Service Regulations
Service Regulations
Notes written by Malcolm Staves during his training as a wireless operator.
One notebook with handwritten annotations
Conforms To
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MS Staves/ [underlined] 84 [/underlined] COURSE
NAVAL No.S400.
R.A.F. Form 619.
Notebook for use in Schools.
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[underlined] Officers Mess. [/underlined]
KR Chapt 20 Sect 1.
AP837 Sect 14A
[underlined] Membership. [/underlined]
[underlined] Full member [/underlined] - living in or dining member.
- living out
[underlined] Affiliated Member. [/underlined] - civilians of Officer status.
[underlined] Honorary membership. [/underlined] - 1. Local. 2. Civvys. elected by General Mess Meeting & approved by Station Commander
[underlined] Mess Management. [/underlined]
1. P.M.C. - appointed by Station Commander
2. Members by General Mess Meeting. 1/2 yearly appointment.
Mess Secretary.
Officer in charge of Service Room - (Bar Officer)
Officer in charge of Messing
[underlined] Expenditure. [/underlined]
Mess Committee are allowed to spend not more than £20 per 4 months
[underlined] Mess Rules [/underlined]
On arrival read
Drawn up by Station Commander
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(a) Word of Command (b) Slow Time (c) Quick Time (d) Double time
(a) Halt (b) Left foot passing right (c) Right foot passing left (d) Right foot passing left
(a) To the front - Salute (c) Right foot passing left
(a) Change Step (on the march (b) Left foot passing right (c) Right foot passing left
(a) Right turn (b) Left foot passing right (c) Right foot passing left
(a) Right incline (b) Left foot passing right (c) Right foot passing left
(a) Right Form (b) Left foot passing right (c) Right foot passing left
(a) About Turn (b) Right foot passing left (c) Left foot passing right
(a) Left Turn (b) Right foot passing left (c) Left foot passing right
(a) Left Incline (b) Right foot passing left (c) Left foot passing right
(a) Mark Time (b) Right foot passing left (c) Left foot passing right (d) Left foot passing right
(a) Step Out (b) (b) Right foot passing left (c) Left foot passing right
(a) Quick March (when stepping "out" or "short") (b) Right foot passing left (c) Left foot passing right
(a) Slow March (when stepping "out" or "short") (b) Right foot passing left (c) Left foot passing right
(a) Step Short (b) Right foot passing left (c) Left foot passing right
(a) Eyes Right (Left of Front) (c) Left foot passing right
(a) To the Right (or Left) - Salute (c) Left foot passing right
(a) Break into Quick time- Quick March (b) Right foot passing left (d) Left foot passing right
(a) Break into Slow Time - Slow March (c) Left foot passing right
(a) Break into Double Time - Double March (c) Left foot passing right
(a) Halt (when Marking Time) (b) Right foot being raised (c) Left foot being raised (d) Left foot being raised
(a) Forward (when marking time) (b) Right foot being raised (c) Left foot being raised
(a) Change step (when marking time) (b) Left foot being raised (c) Right foot being raised
To move off a Unit in step with a preceding Unit, the Command MARCH should be given as the right foot of the preceding Unit is passing left.
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Mess Rules (cont)
[underlined] Gambling [/underlined] - Bridge only. recorded in bridge book & debited or credited to personal a/c.
Suggestions Book.
Warning In & Warning Out Book
Visitors Book
Bridge Book
[underlined] FEES [/underlined]
Mess Subscriptions - not above 1/2 days pay
Messing - not above 2/- per day.
Restrictions on Mess Bills for drinks
No restriction over 40 yrs of age
F/L or any under 40 yrs of age £5 per month
If member of Royal Family or Senior Officer of Air Rank walks in Mess ' stand up'/
[underlined] RAF Ensigns [/underlined] when being hoisted or hauled down always salute
[underlined] Parades [/underlined] salute when being ordered to fall in or fall out.
[deleted words] [underlined] Last Post [/underlined] - [underlined] salute [/underlined] but [underlined] not [/underlined] on [underlined] Reveille [/underlined]
[underlined] All airmen salute [/underlined] all officers in civvy clothes.
[underlined] [undecipherable word] Prayers. [/underlined] Headress not to be removed if on a parade.
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[underlined] Guest Night - Officers Mess. [/underlined]
A Parade. 1/2 an hour prior to start & pay compliments to most senior office present
[underlined] Mess Meeting [/underlined]
At least every 4 months - 7 days notice.
A Parade
[underlined] Extra-Ordinary mess meeting [/underlined]
may be called for by C.O.
1/5 or 20% of members.
[underlined] Saluting. [/underlined]
[underlined] Below S/L [/underlined] only salute each other - firstly Junior salutes senior when addressed or addressing on duty whether on & off parades and entering offices.
[symbol] [underlined] National Anthem [/underlined] On a ceremonial parade as a royal salute - all officers salute except royal personages in attendance
On ceremonial parade but not a royal salute - officers stand to attention on parade but do not salute.
If i/c party or body of men bring to attention & salute
If on the move halt. If inside building stand to attention & remove headress.
[underlined] Standards & Colours. [/underlined] Passing or being passed, [deleted word] officer salutes.
[underlined] Funerals. [/underlined] Salute - eyes right or left.
[symbol] [underlined] 2 or more Officers. [/underlined] all return salute to airmen.
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[underlined] INFORMAL [/underlined] Paragraph 94
Unit to Unit - Unit to Group Etc
1 incl
TO :-
REF :-
Wing Commander, Commanding
RAF Station Denthorpe
[underlined] Policy [/underlined] letter leaving Group signed [underlined] for [/underlined] or [underlined] by [/underlined] the A.O.C.
[underlined] Non - Policy [/underlined] from Group signed by or for the officer i/c section concerned.
[underlined] Seperate [sic] [/underlined] communications for [underlined] [deleted] different [/deleted] seperate [sic] [/underlined] subjects
If writing about Officer & NCO [underlined] seperate [sic] [/underlined] letters.
[underlined] 1" inch margin always [/underlined] - always [underlined] date [/underlined] letter & put in appropriate [underlined] file reference. [/underlined]
[underlined] All pages & paragraphs [/underlined] numbered
[underlined] Subject Heading [/underlined] invariably in block capitals.
Any names of persons, towns, stations etc to be written in block letters (if in handwritten letter)
[underlined] Abreviations [sic] [/underlined] - only authorised abreviations [sic] to be used
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When referring to an airman.
550193, LAC BROWN K. W/OP "B"
When referring to an officer
F.L. K. BROWN 203137.
RAF. 24 hour clock system.
[underlined] Letters to civilians [/underlined] - normal civilian practice
[underlined] Signatures [/underlined] to legibly written
[underlined] Demi- Official letter [/underlined]
not normally used - limited in use. Could write to Director of Welfare A.M. D.O. letter.
No special file kept for them - put in file of whatever subject is written about
[underlined] Other methods of Communication [/underlined]
[underlined] Postgrams [/underlined] (1924(A). Blue Green cover - priority. written on proper official form & placed in blue green envelope. (will be dealt with first.)
[underlined] Minutes [/underlined] - blue sheet of paper clipped on to left hand side of file - notes of conversations etc.
[underlined] Telephone - calls. [/underlined] long distance calls to be restricted
If important telephone [deleted word] conversation important [underlined] confirm [/underlined] it in writing.
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[underlined] Central Registry. [/underlined] Paragraph [underlined] 26 [/underlined]
Object of a central registry is to centralise the receipt, identification, classification, circulation, despatch, and custody when not in current use, of correspondence with the maximum (Officer must be in charge) economy in time, labour & personnel
[underlined] Files [/underlined]
Object of file is to present the complete history of one particular aspect of a subject under one cover
Open - Buff
Confidential - Green (200 enclosures) max.
Secret - Pink
[underlined] Officer i/c of section [/underlined] must always [underlined] open [/underlined] a new file
General Number & Branch Number Methods [underlined] (Para 36 onwards) [/underlined]
HER - Unit of origin
202 - Master Ref No.
17 - Sub file serial No
ARM - Branch (subject ident)
c - confidential - (these classifications always before the Master ref No)
(IN Red)
[boxed] (a) Ref to (b) Minute Coll (c) Date (d) Intls of Sender
(a) STO (b) E31 (c) 23/2 (d) ME
(a) CO (b) E31 M7 (c) 23/2 (d) KB
(a) BF CO (b) M7 (c) 2/3 (d) CRL
(a) OC "A" (b) E32 (c) 3/3 (d) BL
(a) OC "B" (b) E32 (c) 3/3 (d) PB [/boxed]
File is not to be kept out of registry for more than 1 day
File to be brought forward on 2/3 (transit slip)
[underlined] Form 964 [/underlined] is used when file is passed from one section to another before first being sent back to c registry
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[underlined] Closing a File [/underlined] - write on bottom right hand corner P.A. (Put Away) & initial. Kept for [underlined] 12 months [/underlined] at registry and then destroyed.
[underlined] DOCUMENTS [/underlined]
[underlined] Officers Docs [/underlined]
[underlined] Form 48. [/underlined] - Medical History Envelope - confidential
[underlined] Form 506 [/underlined] - A. Pubs on loan (personal issue) while at unit
[underlined] Form 381 [/underlined] - Leave Record No & date of free warrants. clothing coupons record (duplicate at Group)
[underlined] Form 373 [/underlined] - Officers Record Card Postings courses flying hours & types jabs
[underlined] Form 1788 [/underlined] - Ground Defence Training
[underlined] Form 5000 [/underlined] - Aircrew Training
[deleted word] /2070A E.V.T
[underlined] AIRMANS DOCS [/underlined]
Form 48 Same as above
Form 506 Same as above
Form 1788 Same as above
Form 5000 Same as above
Form 373 One copy is kept at Group.
Form 64 Pay Book PT1. MO PT2. Acct O
Form 121 General Conduct Sheet (1 days cc & over)
Form 295 A.B [deleted] Pass up to 48hrs [/deleted] Up to [underlined] 24 [/underlined] hrs pass
Form 445 A. Folder for Airmans Docs (Docs must never be folded)
Form 1580 Airmans Record Sheet. character & trade proficiencies entered on 31 Dec annually. Postings. (absent or leave 21 days) On release exceeding a month. On Discharge. On Death
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[underlined] Welfare [/underlined]
Director of Personal Services
Director of Air F. Welfare - D.O. letter
Group [symbol] Stn Admin O. i/c Welfare.
The Airmans Welfare
Guide to Services
Army Bk - Comrades in Arms
Monthly Welfare Bulletin for all Welfare Committees
[underlined] Benevolent Fund RAF [/underlined]
100% personnel 1/2 days pay per year
S.S.A.F.A. - AP837. Para 1468
[underlined] C.O.s Benevolent Fund [/underlined] to relieve immediate distress of personnel. (for airmen)
[underlined] War Service Grants [/underlined] W.S.G.21 Ministry of Pensions
To relieve any financial hardships which may [deleted word] occur [deleted word] on joining the Services.
RAF Legal Aid Scheme - Up to and incl rank of Sgt free advice
[underlined] KR1081 - Redress of Grievances. [/underlined]
[underlined] [indecipherable] - AP837 [/underlined]
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[underlined] Assistance Organisations [/underlined]
SSAFA - Ben Fund
Serving men & women
A.M.O. A.1/45.
British Legion
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[underlined] Petrol [/underlined]
[underlined] Duty Journeys [/underlined] - Tempduty Postings - allowed petrol F1651
(car 18 mls to the gallon)
F1652. Mthly return of petrol coupons to A.M.
[underlined] Living Cost. [/underlined] - The CO must sign a certif. saying that no other means of transport available.
1 journey per day. (Monthly limit 780 miles)
[underlined] Leave Travel. [/underlined] C.O. certifies no other means of transport
(Own car or wife's)
F.1650. Log book for issues of petrol.
[underlined] Overseas Petrol Allowances. [/underlined] For operational personel [sic] returning from overseas, (300 mls travelling [underlined] twice [/underlined] for 12 months from date of pass)
(own car, wifes, or parents).
Petrol coupons hold good for one month of issue & following month
Petrol for leave travel up to [underlined] 250 mls for 3 months [/underlined]
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[underlined] Commpassionate [sic] [/underlined] [underlined] LEAVE [/underlined]
[underlined] Officers [/underlined] Up to 14 days - AOC
Over 14 days A.M.
[underlined] Airman [/underlined]
Up to 14 days - C.O (W/C)
Over 14 days - A.O.C.
[underlined] Embarkation Leave [/underlined] - Up to 14 days on C.O's authority P.W.R[deleted letters]
[underlined] Dis-Embarkation Leave [/underlined] - Up to 2 yrs 0
2 to 3 yrs 14 days
3 to 4 yrs 21 days
4 yrs & over 28 days
[underlined] Sick leave [/underlined] - on recommendation of a M. Board - not counted against PL Stn Commd's authority.
Up to 28 days may be taken to sit for Professional Exams.
[underlined] Confinement Leave. [/underlined] may be granted 10 days leave but counted against P.L
[underlined] S Ireland. [/underlined] - officially only allowed to men whose houses are there or next of Kin. Route is written on warrant in Red ink.
In case of [underlined] loss of R Warrants [/underlined] inform Local Railway Auth Civil/Service Police & Air Ministry (C of Inquiry) results.
[underlined] Sick Leave Warrants. [/underlined] - Any below rank of S/L can get warrants if sickness was not caused by self.
Airman's wife uses allowance book.
Concession voucher for officers wife valid 6 months from date of issue
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[underlined] Conditions of Service [/underlined]
4. Groups 'A' to 'D' Skilled Trades
[underlined] Remustering [/underlined] Change in trade of an airman or airwoman. All R. requires authority of A/O i/c Records. except on Training Establishments.
[chain of command diagram]
Airmen may be misemployed during an interim period
[underlined] Unit system for remustering. [/underlined]
1/ Airmen rec for trade training
2/ Airmen rec for direct remustering
Stn. Education O. must arrange training up to a certain standard for all airmen
[underlined] Records Office Memorandum [/underlined]
[underlined] AMO's from AP.837. [/underlined]
Specialist Officer of the Trade concerned [symbol]
Medical Officer
Education O
Must see all 4 before being recommended
Trade Training Pro-forma must be signed by all 4 officers. Must show any civil experience or any previous experience.
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[underlined] Conditions of Service. [/underlined]
[underlined] Airmen directed for direct Remustering. [/underlined]
F.167 Trade Test Card made out by unit Adj (endorsed by Specialist Officer of W/O) in triplicate & sent off to Group. G.T.T.B. is convened 1/4ly. One F167 is kept by the Board. 1. by records and 1 kept at unit. (When copy returned to unit they can then POR his % results). [underlined] Effective date [/underlined] is [underlined] date [/underlined] of the [underlined] Board. [/underlined]
K.R.S.O.4 Remustering for inefficiency.
Reclassification [deleted words] for AC2 - AC1 - LAC.
treated in same way as remustering.
Subject to service at end of Emerg or for inefficiency (KR504).
[underlined] Unit Procedure for Reclassification. [/underlined]
Examinations can be carried out by LTTB monthly on a Stn under local arrangements.
Adjt collects recommendations for the lot.
One Copy of F167 only.
On completion of T.T. F167 is completed & returned to unit. If airman qualified must be [underlined] authorised by O.C. of unit. Effective date [/underlined] of R.C. is 1st day of the month following the board
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[underlined] Medical Trades F.182 [/underlined]
sent off in trip to Group & board is sent down from Group.
2 yrs min service AC2 to AC1 unless CO considers AC2 efficient [symbol] can consider him in under 2 yrs.
LAC. On first of each 1/4. AMO 650/45.
[underlined] Promotion of G Personnel [/underlined]
[deleted words] Essential Promotion Rosta at Records.
[underlined] Loss of Acting Rank [/underlined]
If placed under Arrest loss of Acting Rank
If man is unsuitable for the post.
If man goes into hospital due to none - service - loses acting rank.
If in dock - due to service accident etc loss of Acting rank after 4 months
Any Reduction or Reversion must be submitted to Group.
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[underlined] Identification of Equipment. [/underlined]
[underlined] Standard Items [/underlined] [underlined] AP1086 [/underlined] Sect 10A/2763 Ref No
[underlined] 'A' Stores [/underlined] Eq. not rendered valueless by F.W&T ie Heavy equipment (can be repaired when u/s).
[underlined] 'B' Stores. [/underlined] Items that are rendered valueless by FW&T (re brushes) etc. Held on inventory charge.
[underlined] 'C' Stores [/underlined] Items consumed in use (ie grease oil paint) not held on inventory charge (supply should be only be for 1 week) cannot be demanded on same voucher as "A & B" Stores
F.673 - Internal Exchange Voucher
F.674 - Internal Demand & Issue Voucher.
F.675 - Internal Return & Receipt Voucher
(667B Action Clothing Card).
[underlined] Equip Sect [/underlined] Orig. Dup. Trip.
[diagram of equipment voucher and issue system]
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[underlined] Inventory Checks. [/underlined] Deficiencies or [underlined] Surpluses. [/underlined] are all declared
[underlined] Loss of Equipment. [/underlined]
1. F.22. List of Furniture & Barrack Equipment.
2 (a) F668 Loan Card
(b) F108 Temporary Loan Card (24 hrs). Up To.
[underlined] Loss & Damage [/underlined]
1/ Investigation
1/ Charge against Individual
2/ Collective Charge
3/ Write Off. (Public funds)
4/ Referred to Higher Authority
Man responsible for L or D but not a serious charge is called [underlined] Voluntary Recovery. [/underlined]
Sub/c. S/L Rank [deleted word] if charge is below £1 can sign [underlined] 664B [/underlined] for an [underlined] airman. [/underlined]
[underlined] Individual Recovery [/underlined]
1./ All ranks by CM to pay for L or D.
2/ Airmen by C.O. subject to requests for Trial by CM (In case of a W/O by A.O.C.)
3./ All Officers by Air Council without right of Trial by CM
4/ Officers below S/L C by AOC subject to right of T by CM
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[underlined] Collective Charges. [/underlined]
Can be made only on barracks equipment works & bricks etc.
[underlined] Barrack Damages. [/underlined] recovered by Acct Off. Pay Ledger Action. Must be certified in writing to Acct Off by C officer. When the individual charge exceeds 1/= per qrtr referred to AOC
[underlined] Charge Against the Public. [/underlined]
Where the CO decides that no partic individual is responsible. £10 max.
Referred to H.A. when amount exceeds CO's write off
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[underlined] Publications & Orders. [/underlined]
[underlined] Manual of Air Force Law. [/underlined]
AF constitution Act
Army & AF. annual Act
Rules of Procedure
[underlined] KR'S [/underlined] amplification of the AF act
[underlined] A.P.837 - War Time Publication [/underlined]
[underlined] Standing & Routine Orders [/underlined]
AMO's "A" Series - standing orders
[underlined] Operational Standing Orders. [/underlined] issued by Commands to avoid repetition
[underlined] Admin Standing Orders. [/underlined] by Command
[underlined] Station Standing Orders [/underlined] issued by CO of Stn but AOC responsible for issue. To be kept as brief as poss & reviewed annually.
[underlined] Routine Orders [/underlined]
Disciplinary & general adminestry [sic] purposes
"N" Series AMO. 12 months in force from date of issue & then automatically cancelled.
[underlined] Stn Routine Orders [/underlined]
Completed by Asst Adjt, signed by the Adjt or for him
NB. [underlined] Movement orders & ration strengths [/underlined] do not go into SRO's in Wartime.
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[underlined] A.M. Letters [/underlined] - how to carry out an order.
[underlined] P.O.RS [/underlined] Mechanism of all document recording.
[underlined] Sect 44 AP.837. [/underlined]
Travelling claims paid by Unit Acct Officer F1771
[underlined] Rate 1/ [/underlined] Nightly Rate 3 oclock in the morning on journey.
£1 + ration allowance.
[underlined] Rate 2. [/underlined] Special nightly rate for more than 2 but less than 14 nights 8/= per night +3/= billet allwnc [sic]
[underlined] Rate 4 [/underlined]
Duty journey of 5 to 10 hours 4/=
Over 10 hours 8/=
F1510 Pay Forms
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[deleted words]
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Camp situated on a slope (slight) - good drainage
Places to avoid - Hollows tops of Hills. Steep Slopes.
Keep away from malaria breeding grounds & swamps - none running streams - native villages.
Transport yard - nearest road - downwind. - good access to kitchens and ablutions for water bowser.
Latrines & cookhouses to be as far apart as possible.
Tents not too close to-gether. - plenty of room to move or to clean ground
Make sure ground is good for digging - no clay, rock etc
Minimum of 45 sq ft floor space for each man.
(60 sq ft is best.)
Tents 180 pounders. not more than 8 in one.
Routine - Roll up flaps for men to get through. let bedding air in sun. - if floor boards take up and clean up. Make sure good drainage round tent.
Good lighting.
Rules. - No washing in tents. dig ablutions. fix up bench with petrol tins or bowls etc. Put cover over top Hot Water is essential - 40 gall drum.
[underlined] Rid of water. [/underlined] Dig hole and fill to within about 1 ft of top with large stones tins etc - oil on top of water to keep out flies etc.
Good laundry facilities
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5 Latrines per 100 men. 3 per 2nd 100 men.
Latrine for Officers & NCOs
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[underlined] Organisation of the RAF [/underlined]
AP 837 Sect 2. (Manual of Administration).
Air Council - Policy A.M. direct & administration at
Command - Planners
Group - Executive
[underlined] 12 Members in Air Council [/underlined] - President. [symbol]
Cinc Secretary of State for Air
Civ(2) Parliamentary Under Sec of State for Air
S. Chief of Air Staff
S. Vice Chief of A. Staff
S. Air Member for Personnel
S. Air Member for Supply & Organisation
S7/ Air Member for Training
Civ/ 8/ Additional - Financial Adviser.
Civ 9/ Additional Scientific & Technical
S. 10/ RAF officer i/c Supply & Development in the M.A.P
Civ 11/ Permenant [sic] Under Sec of State for Air
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[underlined] Organisation of a Command [/underlined]
[organisation flow diagram]
[underlined] Organisation of a Group [/underlined]
[organisation flow diagram]
[underlined] Organisation of a Station [/underlined]
Stn Commander.
Stn Admin Officer
Stn Adjt & Asst Adjt.
(Stn Accts Officer - his Adj is the assistant adj.)
[underlined] DUTIES [/underlined] 1/. Normal Stn accounting duties
2/ i/c Central Registry
3/ Registered Mail
4/ POR's
5/ Periodic Returns
6/ Employment of civilians
7/ Railway Warrants.
8/ Petrol Coupons
9/ Clearance Certificates
10/ Airmens Documents. 11/ Control of H.Q. Staff
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[underlined] Stn Adjutants Duties [/underlined]
Confidential Staff Officer to the C.O.
Personal Services
Officers Docs
Courts Martial
O. Confidential Reports.
[underlined] Abreviations [sic] [/underlined]
SPSO - Senior Personnel Staff Officer - GROUP
AOC - Air Officer Commanding GROUP
AOCinC Air Officer Commanding in Chief. Command
PSI. (Station). President of Service Institute Station
[underlined] LIST OF COMMANDS [/underlined]
Flying Training
Technical Training
RAF N.Ireland
[underlined] Normal Duties on a Station [/underlined]
Stn Duty Officer represents C.O. (not below rank of F/L).
Orderly Officer - " Stn Adjutant
Orderly Sgt - " S.W.O.
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[underlined] Promotion of Officers. [/underlined]
A.P. 837 Sect39.
1/. Peace Substantive
Peace Establishments. - Regulars.
2/ War Establishment - Temporary [symbol] All by [underlined] A.M. [/underlined]
3/ Time - War Substantive Rank.
4/. Acting - Acting Rank
M.O. 1 yr as F/O [deleted word] then F/L S/L after 10 yrs service
If W/O has completed 15 yrs service he gets commissioned straight away to F/O. At least 1 yr as W/O
[underlined] War Substantive [/underlined] To become w/sub S/L must serve at least 3 mths as W/C
All Branches
Up to W/C 3 mths in higher rank
G/C A/C [deleted word] 6 mths in higher rank
A.V.M 12 months in higher rank
[underlined] Acting Rank [/underlined]
If none available
[underlined] Relinquishment of Acting Rk [/underlined]
1/ [deleted word] Cessation of Vacancy. 2./ Officer unsuitable
3./ Ceases duty due to O. or C Arrest. 4/ Posting - If not posted to a similar duty 5./ Absence leave or Duty [underlined] 28 days [/underlined]
6/ Absence on courses 28 days 7/ Absence due to wounds caused by RAF work (4 mths) 8/ If not due to RAF work 21 days.
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[underlined] Promulgations [/underlined]
[underlined] London Gazette [/underlined]
Shows Substantive Ranks.
War Substantive
Acting AVM & above.
[underlined] Unit PORs Local Authority [/underlined]
[underlined] P.O.Ws & internees [/underlined] retain Acting Rank & are eligible for time & War Sub rank.
[underlined] AMO A695 1946. [/underlined]
[underlined] CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS. [/underlined]
[underlined] FORM 1369. [/underlined]
[boxed] B./ Reporting Officers Opinion
I/. General Conduct - SATISFACTORY
II/ Of Temperate Habit - YES
IIc/ Assessment
I Zeal & Energy
II Personality
II Reliability
IV Initiative
V Ability in Present Duties
VI General Standard of Professional Ability [/boxed]
If [underlined] unfavourable Report [/underlined] Officer concerned must be initialled.
KR [underlined] [deleted word] [/underlined] [underlined] 1097B [/underlined] Officer has full power to put written statement on report if he thinks it is incorrect. [underlined] Redress of G. Sect 42 [/underlined]
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Any man higher than the instigator can scrub the adverse report.
[underlined] K.R.1097B. Unfavourable Reports. [/underlined]
[underlined] Unsuitability of Appointment KR332. [/underlined]
[underlined] Rendering Reports. [/underlined]
1./ Rendered on 1st August if 1 yrs in Unit or same group.
2./ On posting out of a group.
3./ When specially called for by AM.
[underlined] Report on Courses. [/underlined]
Able to look at course results on return to unit but not confidential reports
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[underlined] Messing [/underlined]
Central Control at AM.
Command Catering Officers
Stn CO is responsible for Messing (Stn Admin Off.)/ [symbol]
Messing Officer & SNCO
Rtns in Kind - Bulk - RASC
Commodities - NAAFI
Waaf Rtns slightly lower than airmans
"N"AMO. every 4 mths - ration value - entitlement to nationally rationed foodstuffs
Stn Admin O. - supervisor of messing for the CO P.S.M.C.
Stn Adjt - Rtn strength return for each mess.
Acct Off - Passes the Stn Messing A/Cs
MO - responsible for condemning food
Orderly Officers - condition & weight of all rtns arriving at Stn check cutting of meat & loading supervise issue of all rtns RASC & NAAFI. Supervision of airmens meals - service - seating airmans dress.
Stn Catering Officers. - responsible to the S. Admin O on behalf of the CO for the whole system of messing in Airmens messes.
[underlined] Stn Messing Committee [/underlined] - President S admin O
Member Stn Catering Officer
1 representative from each Mess Sgts Officers Airmen Waaf
Messing W/O
Senior Cook
[page break]
Meets weekly. 1/ Dining Sheet Airmans F12
2/ Discuss Messing - complaints - suggestions
[deleted word]
[underlined] Pay [/underlined]
Advances of Pay
1/ Recalled on newly commissioned with no bank a/c opened
2/ On posting overseas
3/ On going into Hospital
4/ On repatriation
5/ On board Ship
Any advance is recovered from the next issue of pay [underlined] Officers [/underlined] advance recovered must take 3 mths period [underlined] WAAF Officers [/underlined]
[underlined] Income Tax [/underlined] - monthly provisional deduction made by RAF agents
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[blank page]
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2./ [underlined] C of I through Illegal Absence. [/underlined]
Convening Authority is C.O. (on 22nd day of the absence)
1/. Absence
2. Loss of Kit & assess value [symbol] Findings on
Taken on Oath (always).
3/ [underlined] C of I into MT Accidents [/underlined]
C of I Must be held into MT accidents
when 1/ There are suspected deviation from the Authorised route.
2/ When a mechanical fault is suspected
3/ When death or injury to RAF personnel or AM employees results
4/ When civvy property is damaged
5/ If there is doubt as to the cause.
6/ If requested by AD claims.
7/ When ordered by a superior authority
[underlined] Personal Inquiries to third Parties [/underlined] or damage to property where (KR1329) MT is not involved.
[underlined] AP.837. Paras 1387-1390. [/underlined]
[underlined] M.T Accidents AP.837 Para 1381. [/underlined]
[underlined] Fires AP.837. 1391 [/underlined]
Sect 57
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[underlined] Stage 3 [/underlined]
1/ The Assembling authority sends for the person concerned & provides him with copy of the evidence.
2/ Informs him that he can make a statement as to why he should not be blamed.
[underlined] Findings [/underlined]
1./ On [deleted word] every point as laid down in the T of Refs
2./ Evidence must be produced to support the findings
3./ Any members of the court can [deleted word] record a minority finding. [deleted word]
4./ Findings are signed & dated by the President & all members.
5./ The court cannot admit liability.
[underlined] Special Features [/underlined]
1/ [underlined] Flying Accidents [/underlined]
In flying accidents cases when [underlined] you must [/underlined] have a [underlined] CofI [/underlined]
1/ When death resulted
2 When there was negligence or default.
3/ When circumstances cannot be said to be free from doubt
If a technical fault A.I Branch must be sent for.
[page break]
[underlined] Recording of the Evidence. [/underlined]
General [deleted words] enquiries & investigations is recorded on Form 2.
Flying Accidents reported on F.412
Done in narrative forms [boxed] 1359 [/boxed] AP. 837 Sect [underlined] 51 [/underlined]
[underlined] The Action taken when the character or the professional reputation of the individual is involved. KR 1318 [/underlined]
[deleted word] [underlined] Stage I. [/underlined]
1/ Adjourn the court.
2/ Call the individual concerned & encourage him to be present throughout the remainder of the proceedings
3/ He may cross examine witnesses
4 He may call witnesses in his defence
5/ He may make a statement.
6/ It must be recorded in the proceedings that he was present or not
[underlined] Stage 2 [/underlined] [underlined] by P. of Court [/underlined]
[deleted word] Person blamed in a preliminary opinion
1/. Send for the person concerned
2/ Point out the evidence on which the prelim opinion is based
3/ Inform him again that he can make a statement
Endorse the proceedings as KR1318 Para 4 complied with
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[underlined] TERMS OF REFERENCE. [/underlined]
The assembling authority will furnish the Court with T of R stating in detail the character of the investigation required & prescribing the nature of any report to be made in the findings. The Tof R must be concise & explicit
[underlined] Assembly of a Court. [/underlined]
Dates time & place notified in SRO's.
[underlined] Attendance of Witness [/underlined]
1/ Civilian Witness cannot be forced to attend [symbol]
Service Witnesses same as for SofE
2/ Write requesting presence & offer expenses.
3/ Ask for a written statement [underlined] if not [/underlined] going to attend
4/ If won't give one send member of court to
5/ obtain statement. If necessary write to his employers.
[underlined] Admissability [sic] of Evidence [/underlined]
Only thing that is revelant [sic] is admissable [sic]
[underlined] The object of the Evidence. [/underlined]
1./ Find out what happened & if possible
[deleted word] to prevent a similar occurance [sic]
2/ To bring out facts which indicate lack of discipline or negligence.
3./ Safeguarding of Public Property.
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Courts of Inquiry.
President should be rank of F/L or above.
If investigating a flying accident President must be in GD branch or ex GD rank of W/C.
Members should have no direct interest in subject matter of the investigation
Where the investigation calls for expert knowledge ie Mess funds - Acct Officer should be present
[underlined] W/Os Can be on C of I except [indecipherable word] [/underlined]
1/ The character of an Officer is likely to be involved
2/ If dealing with an ex POW
As a single investigating officer a [underlined] W/O can [/underlined] carry out investigation dealing solely with personal injuries or accidental death is involved.
1. If airman below rank of W/O unless, ([indecipherable words])
[underlined] MT [/underlined] [deleted words] is involved
[underlined] Evidence on Oath. [/underlined]
The evidence is taken on oath at a C of I only (a) When the assembling authority directs
(b)When an ex or returned POW is concerned
(c) Inquiry into illegal absence under A.F Act 21 days.
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[deleted words] Sect 46 A.F.A. KR's
[underlined] COURTS OF INQUIRY [/underlined] [underlined] KR 1310 [/underlined]
[underlined] Is a board of officers [/underlined] or 1 or more officers together with 1 or more W/Os directed to collect & record evidence and if as when required to report or make a declaration with regard to any matter which may be referred to it
[underlined] A Formal Investigation [/underlined] is an investigation by 1 Officer or 1 W/O
[underlined] A Summary Investigation [/underlined] [deleted word] is a report by the Officer who is responsible for investigating the case. proceedings are informal & there is no specified form
[deleted word] [underlined] Diff in CofI & F.I. [/underlined] diff is that the evidence [underlined] cannot [/underlined] be taken on oath - in a [underlined] formal investigation. [/underlined] In a [underlined] C of I it can [/underlined]
[underlined] OBJECTS. [/underlined] of a C of I is to investigate any matter on which the assembling authority considers it necessary to be [deleted word] thoroughly informal. Unlike a S of E it is not judicial.
KR 1316 Sect4
Assembling Authority is the AC or any officer commanding any body of the RAF.
Composition of [deleted word] a Court KR1311
A [underlined] mix [/underlined] of [underlined] 2 [/underlined] which [underlined] one [/underlined] must be a [underlined] commissioned officer [/underlined]/
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[underlined] O. ROOM PROCEDURE [/underlined]
2/ [underlined] Applications [/underlined] for advances of pay Special leave -Special Posting Ben Fund loans etc it is desirable to have the airmans docs ready
3/ [underlined] Charges [/underlined]
(a) Accused & all witnesses marched in
(b) Accused Charged (Arrayed [sic])
(c) Witnesses marched out
(d) Witness for the prosecution give evidence in turn & may be asked questions by the accused
[deleted word]
(e) The accused may give evidence
(f) Witnesses for defence may be called
(g) Officer hearing charge makes up his mind as to the accused's guilt & if not guilty, case is dismissed.
(h) If the accused is guilty the officer hearing the charge looks at the accused docs ([underlined] and not before then [/underlined])
(i) If the disposal of the offences is within [deleted word] his powers, the officer hearing the charge may award punishment. If he proposes to award a summary punishment or automatic forf of pay for A.W.L is involved the accused must be given right to elect trial by CM [underlined] before [/underlined] the award is made.
(j) Accused is marched out & the award is not complete until then
(k) The NCO i/c party reads the award to the accused
[underlined] KR's 1129 [/underlined] Powers of Charges as a Sub. Comdr
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[underlined] Complete Rules of a Procedure [deleted word] - Chapt 6 MAFL. [/underlined]
[underlined] Disposal of Proceedings [/underlined]
1/ C.O. may Dismiss the charge (Or alter it).
2/ C.O. may Dispose of it summarily.
3/ C.O. may Refer the case to a higher authority
4/ C.O. may Remand the accused for trial by C.M.
[underlined] [deleted words] Disposal or Investigation of Charges. [/underlined]
[underlined] [indecipherable word] Charges on RAF personnel [/underlined] - KR. 113
[flow chart of hearing procedure and Forms]
[underlined] Orderly Room Procedure. [/underlined]
O.R. time is laid down in S.R.O. The Sub-Comm is to have his O.R. at such a time [deleted words] in order to investigate the charge before going to the CO. The Sub Comm will attend at the C.O.'s OR with the airmans docs. Complaints applications & charges are dealt with at the OR & must be investigated in the first instance by the Sub Comm
1/ [underlined] Complaints [/underlined]
All [underlined] complaints [/underlined] must be submitted with Sect 42 & 43 A.F.A & no person must obtain any other method of obtaining Redress of G
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[underlined] EVIDENCE [/underlined]
[underlined] When the Evidence is taken on Oath. [/underlined]
When the [underlined] CO [/underlined] directs, or the [underlined] accused demands [/underlined]
[underlined] Rights of the Accused [/underlined]
1/ He must be present throughout the proceedings.
2/ He may demand the E on oath
3/ He may cross-examine any witness at the end of their evidence.
[deleted number]
[deleted number]4/ He has an opportunity after proper caution to make a statement. He need not make a statement at all if he so wishes.
He need not give E on oath even if he has demanded or the CO has directed that evidence to be taken.
He must not be cross-examined on his statement evidence. [deleted word] oath [/deleted word]
He may call any reasonable witness in his defence. [deleted word]
NB [/deleted word]
[underlined] NB [/underlined] He cannot be represented by a civillian [sic] counsel or defended by an officer at a S of E
[underlined] Recordings of the Evidence [/underlined]
[underlined] Separate Sheet for each witness [/underlined]
[underlined] If person is producing the plan for a S.E(C.M.) [/underlined]
1/ That it is drawn to scale.
2/ That he made the plan.
3/ That it correctly determines what it purports to show
[page break]
[underlined] By whom Taken [/underlined]
Taken by an officer detailed by CO. & is solely responsible for the S. of E. (Chapt 4. Paras 25 to 28 ) (& Chapt 6 Paragraph 15 onwards. Rules of Proc. 4 & 5) (AP837 Para 782.)
[underlined] Service Witnesses [/underlined]
Inform CO of unit giving date, time, of S of E & place
[underlined] Civvy Witnesses [/underlined]
[underlined] Notes [/underlined] Rule of Proc. 80
1./ Get a Form 638A
2/ Presented by a SNCO or officer
3/OR. Served personally to the imediate [sic] next of kin
4/ Offer expenses
5/ If unable to find the person get aid of local police.
[underlined] Note: Rule of Proc. 4g Dispensing with a Witness. [/underlined]
2/ The officer taking the summary decides that the witness cannot readily be obtained a written signed statement may be obtained. The statement is presented at the Summary and read to the accused. If the accused wishes to question that witness he must report.
The officer taking the Summary includes in his Summary a certificate that [deleted word] of [/deleted word] the Rule of Proc 4g has
been completed with.
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[underlined] Summary of EVIDENCE. [/underlined]
[underlined] A SofE [/underlined] is a record of the evidence against the accused & if he so desires in his favour
[underlined] Purposes of SofE. [/underlined]
1/ To enable the CO or the J.A. Generals Dept. if advising, to decide whether the case should be tried by C.M., & if so on what charges
2/ To enable the accused to know what charges are against him & by whom & to prepare his defence
3/ It constitutes the prosecutors brief at the C.M.
4/ It enables the President to check inconsistency of the evidence
5/ To assist the court in deciding whether or not to accept or not a plea of guilty, and in deciding the sentence.
[underlined] NOTE:- [/underlined]
Rule of Procedure 4 [deleted word] for [/deleted word] (Page 420).
(Taken as soon after the CO investigates) (on same day if poss.)
[underlined] Reasons: [/underlined]
1./ If the C.O. is applying for a trial by CM.
2./ If the accused is charged with a C.M. offence.
3/ In cases where CO could deal with case but feels his powers of punishment as insufficient.
4/. If the accused elects to be tried by C.M.
5/ When CO considers the evidence is involved.
6/ If the accused is an Officer or W/O.
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[underlined] Powers of a C.O. over Officers & W/O's [/underlined]
[underlined] NO. [/underlined] [underlined] Punishment [/underlined] - but can give him a [indecipherable word] under KR1154. (Acting W/O is classed as a F/Sgt)
[underlined] Powers of AOC over Officers & W/O's. [/underlined]
[underlined] 2. Summary Powers. [/underlined]
1. Forfeiture of seniority up to and under 12 mths
2. Forfeiture of Pay to make good loss or damage
[underlined] 2 Minor Powers [/underlined]
1. Severe Reprimand
2. Reprimand
[underlined] List of Max Punishments which can be awarded to RAF Person [/underlined]
(a) Punishment Summary (b) C.O. NCO (c) C.O. A/C (d) Subordinate Commander S.C. a rank of F/Lt NCO (e) Subordinate Commander S.C. a rank of F/Lt A/C (f) Subordinate Commander F/Lt & Below CPL (g) Subordinate Commander F/Lt & Below A/C
(a) Detention & F.P. (c) 28 days
(a) Penal Forfeiture of by (c) 28 days.
(a) Fines for Drunkeness [sic] (c) YES (e) YES (g) YES
(a) Deduction of Pay (b) YES (c) YES
[underlined] On " Summary" P option of trial bef Court Martial must be given [/underlined]
[underlined]MINOR [/underlined]
(a) Severe Rep (b) YES (d) YES
(a) Reprimand (b) YES (d) YES (f) YES
(a) Admonition (b) YES (c) YES (d) YES (e) YES (f) YES (g) YES
(a) C.C. (c) 14 days (e) days (g) & days
(a) Extra Gds & Piquet (c) 3 days (e) 3 days (g) 3 days
Scale of Fines for drunkeness [sic] in K.R. 1152 If £2.10.0 in arrears cannot give him anymore [indecipherable word]
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[underlined] Principles of Punishment. [/underlined]
[underlined] Summary Punishments [/underlined]
In the case of an [underlined] officer or W/O [/underlined] forfeiture of seniority & deduction of pay to make good loss or damage.
[underlined] NCO's inclu Acting W/O's [/underlined] [deleted words] A deduction of pay to make good loss or damage.
[underlined] Aircraftman [/underlined] - Detention - Field punishment - penal forfeiture of pay. Fines for drunkeness [sic] - Fines for loss or damage
[underlined] Minor Punishments [/underlined]
[underlined] Officers & W/O's [/underlined] Severe Rep & Rep
[underlined] NCO's incl Acting W/Os [/underlined] Severe Rep & Rep & Admonition
[underlined] Aircraftman [/underlined] - C.C. extra guards & pickets - & admonition
[underlined] Additional Awards. [/underlined]
1/ Reduction to Temp N.C.O's only. Sect. 183 Sub sect2 A.F.A. KR. 5O4.
2/ Reversion to Acting NCO's including Acting Rank no summary punishment may be awarded in addition - K.R.1142 & Sect 46 A.F.A.
3./ Automatic forfeiture of pay for absence without leave
4./ Forfeiture of good conduct badges - automatically forfeited on a sentence of detention or field punishment & they may be forfeited if there is a service entry provided it is on authority of officer not below rank of W/C
5/ Curtailment of Privileges.
[page break]
Form 281 Offence report used by subordinate commander
Form 252 Charge Form
Form 160 Guardsman report of number of airman under close arrest
[underlined] 3 Rights of Airmen under close arrest [/underlined]
1./ When placed in close arrest charge form should go to guard room forthwith 2/ If not received within 24 hours must inform Adjt or S.C.
3/ If not received within 48 hrs airman must be released.
2 [symbol] If investigation of the charge is not [deleted word] commenced within 48 hours of the case being reported to the CO then a letter is to be sent to Group informing them of the delay
3/. If the Officer or airman under close arrest or open arrest or released without prejudice is not brought to trial within 8 days a form 1. is sent to group [deleted word] this continues to be rendered for every 8 days until case is disposed of
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[underlined] Special action to be taken if airman is drunk. [/underlined]
1/ Must be placed in Guard or detention room alone if possible
2/ Give him 1 or more blankets (no biscuits)
3/ Remove boots (unless very cold)
4/ Relieve him of all potential weapons
5/ Is visited every 2 hours by NCO i/c guardroom to ascertain his condition
6/ Prepare his 252
7/ At least 24 hrs must pass before going before CO
[underlined] Charges of Desertion and A.W.L. [/underlined] [boxed] page 230 Sect 12 Sect 15 [/boxed]
In order to determine which charge is appropriate the officer taking the S of E should pay particular attention to the following.
1/ During his or her absence did accused have civilian employment
2/ Whether accused passed under an assumed name
3/ Did accused have identity card (civvy) (if so how?)
4/ When arrested was statement made. (if so take copy)
5./ Any docs found on accused when arrested
6/ Was accused wearing civvy clothes (if so were [sic] uniform)?
7/ Did he change his perm address & set up another one
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[underlined] W/O [/underlined] [underlined] Open Arrest. [/underlined]
[underlined] Same as an Officer [/underlined]
[underlined] NCO's [/underlined] [underlined] Open Arrest. [/underlined]
Allowed to use Mess [deleted word] (not bar) [underlined] Cpls NAAFI [/underlined]
[underlined] Airman [/underlined] - [underlined] CLOSE ARREST [/underlined]
Times when Airman [underlined] must [/underlined] be placed under close arrest
1/ Drunkeness [sic]
2/ Violence
3/ Insubordination
4/. Maintenance of discipline
5/ For protective custody
Always get some airman (NCO) to [deleted word] (escort him
Placed in guard room & charged
[underlined] His CO. has 3 courses open to him [/underlined]
1/ Keep him in close arrest
2/ Place him in open arrest
3/ Release him without re-arrest
[underlined] Drunkeness [sic] [/underlined]
Drunk in the view of ordinary reasonable man
Must have witness
Can call in MO under 2. circumstances.
1/ If the accused asks for him on the grounds of illness.
2/ If drunkeness [sic] is only part of case of airmans state
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[underlined] Close Arrest Officer. [/underlined]
4/ Prepare charge sheet in triplicate.
1 copy to accused 1 to escort and 1 for self.
5/ Make up list of duties & hand to escort.
6/ Call in accused - hand him copy of charge sheet & [underlined] in writing [/underlined] inform him of the type of arrest
7/ Accused is confined to his room
8/ Inform accused's senior officer
9/ Arrange with MO for exercise
10 Arrange with Mess Sec for meals for escort & accused (Any alteration in charge or arrest notify authorities already informed)
[underlined] Open Arrest [/underlined]
Inform AM P1 & AOC Group
Prepare charge sheet Duplicate (Accused & self)
Call in accused - hand charge sheet to him & type of arrest in [underlined] writing [/underlined]
Not allowed to use Mess or any place of entertainment - not allowed to wear civvies
[underlined] W/O Close Arrest [/underlined]
Confined to room with escort.
Charge to be made on 252 - particulars entered on Guard Room form 160
Draw up orders for the escort
(Then as for Officer)
[underlined] Same for NCO's [/underlined] [underlined] As for W/O. [/underlined]
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[underlined] AIR FORCE LAW. [/underlined]
Civil Courts have full powers always supreme.
[underlined] AF. Annual Act [/underlined] passed every year - contains [indecipherable word] crimes which are not crimes in Civil Law
AF Constitution Acts 1917 KR's - AC. instr.
(Page 211.) (Sect 4 to 40). RAF offences (40) (important)
(Sect 41 Civil Offences) (Sect 42 Redress of G Officers)
(Sect 43 Redress of Grievances - Airmen)
[underlined] Arrest & Custody. [/underlined]
Open & Close Arrest
[underlined] Close Arrest. [/underlined]
[underlined] Powers [/underlined] - [underlined] Officers [/underlined] may arrest anybody of inferior rank - They may arrest senior officers if they are in 1/ FRAY. 2/. QUARREL. 3/ DISORDER.
[underlined] W/O's & NCO's [/underlined] may arrest persons of inferior rank.
1/ When arresting an officer under close arrest inform AM P1 & inform Group AOC by POSTOGRAM.
A/ Name & initials of officer
B/ Personal No & branch of service
C/ Date of arrest
D/ Brief particulars of charges & Section etc
[deleted word] [underlined] Immediate action [/underlined]
2/ Detail an escort same rank (senior if possible)
3/ Prepare roster of escorts
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[blank page]
NAVAL No.S400.
R.A.F. Form 619.
Notebook for use in Schools.
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[underlined] Officers Mess. [/underlined]
KR Chapt 20 Sect 1.
AP837 Sect 14A
[underlined] Membership. [/underlined]
[underlined] Full member [/underlined] - living in or dining member.
- living out
[underlined] Affiliated Member. [/underlined] - civilians of Officer status.
[underlined] Honorary membership. [/underlined] - 1. Local. 2. Civvys. elected by General Mess Meeting & approved by Station Commander
[underlined] Mess Management. [/underlined]
1. P.M.C. - appointed by Station Commander
2. Members by General Mess Meeting. 1/2 yearly appointment.
Mess Secretary.
Officer in charge of Service Room - (Bar Officer)
Officer in charge of Messing
[underlined] Expenditure. [/underlined]
Mess Committee are allowed to spend not more than £20 per 4 months
[underlined] Mess Rules [/underlined]
On arrival read
Drawn up by Station Commander
[page break]
(a) Word of Command (b) Slow Time (c) Quick Time (d) Double time
(a) Halt (b) Left foot passing right (c) Right foot passing left (d) Right foot passing left
(a) To the front - Salute (c) Right foot passing left
(a) Change Step (on the march (b) Left foot passing right (c) Right foot passing left
(a) Right turn (b) Left foot passing right (c) Right foot passing left
(a) Right incline (b) Left foot passing right (c) Right foot passing left
(a) Right Form (b) Left foot passing right (c) Right foot passing left
(a) About Turn (b) Right foot passing left (c) Left foot passing right
(a) Left Turn (b) Right foot passing left (c) Left foot passing right
(a) Left Incline (b) Right foot passing left (c) Left foot passing right
(a) Mark Time (b) Right foot passing left (c) Left foot passing right (d) Left foot passing right
(a) Step Out (b) (b) Right foot passing left (c) Left foot passing right
(a) Quick March (when stepping "out" or "short") (b) Right foot passing left (c) Left foot passing right
(a) Slow March (when stepping "out" or "short") (b) Right foot passing left (c) Left foot passing right
(a) Step Short (b) Right foot passing left (c) Left foot passing right
(a) Eyes Right (Left of Front) (c) Left foot passing right
(a) To the Right (or Left) - Salute (c) Left foot passing right
(a) Break into Quick time- Quick March (b) Right foot passing left (d) Left foot passing right
(a) Break into Slow Time - Slow March (c) Left foot passing right
(a) Break into Double Time - Double March (c) Left foot passing right
(a) Halt (when Marking Time) (b) Right foot being raised (c) Left foot being raised (d) Left foot being raised
(a) Forward (when marking time) (b) Right foot being raised (c) Left foot being raised
(a) Change step (when marking time) (b) Left foot being raised (c) Right foot being raised
To move off a Unit in step with a preceding Unit, the Command MARCH should be given as the right foot of the preceding Unit is passing left.
[page break]
Mess Rules (cont)
[underlined] Gambling [/underlined] - Bridge only. recorded in bridge book & debited or credited to personal a/c.
Suggestions Book.
Warning In & Warning Out Book
Visitors Book
Bridge Book
[underlined] FEES [/underlined]
Mess Subscriptions - not above 1/2 days pay
Messing - not above 2/- per day.
Restrictions on Mess Bills for drinks
No restriction over 40 yrs of age
F/L or any under 40 yrs of age £5 per month
If member of Royal Family or Senior Officer of Air Rank walks in Mess ' stand up'/
[underlined] RAF Ensigns [/underlined] when being hoisted or hauled down always salute
[underlined] Parades [/underlined] salute when being ordered to fall in or fall out.
[deleted words] [underlined] Last Post [/underlined] - [underlined] salute [/underlined] but [underlined] not [/underlined] on [underlined] Reveille [/underlined]
[underlined] All airmen salute [/underlined] all officers in civvy clothes.
[underlined] [undecipherable word] Prayers. [/underlined] Headress not to be removed if on a parade.
[page break]
[underlined] Guest Night - Officers Mess. [/underlined]
A Parade. 1/2 an hour prior to start & pay compliments to most senior office present
[underlined] Mess Meeting [/underlined]
At least every 4 months - 7 days notice.
A Parade
[underlined] Extra-Ordinary mess meeting [/underlined]
may be called for by C.O.
1/5 or 20% of members.
[underlined] Saluting. [/underlined]
[underlined] Below S/L [/underlined] only salute each other - firstly Junior salutes senior when addressed or addressing on duty whether on & off parades and entering offices.
[symbol] [underlined] National Anthem [/underlined] On a ceremonial parade as a royal salute - all officers salute except royal personages in attendance
On ceremonial parade but not a royal salute - officers stand to attention on parade but do not salute.
If i/c party or body of men bring to attention & salute
If on the move halt. If inside building stand to attention & remove headress.
[underlined] Standards & Colours. [/underlined] Passing or being passed, [deleted word] officer salutes.
[underlined] Funerals. [/underlined] Salute - eyes right or left.
[symbol] [underlined] 2 or more Officers. [/underlined] all return salute to airmen.
[page break]
[underlined] INFORMAL [/underlined] Paragraph 94
Unit to Unit - Unit to Group Etc
1 incl
TO :-
REF :-
Wing Commander, Commanding
RAF Station Denthorpe
[underlined] Policy [/underlined] letter leaving Group signed [underlined] for [/underlined] or [underlined] by [/underlined] the A.O.C.
[underlined] Non - Policy [/underlined] from Group signed by or for the officer i/c section concerned.
[underlined] Seperate [sic] [/underlined] communications for [underlined] [deleted] different [/deleted] seperate [sic] [/underlined] subjects
If writing about Officer & NCO [underlined] seperate [sic] [/underlined] letters.
[underlined] 1" inch margin always [/underlined] - always [underlined] date [/underlined] letter & put in appropriate [underlined] file reference. [/underlined]
[underlined] All pages & paragraphs [/underlined] numbered
[underlined] Subject Heading [/underlined] invariably in block capitals.
Any names of persons, towns, stations etc to be written in block letters (if in handwritten letter)
[underlined] Abreviations [sic] [/underlined] - only authorised abreviations [sic] to be used
[page break]
When referring to an airman.
550193, LAC BROWN K. W/OP "B"
When referring to an officer
F.L. K. BROWN 203137.
RAF. 24 hour clock system.
[underlined] Letters to civilians [/underlined] - normal civilian practice
[underlined] Signatures [/underlined] to legibly written
[underlined] Demi- Official letter [/underlined]
not normally used - limited in use. Could write to Director of Welfare A.M. D.O. letter.
No special file kept for them - put in file of whatever subject is written about
[underlined] Other methods of Communication [/underlined]
[underlined] Postgrams [/underlined] (1924(A). Blue Green cover - priority. written on proper official form & placed in blue green envelope. (will be dealt with first.)
[underlined] Minutes [/underlined] - blue sheet of paper clipped on to left hand side of file - notes of conversations etc.
[underlined] Telephone - calls. [/underlined] long distance calls to be restricted
If important telephone [deleted word] conversation important [underlined] confirm [/underlined] it in writing.
[page break]
[underlined] Central Registry. [/underlined] Paragraph [underlined] 26 [/underlined]
Object of a central registry is to centralise the receipt, identification, classification, circulation, despatch, and custody when not in current use, of correspondence with the maximum (Officer must be in charge) economy in time, labour & personnel
[underlined] Files [/underlined]
Object of file is to present the complete history of one particular aspect of a subject under one cover
Open - Buff
Confidential - Green (200 enclosures) max.
Secret - Pink
[underlined] Officer i/c of section [/underlined] must always [underlined] open [/underlined] a new file
General Number & Branch Number Methods [underlined] (Para 36 onwards) [/underlined]
HER - Unit of origin
202 - Master Ref No.
17 - Sub file serial No
ARM - Branch (subject ident)
c - confidential - (these classifications always before the Master ref No)
(IN Red)
[boxed] (a) Ref to (b) Minute Coll (c) Date (d) Intls of Sender
(a) STO (b) E31 (c) 23/2 (d) ME
(a) CO (b) E31 M7 (c) 23/2 (d) KB
(a) BF CO (b) M7 (c) 2/3 (d) CRL
(a) OC "A" (b) E32 (c) 3/3 (d) BL
(a) OC "B" (b) E32 (c) 3/3 (d) PB [/boxed]
File is not to be kept out of registry for more than 1 day
File to be brought forward on 2/3 (transit slip)
[underlined] Form 964 [/underlined] is used when file is passed from one section to another before first being sent back to c registry
[page break]
[underlined] Closing a File [/underlined] - write on bottom right hand corner P.A. (Put Away) & initial. Kept for [underlined] 12 months [/underlined] at registry and then destroyed.
[underlined] DOCUMENTS [/underlined]
[underlined] Officers Docs [/underlined]
[underlined] Form 48. [/underlined] - Medical History Envelope - confidential
[underlined] Form 506 [/underlined] - A. Pubs on loan (personal issue) while at unit
[underlined] Form 381 [/underlined] - Leave Record No & date of free warrants. clothing coupons record (duplicate at Group)
[underlined] Form 373 [/underlined] - Officers Record Card Postings courses flying hours & types jabs
[underlined] Form 1788 [/underlined] - Ground Defence Training
[underlined] Form 5000 [/underlined] - Aircrew Training
[deleted word] /2070A E.V.T
[underlined] AIRMANS DOCS [/underlined]
Form 48 Same as above
Form 506 Same as above
Form 1788 Same as above
Form 5000 Same as above
Form 373 One copy is kept at Group.
Form 64 Pay Book PT1. MO PT2. Acct O
Form 121 General Conduct Sheet (1 days cc & over)
Form 295 A.B [deleted] Pass up to 48hrs [/deleted] Up to [underlined] 24 [/underlined] hrs pass
Form 445 A. Folder for Airmans Docs (Docs must never be folded)
Form 1580 Airmans Record Sheet. character & trade proficiencies entered on 31 Dec annually. Postings. (absent or leave 21 days) On release exceeding a month. On Discharge. On Death
[page break]
[underlined] Welfare [/underlined]
Director of Personal Services
Director of Air F. Welfare - D.O. letter
Group [symbol] Stn Admin O. i/c Welfare.
The Airmans Welfare
Guide to Services
Army Bk - Comrades in Arms
Monthly Welfare Bulletin for all Welfare Committees
[underlined] Benevolent Fund RAF [/underlined]
100% personnel 1/2 days pay per year
S.S.A.F.A. - AP837. Para 1468
[underlined] C.O.s Benevolent Fund [/underlined] to relieve immediate distress of personnel. (for airmen)
[underlined] War Service Grants [/underlined] W.S.G.21 Ministry of Pensions
To relieve any financial hardships which may [deleted word] occur [deleted word] on joining the Services.
RAF Legal Aid Scheme - Up to and incl rank of Sgt free advice
[underlined] KR1081 - Redress of Grievances. [/underlined]
[underlined] [indecipherable] - AP837 [/underlined]
[page break]
[underlined] Assistance Organisations [/underlined]
SSAFA - Ben Fund
Serving men & women
A.M.O. A.1/45.
British Legion
[page break]
[underlined] Petrol [/underlined]
[underlined] Duty Journeys [/underlined] - Tempduty Postings - allowed petrol F1651
(car 18 mls to the gallon)
F1652. Mthly return of petrol coupons to A.M.
[underlined] Living Cost. [/underlined] - The CO must sign a certif. saying that no other means of transport available.
1 journey per day. (Monthly limit 780 miles)
[underlined] Leave Travel. [/underlined] C.O. certifies no other means of transport
(Own car or wife's)
F.1650. Log book for issues of petrol.
[underlined] Overseas Petrol Allowances. [/underlined] For operational personel [sic] returning from overseas, (300 mls travelling [underlined] twice [/underlined] for 12 months from date of pass)
(own car, wifes, or parents).
Petrol coupons hold good for one month of issue & following month
Petrol for leave travel up to [underlined] 250 mls for 3 months [/underlined]
[page break]
[underlined] Commpassionate [sic] [/underlined] [underlined] LEAVE [/underlined]
[underlined] Officers [/underlined] Up to 14 days - AOC
Over 14 days A.M.
[underlined] Airman [/underlined]
Up to 14 days - C.O (W/C)
Over 14 days - A.O.C.
[underlined] Embarkation Leave [/underlined] - Up to 14 days on C.O's authority P.W.R[deleted letters]
[underlined] Dis-Embarkation Leave [/underlined] - Up to 2 yrs 0
2 to 3 yrs 14 days
3 to 4 yrs 21 days
4 yrs & over 28 days
[underlined] Sick leave [/underlined] - on recommendation of a M. Board - not counted against PL Stn Commd's authority.
Up to 28 days may be taken to sit for Professional Exams.
[underlined] Confinement Leave. [/underlined] may be granted 10 days leave but counted against P.L
[underlined] S Ireland. [/underlined] - officially only allowed to men whose houses are there or next of Kin. Route is written on warrant in Red ink.
In case of [underlined] loss of R Warrants [/underlined] inform Local Railway Auth Civil/Service Police & Air Ministry (C of Inquiry) results.
[underlined] Sick Leave Warrants. [/underlined] - Any below rank of S/L can get warrants if sickness was not caused by self.
Airman's wife uses allowance book.
Concession voucher for officers wife valid 6 months from date of issue
[page break]
[underlined] Conditions of Service [/underlined]
4. Groups 'A' to 'D' Skilled Trades
[underlined] Remustering [/underlined] Change in trade of an airman or airwoman. All R. requires authority of A/O i/c Records. except on Training Establishments.
[chain of command diagram]
Airmen may be misemployed during an interim period
[underlined] Unit system for remustering. [/underlined]
1/ Airmen rec for trade training
2/ Airmen rec for direct remustering
Stn. Education O. must arrange training up to a certain standard for all airmen
[underlined] Records Office Memorandum [/underlined]
[underlined] AMO's from AP.837. [/underlined]
Specialist Officer of the Trade concerned [symbol]
Medical Officer
Education O
Must see all 4 before being recommended
Trade Training Pro-forma must be signed by all 4 officers. Must show any civil experience or any previous experience.
[page break]
[underlined] Conditions of Service. [/underlined]
[underlined] Airmen directed for direct Remustering. [/underlined]
F.167 Trade Test Card made out by unit Adj (endorsed by Specialist Officer of W/O) in triplicate & sent off to Group. G.T.T.B. is convened 1/4ly. One F167 is kept by the Board. 1. by records and 1 kept at unit. (When copy returned to unit they can then POR his % results). [underlined] Effective date [/underlined] is [underlined] date [/underlined] of the [underlined] Board. [/underlined]
K.R.S.O.4 Remustering for inefficiency.
Reclassification [deleted words] for AC2 - AC1 - LAC.
treated in same way as remustering.
Subject to service at end of Emerg or for inefficiency (KR504).
[underlined] Unit Procedure for Reclassification. [/underlined]
Examinations can be carried out by LTTB monthly on a Stn under local arrangements.
Adjt collects recommendations for the lot.
One Copy of F167 only.
On completion of T.T. F167 is completed & returned to unit. If airman qualified must be [underlined] authorised by O.C. of unit. Effective date [/underlined] of R.C. is 1st day of the month following the board
[page break]
[underlined] Medical Trades F.182 [/underlined]
sent off in trip to Group & board is sent down from Group.
2 yrs min service AC2 to AC1 unless CO considers AC2 efficient [symbol] can consider him in under 2 yrs.
LAC. On first of each 1/4. AMO 650/45.
[underlined] Promotion of G Personnel [/underlined]
[deleted words] Essential Promotion Rosta at Records.
[underlined] Loss of Acting Rank [/underlined]
If placed under Arrest loss of Acting Rank
If man is unsuitable for the post.
If man goes into hospital due to none - service - loses acting rank.
If in dock - due to service accident etc loss of Acting rank after 4 months
Any Reduction or Reversion must be submitted to Group.
[page break]
[underlined] Identification of Equipment. [/underlined]
[underlined] Standard Items [/underlined] [underlined] AP1086 [/underlined] Sect 10A/2763 Ref No
[underlined] 'A' Stores [/underlined] Eq. not rendered valueless by F.W&T ie Heavy equipment (can be repaired when u/s).
[underlined] 'B' Stores. [/underlined] Items that are rendered valueless by FW&T (re brushes) etc. Held on inventory charge.
[underlined] 'C' Stores [/underlined] Items consumed in use (ie grease oil paint) not held on inventory charge (supply should be only be for 1 week) cannot be demanded on same voucher as "A & B" Stores
F.673 - Internal Exchange Voucher
F.674 - Internal Demand & Issue Voucher.
F.675 - Internal Return & Receipt Voucher
(667B Action Clothing Card).
[underlined] Equip Sect [/underlined] Orig. Dup. Trip.
[diagram of equipment voucher and issue system]
[page break]
[underlined] Inventory Checks. [/underlined] Deficiencies or [underlined] Surpluses. [/underlined] are all declared
[underlined] Loss of Equipment. [/underlined]
1. F.22. List of Furniture & Barrack Equipment.
2 (a) F668 Loan Card
(b) F108 Temporary Loan Card (24 hrs). Up To.
[underlined] Loss & Damage [/underlined]
1/ Investigation
1/ Charge against Individual
2/ Collective Charge
3/ Write Off. (Public funds)
4/ Referred to Higher Authority
Man responsible for L or D but not a serious charge is called [underlined] Voluntary Recovery. [/underlined]
Sub/c. S/L Rank [deleted word] if charge is below £1 can sign [underlined] 664B [/underlined] for an [underlined] airman. [/underlined]
[underlined] Individual Recovery [/underlined]
1./ All ranks by CM to pay for L or D.
2/ Airmen by C.O. subject to requests for Trial by CM (In case of a W/O by A.O.C.)
3./ All Officers by Air Council without right of Trial by CM
4/ Officers below S/L C by AOC subject to right of T by CM
[page break]
[underlined] Collective Charges. [/underlined]
Can be made only on barracks equipment works & bricks etc.
[underlined] Barrack Damages. [/underlined] recovered by Acct Off. Pay Ledger Action. Must be certified in writing to Acct Off by C officer. When the individual charge exceeds 1/= per qrtr referred to AOC
[underlined] Charge Against the Public. [/underlined]
Where the CO decides that no partic individual is responsible. £10 max.
Referred to H.A. when amount exceeds CO's write off
[page break]
[underlined] Publications & Orders. [/underlined]
[underlined] Manual of Air Force Law. [/underlined]
AF constitution Act
Army & AF. annual Act
Rules of Procedure
[underlined] KR'S [/underlined] amplification of the AF act
[underlined] A.P.837 - War Time Publication [/underlined]
[underlined] Standing & Routine Orders [/underlined]
AMO's "A" Series - standing orders
[underlined] Operational Standing Orders. [/underlined] issued by Commands to avoid repetition
[underlined] Admin Standing Orders. [/underlined] by Command
[underlined] Station Standing Orders [/underlined] issued by CO of Stn but AOC responsible for issue. To be kept as brief as poss & reviewed annually.
[underlined] Routine Orders [/underlined]
Disciplinary & general adminestry [sic] purposes
"N" Series AMO. 12 months in force from date of issue & then automatically cancelled.
[underlined] Stn Routine Orders [/underlined]
Completed by Asst Adjt, signed by the Adjt or for him
NB. [underlined] Movement orders & ration strengths [/underlined] do not go into SRO's in Wartime.
[page break]
[underlined] A.M. Letters [/underlined] - how to carry out an order.
[underlined] P.O.RS [/underlined] Mechanism of all document recording.
[underlined] Sect 44 AP.837. [/underlined]
Travelling claims paid by Unit Acct Officer F1771
[underlined] Rate 1/ [/underlined] Nightly Rate 3 oclock in the morning on journey.
£1 + ration allowance.
[underlined] Rate 2. [/underlined] Special nightly rate for more than 2 but less than 14 nights 8/= per night +3/= billet allwnc [sic]
[underlined] Rate 4 [/underlined]
Duty journey of 5 to 10 hours 4/=
Over 10 hours 8/=
F1510 Pay Forms
[page break]
[deleted words]
[page break]
Camp situated on a slope (slight) - good drainage
Places to avoid - Hollows tops of Hills. Steep Slopes.
Keep away from malaria breeding grounds & swamps - none running streams - native villages.
Transport yard - nearest road - downwind. - good access to kitchens and ablutions for water bowser.
Latrines & cookhouses to be as far apart as possible.
Tents not too close to-gether. - plenty of room to move or to clean ground
Make sure ground is good for digging - no clay, rock etc
Minimum of 45 sq ft floor space for each man.
(60 sq ft is best.)
Tents 180 pounders. not more than 8 in one.
Routine - Roll up flaps for men to get through. let bedding air in sun. - if floor boards take up and clean up. Make sure good drainage round tent.
Good lighting.
Rules. - No washing in tents. dig ablutions. fix up bench with petrol tins or bowls etc. Put cover over top Hot Water is essential - 40 gall drum.
[underlined] Rid of water. [/underlined] Dig hole and fill to within about 1 ft of top with large stones tins etc - oil on top of water to keep out flies etc.
Good laundry facilities
[page break]
5 Latrines per 100 men. 3 per 2nd 100 men.
Latrine for Officers & NCOs
[page break]
[blank page]
[page break]
[underlined] Organisation of the RAF [/underlined]
AP 837 Sect 2. (Manual of Administration).
Air Council - Policy A.M. direct & administration at
Command - Planners
Group - Executive
[underlined] 12 Members in Air Council [/underlined] - President. [symbol]
Cinc Secretary of State for Air
Civ(2) Parliamentary Under Sec of State for Air
S. Chief of Air Staff
S. Vice Chief of A. Staff
S. Air Member for Personnel
S. Air Member for Supply & Organisation
S7/ Air Member for Training
Civ/ 8/ Additional - Financial Adviser.
Civ 9/ Additional Scientific & Technical
S. 10/ RAF officer i/c Supply & Development in the M.A.P
Civ 11/ Permenant [sic] Under Sec of State for Air
[page break]
[underlined] Organisation of a Command [/underlined]
[organisation flow diagram]
[underlined] Organisation of a Group [/underlined]
[organisation flow diagram]
[underlined] Organisation of a Station [/underlined]
Stn Commander.
Stn Admin Officer
Stn Adjt & Asst Adjt.
(Stn Accts Officer - his Adj is the assistant adj.)
[underlined] DUTIES [/underlined] 1/. Normal Stn accounting duties
2/ i/c Central Registry
3/ Registered Mail
4/ POR's
5/ Periodic Returns
6/ Employment of civilians
7/ Railway Warrants.
8/ Petrol Coupons
9/ Clearance Certificates
10/ Airmens Documents. 11/ Control of H.Q. Staff
[page break]
[underlined] Stn Adjutants Duties [/underlined]
Confidential Staff Officer to the C.O.
Personal Services
Officers Docs
Courts Martial
O. Confidential Reports.
[underlined] Abreviations [sic] [/underlined]
SPSO - Senior Personnel Staff Officer - GROUP
AOC - Air Officer Commanding GROUP
AOCinC Air Officer Commanding in Chief. Command
PSI. (Station). President of Service Institute Station
[underlined] LIST OF COMMANDS [/underlined]
Flying Training
Technical Training
RAF N.Ireland
[underlined] Normal Duties on a Station [/underlined]
Stn Duty Officer represents C.O. (not below rank of F/L).
Orderly Officer - " Stn Adjutant
Orderly Sgt - " S.W.O.
[page break]
[blank page]
[page break]
[underlined] Promotion of Officers. [/underlined]
A.P. 837 Sect39.
1/. Peace Substantive
Peace Establishments. - Regulars.
2/ War Establishment - Temporary [symbol] All by [underlined] A.M. [/underlined]
3/ Time - War Substantive Rank.
4/. Acting - Acting Rank
M.O. 1 yr as F/O [deleted word] then F/L S/L after 10 yrs service
If W/O has completed 15 yrs service he gets commissioned straight away to F/O. At least 1 yr as W/O
[underlined] War Substantive [/underlined] To become w/sub S/L must serve at least 3 mths as W/C
All Branches
Up to W/C 3 mths in higher rank
G/C A/C [deleted word] 6 mths in higher rank
A.V.M 12 months in higher rank
[underlined] Acting Rank [/underlined]
If none available
[underlined] Relinquishment of Acting Rk [/underlined]
1/ [deleted word] Cessation of Vacancy. 2./ Officer unsuitable
3./ Ceases duty due to O. or C Arrest. 4/ Posting - If not posted to a similar duty 5./ Absence leave or Duty [underlined] 28 days [/underlined]
6/ Absence on courses 28 days 7/ Absence due to wounds caused by RAF work (4 mths) 8/ If not due to RAF work 21 days.
[page break]
[underlined] Promulgations [/underlined]
[underlined] London Gazette [/underlined]
Shows Substantive Ranks.
War Substantive
Acting AVM & above.
[underlined] Unit PORs Local Authority [/underlined]
[underlined] P.O.Ws & internees [/underlined] retain Acting Rank & are eligible for time & War Sub rank.
[underlined] AMO A695 1946. [/underlined]
[underlined] CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS. [/underlined]
[underlined] FORM 1369. [/underlined]
[boxed] B./ Reporting Officers Opinion
I/. General Conduct - SATISFACTORY
II/ Of Temperate Habit - YES
IIc/ Assessment
I Zeal & Energy
II Personality
II Reliability
IV Initiative
V Ability in Present Duties
VI General Standard of Professional Ability [/boxed]
If [underlined] unfavourable Report [/underlined] Officer concerned must be initialled.
KR [underlined] [deleted word] [/underlined] [underlined] 1097B [/underlined] Officer has full power to put written statement on report if he thinks it is incorrect. [underlined] Redress of G. Sect 42 [/underlined]
[page break]
Any man higher than the instigator can scrub the adverse report.
[underlined] K.R.1097B. Unfavourable Reports. [/underlined]
[underlined] Unsuitability of Appointment KR332. [/underlined]
[underlined] Rendering Reports. [/underlined]
1./ Rendered on 1st August if 1 yrs in Unit or same group.
2./ On posting out of a group.
3./ When specially called for by AM.
[underlined] Report on Courses. [/underlined]
Able to look at course results on return to unit but not confidential reports
[page break]
[underlined] Messing [/underlined]
Central Control at AM.
Command Catering Officers
Stn CO is responsible for Messing (Stn Admin Off.)/ [symbol]
Messing Officer & SNCO
Rtns in Kind - Bulk - RASC
Commodities - NAAFI
Waaf Rtns slightly lower than airmans
"N"AMO. every 4 mths - ration value - entitlement to nationally rationed foodstuffs
Stn Admin O. - supervisor of messing for the CO P.S.M.C.
Stn Adjt - Rtn strength return for each mess.
Acct Off - Passes the Stn Messing A/Cs
MO - responsible for condemning food
Orderly Officers - condition & weight of all rtns arriving at Stn check cutting of meat & loading supervise issue of all rtns RASC & NAAFI. Supervision of airmens meals - service - seating airmans dress.
Stn Catering Officers. - responsible to the S. Admin O on behalf of the CO for the whole system of messing in Airmens messes.
[underlined] Stn Messing Committee [/underlined] - President S admin O
Member Stn Catering Officer
1 representative from each Mess Sgts Officers Airmen Waaf
Messing W/O
Senior Cook
[page break]
Meets weekly. 1/ Dining Sheet Airmans F12
2/ Discuss Messing - complaints - suggestions
[deleted word]
[underlined] Pay [/underlined]
Advances of Pay
1/ Recalled on newly commissioned with no bank a/c opened
2/ On posting overseas
3/ On going into Hospital
4/ On repatriation
5/ On board Ship
Any advance is recovered from the next issue of pay [underlined] Officers [/underlined] advance recovered must take 3 mths period [underlined] WAAF Officers [/underlined]
[underlined] Income Tax [/underlined] - monthly provisional deduction made by RAF agents
[page break]
[blank page]
[page break]
2./ [underlined] C of I through Illegal Absence. [/underlined]
Convening Authority is C.O. (on 22nd day of the absence)
1/. Absence
2. Loss of Kit & assess value [symbol] Findings on
Taken on Oath (always).
3/ [underlined] C of I into MT Accidents [/underlined]
C of I Must be held into MT accidents
when 1/ There are suspected deviation from the Authorised route.
2/ When a mechanical fault is suspected
3/ When death or injury to RAF personnel or AM employees results
4/ When civvy property is damaged
5/ If there is doubt as to the cause.
6/ If requested by AD claims.
7/ When ordered by a superior authority
[underlined] Personal Inquiries to third Parties [/underlined] or damage to property where (KR1329) MT is not involved.
[underlined] AP.837. Paras 1387-1390. [/underlined]
[underlined] M.T Accidents AP.837 Para 1381. [/underlined]
[underlined] Fires AP.837. 1391 [/underlined]
Sect 57
[page break]
[underlined] Stage 3 [/underlined]
1/ The Assembling authority sends for the person concerned & provides him with copy of the evidence.
2/ Informs him that he can make a statement as to why he should not be blamed.
[underlined] Findings [/underlined]
1./ On [deleted word] every point as laid down in the T of Refs
2./ Evidence must be produced to support the findings
3./ Any members of the court can [deleted word] record a minority finding. [deleted word]
4./ Findings are signed & dated by the President & all members.
5./ The court cannot admit liability.
[underlined] Special Features [/underlined]
1/ [underlined] Flying Accidents [/underlined]
In flying accidents cases when [underlined] you must [/underlined] have a [underlined] CofI [/underlined]
1/ When death resulted
2 When there was negligence or default.
3/ When circumstances cannot be said to be free from doubt
If a technical fault A.I Branch must be sent for.
[page break]
[underlined] Recording of the Evidence. [/underlined]
General [deleted words] enquiries & investigations is recorded on Form 2.
Flying Accidents reported on F.412
Done in narrative forms [boxed] 1359 [/boxed] AP. 837 Sect [underlined] 51 [/underlined]
[underlined] The Action taken when the character or the professional reputation of the individual is involved. KR 1318 [/underlined]
[deleted word] [underlined] Stage I. [/underlined]
1/ Adjourn the court.
2/ Call the individual concerned & encourage him to be present throughout the remainder of the proceedings
3/ He may cross examine witnesses
4 He may call witnesses in his defence
5/ He may make a statement.
6/ It must be recorded in the proceedings that he was present or not
[underlined] Stage 2 [/underlined] [underlined] by P. of Court [/underlined]
[deleted word] Person blamed in a preliminary opinion
1/. Send for the person concerned
2/ Point out the evidence on which the prelim opinion is based
3/ Inform him again that he can make a statement
Endorse the proceedings as KR1318 Para 4 complied with
[page break]
[underlined] TERMS OF REFERENCE. [/underlined]
The assembling authority will furnish the Court with T of R stating in detail the character of the investigation required & prescribing the nature of any report to be made in the findings. The Tof R must be concise & explicit
[underlined] Assembly of a Court. [/underlined]
Dates time & place notified in SRO's.
[underlined] Attendance of Witness [/underlined]
1/ Civilian Witness cannot be forced to attend [symbol]
Service Witnesses same as for SofE
2/ Write requesting presence & offer expenses.
3/ Ask for a written statement [underlined] if not [/underlined] going to attend
4/ If won't give one send member of court to
5/ obtain statement. If necessary write to his employers.
[underlined] Admissability [sic] of Evidence [/underlined]
Only thing that is revelant [sic] is admissable [sic]
[underlined] The object of the Evidence. [/underlined]
1./ Find out what happened & if possible
[deleted word] to prevent a similar occurance [sic]
2/ To bring out facts which indicate lack of discipline or negligence.
3./ Safeguarding of Public Property.
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Courts of Inquiry.
President should be rank of F/L or above.
If investigating a flying accident President must be in GD branch or ex GD rank of W/C.
Members should have no direct interest in subject matter of the investigation
Where the investigation calls for expert knowledge ie Mess funds - Acct Officer should be present
[underlined] W/Os Can be on C of I except [indecipherable word] [/underlined]
1/ The character of an Officer is likely to be involved
2/ If dealing with an ex POW
As a single investigating officer a [underlined] W/O can [/underlined] carry out investigation dealing solely with personal injuries or accidental death is involved.
1. If airman below rank of W/O unless, ([indecipherable words])
[underlined] MT [/underlined] [deleted words] is involved
[underlined] Evidence on Oath. [/underlined]
The evidence is taken on oath at a C of I only (a) When the assembling authority directs
(b)When an ex or returned POW is concerned
(c) Inquiry into illegal absence under A.F Act 21 days.
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[deleted words] Sect 46 A.F.A. KR's
[underlined] COURTS OF INQUIRY [/underlined] [underlined] KR 1310 [/underlined]
[underlined] Is a board of officers [/underlined] or 1 or more officers together with 1 or more W/Os directed to collect & record evidence and if as when required to report or make a declaration with regard to any matter which may be referred to it
[underlined] A Formal Investigation [/underlined] is an investigation by 1 Officer or 1 W/O
[underlined] A Summary Investigation [/underlined] [deleted word] is a report by the Officer who is responsible for investigating the case. proceedings are informal & there is no specified form
[deleted word] [underlined] Diff in CofI & F.I. [/underlined] diff is that the evidence [underlined] cannot [/underlined] be taken on oath - in a [underlined] formal investigation. [/underlined] In a [underlined] C of I it can [/underlined]
[underlined] OBJECTS. [/underlined] of a C of I is to investigate any matter on which the assembling authority considers it necessary to be [deleted word] thoroughly informal. Unlike a S of E it is not judicial.
KR 1316 Sect4
Assembling Authority is the AC or any officer commanding any body of the RAF.
Composition of [deleted word] a Court KR1311
A [underlined] mix [/underlined] of [underlined] 2 [/underlined] which [underlined] one [/underlined] must be a [underlined] commissioned officer [/underlined]/
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[underlined] O. ROOM PROCEDURE [/underlined]
2/ [underlined] Applications [/underlined] for advances of pay Special leave -Special Posting Ben Fund loans etc it is desirable to have the airmans docs ready
3/ [underlined] Charges [/underlined]
(a) Accused & all witnesses marched in
(b) Accused Charged (Arrayed [sic])
(c) Witnesses marched out
(d) Witness for the prosecution give evidence in turn & may be asked questions by the accused
[deleted word]
(e) The accused may give evidence
(f) Witnesses for defence may be called
(g) Officer hearing charge makes up his mind as to the accused's guilt & if not guilty, case is dismissed.
(h) If the accused is guilty the officer hearing the charge looks at the accused docs ([underlined] and not before then [/underlined])
(i) If the disposal of the offences is within [deleted word] his powers, the officer hearing the charge may award punishment. If he proposes to award a summary punishment or automatic forf of pay for A.W.L is involved the accused must be given right to elect trial by CM [underlined] before [/underlined] the award is made.
(j) Accused is marched out & the award is not complete until then
(k) The NCO i/c party reads the award to the accused
[underlined] KR's 1129 [/underlined] Powers of Charges as a Sub. Comdr
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[underlined] Complete Rules of a Procedure [deleted word] - Chapt 6 MAFL. [/underlined]
[underlined] Disposal of Proceedings [/underlined]
1/ C.O. may Dismiss the charge (Or alter it).
2/ C.O. may Dispose of it summarily.
3/ C.O. may Refer the case to a higher authority
4/ C.O. may Remand the accused for trial by C.M.
[underlined] [deleted words] Disposal or Investigation of Charges. [/underlined]
[underlined] [indecipherable word] Charges on RAF personnel [/underlined] - KR. 113
[flow chart of hearing procedure and Forms]
[underlined] Orderly Room Procedure. [/underlined]
O.R. time is laid down in S.R.O. The Sub-Comm is to have his O.R. at such a time [deleted words] in order to investigate the charge before going to the CO. The Sub Comm will attend at the C.O.'s OR with the airmans docs. Complaints applications & charges are dealt with at the OR & must be investigated in the first instance by the Sub Comm
1/ [underlined] Complaints [/underlined]
All [underlined] complaints [/underlined] must be submitted with Sect 42 & 43 A.F.A & no person must obtain any other method of obtaining Redress of G
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[underlined] EVIDENCE [/underlined]
[underlined] When the Evidence is taken on Oath. [/underlined]
When the [underlined] CO [/underlined] directs, or the [underlined] accused demands [/underlined]
[underlined] Rights of the Accused [/underlined]
1/ He must be present throughout the proceedings.
2/ He may demand the E on oath
3/ He may cross-examine any witness at the end of their evidence.
[deleted number]
[deleted number]4/ He has an opportunity after proper caution to make a statement. He need not make a statement at all if he so wishes.
He need not give E on oath even if he has demanded or the CO has directed that evidence to be taken.
He must not be cross-examined on his statement evidence. [deleted word] oath [/deleted word]
He may call any reasonable witness in his defence. [deleted word]
NB [/deleted word]
[underlined] NB [/underlined] He cannot be represented by a civillian [sic] counsel or defended by an officer at a S of E
[underlined] Recordings of the Evidence [/underlined]
[underlined] Separate Sheet for each witness [/underlined]
[underlined] If person is producing the plan for a S.E(C.M.) [/underlined]
1/ That it is drawn to scale.
2/ That he made the plan.
3/ That it correctly determines what it purports to show
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[underlined] By whom Taken [/underlined]
Taken by an officer detailed by CO. & is solely responsible for the S. of E. (Chapt 4. Paras 25 to 28 ) (& Chapt 6 Paragraph 15 onwards. Rules of Proc. 4 & 5) (AP837 Para 782.)
[underlined] Service Witnesses [/underlined]
Inform CO of unit giving date, time, of S of E & place
[underlined] Civvy Witnesses [/underlined]
[underlined] Notes [/underlined] Rule of Proc. 80
1./ Get a Form 638A
2/ Presented by a SNCO or officer
3/OR. Served personally to the imediate [sic] next of kin
4/ Offer expenses
5/ If unable to find the person get aid of local police.
[underlined] Note: Rule of Proc. 4g Dispensing with a Witness. [/underlined]
2/ The officer taking the summary decides that the witness cannot readily be obtained a written signed statement may be obtained. The statement is presented at the Summary and read to the accused. If the accused wishes to question that witness he must report.
The officer taking the Summary includes in his Summary a certificate that [deleted word] of [/deleted word] the Rule of Proc 4g has
been completed with.
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[underlined] Summary of EVIDENCE. [/underlined]
[underlined] A SofE [/underlined] is a record of the evidence against the accused & if he so desires in his favour
[underlined] Purposes of SofE. [/underlined]
1/ To enable the CO or the J.A. Generals Dept. if advising, to decide whether the case should be tried by C.M., & if so on what charges
2/ To enable the accused to know what charges are against him & by whom & to prepare his defence
3/ It constitutes the prosecutors brief at the C.M.
4/ It enables the President to check inconsistency of the evidence
5/ To assist the court in deciding whether or not to accept or not a plea of guilty, and in deciding the sentence.
[underlined] NOTE:- [/underlined]
Rule of Procedure 4 [deleted word] for [/deleted word] (Page 420).
(Taken as soon after the CO investigates) (on same day if poss.)
[underlined] Reasons: [/underlined]
1./ If the C.O. is applying for a trial by CM.
2./ If the accused is charged with a C.M. offence.
3/ In cases where CO could deal with case but feels his powers of punishment as insufficient.
4/. If the accused elects to be tried by C.M.
5/ When CO considers the evidence is involved.
6/ If the accused is an Officer or W/O.
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[underlined] Powers of a C.O. over Officers & W/O's [/underlined]
[underlined] NO. [/underlined] [underlined] Punishment [/underlined] - but can give him a [indecipherable word] under KR1154. (Acting W/O is classed as a F/Sgt)
[underlined] Powers of AOC over Officers & W/O's. [/underlined]
[underlined] 2. Summary Powers. [/underlined]
1. Forfeiture of seniority up to and under 12 mths
2. Forfeiture of Pay to make good loss or damage
[underlined] 2 Minor Powers [/underlined]
1. Severe Reprimand
2. Reprimand
[underlined] List of Max Punishments which can be awarded to RAF Person [/underlined]
(a) Punishment Summary (b) C.O. NCO (c) C.O. A/C (d) Subordinate Commander S.C. a rank of F/Lt NCO (e) Subordinate Commander S.C. a rank of F/Lt A/C (f) Subordinate Commander F/Lt & Below CPL (g) Subordinate Commander F/Lt & Below A/C
(a) Detention & F.P. (c) 28 days
(a) Penal Forfeiture of by (c) 28 days.
(a) Fines for Drunkeness [sic] (c) YES (e) YES (g) YES
(a) Deduction of Pay (b) YES (c) YES
[underlined] On " Summary" P option of trial bef Court Martial must be given [/underlined]
[underlined]MINOR [/underlined]
(a) Severe Rep (b) YES (d) YES
(a) Reprimand (b) YES (d) YES (f) YES
(a) Admonition (b) YES (c) YES (d) YES (e) YES (f) YES (g) YES
(a) C.C. (c) 14 days (e) days (g) & days
(a) Extra Gds & Piquet (c) 3 days (e) 3 days (g) 3 days
Scale of Fines for drunkeness [sic] in K.R. 1152 If £2.10.0 in arrears cannot give him anymore [indecipherable word]
[page break]
[underlined] Principles of Punishment. [/underlined]
[underlined] Summary Punishments [/underlined]
In the case of an [underlined] officer or W/O [/underlined] forfeiture of seniority & deduction of pay to make good loss or damage.
[underlined] NCO's inclu Acting W/O's [/underlined] [deleted words] A deduction of pay to make good loss or damage.
[underlined] Aircraftman [/underlined] - Detention - Field punishment - penal forfeiture of pay. Fines for drunkeness [sic] - Fines for loss or damage
[underlined] Minor Punishments [/underlined]
[underlined] Officers & W/O's [/underlined] Severe Rep & Rep
[underlined] NCO's incl Acting W/Os [/underlined] Severe Rep & Rep & Admonition
[underlined] Aircraftman [/underlined] - C.C. extra guards & pickets - & admonition
[underlined] Additional Awards. [/underlined]
1/ Reduction to Temp N.C.O's only. Sect. 183 Sub sect2 A.F.A. KR. 5O4.
2/ Reversion to Acting NCO's including Acting Rank no summary punishment may be awarded in addition - K.R.1142 & Sect 46 A.F.A.
3./ Automatic forfeiture of pay for absence without leave
4./ Forfeiture of good conduct badges - automatically forfeited on a sentence of detention or field punishment & they may be forfeited if there is a service entry provided it is on authority of officer not below rank of W/C
5/ Curtailment of Privileges.
[page break]
Form 281 Offence report used by subordinate commander
Form 252 Charge Form
Form 160 Guardsman report of number of airman under close arrest
[underlined] 3 Rights of Airmen under close arrest [/underlined]
1./ When placed in close arrest charge form should go to guard room forthwith 2/ If not received within 24 hours must inform Adjt or S.C.
3/ If not received within 48 hrs airman must be released.
2 [symbol] If investigation of the charge is not [deleted word] commenced within 48 hours of the case being reported to the CO then a letter is to be sent to Group informing them of the delay
3/. If the Officer or airman under close arrest or open arrest or released without prejudice is not brought to trial within 8 days a form 1. is sent to group [deleted word] this continues to be rendered for every 8 days until case is disposed of
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[underlined] Special action to be taken if airman is drunk. [/underlined]
1/ Must be placed in Guard or detention room alone if possible
2/ Give him 1 or more blankets (no biscuits)
3/ Remove boots (unless very cold)
4/ Relieve him of all potential weapons
5/ Is visited every 2 hours by NCO i/c guardroom to ascertain his condition
6/ Prepare his 252
7/ At least 24 hrs must pass before going before CO
[underlined] Charges of Desertion and A.W.L. [/underlined] [boxed] page 230 Sect 12 Sect 15 [/boxed]
In order to determine which charge is appropriate the officer taking the S of E should pay particular attention to the following.
1/ During his or her absence did accused have civilian employment
2/ Whether accused passed under an assumed name
3/ Did accused have identity card (civvy) (if so how?)
4/ When arrested was statement made. (if so take copy)
5./ Any docs found on accused when arrested
6/ Was accused wearing civvy clothes (if so were [sic] uniform)?
7/ Did he change his perm address & set up another one
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[underlined] W/O [/underlined] [underlined] Open Arrest. [/underlined]
[underlined] Same as an Officer [/underlined]
[underlined] NCO's [/underlined] [underlined] Open Arrest. [/underlined]
Allowed to use Mess [deleted word] (not bar) [underlined] Cpls NAAFI [/underlined]
[underlined] Airman [/underlined] - [underlined] CLOSE ARREST [/underlined]
Times when Airman [underlined] must [/underlined] be placed under close arrest
1/ Drunkeness [sic]
2/ Violence
3/ Insubordination
4/. Maintenance of discipline
5/ For protective custody
Always get some airman (NCO) to [deleted word] (escort him
Placed in guard room & charged
[underlined] His CO. has 3 courses open to him [/underlined]
1/ Keep him in close arrest
2/ Place him in open arrest
3/ Release him without re-arrest
[underlined] Drunkeness [sic] [/underlined]
Drunk in the view of ordinary reasonable man
Must have witness
Can call in MO under 2. circumstances.
1/ If the accused asks for him on the grounds of illness.
2/ If drunkeness [sic] is only part of case of airmans state
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[underlined] Close Arrest Officer. [/underlined]
4/ Prepare charge sheet in triplicate.
1 copy to accused 1 to escort and 1 for self.
5/ Make up list of duties & hand to escort.
6/ Call in accused - hand him copy of charge sheet & [underlined] in writing [/underlined] inform him of the type of arrest
7/ Accused is confined to his room
8/ Inform accused's senior officer
9/ Arrange with MO for exercise
10 Arrange with Mess Sec for meals for escort & accused (Any alteration in charge or arrest notify authorities already informed)
[underlined] Open Arrest [/underlined]
Inform AM P1 & AOC Group
Prepare charge sheet Duplicate (Accused & self)
Call in accused - hand charge sheet to him & type of arrest in [underlined] writing [/underlined]
Not allowed to use Mess or any place of entertainment - not allowed to wear civvies
[underlined] W/O Close Arrest [/underlined]
Confined to room with escort.
Charge to be made on 252 - particulars entered on Guard Room form 160
Draw up orders for the escort
(Then as for Officer)
[underlined] Same for NCO's [/underlined] [underlined] As for W/O. [/underlined]
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[underlined] AIR FORCE LAW. [/underlined]
Civil Courts have full powers always supreme.
[underlined] AF. Annual Act [/underlined] passed every year - contains [indecipherable word] crimes which are not crimes in Civil Law
AF Constitution Acts 1917 KR's - AC. instr.
(Page 211.) (Sect 4 to 40). RAF offences (40) (important)
(Sect 41 Civil Offences) (Sect 42 Redress of G Officers)
(Sect 43 Redress of Grievances - Airmen)
[underlined] Arrest & Custody. [/underlined]
Open & Close Arrest
[underlined] Close Arrest. [/underlined]
[underlined] Powers [/underlined] - [underlined] Officers [/underlined] may arrest anybody of inferior rank - They may arrest senior officers if they are in 1/ FRAY. 2/. QUARREL. 3/ DISORDER.
[underlined] W/O's & NCO's [/underlined] may arrest persons of inferior rank.
1/ When arresting an officer under close arrest inform AM P1 & inform Group AOC by POSTOGRAM.
A/ Name & initials of officer
B/ Personal No & branch of service
C/ Date of arrest
D/ Brief particulars of charges & Section etc
[deleted word] [underlined] Immediate action [/underlined]
2/ Detail an escort same rank (senior if possible)
3/ Prepare roster of escorts
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Malcolm Staves, “Service Regulations,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed December 12, 2024,
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