR I grants permission to take Anson

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[underlined] Visitors & Diverted a/c to us. [/underlined]

Whitley from 19 O.T.U. at MSG
Spit XB/I From Ouston at Leeming
Spit XB/L From Ouston at Leeming
Hurri HZ/Z From Ouston at Leeming
Spit From Acklington at M.S.G.
Hal 78/M From Breighton at M.S.G [underlined] T.O. [/underlined] 1536.
Hal 78/A From Breighton at M.S.G. 1552
Hal 77/G From Full Sutton at M.S.G 1610
Hal 77/E From Full Sutton at M.S.G 1600
Hurri 3033 From York at Linton
Well E From Hixon at Wombleton
Well Q From Hixon at Wombleton
Anson MH235 From West Hampnett at Dalton.

Entry 1615hrs.
Informed A.O.C. [symbol] S.A.S.O. [symbol] Air I [symbol] G.T.I. [symbol] Equip’t. [symbol] S.F.C.O. [symbol] G.A.I. [symbol] Cont. [symbol] Eng’rg. [symbol]

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Thursday – June 29/44

/ / if the crew was needed for operations to-night.

0900 / Report to F/L. Smith of Gransden who was at Leeming. He is going to Dalton and will call from there.

0900 / crew 433/C / - Suggested this crew bring a former Cat AC. a/c 433 LV – [deleted] 933 [/deleted] [inserted] 922 [/inserted] back from Woodbridge

0915 / 12 Grp. / - Want a station immediately for 2 Halifaxes circling Melbourne – Checked with met. – Offered Mid.S.G.

Off duty F/O O’Beirn
On duty HL Spence

1045 / Crash Tender Middleton / Tender u/s. – being repaired. Spare from Croft if required.

1110 / Taxi Accident? / 63 Base report:-
C.I.O. on checking over a/c this morning at Skipton noticed 433/B. had damage to Stbd. Wing Tip and Stbd. Rudder (Cat A) and 433/J had damaged Port Wing Tip. (Cat A). Conclusion reached these 2 a/c may have had a taxi accident on landing from Ops at 0500hrs. Crews of both a/c sleeping. Check to be made later to-day.

1615 / 6 Grp. Servicing Flt. Oxford / Ex F/L. Smith – a/c burned in accident at Woodbridge. C.F.C. confirmed that a Fortress crashlanded at Woodbridge, hit the m/n which caught fire & completely burned. Time, approx. 1315hrs. Our crew O.K.
F/L. Smith says the Oxford was not in good condition and had been categorised but no signal sent on it.
No negligence on part of 6 Group personnel.

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Re – Average Landing Times.
62 Base query the request for average landing times.
Requested 62 Base to get a good honest average landing time for day ops & night ops for B.C. report.

[underlined] Total [/underlined] [underlined] R.T. to last Down [/underlined] [underlined] 1st to last Down [/underlined]
Skipton 398 800 mins (2.01) 723 mins (1.82)
Leeming 417 876 mins (2.10) 805 mins (1.93)

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1605 / 427/F. / Permission by Controller for 427 Sqn to fly crew to Winfield to pick up m/n.

1700. / 427/F. / Not going to-day – too late & weather.

1632 / Proctor from Hendon / Landed at Dishforth & took off again without reporting to Watch Office.

1730 / LV-922 / Crew of 433/C to return in m/n from Woodbridge. On test brake shoes gave trouble & could not take off. F/L. Smith later reported a/c again serviceable but C.F.C. say it’s not, yet.

Off duty H.L. Spence F/O On duty
B. T O’Beirn F/O.

2030 / Anson / - On request of SASO, requested Anson + good pilot from Dishforth T.O. 1200 to-morrow for Hendon. Passengers Maj. Stevenson & Major Meholson. TO 61 Base.

2200 / Anson / 61 Base say Anson and pilot will be ready at 1200hrs – for Major Stephenson.

2210 / Mosq. MM-460 / took off from Dalton at 2210 for Clifton. Inf. 12 Grp. F.C. (6 Grp Met – reported no low cloud.

[underlined] Friday June 30 [/underlined]

0815 / Weather / - Fog will clear and about 1100 may be able to get a/c at Woodbridge & Wigsley to return.

0900 Off duty F/O O’Beirn
On Duty H.L. Spence F./O.

1100 / Heston Phoenix at Linton / Informed 12 Gr F.C.L.O. the m/n was ready for Woolsington. They are to send a pilot for it. (Later Linton to provide)

1145 / Com. Flt. Anson / Reserved for A.O.C., 1400 1-7-44

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1215 / Spitfire / En route to Thornaby from Cambridge appears lost, must be short of Petrol. Keyed up Middleton & Croft to assist. Beaufighter sent to lead him in. Plotted on table & finally lost. At [deleted] 01 [/deleted] 1330. learned Spit had forced landed in a field near Newby Bewley. Thornaby taking action 64 Base in picture.

1330. / Hurricane (Wyton) “Revenge” / Ex 12. Lost apparently. Stations on look-out for it. No. joy.

1430 / Dakota (Squiresgate) / En route from Squiresgate for Catterick Landed Middleton 1158hrs. 12 Group & Catterick informed. Latter by Leeming.

1440. / P38 from Chalgrove / Signalled out to Linton in error. 62 Base informed. Landed O.K.

1450 / Anson (West Hampnett) En route to Turnhouse. Landed at Leeming. Informed 13 Group F.C. Checking weather before continuing. T.O. for Scorton 1640hrs.

1600 / Bulls Eye / 61 Base unhappy about Met. on return – also at target. Would need diversion base. for return.

1800. / Dvn Base. Gardeners. / Requested definite weather diversion base from C.F.C. Suggested St. Eval.

/ Linton Oxford / Reserved for A.O.C. & F/L Holmes for 1400hrs. 1-7-44. Going to Hendon. This cancels the reservation for Anson with 61 Base.

1815. / Dvn Base Gardeners / C.F.C. their Met & 19 Group not happy – low stratus at St. Eval at 0400hrs. Suggested further north – Prestwick & vicinity.

1830 / Off duty F/O Spence. On duty B. O’Beirn F/O

1850 / Bullseye scrubbed by S.O.C. as Fighters do not wish to co-operate in poor weather.

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Flashlight Targets.

61 Base – Intend putting on 2 per week wish to know procedure, etc.

Ex. A.D.G.B. (F/L. Napier)
Ref. B.C./S. 26484/1/Training I./2-6-44

Contact Night Ops. Of. Fighter Group in which Flashlight is located for original O.K. Advise Controller at Southdown who will broadcast it to all Groups for their information.
Proviso:- to get flashlight target there must be at least 10 a/c involved.

London Flashlight not available at present
No searchlights at Newcastle.
Bristol – Major Hill. 10 Group

1640.hrs. X-C (Regular & Radar.)

Checked with M.L.O. 12 Group, who confirms following routes are O.K.

Regular routes Radar routes.

Following are not to be used:
Regular Radar
R.C.A.F. 13 29
21 33

Informed 61 Base 1-7-44
62, 63, &64, Base 2-7-44.

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1900 / Div. Base – for Gardeners – C.F.C. allocate Prestwick. Inf. 13 Grp.

2000 / C.F.C. / AYR substituted for Prestwick as weather diversion base. Inf. 63 Base, Skipton 64 Base. Sigs. Int.

2140 / Gardens cancelled – Inf 13 Grp Ayr not required.

2300 / WEATHER / Hopeless in Group area, no flying.

[underlined] JULY 1st 1944. [/underlined]

0500 / C.F.C. / Asked for offer of 6 aerodromes for our “do.”

0545 / B.C. / Postponement of our “H” until 1420 hrs.

0900 / Off duty F/O. O’Beirn
On duty H.L. Spence F/O.

1010 / Comm. Flight Anson / Reserved for S/L. Rawson for 1030hrs July 3rd. Going to Swanton Morley. Navigator to be provided.

1245 / V.I.P. A.V.M. McEwen / Cleared route to Hendon with M.L.O 12 Group.

1320. / Balloons. / Thames Estuary will be at 300ft. all day.

1350 / V.I.P. / Reference entry 1245. Movement cancelled. All concerned informed.

1420 / Graves End Corridor / To Southdown – safe passage requested 1605 – 1634 hrs.

1430 / Pyrotechnics Skipton / Told 12 Group F.C. Mortars, Vereys, Rockets would be fired off at a Skipton around 1600 hrs.

1830 / Off duty F/O Spence. On duty B O’Beirn F/O

1841 / Met. / Rain at Croft – Leeming is O.K. if storm persists.

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1855 / 420/K [underlined] CRASH [/underlined] / – On 2 engines Crash landed at Linton at 1850 on R/W 22. – stopped clear of R/W – a/c did not burn.

1902 / Smoke. / E-9779 – R.O.C. report 2 columns of smoke.
Checked with Linton 420/K now burning.

1935 / Diversion Base – On advice of Met. request a definite weather base in 93 Grp – . C.F.C. will check for us.

1950 / 420/K LW421 [underlined] CRASH [/underlined] / - A farmer reported to 62 Base. He met 2 of the crew helping a third member, who had a broken leg, to a farmhouse. Rest of the crew are O.K.
a/c crashed 1 mile south of Linton aerodrome., across the river.

21.00 / 420/K LW421 [underlined] CRASH [/underlined] / Flew over Linton losing height rapidly – Port inner feathered, port outer windmilling. – Crashed landed approx. 1850hrs. Made good crash landing. Aircraft caught fire but was quickly put out by Linton crash crew. No category yet.
P/O Caine (Pilot) suffering from lacerations over right eye – S.SQ Linton.
Sgt. Monument (F Eng.) has compound fracture left tibia – Neyburn Military Hospital.
Rest of crew are O.K.
Posn of crash – 1 mi. [deleted] S.E. Nunmonkton [/deleted]
1 1/2 mi S.W. Linton

2230 / 420/K LW421 [underlined] CRASH [/underlined] / Category E. –
Grid Reference – Sheet 27 – 946793. Linton is posting the guard; as the crash is very close to the boundary between 4 & 6 Grp.

[underlined] July 2nd 1944. [/underlined]

0120 / 4 Grp & 12 Grp think that Windlass “A” from Breighton near Dishforth.

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Entry 0950. Informed S.A.S.O [symbol] Air I [symbol] Controller [symbol] G.T.I. [symbol] G.A.I. [symbol] Equipt. [symbol] Engrg [symbol] SFCO [symbol]

Re Crash of 408/C.
Enough Fire tenders despatched to handle this crash – I hope.
61 Base were asked to take action;
62 Base acted on their own initiative.

Informed S.A.S.O [symbol] Air I [symbol] Cont. G.T.I. G.A.I. S.F.C.O. Engrg Equipt.

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/ / Requested 61 & 63 Base, that if they contacted him to give him a QDM and distance to Breighton

0135 / 4 Grp – have located their a/c. Inf 61 & 63 Base.

0210 / Thornaby Occult U/S – T.F.N.

0900 Off duty O’Beirn F/O.
On duty H.L. Spence F/O.

0950 / 1664/O Landing [underlined] Accident. [/underlined] / Ex 4 Group:- Undercarriage of m/n. collapsed on landing at Marston-Moor. Crew OK. Details later.

1010 / 427/J / Controller authorised flying crew to Winfield to pick up aircraft.

1500 / 1664/O. Accident EB-156. / Ex 61 Base:- W/C Weiser investigated and has reported to. G.T.I. and Air I direct. No details given us or 61 Base F.C.O. but that there appeared to be poor judgement & error on the part of the Pilot. Cat. E.

1558. / Crash 408/C DS-621 / Ex 12 Group. – Reported in E-9397 – 5 miles east of Topcliffe. 61 Base informed and Dalton taking action.

1608 / Crash 408/C DS-621 / Crew at Brafferton Bombing Range also reported this crash to Dishforth and personnel from Range will direct Crash tender & ambulance to the scene, near [deleted] Pulmore [/deleted] [inserted] Pilmoor Jct. [/inserted] (PILMOOR HALL). Thirsk N.F.S. also on hand. Sheet 22 – GRID 930930

1625 near Helperby / 408/C. / Ex 62 Base. – Confirmed this being their a/c which crashed. Crew O.K. Tholthorpe taking crash action, & supply guard.

1635 / 408/C. / Ex Croft. One of their X-C aircraft reported crashed Lanc at pos 5410N 0119W. – (408/C.

1645 / 408/C. / 62 Base state Linton Fire tender also dispatched.

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1830 / Off duty – F/O Spence. On duty B.O’Beirn F/O

2000 / 408/C. DS-621 / Crashed near Pilmoor Hall – Sheet 22 – Ref. 930930
Pilot was feathering one motor when a second engine cut.
Crew OK.
Category – E Burned.
Instructor – F/O Clothier
Pilot F/O Franklin.

2230 / N.F. / - No cross countries – 1666 may do C & Bs 2330 – 0330

-[underlined] 3 JULY 1944 [/underlined] –


On duty H.L. Spence F/O.

1200 / Hurrican [sic] Lunchmeal/N. (DALTON) / Sent on weather test 1054hrs. Checked 12 Group & learned he landed at Church Fenton 1200hrs. Flying Control here at Group had no knowledge of test being undertaken.

Ex. Controller, Church Fenton. - Pilot of m/n states he requested before taking off, assistance be laid on for his safe landing. The channel of communication between these a/c and Church Fenton is crystalized with Operational Frequency and only by chance (luck) was a listening watch kept this morning, when the weather was duff and no “Ops” on. Perhaps some liaison is indicated.

1300 / Off duty F/O Spence. On duty B. O’Beirn F/O

1320 / 61 Base & Clifford Hal. / stn called re Halifax “B” Flight “F” which left Tarrant Rushden at 1100 hrs for Clifton now overdue.

1322 / 61 Base & Clifford Hal. / Requested 62 Base to have stations look for above a/c

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3 July 1944

[underlined] FIDO [/underlined] – now serviceable at following aerodrome

Melbourne – 4 Grp.
Ludford Magna 1 Grp.
Fiskerton 5 Grp.
Downham Market 8 Grp.
Hartford Bridge 11 Grp.
St Eval 19 Grp.
Woodbridge C.F.C.
Bradwell Bay 11 Grp.
Graveley 8 Grp.

[underlined] Fido. [/underlined] -under construction

Ingham 1
Metheringham – 5
Favesham 100
Manston 11

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1325 / 62 Base / - Have HF/DF contact with MCV- “F” – Requests Cloud base and S.B.A. [inserted] 1314hrs. [/inserted] Linton replied that SBA Eastmoor serv. Inf. 12 Grp F.C. who are in touch with 4 Grp & Clifton.

1350 / Hal – “2PF-“ / landed Linton at 1346 hrs. From Tarrant Rushden. Waiting for weather to clear before proceeding to Clifton.

1400 / S/L Miller 426/W. / - planned to fly to Defford in 426/W. – T.O. at 1500 hrs. Checked with Met. – Route bad. Cloud base 600 – 800’ – Trip delayed 2 or 3 hrs. Inf. W/C French at 62 Base & S/L Miller at Grp.

1408 / Hal – “2PF” / - T.O. 1506 from Linton for Clifton. Inf 12 Grp who will inform Clifton.

1515 / TO C.F.C. / Request for the list and serviceability of [underlined] “fido” [/underlined] equipped aerodrome

1525 / MLS. / 12 Grp – permissible for X/C including non-H2S a/c., to pass over Manchester and Birmingham. Ops. May pass over.

1545 / Fido -/ aerodromes – now serv. – from C.F.C. See opposite page.

1600 / 426/W / - checked with Met. – advise the trip to Defford be postponed for at least 2 hrs. Inf. S/L Miller & W/C French. W/C French planned to cancel the trip to-night – to leave at 0900 hrs. to-morrow. S/L Miller to make arrangements with W/C French.

1605 / Diversion Bases / - Request to C.F.C. for definite W/X bases – 91, 92 Grp

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[underlined] Window Eric [/underlined] –

Ex:- Night Ops. 12 – Major Jackson.
Wednesday – July 5/44

Details:- Starting Line 5505N 0134W } Northern Line.
to 5510 0055W}

Southern Line Whitby
to 5440N 0010W

a/c to cross the Starting Line (flying south) at 1430hrs, height 14000feet; reduce height to be at 12,000 feet at Southern Line; return back to Northern Line (or starting line) still reducing height to, 9,000 – 10,000ft.

[underlined] Window. [/underlined] – 1 bundle of type K and 1 bundle of type L window to be dropped simultaneously every 10 seconds after crossing the Starting line to the southern line.

Informed 61 Base 62 Base, 63 Base,& 64 Base

Offers 419 – 14+ if no ops
428 – 3 L (8-H & 6-L if no ops) + 2 Hals
431 – 12 if no ops.
434 – 12 if no ops.
1659 – nil
1664 – nil
1666 – 5 – (Bailed out)

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11 Grp.

1607 / Spitfire / - Appleby 41 – took off from Lee-on-Solent at 1545 for Leeming. Inf. 63 Base. Told 12 Grp our W/X was not good – pilot had been informed.

1630 / 12 Grp -D.F.C.O NOTE } / Major Jackson [inserted] – N ops. 12 Grp. [/inserted] – plans a Window “Eric” exercise for Wednesday afternoon – 1430 off coast near Newcastle – Middlesborough.

1720 / Spitfire / - Re 1607 entry – returning to Lee-on-Solent, weather unfit.

1800 / Diversion Bases. - Cancelled bases requested for day target. Now requested 7 bases for night targets in 91 Group – in area Pershore to Colerne.

2140 / Ops / Cancelled – so cancelled request for diversion bases with C.F.C.

2200 / N.F. / - Bases unfit – No flying in 6 Grp. Inf. 12 Grp. F.C.

[underlined] Tuesday July 4. [/underlined]

0900 Off duty F/O. O’Beirn
On duty H.L. Spence F/O.

1000 / Balloons / Thames Estuary will be at 1,000 feet all day. No change in 12 Group Balloon situation.

1140 / Comm. Flight. [underlined] D.F.C.O. Note [/underlined] / Permission by S.A.S.O. to fly a/c Waite to London tomorrow. Inform Wing Officer Walker Group Sick Quarters.

1140 / Dishforth Oxford / Permission by Air I for S/L. Skeene (Investigating Officer) to land at Marston Moor. Investigating 1664/O. accident.

1500 / 421/W. / To fly crew to pick up a/c at Winfield. Previously authorised – neither crew or a/c required today.

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Oxford from Heston (R-6015) at Linton U/S – Will remail overnight & until serviceable.

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1845 off duty F/O Spence On duty B. O’Beirn F/O

1930 / Bullseye / - Times amended. a/c to be at position 5220N 0300E at 0015hrs. Inf. 61 & 64 Base.

2115 / 62 Base / - 408 Sqdn Com. wishes an emergency petrol base.
Checked with Met. and requested a base near Morton-in-Marsh.

2135 / Emergency Base – (Petrol) – Morton-in-Marsh – allocated by C.F.C. Inf. 62 Base.

2255 / 63 Base False Alarm. / - Report what appears to be a crash – approx. 9 mile NE of Leeming near Yafforth. Checked with 12 Grp F.C. and ROCLU – who have no information.

2305 / 63 Base False Alarm. / Leeming crash tender & S.F.C.O. have gone to Yafforth. Holding the ambulance for more definite information.

2307 / 63 Base False Alarm. / Leeming report that North Allerton Fire section reported that an a/c crashed near Yafforth.

2345 / 63 Base False Alarm. / No evidence of a crashed a/c near Yafforth. False alarm.

[underlined] Wednesday July 5th. [/underlined]

0315 / 408/Y LL-621 Pilot P/O BURNELL. / - Landed from Ops (Z-801) – at Dunsfold at 0155 – R/G. Sgt Stevens killed.
Rest of crew O.K.
a/c made normal landing – 1 long delay 500lb aboard in #5 position. – 6hr.
a/c badly shot up; cannot be flown back to base.

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/ / After crossing in over French coast they were attacked by a ZU [sic] – 88 from astern. NAV. lights came on.

0415 / 408/Y / - Re – Long Delay 500lb. – Armament officer [inserted] at Dunsfold [/inserted] lacks experience and equipment to handle long delay bombs. Requests 6 Grp handle it.

/ D.F.C.O. NOTE} / Linton armament say it will be O.K. until the morning. Shall have 6 Grp Arm. Off. make full arrangements in the morning. Inf. 11 Grp. who will inform Dunsfold.

0430 / a/c / Away in 91 Grp. & 10 Grp instructed to return after checking with Met. who forecast ground fog in a few of 6 Grp stations but others OK.

0600 / Diversion summary to C.F.C. – 6 a/c at 4 stations.

0845 / 408/Y / - W/C Trites is dealing with the long delay bomb

0850 / Anson / - From Topcliffe to Hendon – T.O. 1000. ETA 1130 – Inf. Hendon.

0900 / 419/O / - On landing from Ops – damaged wings & lopped.

Phoenix from 62 Base – to go to Woolsington to-day T.O 0930. pilot, Signals officer.
Oxford may go up to take him back.

Off duty F/O O’Beirn
On duty H.L. Spence F/O.

0910 / Linton Oxford / Controller authorised landing at Woolsington to bring back pilot ferrying Phoenix there

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July 5/44.

1830 / Off duty F/O Spence On duty B. T O’Beirn

1850 / 433/R / - SIE u/s – may get off from Rufforth later to-night.

1900 / Top. Oxford / - W/C Weiser & S/L Skene to Hendon to-morrow TO 1000hrs.

1920 / 63 Base / - Request to recall 427/”E” & “C” c/s – WCK. Message “NC” – Return to Base 29 June.

1930 / 63 Base / 427/E & C ackn. on HF/DF

1935 / 1666/Y / - Overdue 1 hr – on X/C radar “6” reversed – MF section at Hull had no word of him. Asked 12 Grp F.C. to help. Requested Top. to use HF/DF & request ETA.

1950 / 1666/X / - On local was sent north by R/T. during a shower – now overdue.

2000 / 1666/Y & X / - Both reported on R/T.

2105 / Floodlight target at Bristol – flashing 0005 – 0030 Inf. 61Base who are participating.

2120 / Anson (61 Base) D.F.C.O. note.} / - Com. Flight – reserved for S/L Rawson – Sat 8/7/44 for trip to Binbrook. – T.O. – 0930 Does not require pilot nor nav.

2145 / Diversion Bases – Request to C.F.C. for 4 bases in East Anglia as prov. weather bases.
Inf. 62 Base re possible diversion for Eastmoor, Tholthorpe and Linton.

2200 / C.F.C. / Diversion Bases. allocated in 3 Grp. “Gen” to 3 Grp on the Scrambler
“Gen” to 62 Base, Tholth. & Eastmoor.

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426/D. landed Leeming at 0207.
1666/W landed Mid. S. G at 0136.
1666/S landed Mid. S. G. at 0220

[underlined] Missing [/underlined]
431/P – LK432 – Pilot P/O CONNER D.
[underlined] (Showed up at [indecipherable word] ) [/underlined]

[underlined] Accidents [/underlined]

425/H LW391 Pilot F/O TODD – u/c collapsed on landing at Tholthorpe

425/D – LW397 Pilot F/O DARGIS – overshot on landing at Little Horwood ran into a hedge.

431/K – MZ657 Pilot – F/O HARRISON Crashed on take off. – Burned and two bombs blew up.
[deleted] Crew in hospital not serious. [/deleted]

F/O Dumville – Died.
1 of crew – has a broken arm

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2250 / Oxford / - {Top. to Hendon.} Air I suggests
{Leeming to Hendon}
that G/C Newsome from Leeming and S/L Skene from Top. to go down together. Since S/L Skene is remaining W/C Weiser will return.
Suggested this to 61 & 63 Base. – Answer later

2330 / Diversion Base – for 431 & 434 requested

[underlined] Thursday July 6. [/underlined]

0045 / Diversion of 61 Base a/c arranged 1659, 1664 to Silloth. 1666 to Acklington.

0130 / Diversion / 1659 – diverting some of their a/c by RT to Driffield

0400 / Diversion of Ops a/c on Z3119, given by signal.

0750 / Diversion of Ops a/c on Z3069 Cancelled as bases are clearing.

0815 / Ops / a/c away in 3 Grp, 12 Grp & 5 Grp are requested to take off after 0900

0820 / Con. Unit a/c at diversion bases will be given instruction later. To be ready.

0830 / C.F.C. / - 91 Ops a/c landed at 11 bases outside Group. Inf. C.F.C.

0901 / 1664 / a/c at Silloth. Inf. 9 Grp. that a/c are to be DI’d and if serv. to get airborne at 1100hrs.

0905 / Oxford / G/C Newsome & SASO plan to go to Hendon about 1300hrs to-day. SASO informed.

0945 / a/c 1659/F. K. / at Driffied [sic] – instructed to return to base.

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0945 / 1666 a/c at Acklington. Instructed Acklington that the D.I. holds until noon. Request a/c to be airborne by 1100hrs.

1000 Off duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O.
On duty H.L Spence F/O.

1100 / 420/H. / Permission to fly parts to Mildenhall granted by Controller. S/L. Hutton (Padre) to go along – Ok’d by S.A.S.O.

1500 / 1666/O. / Permission by controller to fly parts in Hal to Acklington for 1666/Z.

1700 / Loose Balloon. / Ex. 433/T. pos. 5227N 0108W at 0908hrs. at 9,500ft. F.C.L.O. 12. informed.

1830 / Off duty F/O Spence. On duty B. O’Beirn F/O

[deleted] [underlined] Friday July 7/44. [/underlined] [/deleted]

2200 / Bullseye. / Scrubbed all concerned notified.

2230. / MET. / Not very happy re. some of 61 Bases turning pts. on X/C’s due to thunderstorms especially a point = Dumfries = approx. 0330.

2345 / 61 Base. / Instructed to contact A/C on X/C & from a point in N.E. Scotland proceed to Stirling, then the base avoiding Dumfries.

[underlined] JULY 7th 1944. [/underlined]

0326 / 61 Base. / Last A/C down on X/countries.

0430 / 61 Base. / All circuits & bumps down.

0900. / off Duty F/L Warwick W.A.

0925 / Servicing Flight / Picture of a/c away from base passed to F/L Smith – Gransden Lodge.

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On Duty F/O H G Mountjoy

1208 / Hurricane / G – Lunchmeal – querried [sic] 62, 61 & 63.

1210 / / [deleted] Reffe [/deleted] Referred to 12 Grp & R.O.C. Last heard of Linton at 1202.

1215 / / Dishforth R.O.C say just landed. Queried 61 Base – none at Dishforth.

1247 / Hurricane / C – Landed at Dalton.
/ Hurricane / J – landed at Church Fenton – Returning when weather is O.K.
/ Hurricane / G – still outstanding

1312 / 63 Base Anson LT120 HO – Sqdn. / Took off from M.S.G. for Leeming at 1225 has not arrived. Called R.O.C. they have nothing – F/O Owen pilot. Called M.S.G. they have heard nothing of him since he took off.
/ Halifax V / Enroute York to Kinloss. landed at Leeming because of weather.
/ 62 Base / Called regarding L/426 unheard of.

1320 / L/426 / Called 61 Base – he landed at Dishforth 1305 informed 62 Base.

1325 / Anson LT120 HO. / 62 Base called – say he may be on a beam approach a/c and may still be in the area Checked with R.O.C. – they have no plots. Say 9 Grp had a plot that failed at 1245 Checking with all bases.

1350 / Gransden Lodge / F/T. Smith Called re a/c DS848 – Cat ac at Woodbridge. Says he won’t be able to service it until tomorrow.

1405 / 63 Base LT 120 H.O. / Home base of a/c is Doncaster. He may have gone there direct. Checked with 44 Grp.

1430 / Anson LT120 / Doncaster has no news of a/c.

1500 / 12 Gp re Anson LT120 / No news at Scorton or Catterick

1515 / Anson LT120 / Instructed 63 Base to take overdue action re anson. Watchkeeper took message

1519 / / Confirmed that there was no news and overdue action was being taken.

1525 / Hurricane G / 61 Base Confirmed that “G” landed at Base 1240

1550 / 61 Base. / Allocated times requested for Bullseye a/c.

1625 / M.L.O. Air H.Q. / G/C. Fauquier requested we get O.K. for operational a/c to follow route Peterbro’ – Reading – Little Hampton – Height 2000’ – 19 a/c

1652. / Bristol Flashlight. / Eastmoor request Lat & Long Position of Bristol Flashlight 51° 27’ 18” N – 02° 35’ 29”

1830 / Off duty F/O Mountjoy. On duty B. O’Beirn F/O

1915 / Diversion Bases – allocated and assigned to Stations – Prov. W/X.

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1930 / Diversion requested for Gardeners and Bullseye a/c.

2000 / Div. Bases – Cancelled for Gardeners & B.Eye a/c.

2240 / Ops / - No diversions necessary – Bases are remaining fit.

2332 / 64 Base / - Mid. Report a red verey cartridge fired 2 – 3 miles N. of Mid. at 2000 – 3000ft at 2330 hrs. – Checked with 12 Grp.

2359 / 64 Base / 12 Grp no information – re the verey lights.

[underlined] SATURDAY JULY 8. [/underlined]

0005 / 408/X / Landed Worksop (93 Grp) – short of Petrol. – Being interrogated and re-fueled.
Checked with Met – Bases to be fit until 0200hrs. Requested crew to prepare to return and check with us when ready.

0041 / 432/K / - Was on R/T and disappeared. Checked with 12 Grp.
a/c at WA 0393.

0045 / 432/K / Landed at Elvington (4 Grp) short of Petrol. TO refuel and await instructions to return.

0130 / 408/X / - Is refueled but not interrogated – Instructed to return.

0135 / Diversion Summary – 1 at Worksop and 1 at Elvington – nil missing.

/ 425/U / - Early return – unable to retract U/C – Jettisoned at 5412N 0046E at 2032 hrs – 2500’ – Full load all safe

0150 / 432/K / Re-fuelled instructed to return.

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0900 / 429 / 2 crews – requiring 1 X/country to complete conversion – given permission to use ops. a/c. for X/country this morning. (S.O.C.)

On duty F/O H G Mountjoy

0935 / 1664 V – Silloth / Serviceable ready to return. – 9 Grp will give us his take-off time. 61 Base advised.

0952 / F/420 Mildenhall / Servicable – Tholthorpe have 1 crew available. Will advise 62 Base whether it will be O.K. to send an a/c after days requirements are ascertained. Permission has been given.

1046 / Pundit. / Linton have loaned this reserve pundit. for 7 days. Their own is going U/S. Can we obtain another for them for tonight.

1110 / 408 – Cat a/c / Central F/C advised that 408 Sqdn. are sending an a/c down to Woodbridge.

1125 / / Permission Granted for Linton to borrow Thornaby’s reserve pundit from 8th to 12th.

1146 / Proctor. / Ex 63 Base – Proctor 6322 – pilot a/c. Rook. landed at Leeming at 1142 from Halton.

1215 / 1664 V Silloth. / Ex 9 Grp. – V/1664 u/s. His u/c needs repair Dishforth are sending parts. He will probably be delayed another 24 hrs. Will not be returning today.

1300 / Off duty – F/O Mountjoy. On duty B. O’Beirn F/O

1345 / 63 Base / - S/L Cribb – o/c of 427 Sqdn has been given permission by Air I to fly Oxford to Doncaster to-day.

1345 / TO 62 Base. FC. – R.O.C. post X3 at Tollerton found a box 14” square – marked “RCAF - Linton – Care – Instruments. - Box fell from RAF Lorrie [sic] at 1320 hrs to-day.

1415 / F.C. OPS. / Air Ministry grant permission for Linton to have Thornaby’s pundit. Inf 62 Base & Thornaby 62 Base to arrange to pick up.

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63 Base –

S/L Kyles reports that 63 Base Commander thinks that 63 Base information and charts of areas for [underlined] WINDOW [/underlined] vary from our charts or 6 Grp. – and would like any additional information.
Last inf. at hand at 63 Base is postagram 6G/S56/28/AIR 29th June 44.

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1420 / 420 / - Permission granted by S.O.C. for non-ops a/c & non-ops crew to fly to Newmarket on window chute experiment.

1655 / 61 Base Hurricane “S” / - Hurricane “S” took off from Dalton at 1502 hrs to-day on air task. ETA 1530 – No trace of him.
Inf. 12 Grp [inserted] F.C. [/inserted] who are checking for us.

1700 / 61 Base Hurricane “S” / Checked with 62, 63, 64 Base, 12 Grp. F.C., Scorton, & Church Fenton. – no trace of Hurricane. Had not worked Church Fenton on VHF.

1745 / 61 Base Hurricane “S”/ Returned to Dalton. 1743. Had previously landed at Lindholme – 1 Grp did not confirm us or Base – poor show.

1750 / Gardens / - Bases fit for return. No diversion bases requested.

1825 / S/L Patterson – OC of 426 – wishes permission to have a 426 Hal III – non-ops a/c go on X/C to Inverness to-morrow to drop him at Inverness for leave.
Air 1 rules – S/L Pattison must wait for word to-morrow AM re leave & trip.
Inf 62 Base.

1830 / / On duty F/O H G Mountjoy.

1837 / Diversion Base Gardening a/c. / Ex 63 Base. – Skipton are wanting a diversion base – provisional for weather.
Contacted Central Flying Control who OK’d Colerne as a prov. diversion base.
Passed information to 63 Base.

1900 / F/434 at Mepal / Advised 64 Base that F/434 was airborne from Croft at 1855. – From 3 Grp.

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2147 / a/c showing distress / R.O.C. plot giving an a/c at 800’ in neighbourhood of Skipton Topcliffe Dalton Etc. Advised 61 & 63 Bases.

2153 / / a/c reported landed at Topcliffe.

2355 / Anson L.T 120 / Checked with 63 Base. Re Anson which was missing July 7. – He landed O.K. at Hinton in the Hedges.

SUNDAY – JULY 9th – 1944.

0240/ 61 Base / Called wanted a diversion base concerned lately for 12 training a/c. Wombleton only have 1 up and they think they can cope. 6 a/c from Topcliffe and 6 a/c from Dishforth. Linton Eastmoor Tholthorpe have closed down.

0250 / 64 Base / Diverted 6 Topcliffe a/c to Middleton
Diverted 6 Dishforth a/c to Croft.

0255 / 64 Base / Croft down to 1500 yds. Asked Middleton to take all 12 a/c if Croft could not cope. Croft are keeping a/c overhead until Middleton are all down.

0300 / 63 Base / Skipton are quite happy although they are down to 1600 yds. Will let us know.

0307 / 61 Base / Confirmed that there are only 9 a/c outstanding. The other three down at Topcliffe.

0310 / 63 Base / Called for a diversion Base for Skipton’s a/c. Our Met suggested Holm – 4 Grp say Holm is stood down but Marston Moor had full flying program and were happy about Met situation. Sent out a W/T message diverting Skipton’s a/c to Marston Moor.

031[deleted] 2 [/deleted] 8 / 4 Grp / Said Marston Closed down Could we re-divert a/c to Holm on 0345 broadcast. This is being done. Asked 4 Grp to have Marston Moor stand by to divert any a/c on R/T that may miss broadcast.

0400 / Diverted Training a/c / Following a/c at M.S.G. – Topcliffe – R, J, K, B, F, R,
Dishforth – H, D, W,
Following a/c at Topcliffe – Dishforth – A, L, M.

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0410 / 63 Base / Report Wellington on 1 engine the other on fire overhead. M.S.G. have cleared so have sent him there by R/T.

0425 / 64 Base. / Wellington landed. – Belly landing – nobody hurt, but runway obstructed. Temporarily considering M.S.G. as totally U/S. Time 0424.

0443 / 64 Base / Wellington belonged to 84 O.T.U. from Desborough. a/c letter C

0508 / / All 8 of 424 Operational Gardening [inserted] a/c [/inserted] down O.K at Holme

0800 / 64 Base / Aerodrome now Servicable. – Crash Removed. Provisionally Cat AC.

0820 / 63 Base aircraft / To return if they can be airborne before 0930hrs; otherwise wait until 1130. Station Commander concurs.

0900 / Off duty F/O Mountjoy. On duty B.T O’Beirn F/O

0920 / Silloth – Checked re V/1664 – crew there – Trying to get it serv.

0940 / 424 / a/c at Holme – Those not airborne instructed to remain until further instruction.

0940 / S/L Patterson O/C of 426 – Ref. 1825 Entry July 8 – Air I rules that S/L Patterson cannot go on X/Country to Inverness & X/Country a/c cannot land there.
AIR I wishes to speak to Stn Commander before S/L Patterson goes on leave.

1015 / 62 Base – Request for 425 to have one a/c land at Scorton to arrange a F/A detail.

1015 / Diversion – Informed C.F.C. we may need – 8 Bases in East Anglia 1400hrs.

1055 / Diversion Bases – requested from C.F.C.

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1115 / Diversion Bases – allocated – Inf. 12 Grp 3 Grp. 100 Grp. and 6 Grp Bases.

1230 / Re X/Country a/c. – to be recalled to make ETA – 1330 hrs. Inf 64 Base.

1250 / Ops / a/c definitely diverted – Inf 6 Grp stations - & Grp of Div. stns. a/c to be standing by at 1700hrs for instructions re return.

1530 / Ops / all aircraft landed safely

1700 / a/c away – Instructed to standby for 1800 prov. take off. Inf. 62, 63, 64 Base.

1800 / a/c away – Instructed I USBD. II USBD. III USBD. 12, 3, 100, 4, 8, 5, 91, Grps & C.F.C. to get airborne at 1830 or as soon as possible after 1830.

1845 / C.F.C. / - Diversion summary – 75 a/c landed away at 22 stations – 25 returned to the Group.

1900 / Off duty B. T O’Beirn
On duty F/O H G Mountjoy.

2200 / Diverted a/c / All but following a/c have returned to their respective bases.
/ 424 – J / Will be staying the night. F/LT. Smith has this in hand.
/ 433 – J / Needs a Stbd. Outer Engine change. F/LT Smith has this in hand.
/ 427 – C / Needs Port Wheel Change – Will probably return in the morning.
/ 434 – D / Hydraulic Line Broken – Cowling Gill Motor U/S. Crew Returned to Base. – F/LT Smith has this in hand.

2258 / 64 – Base / All Night X/C scrubbed – W/X – 2 a/c doing Bombing and 4 C/B.

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64 Base – F.C.
{ A/C. Mr Burnly at 64 Base has not received a copy of the report of sorties flown by each squadron during last month.
AIR Staff preparing one.

64 Base –
S/L Brown queries a letter of July 8 6G/S54/1/AIR.
Re- Identification of a/c. over Continent – 2nd par. – vague or incorrect Checked with Air Staff. Message is correct - & clarified it with S/L Brown.

Swordfish – LS – 272 took off from Linton at 1242 for Sherburn

D/434 – at Coltishall (sp. F/L. Smith Gransden) S.I.E. requires the drive from the gill motor to the gills. Request that S/L Seath (Croft) send the “drive” + a fitter – 10” worm plus a crew.
Inf. 64 Base & S/L Seath

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MONDAY – JULY 10th – 1944.

0540 / 61 Base Diversion / Report that base has packed up. Told them to divert on R/T to M.S.G.

0542 / 10 Grp / Report an a/c on 3 engines wandering about in the area.

0610 / 61 Base [symbol] / Report 1666/J on 3 engines, has got his diversion to M.S.G.

0635 / / All training a/c down O.K.

0900 / Off Watch F/L Warwick W.A.
On Watch B.T.O’Beirn F/O.

0940 / 1666 & 1659 a/c at M.S.G. instructed to return to bases.

0950 / Z/1666 / at Marston Moor (Rufforth) is U/S – 4 Grp checking.

1000 / Proctor requested from 6 Grp. Com. Flight for 1300hrs – S/L Rawson. Granted. Inf. S/L Rawson.

1100 / 63 Base – Granted permission by Air I for Skipton to take Com. Flight Anson from Dishforth to North Creake with parts for 424/J.

1340 / Dominie X 7417 Pilot 1st Off. KEMPSTER. / - Clearance from MLO – 12 Grp from M.S.G. to Gatwick T.O. 1400 ETA 17:25 – Route M.S.G. – York, Reading, Guildford Gatwick – approaching from the West.
Inf. 11 Grp & 64 Base.

1545 / Weather at bases – Definitely OK to-night – no diversion bases required for Gardeners or Bullseye.

1830 / off duty F/O B.O. O’Biern. [sic]
On Duty F/O H G Mountjoy.

2015 / Demolition of Bombs. / 4 Grp asked whether or not we had been doing any demolition of bombs in the area. They had heard Linton had been doing some. They reported a very heavy explosion felt as far away as

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2015 / Demolition / Checked with Linton. They had demolished a 1000lb bomb. L.D. 4 Grp. Suggest that in future people in the vicinity should be warned. Nothing in this log that indicates 6 Grp was warned at all.

TUESDAY – JULY 11th – 1944

0055 / 61 Base / Dalton have scrubbed their night flying. They report a breach of R/T Discipline from one of Dalton’s pilots.

0158 / MLS-12 / Message received – SSQK – QH – 0151
Ident FIX 5407N – 0006E +1 – 0152
Decode of Message – Returning to Base
Passed to 63 Base. Used wrong C/S. should have used TGB. S/L Carter informed.
RZFS-ADFNZT – T.O.O. 0205.

0216 / / Message received S-1666 – Returning to Base ETA 0235

0220 / 64 Base. / X/434 landed at Scorton – Refuelling. Time 0020

0222 / 63 Base / K/433 landed on 3 Engines at Base.

0255 / 64 Base / X/434 landed at wrong aerodrome. He has returned to base.

0310 / 63 Base Early Return / K/433 – Early Return – Had no Gee and on 3 Engines – Jetissoned [sic] mines safe at 53°57’N – 02°00’E from 7500’ at 0110 hrs. 12 Group notified.

0326 / 62 Base / Report there has been a crash 5 miles north of York near Haxby – Haxby police don’t know anything about it, nor do the NFS. 408/T still outstanding

0327 / York R.O.C. / Checked with York R.O.C. – York police had reported a crash in the city

0329 / 4 Grp. / Checked with 4 Grp who hadn’t heard anything. They are checking also.

0331 / / York R.O.C. report crash very close to Rawcliffe aerodrome or about 1/4 mile north of railway crossing on the York. Wiggington Road.

0335 / 63 Base / Complained that Skipton were landing their a/c from Ops and Topcliffe still had a/c in their circuit and others taking off. Spoke to 61 on this as they had had plenty of warning of Skipton’s E.T.R.

Had previously told 62 Base to have Eastmoor’s Ambulance & tender standing by.

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Crashes July 10/11 1944.

Crew List of Y/1666 – HX147
P. F/L BEST – J11043 J.D.
NAV P/O CORLEY – J36334 W.A.
WAG. W/O MOORE – R124087 R.K.
F/E SGT BARKER B.A. – 1392337 C.E.
[deleted] F/E SGT COOK [/deleted] –
NAV [deleted] SGT [/deleted] P/O ZARATI. V-J35036 Pupil RADAR NAV

AOC, SASO AIR I [symbol] SOC [symbol] EQUIP [symbol] ENG [symbol] C of A [symbol] G.AI.O [symbol] P4 [symbol] S.F.C.O. [symbol]

Crew List of T/408 – LL675 ([deleted] BOTTESFORD [/deleted] [inserted] [underlined] LANGAR [/underlined] [/inserted]) IN CHARGE OF CRASH

M/U [deleted] SGT [/deleted] SGT BRITLAND G.D.

- Cause of crash unknown – all crew killed

Controller [symbol] GAIO [symbol] Equip. [symbol] S.F.C.O. [symbol] Air I [symbol] P4 [symbol] SASO C of A [symbol] A.O.C.

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0339 / / Despatched Eastmoor’s Ambulance & Engineering officer and M.O. to Crash near York.

0405 / 61 Base / Report Wombleton Y/1666 still have 1 a/c outstanding from Bullseye. Checked with 12 Grp FCLO regarding any additional crashes. They have one reported near Grantham, and will try and find something more about it.

0425 / 12 Grp / Report that a/c letters on the Crash near Grantham are either LC or EC. We think that may be EQ – 408’s – It was a 4 engined a/c an [sic] 6 bodies have been recovered.

0432 / 63 Base / C.T.O at Skipton confirms that K/433 – early return had no Gee – and Sbd Inner Throttle Control was broken.

0505 / 12 Grp. 1666/Y CRASH / Confirmation that Crashed a/c near York was Y/1666 – 4 bodies recovered. a/c Serial no’s HX147 – 61 base notified.

0510 / 63 Base / Skipton have been sending that N/433 landed by mistake at Dishforth and that he had still not been allowed to take off because Topcliffe had a/c in their circuit, and he had been down for approximately 40 minutes. Checks with 61 and they claim that they could not contact him on R/T and by the time they had got him ready to take-off their own a/c were overhead and also Topcliffes were overhead. He oiled up before he could get off.

0540 / 12 Grp / T/408 CRASH / Report that a/c crashed near Grantham was Lintons T/408. Sgt Greive identified from Mess Card. Saltby & Bottesford looking after the Crash. George Douglas Britland identified. Melton Mowbray Police gave this information. Crash is near Streatherm Rd & Eaton – 400 yds west of Eaton near Great Northern Railway. Map Reference Sheet 54 – 48052505.
Linton advise that there were only 6 members of the crew.

0740 / 64 Base / Say Eastmoor have identified 6 of the 8 bodies found with pay books identification tags etc. 61 Base can’t tell us whether or not there were 9 until they have checked with the Flight Commander.

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Flashlight – Bristol 2359 – 0025
1666 – 11a/c
1664 – 8+ 16000’ – 45 Well 92 from Northampton
1659 – 8+ [underlined] CANCELLED [/underlined]

Oxford W6574 – took off from Linton for Croft at 11:04
Pilot W/C Mitchell

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Off duty F/O Mountjoy. On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

0930 / 62 Base – 1666/Y – 8 bodies located. Inf. 61 Base. Sgt Cook was not on the detail.

0940 / 12 Grp / - 408/T – Crashed a/c is lying across a railway line & main road. Langar handling the crash. Inf. S/L Sanderton for W/C Saunders to take action as a/c must be moved.

1015 / 62 Base / - 408/T – needs immediate removal, and Langar has requested help. Request permission to send men in 408/D to Langar
AIR I rules that Grp Eng. or Linton C.T.O. arrange with the nearest M.U.
Inf. 62 Base. Cannot locate W/C Smith. S/L Marshall is contacting AIR I re the action – 408 O.C. S/L HALES wishes to inspect the crash.
AIR I is making the final arrangements.

1545 / Bases / - Met forecast conditions good all night. – no diversion bases requested for ops (3 targets) or for Bullseye.

1545 / 424/J (N. CREAKE) / - Wheel is changed, but S.O.E. is temporarily u/s. Expect to have it ready by 1830hrs to-night.

/ 434/D / - at Coltishall has crew ready and a/c should be ready this evening.

1820 / 1 Grp / - Enquire if W/C Spier in a Tiger Moth landed at Topcliffe Sunday eve. or since then
Reply – no sign of him at 61 Base stations. Inf. 1 Grp.

1830 / Off duty B.T.O’Beirn F/O.
On Duty F/O H G Mountjoy.

1845 / 62 Base. / Inquiry regarding W/C Hamber of 426 Sqdn. projected trip to Wellsbourne tomorrow in a Halifax a/c. S.A.S.O. has authorised this. The W/C will probably be returning in 4 or 5 days.
(X) 426 0816 12/7

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1851 / 62 Base / Advise that none of their squadrons are debombing.

WEDNESDAY – JULY 12th. – 1944

0001 / / The Glorious 12th. – Oh Yeah.!

0002 / 61 – Base DARKY / Wombleton landed a Wellington a/c – that had been calling DARKY – No gen. on him yet. Told 12 Grp. They had had a report of an a/c in difficulties in the area.

0045 / 29 OTU/X / Ex 61 Base – m/n a/c landed as above with oil leaks in both engines. Advised 92 Group F/C who said Do not let him T/O without permission from this [inserted] 92 [/inserted] H.Q.

0900 / Off duty – F/O Mountjoy On duty B O’Beirn F/O

1020 / W/C Saunders G.A.I.O. requests use of the Proctor at Dishforth Inf 61 Base.

1050 / 61 Base – Above request O.K. Too much delay. Informed S.O.C. about it – who is going to request daily serv. reports of 6 Grp. Com. Flight a/c.
AIR I – giving instructions.

1115 / 425 Sqdn. F/O RAY F/O Whiticombe / – Permission granted by Air I to take 2 visiting staff pilots on X-country flight. Inf. 62 Base.

1150 / 425 / S.O.C. grants permission for 425 a/c + experienced pilot to drop 2 skeleton crews at Leeming to bring back 2 a/c.

1440 / 432 / - request permission for X/C training for 2 non-ops a/c + 2 ops crew.

1615 / LOW FLYING / - 64 Base report that Hal “B” being ferried from Mid S.G to Dishforth T.O. at 1602. On second half of the circuit pilot flew across the airfield below hangar roof level. – Dishforth pilot. Inf. 61 Base F.C. to take necessary action HAL “Y” – T.G. Mid S.G. 1615. Repeated above.

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428/V & N T.O. from M.S.G. for Blyton (1 Grp.) at 1638 & 1700 hrs. for transfer 1 Grp . informed.

F/O Jesson – 12 Group will pay us a Liaison visit on the 26th of this month. S/L. Stanley informed and this chap will probably stay until the 28th.

Query raised by 64 Base re Non-operational flying areas. Checked with MLO and he has passed the following as the latest Flying restricted area for Non-operational Flying. A line joining Winchester, Exeter, Penzance, Lands End.

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1623 / Black Smoke / 12 Grp F.C. report what may be an a/c crashed – Z 7703 – between Skipton & Leeming.
Checked with 63 Base.
Report that there is a bon-fire at Wells – no confirmation of a crash.

1715 / 62 Base / - W/C Weiser D.T.I requests permission for a Lt/Col. – Intell off. of Northern Command to take a flip in a Halifax at Topcliffe to-morrow. AIR – rules that it is O.K. if he has his C.O.’s permission and Base Commanders permission.

1820 / C.F.C. / Request to C.F.C. for 6 bases - provisional weather in East Anglia.

1830 / / Off Duty F/O B O’Beirn
On Duty F/O H G Mountjoy.

1917 / 61 Base / Dishforth want to know if there are any instructions on tonights Bullseye re – burning of Resin lights. Southdown Ops 2. say Normal Procedure tonight.

2100 / 61 Base / Request Permission for S/L Harnett to go on Bullseye – Air I gave permission

2120 / MLS-12. Central Flying Control / Passed Bullseye “gen” to MLS-12.

Have laid on the following diversion bases which have been allocated to the following Squadrons.

METHWOLD – 427 SQDN. 17 a/c.
MILDENHALL – 429 SQDN – 17 a/c.
MEPAL – 431 SQDN. – 17 a/c
WITCHFORD – 434 SQDN 16 a/c
TUDDENHAM. – 424 SQDN – 16 a/c
NEWMARKET – 433 SQDN – 8 a/c
NEWMARKET – 428 SQDN – 8 a/c.


2145. / / Passed to 3 Grp. + other relevant “Gen” concerning the diversion.

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2221 / 63 Base / Leeming Repost that a Black Widow. a/c landed there – Short of Petrol – a/c No. 22564 – Time 2215. Advised – 12 Grp.

2340 / D/419 overdue / Had 12 Group checking to see if they could locate him.

2359 / D/419 / Down at Marston Moor. – O.K.

THURSDAY – JULY 13th – 1944.

0529 / / All our a/c included Bullseye a/c down O.K several away from Base, [deleted] but [/deleted] all but the above noted D/419 within the Group. We are standing by to assist 1 Group with their a/c if they can’t cope. There were no losses.

0730 / / Report from our Met of an a/c in the 4 Grp. area. Apparently of 1 Grp with orders to bail out if he can’t get down. Checked with 12 Grp who say the crew have apparently all bailed out as this plot has headed out to sea.
Checked also with 4 Grp who give the same information and say a search is being started for the crew.

0900 / / Off Duty F/O H G Mountjoy On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

1010 / 429/D Hx-339 P/O RAND / - Landed at Dishforth after Ops. Later took off and landed in poor visibility at Leeming, overshot and ran through a fence before stopping. Pilot taxied back to perimeter track. H2S Perspex damaged.
Weather – 0600 Obs – 63 Base – Vis 3000yd. cloud 8/10 at 2000’
Weather – 0700 Obs – 63 Base – Vis 2500yd cloud 1/10 at 500’
3/10 at 2000’

1105 / TO 61, 62, 63, 64 Base. / - 6 Grp Met report conditions will be slightly worse than forecast cloud 10/10 base 1000 – 1500’ or less in rain. Vis. variable 1-3 miles or less in showers. Medium cloud fairly thick 10000 – 15000’. Conditions general over Eng. Scot. Irish Sea 1600hrs – X/countries inadvisable. C & L if local conditions permit.

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Martinet MS-741 landed at Leeming at 1141 from Catfoss - owing to weather.

Oxford “T” 1104 landed Linton from Halton at 1205
Pilot G/C Donaldson.

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1100 / Routeing D.F.C.O. note. / - S.F.C.O. is preparing a letter laying down definite instructions regarding restricted areas which apply to training flights/ Rest. area south of Orfordness, Ipswich, Buckingham, Winchester, Exeter, Lands End.

1150 / 433/B. / at Dishforth instructed by Skipton to return home. – Skipton aerodrome green.

1330 / 315/Sqdn T. Command (DAKOTA) / Requested QBB on M.St.G. H/F D/F. Told 64 Base to do the following (1) send this message “ALCO imi”; if a neg reply was received not to send out in plain unless again requested in a Priority message.

1415 / 315/Sqdn T. Command (DAKOTA) / 62 Base Met. have coded Mid. weather in Alco and sent it to 64 Base Met for transmission to Dakota a/c over Mid.
Above a/c is instructed upon getting the QBB & QFE and wishes to land in 10 minutes
Instructed 64 to give him the message in Alco code. – If this fails to give him QBB & QFE in case of distress.

1425 / 315/Sqdn T. Command (DAKOTA) / 64 Base transmitted the Alco code message on HF/DF. Dakota did not acknowledge.
Later Dakota sent the message in clear returning to base.

1515 / 433/J D.F.C.O. note } / - Request by 63 Base to have 6 Grp. Anson or 433 Hal. to take crew to pick up 433/J at West Raynham.
Air I rules weather not good, request permission to-morrow. Inf 62 Base.

1545 / 64 Base / Magister took off from Mid. S.G. at approx. 1545 for Drem and if weather permits to Abbotsinch
Met at 6 Grp & Mid had painted a gloomy picture – but pilot was confident despite low cloud
T.O. – 1545 ETA Drem 1620; or Abbotsinch 1700

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Oxford “T” 1104 took off at 1711 for Halton from Linton. Captn – G/C Donaldson. ETA – 1900

Proctor – Capt. - G/C Innis took off at 1730 for Mid. S.G. from Halton. E 1814
Correction – 64 Base advise proctor took-off from Croft at 1814 for Halton.

Controller [symbol] – S.A.S.O. [symbol] – Air I. [symbol] Equipment [symbol] – Engineering have been informed of this crash.

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1600 / Proctor / - AIR refused permission to G/C. Wortell or Dishforth to fly the Proctor locally pending issue of new instructions regarding the use of 6 Grp Com. Fl. a/c.

1740 / To M.L.S. / Movement of Oxford from Linton G/C Donaldson and Proctor from Mid. S.G. (G/C Innis) took off for Halton – (N 108.)
Inf. Halton and requested transport for G/C Innis from Halton to B.C.H.Q.

1830 / / Off Duty F/O B O’Beirn
On Duty F/O H G Mountjoy

2135 / 63 Base CRASH 429/N LV-913 Pilot W/C AVANT. / A crash occurred at Leeming at approximately 2125. It was N/429 LV913. – W/C Avant was pilot. The a/c was burnt out but has not as yet been Categorized. W/C Avant was taken to Northallerton Hospital in an injured condition, but it is not known how serious or what the nature of his injuries were. W/O Engineer the other person in the a/c suffer superficial cuts and burns. The a/c was
taking off on an A/T when the P/O engine cut just as the a/c was reaching flying speed. It swung and headed toward some dispersed a/c. The pilot pulled it into the air, over the dispersed a/c and crashed near the perimeter track on the field, where it caught fire.

2355 / 63 Base / Skipton report seeing Tracer shells – Ground to Air on a bearing of 70°T. Checked with 12 Group who say it is an Army exercise.

[underlined] JULY 14/1944. [/underlined]

0900 Off Watch F/L. F.D. Cleland.

1000 / 1664/H / - Permission granted by Air I for Liaison work by screen pilot to Honeybourne.

1015 / 419/Q / Permission granted by Air I for Window chute demonstration on Lanc X at Newmarket to-day – Good pilot to be provided.

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Puss Moth
HL-537. landed Dishforth at 1124 from Doncaster
Pilot G/C Robinson.

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1110 / HUDSON BW-619. [underlined] V.I.P. [/underlined] / - m/n a/c landed at Dishforth at 1059 from Hendon.
V.I.P. – Sir Patrick Duff, Mr Jones, G/C McLennan.
S.A.S.O. has gone to Dishforth to meet the party.

1115 / 61 Base – (Filey Bay G. to A./Firing / D.F.C.O. 61 Base requests the no. of the squadron & station from which Martinets operate over Filey Bay.
Checking with 12 Grp, Newcastle etc

1500 / 61 Base – (Filey Bay G. to A./Firing / After contacting 12 Grp F.C., 12 Grp A.A.L.O., Newcastle sector Ops, and Ouston F.C. – confirmed that Ouston – 289 sqdn – Martinets operate over the Tees, Tyne area in ground to air firing.
Inf. 61 Base.

1505 / Crash / - 61 base fighter reports a 4 eng. a/c crash S.E. of Wombleton. Inf 12 Grp. who had learned about – 4 Grp taking crash action no details yet.
Definitely 4 Grp a/c

1510 / 431 / - 16 a/c doing X/country formation flying in sticks of 3 a/c.

1515 / 62 Base / - 426 Sqdn request permission to do H2S X/C to-morrow morning
S.O.C. grants permission subject to recall if necessary.

1745 / Diversion Bases – prov. weather bases (2) requested for Bullseye and (4) for 63 Base – in East Anglia. Met advise that no bases required for a/c on Z3135

1815 / 12 Grp FC Re Filey Bay G. to A/Firing} / - Report that drogue towing is done by Central Gunnery School at Catfoss – on a bearing of 110° from Flamborough – their turns may take them over Filey Bay at times.
Also 291 Sqdn from Hutton Cranswick operate over Filey Bay
Inf 61 Base to inform W/C Weiser

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1850 / Hudson BW-619 [circled] V.I.P. [/circled] / - Taking off from Dishforth 2015 ETA 2145 hrs at Hucknall.
Sir Patrick Duff, Mr Jones & G/C McLennon.
Inf. 12 Grp to inf Hucknall & MLS 12. Grp.

1850 / Flying Training (TO 61, 62, 63 & 64 Base. / - Restricted south of lines bounded by Orford Ness, Ipswich Buckingham, Winchester, Exeter, Land’s End. – Letter from S.F.C.O. 6 Grp being sent to-day.

1900 / Diversion Base allocated for 63 Base & 61 Base.
“Gen” of bases passed to stations confirmed the use of these 6 stations with 3 Grp.

2000 / Proctor / Proctor has been ordered by AIR I W/C Millward to be ready for 0600hrs. As Operations were Cancelled, this will not be required – Dishforth advised. Also 61 Base.

2020 / 6 Grp Met. / Met say that Bullseye may be scrubbed due to adverse weather conditions back at bases – Rain around midnight, Cloud base down to 1000’ or lower with Continuous rain by 0300 or before.

2025 / 61 Base / Request Information regarding diversions signal procedure (from Base Flying Control). Advised them diversion signal went out on Group frequency in Bomber Code. Also raised the point that return times of Bulseye [sic] a/c at Topcliffe and

2028 / 63 Base. / Advise U/433 LW115 crashed on the Isle of Man. Information came to 61 who passed it to Skipton – there was no further information but “Controller” at Isle of Man said he would call Skipton direct.

2032 / 61 Base / Confirm above re - crash and also advise that Hudson BW619 – VIP took off for Hucknall [inserted] at 2022. [/inserted] – His clearance was as far as Hucknall but after dropping passengers there he was proceeding to Hendon. 12 Grp Informed they will clear him.

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Crew of 433 – U – LW115 – Crashed on Isle of Man.

P. – R122292 – WO1 MURIE J.M.
N – J35764 – F/O WALLACE W.M.
B/A. – J35075 – F/O EVANS JT
W.Op. – R166772 – F/S. TEES BE
F/E. – 1594671 – SGT WALKER G.F.W (R.A.F.)
M/U – R252874 – SGT MOVOLD R.L.
R/G – R255673 – SGT PIDGEON G.W.

AOC SASO [symbol] AIR I [symbol] SOC [symbol] EQUIP [symbol] ENG. [symbol] C of A. [symbol] G.A.I.O. [symbol] P4 [symbol] SFCO [symbol]

F/O O’Beirn
The above people not ticked off have not been notified

Anson – N5060 landed Linton 1400 from Pocklington. – ATA pilot.

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2100 / 63 Base / Say that information skipton received from Ramsey was that 8 bodies had been found. Only 1 identified, that being a Sgt Teas. There was a report that a parachute or parachutes were seen also. This would indicate that there may have been more than 1 a/c involved Skipton say there were only 7 in the a/c. Checked with 12 Group, who checked with 15 Group re – report of any a/c missing other than Skipton’s. But they had nothing.

2109 / Crash BM-U 433 Sqdn. on RCAF X/country no 16. / Called Ramsey via 12 & 9 Groups. They report that crash happened at about 1625 hrs. Villagers reported they had seen the a/c on fire and that it exploded in the air. Wreckage was spread over an area of 2 – 3 miles. Wreck is located on the Isle of Man 1/2 mile due west of Laxey. [deleted] St [/deleted] Andreas took Crash action – 63 Base advised

2155 / 61 Base / If Bullseye is not scrubbed before Bullseye a/c take off to do preliminary details, can we advise the following a/c of any subsequent scrub on R/T from Strenshall Bombing Range
a/c 1659 – J, R – R/T Clockdress
K – Handmade

2220 / Bullseye / Bullseye Scrubbed.

SATURDAY – 15 JULY – 1944

0348 / / All Operational a/c & Training a/c down and accounted for O.K.

0900 / Off duty F/O Mountjoy. On duty B. O’Beirn F/O

1120 / 63 Base / - Request information re crash of 433/U – Was Sgt Walker definitely identified.

1125 / Ramsey (Isle of Man). / - Sgt Walker G.F.W. definitely identified by letters in his pocket & no Canada flash. All Canadians identified aircraft a complete write off. Inf. 63 Base.

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Flashlight Target

Newcastle – 0030 – 0055
Approach from Alnwick
Ht – 6 Grp – 16000’

[underlined] Offers [/underlined]
432 – 3 Hal. – Cancelled.
62 Base & Eastmoor advised.

[underlined] C.C. Bullseye Offers. [/underlined] Ops II Southdown

1659 – [deleted] 9 [/deleted] H 10
1664 – 7 H
1666 – 7. H
433 – 10 H
424 – 6 H
428 – 1 L.
39+1 = 40

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1445 / 1666/Z / Air I grants permission for Wombleton to take a crew by air to Rufforth to pick up m/n a/c.

1520 / 433/J / - Air I grants permission for a/c to take aircrew to West Raynham – W/O Barton has checked the serviceability. They started the motors this morning and two magnetos are u/s. Expect to have it ready to-morrow morning.
Inf 63 Base who cancelled the flight to-day.

1820 / 6 Grp Met. / Say bases will O.K all night for Bullseye and operational a/c Diversion bases will not be required.

1830 / / Off Duty F/O O’Beirn
On Duty F/O H G Mountjoy.

SUNDAY – JULY 16th – 1944.

0030 / 62 Base / Eastmoor report searchlight activity on a Bearing of 090°T. Checked with 12 Grp who report that it was a mobile searchlight battery scheduled to practice with an Anson but that the a/c did not turn up. There is no way of contacting them.

0105 / MLS-12. / Have a fix on an a/c using c/s WOJT. This is an operational Call sign of 6 Grp for tomorrow. It came from Heston over Section K. There is no one with this Call sign allocated for today. It will be a 6 Grp spare tomorrow.

[deleted] 0120 [/deleted]

0135 / / This was a call sign of 100 Grp yesterday. Probably one of their a/c so asked MLS-12 to advise them.

0240 / 61 Base F-1659 / F/1659 – on Bullseye landed at DOWNHAM MARKET at 0156 – Port Outer Engine overspeeding and a drop in oil pressure – Stbd. Inner had one Mag u/s. The pilot and crew are staying the night. Gransden Lodge advised.

0320 / Target Z-3291 / 419 Sqdn V- on this target is the only a/c missing Have checked with 12 Grp who report a plot coming in from over the sea off Flamboro Head.

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Croft a/c 434/R at West Raynham, formerly Cat A.E. now serv. and awaiting crew. Inf. 64 Base

[deleted] Crew Lost.
P – F/O JOPLIN J.S. – J24979
W/op – W/O. MINCHEN G.H. – AUS. 421661
AG – SGT. BARNARD W.S. – 204833
AG – SGT. KENT G.A. – 154859
F/E – SGT SHAND H.J – 1825385 [/deleted]

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0405 / 64 Base. / V/419 landed OK at M.S.G.

0550 / / All Operational a/c and all Bullseye a/c and all Training a/c are down O.K.

0900 / Off duty F/O Mountjoy. On duty B. O’Beirn F/O

1000 / 433/J / - at West Raynham – is serv. – and awaiting a crew. – reported by W/O Barton. Inf. 63 Base.

1020 / 433/J / AIR I grants permission for a 433 a/c to take a crew to West Raynham for 433/J. – Does not wish them to take AOC’s Anson.

1200 / Well. / - Inlay “W” – MF516 (Honeybourne a/c) took off at 1037 from Linton for Brackla via Stirling.
Both Linton & 12 Grp now report Brackla is u/s. and has no W/T or R/T facilities.
Contacted 91 Grp F.C. – who propose getting the W/T callsign from Honeybourne and directing the pilot to land at Kinloss (91 Grp). 91 Grp. taking action
Inf 62 Base & 12 Grp F.C.L.O.
Landed Brackla – later T.O. & landed Lossiemouth at 1400hrs.

1205 / Oxford 64 Base / - W/C Palmer granted permission to go to Gransden Lodge. (S.O.C.)

1430 / 1659/S / - Request for m/n a/c – pilot S/L Stinson to go to Downham Market to pick up crew of 1659/F which will not be serviceable until night of July 17 or later.
Tried to contact W/O Barton at Downham. He was leaving but F.C. at Downham confirmed this. AIR I grants permission for the above flight.

1630 / Passengers in a/c. S/L Mitchell Ops officer at 62 Base – query – Does 6G/S70/1/AIR 24 June 1944 by SASO exclude A.T.C. from flying in service a/c.

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/ Passengers – No copy of m/n letter in Ops Bible. and no one in Air Staff this afternoon Contacted AIR I who rules that A.T.C. are to be allowed as passengers.

1830 / / Off Duty F/O O’Beirn.
On Duty F/O H G Mountjoy.

1908 / 64 Base / W/C Pleasance 419 Sqdn. advises they will not be doing observation of Spot fires due to Met Conditions. This will be carried out tomorrow night weather and ops requirements permitting. Controller advised.

2238 / 12 Grp. / 2 Fixes – { WCKZ FIX. 57°10’N 04°41’W – 2213 1st Class. – Ack.
429 – Sqdn { WCKL FIX 57°11’N 04°41’W – 2228 1st Class – Ack.
Passed to 63 Base.

2255 / 61 Base / Inform that they are not happy about their Met. Conditions for their Bullseye a/c. Suggest that when they return to Base they contact them on R/T and have them continue with their Bombing Details or scrub them.

2300 / 64 Base / Advise us a/c H/419 squadron burst a tire on take-off – Completed his X/C detail – make a good attempt at landing, but is now blocking the main runway.

2310 / 63 Base Recall of a/c. / Not happy about their Met and they suggest they recall their a/c. Controller gave his permission after discussing Met situation Recall signal was sent at 2330. for all 63 Bases a/c.

2359 / 61 Base Recall of a/c / Decision to recall a/c to Base at about 0130hrs.

MONDAY – JULY 17th – 1944.

0105 / 63 Base / Report Leeming picked up a Darky Call from an a/c “Handful” H – He apparently was in no trouble, but just wanted his position. He did not want to land although he was given permission.

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Dalton Hurricane 3KE – LE – 136.
Made normal landing at Skipton and as it turned off the runway starboard u/c collapsed.
Cat. Pilot –
Inf. SASO [symbol] AIR I [symbol] SOC [symbol] S.F.C.O [symbol] EQUIP ENG. [symbol] G.A.I.O. [symbol]

431/A. – MZ-685 Cat A.C
Pilot – F/O TUCKEY

431/P. – LK-432. Cat A.C.

Inf. - SASO [symbol] AIR I [symbol] SOC[symbol] S.F.C.O [symbol] EQUIP ENG. [symbol] G.A.I.O. [symbol]

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/ / Checked with W/T room who report it is an a/c of Bramcote’s.

0109 / 61 Base / Report hearing a Darky call sign “Landfall” H for How. Checked with 62 Base who say they have no H flying at Eastmoor.

0110 / DARKY Call / Reported to Bramcote who say it is probably their a/c – unheard of on W/T for some time.

0900 / Off duty F/O Mountjoy On duty B. O’Beirn F/O

0905 / 434/R / - Air I grants permission for a crew to be flown to West Raynham by a training a/c.
434/R – Landed at Croft 1245hrs.

0950 / 428/D / AIR I grants permission to go to Aston Down for instruction on modification to Lanc X.
/ 420/K / - AIR I OK’d trip to Boscombe Down – Weight test.

1000 / Occult / - 58 (Carnaby – 64 Base & 61 Base enquire if this occult is S. as there is no [deleted] code [/deleted] key for letters to be flashed.
Signal of 9 July shows it serv. – operating since 15 June.

1050 / Hurr – 3KE – LE – 136 (DALTON / – made a normal landing at Skipton. As it turned off the runway, starboard u/c collapsed.

1115 / CRASH /431/A /431/P / - 431/A swung on take off at 0935hrs and struck 431/P in dispersal – Both a/c Cat a-c. or worse. Crews O.K. – Reason for swing not yet apparent.

1200 / Re- Amendments to Secret Documents. D.F.C.O Note /These should all be referred immediately to Grp Cypher officer.

[deleted] 12 [/deleted] 14.30 / Proctor / Tee’d up with Dishforth for S/Ldr Rawson to go to Digby at 15.15. hrs.

1440 / Occult / - Checked with F.C. Ops Bushhouse – Occult 58 – Table II is in the same line as Occult 38 for July & Aug.

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Well – HE – 425 l. Wombleton [inserted] 1418 hrs [deleted] 1500 [/deleted] [/inserted] from Finningley (93 Grp)
Sgt McCormick.
No oil pressure in P.E. Being repaired. May have to stay overnight.

1666 – JD212 –
Inf. – A.O.C. - SASO [symbol] - SOC [symbol] - AIR I [symbol] - EQUIP [symbol] - ENG O [symbol] [circled] C of A [/circled] - GAIO [symbol] - [circled] P4 [/circled] - S.F.C.O[symbol]

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/ [underlined] Occult [/underlined] – Table II is correct in showing Occult #10 in line 10 and 32 in in [sic] line8. At present #10 W.E.P. U/S – substitute reserve flashing whitish green.
Inf. 61, 62. 63. 64 Base.

1500 / 1666- / S/L Davidson, of Wombleton wants to know who instructed that a message be sent to 1666 Bullseye a/c to cancel their bombing detail last night.
Checked and reported that S.O.C. had advised 61 Base to cancel bombing owing to weather. At 0130 S.O.C. instructed that the cancellation be sent on HF/DF.
Wombleton think they should have been allowed to bomb as a/c could be recalled quickly from Pickering.

1600 / Dakota / - Am. General Nugent arrived at Wombleton – proceeded to Pickering Range – no particulars available.

1605 / Crash Areas [underlined] S.F.C.O. note [/underlined] / - 64 Base request the newest Crash area “gen”-

1715 / - Dakota / - Gen Nugent – to Northolt from Topcliffe. ET – 1800.
Oxford – FD – “Z” – W/C Weiser to Northolt. ETA – 2000
Inf 11 Grp to inform Northolt

1745 / Gardening / - Met advise bases will be fit vis – 4-6 miles for return.

1800 / / Off Duty F/O O’Beirn
On Duty F/O H G Mountjoy.

2305 / 61 Base / Report 1666 QY-D – JD212 – [underlined] “Cat B” [/underlined]
He had made a Heavy landing and it was discovered and reported to Flying Control this evening that he had twisted the main plane. [underlined] F/O McDonald [/underlined] Pilot – Occurred at 1540hrs

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Crash – 1659 – FD – L. – LL142.
A.O.C. - SASO [symbol] - AIR I [symbol] – S.O.C. [symbol] – EQUIP. [symbol] - ENG O [symbol] [circled] C of A [/circled] – G.A.I.O. [symbol] - [circled] P4 [/circled] - S.F.C.O [symbol]

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2305 / 61 Base [underlined] lt was [/underlined] / 1664 – [deleted] H/U [/deleted] ZU – D – DK226 – “Cat AC” Dishforth’s G/C reported today that the above a/c had suffered damage due to a Halifax a/c opening fire on him during the Spoof Attack Bullseye on the night of 15/16 July. This may have been reported in the Intelligence report.

2310 / MLS 12 / Report that one of our a/c on X/C has been showing partial distress in his IFF. Possibly a fault. The only possible a/c [deleted] Could [/deleted] are those of Topcliffe. There are no a/c reported in difficulties, this has been reported to 61 Base who will see that a/c IFF sets are checked on return to base.

TUESDAY – JU[deleted] NE [/deleted] LY 18th – 1944.

0016 / 61 Base Crash of C & B a/c. / Report that a/c believed to be L1659 – FD – L – LL142. Crashed on or near Skipton’s aerodrome – Skipton have taken Crash Action. No further information.

0020 / 63 Base / Inquire whether it will be O.K. to Broadcast “Return to Dishforth” to 4 of their Gardening a/c whose E.T.R. conflicts with take-off time. [indecipherable word] have O.K’d this. Group will also broadcast the same.

0025 / 63 Base / Say that 1659’s a/c is clear of the aerodrome not forming any obstruction, but within Skipton’s Outer Circle. He did not burn. No report as to Casualties or damage. Seen to be coming in on the approach to land and then go in.

0053 / 61 Base & 63 Base / Confirm that the a/c that crashed was FD-L of 1659 – Crew are all O.K. F/O Graham the instructor was the pilot. The a/c is in the Swale river just nnw of Skipton aerodrome. The a/c did not burn but its back was broken and it was badly smashed up. No Category was placed on it. One engine is reported to have cut while in the circuit and another when the a/c was on the approach.

0110 / 61 Base DARKY / Advise Dalton landed a Wellington a/c that had been calling darky. a/c letter “P” – Home Base Honeybourne – Pilot Sgt Adams. His W/T was U/S. Did not reach Newcastle flashlight – landed 0049.

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DAMAGED A/C 424/T – MZ 814.

A.O.C. - AIR I [symbol] SASO [symbol] - S.O.C. [symbol] – EQUIP. [symbol] - ENG O [symbol] [circled] C of A [/circled] – GAIO [symbol] - P4 - S.F.C.O [symbol]

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/ Wellington P. 91 Group / Say don’t let him off when he is Servicable until we receive the O.K from them. W/X at base likely to deteriorate if he is held up long. Advised 61 Base of this. They will check with us.

0203 / 61 Base Wellington P. / Advise Crew of Wellington will be staying the night. 91 Group informed.

0457 / 63 Base / 424/T – MZ814 – F/O Cronin pilot. – Overshot runway on landing – returning from Gardening ops. – Time 0452. – Tail wheel damaged. Not forming an obstruction. – 200yds from end of runway and off line of approach. Tentatively Cat A.C.

0458 / 63 Base / All training a/c down.

0900 / Off duty F/O Mountjoy On duty B. O’Beirn F/O

0910 / Oxford 63 Base / - Air I gives permission for trip to Isle to Man re 433/U. F/O Betcher from 6 Grp to arrange another method.

1023 / Explosion reported by 12 Grp F.C. – Location approx. 1 mile North of Wombleton.
Checked with Wombleton – nothing seen or heard – Reported to 12 Grp.

1100 / W/C Saunders – requests use of 6 Grp Anson – This is u/s. Then requested Topcliffe Oxford – which W/C Weiser has at Farnborough.

1100 / 62 Base / - Request 6 copies of [inserted] H2S Routes) [/inserted] 6GP/S864/1/NAV. – Referred the matter to F/O Bartelman who is going to arrange it. Inf. 62 Base.

1200 / Well. / - from Bircham Newton arrived Linton to take 6 Grp entertainers Sgt Angell, Lac Davis, Lac Serge to Bircham Newton. S/L Muter said that London H.Q. had arranged it. T.O. 1318 for B. Newton.

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Martinet MS747 l. 1606. at Leeming from Newmarket. T.O. 1645 from Newmarket.

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1215 / Proctor 1500hr / - S.O.C. requested a proctor & pilot from Dishforth to take G/C McFarlane to Halton.

/ Proctor 1500hr / Request another proctor to stand by to take films to Halton 1400hrs.

1220 / 1666 / a/c to Elvington to pick up an allotted a/c. OK’d by Air I

1230 / Proctor ready at 1400 hrs for Films. to Halton.

1310 / Oxford / NM541 A/C. Heslop landed at Topcliffe at 1300hrs from Colfons [sic].

1420 / 425/F / - Training flight to Digby with F/L Dupuis – OK’d by AIR I

1540 / Proctor / V-7218 Took off at 1521 from Dishforth for Hendon – G/C McFarlane. Inf 12 Grp.

1600 / Proctor / HM-422. Took off at 1545 for Halton S/L Boosey – with films. Inf 12 Grp & Halton signal to Int. B.C.H.Q.

1710 / Oxford / - NM-5041 took off at 1654 from Topcliffe for Ternhill – A/C. Heslom [sic]

1740 / 9 Grp / - Request instruction re return of Skipton Oxford from Isle of Man. (Andreas)

1835 / To 9 Grp W-6547 / - Skipton Oxford instructed to fly under cloud from Andreas via Sealand, Ternhill, Nottingham and Base. 63 Base inf.

1840 / Off duty – B.T.O’Beirn F/O
/ / On Duty F/O H G Mountjoy

1900 / 9 Grp. Oxford W. – 6547 / Say pilot not happy about route and weather so wants to stay the night. 63 Base informed.

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[underlined] Missing [/underlined]

431/Y – MZ628 S/L BULL.

431/Q – LW572 P/O LONGSTAFF.

425/N. – LW672 P/O TAILLON

[underlined] Early Return [/underlined]

429/V – P.I.E. U/S.

[page break]

1920 / 64 Base / Croft is Panicking about their weather – weather OK but smoke reducing vis. Laid on Dishforth for 431 Sqdn & Topcliffe for 434. Provisionally if Croft can’t cope.

1940 / 92 Grp. 434-U. / Landed at Westcott – Short of Petrol. Standing by for instructions. Suggested to Croft they have Scorton stand by if any a/c are very short of fuel.

1942 / 11 Grp. 434-T. / Landed at Hartford Bridge due to Petrol shortage – standing by for instructions

2125 / 431-.U / Landed at Gransden Lodge – Flak Damage – Hydraulic Pip [sic] Shot Away – Pilots’ leg was nicked by flak – nothing serious. They will be returning in the morning if a/c is Servicable.

2205 / 64 Base / Message Received by M.S.G. H/F D/F
KRV M QJV - (say IFF is off.)
Belongs to 9 USAAF. Informed them.

2350 / 63 Base / G/C Dunlop landed in a Mitchell from Dunsfold. No other information.

WEDNESDAY – 19th – 1944

0024 / 62 Base / G/432 on R/T – Gone out to jettison.

0032 / 12 Grp / Report Church Fenton have been keeping a listening watch for 4 Hurricane a/c from Dalton. They haven’t arrived so checked up and found 61 Base didn’t know anything about it, but the details have been scrubbed.

0109 / 63 Base G/C Dunlop / Report Mitchell took for Dunsfold with G/C Dunlop. – Reported this to 11 Grp.

0340 / 63 Base 424/S / Skipton’s 424/S has a burst tire and is overhead – Also about 35 minutes petrol. Called Croft direct – and had him sent there. Also advised 64 Base.

0400 / 64 Base 424/S / 424/S landed at Croft. OK. He didn’t have a burst tire.

[page break]

420/Z – LK – 803.

Inf. A.O.C. [symbol] SASO [symbol] AIR I [symbol] S.O.C. [symbol] ENG [symbol] EQUIP. [symbol] G.A.I.O [symbol] S.F.C.O [symbol] P4 [symbol] C.of A.

[deleted] Pilot - F/O JOPLIN [/deleted]
[deleted] W/OP – MINCHEN G.H. [/deleted]

420/Z – LK – 803.
Crew List
P. – F/O JOPLIN J.S. – J24979 Killed
W/OP. – W/O MINCHEN G.H. – AUS. 421661 Killed
AG – SGT BARNARD W.S. – 204833 Killed
AG – SGT KENT GA. – 154859 Killed
F/E – SGT SHAND H.J. – 1825385. Killed

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[underlined] JULY 19/1944. [/underlined]

0404 / 16 Grp. T/433 / Landed at DOCKING at 0312 – Short of Petrol But burst a tire while taxying

0640 / A/C away / 425 & 420 A/C that landed at Woodbridge back at Base.

0900 / Off duty F/O Mountjoy. On duty B. O’Beirn F/O

1000 / Proctor 61 Base / - G/C Wortell requests m/n a/c to go to Halton to-day returning to-morrow – or to go on the “film” trip.
Checked – no film trip to-day. But may be needed to-night or early to-morrow.
Anson and other Proctor are U/S. SASO rules G/C Wortell to go by train as only one Proctor S.

1145 / Crash 420/Z / - at Tholthorpe at the upwind end of the runway – a/c on fire no details yet.

1150 / Smoke / - 61 Base – Dishforth report column of black smoke toward Brampton evidently smoke of Tholthorpe a/c.

1222 / 420/Z LK-803 CRASH Pilot F/O JOPLIN. / Took off at 1130, crashed at 1133 Location – 1/2 mile from Tholthorpe aerodrome behind a woods.
Detail. Fighter Affiliation.
a/c spun to the ground, burst into flames and exploded. Pilot and all crew killed. Reason and details not yet available.

1250 / Bullseye / - C.C – Cancelled. Inf Met & 61 Base.

1255 / Off duty F/O O’Beirn
On Duty F/O H G Mountjoy.

1450 / F/LT Smith / 426/A – Is Cat AC. At Woodbridge – 62 Informed.
433/T – Docking – Should be ready this Afternoon 63 Informed
1659/F – Downam Market – Should be ready by 1900hrs today. 61 Base Informed.

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1407 / 64 Base. / 2 Tiger Moths Took off from Croft to Carlisle T6855 & T7810
Route Croft, Corbridge, Carlisle. Took off at 1335
F-428 Local Flying – Landing at Wombleton – T.O. at 1515 – but not off yet. No reason. But 61 Base informed.

1618 / 62 Base. / Report Crash of an a/c 5-6 miles East of Eastmoor in the Sherriff Hutton Area.

1620 / / Called FCLO – 12 Grp for a plot. – an a/c is reported to be circling.

1621 / [underlined] CRASH [/underlined] / Eastmoor report it to 3 miles East of them. Noticed it from a Pall of Smoke. Think it might be G/432 – Time 1612. He took of [sic] at 1603. – 2 a/c are now circling it.

1625 / (4 Grp RICCAL) / Eastmoor took Crash action immediately. Local NFS & York NFS notified. 12 Grp give plot as A 1187. Advised S.A.S.O: SOC

1633 / 61 Base / 1659 Squadron request Permission to go to Downham Market to pick up 1659/F. They will make it an H2S X/C training trip with a Screened pilot. O.K’d by S.O.C.

1645. / 61 Base / 1659 want to delay this until tomorrow morning Told them OK as far as we can tell – but before going to get the OK again from 6 Grp.

1650 / 64 Base / Request permission to let Oxford AP1820 – F/LT Betcher from 6 Grp to go to Isle of Man. Route – Appleby – Morecambe – Jurby S.A.S O gave permission – Met is O.K.

1707 / CRASH. [deleted] 62 Base [/deleted] (4 Grp) / The a/c that crashed is not ours. – JB-844 Halifax 2. – From Riccall – P/O Forrest. Crew OK – Engineer has broken leg taken to York Military Hospital. Rest of Crew at Eastmoor. It was a forced landing. Feathered 2 Stbd Engines at 9000’ – Crew took up Crash positions. Eastmoor passed “gen” to Riccall.

1800 / Oxford NJ 296 / Took off from Wombleton for Lulsgate Bottom via – Linton – Sywell at 2000’ at 1755

1812 / Oxford AP 1820 / Took off from M.S.G. at 1810 – [deleted] Ramsey [/deleted] JURBY Informed.

1837 / 64 Base / Advise – Oxford AP 1820 returned to Base at 1832. Advised Jurby.

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[underlined] Oxford [/underlined] – ED 1740 l. Croft 2033
Pilot – S/L EVANS
From Hartford Bridge en route to Ouston – Landed to check the weather. Remaining overnight Inf. 11 Grp. & 9 Grp (to advise Ouston)

[underlined] ACCIDENT [underlined]

1664/J – DG-348.
Inf – SASO AIR I, SOC [symbol] Eng. EQUIP SFCO. G.A.I.O [symbol]

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Off duty F/O Mountjoy. On duty B. T O’Beirn F/O

1940 / 433/T / - Instructed Docking to get him airborne before 2100 hrs or to hold him for our approval

2050 / 433/T / Instructed pilot to take off and return – to call Dishforth on Darky to request permission to land at Base. – Landed OK.

[underlined] Thursday July 20th [/underlined]

0230 / 1664/J P/O ELDER DG-348 / - On circuits and landings – U/C collapsed – prov. Category B. – Normal landing. –

0330 / 1659/K / FIX - .5356N 0124W II class Hull at 03:03 – passed to 61 Base. (a/c landed OK from Bullseye at 0343.)

0430 / Ops & Bullseye / - All a/c landed safely at base.

0900 / / On Duty F/O HG Mountjoy

1230 / 12 Grp / Advise a plot out over sea – Wellington going NW – Showing Broad IFF.

1445 / 64 Base Oxford AP1820 / M.S.G. Request permission for F/L. Betcher of 6 Grp to go to Isle of Man via Hexham – Carlyle [sic] – Jurby. AIR I gave permission Informed Jurby when he took off.

1543 / 62 Base / Report they can see a large column of white smoke West of Linton.
Checked with 12 Grp. & 61 Base – Dishforth. Dishforth Could see it but it looked like a brush fire or Hay Stack. No other information.

1602. / 12 Grp. / Report that ROC saw an a/c which landed at Wombleton from which several parachutist came. Called 61 Base. They say it was D/1666 practising 2 engine flying. Couldn’t unfeather his engines. W/C told crew to bail out, they did an [sic] parachutes all opened. Pilot then landed a/c safely.

1622 / CFC S/432 / S/432 landed at Woodbridge 1616 – Port outer Engine feathered and other damage. 62 Base informed.

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433/D – LV-842. ON OPS.


Inf. SASO [symbol] AIR I [symbol] S.O.C. [symbol] ENG [symbol] EQUIP [symbol] GAIO [symbol] S.F.C.O.

Warwick – (Herring P.) landed Topcliffe at 2300 hrs – 20 July from Thornaby
pilot F/L Proctor
Serv. Staying overnight – owing to weather Inf 12 Grp

Black Widow. – Captain – 2nd Lieut. Woolley landed Topcliffe at 2304 from Searton serv. staying overnight, owing to weather – Inf 12 Grp.

Dominie – X – 7492 – F/L Hughes landed Mid.S.G. from 61 O.T.U. (REDNAL.). en route Milfield – Staying overnight.

[underlined] 1659/G – on Bombing & Bullseye [/underlined]

Took off at 2146 to bomb on Strensall until 2300hrs and then to proceed on C.C. Bullseye.

61 Base sent recall at 2245hrs.
“G” acknowledged recall message at 2353.
61 Base sent – “Request ETA.”
“G” sent message at 0103 – R/T U/S ETA 0110
61 Base sent “Land at Ossington” 0125hrs.
“G” Acknowledge. above message 0144..
Landed Ossington 0256. hrs.

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1820 / 38 Grp P/427 / Advise that P/427 had Port Inner U/S & Stbd Outer U/S. Crew are all O.K and are being taken to Harwell for interrogation Pilot has already been on to 63 Base. No “gen” on what instructions they have given re-return.

1827 / 63 Base P/427 / Leeming say if a/c can be made serviceable tonight they are to return – if not they will try and pick them up tomorrow.

1900 / 12 Grp / - Report that 7 of a crew baled out in the Wash at 1800 hrs. – Reported as an American a/c attached to 6 Grp.
Not a 6 Grp a/c – although one of our ops a/c saw it upon return

2050 / 433/D LV-842 Pilot SGT SAVARD / - Swung on take-off for operations – Tentative Cat. A.C.
Crew O.K. Did not burn.

2050 / Smoke / - Tholthorpe report smoke at 38° from them.
Checked with 61 Base – Dishforth report nothing.

2110 / 425/I / Early return. P.O.E. U/S.

2135 / 431/S / - Fix 5123N 0113E II class. report by 6 Grp Sigs.

2135 / 62 Base / - Request a recall for 426 U, E, F. – 14th day code c/s LPG. planned to send it on MF “K” if a/c do not answer HF/DF

2140 / / Above a/c replied on HF DF

2140 / FL/O Engleson / - requests a flight on Proctor with films at 0530 to-morrow from Dishforth to Halton. AIR I wished to see the AMO 1310 – 1943. To get SASO’s approval at 2200hrs.

2230 / / Bullseye cancelled, – 1659/S, N, G on bombing prior to Bullseye. recalled

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2240 / Diversion / - Croft aerodrome red, Mid S.G yellow. Arranged diversion with 62 Base – 431 & 419 to Eastmoor, 434 to Linton.

2310 / Diversion / - 433 SQD – given Marston Moor, 420 Rufforth, 425, Riccal

2330 / 1659/G / - Acknowledged recall message on HF/DF – but has not answered request for ETA.
Trying to contact him on MF. -
Arranged for diversion base at Ossington. Inf 61 Base.

[underlined] Friday July 21 [/underlined]

0150 / 1659/G / - Acknowledged receipt of diversion to Ossington on HF/DF.

0310 / 1659/G / - Landed Ossington 0256.

0500 / Diversion Summary – to C.F.C. – 12 a/c landed outside the Group.
All a/c landed safely.
/ [underlined] a/c Away [/underlined] / Aircraft away instructed to await instructions at 0900 hrs.

Oxford / W6574 (63 Base) / - pilot - F/L Appleton at Cark a/c is serviceable. Awaiting better weather and OK. from 6 Grp.

/ 0800 / - a/c away which are now serv. are instructed to be ready for take off at 1000 hrs pending confirmation from 6 Grp.

/ [deleted] 0900 [/deleted]

0900 / / Off Duty F/O O’Beirn
On Duty F/O H G Mountjoy.

1020 / OXFORD 61 Base / G/C FAUQIER gave permission for Oxford to drop an officer at Ossington and continue on to Farnborough to pick up W/C Weiser as previously arranged.

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Duty Staff Officer Bie. [sic]



“Flying Control Log Book,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 22, 2024,

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