Flying Control Logbook



Flying Control Logbook


A record of events and their times recorded at RAF Tholthorpe during the period 2 March to 31 March 1944 (74 pages).



Temporal Coverage




74 handwritten pages


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[underlined]MARCH 2ND. 1944. [/underlined]

[underlined]S.O. Book 129. [/underlined]
Code 28-69-0.

[underlined] FLYING CONTROL OFFICERS’S LOG [SYMBOL][/underlined]

G. [Crown] R.


2 March 44 – 31 March 44.

T.4269. Wt. 7837. 1/43. 240,000 Bks. E.J.A. & S. Ltd.

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[underlined] THUR. MARCH. 2nd. 1944 [/underlined]

0900. / On Duty W.A. Warwick F/O.

0930. / 1659/A/C. / Permission granted for W/C Ferris. W/C Langton to take a Halifax down to Wigsley re. demons. of lighting. S/L Sellar also on the trip

0940 / Operations tonite [sic]. Halifax II & V involving Middleton – St. Geo, Croft. Leeming

1210 / Balloons / Billingham – close hauled [symbol]
2330 – 0130.
0530 – 0745.
Langley – Weybridge [symbol]
0130 – 0230.
0415 – 0530.
Portsmouth, Southampton.
0145 – 0245
Controlled height of L.W.P.&S. at 1000.ft.

1215 /L.F.B / Beachy Had, bearing 310° (T)
0400 – 0500 [symbol]
(Signal Passed to Stns. = 1310)

1250. / 420/B Permission granted from S.A.S.O for B/420 to fly a crew down to Wing to pick up another aircraft.

1650. / OXFORD / Perm. Granted by air I for 432 to fly Oxford down to Gatwick re. 432/S which is U/S with maintenance crew.

1700. / met. 6. Picture re. return OK for operational A/C.

18.30 / Off duty. / W.A. Warwick F/O
On duty / F.D. Cleland F/L

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[underlined] Crash!! [/underlined]

425/A – LW [deleted]387[/deleted] [/inserted] 378 [/deleted] (see entry 22.00 his. on opp. page)
Pilot. Sgt Bertrand R1645538 } killed
B/A Sgt Goudreau } killed
Wop Sgt. Bou [deleted]g[/deleted] guet } killed
F/L Sgt Dix (DIX) } killed
M/U Sgt. Trundel } killed
R/G. Sgt. Cote } killed
Nav. Sgt Houle – injured
Spare Gunman Sgt. Hay – Killed

Informed :–
Controller [Symbol]
SASO [Symbol]
G.I.I [Symbol]
W/C Saunders [Symbol]
Equip. [Symbol]
Engr. [Symbol]
P.4 [Symbol]
S/L Goudeston [Symbol]
F/L Stubbs [Symbol]

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[underlined]Thursday. March 2nd 1944 [/underlined]

20.04 / Crash 425A? / Reported by Tholthorpe as NE of them. They suspect it is 425/A who was on 3 passes the message by R.T.

R.O.C. pinpoint crash as being in Tholthorpe Village. Linton sending their crash tender as Tholthorpe is U/S.

20.15 / Crash 425A? / Contact N.F.S. at Easingwold who have sent out to Crayke (035905.) to a crash near there.

20.25/ 425A? /Topcliffe confirm this above position from a report from Raskelf “Q” site. Eastmoor are sending their crash tender and ambulance.

21.20 / Permission / granted by SASO for aircraft from Leeming to go to Polebrook to pick up 0/427.

21.20 / Permission / / refused by SASO for Oxford from M..S.G. to pick up S/L Hamber sat Oakington.

22.00 / [underlined] Crash 425/A[/underlined] [inserted[ (LW378) [/inserted] / Confirmation by 62 Base. Pinpoint is now 1/2 miles NW of Crayke – E017916. No reason given for crash except that it is know he had only 3 engines. There were eight on the aircraft including an extra gunner – all were killed except the navigator, Sgt, Houle who was badly injured. Aircraft being guarded by Tholthorpe.

Report from Tholthorpe: [underlined] R.T-[/underlined]

At 19.55, A/425 requested Thol. To switch on and off their Outer Circle. They complied and he replied “OK”. At `9.57, Tholthorpe asked if he was in trouble.

His reply was “yes, my starboard outer is feathered.”
19.57 Tholthorpe told him: Pancake, runway 28.”
This was acknowledged by A/425.

He then made a normal circuit – got as far as downwind leg, ready to turn in funnel, but kept on going N or NE instead and was seen to crash shortly after.

[underlined]Friday March 3rd 1944 [/underlined]

00.30 / 1st Operational / Aircraft off.

0115. / Last Operational Aircraft Off.

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[underlined] 62 Base [/underlined] Mar 3/4 ./1944

3 Spits DBM.} Biggin Hill via Digby.
DBK.} Biggin Hill via Digby.
DBC.} Biggin Hill via Digby.

12 Grp re Section Leader to contact 12 Gro Staff Officer before returning 4/3/44.

[underlined]Linton [/underlined]

Wellington – P from Upper Heyford – lost – 92 Grp informed & will return in the morning.

[underlined] Skipton-on-Swale.[/underlined]

Wellington – S – from Wymeswold
Engine trouble – 93 Grp. Informed.

Topcliffe Landmark Beacon (occurred) #3 u/s.

As 4. Stn. Z. phoned requesting nearest reserve & confirmation of signal sent by 61 Base.

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[underlined] Friday. March 3rd 1944 [/underlined]

06.25 / Bearing on K/429. / Priority “O” – Hull 261 ° I, Heston 332°III, Ackl Z19° I

06.37 / Bearing on K/429. Landed at Valley. “Navigational difficulties”.

0704 / All Operational A/C back / No losses – no early returns – no non starters.

0830 / / Of Duty F/L/ Cleland On Duty F/O Spence

1000 / Jetts 1664 Dishforth / Authority from M.L.O. 12 Group To Jett at pos. 5510N – 0000E.

1550 / Selsey Bill L.F.B. / Laid on Bearing of 360°T from 0135 – 0235 hrs/ M.S.G. informed.

1550 / Balloons / Following control arranged

Portsmouth} 1500 ft. 0120 to 0300 hrs.
Southampton}1500 ft. 0120 to 0300 hrs.
Langley}1500 ft. 0120 to 0300 hrs.
Weybridge}1500 ft. 0120 to 0300 hrs.

Cardiff, Newport } 500ft 2115 2215 hrs
Barry } 500 ft 2115 2215 hrs.

Billingham – Close hauled 2000-2100 & 0300 – 0430 hrs

Middleton informed.

1600 / 424 a/c / Authority given by controllers for an aircraft of this squadron to land at Pershore tomorrow.

1530 / Mustang A9A9K (363/P) / Landed at Croft from ops. Station :- Rivenhall. Re-fuelling & returning to his base. (arrived at base ok.)

1630 / Linton Fire Tender / Only one – not available for outside duty.

1830 / Off Duty H L Spence F/O On Duty W. A Warwick F/O

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3 Spits
11 group – guard/ Button C
Abn – 10.15
12 Group informed at 10.20

To be not’f’d of crash below.
Controller = [symbol]
SASO = [symbol]
G.L.F. = [symbol]
W/C Saunders = [symbol]
Equip. = [symbol]
Eng. = [symbol]
P/A= [symbol]
S/L Gandeton = [symbol]
C of A F/L Stubbs = [symbol]

[underlined] Crew List [/underlined]
(DS. 650)
Lanc II – 1666/S – Wombleton
J24292 – Pilot =P/O Calder
54351 – Nav = F/S Campbell } recovered killed
1526928 – F/E = Sgt. Bell. R }recovered killed
166685. B/A – Sgt. Simms } recovered killed
110015 W/OP = W/O Luct } believed killed but not recovered
1594467 – M/U = Sgt. Speight} believed killed but not recovered
65412 – R/C – Sgt. Gibbs believed killed but not recovered

4/3. – Confirmed as killed

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[underlined] Friday Mar. 3/1944 [/underlined]

All A/C off on Bullseye

[underlined] Saturday Mar. 4. 1944. [/underlined]

0020. / 61 Base. W/T Emergency J.O.B/S / re. A/C working HF/DF. Asking for emergency ADM’s at 0011. & 0012. All Stns’s keyed up for A/C. Wellington S from 93 Grp.

0024 / OTU/S / Re. entry 0020 same A/C landed at Skipton due to engine trouble. 93 Grp. Notified.

0100 / Ident. / Board Changed

0125 / 1666/P / Wombleton F/C. S/L Adams phoned re. A/C 1 hr. overdue from Command Bullseye & wondered whether we had any news of A/C.

0130 / 1666/P / 12 Grp. F.C.L.O. told re. above A/C. no news R.O.C.L.O. no news of any crashed. Following notified [symbol]
F.C.L.O [inserted] [symbol] [/inserted] 12 Grp. F.C.L.O - 10 Grp. [inserted] [symbol] [/inserted]
F.C.L.O [inserted] [symbol] [/inserted] 13 Grp. F.C.L.O - 11 Grp. [inserted] [symbol] [/inserted]
F.C.L.O [inserted] [symbol] [/inserted] 9 Grp.

0 [deleted]0 [/deleted] [inserted] 1 [/inserted] 45. / A.S.4./OPS. / No further news of 1666/P. overdue action taken on A/C. = A/C = Lanc II.
Reg. No. = DS/650.
PILOT = P/O Calder & Crew.
STN = Wombleton. 1666 H.C.U
This information passes to AS4. (OPS.)

0230 / Re-entry 0130 / No joy from any Grps concerning our missing Lanc. From Wombleton. Rather Strange – what!?

0414 / Ops / last Landing A/C down, all O.K. no losses.

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Crew 1666. P
4 killed – instantly - multiple injuries.

[underlined] advised [/underlined]

3 Remaining found dead – A/C Lancton [symbol]
- SAS0 [symbol]
- P4 [symbol]
- - Controller [symbol]
- F.C.L.O 12 [symbol]
Wellington P took off for Upper Heyford 1249 hours – Passed to FC 92

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Saturday Mar. 4/1944.

0415 / [underlined] CRASH 1666/P. (DS- 650) [/underlined] / 12 Grp. Re. a four engine A/C found. Whether Hali or Lanc in question. Crew members 4 recovered & identified correspond with members of 1666/P as m/m

[underlined] Reports [/underlined] =

Crash occurred approx. [underlined] 2200 hrs. [/underlined] did not know whether fighter or explosion. Nearest R.A.F unit Morpeth received word of a crash in the Cheviot Hills boarding Northumberland & Scotland at & near a village BYRNESS. 2 miles South of CATSCLEUGH. Ref QU. 3719. Crash crew & ambulance dispatched at 2210 hrs. & did not arrive at scene of crash until 0345 hrs. due to heavy snow & isolated position, A/C found buried in the snow & badly wrecked, four bodies recovered & identified as
[underlined] Pilot [/underlined] P/O CALDER
[underlined] Nav. [/underlined] F/S CAMPBELL
[underlined] F/E [/underlined} Sgt. BELL
B/A = Sgt. SIMMS.

Other bodies believed to be in the buried wreckage [underlined] GUARDING [/underlined] = A complete guard sent by [underlined] NORTHERN COMMAND [/underlined]. Also ambulance to try & recover other bodies believed to be in the buried wreckage (base informed)

0510 / [underlined] CRASH 1666/P. (DS- 650) [/underlined] / All Grps. Previously notified of our missing A/C, put in the picture re. his discovery.

0515 / AS4. OPS. / Re. overdue action at 0145 hrs. cancelled as having found our missing Lanc.

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[underlined] Saturday Mar. 4. 1944 [/underlined]

0830. / C.F.C. / Picture given to C.F.C. over conditions of aerodromes.

0850. / D.F.C.O. NOTE / In future the total of lads & C.U,. nite & day, flying [inserted] times [/inserted] to be added separately.

0855 / S.B.A. EASTMOOR. / Eastmoor report M.B. of S.B.A U/ST.E.N.

0900. / Off Duty F/O W. A Warwick

0900. / On Duty F/L Justaton.

1020 / Spits / Ref 3 Spits from Tholthorpe to Biggin Hill via Digby 12 Group Staff Officer was advised that these aircraft took off AT 10.15 hours and would be operational on 11 Group Guard 1 Button C.

10.30 / P/1666 / Confirmed with R A F Morpeth that’s they are taking 1921 action – names of crew passed – confirmed that the bodies of the few of the crew discovered are on the mortuary at Morpeth.

1045 / P/1666. / W/C Saunders suggested that because the three undiscovered bodies are the two gunners and the W/op. that there is every possibility they may have bailed out, and that a search should being advised. This suggestion was passed on to the F.C.L.O. 12 group/ and action requested.

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Saturday March 4

1100 hrs
B.L.O. 12 – BILLINGHAM CLOSE HAULED 2145 – 2330 and from 0330 – 0500.

BLO 10 – CARDIFF, PORT TALBOT, SWANSEA} 500’ 2330 HRS TO 0030 HRS 0212 HRS TO 0330 HRS.

FCLO 10 – L.F.B. TORQUAY BEARING 360° T TIMING 0210 – 0315 HRS

Stations informed.

1330 Emergency Diversion Base } Exeter laid on M.S.G. informed.

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Saturday Mar 4

1215 P/1666 Ex W/CDR Saunders – 3 remaining bodies of this crash have been found dead in vicinity of aircraft. All concerned informed.

1330 / Provis – DVN - / Exeter req’d Passed to [deleted] B [/deleted] Middleton Ops

1530 / Weather deter’n / Sudden deterioration om weather necessitated diversions for trailing aircraft airborne then

All FCO’s on Broadcast.
Met advised Linton and Eastmoor.
Leeming and Dishforth diverted their them circling aircraft to Linton and Eastmoor.

1545 / / Base 62 none too happy

1640 / CFC. / Contacted C.F.C. for immediate own base. They named Downham Market.
Broadcast to all FCOS to divert to Downham
3 Group informed, who say they must not overload Downham and added Stradishall to our allotment.

600 / Recalls / All airborne & cautionaries recalled. 427. 429 were diverted definitely to Strad. – later 427 landed at base, C/429 landed at Stradishall.
Sow conditions moved down over the group with great speed necessitating diversion from Base 62 stations of all a/c over them.
All arrangements cleared with 3 group.

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MARTINET (M5-869.)


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[underlined] Saturday March 4 [/underlined]

1700 / Northolts Hurricanes / One Martinet landed on Golf Course – damaging a wing tip. Guard was temporarily provided by K.R.R.

Orders given to Base 62 to provide relief guard from Eastmoor. Crew to return to York with ROC Controller and proceed by train to base.
All concerned informed.

Hurricane which took off against RER from ACP Linton landed finally safely at Dalton.

Second Martinet finally accounted for at HUTTON CRANSWICK.

1830 / / All aircraft diverted to 13 Group accounted for in 3 Group who were advised to have crews standing by for return tonight to ensure crews carry correct gen sheets.

/ Ex 4 Gp 1 Gp etc / 12 Aircraft accounted for in 4 – 191 [ deleted] and A4 [/deleted] [inserted] – 2nd - and 9 Gp. All informed to stand by for take off instructions from this group.

1830 / - / Off Duty F/L Justaton On Duty H. L Spence F/O

1845 / Crash 432/J (LW-617) Aircraft crashed on return from Gatwick came up on r/t at Eastmoor in the midst of Snowstorm. While arranging for diversion with in 62 Base, weather cleared so well at and diversion did not appear necessary. A/C made a normal approach, overshot, landing well down the runway. In [deleted] [indecipherable word] [/deleted] braking

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/ [underlined] Crash 432/J [/underlined] (Cont’d) / A/C skidded, damaging props, under carriage & a wing. Crew are OK.
No Authorisation was given by this H.2 nor 62 base for aircraft to take off – first knowledge being upon his contact on R/I. Have asked F.C.L.O. 11 to let us know on whose instructions the pilot took off. A/C is obstructing the main runway.

1930 / Well BJ-989 / Middleton instructed w/n to stay overnight to stand by for 0900 hrs final ok to be secured from Middleton for return. He is to be signalled out and this H.2, to telephone Middleton when he takes off.

2000 / A/C Aeoag / All aircraft away are to stay overnight and stand by for early morning take off (0800 – 0900 hrs) on instructions of S.A.S.O. Check of station in 4 Group & others indicate snow & ice making take off dangerous. Their recommendations are also to stay all group & stations in 6 Group concerned informed.

2300 / 431/K / S/L Higgins insists that aircraft return tonight. Further check made with Marston-Moor indicated runways snow covered & slippery, also snow on aircraft. A.O.C while in ops. Room concerned A/C should not take off. Controller so advised S/L Higgins, despite which latter called through to Marston-Moor & instructed the Pilot (F/O Bell) to return as soon as possible if his a/c was not iced up/ Controller instructed Marston-Moor the aircraft was [underlined] not [/underlined] to take off. The station will make every effort to get a/c away as early as possible tomorrow morning.

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Saturday – March 4/44

2315 0000 / M.S.G. / Runways / F.C.O. reported more snow with some freezing. Later reported unhappy about return of a/c as they considered runway U/S due to snow & ice beneath, and poor lighting from Drew.

Checked all Group Stations for runway serviceability.

[underlined] Middleton [/underlined] U.S. as above
[underlined]Croft [/underlined] Starting to snow but likelihood of it missing them.
[underlined] 62 Base .[/underlined]
[underlined] Eastmoor[/underlined] – prong on main line
[underlined]Tholthorpe [/underlined]} [underlined]Linton [/underlined] }Water and snow on runways and freezing temp. expected. Later have sanded their short runways which would be in use.

[underlined] 61 Base [/underlined]
Wombleton – Film of ice on R/W have sanded touch down & further points of using brakes.

Topcliffe – Short R/W. 32 in use. Runway wet but no ice & no later difficulties. Could change to long R/W 04 if necessary.

Leeming – Melting snow on R/W Feel lowering of temperature would make it difficult.

Skipton Have some snow, if necessary could assist: would not want amateurs.

[underlined]Sunday, March 5/44 [/underlined]

0001 / / Ident Board Change.

0130 / Diversion 419 & 428 / In consultation with met. & controller diversion made to divert to Leeming. All necessary information passed & other stations in 6 group informed. Topcliffe still standing by if required.

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State of Aerodromes (6 Grp ) – 0800hrs

Croft = no Snow Serviceable
Middleton Snow & Ice – U/S – 4-5 hrs
Leeming = Snow = 5
Skipton = Snow and Ice – 1-2 hrs.
Topcliffe = Snow + 5
Dishforth = Snow and Slush = 4-5 hrs.
Dalton = Snow & Ice – 3-4 hrs.
Wombleton = Snow & Ice – 5
Linton = Snow & Ice – 5
Eastmoor = Snow & Ice U/S – 2 -3 hrs
Tholthorpe = Snow & Ice U/S 2-3 hrs

Picture of above state passed to C.F.C

A/C – D/426 Sqd (DS.757.
S.A.S.O. [Symbol]
Controller [Symbol]
G.T.L [Symbol]
W/C Saunders = no reply
Equip [Symbol]
Eng [Symbol]
S/C Ganderton [Symbol]
F/L Stuffs = [deleted] no reply [/deleted] [Symbol]
S/L Seabourne – Away for 4 or 5 days

Crew List of 426/D

Pilot = F/L Logan = Ok
F/E Sgt Mayle last 3 161 – died in hospital

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[underlined] Sunday. March 5/44 [/underlined]

0220 / Diversion / First diversion broadcast to A/C

0300 / Diversion / Topcliffe reported temp below freezing. Leeming have checked runway and are still happy, despite a light fall of sleet.

0424 / 419 & 428 Ops. A/C / All operational aircraft landed safely at Leeming

0900 / Off Duty H.L Spence F/O On Duty W A Warwick F/O

0940 / / State of aerodrome still bad due to ice & snow on the runways.

0945 / Permission / Re S/L Higgins wishes to go to Litchfield to pick up crew of M by air. Air I instructed that crew return by train.

1540./ [underlined] 12 Grp DITCHED A/C 426/D (DS-757) [/underlined] / F.C.L.O reports an A/C ditched just off the coast at Brislington Bay and happened to be D/426 on an exercise, dingy [deleted] ditch [/deleted] search. Crew picked up & one member seriously injured. All concerned not’d but G.A.I.O. & C OF A.O.

1610 / [underlined] 12 Grp DITCHED A/C 426/D (DS-757) [/underlined] /4 Grp. Re crash D/426 that Sgt Mabey F/E died in Bridlington S.S.Q & F/L Logan Capt of A/C & Crew waiting for arrangements to be picked up. All in formation passed to base 62 who will handle pick up of the crew. Phone call & no = Bridlington 341 ext 32 Crew.

1830 / - Off Duty F/O W.A Warwick.

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Serviceability of Aerodrome

Base 61 – All stations free from Ice and Snow
Base 62 - All stations free from Ice and Snow
Middleton – No Snow or Ice
Croft – No Snow or Ice
L’mg – No Snow or Ice
P/lipton – No Snow or Ice

Passed to C.F.C 0830 hrs

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1830 / - / On Duty F/L Justaton

2025 / 1659/C / One hour overdue. No W/T contact. Requested FCLO to check along route (No 24)

2045 / 1659/C / Accounted for. FCLO advised.

2225 / DARKY BARON T. / Ex FC 92. Un acknowledged Darky call from aircraft using this C/S answered by Westcott.
Advised must be our 1664/F because of C/S through mg “T” airborne.
Base 61 informed.
-1664/F later accounted for at Base.

0001/ / [underlined] MONDAY MARCH 6 [/underlined]

0030 / 434 /Z. / One hour overdue. Actioned with FCLO12.

0035 / 434/Z / Faint W/T contact with M.S.G.
FCLO 12 Informed who advised that a number of X-C halifaxes were now on board moving up from South. (This a/c landed safely at base 0105)

0900 / - / Off Duty F/L Louis Justaton On Duty H. L Spence F/O

1050 / Met at Biggin Hill / Duty forecaster 6 Group none too happy re met at BH – Fog just clearing; viz 1500yds. Patches in the area. Fog patches all along rote from Topcliffe and East Anglia. Hazy viz 2000-3000 yds. Passed to 61 Base for Pilot of Spitfire who will call his own base for return instructions.

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[underlined]Landfall Beacon [/underlined] – Selsey Bill – 360 °T 2130 – 2230 hrs

[underlined]Balloons [/underlined]
Billingham – close hauled 1700-1900 & 2230 – 0130

Portsmouth} Control at 1500’ 2115 – 2245 213- - 2300
Southampton} Control at 1500’ 2115 – 2245 213- - 2300
Langley} Control at 1500’ 2115 – 2245 213- - 2300
Weybridge} Control at 1500’ 2115 – 2245 213- - 2300

Thames} Control at 1500’ 1915 -2015
Chelmsford} Control at 1500’ 1915 -2015
Canterbury} Control at 1500’ 1915 -2015

[Underlined] Emergency Diversion Bases [/underlined]

419 – 428 Middleton} Tangmere
431 - 434 Croft} Tangmere

427 – 429 Leeming} Thorny Island
424 – 433 Skipton} Thorny Island
420 – 425 Tholthorpe} Thorny Island

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[underlined] Monday – March 6/44 [/underlined]

1300. / L.F.B & Balloons / Arranged as indicated opposite page

/ Emergency Diversions / 2 Emergency bases requested from C.F.C.

1410 / Emergency Diversion / Ford & Thorney Island allotted as by Central Flying Control.

1417 / Emergency Diversions / Tangmere substituted for Ford.

1430 / V.I.P A/C Carnegie to Peterboro’ / Took off from Dishforth M.L.O. 12 informed.

1430 / 431M at Litchfield / After checking met. Croft & controller authorised take off for return to base.

1600 / 426/D Ditching [underlined]5-3-44 [/underlined]/ Ex W.C. Palmer. Crew were out of view the stationary dinghy off the coast to familiarize themselves with sighting from air. When down low (approx. 100 ft) an engine cut & the tail of the A/C was in the sea before its effect could be corrected. The tail broke off. There was no rear gunner or wireless operator in the aircraft on the flight. [inserted]Passed to S/L Hamilton, Bomber Command 1710 hrs [/inserted]

1455 / Diversion Bases / Stations passed all information re bases for Emergency purposes.

1630 / 425/R / Now serviceable at Downham Market. Station state “yellow” & so immediate return conflicts with ops take off, told to stand by for early take off tomorrow morning. Passed to 3 Group.

1705 1725 / Darky Sycamore M (Finningley) / Several calls heard & answered by Croft A/C appeared to be receiving faintly. Finally called “Mayday” A/C not seen, no plots of distance on 12 Group table. 93 Group checking if any of their A/C are in this area.

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[underlined]Monday Mar. 6/44 [/underlined]

2150 / cont’d / not received diversion message.

21/55 408/Y / X/C from Linton 1 hr overdue F.C.L.O. 12 Grp notif’d, but no news of said A/C. will inform us is he has landed elsewhere.

2230 / Bases: / Weather slowly closing up in Group/, but stn’s other than M.S.G. & Croft workable

2300 / M.S.G. / A/C circling M.S.G & short of fuel told to go to Linton as they are standing up well. Other Stn’s seem to be coping quite well.

[underlined] Tuesday Mar. 7/44[/underlined]

0000/ 408/Y. X/C from Linton landed at Bury. St. Edmunds due to misinterpretation of W/T recall send to operational A/C, & by his Bomber Code meant Bury St. Edmunds. Staying the night. Base informed also 12 Grp. F.C.L.O

0010 / Base A/C / Landed very well considering petrol shortage & bad vis. 6 A/C landed within 6 Grp. 22-92 Grp. & 91.

0100 / Ident Board changed. Also Acklington, 92,91 & 1 Grp, 16 Grp. Stood down.

0120 / Main power supply went off & in total darkness. Elec Eng. In Harrogate sent for by M.T.

0200 / Stand-by power supply on.

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[underlined] Tuesday Mar. [deleted] 6 [/deleted] 7 / 44 [/underlined]

0700/ Met. 6 / Picture obtained re weather for return of our away A/C. & will not be fit at bases [deleted] f [/deleted] until 1100 hrs. onwards.

0725 / D’V’N GRP’S / Not’f’d re. picture of our weather & stn’s to advise crews to stand by for a possible take -off about 11 oclock.

0740 / C.F.C / List, numbers & stations of A/C diverted given to C.F.C.

[underlined] 0845 [/underlined]

0900 / Off watch W.A. Warwick F/O

0900 / On Duty. F/L Justaton

1000 / A/C AWAY / State of Serviceability received. MET PICTURE unfavourable for take off in 91 & 92 group. Conditions being 10/10 cl. 900 ft. – snowing in Midlands. Tops 5000’
SASO ruled that a/c mere not to take off until these conditions improve.
These instructions passed to F.C 91. 92. and Middleton.

1030 / Y. 408 R. 425 / Bury St Edmunds. Downham Market} instructed to take off for base. Ok’d by 6 Grp met and S/L Tyler, Base 62

A/C of inter 6 Group diversion from last night returning to resp. bases.

1035 / N/419. / Shot up watch office at Linton – flew at 40’ over

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419/N – ON TAKE OFF Shot up the watch office and flew at 40 feet over dispersed aircraft.

428/Y – ON TAKE OFF Shot up the airfield at MARKET HARBORO’
ADVISED = S.A.S.O. – S.F.C.O. – S.O.C. M.S.G.



419 /7/ } IBSLEY / 10
428. / 4 / } IBSLEY / 10
431. / 8/ }THORNEY IS / 18
434. / 11 / }THORNEY IS / 18
427. / 14 / }HURN / 10
429. /8 / } HURN / 10
424. /8 / NEWMARKET / 3
433. / 14 / HETHEL / 2 USED
420. / 4 / } MILDENHALL / 3
421 / 10 / } MILDENHALL
408 / 10 / SHIPDHAM / 2. USBD
426 / 14 / BUNGAY / 2 USBD
432 / 14 / TUDDENHAM / 3

1.Passed to stations 1845 hrs
2.O.k’d by groups concerned. 1700 hrs

12 A/C = 9 HAL. 3 LANC.
=ETD. 1813
ETA – 0200
Passed to CFC at 1825 hrs

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Tuesday. March 7

/ N/419 / dispersed aircraft. SASO, and S/L Stanley advised.

1130 / C.F.C / Informed that we require provisional weather accommodation for 120 a/c tonight.

1250 / Ref – Ret’n Diverted Aircraft / SASO confirmed with MET conditions over the Midlands still too unfavourable for return [deleted] Base 61 [/deleted [symbol] F.C.91 92 advised keep a/c standing by a lit longer. Stations informed.

1255 / L.F.B / Selsey Bill – Bearing 360°T Time : 2215-2315.

/ Balloons: / Billingham – Close hauled 1715 – 1845.
Langley} Controlled at 1500 – 1930 – 0100 hrs
Weybridge} Controlled at 1500 – 1930 – 0100 hrs
Southampton} Controlled at 1500 – 1930 – 0100 hrs
Portsmouth} Controlled at 1500 – 1930 – 0100 hrs

1400 / Ref Ret’n a/c away / O.k’d by 6 Gp. MET and SASO. Clearance for take off passed to F.C 91 and 92 – Crew of 419.

1445 / Y428 / Did low level shoot up of Market Harborough after take off there are 1438 hours.

1600 / DVN’s / Final allocation of provisional bases [deleted] retn [/deleted] aircraft with C.F.C and passed to Stations approved by S.A.S.O and S.O.C.

S.A.S.O gave permission for crews of 419/H to return with other 428-419 a/c. – Passed 91 Grp.

1830 / - / Off Duty F/L Justaton

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New Provisional Weather Diversion:

Callsigns & all information passed to 61 & 62 Bases.

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[underlined] Tuesday – March 7/44 [/underlined]

1830 / / On Duty H. L Spence

1835 / 431/D / Ex Croft. Thornaby report Hal. On 3 engines flying towards coast. Presumably m/n going out to jettison. 12 Group informed and keeping watch on him/ Landed Croft `854.

1855 / 429/P / Leeming report one of their a/c appears to be unable to get his wheels up and had proceeded south, presumably intending to go out and jettison. 2 Group informed & keeping a watch on him. Landed 2004

1905 / [deleted] 429/P [/deleted] Report of smoke / Ex 62 Bases. Tholthorpe report smoke between them & Linton. Linton have seen nothing. 12 Group advise of a crash near Elvington, but nothing between our 2 stations mentioned. [deleted] landed 2004 [/deleted]

1925 / ?/T / Skipton advise this a/c on R/T, asked if he had jettisoned but no answer. Could not get call sign. No further contact up top 2120 hrs.

2005 / Bombs Dropped Nr York / 4 Group state one of our a/c dropped 6- 1000lb bombs about 6 miles east of York – See Operations Log for full particulars.

2150 / Diversion / S.A.S.O, Controller, Met, etc in conference re weather on return. Anticipating visibility difficulty possible in northern part of 61 Group, arrangements were made to divert as indicated on opposite page. Lindholme & Blyton of 1 Group also to stand by if required.

2230 / Diversion / 10, 3, 16 & [inserted] groups ] [/inserted] 2nd U.S.B.D. stood down insofar as general diversion is concerned. Warned they may be used by aircraft in emergency however.

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To : [underlined]CENTRAL FLYING CONTROL - DIVERSION[/underlined]


[underlined] STATION [/underlined] [underlined] A/C LANDED[/underlined]

10 GROUP / ISLEY / 1

[underlined]OTHER [/underlined](EMERGENCY)

11 GROUP / FORD / 1

INTER- Group} / EASTMOOR / 1
/ / 11




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[underlined]Tuesday – March 7/44 [/underlined]

2330 / Diversion / 1 [deleted]3 [/deleted] Group Flying Control informed our weather holding out fairly well and hoped we could cope without help. Requested them to continue to stand by for time being.

[underlined] Wednesday – March 8/44 [/underlined]

0030 / Diversion / 1 [deleted]3 [/deleted] Group Stations stood down with thanks.

0100 / Diversion. / 61 & 62 Bases stood down insofar as diversion was concerned.

0106 All Operational aircraft down safely.

0145 / N/F / All Night Flying in Group completed.

0200 / Ident Board Changed.

0250 [symbol] / 426/K.O.U JETTISON / 62 Base requested to advise why it was necessary for these aircraft to jettison after their return to base; how much of their load was jettisoned; also where they dumped the bombs as 12 Group reported jettisoning was done only a few miles of coast. The latter may have been because of petrol shortage.

0600 / 426/K.O.U JETTISON / Intelligence report indicated jettison by these 3 aircraft was sone 16-8-6 miles respectively from coast off Flamborough Head.

0740 / a/c away / Met advise considerable low cloud (500 – 100 ft ) South of Humber & enroute from Thorny Island & ford; also possible poor vis. From smoke south of London area.

0850 / a/c/ away / F.C.L.O 11 advise met conditions at Ford OK for take off, and upon consulting met & Controller instructed that 433/O return to Skipton as soon as refuelling completed.

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Wednesday. March 8.

0900 / / Off Duty H. L Spence F/O

09.30 / A/C Away / Route forecast is that there is a thin layer of strato-cu base 500’ to 2000’ along route. This should disperse later in the morning.

10.00 / Oxford to Harwell / Flight to Harwell authorized by S.A.S.O (Spoke to two 428 a/c)

1225 / Emergency Weather Dvn Bases. / Requested 3 bases from C.F.C in the vicinity of Hurn.

1245 L.F.B. Selsey Bill / Will be flashing on a bearing of 360°T from 2215 to 2315 hrs.

1250 / Balloons / Following Balloons will be at a controlled height as indicated:-

Portsmouth} 1500ft. 1930 to 2045 hrs and 2200 to 2330 hrs.
Southampton} 1500ft. 1930 to 2045 hrs and 2200 to 2330 hrs.
Langley} 1500ft. 1930 to 2045 hrs and 2200 to 2330 hrs.
Weybridge} 1500ft. 1930 to 2045 hrs and 2200 to 2330 hrs.

Billingham Close Hauled 1800 – 1430 & 2300 -0100 hrs.

1230 / 419/T / F.C 3 Group advise m/n aircraft took off for Middleton from Lakenheath at 1224 hrs. No authorisation requested or given by this F.2. nor F.C. Middleton. Latter informed.

1245 / - / On Duty F/L Justaton

1350. / L.F.B. BALLOONS / Broadcast to stations as for entry 12-45 – 1250.

1430 / S/L Gowan to Worksop / Permission granted by S.A.S.O for S/L Gowan to fly to Worksop with repairs and crew for 1666/H.

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Provisional Weather Diversion Bases –

[underlined] IBSLEY [/underlined]

419 – 9 A/C} 13 } CANCELLED
428 – 4 A/C } 13 } CANCELLED

427 – 5 A/C } CANCELLED
429 – 5 A/C } CANCELLED
433 - 5 A/C } CANCELLED
424 - 4 A/C 19 } CANCELLED

420 - 5 A/C } CANCELLED
425 - 5 A/C } CANCELLED
432 - 8 A/C 18} CANCELLED



[underlined] ADVISED [/underlined]

[Symbol] S.O.C
[Symbol] S.F.C.O.
[Symbol] G.A.I.O
[Symbol] AIR I.
[Symbol] SASO
[Symbol] EQMT
[Symbol] ENGR
REF. 887 964

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Wednesday March 8.

1500 / C.F.C / Diversion Bases allocated as per opposite page.

1515 / DVN Bases / Passed to Resp Stations.

1517 / Stinson Vigilant / G/C ATCHERLEY – EX Topcliffe to Milfield. Route passed to M.L.S and to F.C.L.O. 12 for plotting.

1620 / Ops / Cancelled by Cmd.

1635 / L.F.B. BALLOONS} / Pre arrangements cancelled

1630 / Diversion Bases / Pre arrangements cancelled.

1700 / Crash Martinet / Force landed North of Dalton – wheels up. Damaged. Crew o.k. Time of Crash – 1657 hours. Crash Action – Dalton.

1725 / Security Sigs. / Ex F.C> Skipton. Report interception od following clear language message on R/T:-
“All Balfor aircraft cloud base 1000 ft visibility 7 miles” Passed to D.Sig.O for Security Sigs.

1725 / Bullseye / Cancelled

1745 / Bullseye as X City / To be flown as X city movement cleared with M.L.S as H2S Exercise because no other such exercise is to go over Belfast.

1800 / RAFNI. / Ref Halifax at 20,000ft flying inland over Dublin thought to be F/425 - .

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PERMISSION – By Air I 1050 hrs.

Special Note
*No Practice Bombing in the area and time following
090800A- 111800A. MARCH 1944
54°00N – 55°00N
English coast to 0500E.

1530 9-3-44 Ex MLO12 Group – In case of need to jettison while above restriction is in force, operational a/c should go our 40+ miles from coast south of latitude 5400N.

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Wednesday. March 8

1800/ RAFNI / Passed to FC Base 62 on advice from DSO suggestion made to Base 61 to call this A/C on H.T advising him to obtain a fix and report his position. Call signs for 425 Sqn as of 8.3.44 passed to RAFNI.

1930 / / Ex mao 9 Information received from RAFNU – now convinced plot over Dublin was a phoney.
-Passed to all concerned.
-still unable to contact 425/F on WE/T
-Efforts to contact on W/T discontinued.

2000/ 1666 X City / Recalled message relayed on MF

2010 / F425 / On HF D F Linton.
Q.D.M 159° m = 00.06 message received

2015 / F425 / On R/T – landed safely. Concerned advised.

2045 / 1664 X City / S/L I/C N/F Dishforth determined not to re call X city aircraft carrying our proposed. Bullseye Route though vis at base on return not expected to be good. Controller, Air I met in picture.

2310 / 1664 x – City / All landed safely at Dishforth.

2340 / U/1666 / Landed Wombleton – hadn’t got [deleted] [indecipherable word] [/deleted] recall signal – 10 minutes after leaving weather closed in to 1/10 at 900’

2345 / N/F / All flying in Group ceased.

[Page Break]

[underlined] Landfall Beacons [/underlined] – Selsey Bill – 360 °T 2215- 2315 hrs

[underlined]Balloons [/underlined]: - Control at 1500ft from `930 – 2030 and 2200 – 2345 hrs of following:- [underlined] Portsmouth & Southampton [/underlined] [underlined] Langley & Weybridge[/underlined]
Close haul from 1815-1915 hrs and 2315 – 0100 hrs of [underlined]Billingham [/underlined]

Emergency Diversion Bases:

[underlined] IBSLEY[/underlined]
419 / 9 }13
428 / 4 }13

[underlined] HURN [/underlined]
427 / 5 }19
429 / 5 }19
433 / 5}19
424 / 4}19

[underlined]THORNEY ISLAND [/underlined]
420 / 5 }18
425 / 5 }18
432 / 8}18


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[underlined] Thursday March 9. [/underlined]

0001 / - / Ident Bd Corrected

0830 [deleted] 0900 [/deleted] / AIRFIELD SERVICEABILITY } Passed to C.F.C as free of Ice ‘N’ snow

0900 / - / Off Duty – F/L Justaton
On Duty – H L Spence F/O

1045 / 408/K Crew / No return by rail. Instructions of 62 Base passed to F.C.O. 2nd U.S.B.D. This arranged yesterday. Crew should arrive York 1330 hrs today. 62 Base informed.

1045 / Proctor 185 S/L Crawford H.W. 859 March 8th – Overdue action by Clifton arrival Wombleton (From Market Harborough) 1515 hrs. Left 1715 for Thornaby. Arrived there & staying overnight Clifton informed.

1120 /[underlined] L.F.B. & Balloons [/underlined] Arranged as shown on page opposite.

1145 434/W Crew On instruction of F.C.O. Croft Flying Control 16 to arrange for crew of 434/W to be standing by for return in 434/G from Thorney Island. 16 Group informed.

1155 / Commun. Oxford / Permission granted by S.A.AS.O. to flight from Linton to Gransden Lodge.

1205 / Hal’s for M.S.G. / Ex Pathfinders. Ferrying will not be done by them to-day because of weather. Will commence tomorrow if weather o.k. M.S.G. Flying Controller informed. 3 Hals for [deleted] of [/deleted] each squadron (419 &428) allotted. 419 Squadron have 4 crews away to fly the a/c back. Travelled by train.

1220 / [underlined] Emergency Dvn Bases [/underlined] Requested 3 bases from C.F.C in the vicinity of Ham. Suggested same as laid on for yesterday.

1355 / [underlined]Emergency Dvn Bases [/underlined] Hurn, Ibsley & Thorney Island allotted by C.F.C

1500 / A/C all 434/G / Informed 16 Group m/n a/c could take off

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[underlined] Thursday – March 9/44 [/underlined]

1650. / L.F.B.& Balloons / Pre-arrangements cancelled.

/ Dvn Bases / Pre-arrangements cancelled.

1655 / Halis for M.S.G. / F.|C. 18 Group wish to be kept informed of met. conditions at Middleton as they now plan to have the Hal’s that are ready (3 or 4) ferried up today. They are attempting to round up the crews advised M.S.G.

1830 / / Off Duty H.L Spence F/O

1830 / - / On Duty F/L Justaton

/ F/AFFN 408 – 426 / Panic : Sqn Commanders require further met forecast before being happy about take off. Unable to gain immediate contact with group met – Decision of taking off in 25 mins time (still no route cleared with M.L.O.)

1850 / F/AFFN 408-426 / Cancelled (Damn good thing)

1900 / 1664/A / Difficulty in landing last of day flying. Request inter group Dvn base. – non available. Vis down to 1500 yds on both North and South of Group. (much hunt ‘n’ poke)

19 [deleted] 00 [/deleted] 15 / / Finally landed at Dishforth

1920 [deleted] DARKY [/deleted] C.F.C. / On request from Base 62 for definite diversion base to which to send 425/A & K and 420 E – C.F.C. were asked for Prestwich because these A/C on

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Thursday March 9th

1920 / C.F.C. X. cty they should be over The Mull of Galloway by 2015 hrs.
Call signs Passed to CFC for Prestwick should it be o.k.

1920 / Darky Neglect -A- / Contact over Topcliffe landed Skipton – 1933 Base 62 informed.

new aircraft for MSG now at Graveley to stay there until weather clears.

2000 / C.F.C. / Prestwick ok’d for diversion - Base 62 informed.

2015 / E/420 / At 1915 this a/c on w/t reported one engine u/s. No further contact made. His route if followed would bring him in at Fishguard between 20:20 – 20:30 hrs. Request made to FCLO12 to search along route for this A/C.

2035. / FCLO / Halifax plotted in over Fishguard – Engines running badly – Firing of REDS – Ignored [deleted] DARKY [/deleted] NEMO calls and lighted airfield. Engines packed up – went on.

2045 / V1659 / HF Topcliffe. On 3 Engines. Returning to Base. Vis at Base 1200 yards.

- / MET6 / Give Acklington vis 3 miles N.L.C.

- / CFC / [indecipherable word] may use Acklington. Local arrangements.

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Thursday March 9th

2050 / FCLO12 / Last plot entry 2035 hrs in Pershore area. Checking on the use of Acklington.

2105 / K/425 E 420 / On HF Linton.
Both Acknowledge Diversion to Prestwick.
E/420 did not report any special trouble. Said would contact later. Passed to C.F.C for Prestwick and to FCLO who was requested to watch plots.

2115/ACKLINGTON / Willing to cope with diversion 1659 and 1664 Local arrangements with F.C.L.O. 12. C.F.C Informed ok’d

2020 / 1659 1664} Sqn leader 1659. 1664 [indecipherable word] of making the diversion definite ok’d by all concerned.

2125 / E425 – K/420 / Acknowledged diversion to Prestwick E420 request position of Prestwick. Passed to C.F.C.

2129 / V1659 / 3 Engines on H.FDF.F Topcliffe. Told to go to Acklington. Landed Topcliffe (vis about 1000 yds) – FCLO 12 informed.

2150 / C/1664 / Landed Base/ FCLO12 informed. Definite Dv’n to Acklington cancelled- now emergency only.

2205 / MDG Croft / Green.

2205 / HEXAD “G” / On R/T Linton sent to Middleton. Ok’d by F.C. MSG who were given all call signs etc.

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Thursday March 9th

2230 / 1664- 1959 - / All X-cty aircraft now accounted for on R/T FCLO 12 informed Acklington dismissed with thanks.

2240 / K425 E420 / Checked with F.C.L.O 9. For landing at Prestwick. No joy. No plots

2245 / K425 E420 / Checked with C.F.C who advise will check Prestwick direct.

2300 K425 E420 / Ex C.F.C No joy whatsoever in 9, 13 – 12 Groups on these two aircraft. Prestwick has no news of them either.

2305 / K425 E420 / Discussed with FCLO 12. Pointed out that these aircraft may have carried on to completed their detail before diverting to Prestwick which would make their ETA there approx. midnight. Requested search for possible plots.

2306 / K45 E420 / EX F.C.L.O.9 and C.F.C Both of these A/C now accounted for at Prestwick. Base 62 and FCLO `12 informed.

2310 / - / All flying in Group finished. All aircraft accounted for.

0001 / / Friday March 10th

0100 / / Ident Bd Corrected

0145 / C.F.C. Preliminary warning possible Diversion from

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Warwick Bramcote 1030 Lyneham RT Vermin A. K.O.G

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Friday March 10th

/ C.F.C. / Five Group as of 0500 hrs.

0500 / - / No news of diversion

0900 / - / Off Duty F/L Justaton

09.00 / - / On Duty F D Cleland F/L

10.30 / C.F.C / Wish diversion base for a Warwick from Lyneham RT. Call sign “Vermin A” WT K.O.G. Offered M.S.G.

11.20 / C.F.C / Warwick “A” landed OK at Nuneaton.

12.00 / Warwick V2 / Landed M.S.G. from Thornaby. Direct diversion.

G / Warwick BV290 / Landed at Skipton from Thornaby. Should have landed at M.S.G

1355/ A/C to Boxhill / Permission granted by Air I to take Halifax to Boxhill to look at Aircraft.

14.15 / Warwick / Informed Thornaby that Warwicks (see entry 12.00 hrs) have returned to base.

1445 / Prestwick / K/425 Sgt Milkin, E/420 Sgt McAdam to return to base as soon as possible. Pilots to be tannoid/

1450 / GRAVELEY / Middleton aircraft to return as soon as possible as they can take off. Met advised that low cloud at 500ft just patchy should not interfere. Controller O.K’d return.

1500 / 428 A/C/ Middleton requested permission to send 2 Halifaxes to collect aircraft. I at Skipton and Q at Harwell. Checked with met who advise against it as could 9/10 at 600’ not much hope of improvement today. Will call again in the morning (11th) Check this tomorrow

18.20 / [underlined] Crash [/underlined] Halifax H/1659 [underlined] BB-303[/underlined] Reported by Croft and Leeming. Pin-point by ROCLO 7721. Latest report on posn. By Northallerton NFS is between Danby Wiske & Streethlam. Croft & Scorton are sending out fire tenders & ambulances. Also 4 fire engines from Northallerton NFS.
Unknown source report states a/c letters were RV (Topcliffe)

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Location Sheet #21 795195

[underlined] Crash – 1659/H (BB-303) [/underlined] 1 Late Burnt

[underlined]Crew List [/underlined] / [underlined]Condition [/underlined] / at.
Pilot P/O J.Y. COTE R165545 / OK. / Croft S.S.Q
B. A Sgt. ST GERMAIN, J.R R -96959 / OK. / Croft S.S.Q
W.Op F/S ASSELIN, J.L. R-96678 / Serious / Northallerton Hosp.
F/E SGT. JENKINS K.E. 18995288 / OK. / Croft S.S.Q.
M.U.G SGT. LAVOIE F.G. R-202480 / Serious / Northallerton Hosp
R.G SGT. LEDUC J.P.E. R-185320 Serious / Northallerton Hosp

[underlined] Ditching – 429/C [/underlined] (LW685) 2

[underlined]Crew list [/underlined] / [underlined] Condition[/underlined]

Pilot – F/S BUSKAS, S. R158289 / OK. R.A.F. Sta. Hop - Dyce
Nav – F/O J.F. STILL J24041 / OK. R.A.F. Sta. Hop – Dyce
B.A. – SGT. BOWLES J.B. R172012 / OK. R.A.F. Sta. Hop – Dyce
W.Op – SGT WILSON, W.R. R157975 / OK. R.A.F. Sta. Hop – Dyce
M.U.G – SGT WILLIAMS, A.J. R188286 / OK. R.A.F. Sta. Hop – Dyce
R.G. – SGT. FAULKNER / OK. R.A.F. Sta. Hop – Dyce
F.E – SGT PHILLIPS, H.J 1141419 / OK. R.A.F. Sta. Hop – Dyce

Informed of above crash by : [Symbol]
/ 1 / 2
S.A.S.O. / [Symbol] / [Symbol]
Air I / [Symbol] / [Symbol]
Controller / [Symbol] / [Symbol]
G.2 I / [Symbol] / [Symbol]
G.A.I. / [Symbol] / [Symbol]
Engr. / [Symbol] / [Symbol]
Equip. / [Symbol] / [Symbol]
p.4 / [Symbol] / [Symbol]
C of A / [Symbol] / [Symbol]
A.S.R. (S/L Seabourne) / [Symbol] / [Symbol]

[Page Break]

Friday. Mar 10/44.

1830 / Off duty J D Cleland F/L
/ On duty / H. L Spence F/O

1830 / KAY/T 419 / [underlined]’O’ Message [/ underlined] / Ex Hull L.H.A.G. Top 1750 TOR 1805 Decoded :-I.E.F. U/S
M.L.O 12 informed and will clear Leeming advised.

1905 / [underlined] KAY/C 429/C S.O.S[/ underlined]Ex M.F Section A, 13 Group, via Hull & M.L.S 12 Fix 5710N 0110W 1857 Ident Message – Losing Height T.O.O. 1900 Station informed.

1915 / [underlined] Bearing 429/C Ditched [/ underlined] / ExM.L.S.12. 345°T from Hull 253 °T from Acklington 1st class T.O.O. 1906
Key was clamped down and contact faded.
(13 group in picture. Have an a/c in sea in that vicinity & all action being taken).
Leeming informed.

2000 / 1659/H [underlined] Crash [/ underlined] / Croft state 3 of crew in S.S.2. & remainder at Northallerton Hospital. 61 Base state only 6 in aircraft. Croft conform aircraft to be 1659/H and Scorton taking 1921 action.

2050 / 429/C / Final picture from 13 Gp and 18 Gp F/C.
This a/c crashed off Aberdeen (030°T-1 mile) at approx. 1910 hrs. A Naval vessel off Aberdeen rushed to the scene and picked up all seven of the crew and later transferred them to a R.A.F.H.S/L/ The crew were taken to the S.H.Q at R.A.F. station DYCE. Everyone in the picture.

2100 / 1659/H. [underlined] Crash [/ underlined] / 12 Group state only 2 of crew are Northallerton Hospital, and a further check would be made for the third man. 621 Base informed. New pinpoint from 12 Group 7919 (Streetlaw)

2215 / 1659/H. [underlined] Crash [/ underlined] / Scorton advise definitely 3 of crew are at Northallerton Hosp. and give pinpoint of crash 815195 on 1# map.

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1. Just to show you that your lads are not being overlooked. This appeared in at least 50 Canadian papers.
Thanks Tom
[indecipherable word]

[Newspaper article transcribed later]

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2255 / Why 429/C Ditched / P.O.E went duff. Couldn’t feather prop. Vibration broke oil line & pilot was afraid vibration would shake the wing off, so in they went.
The tail of the a/c is above the surface of the water, but R.A.F. Dyce say that they expect a gale in that area before any attempt a salvaging the /c can be undertaken.

2310 / 1 Gp Lane Diversion / From CFC can we cope with 50 Lanc. On a Command Bullseye. Check on met. who say Middleton, Leeming and croft okay. [underlined] E.T.A. 0050 hrs [/underlined]
Advised 1 Gp and stations of above. Checked Billingham balloons with BLO 12 Gp.

2359 / Balloons / Arranged with 12 Gp for balloons to be close hauled from 2359 until a check is received from this HQ.

[underlined] = 11 MARCH 1944. = [/underlined]

0035 / 8 Gp. / m/n group may want to send us some a/c between 0200 and 0400 hrs. checked with met. who gave following picture – very good until 0800hrs. after QBB 1500 – 5-6/10 – Viz good. Passed to 8 Gp. Who say “O.K. Long as viz. above 1000. “

0055 / Balloons & 1 Gp. Diversion Cancelled. / Control cancelled, as 1 Gp. Say they are coping quite satisfactorily stations stood down.

0900 / Off duty / S Rayman F/L

0900 / On duty. / F D Cleland F/L

12.00 / Diversion Base / Emergency Petrol only for southern gardeners – Exeter (10 Group) Passed to FC MSG & Croft.

14.30 / Landfall Balloons. / Flamborough – on bearing 290°T from 22.45 – 23 hrs. Torquay – on a bearing of 360°T from 22.30 – 00.30 hrs.

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Dominion Press Clipping AND Public Relations Bureau
[indecipherable word] 155 YOUNG ST TORONTO 2 CANADA
Thursday, February 3 1944
137 North Bay, Ont, Nugget

[inserted] 100A [/inserted] Air force Chatter From “Over There “
With the R.D.A.F in Britain, Fb.3 – Skilful piloting by Flt. Lt F.N. Murray, a Trinidad youth who joined the R.C.A.F. in Toronto, resulted in the safe return to an English base of a Lion Squadron Halifax damaged during an attack on Berlin.

Incendiaries from a bomber above it tore a gaping hole in the tailplane of the Halifax and sent it into a 2,000 – foot spiral dive. Stooging home at 145 miles an hour and constantly dropping to starboard the Halifax ran into a heavy flak barrage over Bremen and suffered more damage. On top of the bargain, Murray doubted whether he would have enough petrol to reach the English Coast but he managed it and landed at the first airfield he sighted.

“It was a wizard show on the part of the pilot”, said J.T. (Tommy) Head of Glace Bay, N.S., the navigator. “He was soaking wet with perspiration when we landed. And just to show he was still ‘on the beam’ he had a perfect landing.

Other Canadians in the crew were Flt. Sgt. G. Southcott of St. Catherines, Ont., bomber aimer; Sgts H. Larivee of Timmins, Ont., rear gunner; and G. Webb of Timmins, mid- upper gunner.

[inserted] [underlined] Flying Control [/underlined] [/inserted] staff at a Canadian Bomber Group station drew a bouquet from the crew of a damaged Bluenose Squadron Halifax which reached base after an attack on Berlin with only 10 gallons of petrol left in its tanks and found seven other aircraft with priority over them waiting to and, In less time than it takes to tell they were directed to a neighbouring field where a good landing was made.

“Quick action by flying control got us down safely, “ said the pilot. Flt. Lt. B. P. M. (Barney) Keenan of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. With him were FO. M.J. Tully of Fernie, B.C., navigator; Flt. Sgt. D.R. Lalande of Windsor, Ont., bomb aimer; Sgt. C.E. Osborn or Fort Erie, Mid-upper gunner, and Sgt. O.J. Harper of (30 Brunswick Apts.) Winnipeg, flight engineer.


1. Just to show you that your lads are not being overlooked. This appeared in at least 50 Canadian papers.
Thanks Tom
[indecipherable word]

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[Reproduced earlier]

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22.35 K/431 – See unserviceable and on return saw flak at 5110N 0310W when flying at 0800. This was bursting at 10000 ft 5 mins intervals at approx. 21.43. The pilot altered course and went around it and because of this 9 & 10 Gp FCLO’s were concerned. Facts reported to FCLO.9 Group

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[underlined] Saturday. March 11th 1944[/underlined]

14.30 / Balloons / Billingham – Close hauled 18.00 hrs 22.345 – 02.45 hrs
Cardiff – 500 ft from 19.30 – 20.30 hrs 23.15 – 01.30 hrs
Plymouth – 6500 ft all night. (Crews warned)

18.30/ Off Duty / F D Cleland F/L

18.30 / On duty / J W Stanley S/Ldr.

19.15 / Night flying / 9 Lancs. 33 Hali’s E.T.R 23.58 passed to C.F.C.

20.20 / Prov. Diversion / Call sign gen passed to 10 Group in event of emergency use of Exeter by Gardeners

2235/ K431 / FCLO advised this a/c returned early and they attempted to S/L him to Exeter. He wasn’t having any and they called him on Darky Frequency. He replied as “VIRGIL W.” and proceeded N.E. in posn V099 at this time. Landed Base 23.53

23.30 R/434/ F.C.L.O.12 Group advises that this a/c heard on R/T over Melton Mowbray “Casualties aboard and that he wished to jettison.” 12 Group advise he has set course towards The Wash. They are going to watch his plot and land him at nearest drome after jettisoning – He has 2 1/2 hours endurance.

2345 / 5 Group / All tee’d up to take 434/R

[underlined]Sunday March 12 th [/underlined]

0010 R/434 16 Group advise they believe this a/c is near to Docking and they will attempt to land him if he returns.

0020 / R434 / 12 Group say they have no plot at the moment. (believe he is S of Wash

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0055 / R/434/ 1st Div’n advise that this a/c landed at Molesworth with vegetables on board at 00.45 hrs. 2 wounded aboard.

Stood down 5 Group and 16 Group with thanks.

0115 / C/431 / U/C collapsed on landing runways 27/089 – 15/33 U/S last two a/c landed on remaining runway. Crew O.K.

01.45 / Off duty / J W Stanley S/Ldr

0145/ [indecipherable words] / Justaton F/L

0230 / MINERS / All mining A/C accounted for. These at Exeter to remain the night because of expected rain in this area.

0250 / X-Ctry / Last of these landed

0900 / - / Off duty F/L Justaton On duty H L Spence F/O

0930 / 419/L 428/V / Informed 10 Group F.C.L.O it would be OK for these a/c to return as soon as weather at Exeter permitted M.S.G informed.

0940 / Crew for 420J/ Crew (skeleton) to be dropped off at Westcott from a cross country to be laid on O.K’d by Air I.

0940 / Linton F.A.T. X-C / Linton planning a X-C & F. A Exercise this evening. Take off approx. 2000 – 2030 hrs. Route – Base – out to sea 50 miles – in over [deleted] Filey [/deleted] Whitby at approx. 2130 hrs – Seaton – Linton – Doncaster – Seaton – Base. Height 18,000 – 20,000 ft. Flying without lights. 6- Lancs & Scorton Fighters. 6 Gp S.O.C & M.L.O. 12 informed. Latter request w/c come in from sea at Filey or Needles instead of Whitby. 62 Base informed 1025 hrs.

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Emergency Airfield for Operation 13.14 March

Nord – 419 Squadron 13 a/c} 56 a/c
428 Squadron 15} 56 a/c
431 Squadron 14}56 a/c
434 Squadron 14}56 a/c

Hartford Bridge – 427 Squadron} 8 = 55 a/c
429 Squadron} 8 = 55 a/c
424 Squadron} 8 = 55 a/c
433 Squadron} 8 = 55 a/c
420 Squadron} 8 = 55 a/c
425 Squadron 7
432 Squadron 8

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[underlined] Sunday. March 12th 1944 [/underlined]

1005 / 434/R / W/C Bartlett requests permission to take a Halifax down to Molesworth to see wounded members of crew of 434/R and damage to a/c. Permission granted by S.A.S.0.

1405. /1659/ a/c to land at Ossington / Air I authorised cross -country a/c of 1659, Sqn to land at Ossington to drop off W/C Ferris 61 Base informed.

1415 / 425/K / a/c took off for return to base but was forced to return to Prestwick due to trouble with the P.O.E (Revs up & down & spluttering) In view of Met pictures (-low cloud covering hills & poor weather) Controller had already ruled a/c was to remain oversight. Instructions passed to Prestwick F.C.

1440 / Serviceability Croft / All runways now serviceable.

1500 / 1664 a/c Recall / 61 Base advise these a/c being recalled from their cross-country service. M.L.S. 12 in picture. All 3 a/c acknowledged M.F. Section K message.

1800 / Linton a/c 7 a on X-C / Reference entry 0940 hrs. Check with 62 Base indicated this proposed exercise will not take place to night.

1830 / Off Duty / H L Spence F/O

1830 / On duty / F D Cleland F/L

23.50 / Last Aircraft/ Down in Group

00.01 [underlined]Monday. March 13th 1944 [/underlined]

09.00 / Off Duty / F. D Cleland F/L

[deleted 10.25 [/deleted] 0900 / On duty / J W Stanley S/Ldr

10.25 / Provisional Em’y Bases / Nord and Hartford Bridge allotted for use for emergency landings.

10.45 / Permissions / Granted to 420 to take new Hali to Nord to collect G/420 now serviceable.

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[underlined] Monday March 13th Cont’d[/underlined]

11.00 Emergency Bases / Allotted as on reverse. Details of Pundits, facilities, etc passed to stations.

1135 / ANSON KAG/X / Airdrome from Honeyborne 1105 from Linton Base 62 advised.

1225 / BALLOONS / BILLINGHAM CLOSE HAULED – 2100 – 2230 0245 – 0430

L.F.B. SELSEY BILL – 360°T 0130 -0230
Forefacing included in the Form B.

1400 / BALLOON and LFB change of Timing/ BILLINGHAM – CH 2100 – 2245 0300 – 0500

L.F.B. SELSEY BILL 0145 – 0245 [DELETED] 2230 – 0345 [/DELETED]

Amended to Stations

1830 / Off duty S/L Stanley & F/L Justason
On duty H. L Spence F/O

2230 [deleted]2245 [/deleted] / 419/Q/ Middleton advise m/n a/c knocked a tail wheel off on take -off. Checking to determine if other damage sustained.

2243/ Crash / Middleton report crash on drome. Details later.

2310 / [underlined] 419/Q Crash [/underlined] Reference entry 2243. Confirmed that m/n a/c, after jettisoning returned, fired off red flares but kept. R/T silence, and came in to land with wheels up. Did a belly landing off the runway and collided with a van on the

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Perimeter track. Crew of a/c OK, driver of van taken to SS2 but is reported OK. Both van and aircraft written off. Latter straddled something on take off (given emplacement at the end of the runway) last tail wheel, bomb doors & a pin from one bomb. Fortunate to have got off the deck. Bombs were jettisoned (safe) as position 5502N 0003 W at 2210 hrs (In sea about 65 miles N.E of Middleton )

[underlined]Tuesday – Mar, 14/44 [/underlined]

0001 / / Ident Board changed

0005 / 432/C. Taxi accident / Taxying along perimeter this aircraft failed to make a turn in the track quickly enough and one wing collided with one of the Browning defence guns which is well off the perimeter track. Aircraft was replaced by ‘H’ on operations/

0345 / Night Flying / Last aircraft landed.

0431/ Ops a/c / All operational aircraft landed.

0900 / Comm Flight Proctor / S.Q.=O.C. granted permission to take proctor to Croft. Required all morning.

Off duty H L Spence F/O
On duty – F D Cleland F/L

09.30 / Oxford (Comm Flight) / Reserved for S/L Rawson

10.00 / Oxford (Comm Flight) U/S. Unable to contact S/L Rawson so reserved the second Proctor for him.

10.10 / Crash (Halifax) / At E7373 Havcrash Pack just S.W outside Harrogate. Informed 4 Gp as Marston Moor are nearest aerodrome.

10.15 / Jettisoning Area / Given to Topcliffe for Jettisoning bomb loads: 5420N 0110E

12.00 / Crash / Referred to in entry 10.10 hrs was a Marston Moor A/C

17.30 / Billingham Balloons / Close – hauled 20.00 – 21.30 hrs ad 0015 – 01.45 hrs.

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Tuesday March 14.

1830 / On Duty / F W Stanley S/LDR.

19.00 / C.F.C. / Passed information on 6 Gp night flying programme.

1900 / W/C Buckley / Air ministry obtained permission air I to use 6 Gp Proctor to fly to Hendon this evening. Had not got off so 62 base was advised to delay flight until morning in view of lateness.

19.15 / 12 Group / Requested Pundit 91 = dusk to 2359 Checked with 62 Base & Ok’d to 12 Group

20.45 / Dark a/c 9 Gp request through 12 Gp that any Dark a/c call sign KYZ who work MSG D/F are to by given “B.B.A.” Passed to Middleton

22.48 / MLO 12 Gp / Request that we warn all our Bulls eye aircraft out of the Southern area because of Intruder activity. Times checked for late aircraft and even these are 1 our north on the track from Norwich.

[deleted] 02 [/deleted]

Wednesday 15th March

02.00 / Off Duty / FWS

0200 / Carrying on [initials]

0224 / N/F / last of N/F A/C landed W/T room advised may close down.

0400 / Ref Bullseye / A/ Cdre reported on rerun from Bullseye flight that no searchlights at all appeared any where along the Northern half of the route. Ground flares were visible in this area.

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/ Bullseye / - Effort waste of time.
- Considered it should be carefully checked with staff officer 12.
Flares were from Army Exercise of which there was no liaison knowledge.
- Passed to Controller.

0900/ - / Off Duty Justaton F/L On duty H.L Spence F/O

11 / Diversion Bases / Requested 7 definite Petrol & 2 Emergency & Petrol bases in area between Selsey Bill & West of London.

1200 / Dishforth Bomb Dropping / Position 5320N 0200 E ok’d by M.L.O 12 for dropping bombs at 1530 hrs.

1230 / L.F.B. / Alt Selsey Bill on 350 ° from 2150 – 2250 hrs and 0130 – 0230 hrs.


1240. / Balloons / Southampton } Controlled at 1500 ft from 1930-2300 hrs 0100 – 0245 hrs.
Portsmouth } Controlled at 1500 ft from 1930-2300 hrs 0100 – 0245 hrs.
Langley } Controlled at 1500 ft from 1930-2300 hrs 0100 – 0245 hrs.
Weybridge } Controlled at 1500 ft from 1930-2300 hrs 0100 – 0245 hrs.
Billingham – Close hauled from 1730 – 1915 hrs & 2245 – 0130 hrs

1330 / Mustangs from Snailwell / 2 en route from Snailwell to Silloth. One landed at Wombleton upon seeing part of the others propellor fall off, and hoping it would follow suit & land also/ As he did not do so Mustang “W” again took off for Silloth. Informed F.C.L.O. 12 Group.

1410 – 1430 / Dvn Bases / Finally allotted by C.F.C.:-
[underlined]Definite Petrol [/underlined] Middle Wallop, Ibsley, Thorney Island, Boscombe Down, Tangmere, Ford, West Malling.

Emergency Petrol : Wing & Westcott.

1545 / Dvn Bases / Details passed to Stations

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[underlined] DIVERSION BASES [/underlined]

[underlined] DEFINITE PETROL AND EMERGENCY [/underlined] [underlined] [ SQUADRON] [/underlined]

IBSELY / 429
FORD / 425

[underlined] EMERGENCY[/underlined]

FORD { 419 & 428 { 431 & 434
WING / 408

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[underlined]Wednesday – March 15/44 [/underlined]

1800 / Observational a/c landing away 15/16 / S.O.C. instructs a/c to be refuelled at once and provided weather is O.K. and crew fit (Pilot’s discretion) to return to base at once, other noise to stand by for 0800 hr take off for return.

1830 / / Off Duty H.L. Spence F/O
1830 / On duty / F.D Cleland F/L

19.00 / 16 Group / Re Thorney Island as diversion base. Thorney are not sure they can get aircraft refuled [sic] at once as per entry 18.00 hrs today. They will do their best with limited facilities.

20.55 / Langley & Weybridge / Controls lifted – now at 6500ft. All our aircraft should be clear.

22.15 / Langley & Weybridge / Control again established. Balloons at 1500 ft.

00.01 / / [underlined] Thursday. March 16/1944[/underlined]

23.49 Crashes at Croft U431 F/434 / Croft report both runways blocked – one crash on landing, another aircraft U/431 blew up on landing. Need diversion bases in a hurry as all their aircraft are overhead. Scorton is being lain on direct by Croft. We advised Leeming who will stand by, [deleted] Als [/deleted] Although their perimeter is torn up in spots.
Skipton unable to help as they are towing away a bogged aircraft.
Topcliffe asked to prepare to land aircraft from Croft.

0040 / Topcliffe / Stood down as Leeming are coping.

00.46 / Last a/c / from croft down. Results of diversions are :- 13 landed at Leeming – 5 landed at Scorton – Remainder landed at Croft.

03.25 / Q425 / Hears shouting “Mayday” by Hiron, Church Broughton, Honeybourne, Wellesbourne, Stanton Harcourt and others. All had lights on & sundries. Church Broughton contacted him only 10 minutes of petrol left.

03.35 / Q/425 / Reported crashed – pinpoint is VK 3508, near Halfpenny Green. Guarded by Halfpenny Green – all crew bailed out – pilot last. He has been found along with 3 other crew members.

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16/3/44 DH/C – DG – 295 – crashed at 1012 at Strensall Bowbury Range a/c made a normal turn [inserted] at height 50 400’ [/inserted] over the large X then ploughed in – around 600’ – 090° from the large X. Wheels were not down a/c burst into flames for 2 minutes. Crew all dead.

[underlined] Crew [/underlined]
ENG. 1823515 SGT LANG.

Inf, - AIR 1, Controller, Equipment, engineer, C.A.I.O. , G.T.I. P4

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[underlined] Thursday. March 16th 1944[/underlined]

03.30 / G/420 Sq / Crash – landed at Friston. Nav has been killed and pilot had leg injuries – Had sent message through Southampton MF/D7 at 01.45 hrs “to 8 Group: Nav killed ST.IN. U/S Maintaining Ht, Feltwell Ford SP.EQ U/S Inst “
To this we sent:” Land at Ford or any suitable aerodrome.” He was using “C” as his aircraft letter, possibly sue to a last minute change from aircraft “C” to “G”.
Fix was given him at 02.34 hrs 5025N 0020E. II.

07.00 / Results / 4 Halifax III & 4 Lan II missing on Main target. Nil missing on Amiens.
63 Diversions from this Group as in summary – 1 darky landed from 4 Gp.

09.00 / Off duty J D Cleland F/L
/ On duty / B.T O’Beirn F/O

0905 / W/X Linton / Vis [indecipherable word]Ex Grp [indecipherable word] say vis will nor decrease below 1000 – 3000 yards at Eastmoor. Southern part of Grp should be OK. 92 Grp informed.

0912 / X Leeming / Vis[indecipherable word]This forecaster thinks it will get worse. Croft refuse to take more of their a/c for the present.

1012 / 462 Base / Crash reported at Strensall Bomb Range – Eastmoor sending Crash tender & ambulance.
/ 4 Boscombe [indecipherable word] / 39/C from Shipton ready to [indecipherable word] per base [indecipherable word/ 1 / 2 hr

10/40 / 461 Base / Dishforth & Dalton – have [indecipherable word Darky – Lashburn “m” [indecipherable word]
/ 44 Grp / “D” – 408 (Linton) – doubtful of getting off owing W/X – instructed to take off if W/X fit.

/ Ex 12 Grp Crash / - Hal Crashed – A1481 – just S.E of Eastmoor. Church Fenton reported it, had no further word.

11/30 / To C.F.C. / Request 2 diversion bases definite for Lancs (Petrol) & 1 Emergency base for Hals.

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[underlined] Diversion Bases [/underlined] – 16 /17 March. 1944

Definite (Petrol) – Tangmere – 408 Ford -426

Emergency – Halies at Thorney Island

[underlined] Balloons 16/17 March[/underlined]
Billingham Balloon 1845 – 2015 0010 – 0200
Weybridge Balloons 2045 – 2145
Langley Balloons 2300 – 0030 1500 ‘ [deleted] (0200 – 0345) [/deleted]
Portsmouth & Southampton 2100 – 0030 [deleted] 0210 – 0310]

Dishforth `664
DH-B-EB206 – undercarriage collapsed. Inf SASO, AIR I, Contr, Eng, Equip.

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Thurs. March 16 (con’d)

1142/ Ex Thol. / Request more word of 420 “G” – Crash land sight – Navigator killed. Pilot injured – no further word.

1150 / Ex 62 Base / DG – 295 Sgt Courneye – in Crashed a/c at Strensall

1210 / Ex 62 Base / - DH/) – a/c crashes at Strensall

1211/ Ex 61 Base / DH/C – airborne at 0905 – May be one at Strensall

1245 / 492 Grp / - all a/c of 6 Grp except Hal “E” – 432 have left 92 Gro. Eastmoor “E” 432 has hydraulic trouble.

1250 / Ex Boscombe Down/ Require 2 further for “T” 433 Skipton informed. Crew to Stay at Boscombe Down.

1418 / Ex 3 Grp / Croft “E” – From Woodbridge returning to Croft IFF U/S Croft inf.

1440 / Ex 62 Base / “K” LW – 415 (Leeming a/c) landed from Burn 1435 at Linton – dropped a crew and took off for Leeming.

/ Q425 / Crew all accounted for – 2 slightly injured – at Halfpenny Green.

1450 / Ex 61 Base / Ex Skipton. Black smoke NE of Skipton toward North Allerton.

1510 / Ex Leeming / - Catterick report smoke 4 1/ 2 miles East
/ Ex 11 Grp / - “V” of 432 Sqdn – Must await a new wheel.

1500 / Ex 5 Grp / - Request 6 bases, for 5 Grp Lanes to Night

1610 / Ex 61 Base [underlined]CRASH [/underlined] / - 1664 DH/B. EB. 206 at `0`5 ground looped on landing – under carriage collapsed. Crew O.K – partially block R/W

1630 / EX Thorney Is./ 424 – P – Taken off for Skipton
424 -T- One engine slow to start – ready tonight
424 -B- Fuel leak – Hydr. U/S off ready tonight
424-K- Magnets – Ready tomorrow

1645 / To 61 Base / Linton Proctor HM-422 – reserved for S/L Rawson at 1100 17/3/44.

1655 / Ex 11 Grp / - 426/L at Ford – has clutch damage, may require engine change – crew to stay overnight – 14 men there.

1830 / To Grp / W/C Palmer of 6 Grp. G.T.I [indecipherable words] for enquiry about a/c “U” – 431 sqdn which blew up last night. Croft inf.

Off duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

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Thursday – March 16/44

1830 / / On duty H L Spence F/O

1930 2000 / Fire near Skipton / Skipton reported bush fire approx. 12 miles north-east of them (bearing 050T) Topcliffe & Croft also reported it. 12 Group advise this is heather burning in the hills. Skipton taking precautions to protect their bomb dump.

2130/2210 / 61 BASE A/C ON C.B.E. / Much trouble trying to account for 61 Base ac/c being recalled from Command Bull’s eye. Finally all accounted for by much talking to 61 plus perusal of a very secretive D.S.O’s log book.

2230 / 62 BASE / Reported a Darky Call from SNOWFLAKE “G” – “motor cut – require lights” Heard also by 4 Gp Stations. Passed to 12 Gp.

2235/ DARKY a/c G/12 O.T.U / Crash landed at Eastmoor. Wellington G from Chipping Warden. Trying to land on contact strip never touch runway. Ran into a bunch of trees 200 x off runway. Aircraft cat. E – Crew O.K except for bomb aimer who has a gash on his forehead. Told 93 Gp and 12 Gp, the former will advise of action later.

2250 / 1659/F / On Base – “BAR- 1 Eng U/S” – Checked w12 Gp, who had an F on Darky at several places along route which is between MARKET DRAYTON and GOOLE. Checked with 12 Gp again who say he should be approaching Topcliffe reports he landed at 2300hrs.

2000/ Bulls Eye / Recalled instructed to cross in at about Brislington. 1666 Sqn a/c landed at base on return. 1664 Sqn a/c were briefed to start on cross-country from Hull in case of recall./ 1659 Sqn a/c returned to base & were instructed on R/T to continue on cross country as pre-arranged.

2130 / Cats Eye Demonstration Silverstone / Informed W/C Newsome (431 Sqn) that tomorrow night was last opportunity to see this. Also he should take a towing arm in Halifax he takes to Silverstone. He stated he’d be attending provided they were not working tomorrow & weather OK, and would arrange for a deputy if necessary. Informed Silverstone F.C who wish to know time of aircraft expected.

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Thursday. March 16/44

2130 / Diversion Bases / Tangmere & Ford stood down. Particulars passed to F.C.L.O. 16 Group for Thorney Island. C.F.C apparently failed to let 16 group know Thorney Island has been definitely allotted for Emergency purposes. However it was OK.

/ L.F.B. Selsey / Cancelled for 0210 – 0310 hrs

/ Balloons / Request for control at 0200 – 0345 and 0110 – 0310 cancelled.

2330 / Diversion from 5 Gp / C.F.C. advised that 5 Group may require help for 21 Lancs. Consulting Met & Controller, offered Croft & Middleton as best ay 0300hrs. Named stations concerned.

[underlined] Friday – March 17/44[/underlined]

0001 / / Ident. Board changed

0148 / Ops / Last a/c landed from Ops

0150 / Diversion from 5 Gp / Details passed to Croft M.S.G. Only provisional as 5 Group hoped to cope O.K.

0215 / Diversion from 5 Gp / Croft stood down in so far as this diversion is concerned.

0330 / Diversion from Gp / Middleton stood down, aircraft landed safely in their own Group.
0825 / 424/B / At Thorney Island. Now serviceable. Checked Met and authorised return.

0830/ Diversion 1st U.S.B.D./ Aircraft Silver (“Ai”) out on weather test diverted to Leeming. Leeming informed.

09.00 / Off Duty / H L Spence F/O
/ On duty / F D Cleland F/L

09.32 / Fortress / Silver “Ai” landed at Leeming 1st USBD informed. Left – 1345

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[underlined] D’v’n – from 5 Grp.[/underlined]

= A/C = C, N, W, W/T call signs = R/T October. = K.C Q/C W.UY/N.W

C.F.C. Diversions within our Group = [underlined] Provisional [/underlined]

5 Group = 3 A/C to Leeming ] [underlined]All scrubbed [/underlined]
16 Group = 2A/C to Middleton [underlined] All scrubbed [/underlined]
100 Group = 1 A/C to Middleton [underlined] All scrubbed [/underlined]

[underlined] A/C Landing within Group.[/underlined]

Douglas Dakota = Linton -on – route to Doncaster staying overnite [sic] = A.T.A from “Prestwick:

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[underlined] Friday. March 17th 1944[/underlined]

16.32 / P/431 / Left Croft for Silverstone to see “Catseyes”

17.00 / Off duty / F.D Cleland F/L
17.00 / On duty / W.A Warwick F/O

1830 / Off Duty WA WARWICK F/O on duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

1925 = / R 427 / Leeming report R. from Thorney Island contacted base on stn. HF/DF that on leaving Thorney Island developed Hydraulic trouble & is flying home with his u/c down.

2045 / Darky Watch / MIS – ST -G Continuing Darky Watch tonight: expect to transfer to Darky watch to Croft because [indecipherable word] inexperience is had at Middleton – wef 18/3/44 depending on letter from signals.

2040. / D’V’N = 5 GRP. 5 GRP [SIC] / 5 Grp wishing to divert 3 A/C within our Group as weather within 5 Grp might possibly pack up by Return. Leeming laid on & information passed.

2050 / D’V’N’ = 5 GRP / 5 Grp notified re stn. & R/T call sign

2100 / C.F.C. / Re. poss. Of sending A/C from Bircham Newton 70 Grp. Coastal Command at period between 0200 – 0300. Our met. predict our weather will hold out in the North of our Group. M. St. Geo & Croft till about 0500 hrs with vis. 2 miles & cloud base – 3000’=

2150 / [underlined] Md. St. Geo.[/underlined] / - Re poss. Diversion of 2 Wellingtons from C.C.

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2250 / C.F.C./ Ex 100 Grp. – possible diversion of 1 Well. From Foulsham to Middleton will call us direct if necessary

2251 / P 431 / Returned to Croft from Silverstone

2350 / C.F.C. / cancelled 100 Grp & 5 Grp diversions.

[underlined] SATURADAY MARCH 8. 1944[/underlined]

0001 / / Ident Board Changed

0025 / [underlined] REQUEST [/underlined]/ W/C McKay of Eastmoor requests permission to take an a/c and crew to Defford to pick up “K” of 432 tomorrow, following engine change.

0040 / [underlined] Bogged A/C [/underlined] Wombleton report bogged A/C, with burst tire at junction of 17/23 R/W’s.

0145 / [underlined] 1666/Y [/underlined] 61 Base report that they heard “Baron Y” on R/T & the only outstanding X/C A/C in Group & then disappeared & rather worried about him, detail [deleted] ed [/deleted] included bombing at Strensall but weather duff over the range & A/C did not complete detailed. Advised 61 Base we would take action re his whereabouts as weather don south slowly packing up

0150 [symbol] / 1666 Y R.O.C.L.O. 12 Grp / Contacted re. a possible Halifax in York 9 proceeding south & whether any plots on such. He had a bomber B=18 – L proceeding in Leeds area & would open our telling up on York 9 & Leeds. F.C.L.O. in the picture. York 9 plotted B-18-L flying a south westly direction. We opened up on said York 9 & Leeds

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0210. / [underlined] B-18-L 1666Y [/underlined] / Presumed to be 1666/Y flying irregular route around Leeds, Huddersfield at 6000’ ft. Base 61 trying to contact him on stn H/DF every 2 minutes, F.C.L.O. notified & is initiating searchlite homing towards our Group as we are fit & 4 & 5 Group unfit.

0225 / [underlined]1666 Y [/underlined] Only A/C within 4,5 & 6 Grp flying & so must be definitely ours still flying a irregular course in same area, at times heading north, so all of 6 Grp stns. Keyed up as A/C seems hopelessly lost. 12 Grp. F.C.L.O has put up searchlite at Huddersfield direction him to searchlite homing but of 4 & 5, suggested that Church Fenton, Finningley & Lindholme fire mortars & rockets to try and attract his attention, also possibilities of sending up a fighter from northern area (SCORTON) to lead him home, as south unfit for aircraft to take-off A/C still flying irregularly.

[underlined]0305 [/underlined] / [underlined]1666/Y [/underlined] A/C according to plots heading towards Church Fenton also endurance of petrol nearly up. 12 Group F.C.L.O. opened line to Church Fenton & 6 Grp. Church Fenton say that A/C = “BARON Y “ calling Darky. Church Fenton asked whether fit, they had on contact (con’t overleaf)

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[underlined] SATURDAY MAR. 18/1944 [/underlined]

[underlined] 1666/Y Cont’d [/underlined]strip, Sandra, and all available aids also firing rockets & mortars, A/C circling drome. F/Control officer quotes weather as “vis 900+ yds. Cloud base 2500ft & with contact figures he can land A/C. Told Church Fenton to get him down as petrol endurance practically up. Figure 15 minutes petrol left & contacted Marston Moor re fitness, are, cis – 3500 yds. & c’l’d base 3000’ A/C at zero feet & making his approach to land at Church Fenton.

[underlined] 0317 [/underlined] / [underlined] 1666/Y[/underlined] / A/C landed safely & everyone thanked for all co-operation. Instructed Church Fenton to have pilot contact 6 Grp. F. Control on arrival at C.F.C. “

0325 / 1666y / 6 Grp. 4 & 5 Grp’s stood down re-landing of above A/C.

[underlined]0345 [/underlined] / [underlined]1666/Y [/underlined] [underlined] D.F.C.O. NOTE[/underlined]
F.C.L.O. 12 Grp with Pilot of Y, Pilot stated he was not lost but trying to find the Leeming beam & when his petrol was nearly exhausted, called Darky which was serviceable at all times. He quoted he was very happy to have landed.
Base 61 notified re above statement & action would be taken =
Ei. It mak’s [sic] yu’ [sic] think –

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Saturday. Mar 18th 1944.

0845 / H432 / 16 Grp report H/432 at Thorney Island ready to return at 000hrs. Weather unfit at Eastmoor until 1100 hrs. To call 16 Grp F.C. later this evening. Inf. 62 Base & Eastmoor

0900/ Off Duty B.Y – O’Beirn F/O
0900 / On duty / H L Spence F/O

1100 / Diversion Bases / Requested of C.F.C Emergency bases as follows:-
1 in Northern East Anglia [inserted] 40 [/inserted] (Coltishall)
4 in Southern East Anglia [inserted] 124 [/inserted]

1125 / 432/H / Serviceable at Thorney Island. On consultation with Met Controller & Air I instructed F/C 16 to have a/c return to base. Informed 62 Base.

1125 / Crew 426/L / To return from Ford with 425/C which is expected to be serviceable this afternoon.

1130 / 1664/ (FLAK) / This a/c reports fired on decreasing Cross -country at pos. 5100N [deleted] 0502 [/deleted] 0520 W, at ht. 18,000ft, at [deleted] 2130 [/deleted] 2110 hrs. last night. Further details to follow.

1255 / L.F.B. #12 / Debden will be flashing at elevation of 070° on bearing of 350° from 2325-0035 hrs.

/ L.F.B. #2 / Flamborough Head will be flashing at an elevation of 070° on bearing 270 ° from 2245-2345 hrs.

/ Balloons / Hardwick will be controlled at 1500 ft from 1945 – 2045 and 2300 – 0100 hrs.

Billingham will be close hauled from 1730-1930 and 2245-0045 [inserted] 0130 [/inserted]

Passed to stations.

1305 / Emergency Diversion Bases / Ex S.W. Coltishall – Bury St. Edmunds – Horsham – Thorpe Abbotts - Framlingham.
Completed details broadcast to stations.

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[underlined]EMERGENCY DIVERSION BASES [/underlined]


427] BURY ST EDMUNDS NO A/C 30} Definite at 23.20 hrs
429} BURY ST EDMUNDS NO A/C 30} Definite at 23.20 hrs
424} FRAMLIGHAM NO A/C 30} Definite at 23.20 hrs
433} FRAMLIGHAM NO A/C 30} Definite at 23.20 hrs
420} THORPE ABBOTT NO A/C 21} Definite at 23.20 hrs
425} THORPE Abbot NO A/C 21} Definite at 23.20 hrs
432} [deleted] LAKENHEATH [/deleted] NO A/C 14} Definite at 23.20 hrs
408} HORAM NO A/C 29} Definite at 23.20 hrs
426} HORAM NO A/C 29} Definite at 23.20 hrs

Total 164

[underlined] TAXT- ACCIDENT [/underlined]- DALTON
ADVISED – S.A.S.O [Symbol]
AIR I [Symbol]
S.F.C.O [Symbol]
ENGR. [Symbol]
GTI [Symbol]
G.A.I. [Symbol]

Re. Jettisoned mines:- 5131 B.D. at Snaith are going to look after these tomorrow. C.P.O Collins at M.S.G. can be contacted through Sgts. Mess if necessary. Mines was jettisoned safe.

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[underlined] Saturday. March 18th 1944[/underlined]

1550 / 432/K / Ref entry 0025 hrs. Permission granted by S.A.S.O provided weather is O.K Passed to 62 Base.

1615 / Billingham Balloons / Now to be close hauled from 1730-1930 and 2245 – 0145 hrs. M.S.G. informed.

1625 / Martinet MS-549/W TAXI ACCIDENT at DALTON / Ex 61 Base : Aircraft taxying on one lane MT (Crew bus ) travelling on another A.C.P. was close and judged M.T vehicle would cut in ahead of Martinet with good space to spare. Both machines proceeded along the [inserted] Perimeter track [/inserted] (one taxi lane) but M.T. vehicle stopped suddenly and the a/c smashed into the rear of it. Pilot F/L McIntosh, a.c is O.K. Aircraft category “A.C” time off accident 1515 hrs.

1630 / Crews of 432/ V&M / 11 Gr F.C.L.O. informed instructions would be transmitted tomorrow re disposition of these crews. Either both to return by Rail or if one a/c becomes serviceable both crews to return in it.

1730. / Diversion Base Emergency / Requested one more base from C.F.C and was given Lakenheath of Luddenham. Chose former passed to 62 Base for use of 432 Sqn.


1755/ Diversion Base Emergency / 3 Group were not contacted by C.F.C. re this and are working themselves at Lakenheath. Will co-operate & are to call back. (Now find controller at 3 Group) was informed by C.F.C ) Everything O.K.

1830 / Off duty H L Spence F/O
130 / On duty F D Cleland F/L

20.00 / E431 Jett. Near Catterick / This a/c jettisoned two mines at posn. 722191 sheet 21. F/L Smites consulted and he contacted B.D.U. Snaith and Naval Petty Officer at M.S.G. to do the work. Area is being guarded by Scorton Police. Reason for Jettisoning given was that one engine was u/s and overall weight too grand to land safely.

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[underlined] Crash at Topcliffe. [/underlined]
[deleted] Halif [/deleted] Wellington “O” – 30 OUT from Hixon. Landed at Topcliffe 01.00 hrs. Landed [underlined] down-wind[/underlined] on Contact Strip, despite funnels leading in from other end.
Crashed on landing due to collapse of starboard undercarriage –
Starboard props, main plane, undercarriage & tailplane U/S Cat AC.
Pilot had had to pump down undercarriage by hand.

Lighting – Full drem, Sandra, funnel on red end of Contact strip –
a/c landed on 03 end of 2000 yd R/W
wind WSW – 15 M.P.H.
No R/T control
0031, called Darky – Dishforth heard it but could not contact “O” above

0035 – Topcliffe heard Mayday “O” and replied but a/c did not acknowledge the message.

Leeming head mayday “O” – loud and clear no further transmission received from a/c, transmitter & receiver U/S
After landing the pilot confirmed that he called Mayday and that transmitter and receiver were U/S.

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[underlined] Saturday March 18th 1944[/underlined]

20.00 3 Grp re div. to Lakenheath. / Wish us to change 432’s diversion base to Newmarket as Lakenheath is operating.

22.00 / K 408 / At Shipdham – would like to return tonight – SASO refuses permission – 2nd USBD informed.

21.10 / Humber & Hull / Balloons up to operational heights due to hostile raiders off coast.

23.24 / Crash / Z9911 – a Halifax, believed to be 434/R. Latest pin-point isa Arden Hall near Kepwick.

22.30 / G429 / One wheel locked up and one locked down. Crew have tried all means to remedy this to no avail. After consulting W/C at Leeming it was decided to send him to Woodbridge where he crashed landed. All crew are OK.

23.20 / Diversion Definite / All diversion stations, CFC< 12 Grp FCLO & MLO informed (New Market substituted for Lakenheath )

23.30 / Re crash / See entry 22.24 hrs – Topcliffe are sending crash tender, Wombleton ambulance, Thirsk & Helmsley M.F.S also out.
Skipton warned that they will be responsible for guarding even though Topcliffe have sent their fire tender. (Reason: Skipton did not have one to send.)

[underlined]Sunday. March 18th 1944 [/underlined]

00.16 / Last Gardening aircraft down.

0315 / Re Crash / Latest pin point is 972122 Sheet 22. Passed to Skipton

04.00 /Re Crash / Latest pin point 969119 Sheet 22 Limekiln House. Passed to Skipton

0430 / Re Crash / Up to this time we have been able to find out nothing about this crash to identify it – despite fact that fire tenders from Topcliffe, ambulance from Wombleton & 2 police from Thirsk & one from Helmsley have reported to 61 Base. All that is known is that is it a “Bomber” with 7 dead, burnt out.

04.30 / Last a/c / accounted for. 5 missing from Main Target. 1 missing from gardening (This may be crashed a/c in entry 22.24 hrs)

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[underlined] Sunday March 19 1944[/underlined]

05.30 / Diversions / 108 aircraft landed away from base.

05.30 / Air Sea Rescue 1664 [symbol] / 1659 have 3 aircraft, 1664 – 3 aircraft, and 1679 – 2 aircraft standing by for A.S.R. Route and details for 32 of these has been reived from Chatham: -
Call sign : WCF 68-70
Route: 5336N 0115E
5348N 0115E
5348N 0220E
5336N [deleted] 0115 E [deleted] [inserted] 0220E [/inserted]

A/C to make parallel track W to E creeping north with 1/4 miles vis.
There will be Wells & Forts searching area to North. Also 2 motor launches will be in position 5333N, 0100E. Call sign MHB 13414. They will be there at 09.00 hrs & can be contacted on 500Kc’s.
All this info passed to 61 Base & asked them t have a/c ready to take off at 09.00 hrs.

08.00 / A/C Away / 3rd USBD & 3Gp & Catfoss asked to get all our serviceable aircraft back as soon as possible.

08.00 / Crash R434 / See entry 23.24 last night. Now positively identified from bodies found.

08.10 / Servicing Flight. / F/L Smith informed re our diversions last night.

08.30 / CFC. Informed re our diversions.

0900 / Off duty F/L CLELAND On duty B. T O’Beirn F/O

0912 / PROCTOR / - Permission for S/L Hoodspith of 62 Base signals to fly to Eastmoor Thol & Craft for inspection of visual [indecipherable word]
SASO – Ok’d it. 62 Base inf.

0920 / CRASH EX 3U.S.B.D / Lancaster crash reported at 0920 at SYLWHAM – M6797 – 3-4 miles N.W. of Horsham – 7 bodies – all dead no other inf.

1030 / CRASH EX – 3U.S.B.D. / Lakenheath – LM464 – Sqd letter SRE Bodies will have to be cut out of wreckage. Above – 1010 Sqd of Ludford Magna – 1 [indecipherable word]

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TO – 12 GRP. OPS
L.F. BEACON – FLAMBOROUGH – 270° T [DELETED] -0100 – 0200 [/DELETED] 0130 – 0230
[inserted] CANCELLED [/inserted]

[underlined]FOULSHAM [/underlined] – 408/ 10 A/C 426 12 S/C {100 Grp}
[inserted] CANCELLED [/inserted]

Re – Crash R/433 [inserted]4 [/inserted] at Kepwick 18/3/44 Topcliffe ambulance could not find the scene of the crash last night. Went again this morning, necessary to for help to carry bodies 1 mile to a road. During absence Skipton Engineer arrived reported that the ambulance was not there. Informed 61 base and sent Skipton ambulance. Topcliffe ambulance picked up 8 bodies & have taken them to Topcliffe and then proceeding to Croft.

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1145 / 62 Base / Request crew of 426/L (caf a/c. to return in 425/C. To 11 Grp.

1210 / Ex 11 Grp. / 425/C – Every motor giving trouble – change of starboard[indecipherable word]– may be ready tonight. Crew of 426/L to return with 425/C.

1225 / Mis. St. G. Master DL – 854 – landed – 1121 from Woolsey to Oxford HM172 – Landed 1130 from Houston

1310 / SKIPTON / - Request for 443/T to take crew down to Woodvale for return of 433/U now serv.

1420 / 62 Base / Query if AVM Walsh is going to Hendon a/c from Linton to Hendon – SASO inf.

1425 / To 62 Base / Re request RM 425/C to go to Digby to pick up equipment. Permission granted.

1830 / Off duty F/O O’Beirn
1830 / On Duty / H L Spencer F/O

2025 / 1664/4 / Following message sent [deleted] to [/deleted] on Section K “ 14 QD APFL UTAU UEXX FXFX UTIA XXEX TOO 2025 hrs.
Decoded :”Return to base from Mull of Galloway”
M.L.S. 12 informed a/c would be crossing in at St. Bea’s Head.

2209 / Air Raid Warning Purple / Received from G.P.O

2226 / Air Raid Warning White / Received from AG.P.O.

[underlined]N.B [/underlined] 2120 – 2145 [deleted 2045 [/deleted] / Intruder Warning Lincs / Stations were advised Intruder Board would be connected up for “telling” of plots. Action was taken to open up the Board at approx. 2145 but as difficulty was experienced getting the stations to answer all stations were keyed up through their ops” board and plots told. Later when all stations got hooked up properly.

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[underlined]Sunday March 19th, 1944. [/underlined]

on intruder lines the telling was switched over to the latter.

All stations report the telling appeared to be coming through quite faint. 62 Base state they noticed the volume less after Leeming got tied in but other stations didn’t notice any appreciable difference. Leeming itself did not appear to be getting the plots very well on Intruder Line D.S.O on the job trying to sort it out.

[underlined] Monday – March 20/44[/underlined]

0001 / / Ident Board changed

0005 / A/C Shot Down / 425/H on cross country reported seeing an aircraft shot sown at pos. 5235N0019E at 2206 hrs stated further having seen a long row of sky markers (about 8) reddish tint, about 20 miles south of this position; searchlights were very good and a fair amount of flak.

0145 / N.F / Night flying in Group ceased

0840 / A/C away / Met. advised warm front coming in & aircraft away should return by noon at latest. Forecast a bit of rain & medium cloud this morning and rain & low cloud (1500ft) as warm front approaches.

0900 / / Off duty H L Spence F/O

0900/ / On duty FD Cleland F/L

09.00 / A/C Away / 2nd, 3rd USBS & 3Gp & C.F.C asked to get all our aircraft which are serviceable back here before noon.

10.15 / A/C/ Away / 11 Gp also informed of above

11.30 / A/C Away / C424 at Frambingham given permission to return at 11.45 hrs – Met picture 1500 cloud base, 2 -4 miles vis, slight rain. Passed this to 3 USBD.

11.34 / AW/M Walsh / Left Linton in Hudson for Hendon, Hendon Signalled & movement passed to MLS

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Emergency Petrol Diversion Bases for “Catfish”

10 a/c 408 Sq. Tangmere
13 a/c. 426 Sq [deleted] Oakley [/deleted] Westcott

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[underlined] Monday – March 20th 1944[/underlined]

12.20 / Landfall Beacon / Selsey Bill 355 °T from 01.45 – 02.45 hrs.

/ Balloons. / Langley, Weybridge at 1500’ -1.30 – 03.00 hrs. Portsmouth, Southampton at 1500’ 01.30 – 03.00hrs

14.30 / Diversion base / for 408 & [deleted] 426 [/deleted] is Tangmere (Emergency petrol.)
426 is [deleted] Oakley [/deleted] [inserted] Westcott [/inserted] (Emergency petrol)

16.00 / G/419. (NA-P) [underlined] DFCO note[/underlined] /
Which will be operating tonight is an aircraft which was transferred from 419 Squadron. [deleted] A/C [/deleted] There has not been time to remove the old squadron markings which are NA-P, so if landing away there might be some confusion.

1647 / Ops Scrubbed / - Gardening – main target. Balloons, L.F.B. & diversion bases scrubbed.

1830 / Off watch / F/L CLELAND
1830 / On watch / B.T. O’Beirn F/O

2050 / N. IRELAND / F.C.L.O. reports that a Halifax was flying S.W. at 5230’N. 07°00W over Eire.

2051 / MID (FIRE) / Red glow on the ground between Middleton & Thornaby.

2106 / TOP “V” / Ex 12 Gro M.L.S – UWU/V oof 52°22’N 07°00’W 3rd class aux – of 2056 acknowledged- priority. Message from Sealand to 9 Grp to 12 M.L.S.

2110 / D.S.O. TO U.WU-“V” / Sent 15ZYXRNO – Steer NE Return to Base – MF-“K” (Sealand)

2130 / RAFNI / “V” now at VH 0520 – heading East – 52°30’ 05°30’ – 17000’ft

2201/ “V”/ 1659 / “V” made landfall at Aberystwyth
2210 / Fire (MID / - Just army manoeuvres to MIO
2215 / V/1659 / Now at Hereford at 7000’ much be now faulty on wrong [indecipherable word]
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2325 hrs – Crash at pos’n WL – 1965
U130/21 – above crash was a Wellington – did not belong to 6 Grp.
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2325 / Crash / - From 12 Grp – Crash at Silverstone WL- 1965 Also a plot of a/c near Eastmoor reported by 4 Grp.

2343/ “V”/1659 / a/c now over base on R/T

[underlined] TUESDAY MARCH 21 [/underlined]


0105/ZU-G / Dishforth a/c of approx. 2200 hrs at approx. pos’n between Land End and Dartmouth [indecipherable word] encountered a box barrage of rocket type and searchlights. Barrage to 15000’ and a/c of 20000’.
Possibly over Falmouth 61 Base are having navigated by back tracked tomorrow.

0750/ met / Risk of low cloud until 1100hrs. VIS – 4-7 miles decreasing to 3000. Previous gale warnings ceased in all areas. To enquire [underlined]forecast [/underlined] at 1000 hrs before having a/c return.

0850 / Off duty B.T O’Beirn F/O
On duty H.L Spence F/O

1000/ A/C away / S.A.C. instructions: -serviceable a/c to return, fly below cloud. 2ND & 3RD U.S.B.D. instructed.

1210 / Diversion Bases / 2 definite Petrol Diversion bases on south coast required of C.F.C

1230 / Diversion Bases / Emergency base requested for H.C.U’S North of Portland Bill.

1350 / L.F.B. / #2 at Flamborough Head on [deleted] 315° [/deleted] [inserted] 270° [/inserted] at 070°elev. From [deleted] 0330 [/deleted] [inserted] 2345 [/inserted] to [deleted] 0430 [/deleted] [/inserted] 0045 [/inserted] hrs.

1250 / L.F.B. / Special at Beach Head on 315 at 070 ° elevation from 0330 50 0430 hrs.

1350 / Balloons. / Billingham close hauled from 1830 [inserted] 1730 [/inserted] to 1930 and from 0001 to 0200hrs

1250 / Balloons / Langley & Weybridge – Control at 1500ft. from 0330 to 0500 hrs [deleted] and from to [/deleted]

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1430 / Diversion Bases / Ex C.F.C Tangmere – 426 }Petrol – definite Ford – 408 } Petrol – definite

Hurn – 1659} Emergency only
1664} Emergency only
1666} Emergency only

Passed to Stations 1445

1615 / Balloons / Billingham now close hauled 1730-1930 & 0001-0200 hrs.

NB / Diversion Base. / 11 Group do not desire Hurn to be used as a definite diversion base for all these Bully Eye aircraft but are prepared to take care of aircraft requiring to land in emergency.

1730 / Bulls Eye / - Scrubbed. Hurn as Diversion base (Emergency) not now required.

1800 / Ops / Operations cancelled.

/ L.F.B & Balloons / All pre-arrangements cancelled.

1830 / Off duty / HL Spence F/O
1830/ On duty/ F D Cleland F/L

19.30 / Balloons / Billingham close- hauled to 21.00 hrs

20.34 / Fin K/1664 / 5515N 0421W II ack. Hurn

21.17 / Fin K/1664 / 5355N 0454W I ack. Hull

21.34 / J/1664/ 5244N 0446W I Norwich

21.55 / K/1664 / Bearing from Hull I acknowledged – 233°

22.39 / G/1664 / 5358N 0125W II ack. Hull. Priority “P” (Topcliffe say G/1664 is returning on 3 engines.)

[underlined] Wednesday. March 22nd 1944[/underlined]

00.05 / Air Raid / MLO 12 called to say that there were quite a considerable number of hostilities coming in Yarmouth area & spreading out. Would we try to keep our X- Countries away? Only 1666 had X- Countries which might be affected so we asked 61 Base to send “Air raid warning, return to Base”
[underlined] Crash[/underlined]

[underlined] LK 903. Halifax J ZU-H – Dishforth 1664 C.U[/underlined]

Pilot Sgt Collven H.R (SLIGHT INJURIES)} SAFE AT Mansfield Hospital
[deleted] Nav [/deleted] B/A Sgt Peel RJ } Safe at Mansfield Hospital
W/Op W/O Louch WM } Safe at Mansfield Hospital
[deleted] BA [/deleted] Nav F/O Pilkington R }Safe at Mansfield Hospital
Eng Sgt Pym RE 1045627 KILLED
M/U Sgt Andrew WAR R201503 KILLED
R/G |Sgt Stains A.C. R 198552 SEVERLY BURNY Chesterfield Hospital

Reason for crash, according to Bomb Aimer, was that Port Engine began to vibrate when they were at 20000’, boost dropped to zero. They lost height to 10000’ and engine started racing. They dropped to 6000’ and unable to shut of engine, pilot gave order to stand-by to abandon aircraft. At 3000ft he gave the order to jump.

Pilot, Sgt Collven landed the aircraft at approx. 00.40 in posn K9588, about 6 mi NE Mansfield (According to 93 Group) He was able to get out before it burst into flames.

At 03.00 hrs. it is still uncertain as to whether the other 3 members of the crew still in the aircraft. Worksop (93 Gp) are taking all crash action and have sent ambulance, M.O & Engineer to scene of crash.

03.15 Worksop say two charred bodies were found in wreckage.

Two workmen, brothers by name of Calow, Orchard Terrace, Paltenton, arrived at scene of crash shortly after it happened. The aircraft was on fire but despite that & exploding ammunition they extracted Sgt Stained who was pinned down with his clothing already on fire.

Worksop will take crash action & signal action. Newark MU are cracking on moving wreckage as it is on the main road.

SASO / Controller / Equip O.
AIR I / P3/ Eng.O
Cont. /G.J.J/ P4

Ex 61 Barrowdale – CC a/c wishes to go from Dishforth to west of Newcastle up to Arbroath – TO – 1030 ETA-1200 at 1500
M.L.S 12 Grp = OK’d it.

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[underlined] Wednesday. March 22nd 1944[/underlined]

01.15 / Lost Enemy plot / heard in E. Anglia

01.50 / Crash / Presumed to be H/164, as Dishforth have had a telephone call from unknown source or RAF Hucknall. They stated that aircraft crashed near Hucknall at Staincliffe. 1 Crew bailed out. 2 crew safe at Shirebrook Police Station. Dishforth are checking this information. [symbol ] See other page

09.00 / Off duty / F.D Cleland F/L
/ On duty / B. T O’Beirn F/O

1000/ 62 Base/ Tholthorpe wish to take 2 crews by Halifax to Thorpe Abbot to bring back 2 a/c now [indecipherable word]

1030 / 62 Base/ Eastmoor inner marker u/s 1030-1430.

1031 / To 62 Base / Permission for 1 ac 425 to take 3 skeleton crews to Thorpe Abbott granted.

1045 / Woodbridge SPA / Croft request stud no – Woodbridge if operating – stud 6 – s passed on [indecipherable word]

1106 / TO C.F.C. / Request 5 Emergency Petrol Bases for 103 a/c in East Anglia

1215 / [underlined]F/L WYMAN [/underlined] / To report to Bomber Command on March [underlined]25th [/underlined] – Temporary duty for 4 days.

1300 / CFC / Emergency Petrol Bases in East Anglia – requested

1540 / To 62 Base / Information re state of diversion bases passed to Stns.

1550 / Croft / Request for permission for Hurricane and predator to fly to bases at Millfield and Inverness via Newcastle defended area refused by M.L.S 12.

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TO S/L STANLEY S/L Durham wish S/L Stanley to call him with comments about letter
6G/S295/TRG – 28th Feb/44 OVAL ORBITS ON S.B.A. S/L Stanley Int

Offers for Bullseye
1659 – nil
1664 – 3
1666 - }3 Hal 1 Lanc

22nd MARCH
[underlined]MAIN EFFECT [/underlined]
Balloons – Harwich 2315 – 0030

Bearing – 315 °T 2320 -0030

[underlined]GARDEN [/underlined]
Balloons – Billingham – 17 [deleted] 30 [/deleted] 00 – 1845 2330 – 0130

L.F. Beacon – NO2. Flamborough Heas 270 °T 2315 – 0015


432 STRADISHALL (3 GRP) 14 HAL iii

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Wed. Mar 22/44 Cont’d

1650 / Proctor hm422 / Received at Linton for S/L Rawson and Stanley at 1030 hrs 23/3/44

1810/ 1659/K / a/c collapsed on landing blacking R/W 21/03.

1815 / 62 Base / Smoke reported from Linton2nrs at Marston Moor a/c crashed & they are taking all action.

1830 / Off Watch B.T O’Beirn F/O
On duty HL Spence F/O

1930 / 424/H (op) / Skipton state a/c flashed either letter “H” or figure “5” and proceeded on course of approx. 100°. Informed M.L.O. 12 to be on the watch for an a/c which might be going out to see it jettison.

[deleted] 18 [/deleted] 2007 / 424/H (overshot) / Landed at Skipton after firing colours. Came in fast, rather high, nosed down, overshot and continued approx. 500 yds beyond the end of the runway in a farmers field. Is not an obstruction to the u/c in use. Crew O.K.

2000/TLO/E 1664 / M.L.O. 12 queried if any of our a/c on B.C route 14 had taken off early as they may have a hostile up north. 61 Base state above aircraft who was to bomb at Strensall apparently did not do so & and [sic] sent message at about 2025” – A.S.L. U/S. Awaiting instructions.” 61 Base instructed his to return to base which was acknowledged at 2035hrs. Informed M.L.O 12 this may be the a/c he was concerned about & might be between Holly Island & Buchan Ness and would be coming in again at Holy Island. Told 61 Base crews should let them know when they they’re [sic] not carrying out details as laid on so now clearance can be made and avoid confusion.

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1659K – accident (R-9368)

Following marked [symbol] informed

Controller [symbol]
Air 1 [symbol]
G.A.I [symbol]
G.2.I [symbol]

[underlined]Air Sea Rescue- 419 W 22/33 – 3-44 [/underlined]

2325 – At this time, 419 -W came up on M/F section K with the following message – “257 000 150 – posn 5440N 0220 E 2334” and at 2334 was given a fix 5409N – 0225E 2nd class at 2334 – not acknowledged

2340 – The aircraft acknowledged this fix from Hull 5403N 0218E - 1 2340.

2356 – At this time the aircraft sent S.O.S and the following fix was obtained – 5350N 0130E. By this time the aircraft had been identified with an S.O.S plot on out intruder board, serial number A435. 12 Grp had searchlight & aerodromes and a fighter standing by should his tack suddenly become inaccurate.
There immediately followed another message from the aircraft “ S.O.S MY POSITION 5550n 0103E” The position given by Hull was 5345N 0108E !. This was not acknowledged and the key was screwed down. 16 Gp advised that a flare-carrying a/c and 2 H.M Trawless were diverted to the area of the a/c’s “carryings on.”

0006 – The a/c stopped transmitting at this time in posn. 5340N 0120E – 2

0020 – A.S.R.O. 6 Gp was advised at home, but was satisfied F/C 16 Gp could cope.

0335 - *A.S.R. organized 419 – 3 a/c 1664 – 3 a/c 1666 3 a/c.

0423 – Reported by Thornaby via Middleton F/C – 419W crew O.K. Confirmed by 16 Gp F/C

Hal. W – JD 468

NAV – J. 25045 F/O PATON A.T.
A/B – J. 27274 F/O MCCRORIE, E.R.
W/O – J.27379 F/O WINCH, A.W.
F/E 1811888 SGT. BROOKS, L.E.
U/G R. 213469 SGT CURRY. D.G.

* See Ops. Log for details of A.S

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2310 / Don. Base Chedburgh / U/S due to a/c with burst tire on runway. In towed to re-divert our a/c by R/T to Wratting Common.

2310 / 1666/S & Lanc V / 61 Base report mfn a/c took off without complete might flying gen – Pundits, peace time characteristics etc. Controller informed.

2330 / 1659/K / Re entry 1810hrs :- Port tire burst on take off, and undercarriage was torn off on landing. Port main plain and centre section and under carriage damaged. Cat .E. Time 1743 hrs. Crew OK Pilot P/O JL Webb

Thursday – Mar. 23/44

0001 / / Ident Board Changed

0030 / 1664/E / This a/c turned back to base before crossing coast out and it is unlikely to have been the one thought to have been a “hostile” Reference entry 2000hrs.

/ Skipton Accidents/ [underlined] 424/H.[/underlined] – A.S.L U/S see entry 2007 hrs.

[underlined] 424/T[/underlined] – Under carriage collapsed on landing and aircraft skidded along on it belly. Crew O.K.

424/X – Made a normal approach but rather high and after touching down could not stop in time. Appears to have crashed into obstruction (probably a mission but) at end of runway Crew OK – skidded off to side of R/W.

/ Leeming Taxi – accident / 429/D & 427/Q } Collided when manoeuvring in dispersal (427/Q was manned by 429/Y crew after latter’s machine went U/S) No further details available.

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[underlined] Emergency Petrol Diversion 23/24 March 1944 [/underlined]

419 Sqn 13 Hal II to Ford (11 Gp)
428 Sqn 18 Hal II to Ford
431 Sqn 7 Hal V to Tangmere (11 Gp)
434 Sqn 15 Hal V to Tangmere

[underlined] Hali -SP.275 [/underlined] FLT CART – TIDDOCKE Landed Leeming at 1440; [indecipherable word] inner engine u/s – proceeding to 32MU – ST ATHANS when serv.

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[underlined] Thursday. Mar 23rd, 1944[/underlined]

09.00 / Off duty / F/O Spence
/ On duty / F D Cleland F/L

09.40 / Weather / Re return of our a/c away from base. Conditions in roue satisfactory but base conditions very poor.

11.50 / Fix WCF56 / (1666W) 54448N 0516E II Pulham ack.

11.55 / Proctor LZ576/ From Hendon, landed Dishforth on way north.

11.28 / Masters DK 938 / From Cranwell, landed Leeming enroute to Montrose

12.09 / Dakota Fl613 / After bags of flap landed at Leeming from Down Ampney en route to Errol.

1223/ Oxford/ From Drem, landed at Topcliffe en route to York.

12.40/ Fix WCF 56 / (1666W) 5445N 0250E II 12.37 Pulham

12.45 / [underlined] Balloons [/underlined]/ Billingham – 17.45-1945 hrs 0015-0215 hrs} close hauled
Langley 20.00 – 21.00hrs} 1500’ terminable
Weybridge 23.00 – 00.30 hrs} 1500’ terminable
Southampton 23.00 – 00.30} 1500’ terminable
Portsmouth 23.00-00.30} 1500’ terminable

/ L.F.B. / Selsey Bill on bearing 350 °T from 23.10 – 00.10 hrs

12.45 / H/429 / Now at Gt. Ashfield & serviceable. Wishes to take off at 14.00 hrs. Consulted met. who give Leeming 2-300yds vis & 3000ft cloudbase. Conditions elsewhere in Group very poor. Contacted the Flight Commander at Leeming to get his decision. He said that pilot is very experienced and those conditions should be OK but wanted us to make the decision. Decision made – we bring him back.

14.15 / Emergency Petrol Div Bases [Symbol] / 419 428} to Ford 431 434 } to Tangmere. [symbol] if weather should make this definite, consult CFC fort other bases.

14.30 / Permission / given by air I to 420 Squadron to send two crews to Thorpe Abbotts tomorrow morning in Halifax weather permitting.

17.30 / Oxford / at Linton reserved for S/L Boosien (Dishforth) for morning of March 24th – S/L Weedon – (To go to Worksop)

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G/431 – non starter mid-upper gunner[undecipherable word]

M/434 Non starter P.O Manifold stud broken – requiring drilling out.

[underlined] WELLINGTON – HE – 688 – JG – R - SILVERSTONE[/underlined]

[underlined] Crash – reported at 2107[/underlined]
North Allerton police reported to Leeming chat a/c – possibly a Beau fighter crashed at 2100 hrs.
Sheet 22- Ref 905178 OS [underlined]Little Beach Hill [/underlined]
a/c burned out
W/OP Sgt Moore 1586101
NAV Sgt Jones 424299
Pilot F/O Thompson
B/A Sgt Watson
Silverstone say this is their Wellington Leeming guarding a/c

Wellington X HE-688 JG -R.
Informed SASO & AIR I Controller

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[underlined] [Thursday. March 23th [sic] 1944/underlined]

18.30/ Off duty / F D Cleland F/L
/ On duty B.T.O’Beirn F/O

1850 / Mosquito Crash/ Mosquito / HW HK 533. Crashed at Leeming at 1800 hrs – Pilot required a few stitched in his head – other members of crew OK – a/c with broken fuselage clear of R/W – one motor cut.

1950/ Intruder/ Practise – For intruder Warning Exercise it too 6 1/ 2 min to get through to stations; otherwise no trouble and quite successful.

2000/ AIR I (FCO note) / Request more detailed information about non-starters on Ops – To say engine trouble as crew sick is not enough.

2015 / 11 Grp / No’s & call signs passed to 11 Grp re provisional petrol diversions.

2107 / [underlined]Explosion crash [/underlined] WELL.R. (SILVERSTONE) – 61 Base report that they [undecipherable word] heard a terrific explosion each of them toward the hills. There is a red glow. Crash received at 2103.

/ [underlined]Explosion crash [/underlined] WELL.R. (SILVERSTONE) / ROCLO 12 Gro FCLO believe it to be crashed a/c. Position z9117 near R.O.C posn. S4

2108/ / [underlined]Explosion crash [/underlined] WELL.R. (SILVERSTONE)/ 61 Base – North Allerton NFS on the way. Requested Leeming to send crash tender and ambulance. Leeming report the crash near Harsley.

2130 / DIVERSION 4 Gro / Request diversion bases for 32 a/c in our Grp at 0035.

2150 / DIVERSION 4 Grp / Leeming & Stapleton – provisional for 16 a/c each – 61 Base inf.

2210/ Crash Well/R / Resorted at 2107 – at Little Beach Hill Sheet 22 Ref. 905178

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[underlined] Sea Search – 61 Base [/underlined] 24/3/44

Area – 5434N 0125 E }3 a/c 1659 54 55, 56
5447 N 0118E }3 a/c 1659 54 55, 56
5500N 0228E}3 a/c 1659 54 55, 56
5447N 0235E}3 a/c 1659 54 55, 56
5447N 0235E}3 a/c 1664 57 58 59
5500N 0228E}3 a/c 1664 57 58 59
5514N 0338E}3 a/c 1664 57 58 59
5502N 0344E}3 a/c 1664 57 58 59
5514N 0338E}3 a/c 1666 60 61 62
5502N 0344 E}3 a/c 1666 60 61 62
5526N 0447E}3 a/c 1666 60 61 62
5514N 0454E}3 a/c 1666 60 61 62
1/4 mile – vis – parallel back course from SW to NE creeping south 8 legs of 43 miles –
Call sign WCF 54-62 MF- sect – “J” Linton on 385 Kcs as hour & 1/2hours for 5 min Remainder of time on 500Kcs

[Page Break]

2215/ Sea Search / Request search of area not covered today – also request what was seen, state of sea and vis.

2245/ Re Crash / L.B. Hill – Silverstone think it is their Wellington – 3 of crew still missing.

2325/ Beacon/ Linton #91 duty beacon u/s – no standing “U” of goosenecks shown Marston Moor #151 standing by AS4Ops – inf by phone.

[underlined] Friday – March 24[/underlined]

0001 / /Ident Board Changed

0040 / / R.O.C. report 77B now on Easy 39 at 5000’ – seems to be away from rest of 4 engine a/c.

0100 / / a/c which landed at Tangmere with their bombs, are to be instructed in the morning whether they will de-bomb before returning to base.

0200 / OPS / - all a/c landed- 1 at Ford 1Topcliffe 7 at Tangmere.

0300/ MID / Request permission for Lane Z to go to Grimsby to fuel up the crew chat detailed in W/419 a few days ago. Not granted – Return by sail. (Air I)

0305/ 61 Base/ Wombleton report ack ack & flares towards Scarborough: 12 Grp say this Infantry firing

0350/MISSING HAL/ MLS 12 – wish all training a/c tomorrow to keep a look out for missing Hal. Between Filey and Norfolk – 61 Base Inf.

0800/met/a/c away from base will likely be fog – bound until 100 hrs. Home to keep close watch on our stations thick smoke haze in 5 Grp & 1 Grp vis – 1000 yds.

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0900 / Off Watch/ B T O’Beirn F/O
/ On duty/ H L Spence F/O

0910/ a/c 62 Base/ Permission granted by Air! For 1 a/c to fly 2 crews to Newmarket to pick up 432/G&D: also 432/V at West Malling. 2 a/c to fly crew to Thorpe Abbotts to pick up 425/D. 62 Base to check weather carefully before taking off. 62 Base informed.

0945/ a/c away / Permission granted by Air I For a/c to fly crew to Woodbridge to pick up 429/Z, now serviceable Ground haze had at Woodbridge. Told Leeming we’d check weather again before they could take off.

1000/419/W Crew/ Ref entry 0300. Request not granted. Crew to return by rail or transport M.S.G. informed.

1050/ a/c away / C.F.C state viz improving at Woodbridge & should be OK for a/c landing now. Leeming informed.

1125/a/c away/ Permission granted 424 to fly crew to Woodbridge to pick up 424/B provided it is serviceable & weather OK.

0930/a/c away/ Aircraft which landed away last night & are serviceable to return as soon as conditions are OK for TO.

1230/ Emergency Petrol/ C.F.C requested to lay on 3 emergency petrol diversion bases for us, near north coast of Norfolk.

1430/L.F.B#2/ Will be flashing on bearing 270° as follows:
Whitebait from 0110-0210hrs
Skate from 0010 – 0110 hrs
Passed to stations

1440/ Diversions Bases. Emerg. Petrol/ From C.F.C. & allotted as follows
408, 426, 420,4 25 & 432 Sqns – Coltishall
427, 429, 424 & 433 Sqns – Docking
Passed to Stations
/ [underlined] NOTE[/underlined]/ Seething also offered but not allotted.

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[underlined] Crash S/1659 Hal II BB305 [/underlined]
Crashed at 19.35 hrs 1/ 2 mile south of Little Ouseburn.
No casualties.
Reason: Starboard outer engine failed then S. Inner caught fire in the air.
Rear section fuselage & port main plane & engine intact.
Remainder totally burnt. Cat E
Air I[Symbol]

[underlined] J/1659 – Halifax JD317 [/underlined]

Shot down over London during enemy raid. Was off course on Bullseye [inserted] at 2300hrs [/inserted]

Pilot : P/O Little MS J242320
Nav L F/O Beresford JS J24909
W/Op : F/S Rowse LJ R104909
R/G: Sgt Cowan NE R209197
B/A : Sgt MacKenzie J.L R168305
F/Eng : Sgt Webb
M/U Sgt Mason H.R R214011.

Posn. Of crash is near Chalfont. A/C is burnt out. Northolt is guarding & taking crash action
AOC – P4-
Controller –
Air I –

[Page Break]

1540/ Diversions Offered C.F.C / Offered to take care of following numbers of aircraft at stations listed

Middleton – 25 Dishforth [deleted] 10 [/deleted] [inserted]20[/inserted]
Croft – 25 Wombleton -10
Eastmoor – 15 Topcliffe [deleted] 10 (if necessary) [/deleted]
C.F.C will inform us if required.

1640/LFB#2 / Period for Skate “0010 – 0110 “cancelled
18.30/ Off duty/ HL Spence F/O
/ /On duty/ F D Cleland F/L

19.15 / A.S.R./ Weather report to 16 Gp re conditions during ASR from 08.30 – 1630 hrs today.
Sea Calm, closed between 2-6000ft, vis good at 500 ft above that rather hazy. Average vis 3-5 miles.
No sightings reported by any ASR aircraft.

20.30/Diversions/ All call-signs, etc. passed to 16 Gp & 12 Gp

20.30/ Diversions/ To us – C.F.C. have offered M.S.G, Croft, Eastmoor, Dishforth & Wombleton to 4 Gp. Four Group think they will be able to cope fairly well at their own bases and will only need send overflow to us. CFC say 1 & 5 Group at present will not need us but their diversion bases are unreliable. Will have more definite information at midnight.

23.45 / Air Sea Rescue / Topcliffe 3 a/c 09.00
Wombleton 3 a/c 12.00 hrs possibly (will confirm 09.30)
Dish 3 a/c 09.00

[underlined] Saturday March 25th 1944[/underlined]

01.25 / J1659 / Shot down by our ack-ack over London during an enemy raid. Had been on Bullseye exercise and was off course. F/O Beresford reported this from Watford Police Station and said 3 others of crew also bailed out. [inserted] Pilot killed. Crashed at 2300 [/inserted]

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[underlined] Diversion to Eastmoor-[/underlined]
By R/T from Elsham Wolds [inserted] No 1 Grp) [/inserted]
103 Squadron W/T RKL R/T KUSHY
30 Officers – 75 NCO’s
Only 7 of these a/c landed Eastmoor – rest landed at base.

Billingham Balloons – (BLO 12 Grp)
1745-1915 – Close hauled
[inserted] 0001 [/inserted] [deleted] 0015 [/deleted] – 0215
Langley-Weybridge (11 Grp D.L.O) 1930-2045 Controlled Height
2300 – 0030
Southampton Portsmouth (11 Grp BLO)
2000- 2130 Controlled height
L.F Beacon Selsey Bill 11 Grp F.C
[deleted] 350°T [/deleted] (same as 5 Grp 7 Gro
Emergency Petrol Bases - 11 Grp
-2 Tangmere Ford} 11 Grp

Re – G/433 – When landed at West Malling at 0146 hrs 25/3/44 Sgt Phillips- navigator is in Preston Hall Military Hospital
F/S Potentier – baled out over enemy territory.
Crew instructed to return by train.

Phoenix took off from Linton at 1636 for Mid St George – 1652
Pilot G/C Westell – pass A/c McBurney. Left for Linton at 1710 L1730

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Saturday Mar 25th 1944

01.15 / Diversion/ From 1 Gp to Eastmoor – see opposite. [symbol] 4 Gp do not need us.

04.00 / Diversion / From 1 Gp 7 landed OK at Eastmoor.

05.00 / Fixes / All a/c who obtained fixes are accounted for.

05.30 Re entry 01.25 / It is now understood that 6 of the crew baled out and the pilot was killed in the crash.

09.00 / Off Duty / F D Cleland F/L
/ On duty/ B.T O’Beirn F/O

0905/ met/ Weather is not good at 6 Grp bases nor at diversion bases. Gps informed to have a/c ready when vis improves bases.

1030 / / Sea bearer scrubbed

1130 / met / advise vis is improving a/c may return to base.

1215/ / Billingham, Langley & Weybridge, Southampton & Portsmouth

1400 / DIVERSION/ - 4 Grp required provisional weather bases – 30 a/c.
Controller assigns 15 to Leeming and 15 to Skipton.

1530 / Ex 1 Grp / All a/c at Eastmoor from Elsham Wolds (1 Grp) to remain overnight.

1535 / TO M.L.S.12 / Oxford N-4826 (base Chelgrove (am) landed at Mid. St .G watered of to York for refuelling. T.O at 1412 to go via Carlisle to Tournock (N.W. of Glasgow ) no aerodrome at Tournock. Asked Mid – St – G to signal York, Carlisle and Chelgrove.

1800/ Darky/ Mid St G – report they hears “hello air sea rescue we are circling aircraft – sig 11 Gro.

1813/ Darky / Mid Radar report that a/c in

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1813/ Darky / posn QZ- 9188 Proceeded to RV 01 & circles – Also a 2nd a/c in RV – 1855 – direction SSE Inf 16 Grp – who want to contact Mid Radar Station.

1800/ Off duty / B.T. O’Beirn F/O
/ On duty / H L Spence F/O

1935/ Darky/ Re entries 1800& 1813 F.C.L.O 12 believe this to be a aircraft in the English Channel who appeared to be circling a glider/

1940/ Auster/ 12 Group report landing in Z-7347 (near West Auckland) and Middleton checking to learn if assistance required.

2020/ N.F / Summary of night flying passed to C.F.C

2110/ Auster/ Ex Middleton & passed to F.C.L.O. 12 Group. Landed at 1919 hrs, art West Dauary Farm, South Church, Bishop Auckland a/c #3623 L4B.
Pilot 2nd. Lieut Henry Bradstone Messor
Pass Capt Lausy
Both U.S.A.A.F
En route from Rivenhall to Kelso. Address given A.P.O 638 U.S Army. Reason for landing – short of fuel. 5th Field Regt Royal Artillery guarding, securing petrol from Military authorities & will continue their flight in the morning.

2115 / [underlined]Crash [/underlined] at Ford [underlined] (419/L[/underlined] confirmed) / F.C.L.O 11 reports crash at Ford. A Halifax which crossed out at Selsey turned back about 20 miles south east showing broad I.F.F.

2135/ 236/T (North Coates) 16 Gp Beaufighter/ Landed at Wombleton 2101 hrs. Being interrogated & will stay overnight. Weather unfit at North Coasted & was en route to Acklington. Tired to Nock, Thornaby. Generally lost 12 & 16 Group informed

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[underlined]CRASH – 419/L [/underlined] – (Operational a/c)
[underlined] 2200hrs[/underlined] Crashed at Ford approx. 2105 hrs [underlined] crew O.K[/underlined] made for normal approach. Reason for crash not known yet. Controller 11 Group think he may have tried to pull up to make another circuit. Aircraft did not break R2 or W2 silence. a/c burned - [underlined] complete write off[/underlined] Crew to return by rail

[underlined] CRASH 434/L[/underlined] – (Operational a/c)
Crashed at Friston at 2340 hrs. [underlined] Flight Engineer slightly injured, remainder OK[/underlined] Called Darky, 2 engines U/S and belly landed. Crew (Except Flight Eng) to return by rail a/c a [underlined] write off[/underlined]

S.A.S.O & Air I in picture re these crashes

[underlined]419/L [/underlined] 0845 hrs
Further news re crew. All spent night in hospital
[underlined] Condition[/underlined]
Pilot P/O Eyjolfson [deleted[ Ok [/deleted] Cuts
Nav F/O Siddal Injured (X-ray in spine required)
U.G Sgt Cossan Cuts
Remainder O.K

Spitfire BL258 – Pilot [indecipherable word] landed Topcliffe from Croyden at 1410 with physical leak. Pilot returned by train.

[Page Break]

2355/ [underlined] Crash[/underlined] at Friston [underlined]434/L [/underlined] Belly landed at 2340 at Friston called up on Darky & Belly landed with2 engines U/S Flight Engineer slightly injured, remainder of crew OK

[underlined]SUNDAY – MARCH 26/44 [/underlined]

0001/ / Ident Board Changed

0229 / Op a/c / All accounted for.

0800 / / C.F.C informed no aircraft diverted last night.

0900 / Off duty/ H.L Spencer F/O
09.00 / On duty/ F D Cleland F/L

10.00 / Query:/ From #2 Ack-Ack Group re J/1659 who was shot down over London. There is a Court of Enquiry being held and the would like to get a report of circumstances – whether the crew knew there was a raid on at the time. There has been no interrogation yet so we weren’t able to give any answers.

10.10/Permission / Granted by Air I for 432 to send crew to New Market by Air to pick up D/432 – Provided they understand both crews will be needed tonight.

12.25 / See entry 10.00 hrs / Query from #2 A-A Group re member from here to attend C of I. Air I says to detail one from 61 Base. 61 Base informed. Date is Tuesday Mon. 28th 1944 at 11Gp. H.Q. Ref. Cap Burton thru 11 Gp A-A Board Ext 15.

15.00 / For Diversion Bases. Landfall Beacon Balloons / See next Page

1830/ Off Watch/ F/L CLELAND
/ On Watch/ B.T.O’Beirn F/O

2235/ [underlined]X/425 [/underlined] Crashed near Warminster during x/country. Sgt Cameron baled out at 6’000 & reported by phone.

[Page Break]

[underlined]Landfall Beacons: [/underlined]
Oxfordshire 290°T – 2230-00.30hrs
Selsey Bill 350T – 22.15-23.15 hrs

[underlined] Balloons[/underlined]
Billingham – close hauled {17.45-19.45 hrs 23.30-01.30 hrs
Harwich – 1500ft 23.15 – 00.45 hrs
Portsmouth} – 1500ft 22.00 -23.30 hrs
Southampton} 1500ft 22.00 – 23.30 hrs
Langley 1500ft} 22.10 -23.40hrs
Weybridge 1500ft} 22.10-23.40 hrs

[underlined] Emergency Petrol Diversion Bases ZB886 & Bullhead[/underlined]

427429424 433 } Martlesham Heath 11GRP

420 425 408 426 432 } Framlingham 3USBD

419 428 431 434 } Ford 11 GRP

[underlined] Informed[/underlined]
Air I [Symbol]
Cont. [Symbol]
G2I [Symbol]
C of A [Symbol]
S.A.S. not in
(10 Grp)

[underlined] Crash X/425 [/underlined] LW-693 on x- country
At Bradford – on – Avon 5 miles South of Colerne
Time of CRASH:2053 pos. 51°23N 0218W
F/Sgt Hall GB Pilot R154606 killed
W/O Grower Nav killed [symbol]
B/Aim Sgt Porter R.S. R161744 killed [symbol]
F/Eng Sgt Sampson FN 2208949 Baled Out
M/UG Sgt Cameron WA 2401A – Baled Out
Rear/G Sgt Evans G.E. 1965594 – KILLED [SYMBOL]
Poss Cpl Reid R129385 Radio med (Hosp)

RAF Colerne – took crash action & are guarding a/c.
A/c went into a spin and pilot ordered crew to bale out. a/c caught fire on crashing.

Phone- SGT Cameron at 225MU –(WARMINSTER 456)

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[underlined]Sunday March 26th 1944 [/underlined]

2315/ Diversion/ Croft vis is 2200 yds hazy and less than 1 mile verbally. Haze is 700-800 feet thick decided to divert 431 to Leeming and 434 to Eastmoor.

2325/ Diversion/ Croft & Middleton going to try to land a/c at base. Croft will divert to Leeming & Eastmoor by R/T – necessary key figure 1017 – Croft from shortage of petrol 1220 gal.

2350/ X/425/ Cpl Reid – 3rd man to bale out is in Westbury Hospital (Wiltshire)

[underlined] MONDAY MARCH 27/44[/underlined]

0001/ / Ident Board Changed

0025/ X/425/ Five of crew X/425 killed of which there are identified Sgt Cameron at Wetherby Hosp is shaken up by OK.

0110/ 3 USBD/ Framlingham weather is unfit lights turned out.

0240/ / N.F. Completed – A/426 missing F/433 landed Chedburgh

0300 / / C.F.C informs that F/433 diverted to Chedburgh

0830/ H425 CRASH / - Sgt HALL and Sgt Porters bodies yet unidentified. Sgt Simpson is yet missing. Police and army are searching for him – (from 10 Grp. Info passed to 62 Base.

0900 / / Met advise that our stations fit until noon. Sent word to a. a/c away from base to return.

0900 / Off Watch. B.T O’Beirn F/O
/ On Watch/ H L Spence F/O

0910/ Lanc to Woodburn / Reason: to get weighed. Auth: Air! M.S.G. informed [insert] (Bramhall 1620 [/inserted]

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[underlined] 1659/D ACCIDENT. [/underlined]

Informed S.A.S.O [Symbol]
Controller [Symbol]
Air I [Symbol]
Equipt [Symbol]
Engr [Symbol]
G.2.I [Symbol]
G.A.I [Symbol]

[Page Break]

1215 / Flt to Friston/ S/L Tyler requested permission to take a/c to Friston. Purpose : to being back some special equipment out of 434/L which crashed there 25-3-44. Met not good for today. They’re to check up for clearance again by S.A.S.O or Air I

1230/ Rt to Woodbridge/ S.A.S.O. authorized flying crew to Woodbridge to pick up 433/T which is serviceable. Skipton informed.

/ 1659/D TAKE OFF ACCIDENT (W-1112) / Swerved on take off – undercarriage collapsed. Came to rest well to port of runway & is not an obstruction cut A/C or E. Crew OK TIME 1003hrs.

1515/NOTE Re MARTINET/ This AM 12 Group FCLO reported a Martinet circling in Z60 & 61 for some time as though last or in trouble.

1530. 1550/MET Internal Group Won. / Vis. Closing in at M.S.G & Croft. Requested for stations to divert. Checked with controller & Gr Met latter feel 61 Base stations will hold out – Topcliffe via 2 miles arranged to send 431 & 434 Sqns (9a/c) to Topcliffe and 419&428 Sqns to Leeming Station in Picture.

1550/434/W/ Serviceable at Thorney Island. Instructed it would be O.K for crew to take off but would have to land at Topcliffe.

1647. 1650/ Internal [indecipherable word] / 4 of 428 landed at Leeming
1 428 landed at Dishforth
Croft a/c all landed at Base

1820/ / M.S.G. aircraft returning to base as aerodrome fitness now OK

1830// Off duty HL Spence F/O
//On duty W A Warwick F/O

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Oxford – BG-658 G/C Poleman From Ternhill – away to weather Staying Overnight – PILOT LEFT.

[underlined]J/1659 [/underlined] Intelligence Report-
a/c on Bomber Command Bullseye unsuccessfully reached datum forsection 4840N 8050E and recrossed Eng Coast at Portland Bill. A/C lost & pin-pointed over London; hit by friendly A.A. fire.
W/C Weiser B.T.I – 61 Base interrogated the crew and obtained this information.
A/C re-crossed Eng. Coast at Portland Bill – [Could not have done so as crew now occult flashing “P” (MANSTON)] Crew knew they were due at Bristol, saw a defended area, [indecipherable word] it Bristol and actually it was London. As a/c approached defended area the crew saw no signs of A.A. activity, but did see searchlights and red flares. a/c did a run on London target (thinking it was Bristol) straight and level and at 0050 hrs & burst of flak got P.O engine & set port petrol tank on fire. Crew fired off the column of the [indecipherable word] 5 times in rapid succession turned on navigation lights and upward and downward identification lights but AA fire did not stop. A/C was hot many more times once by a rocket. [ Witness on the ground saw colour of the day fired – 61 Base have this evidence]
Crew abandoned a/c after captain gave the order – 6 men got out and a/c broke up in the air, trapping the pilot who had not escaped.

IFF was switched on normal upon crossing coast in – on and tested on audibly, 1 1 /2 hrs prior to being fired on.

Above report phoned to Captain Burton Ext 15 – No ZAA – Gro Intelligence AT Uxbridge – This report required for Court of Enquiry 28/3/44

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Monday March 27.1944

1900/ NITE FLYING. / 61 Base have scrubbed nite X/Cs due to bad vis.

2025/ AIR RAID EXERCISE/ Stations keyed up. Skipton telephone u/s

2100/NITE FLYING/ 61 Base have packed up all nite flying

2330/ LINTON/ Re= A/C out on X/C do not think they can cope asked if possible d’v’n’ within Group.

2335/ TOPCLIFFE D.V.N./Topcliffe asked to take 5 [deleted]Hals[/deleted] [insert]LANCS [/insert] from Linton as they are the best stn. Re. vis in 6 Grp.

2340/ 4 Grp D’v’ns/ 4 Grp offered us Recall vis – 3500 ‘NLC & standing by in case Topcliffe should pack up.

2345/F.C.L.O.12 Gp / In picture re above d’v’n.

[underlined]Tuesday March 28, 1944 [/underlined]

0001/TOPCLIFFE D’V’N/Landed “P” O.K. others all but Q. opened up on [deleted] Le [/deleted] York 9 incase any A/C strayed from Group area.

0038 / TOPCLIFFFE D’V’N/ Last A/C down at Topcliffe Linton arranging for transporting crews back to Linton.

0045/ 4 Grp F.C.L.O/ Advised that all A/C down safely. FCLO 12 also notfd.

0100/ / Ident Board Changed.

0900/ Off Watch/ W. A Warwick F/O
On Watch/ B.T. O’Beirn F/O

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[underlined]F.C.O NOTE [/underlined]

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0930/ a/c away/ All stations in Grp are red/ Vis – 100-600 yds in fog. W/434 of Thorney Island and D/408 at Coltishall have crews at ready to return when weather permits.

1020/ H/C TO FRISTON/ S/L Tyler of 434 requests permission for Hal to go to Friston to prep up [indecipherable word] equipment of L/434 – Crashed there 25/3 AIR I suggest that W4343 at Thorney Island bring the equipment – collect it by transport

1140 H/C TO FRISTON/ Trip to Friston scrubbed. 49MU at Friston instructed by Croft to dispose of equipment as they see fit

1325/ Return of a/c/ met advise W/434 planned at 1430 to remain for further instructions F/433 of Chedborough instructed to return.

1425/W434/ Instructed to return from Thorney Island and land at Topcliffe – vis 200 yds at Croft.

1500 / W434/ Not airborne – instructed to remain vertical vis poor in 6 Grp.

1500/ Oxford Z/ Landed Eastmoor 1422 from Topcliffe

1500/ / Linton Regional Reserve [indecipherable word] is u/s being refitted with an engine. Their regular beacon is serv.

1620/Skipton/ Vis poor – advised to send x/c a/c to Topcliffe.

1630/ Skipton/ Skipton sending FID to Eastmoor

1645/ Skipton/ Vis bad at Eastmoor – Sending a/c to Linton

1700/ Skipton/D/433 landed at Dishforth F/433 & C/433 landed Eastmoor. Ashbourne

1725 / Skipton/ I/433 Outstanding – Requested ROCLO to help

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1710/1659 a/c u/s / - message on MF HULL to 6 a/c to return to base.

1746/ /1959 – diverted “B” by T/T to Ashbourne. “T” landed Topcliffe at 1758.

1750/ / Request C.F.C to Contact 38 Grp

1800 / / Skipton report a Hall III over their drome.

1805/ / Leeming have an a/c on their beam. Asked Top to call on Sqdn & Darky frequency.

1835/1635 cw/ - all a/c returned W/T diversion to Ashbourne – includes V

1845/ 1659C.J / Informed 38 Grp at Netherton that the following diverted to Ashbourne
“B” – W/T – SZT – R/T Woodchurch W

1830/ / Off duty F/O O’Beirn
On duty H.L Spencer F/O

1910/ 1659/W Ex 61 Base: Received message: “Unable to find Ashbourne”

Aircraft using Leeming Bean to 8,000ft flying up & down valley. May be 1659/W. Leeming 61 Base Stations & Tholthorpe trying to make R/T contact without success/

1925/ / 12 Group have plots of 2 aircraft, one of which was contacted on Darky (1659/W) and given a “.D.M to Litchfield by Ossington.

1956/ A/C Diverted/ All landed safely at diversion station as instructed except 1659/W which landed at Litchfield (93 Group) All to stand by at 0930 hrs for return pe ding final O.K to take off.

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Wednesday – March 29, 1944

0001 / / Ident. Board changed.

0830/ 434/W/ Checked Met. Controller instructed could take off for return here by 1100 hrs 16 Group informed & would arrange T.O for 1000hrs.

0830/ 1649 a/c away / Were to stand by for 0930 take-off 93 Group advise weather not fit for take off & suggest standing down crew at Litchfield until this afternoon. Ashbourne say they’re OK for take-off but Topcliffe as requested that a/c be D I’d which will take sometime as short of staff.

0845/ a/c away/ Requested 93 to have 1659/W D’I’d and to take off after 1100 hrs.

0900 / / Off duty H L Spence F/O
0900/ / On duty/ F D Cleland F/L

09.10/ a/c away/ All a/c at Ashbourne told to return at once, except for B/1659 which must be D.I’d.

DFCO’s/ / As part of the Spring Cleaning Campaign please try to keep the desk shipshape [initials]

09.40 / a/c away/All a/c at Ashbourne to be DI’d. Weather has closed in and they won’t be able to leave until after lunch.

10.00/ Skipton a/c / At Eastmoor * Dishforth told to return to base.

10.30/ A/C Away/ W434 at Thorney Isle} All told to return as soon as possible
D/426 at Coltishall} All told to return as soon as possible.
1659 a/c at Ashbourne} All told to return as soon as possible.
1659 a/c at Litchfield} All told to return as soon as possible.
I/433 at Oakington} All told to return as soon as possible.

10.35/ 420/F, 425/W / At Thorpe Abbotts. 62 Base would like to send 2 crews down by air to bring these back. Suggested taking 3 crews from 432 Sq & a 425 Hali as there are no spare crews in 420 or 425.

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[underlined] Wednesday. March 29th 1944 [/underlined]

11.30/ Diversion Bases/ Consulted Air I & Controller. Not necessary to lay on diversion bases for tonight as our weather should be OK and Woodbridge available for emergencies & Ford & Tangmere will be standing by.

12.30[Symbol] / [underlined] Smoke Screens [/underlined] AO 847 [Symbol]
/ “It is intended to operate smoke protection schemes throughout month of April at: Portsmouth, Plymouth, Chatham, Newcastle, Cardiff, Newport, Avonmouth.”

12.50/Balloons/ Billingham close hauled :{17.45 – 19.45 hrs 23.55 – 02.00
Langley, Weybridge 1500ft :- {19.50 – 21.20 hrs 22.40 – 00.01
Portsmouth, Southampton 1500ft :- {200.00 – 21.30 hrs 22.30 – 23.50
Harwich 1500ft:- 01.50 – 03.00 hrs

/ L.F.B/ At Orfordness: 300°T from 02.15 – 03.15 hrs
At Selsey Bill : 350°T from 22.45 – 23.45 hrs
[inserted] Cancelled[/inserted]

15.30/ “Night Light”/ Operation In Force tonight 19.45 hrs to 21.45 hrs 61 base warned. 3531029 340108}Sheet [deleted]64[/deleted] 76 near Thetford.

1600/LFB/Orfordness (revised) 300°T from 04.15 – 0515 hrs
Harwich (revised) 1500ft 0350-05.00 hrs [inserted] Cancelled [/inserted]

16.30/ Operation/ “Skate” cancelled

17.50/Operation/ “ZB 606” confirmed.

17.50/LFB./ Orfordness cancelled.
/ Balloons / Harwich cancelled.

18.30/ Off duty /FD Cleland F/L
/On duty/ B T O’Beirn F/O

1945/ “Night Light”/ Southdown report – times changed from 2200 hrs – 2359 hrs.

2215/ Ex 12 Grp. (Swinderby a/c) / Church Fenton report “Greyhound “J”- calling” “one engine out and pressure low”- Request Linton & Eastmoor to light up in readiness – inf 62 Bases.

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2220/B431/ R.O.C.L.O reported this early return – a/c orbiting over Croft at 10000 – B/431 had been over Croft for 20 min – had been on R/T and was circling to reduce petrol load. Croft had turned over their light.

2240/ Greyhound J - /proceeding to base at Swinderby.

2335/ Weather/ Middleton are having showers – Leeming requested to stand by for 419 & 428 and Skipton for 431 & 434

2350/CRASH/ F.C.L.O (12) report a head on crash of 2 a/c near Prestwick. One a/c burned out, other broken up – Crashed at approx. 2215 over 61 Base – [indecipherable word] – P-57183.

2359/61 Base/ Dishforth landed a strange a/c BD-C at 2356.

[underlined] Thursday March 30 [/underlined]

0001/ / Ident Board Changed

0005/ 61 Base / - Entry at 2359 – It was FD-C/1659 a/c which landed at Dishforth.

0015/ F.C/ Dundonald-via 13 Grp – Determined that a pair of a/c [deleted][indecipherable word] [/deleted] base number P-57183 with Halifax stencilled under it. Seven bodies found, three identified as Australians.

0050/ 61 Base/ All conversion a/c on Bullseye have been contacted – so free of crash.

0140/ Night flying completed. F419 HR912 Sweeny from Ops – no diversions

0200/ Re Crash – Entry 2350 – 12 Grp report it definitely as 4 Grp a/c serial DT-736.

0255/Darky/ Topcliffe & Wombleton hear faint Darky call, are standing by F.C.L.O 12 Grp known of no a/c there.

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Thursday – March 30/44

0400 / / - Entry 0255 – a/c now near Leeds 61 Base stood down.

0745/ Weather/ Good at all bases in the Group/ W434 at Thorney Island may not be able to leave until the afternoon as cold front has not passed there.

0800/ Signals/ We’re given new list of W/T & R/T call signs, from security Signals O/T

0850/62 Base/ Request permission from 425 to take a crew by a/c to Thorpe Abbotts to bring back F/420. Crew of 420 in a 425 a/c. Controller granted permission.

0852/ W/434 / To take off immediately from Thorney Island.

0900. Off Watch B. T O’Beirn F/O
/ / On duty H L Spence F/O

1045/1664/T (DK-268) [underlined] CRASH [/underlined] / Ex 61 Base & 12 Group crashed at Martin-le-Moor (near Dishforth aerodrome across the Great North Road) Crash action taken by Dishforth. Believed on fire.

1100/ Dvn Bases Emerg. Petrol/ Requested 2 bases in south-east England.

1100/ 434/U&Q/ Air I authorized flight of 434 Halifax with extra crew to pick up 434/U at Ford; also suggested crew to pickup 434/Q at Woodbridge could be taken down at same time.

1115/ Dvn Bases Emer. Petrol/ Request of C.F.C raised to 9 Bases in SE Coast & East Anglia. Suggested Ford, Tangmere & Thorny Island, Bradall Bay. etc

1130/ 1664/T [underlined]CRASH [/underlined] Ex 61 Base. Pilot made normal approach to land on R/W 34, lost P.O.E, swung left, missed one tree, hit another, and tore a wing off. Aircraft burned. 2 of crew bought back in can others are stretcher cases.

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[underlined] 1664/T CRASH (DK-268) [/underlined]

[underlined] Informed [/underlined] SASO [Symbol]
Air I[Symbol]
Controller [Symbol]
Equipt [Symbol]
Engr [Symbol]
G2I [Symbol]
G.A.I. [Symbol] (out – details given to clerk for W.C Saunderson)

[underlined] Crew list [/underlined]
R.G – SGT McLEOD, F.J R-198581 N.A. HOSP
F.E – SGT SHARROCK, R. 2210141 N.A. HOSP
M.U.G – SGT GRAHAM, E.F. R-96107 S.S.Q.
B.A. – P/O CRUIKSHANK L.S. J-28265 S.S.Q.
NAV – SGT. REID, J.D. R-117552 S.S.Q
Cat E (slightly burnt)

[underlined] DIVERSION BASES (EMERGENCY PETROL) [/underlined]

[underlined] GROUP[/underlined] / [underlined] SQN [/underlined]
BOSCOMBE DOWN/ 23 (10) / 433
GAYDON 91/424
ENSTONE 91/426

FORD 11}

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1140/ [underlined]V.I.P. [/underlined] / A.V.M. McEwan, [deleted]GC [/deleted] A.C Ross, W.C Swetman enroute to Gransden Lodge. Movement passed to M.L.O. 12 for plotting. Gransden informed T.O. 1140 hrs. Landed OK.

1155/ [underlined] 1664/J Crash [/underlined] / Further details- Port rudder ripped off by first tree. Tail & Fuselage up to mid upper turret ripped off by second tree. Port wing ripped off on contact with ground. Nose crushed in.

1245/ L.F.B. Selsey Bill (Grayling) / Flashing on 350°T, elevation 070 ° from 0410-0510 hrs.

1245 / Balloons (Grayling) / Following will fly at controlled height of 1500ft.
Portsmouth Southampton Langley Weybridge }1500ft from 0400hrs to 0540 hrs.

1330 / L.F.B.#2 Flamborough (Gardens) / Flashing on 270 °T, elevation 070° from 0045-0145 hrs.

1330./ Balloons (Gardens) / Billingham will be close hauled from 2000-2200 hrs & 0045-0230 hrs.

1430/ Dvn Bases/ Received from C.F.C & allotted as indicated on opposite page. Details passed to all stations concerned.

1745/ LFB#2 (Gardens)/ Revised times: 0100 to 0200 hrs. M.S.G. & Croft informed.

1746/ Billingham Balloons. / Revised times: Close hailed 2030-2230 and 0100-0300 hrs. M.S.G. & Croft.

1830/ Billingham Balloons / New time – 2000-2230 & 0100-0300 hrs M.S.G. informed.

Off duty H L Spence F/O
On duty F D Cleland F/L

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[underlined] Thursday. March 30th 1944 [/underlined]

19.45 / Diversion Particulars / RT & WT call – signs, etc – passed to Groups concerned.

21.55/ Crash DK 127/ B/1664 from Dishforth Crash – landed at Wrexham in N. Wales. Aircraft broken up but all crew OK. Pilot said both port engines quit.

22.30/ Explosion / Reported by Wombleton as “very large flash and colossal explosion” fairly near but no direction ascertained. Observer Corps say it was South of Wombleton.

23.00/ Crash DK 127 Pilot: Sgt Davies RAF 1651880 / Engineers report om cause of the crash – landing two port engines had failed, pilot was making a two engine landing – the under carriage collapsed – apparently unlocked. A/C is Cat E. [inserted] Informed Controllers – SASO [/inserted]

23.10 / H/75 Sdn / Landed at Skipton from Mepal while on a X- Country. Engine trouble, staying overnight was calling “Darky” – 51E – can be fixed 30E – U/S.

[underlined] Friday March 31st 1944 [underlined]

00.15/ Re Explosion / No further news available about this. Flash and explosion, while very great, [deleted] was [/deleted] were of very short duration, and all efforts to locate it have proved fruitless.

02.15 / Gardening A/C / All back safely.

03.50/ Balloons/ Hill, Weybridge, & Chelmsford balloons up to operational height due to minor hostile activity. Message sent to our a/c : Air raid warning on track.”

04.00/ 91 Gp Div. Bases/ 91 Group are worried about Honeybourne & Long Marston & Moreton where they expect vis. To be 1500 yds. N.L.C. However, several if their other stations should be OK. We told them that they probably wouldn’t get more than about 10 a/c as it was only emergency petrol diversion, and suggested that they re-direct by RT to their serviceable stations.

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[underlined] Friday Mar 31st 1944 [/underlined]

04.30 / 91 & 92 Bases/ Now almost 100% unfit. C.F.C advise rediverting all our a/c by RT to Ford & Tangmere if necessary.

04.45 / M/424/ Has called Gayden on RT for weather check. Has been told “unfit, divert to Silverstone.” Silverstone is fit.

05.30/ V424. OK / Sent by RT to Ford or Tangmere by 91 Gp Ack.

05.12 / M/427 OK / Sent by W.T. to Ford or Tangmere by 91 Gp Ack.

05.24 / F/429 OK / Sent W.T. to Ford or Tangmere by 91 Gp (not acknowledged)
05.31 / F/429 OK / Sent by WT but asked for bearings.

06.30/ Oilless “C” 420 Sq. LW-683 / Heard by Winthorpe [inserted] 5 GRP [/inserted] as saying he would have to bail out. 5 Gp diverted him immediately to East Kirkby – [deleted] who said [/deleted] he answered, thanking them and said he was short of fuel. However, up to this time East Kirkby have not contacted him. Passed to 62 Base. [inserted] Crash at 0632 [/inserted]

07.30 / C.F.C / Say Croft has been offered as a diversion base for fortresses. No details yet.

06.42 / Q/429. Believed ditched [underlined] A.S.R. [/underlined] / Last SOS fix 4951N 0026W I 06.38 – Transmission faded out at 06.40 hrs. Contacted FCO at 16 Gp and gave last fixes obtained. They will initiate ASR. Also gave particulars to Stanmore. [inserted] 11 Grp (FCLO) [/inserted]

08.30/ Figures passed to CFC/ 41 aircraft landed away from base.

09.00 / [underlined] DFCO:- [/underlined] / Contact HL Lacey to get new call signs

09.00/ all A/C away / told to return immediately – Weather here OK

Off watch F/L CLELAND
0900/ On watch / B.T O’Beirn F/O

0910/ 1664 CU / Permission granted for S/L Beesly to fly to Wrexham in N Wales to examine A/C & bring back crew. To report immediately upon return.

0940/ C420/ Crew at Cranwell – a/c to take crew down.

1100/ Croft / Permission for a/c to take crews down for Q/434 of Woodbridge, W/434 on Ford [indecipherable word] one a/c to Foulsham to prep up A/434.

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1130 / Bullseye/ Ceru – U Y Fresher crews of Squadrons B.C Bullseye.

1145/ F/L Smith at [undecipherable word] processing to Honeybourne. Boscombe & Thorney Island to -day – to – morrow to Friston, West Malling & Long Marston.

1300/ A.S.R. Q/429/ 11 Grp Ops. Sending 2 Spits & 2 Walruses to V-5513 – 7 bodies sighted. Actively in dingy at 49°53’N 00°27 W at 1345 Hope to pick them up by boat or a/c the afternoon.

1350/ C/420 - / Re entry of 0630 – C/420 diverted from Winthorpe as vis 800 yds in fog at the time.

1620 / Q429/ Crew picked up by boat returning to post Air I. Cont & Leeming Inf.
1700/ a/c in distress 431/N / 12 Grp a/c on fire – some of crew may have bales out – passed over Durham toward Mid. St. G – Inf Mid & Croft.

1730 / a/c in distress 431/N / 431/N – landed at 1715 – 3 of crew had baled out. Contacted war department of Durham Country Police.
W/C Newson reports – Pilot could not feather propeller of S.O.E it was middle wallop redirection gear seared off. Ordered crew to bale out he countermanded his order. Inf Cont AIR I

/431/N CREW BALED OUT/ MU.G. R – 15466 Sgt J.G. LOUBERT, R/G. 1591127 F/Sgt J.R. DIXON, FLT/E 1567379 Sgt L. KEIR } Picked up all OK at Durham Police Stn – Croft Inf.

1830 / F/O O’Beirn

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[deleted] M/F Garden “K” – Call c/s TKQC
Main K Alternative “N” Call UUSC.
Now adj zero [/deleted]


“Flying Control Logbook,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed July 22, 2024,

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