Flying Control Log Book
Flying Control Log Book
A record of events and their times at RAF Tholthorpe covering the period 21 July to 17 August 1944 (73 pages).
73 handwritten pages
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[front cover of notebook]
[underlined] S.O. Book 129. [/underlined]
Code 28-69-0.
[underlined]Flying Control Log [/underlined]
From July 21st 1944 to 17 Aug 44
G. [crown symbol] R.
T. 2523. Wt. 5630. Gp. 99-21-0 10/42. E.J A . & S. Ltd.
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[underlined] Friday July 21st 1944 [/underlined]
1110 G- 1659 To stand by to await Oxford which will change instructor at Ossington to check a/c
1115 Warwick — Thornaby. Airborne for Thornaby from Skipton at 1024 - Passed to GV for direct transmission to Thornaby.
1125 Y - 420 At Cranwell instructed to return as soon as possible to check weather carefully.
1133 OXFORD T - 1104 From Dalton landed at Tholthorpe at 1121. Taking off from Tholthorpe at 1330 for Swinderby thence to Halton. Brought a visiting WAAF officer.
1147 SOS. M.S.G. picked up following message BPO B - that is all very faint no bearing - passed to 12. Can’t find out who it belongs to.
1207 SOS. Following message received by M.S.G H/F D/F. SOS - BEN B X 8 BEN NC NC 090 H 6000 P 5230N 0230W 0900
Bearing 0880 T at 1201 1/2 Passed to 12 Grp. & W/T.
1214 SOS Following Message received by M.S.G. H/F D/F SOS - BEN B X 8 BEN NC 0902K Soi [deleted] 5230W [/deleted] 520 (3) [inserted] faint [/inserted] 0230W 1605
Bearing 0880 T ate 1210 Passed to 12 Grp & W/T.
W/T cannot break message down, nor find out who it belongs to. Position indicates a/c over land, but bearing indicates it is over North Sea. Suggested to 12 Grp. that Posn’ given might be last known position at 0900 hrs. Bearing indicates he might be down in the sea as it doesn’t change. M.S.G. have transmitted to a/c but received no acknowledgment. 12 Grp are getting 16 Group cracking. Bearings were 1st class.
13 13 SOS. 12 Grp advise that 16 Grp have sent an a/c from Thornaby on a COT from M.S.G. of 0880 as far east as 04000 E.
1340 Wellington HF 719 at Skipton going to Gaydon - Bassingham Derby Doncaster Gaydon - Advised to keep clear of these towns. Also check W/X before going. Let it be known we don’t like the route.
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[underlined] Friday July 21st 1944 [/underlined]
1346 P/427 Needs an engine change. Crew instructed to return to Base by rail. From 63.
1430 Wellington HF719 Route changed to Base - Newark Gaydon Took off at [space] Signalled [one indecipherable word]
MW 362 Hurricane Enroute from Catterick to Andover landed at Leeming with gun panel u/s. Catterick was advised by 63. [deleted] when [/deleted] [one indecipherable word] is serviceable and will be signalled by Leeming on to Andover.
1457 Crashed Sterling Wigsly called Topcliffe regarding Crashed Sterling at Posn. 5325N - 0138W (near Sheffield) - Topcliffe is connected with mountain rescue service - Topcliffe want to know what action they should take with regard to searching for lost crew. - 1 of which had passed information regarding position of a/c. Contacted 5 Group who said Wigsly should not have done this and no action by Topcliffe was required as search of crew was well in hand.
1730 W-6547 Oxford F/L Appleton from Skipton down at Cork, told not to return to base tonight call us in the morning. He says O.K.
1835 W-6547 Oxford. Cork advise us that a/c is airborne at 1828 without our permission. Asked them to have the R.O.C plot him.
1845 Off Duty F/O [signature] On duty F/L W A Warwick.
1900 Met. Re - 61 Base & 420 Sqd x countries met rather worried about conditions on approx E.T.R. 0400 & 0100 respectively put matter in the hands of controller S/L Ganderton.
2015 61 Base - Scrubbed night x countries.
2045 62 Base Tholthorpe doing bombing ex. at Strensall Bombing range until 2315.
2330 62 Base All A/C in Group down
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[underlined] D.F.C.O [/underlined]
F.C.L.O 12 Grp. phoned re. the placing of small searchlites [sic] at practically every R.O.C post in this area, he suggested that in case of emergency re. lost A/C to be homed, that we suggest 2 aerodromes, well placed in location etc. I suggested Topcliffe & Eastmoor, if any Duty officer feels that this is not a suitable suggestion, place suggested places below. (too many suggested etc) [indecipherable letters]
PROCTOR - HM - 422 (6 Grp Com. Flight)
Pilot - S/L BOOSEY
At 2000 hrs 18/7/44, upon return from Dalton swung off runway - tipped up nose and damaged the propeller. Category A.R.
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[underlined] Friday July 21/1944[/underlined]
2345 63 Base Re. A.O.C’s car to be at Leeming by 0945 hrs. on Saturday 22nd July re. Lord Swinton M.T. advised.
[underlined] Saturday July 22nd/44 [/underlined]
0200. All quiet.
0900 Off watch F/L W. A. Warwick. On watch F/O Mountjoy
0930 63 Base advise that Lord Swinton will not arrive at Leeming until possibly tomorrow morning.
1000 A.O.C advised of the above - after [one indecipherable word] conference etc. was completed. Air I also advised when message first received. Unfortunately A.O.C’s car had left for Leeming prior to 0900 hrs.
1127 4 Grp Report of Low flying Report that an a/c - Halifax III GU-N- flew over 4 Grp H.Q at a Height of 400’ at 1118hrs. W/C Warner took his letters. We have no Squadron letters GU. Dishforth with a/c letters ZU have no Halifax III.
1135 ANSON NK710 Air Ambulance This a/c arrived at Dishforth to take Dental Officer injured several nights ago down to Odiham. (25m. SW of London.) Intends to leave about 1300 hrs. 61 Base don’t think Met is good enough and want to delay ETD till 1400 hrs. Our Met say it should improve by 1400 hrs and agree with 61 Base. Route for flight Base - Peterboro [sic] - Odiham. Further check on weather made at 1230 and Controller agrees to let him go at 1400 hrs.
1215 Proctor Damage to Dishforth’s proctor discovered. This was not reported to 6 Grp. Check made and it was not reported to 61 Base. 61 Base are getting all possible “gen” for us. Apparently damage occurred on 18th.
1310 6 Grp met. Anson NK710 Say weather hasn’t developed the way they had anticipated and that cloud base was down to 600 feet in places. SOC scrubbed all thoughts of making flight until 1800 hrs.
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F.C.O. - Please note.
On H2S Cross Country Route [symbol] 28 the Route is as follows Base - Blyth - Conquest I etc.
Blyth is within an I.A.Z. - 12 Group request that this is changed. With permission of S.O.C we have changed it to read Base - Hexham - Cougnet I etc.
Check 23/7.44 for Air I
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[underlined] Saturday July 22nd 1944 [/underlined]
1447 61 Base Complaining of a mosquito shooting up watch tower [inserted] TOPCLIFFE [/inserted] at 50 feet. We haven’t got his letters checked with 12 Grp. - They have nothing.
1537 12 Grp. Report a column of Black smoke about 4 miles SW. from Skipton. in E 7799. Plot from R.O.C. Called Skipton asked them if they could see anything, they couldn’t. Called Snape Bombing Range. They couldn’t see anything either. 12 Grp had nothing
1605 61 Base Oxford Request clearance for 61 Base Oxford to go to Ossington tomorrow morning - S/L. Stinson doing liaison work. AI gave his permission T.O. about 1030.
1637 61 Base Oxford from Full Sutton. Report an Oxford landed at Dalton at 1515 He brought a navigator who wished to pick up some of his kit left there. a/c P-8978 - Took off at 1647 for Full Sutton.
1647 61 Base DARKY Report - Topcliffe - Dalton - Dishforth heard a Darky call from Powder Cream A - Able at 1645 - Sounded like an American and signal was not very strong.
Checked with 12 Grp - R.O.C had a Dakota plotted in E96 in no apparent difficulty - but that was only plot in the area. Asked 12 Grp to watch this plot. Called 4 Grp - they had had no report of a Darky call or any a/c in difficulty.
1730 64 Base Report yesterday that [inserted] Lanc [/inserted] N28/F on Radar X/C on approved route serial No N526 at 10000’ and at position 5435N - 0437W - was fired at by Heavy ack ack bursting below at 8000’ Checked with 12 Grp who checked with 13. This is an artillery zone. Air I wants this to be checked tomorrow to see what is being done. a/c was on track and on time Time of incident 1822.
1805 12 & 13 Grp Report that 2 Halifax a/c crossed coast out this afternoon at St. Abbo Head. Proceeded out to sea to about 100 miles east of Peter Head turned and came in at Peter Head. They were tracked across country and landed at Dishforth.
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[underlined] Crew List Z/426 : NP 700. [/underlined]
Pilot : P/O McIntyre. H.B J86652
Nav : P/O Mahler L.H J35749
WOP : W/O Stone T.A R129668
A/B : W/O St. Pierre A.L R158073
F/E : Sgt. Rhodes F. 1680670 *
M/U : Sgt. Fairty H.C. R201301
R/G : Sgt. Fosty A.M. R147033.
* broken ankle - All the rest O.K.
Sgt Rhodes in R.A.F Hospital Hereford.
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[underlined] Saturday July 22nd 1944 [/underlined]
Checked with 61 Base who were taking it up with Dishforth.
1810 62 Base Z/426 X/country exercise RCAF No 24. Report that they have a report that Z/426 had pranged in South Wales [deleted] Sl [/deleted] Shobdon was looking after it. Pilot reports he saw 5 other parachutes than his own. 5 members of the crew have been located - one with a leg injury. Location VO 9090 5.6 miles from Shobdon airfield.
2200 62 Base Z/426 X/country exercise RCAF No 24. Report from Pilot that the Port outer engine caught on fire - due to the prop overspeeding. Unable to feather and the prop broke off and in doing so, broke the port inner prop. The Port Inner engine then also caught on fire. Five baled out at 5000 ft and the Pilot & Flight Engineer followed. [inserted] a/c crashed & burned [/inserted] All the crew are at Shobdon and are OK with exception of F/E who broke his ankle.
22.00 27 Balloon Centre. BLO says he believes this is now located at Redhill, Surrey - Passed to 64 Base.
[underlined] Saturday July 23. 1944 [/underlined]
0900 Off duty B.T O’Beirn F/O On Duty F/O [indecipherable] Mountjoy Lord Swinton. 63 Base report that Lord Swinton may arrive at Leeming to-day. Request a car at 1000 hrs.
0930 ANSON NK-710 Air Ambulance Air I gave permission for Anson to go to Odiham this morning 61 Base advised Dishforth are handling the notification to Harrogate hospital.
1050 Bullseye Advised 61 Base of Combined Command Bullseye
1055 LIAISON VISIT Sir Ashley Cooper visited the operations room.
1205 Z/426 Crew. Instructed all well members of this crew to return to base by rail - Sgt. Rhodes F. - the injured member of the crew is in Hereford. (R.A.F) Hospital - Casualty signal being sent to [deleted] hosp [/deleted] Air Ministry by Shobdon & Engineer is completing form 1921 re-write off of a/c.
1247 This information passed to 62 Base.
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408/K DS - 705 (Lane)
A.O.C. — S.A.S.O — AIRI — SOC — ENG. — EQUIP — G.A.I.O.
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1405 61 Base STC in H.C.U a/c Permission given for ATC to fly in Dishforth’s a/c this afternoon - An instructor will be aboard in each case.
1309 0/426 Sqdn. Reported overdue - No report of crash. He was on a bombing detail at Strensall then to go Air to Air Firing - Checked with 61 Base who give following report. He was on R/T at Dalton at 1230. A Martinet was sent out but failed to pick him up so returned to base - refuelled and went out again at 1328 when he presumably completed the detail, but at 1330 he was on R/T again at Dalton, asking for another detail. He is now out to sea on another detail.
1435 MITCHELL FR 297 62 Base F/LT [deleted] ORPEN Flto [/deleted] ALTON from Hartford Bridge landed at Linton at 1410. He will be returning at 1530. F/LT ORPEN
1505 K/408 CRASH On Dalton Aerodrome on Rwy 36. Told to land on 30 and he landed on 36. Dalton were in the process of changing Runways.
a/c still Burning no further “gen” re - crew etc.
1645 Oxford 62 Base Air I gave permission for 62 Base Oxford to take F/LT King to Warboys for Court of Inquiry.
1700 Spitfire EAM From Digby landed at Tholthorpe at 1650. S/C Mc Nab was pilot - 12 Group advised (TO 1900 hrs for Digby - 12 Grp advised).
1703 CRASH K/408 Crew all O.K - a/c ran off end of Runway on landing, turned over - and burst into flames. P/O Smiles was pilot and Crew are all O.K.
1845 MITCHELL FR 297 62 Base report a MITCHELL Pilot F/LT ALTON pilot & passenger F/LT Orpen reported overdue at Base - Hartford Bridge. Pilot reported he had been routed both ways. Checked with 12 Group who had no report of any crashes other than one north of Thornaby believed to be a twin. [inserted] (a mosquito from Benson.) [/inserted] Approx [symbol] TA. 1830. Took off at 1606.
1845 Off duty F/O Mountjoy. On duty B. O’Beirn F/O
1900 K/408 Lancaster - one of 3, D.K.X being delivered to Dalton. Category E Burned.
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408/S - DS - 692 - P/O Brown - J.A. J- 19709
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2100 F/L King - Re 62 Base request for 62 Base Proctor or 6 Grp Anson to take F/L King to Warboys. Air I rule no - He can take the train.
2300 62 Base 408/S [underlined] CRASH [/underlined] 2305 HRS. - Lanc 408/S had difficulty on take off - believe one engine cut. Cannot gain height headed toward Marston Moor at tree top height. Inf 4 Grp - to inform Marston Moor - Also inf 12 Grp and asked for any R.O.C plots and opened our board.
2311 12 Grp 408/S Lanc believed our 408/S crashed at Marston Moor.
4 Grp. confirm this. No details yet.
2320 AIR I Informed A.O.C. of the above crash.
2335 408/S (4 Grp report) - Crew all OK. - a/c landed on a U/S runway about the middle of the aerodrome and burned fiercely.
Inf 4 Grp. of the bomb load 18 x 500 - 2 of them 72 hr delay. Also inf 12 Grp.
2340 408/S (4 Grp report) G/C Dennis reported to 62 Base that the leading edge of the starboard wing between the inner engine and the fuselage folded up on take off.
2350 Flare - 2 small & one large explosion reported by 6 Grp police, 62 Base & 61 Base & 12 Grp - explosion of Lanc 408/S.
[underlined] Monday July 24 [/underlined]
0200 408/S - Crew staying overnight.
0125 434/C Landed at Exeter - S. E U/S.
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[underlined] CRASH [/underlined]
1666/U - JD - 372.
Informed. AOC — SASO — AIRI — SOC — ENG — EQUIP — P4 — GAIO — C of E — SFCO.
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July 24
0325 SOS a/c approached Flamboro from the sea. Inf 62 Base. - Later declared no longer SOS.
0400 Crash 1666/U - Ex 62 Base of A0988 - near Sheriff Hutton.
12 Grp report crash A1793. Instructed 62 Base to send Eastmoor crash tender dispatched via Sherriff Hutton to Shackleton near the position A1793 confirmed by 12 Grp.
0430 1666/U JD-372 - Hurricane Q, reported that his detail 1666/U caught fire and exploded in the air. May be the crash noted above.
0500 424/H Landed at Ossington with 2 long delays - If these bombs were fused pilot is to jettison them 20 miles off Flamboro before returning to base.
0500 a/c Away - Instructed to be interrupted refuelled and sent back to base.
0645 1666/U - Eastmoor crash tender returned to base - They reported all the crew dead and Wombleton was in charge of the crash.
0700 Location 1/2 mile east of Coneysthorpe Village [indecipherable] summary passed to C.F.C. - 8 a/c 7 stations.
0730 1666/U - Pilot of Hurricane Q - F/S GAUKROGER on fighter affiliation with 1666/U reported - Five minutes after contact about 0400 hrs at 7000 ft. the Halifax did a violent corkscrew. After straightening out “Q” saw starboard O.E on fire. He tried to warn the pilot of 1666/U but made no R/T contact. Caught fire very quickly and spun to earth; no one seen to bale out.
0840 1666/U - Malton N.F.S. - report that all 7 bodies found - at least three identified - Wombleton now in charge of the matter.
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[underlined] Re Bullseye [/underlined]
12 Grp. that Black Widow a/c
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July 24.
0900 Off Duty F/O O’Beirn On Duty F/O [indecipherable] Mountjoy
1000 61 Base Request a Blanket cover for the next 5 weeks in permission for Wombleton to fly ATC boys - 35 per day - [deleted] for next [/deleted] in training a/c - carrying an instructor pilot and full crew. 3 ATC per a/c - only in fit weather and only day flying. Referred this to S.A.S.O. Who is going to confer with the G/C Mc Gregor of Wombleton.
1005 12 Grp Report 2 men picked up at sea - presumably both alive - off the Humber in North Sea. Sgt AG. - B-N- Graves 1896264 & W. Good - [one indecipherable word] 169375. Checked with P4. who say these men do not belong to 6 Group. Advised R.
1110 62 Base Proctor LZ 560 From Holton - landed at Linton at 1105 Proceeding to Mildenhall this afternoon. S/L Watson was pilot. Returned at 1430.
1348 12 Grp. Report column of smoke in E 8599 1 mile SW of Skipton. Called Skipton and had fire department check. It turned out to be a Haystack 12 Grp informed.
1410 63 Base a/c at Hampstead Norris. Inquire whether or not it will be O.K for them to send an a/c to Hampstead Norris to pick up crew of P/427 U/S at this station. Controller gave his permission with the reservation that crew of a/c going down should be careful to look the airfield over carefully before attempting to land as it has very short runways. If not satisfied they should proceed to Harwell, drop off extra crew there and continue on training X/C.
1815 W/O Burton Gransden L advises C/434 at Exeter needs S.I.E change Crew are to return home by rail. S.O.C refuses permission for an a/c to pick them up while doing a X/C. Crew instructed to return to Base by rail.
1850 Off Duty F/O [indecipherable] Mountjoy. On duty B. O’Beirn F/O
1910 Petrol To C.F.C. Diversion Bases - Request for Tangmere or equivalent for 408 Lancs.
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[underlined] Definite Diversion Base [/underlined]
408 - LASHAM - II Grp.
[underlined] Emergency Bases if required. [/underlined]
Hartford Bridge
Thorney Island
[underlined] MISSING [/underlined]
420/U - MZ - 713
419/T - KB 719
[underlined] ACCIDENT [/underlined]
CAT - E [deleted] 1 [/deleted]
Collided with another a/c.
Rear Gunner SGT SANDULAK j. R-208898
1664/J - LK - 694 HAL II CAT E (PROP)
AOC — SASO — AIRI — SOC — ENG — EQUIP — P4 — GAIO — C of A — S.F.C.O
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1945 Petrol - Diversion Base - allocated and gen passed to 62 Base & 64 Base.
2015 To 2 Grp - Gen re 408 petrol Diversion given to 2 Grp. for Lasham including the call signs etc.
[underlined] Tuesday July 25 [/underlined]
0100 420/U (FIX) - S.O.S. - 4950N 0134E 1st 0043 [inserted] (From Southampton) [/inserted] passed to 62 Base. Inf 11 Grp and 10 Grp. (overland near Dieppe).
Marston Moor - Re damage by 408/S - no damage to building and no casualties. Left a big crater 25 yds off the main runway. Aerodrome put U/S until 1000 hr - now O.K. One piece of bomb went through an aircraft no damage of any consequence - a few panes of glass broken in Tockwith village. Inf - 62 Base.
0230 From 11 Grp - A Broad IFF. north of fix position - WR 8200 at 0057 hrs faded. 11 Grp reported it to A.S.R. 11 Grp Inf. 62 Base this a/c was possibly 420/U whose posn & fix on giving S.O.S priority was over land. A.S.R. 11 Grp are putting on a search when weather fit around Le Touquet [inserted] South [/inserted] area & will notify us of such. Inf. 62 Base
0700 Diversion -Runway - passed to CFC.
0700 1664/J LK-694 CAT E (Prov) On return from Bullseye on 3 engines, landed at 0406 hrs, swung at right angles to the runway and bounced once to starboard and headed for the Great North Road and then swerved to Runway 16 and undercarriage collapsed crew O.K.
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428/U KB-740 PILOT P/O CORBET. - Landed Woodbridge at 0326. Collided with another aircraft at 2359 hrs. Rear gunner Sgt Sandulak baled out over enemy territory. The other aircraft possibly crashed at time of collision 40 - 50 miles from target and was seen going down in flames (possibly 419/T - missing a/c). 428/U - Category E1.
[deleted] 1000 [/deleted] 0900 U/420 MISSING. Off duty F/O O’Beirn & On duty F/O [indecipherable] Mountjoy. Reported SOS message etc re this a/c to S/L Seaborne.
0915 62 Base Navigator of 408 Sqdn. injured before take - off on Bullseye last night - had a cut requiring two stitches in his head. Nothing serious.
0935 64 Base W/C McLeish wants to send an a/c of [deleted] U/425 [/deleted] 428 Sqdn, on a training flight to Woodbridge to pick up crew of V/428 Sqdn. AIR I would not give his permission. 64 Base will contact Woodbridge re having crew return by rail..
0940 61 Base S/L Stinson wants to go to Ossington in 61 Base Oxford on a liaison visit. AIR I gave his permission
E.T.D 1100 hrs. ETA. 1145.
0945 62 Base all of 408 a/c that landed away are now back at base.
1015 11 Grp U/420 MISSING Called 11 Grp re ASR search for 420/U. They have searched the area WR 8200 and found nothing. S/L Seabourne advised.
1030 ANSON EG 184 This Anson landed at Linton for refuelling he is proceeding to Prestwick via Carlyle. Checked with met. this will be O.K.
T.O. 1045 ETA 1215.
1032 62 Base 415 have one flight that becomes operational tomorrow 26/7/44
408 - offer 11 for duty.
All other 62 Base Squadrons - 426, 432, 420, 425 can offer 15 for duty. operations officer informed.
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1033 63 Base L/433 at Dishforth having an Engine Change.
1037 10 Grp Re U/420 MISSING Checked with 10 Grp. They have taken no action as plots were in 11 Grp area. Suggest we might get in touch with ASR Officer on the beach head who controls A.S.R. fixed positions in the channel. Informed S/L Seaborne who asked 11 Grp to carry out another search this afternoon. They will let us know if they see anything.
1050 4 Grp. S/L Thompson & F/O Jeffson are going to pay us a Liaison visit today. F/Lt Cleland informed.
1150 61 Base DARKY Report a Dark Call - presumably an American a/c using Call sign - CLAPTRAP - FLASHBACK - ALLSACK in FLAPJACK - Y - Yoke. - Reported this to 63 Base who had heard him and were trying work him. Show to 62 Base. Reported to 12 & 4 Grp. 4 Grp had heard him earlier on - 12 Grp are trying to get a plot.
1225 64 Base report that a Cessna Crane with an American Pilot is down at Croft - From Bovington - more “gen” later appeared to be lost. Reported to 12 Grp, 61, 62, 63, Bases.
[deleted] 1230 64 BASE DARKY [/deleted] At 1255 Croft Reported that the a/c they had landed wasn’t calling Darky, his a/c letters were H - 322102. Home Base Bovington destination Turnhouse - Bovington & Turnhouse advised. Croft is refuelling him. His R/T C/S was Longfellow. 12 Grp have been unable to get any more “gen” on the DARKY - although 4 Grp have landed on DARKY call with the letter H.
1245 11 Grp Re U/420 MISSING They are starting search again. Report of a dinghy at Posn 50 30 1/2 N - 0108 E & wreckage at 5030 - 0058 E. These are almost on Track for the a/c, but cannot fit in with the fix as previously given. 11 Gap say there are a great many a/c over most of the channel area today and area should be well covered.
1250 CFC Re Z/425 Advise that this a/c will probably need an Engine Change. F/LT Smith or W/O Burton have inspected it & a signal has been sent by him presumably to Grp engineering officer or Station Engineering officer stating repairs needed. 62 Base advised.
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433/I - LV-911
Pilot - P/O WRIGHT W.H.
Inf. AOC — SASO — AIR1 — SOC — ENG. — EQUIP — S.F.C.O. — C.A.I.O.
Preston “N” HM - 3GH W/C Wally. Landed Wombleton at 1152 from Turnhouse 24/7.
Took off 1935, 25/7 to Northolt ETA - 2045.
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1403 63 Base HAL MH-T Landed at Leeming last night - O.K given for him to return to Snaith. T.O. - 1403.
1435. F/LT SMITH Called Re C/433 at Woodbridge formerly a Cat AC. now repaired. The crew of Z/428 Tholthorpe is flying this a/c and they are also bringing the crew of N/428 that crash landed at Woodbridge last night. The a/c will go to M.S.G first and then on to Skipton. 62 Base advised and asked to organise transport from Tholthorpe for their crew. 64 Base also advised and 63 base.
1535 DIVERSION BASES. Called Central Flying Control for definite diversion bases, as many on the coast as possible. Emphasised these must be had and will be used as this will be extreme range for our a/c.
1725 C/433 went U/S will probably return tomorrow morning. 64, 63, 62, advised.
1940 Diversion Bases. Allocation passed to the stations.
2015 6 Grp Met - do not like the diversion bases offered east of of Isle of Wight. Request a new group of bases.
2000 C.F.C. Offer Thorney Island, Hartford Bridge, Ludham & Dunsfold - We do not like Dunsfold.
2120 Crash 433/I LV-911 P/O WRIGHT - Skipton have a/c crash on take off [inserted] 2112 hrs [/inserted] no details - 63 Base required a crash tender 61 Base are sending one from Topcliffe.
2150 12 Grp - Request us to get a Norseman Bluestream 342 - to land and check weather before proceeding Inf. 63 & 64 Base.
2210 Norseman - Bluestream 364 - Pilot 2nd Lieut Clays landed Dishforth at 2207 from Warton. Staying overnight. Inf. 12 Grp.
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427/J - MZ-316
Pilot - P/O EGLI H.D.
MO/G. F/S G T KOTYK M.W. R177905
F/ENG. SGT BRIERS G.R. LR - 1894468.
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2300 Diversion Bases - Removed - and letters [deleted] signals [/deleted] call signs etc sent to the various Grps. 11, 92, 8, & 38.
2310 433/I crash - Swung on take off - port wing seemed to catch fire as he came to rest about 50 yds from the Bomb dump. His bombs exploded [inserted] 2120 hrs [/inserted] and damaged 2 crash tenders but no casualties. Category burned
[underlined] Wednesday July 26. [/underlined]
0350 Diversion signal sent
420 - Land at Bourn
425 - Land at Warboys
419 - if petrol low land at Polebrook
428 - if petrol low land at Bassingbourn
0420 Diversion Bases - signal repeated.
0400 - 0700 - Numerous messages & fixes from aircraft. - see message sheet.
0725 427/J - T.A.F. report that the a/c that crashed 6 miles S. W. Of Bayeux Pilot - P/O [one indecipherable word] found - but no particulars if alive or dead. Ex 11 Grp - 427/J - navigator F/O Sundrun and 2 others are O.K - slight bruises and in Bayeux hospital.
0730 a/c away - All instructed to be refuelled and to return to base.
0900 off Duty F/O O Beirn. On Duty F/O Mountjoy.
1015 2 Grp 420/X - landed at landing strip B6 in Normandy - Took for Dunsfold will refuel and return to Base
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1330 61 Base Dalton Hurricane Gave permission for this Hurricane to go to [one indecipherable word] for a major inspection.
1400 Off duty - F/O Mountjoy - On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O.
1430 64 Base - Request permission for S/O Blackburn to fly in 434/X - on SBA tests. SASO says his duty requires it. No permission required by from 6 Grp.
1500 427/J (Bayeux) - From 6 Grp Intelligence - Word received from Bognor :- navigator, F/E, R/G. and M/UG are O.K and plan to return to base via an Anson a/c. Bomber Aimer F/O Campbell has back injury and is in a hospital in France. Captain P/O EGLI is O.K. but his location is vague no news of WOP. - but he is thought to be safe.
427/J bombed the [symbol] at 0153 hrs - was hit by flak at 0155 and hydraulics and U/C damaged. Ran out of petrol over Bayeux and baled out.
Inf 62 Base. Intell advising SASO & A.O.C.
1530 Weather - Met do not advise X/C flights this afternoon. Heavy at 10000 feet risk of thundery showers Warned 64, 61, 62 Base. Re. flashlight target at Bristol - expect 10/10 cloud and bases :- poor in smoke and fog. 0330 hrs and later.
1800 Anson - From Bognor landed with 4 of crew of 427/J.
1830 U/429 and 426/J returning to base tonight remainder to remain overnight.
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July 25 62 Base - Received a postogram 6G/S42/AIR which is an amendment to BC/S31408/3/AIR/FC Dated July 3/1944 62 Base - claim they have not received the BC letters. Checked - 6G/S42/AIR/16 July with a letter attached to BC/S 314 08/3/air/FC. -
Suggest Emergency Airfield.
Inf - 62 Base.
[underlined] Reference a/c away [/underlined] 1100 hrs 27-7-44
From - F/S Warmsley - Gransden Lodge.
426/R - Tangmere - Requires P.O.E. Change.
420/V - Beaulieu - S. - Tire changed by Ground.
62 Base want it back to-day
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432 sqdn - given permission by air I to take our a/c to Ford plus 2 crews to follow if weather permits.
1830 Off duty B.T O Beirn F/O
1930 Central FC. Advise crew of Z/425 are returning to base by rail - 62 base advised. 64 Base have no information re the crew of V/428
2002 61 Base LANCASTER PH-A. This a/c landed at Dalton at 1955. - an a/c from Wickenby - No1 Group. No further information yet.
2010 1 Grp Enquired if that we had their a/c, he had sent a W/T message “making a forced landing” Advise that a/c was struck by lightning and Electrical equipment and instruments went for Burton. 1 Grp. Advised. a/c to be made serviceable and to return to base W/X permitting as soon as possible.
0900 Off Duty F/O Mountjoy. On duty B. O’Beirn F/O
0920 425 (AIR I) a/c to Ford - permission granted to take fitters & parts - But must get approval from 6 Grp when weather clears about Sunday.
1000 419/Z - Request permission for flight to Ringway -
[one indecipherable word] Eng. Lanc are fitted with rivets, but Can. Lanc. are fitted with screws. Ringway is believed to be the only place where these screws can be fitted in the fuselage. - If a/c cannot be repaired at Ringway it will not be fit for operations.
1012 419/Z SASO is & AIRI grant permission for above - 64 Base [one indecipherable word] W/X.
1100 424/O At Thorney Island - of Thorney Is will be ready within 24 hrs. - crew have returned by rail.
1300 Top Oxford - Air I grants permission for
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432/D - T.O. - 1432 for Ford with skeleton crew for 432/G Returned to base 1700.
Wellington - LP-496 landed Linton from Topcliffe. Liaison visit.
Hurricane - W/C Fleming landed from Cranwell at Leeming at 1540.
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1300 Oxford (Topcliffe) pilot (W/C Weiser) to fly a north Allerton doctor to Castle Kennedy. The doctor will perform an emergency operation at Stranraer and return this afternoon.
433/C Air I grants permission for a trip to Woodbridge with a crew for 433/C. T.O. - 1445
1300 a/c at Silverstone, Turweston and Tangmere & Beaulieu which are serv - are instructed to get a met forecast and return to base.
1320 F/L Betcher at Andreas - Isle of Man is awaiting transport home. Inf. AirI
1600 Local Bullseye - not favoured by 6 Grp Met nor 61 Base Met. 61 Base are withdrawing their offer. Inf 12 Grp night Ops.
1600 [one indecipherable word] Exercise to-morrow afternoon Gave information to 61 Base.
1610 63 Base Oxford - AIR grants permission for a skeleton crew to Harwell for 424/J
1700 431/F - F/L Smith of Gransden - reports craft to supply a Part fin + people to put it on plus variety of hydraulic connections and Hyd. fluid.
420/CK Requires a new P.I. engine starter. Smith of Gransden will provide starter and get it ready to-night or to-morrow.
1750 433/C. - Farmer can AC ex Woodbridge requires inspection by “Bristol Engineers” - before being here. 433/I with additional crew made useless trip.
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D.F.C.O. Please Note.
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1830 Off Duty F/O O Beirn. On Duty F/O Mountjoy.
1840 Ex 92 Grp 432-G 432-E. These a/c landed at Oakley. They were on the way back from Ford. E/432 had hydraulics u/s. It will be O.K to take - off and return by 2100 hrs. After that check with us.
1900 Ex 92. G/432 airborne at 1845 for base landed at Oakley at 1730. E/432 should be S by 2000 hrs. 62 Base advised.
1918 Ex 92. F/429 - Took off for Leeming from Turweston at 1910 63 Base advised (Landed at Base)
Note 4 Grp Bombing 4 Group will be using Helmsley Bomb Range Time 02.10 - 13 a/c involved - 3 Red T.I s. at 1000. hrs. - advised 61 Base
2001 Ex Harwell J/424 airborne for Skipton at 1925 63 Base advised. (Landed at Base)
2030 OXFORD 61 Base Called 9 Group re Topcliffes Oxford. Asked them if this a/c had taken off on Return from Castle Kennedy. Met it will be O.K for him to return, if he is not already on his way.
2040 Met tonight For X/C Checked with met re - 61 Bases X/C training tonight E.T.R 0050 approx. Met say it will be O.K.
2050 Oxford 61 Base. 9 Grp advise that this Oxford was airborne from Castle Kennedy for Topcliffe at 2005 (Landed at Base)
2110 Ex 92 Grp. E/432 E/432 cannot take - off from Oakley before 2130.
2130 Oxford 61 Base. S.A.S.O. - Requests 61 Base’s Oxford be at Linton at 1330 hrs tomorrow, Ready to take - off by 1400 hrs, to pick up A/C Ross and take him to Prestwick and return immediately. 61 Base advised.
2200 E/432 Checked with 92 Group. They have found an Air - lock in Hydraulic system and he is not ready to take - off yet. They will get permission from 6 Grp before he takes off.
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415/U - S.O.E Cut on take off. Pilot knew he was going too fast to stop, so tried to get airborne, lifted his wheels and tried a belly landing clear of the R/W in order to let the other a.c off.
[underlined] CRASH [/underlined]
415/U MZ - 686 Pilot - P/O [deleted] Andrews D R [/deleted] WILLIS.
Inf. - AOC, — SASO — AIR I — SOC — ENG. — EQUIP — G.A.I.O.
Re - the bombs - 16 X 500 - 2 - 6 hr long delay and 14 TD. 025 of which 10 are found. 0130/29 - Bomb Disposal Squad Snaith informed. promised to be at Eastmoor by 0500 hrs.
Eastmoor have blocked the road, posted a guard and a farmer has vacated his home until the bombs are disposed of.
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2231 92 Grp. Says E/432 airborne for East Moor at 2222 He will be coming back with his wheels down. 62 Base advised also W/C Smith who was in ops room at the time. Landed at Base 2322.
2325 61 BASE DALTON Report one of Daltons Hurricanes coming in to land had a flat tire.
2355 HURRICANE A/C No LF 385 - G - Pilot F/S. Long AUS. 419859 Port tire was flat on landing Port undercarriage and Port main Plane damaged. CAT. A/C. He had been on a weather flight and had done a F/A exercise. Pilot is O.K.
FRIDAY [underlined] JULY 28/1944 [/underlined]
0900 Off duty F/O Mountjoy On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O
0930 Oxford - W/C Lawless requests that F/L Betcher be informed to be at [one indecipherable word] between 1500 - 1700 hrs to-day to be picked up by [one indecipherable word]
1300 Off duty F/O O’Beirn On duty F/O Spence.
1730 CFC. - Request for 8 [one indecipherable word] weather lancs.
1830 Off duty F/O Spence. On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O.
2000 Ops - Met forecast our bases are O.K for return [one indecipherable word] TOT is earlier.
2030 C.F.C. - Cancelled request for bases.
2227 415/U CRASH - Crashed on take off [inserted] 2219 hrs [/inserted] is clear of runway, not burn - no details of crew or reason for crash. MZ - 686 Pilot P/O [deleted] Andrews [/deleted] Willis Other a/c taking off on time.
2240 415/U landed 150 yds off the end of the runway and burned. One member of the crew has a
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[underlined] Missing a/c [/underlined]
408 - A, C, M, P.
426 - P U
420 - N
425 - K. S.
415 - Q
432 - B.
427 - Y
424 - E
433 - W
428 - K
431 - A, B, H, J, R.
434 - X X.
All missing a/c passed to W/C Guest. Equipment officers & crashed a/c P4 notified of all casualties, G.T.I, — AIRI, — ENG, — S.O.C, — SASO — C of A.
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slight cut over his eye; the remainder of crew are O.K. Inf. 12 Grp. - AIR I. S-O-P.
2300 Bases - met forecast northern bases OK for return. 62 Base may get yellow. Inf. C.F.C. that we may need - 4 - 6 bases.
[underlined] Saturday July 29. [/underlined]
0130 Bases - Request for 1 or 2 bases north of 6 Grp. - Met recommend Charter Hall, Ouston etc.
0200 Bases - C.F.C. & 12 Grp offer Ashlington - 15 a/c Ouston 10 a/c. Charter Hall also open. In emergency can use Syerston, Wigthorpe and Wigsley - 6 Grp.
0200 62 Base - Offered Dishforth for Eastmoor, and Wombleton for Tholthorpe. 61 base inf.
0315 Linton - vis decreasing. - Eastmoor improving. Linton to use Dishforth if necessary.
0405 408/K DS - 730 Pilot - WO McLeod Landed at Woodbridge 0351 - no brake pressure. - Questioned 62 Base why not briefed for Carnaby. [inserted] P.I.E SO.E U/S. [/inserted]
420/E - Fix from Hull
5354N 0152E 3rd 0330 ask. Message P.E. U/S - 0330 Inf. 62 Base. (Landed base at 0427)
0410 Bases - remaining fit - Tholthorpe 3 miles. 12 Grp & 61 Base stood down.
0530 Diversion Summary to C.F.C. - 3 a/c landed away at 3 stations.
0530 429/D HX-339. P/O STEWART. Landed at Charter Hall at 0405 navigator seriously injured - in Peel Hospital. Pilot and MUG. slightly injured and in S.S.Q Charter Hall. Aircraft is badly
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shot up. - Ailerons and one tire - Pilot - wounded in the shoulder made a good landing a/c totally U/S.
0520 408/K DS - 730. - at Woodbridge PI. & SO U/S - a cannon shell in bomb bay. Pilot and F/ENG slightly injured.
0530 415/U - Landed Skipton at 0423 hrs. - short of petrol. Both starboard engines kept cutting all the way from the target. Gee & W/T U/S.
Crew instructed to remain at Skipton & bring aircraft back when serviceable.
0540 433/J MZ - 284 Pilot F/O DEVINE - Came in on emergency landing at Skipton, all engines cutting, short of petrol. As he landed two engines cut, a/c ground - looped and collided with 433/N, which was at dispersal without a crew.
Crew of 433/J - O.K.
Categories - 433/J - Cat - AC 433/N - Cat EI.
0600 431/U NA - 550 Pilot F/O Holden. - Landed Strubby. Aircraft badly shot up, rear turret shot to pieces, holes shot in the wings, bomb doors will not close.
Category -
Crew - Pilot, W.O.P, & F/E OK. now. B/A, MU/AG - baled out and are OK. - all six at SSQ Strubby Rear Gunner - badly wounded taken to RAF - Rauceby.
0900 Off Duty F/O [one deleted word] O’Beirn On Duty F/O Mountjoy
1115 62 Base Eastmoor aerodrome U/S TFN - Unexploded bombs - They will advise us when the aerodrome EASTMOOR is S.
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Ex. F/L Justason
Careful check made of flying training times result in following totals for 64 Base.
419 Sqn. 281:40 hrs (Group total Shows 268:38 hrs
428 Sqn. 481:35 hrs (Group total Shows 443:55 hrs
431 Sqn. 322:04 hrs (Group total Shows 333:28 hrs
434 Sqn. 321:57 hrs (Group total Shows 331:53 hrs
Explanatory letter & tabulation from July 1 to July 26 (incl.) being forwarded by 64 Base - S/L Ganderton informed.
[underlined] Poor Weather Bases [/underlined]
420 - 15 Little Harwood
426 - Little Harwood
425 - 15 Wing
426 - 5 Wing
424 - 15 Silverstone
433 - 15 Market Harborough
427 - 15 Bruntingthorpe
429 - 15 Bitteswell
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1130 62 Base Report that last night several of their a/c reported a searchlight exposed at Flamboro Head, parallel to the sea and shining out to sea on the track of a/c returning. Pilots report that a/c could be seen silhouetted against it. Checked with 12 Grp.
1424 F/434 FORD F/LT Smith informs us that this a/c is definitely serviceable and is ready to be collected. [one indecipherable word] advised that in view of the weather situation, it would not be advisable to send a crew by air to pick up F/434. Therefore Controller suggests they send down a crew by rail today.
1500 SKIPTON Require 1/2 hrs notice before any a/c can take-off or land. - Due to work on Rwys. - All Rwys till 1800 hrs.
1556 MET WARNING Local thunderstorms expected this afternoon & evening over England & Wales.
1815 LOCKHEED AE 628 G/C Keddie landed at Lemming at 1813. Presumably staying the night
1830 Off duty F/O Mountjoy On duty H.L. Spence F/O.
2140 Harvard “20” (R/T) (284591) Took off from M. St. G at 2120 for Turnhouse Pilot Major [one indecipherable word] Informed M.R.S. 12 Grp. Who state this a/c is u/s. (Cessna C-78 previously advised by 12 Grp not to take-off.) Both a/c from Kingscliffe, or are same one.
2220 ditto “Outcry 20” called Darky. Heard by M. St. G. Landed at Croft 2222 hrs.
Sunday - July 30/44.
0100 Div’n Bases Provisional Weather bases received from C.F.C. and allotted as follows - see opposite page. - passed to Stations 0130 hrs.
D.F.C.O.’s to note Authorisation by S.A.S.A. for Wombleton a/c to take up A.2C. personnel during week July 30 to Aug. 6 (incl.) (daylight - with Instructions)
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Sunday - July 30/44
425/Z Serviceable at Woodbridge (ex. 62) Authorisation by S.A.S.O. to fly skeleton crew down to pick up [one indecipherable word]
0450 Div’n Bases Met in 92 Group not so favourable. Most of our own bases Red for take off.
0500 Div’n Bases Checked C.F.C. who state weather bases given will be unfit at 0600 hrs but should be fit by 0900 or slightly thereafter. 6 Group Met suggest some other bases be laid on in case 92 Group cannot cope.
0530 Div’n Bases Requested C.F.C. to let us know what other stations might be able to assist. Suggested (by 6 Group) service stations in 3 & 8 Groups. C.F.C. still feel 92 Group will be O.K. but agreed to check for other bases.
0615 Div’n Bases 92 Group quite satisfied to take the diversion. Gen passed. S.A.S.O. Ruling is that if bases in 6 Group are 800 - 1000 ft. cloud base with “bags” of visibility aircraft are to be brought home. Decision to be made by 0800 hrs for 0820 & 0850 broadcasts.
0810 Div’n Bases S.O.C requested diversions to 92 Grp
Off duty F/O Spence, On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O.
0900 Div’n Bases 92 Grp advised W/C had not cleared - re - diverting on R/T to 93 Grp
0920 Div’n W/X in 6 Grp clearing. Recalling all a/c to 6 Grp stns by Grp W/T & R/T. Inf. 62 & 63
1005 427/D Landed at Mildenhall at 0832. - 3 eng - 13 X 500 lb. bombs aboard - Instructed 3 Grp to have him de - bombed and repaired for return.
1010 Proctor - 6 Grp - Request for m/u a/c for 1315 hrs - for S/L Rawsden - for trip to Wombleton - 61 Base OK.
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420/G - NA - 528 Crashed at White Waltham Crew.
Pilot F/L KALLE R.A. DFC. J-19881
Killed. W/OP. F/S CUSACK. C. 551450
Bristol Flashlight Inf 61 Base 1420 hrs.
2345 - 0100 hrs.
91 Grp. - 17000 ft.
6 Grp - 16000 ft.
Route - Swindon, Bristol, Cardiff, Swansea.
W/C Fleming HV - 366 Hurricane landed Linton 1205 hrs - [one indecipherable word] M.S.G.
Hudson (AE - 628) G/C Keeder T.O at 1300 hrs from Lemming for Acaster Malbis (York)
Mosquito - PZ - 313 landed Tholthorpe at 1302 from Little Snoring.
Mosquito HK - 285 landed Dishforth at 1552 from Coltishall.
Oxford PH - 124 landed Shipton 1805 from Gransden.
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1015 424/D - Landed Defford at 0950 - sun - Instructed to return to base.
1020 61 Base - request Bristol Flashlight tonight
1025 92 Group - say they are poor for landings in foggy weather as they are fairly high. Consider they were a bad choice. Evidently C.F.C. would not allow [underlined] other [/underlined] bases for our operational returns.
1130 420/G NA - 528 F/L KALLE - Crash landed at White Waltham at 0920 hrs. Aircraft ran across the tee, overshot and crashed into railway line. It burned but the crew were taken out in time It had bombs aboard, and these blew up, blocking the railway.
Rear gunner has died and the other 7 are in hospital at TAPLOW. - broken arms & legs - details later. The railway runs E - W on north side of airfield.
1600 Request to CFC. For diversion bases (4) in 92 - 93 Groups and one more for C.V. a/c from Bristol Flashlight.
1630 429/A - Landed at Litchfield [sic] this morning - 93 Grp definitely reported it as an engine change. - Now proves that CSO was u/s but crew had returned meanwhile.
1700 429/D at Charter Hall is Cat B. - all crew, except navigator who is ill in hospital, are instructed to return by train. Inf 62 Base.
1730 424/R - at Litchfield [sic] is S. - Instructed to return.
433/U - at Litchfield [sic] - Bad had leak in the wing - will be a day or two
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1830 C.F.C. Request for definite diversion base - for 1666 & if necessary 1664 - area Middle Wallop Boscombe Down.
SASO has ruled they can do this, as met have said bases in 92 - 93 are good up to at least 0200 hrs.
Off duty - B.T O’Beirn F/O On Duty F/O Mountjoy.
WELLINGTON BJ - 644 63 Base report this Wellington landed at Leeming. He brought a S/L to hospital from Leconfield and is returning immediately to Ossington. Landed at 1830. T.O. for Ossington at 2020.
[deleted] 1845 [/deleted] 1910 DIVERSION BASE Secured Hartford Bridge as an [one indecipherable word] diversion base for 61 Base a/c. (Provisional) WX.
[deleted time] 1930 DIVERSION BASE W/C Weiser says this would not make a long enough X/CC route. Wants to have a/c brought back to base and if its not possible to land them, divert them on R/T. Says Hartford Bridge would then be too far suggests some place in 93 Group.
[deleted time] 1955 He secured Castle Donington from CFC as best place so far as weather, but 93 Group met can not promise even that after 0200 hrs. Passed this to 61 Base who say they will have their down by 0200. Informed 93 Group and C.F.C.
2035 61 Base Hurricane from Dalton going out to sea 50 miles east of Whitby for a weather check T.O 2100 hrs. T.O. 2057
2110 12 Grp Say the movement has been passed to them as going out to sea at Seaton Snook which is an IAZ and therefore banned.
Checked with 61 who had given the route at first as out at Whitby then on suggestion of their met had changed the route to NE [one indecipherable word] without getting approval or checking the route. 12 Group say they will try and warn the guns as a/c has already taken off.
[deleted] 2315 61 Base [/deleted] 2315 61 Base W/C Weiser asks us to try and get Ossington as a diversion base, as Castle Donington is not in Bomber Code. Secured it and 61 are sending diversion signal.
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F/LT SMITH. - Will give a recap of serviceability and progress in work on a/c away from base.
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MONDAY - JULY 31st - 1944
0230 [underlined] DIVERTED AC. [/underlined] All training A/C down O.K. Seven at Ossington. Standing By ready to return by 0900 - 1000 hrs today weather permitting. Met don’t think it will be possible to have them back before 1100 hrs.
0800 OSSINGTON V/1666 on landing at Ossington last nite, landed with hydraulic trouble & swung off the runway. Crew A/C. & have not stated the cat of the A/C.
0835 SKIPTON W.I.P. will require 1 hr. notice to land A/C, should have work completed by 1200 noon.
0900 Off duty F/O Mountjoy. On duty H. L. Spence F/O.
1000 Wombleton Oxford Flight to Ossington S/L Mc Gowan and servicing assistant authorised by S.A.S.O.
Liaison Visit Permission for F/L Carew (O.C) to go to Holme on Spalding Moor in Hurricane this p.m. S.A.S.O. says OK. subject, to OK from Base Commander
1100 420/G Crew Ex. Sick Bay - White Waltham:- F/S Cussack (W.O.P.) is the person killed - not Sgt. Metcalfe. F/S. Harvey & Sgt. Wallace are O.K. F/S Hallburton & P/O Meson have fracture of femur. F/L Kalle and Sgt Burton progressing satisfactory. Sgt Metcalfe unconscious on admission. 62 Base informed. Also Controller.
1120 428/M Lanc. To fly to Ashton Down this p.m. for inspection. Special job of W/C Powell’s. Controller says O.K.
Hal. at. Elvington. Allotted to Wombleton. Skeleton crew to be Instructors. Wish to fly down in Hal. O.K.d by S.A.S.O.
1425 Div’n Bases Provis. Weather Requested 3 bases for 46 Lancs from C.F.C. To let us know after Met conference.
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Reported by F/L Smith
426/R. - Tangmere - S.
420/F - Tangmere - S.
425/B - Tangmere - should be ready in 1 day.
420/T - BEAULIEU - Should be ready in 1 day.
433/C - Serv - Woodbridge.
[page break]
1500 429/(A & H) Now serviceable. Skeleton crew to be flown to Litchfield [sic] & Turweston this P.M. OK’d by Controller.
1530. W/C Powell. Accommodation arranged at Ashton Down for 5 Officers (4 Senior) & 4 Sgts overnight.
1520. 420/F Now serviceable at Tangmere. Permission granted by Controller to fly crew down to pick it up.
1555 Prov. Weather Div’n Bases. Requested 8 more diversion bases for 100 Hals. from C.F.C.
1600 Com Flt. Proctor Reserved for W/C Smith to go to Ashton Down, 0900 hrs 1-8-44. Pilot arranged for.
1745 Div’n Bases Weather C.F.C. could not give us any definite bases for after 0300 hrs.
1810. 426/R Permission by Controller to fly crew to Tangmere to pick up [one indecipherable word] Both a/c on training details.
1830 Off duty H.L. Spence F/O. On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O.
1910 Re Bases - Since T.O. is now earlier our met believe we can cope in 6 Grp.
2100 Div. Base - C.F.C. allocate Harwell as prov. W/X base for our 4 Gardeners - 92, 91 Grp will be prepared for emergencies.
2200 Oxford. W - 6574 - S/C Newson requests clearance from Lemming 1000 hrs ETR Hendon 1130 hrs. July 1st. Hendon & 12 Grp MLS - will not give clearance now - must be done with both early to - morrow.
2300 X/Country a/c - S.O.C. on SASO’s ruling recalls all X/C a/c to be down by 0001 hrs. Inf 63, 61, 62, 64 Bases.
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HAL - WZ - 363 landed Lemming at 1955 from -
possibly allocated to Leeming
[underlined] Missing [/underlined]
429/C - LV950 Pilot - WO2 IRISH. Inf w/c [one indecipherable word]
[underlined] Early Returns [/underlined]
420/C at 2326 at posn 5407N 0140E at 5500ft
Reason - Hyd’ U/S. Could not retract undercarriage Conf by C.T.O.
420/S - 2324 at posn 5407N 0130E at 10000ft
Reason - could not get above 6000’ at 2400 rev & 6 boost speed - 155 - 160 M.P.H. Tried to gain lift - went to gate - a/c responded - climbed to 10000, - fly O.K.
Wouldn’t respond at first very rough.
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2310 63 Base - Are recalling 433/I,E,M,P,R,V. - by HF/DF.
2315 61 Base - TO 1664 / K,A,L,W,O,Z,M, - Return to Base - ETA 0001.
426/R. - Remaining at Tangmere. “R” took off at 2113, but returned to Tangmere at 2118. - Weather bad.
2330 Clunas - Bombing Range - controlled by Lossiemouth - not informed - by 61 Base - Wish to be advised of bombing. Inf. 61 Base.
2330 420/C. - Early return - going to jettison.
August 1st
0025 Gardeners Diverted to Harwell. -
0115 Gardeners Diversion [one indecipherable word] to Harwell.
0150 426/A,F,J,M,W - diverted to Skipton.
0200 Tholthorpe - 23 a/c Skipton.
0212 420/U “D” rated U/S sent to Croft
425/N - No Art Horizon sent to Croft.
0225 16 a/c sent to Croft and mid S. G. From 63 Base.
0225 4 Grp - Sending us a/c from 5 Grp, 1 Grp and 4 Grp - 10 - 15 in all. Offered Dishforth. 62 Base informed. Have Dalton and Topcliffe ready if needed.
0430 All aircraft down in 6 Grp. 4 Gardeners 433 sqdn at Harwell. 9 a/c of other groups landed at 3 of 6 Grp stations.
0515 C.F.C. - Diversion summary reported.
0750 63 Base X/C - planned for take off 0930 - return 1230 - advised to wait 2 or 3 hours. Bases 10/10 1200’ vis 2 miles.
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[underlined] Serviceability [/underlined] of a/c diverted within the Group.
F/426 - Hyd - used emergency landing procedure.
X/420 - Oil leak, low oil pressure.
N/425 artificial horizon U/S.
I/425 - serv.
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0800 Oxford (63 Base) G/C Newsom - Weather poor at base and at Hendon. Advise 63 Base to have him wait.
0820 W/C Smith - proctor to Aston Down. Inf. that weather was good until 1100 hrs or later.
0900 Off Duty F/O O’Beirn On Duty F/O Mountjoy.
1030 12 Grp LOCAL BULLSEYE Major Jackson says local Bullseye in the Tyne Tees area - [deleted] for [/deleted] dropping window and firing white Verey Cartridges - Scheduled for tonight is off until Saturday due to weather. They will check with us on Saturday re this.
1125 38 Grp SKIPTON DIVERTON [sic] Called them. They report all a/c are serviceable and will wait for the O.K to return from us.
1210 63 Base N/425 W/O Ryan reports that when diverted to M.S.G. He had artificial Horizon U/S and was in their circuit when lights went out. Called on R/T but got no answer. Croft answered and he saw their lights. Also saw Leeming’s lights and proceeded there. Takes a dim view of M.S.G. Reported to 64 Base who will look into it.
1220 Oxford W - 6574 63 Base T.O. Time for Hendon 1300 E.T.A. Hendon 1430 Hendon say this is OK. M.L.O. 12 Grp say OK also - going direct. 63 Base advised. Permission to make this flight was granted by S.O.C.
1225 DIVERTED A/C. Wickenby ask us to have their a/c standing by for T.O. at 1330 hrs. 61 Base & 63 Base informed.
1547 COMMUNICATIONS FLIGHT OXFORD 61 Base asked to lay on Communication flight Oxford to go to Halton to be ready at first light - to take photographs to Halton.
1555 S.O.C. 61 Base. Permission given for Tholthorpe to send for 2 crews by air to Tangmere to pick up 2 a/c - B/425 & F/420 - now serviceable - providing it is on training flight - weather permitting otherwise send crews by train.
[page break]
431/L - Pilot P/O Skeaff.
[underlined Damage [/underlined] :- U.C wiped off. - broken back.
[underlined] ML 853. [/underlined] Other damage. Cat E. Crew OK.
Informed Controller — SASO — G.A.S.O. — AIRI — Equipt — ENG — GTI
[page break]
1700 62 Base R/426 Request permission for R/426 to return to base. Controller gave his permission. Asked 11 Group to see he was routed clear of all high ground, and that he checks with weather.
DIVERTED A/C at HARWELL Checked with met who say weather enroute a little improved. Cloud base 1000 to 1500 with cloud at 800’ on hills. Bases will be O.K. Controller gave his permission for them to return. Harwell informed.
1720 4 Grp [one indecipherable word] Gave permission for this a/c at Eastmoor to return to base.
1735 PROCTOR 61 Base Communication Flight. Controller OK’d change to Proctor. It will be standing by ready to Take off at first daylight together with pilot & navigator.
1830 Off duty F/O Mountjoy On duty H. L Spence F/O.
2100 425/N Ref entry 1210 hrs. Ex. 64 Base. Possible explanation of Middleton not being lit up & failing to hear [one indecipherable word] when called. “Told to prepare for some a/c being diverted, by S.A.S.O. at 0215 hrs. In past, due to interference of balloon squeakers permission was given not to listen out on 6440 kcs. Possibly 425/N came up before Middleton were able to switch over from channel D to 6440 kcs” Informed 62 Base.
431/L Throttles jammed on touch down. Kicked left rudder, swung off runway, could not get stopped and crossed over perimeter track. Damage to aircraft not yet assessed - Cat, E.
2200 a/c off course (Op’l) Ex 12 :- Some a/c approaching up North Sea & crossing in at Flamboro. Want to know why? Have requested 63 Base to check & let us know.
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[blank page]
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1100. 4 Grp Ex 6 Group Met :- Query by 4 Group for possible diversion. Believe Leeming, Skipton & Dishforth may hold.
1150. Met Informed 61 Base low stratus at 1000ft & would be down to 500’ within next 30 - 40 minutes.
Liaison Visit S.F.C.O. to note. Ex. Ouston - F/L Tennant. Flying Control, desires to visit Middleton and Croft for purpose of acquainting himself with conditions of a heavy bomber operational station. Feels it would be to advantage in case of diversion to them. This occasioned by several instances of diversions earlier in year. Had in mind visit on Thursday or Friday this week. Told him it should be O.K. and didn’t require further clearance. Advised F/L Justason, who was agreeable subject to S.F.C.O’s O.K. but suggested first of next week as a better time. Possibly you may wish to confirm this with F/L Tennant.
[underlined] Wednesday - Aug. 2/44 [/underlined]
0010 429/D D.F.C.O. note. C.T.O. at Charter Hall has not yet signalled category of mfn. Please check him up.
0900 Off duty F/O Spence. On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O.
1030 433/Hal + 2 extra crews to go to [underlined] Litchfield [/underlined] & [underlined] Woodbridge [/underlined] for U/433 and C/433 respectively. S.O.P. gave permission for ops crew & a/c. when w/x is fit.
1055 Hurr. PG-523 - Took off at 1050 from Linton for Melbourne. Inf. 44 Grp x [one indecipherable word] Weather not good at Melbourne. he may have to return.
[page break]
Re - 429/D - at Charter Hall. - Cat B. Checked with Charter Hall, who had signalled it. (G.T.I.) have a copy of the signal. Inf. 63 Base F.C. to inform C.T.O.
Re - [underlined] Routing to Hendon [/underlined] - (Heston, HALTON, NORTHOLT)
D.F.C.O. NOTE 12 Grp. MLS. say they do not require routing to Hendon. - but that Hendon must be advised and willing to accept the aircraft.
[page break]
1105 Hurricane PG - 523. - back over Linton. Landed Linton 1110. Inf 4 Grp & 12 Grp F.C. Instructed 62 Base to insist that the Pilot get approval before T.O.
1120 420/G - Re crash of July 30 at White Waltham from 62 Base adj x F.C.
W/OP F/S - SUSACK. C. 552450 - KILLED
A/B. F/S HALIBURTON. W. R - 170839. Severely Injured.
R/G. SGT METCALFE DH. R - 192794 Severely Injured.
Inf. PA. — C. of A.O.
1135 Proctor - P-6248 - (2 F/L.) Took off from Linton at 1133 for Melbourne without permission. - seemed to slip off without any control by Linton - Bad show by Linton F.C. 4 Grp & 12 Grp annoyed as the weather is bad. Landed Melbourne 1150 - OK.
1155 A/C Constantine - left Halton at 1100 hrs for Linton. Inf. 62 Base F.C. S.A.S.O. S.O.C. Linton F.C.
1155 12 Grp - Request whereabouts of a Dominie - who had crashed as landed - Linton.
62 Base report no Dominie in their base.
61 Base [underlined] Dominie X - 7395 [/underlined] w/c VAUX. landed from Northolt - a Searton a/c - owing to w/x proceeding to to Northolt later to-day. Landed [underlined] Dishforth 1145 [/underlined] Inf. 12 Grp. 61 Base inf. Searton.
1255 A/C Constantine (Ex 62 Base) landed Denton at approx 125 - remaining there until the weather clears - Inf. S.A.S.O.
1310 Weather - conditions in 6 Grp & inland will improve. At 1500 hrs expect 7 - 10/10 at 1000’ - 1500’ - vis 3 - 6 miles. Advising X/C. a/c to be down by 2200 hrs.
1515 Woodbridge - C.F.C. say their weather is OK. Can send a/c with crew for 433/C Inf. 63 Base.
[page break]
Fairchild - 314419 - Pilot Capt. Coken. Landed Leeming 1809/2/8 from Alconbury - Returning to - morrow. 3/8/44.
S.F.C.O. - Wants July average landing times from 62 & 64 Base stations Inf. 62 & 64 Base.
Request - Total number of a/c and average time.
(1) Time up on R/T to Last Landing (amended figure)
(2) Time up on R/T to Last Landing Throwing out waste time.
(3) Average time - 1st down to last down.
Received - Eastmoor’s Repair.
[page break]
1520 Lichfield - Cloud base 800’ - 1000’ broken cloud - Inf - 63 Base - Requested that the 433 a/c go to Woodbridge first, - drop one crew there and proceed to Lichfield - if favourable land and if not return home.
1630 420/F Instructed 11 Grp to have [one indecipherable word] a/c return to base. ETA before 2100 hrs.
1630 Hurricane (Dalton) [two indecipherable words] “R” going on weather test off Flamborough head to 01300 E M.L.S. 12 Grp inf. also Church Fenton.
1650 Proctor LZ-586. - a/c Constantine left Denton at 1430. Linton F.C. had this information by telephone but a/c has not arrived.
1650 JP-166 Took off from Leeming at 1643 for Kinloss. Had stopped at Leeming en route from York to Kinloss.
1700 Proctor LZ-586 - a/c Constantine landed at Linton at 1657. Inf - Denton Inf SASO.
1730 Weather - met advise x/country a/c to land not later than 2359 hrs. Inf. 61, 62, 63, 64 Bases F.C. re above.
1830 off Duty F/O O’Biern on Duty F/O Mountjoy.
1935 11 Grp F/420 advise that pilot says he has a Mag Drop of 150 on Port Inner Engine Does this make kite u/s? Told him to check with the engineering officer at Tangmere. If he says O.K then return to base. Otherwise stay until a/c is fixed.
2050 12 Grp. Report on a/c around Linton Skipton Topcliffe area - a Halifax with 1 wheel down. Called 61, 62, 63 bases. He landed at Skipton. It was U/433.
[page break]
CRASH OF - HAL. III - NA 581 425/U
PILOT - F/LT. STARK. C.D. - J85641
NAV - P/O PITKIN. E.F. - J86151
WOP - P/O DAVIES P.P. - J87366
A/B - F/Sgt. PIGEON J.C. - R155052
R/G - F/Sgt. CODE J.E. - R155143
M/U - SGT SNIDER L. - R192720
F/E - SGT WATERS M.H. - R70189
AOC. — SASO. — ENG. — SOC. — AIRI. — SFCO. — EQUIP. — P4 — C of E. — G.A.T.O — [indecipherable] — SFCO.
[page break]
2105 Proctor. a/c Constantine left for Sheffield at 2050 advised 4 Grp.
2110 CRASH. Ex - 12 Grp 425/U An a/c of 425 Sqdn. crashed between Worksop & Fubeck near Hobstock Grange at A 0805. 2 bodies identified - a/c Burnt out. Sgt. MK Waters Sgt L. Snider - Flying NNW at 4000’ turned suddenly S and spun in. Checked with 62 Base. He was on a X/C. It must have been U/425 as he was 1 hour overdue - 12 Grp are checking further.
93 Grp. Confirmed above - Worksop took Crash action. Crash occurred at 1855 - there was a report from a villager that a/c was on fire in the air. The ROC did not confirm this. - All crew killed - Wreckage strewn over a large area and burnt.
2350 62 Base Say Tholthorpe will be demolishing 2 X 500 lb bombs. 61, [deleted] 62 [/deleted] 63 bases, 12 Grp and 4 Grp advised.
0900 Off duty F/O. Mountjoy On duty H.L. Spence.
1510. 1666/V Permission for crew to be flown to Ossington to pick [one indecipherable word] OK. - by Controller.
1625 Oxford for A.O.C. No Oxford in Communication flight. 62 Base checking Linton if their’s available for Sunday. (4 passengers.)
1620 420/F C.T.O’s office at Tangmere say mag drop has developed in 2 motors now. F/L. Smith’s office informed.
1650 62 Base Linton Oxford (for A.O.C.) Linton’s Oxford reserved for A.O.C. & passengers for. Aug 6th (Sunday) at 1430 - 1500 hrs. Pilot & standby navigator to be ready also. Going to Prestwick - may stay overnight.
1710 Nickeling Paris Query from 62 Base as to pts on trips counted for nickering Paris in Nso./943. Have some crews who took part when at Gaydon. 91 Group say these trips were not counted as operational. Informed
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[underlined] D7/C/O N.B. [/underlined]
Oxford for A.O.C.
Suggest D.F.C.O. on duty Sunday, Remind 61 Base in the morning of 6-8-44
[underlined] CRASH [/underlined] - on farm - of W.C. Ingledew - [one indecipherable word] Leeming Bar.
1666/S - JD - 274 Pilot - P/O SICOTE crew OK. Cat. - prov. E
Inf - SASO — AIR I — SOC — ENG — EQUIP — G.A.I.O. — S.F.C.O. — G.T.I.
2040 hrs. [underlined] Report by F/L Smith. [/underlined]
427/E - at Woodbridge - former Cat AC - serv - but requires a small piece of cowling - looking at S.O.E. head on, the piece is at about 4.30 hrs. It is not on the cowling around the engine but just behind the gills - 6 X 12 inches roughly. Inf 63 base
(63 base to send crew & above piece of cowling
420/Z - Tholthorpe working on it at Woodbridge. - Requires new oleo leg & new feathering parts - supposedly serv
420/F Tangmere - 50 mag drop. 150 mag drop.
[page break]
1710 Oxford for A.O.C. Entries 1625 & 1650 cancelled. Oxford and Pilot [inserted] F/L Holmes [/inserted] being provided by Dishforth.
1715 431/F. Permission granted by Controller to fly crew to Wing if a/c & crew are not required on todays ops.
1830 Off duty F/O Spence. On duty F/O O’Biern.
1845 1666/S JD - 274 [underlined] CRASH [/underlined] - On air to air and practice bombing detail, crash landed in a field near Catterick. Grid Ref - sheet 21 739138 crew are O.K. Lemming are guarding the crash. Pilot P/O SICOTE
2050 427/U - [one indecipherable word] 5134N 0210E I at 2032 hrs.[inserted] from Southampton [/inserted] [underlined] Message [/underlined] Aircraft hit by bomb completed operations, returning to base. 2030 hrs. - confirmed by 11 Grp from MLS Stanmore - Inf 4.3.R.
2055 420/C. FIX priority “P” fix from Hull 5130N 0208E I at 2041 hrs.
2100 Night Flying - 61 Base have only C & Bs - 62 Base, 64 Base nil. 63 Base 1 a/c ETA. 1130. Advised all bases that met forecast is duff after midnight.
2110 431/F at Wing ready to take off. Instructed not to take off until after 2130 hrs so he will arrive after the operations.
2145 431/F - 92 Group now report that the pilot phoned some one at Croft and decided that stratus cloud was [inserted] expected to [/inserted] come in at Croft and that the pilot decided to wait until to-morrow. Inf. 64 Base and asked them to check up who gave authority for the crew to stay.
2240 431/F 64 Base & Croft F.C. and 431 Flight Commander had no phone conversation with pilot re his staying overnight [one missing word]
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[underlined] Re - movements - MLS 12 GRP. [/underlined]
[underlined] Pass [/underlined] - (1) All movements north of a line - Edinburgh - Glasgow if route is overland even in the green area -
(2) All movements over the Irish Sea - north of Mull of Galloway and south of Strumble Head (Aberporth)
(3) Bombing or Air Firing - if not covered by Day Blanket coverage.
(4) movements over the north Sea north sea, or crossing the coast out, north of Berwick.
F/431 - WING - S - CREW THERE - SHOULD BE RETURNING M.S.G.’S Oxford was to take Hyd. Fluid today but flight was cancelled.
T/420 - BEAULIEU. -
B/424 - WELFORD -
[page break]
2330 Ops - 261 a/c - returned safely to base - a record, only 2 early returns. All Night Flying finished. Stations turning yellow - stratus Inf - 12 Grp & C.F.C.
[underlined] August 4th. [/underlined]
0745 Bases - For take off at 1000 hrs met forecast 800 to 1000’ - vis 3 miles plus. For returns - 4 - 7/10 at 1500 - 2000’ lowest vis - 2000 yds with possible smoke haze; most of the stations will be better than this.
0800 431/F - at Wing - Requested 92 Group to have him airborne as soon as weather permits - perhaps about midday - 92 Group will give us take off time and will consider our weather as fit unless we contact them.
0910 431/F - Requested 64 Base to have 431 Squadron Commander take up the matter with the pilot on return.
Off duty. B.T. O’Beirn F/O. On Duty F/O Mountjoy.
1015 A/C u/s away from Base. Checked with F/LT Smith Re a/c unserviceable and away from base.
1130 DALTON HURRICANE Permission granted for F/L Crewe - O C Clay F/A - to go to Wittering and return this afternoon on a liaison visit.
1400 64 Base Say Visibility a M.S.G. down to 1 mile in smoke. [one indecipherable word] Wombleton & Dishforth. - 419 to Dishforth 428 at Wombleton - 61 Base advised and O.K this. Provisionally Croft say they can cope O.K.
1410 Ex 12 Grp 433/S 433/S passed two Fixes on this a/c
1415 Distress message from 433/S
1417 Cancel Distress message - Backing out. - Ex 11 & 12 Grps. asked them to plot this a/c if possible.
[page break]
CRASH - [underlined] A/C NO HX275 433/2. [/underlined] ASHFORD, KENT.
J28667 F/O Simpson R.H. Capt.
J35750 F/O Woodhouse R. nav.
R130038 W/O Benoit J.P. WOP.
J35761 P/O Dandy C.M. A/B.
I855215 Sgt Purdie W. F/E.
R200588 Sgt. Budd R.E. M/U.
R182018 Sgt. Brown, O.M. a/g.
Doc, — saso, — Eng, — SOC, — air I, — STCO, — Equip, — [circled P4,] — [circled C of a], — Ga. — T.O., — GTI
[page break]
1430 DIVERSION 419 a/c diverted to Dishforth by W/T. - 428 are going to try & cope
1445 428 a/c diverted to Wombleton by W/T.
1506 CRASH S/433 11 Grp Report Halifax crashed near ASHFORD in Kent County - 6 Parachutes seen by R.O.C.
1520 Ex 64. Report 419/X in X/C on early return with a duff engine - Weather Duff so sent him to Dalton.
1530 DIVERTED A/C CROFT. Croft can’t cope instructed them to send remaining a/c to Dalton, as previously arranged. Following a/c sent.
431 - D, S, T.
434 - W, Q, S, N, E, J, P.
1540 Permission given for Z/1666 to go to Ossington with crew to pick up V/1666. This a/c did not go as yet (1845).
1550 61 Base Dalton reports black smoke to south. Checked with 63 & 62 base & 12 Grp. Turned out to be 4 Grp aerodrome burning incendiaries.
1557 CRASH S/433 11 Grp advise P/O DANDY in County Hospital at Canterbury & F/O Woodhouse picked up O.K. Dandy baled out when too low. Others not accounted for. Time of Crash 1440 approx.
1605 62 Base say Pilot F/O Simpson phoned from Lympe - he says all crew got out O.K.
1705 64 Base Weather has cleared will we have all serviceable a/c return to base. Contacted 61 Base and told them to have all serviceable a/c with crews ready to take - off as soon as possible they must have 2 hrs flying endurance before they take off.
Permission given for W/426 with extra crew to go to Woodbridge to pick up A/426 a former Cat AC.
1825 62 Base Halifax LL362 - From BLYTON LANDED at Linton at 1810 - Member of crew sick. 1 Grp informed.
[page break]
0915 hrs 5 Aug.
From - 6 Grp - Servicing Gransden
434/C - Exeter S.I.E Charge - ignition trouble and oil pressure men working on it.
431/F - Wing - requires hyd fluid - Gransden instructed to send it no other information.
[underlined] Non - starters [/underlined]
424/D - HYD. Leak - sealed off but there was an air lock. Bomb door would not close and u/c. would not retract.
424/V mag drop.
[underlined] Early Returns [/underlined]
420/L - Carnaby - Hyd. U/S.
408/I - Carnaby - one wheel would not retract.
433/V - Wouldn’t climb, excessive petrol consumption will have to be air tested.
424/O - Oil leak. S.O.E - front cover gasket broken C.T.O.
Flamingo - Lord Swinton landed Leeming at 1157. From Hendon. a/c went to 4 Grp in the afternoon without Lord Swinton.
[page break]
Aug. 4. 1944
2135 11 Group - re disposition of crew of 433/S that crashed on todays operation on Z-3257.
F/O Simpson & Woodhouse - RAF - Lympne
Sgt. Brown. RAF - Hawkinge.
Sgt. Budd. RAF - Hawkinge.
Sgt. Purdy. RAF - Hawkinge.
W/O Binart. RAF - Hawkinge.
P/O Dandy = Canterbury Hosp.
phoned to 63 Stn. ops. (to relay to 63 Base ops.
2245 All Flying down in Group.
[underlined] AUG 5. 1944. [/underlined]
0200 Very quiet.
0800 Off duty F/L. Warwick. On duty B. T - O’Beirn F/O
1000 1666/B. - SASO grants permission for F/L Bond to go to Honeybourne on liaison visit - dropping hydraulic fluid at Ossington.
1025 Oxford - W/C Weiser has permission of S.O.C. to go to Abington with a crew to pick up AOC’s Anson.
1125 426/A - TO. 1115. Took off without permission, as we had instructed CFC to hold him until we informed them that base was fit. Inf. 62 Base. Requested that the squadron commander checks the pilot.
1150 420/L (Early Return) Landed Carnaby - Hyd. u/s. at 1143. Inf. 62 Base. Jettison Posn 5415N 0022E at 1120. expect to return at 1300 hrs.
433/U 63 Base given permission by SASO to go to Lympne or Newchurch to pick up crew of 433/S who baled out 4/8.
[page break]
1430 - Report by F/L Smith.
425/Z - Woodbridge S. & awaiting a crew. Can a crew from Pocklington fly it to Tholthorpe & the latter [two indecipherable words] to Pocklington.
SASO agrees also 62 Base FC.
1845hrs CFC. - now report this a/c as U/S for a day or two. 4 Grp are having Pocklington a/c return by train.
433/H MZ - 828 Pilot - F/O Harrison J.R. Crash at Skipton Village.
Equipt G.T.I.
[deleted] 433/Y [/deleted] l. Linton
[deleted] 415/V [/deleted] l. Boscombe Down.
425/U - [deleted] NA - 581 [/deleted] [inserted] LL - 594. [/inserted] - S/L PHILBIN G.B. (25)
Equipt G.A.I. C of A P4
Aug 5.
1250 433/L. Fix from Southampton 5033N 0048W I at 1240
433/V From Southampton - message Returning to Base.
1500 64 Base - Laid on Wombleton for Croft and Dishforth
1550 Croft - 431/G, & S to Wombleton 431/K to Dishforth.
1700 Croft weather improving. a/c at Dishforth and Wombleton may return to base.
1715 C.F.C. Request for Colerne as diversion base for 4 Gardeners. Colerne is crowded will try & get us another.
1730. 425/Z now serv. - at Woodbridge but without a crew. F/L Smith suggests that Pocklington crew fly it to Tholthorpe & the latter provide transport to Pocklington.
SASO agrees, also 62 Base contacted 4 Grp who will reply.
1745 Oxford 61 Base DFCO NOTE - for AOC - To be ready with pilot & navigator at 1430 hrs on Sunday Aug 6 at Dishforth for trip to Prestwick. Arranged OK with 61 Base.
[underlined] Oxford [/underlined] Request to 61 & 62 Base. F/L Holmes requests another Oxford - pilot & navigator to go to Hendon at 0900 hrs to-morrow Sunday Aug 6, to bring LT. Col. RAINVILLE to Tholthorpe.
Pilot is to go to Flying Control at Hendon to meet L.t Col. there. Flying Control Tholthorpe is to advise the adjutant of 425 squadron when the Col. arrives. Col. Rainville is to return to Hendon Sunday eve. Or early Monday.
[page break]
433/H - M.Z - 828
CAT. E - Burned.
[underlined] Crew [/underlined]
Pilot - F/O Harrison JR - 21448 - Killed. (203)
NAV. - F/O KINDER JF - North Allerton Hosp - not seriously injured.
WOP. F/O Dutresne. LE. - N. ALL. HOSP. - slight
AB. F/O WIDENOSA ET - N. ALL. HOSP. - seriously
A/G P/O GODFREY NS - N. ALL. HOSP. - slight
F/E SGT WHITBREAD DL. N. ALL. HOSP. - Dangerously Injured
M/U F/S BOURNS R N. ALL. HOSP. Slightly Injured.
[underlined] Civilians [/underlined]
1 - 5 - YR - old Boy - Killed.
1 Woman - Seriously injured.
1 Woman - dangerously injured.
Inf. SASO — AIR I — SOC — ENG — EQUIP — C of A — P4 — G.A.I.O. — G.T.I. — SFCO.
0930/ Aug. 7/44.
F/E. - SGT WHITBREAD - DIED. - There were 3 civilian casualties - One infant killed and two women severely injured.
[page break]
AUG. 5
1900 DIV. Base. [underlined] Lyneham [/underlined] - Definite weather base for 4 a/c of 424 passed gen to 63 Base.
1915 433/H Crash. MZ - 828 Crashed Skipton Village at 1535 hrs.
Made normal approach on 3 engines turned and crashed - Pilot killed, and rest of crew injured, see opposite page.
2025 61 Base - Continuing a search for pilot and Oxford a/c for to-night.
On duty F/O Mountjoy.
2045 61 Base V-3533 F/O BALDWIN (Heston) Have this Oxford with Pilot & Navigator ready to take off for Hendon. Checked with Hendon and find that they close airfield at 2200 hrs. As they are not allowed to use airfield lighting Sent a/c to Northolt arranged his accommodation for the night and left instructions for him to proceed to Hendon to be there by 0900 hrs. tomorrow morning.
2130 Checked with bases re - training a/c and their ETA’s in view of weather.
64 Base, 63 Base, 61 Base, all down. 62 Base have 3 a/c of 420 Sqdn out on X/C. ETA. 2320. This time was near dead line for bases to be open according to met forecast. Discovered these a/c were 1 hr to 1 3/4 late in taking off. This had not been reported and made their ETA about 0100 hrs. Reported this to met who spoke to 62 Base at Tholthorpe met. Poor conditions were known by OC night flying at Tholthorpe but he let a/c go. Not being available at the moment 62 Base sent a recall signal and Controller OK’d this.
2336 DARKY Wellington Reported by 61 Base say Tholthorpe is working him. Turned out to be Wellington from Bramcote - F/L Lucani - Had W/T U/S. Pilot contacted Bramcote who suggested he finish his detail as a/c was otherwise serviceable. TO 2234.
[page break]
Re - points for target. Forêt de Nieppe. night of Aug 3/4
63 Base, 62 Base for Eastmoor request this.
Points 3 - 2 Inf 62 & 63 Base
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[underlined] SUNDAY AUG 6. [/underlined]
Off Duty. F/O Mountjoy. On Duty B.T O’Beirn F/O
433/H Crash - Yesterday - S.O.E was cut and the pilot was making a righthand circuit with wheels up. He was near the led - in lights when the wing dropped and he spun in and crashed. a/c was completely broken up and burned. Damaged 2 houses broke telephone wires and a tree.
Later report that pilot tried to overshoot.
0955 Oxford V-3533 F/O BADWIN at Heston for Lt. Col RAINVILLE. Requested F.C. Henden to contact pilot of Oxford at Heston. LT - Col. RAINVILLE was at Heston F.C. at the time. Inf. 61 & 62 Base.
1115 Proctor 61 Base. - W/C Friesen [inserted] Dishforth [/inserted] to be flown in m/u a/c to H.Q. London this afternoon SASO grants permission Inf. 61 Base
1140 4333/L - Crew. a/c u/s at Church Broughton - Re - crew. SASO grants permission for 424/A at Lyneham to drop in to Church Broughton to bring back crew of 433/L. Inf. Lyneham - to have 2 a/c airborne by 1230 hrs. Inf 63 Base.
1150 420/O - Former Cat a/c at [underlined] Edgehill [/underlined] now S. 62 Base granted permission [inserted] by SASO [/inserted] for 420/U - S/L Kluger to take a crew to Edgehill for 420/O. Inf. 62 Base.
1210 Oxford (Topcliffe) with a pilot and nav. will be ready at Dishforth at [deleted] 1430 [/deleted] [inserted] 1730 [/inserted] hrs for AOC. to go to Prestwick. Inf. P.A. to AOC. & 61 Base.
1210 X/Country - 61 Base planning Day X/C. 1445
1445 to 2000. Bombing 2100
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Re - Key - to “Gen” Room, no 23.
A.O.C. wanted to show a visitor around but the door was locked. Clerk had left the key in the girls rest room.
A.O.C. requests that we keep a duplicate of the key in Ops room for ready use.
Gen Room clerk instructed to leave the key with S.P. at main Door.
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1320 64 Base - Have 3 X/C - with ETR 1650 - Request a prov. w/x base - offered Leeming. Above x/c cancelled at 1300 hrs.
1345 Oxford 61 Base - Request Oxford V-3533 Pilot F/O Baldwin & nav. To be prepared to take Lt - Col Rainville to Hendon to-night or tomorrow.
1405 Oxford - V-3533 - (61 Base) with Lt. Col Rainville arrived Tholthorpe at 1400 hrs. Inf. F/L. Holmes & 61 Base.
1415 415/K - at Sturgate serv & ready to leave soon. Landed - Eastmoor
431/F - Left Wing at 1342 for Croft.
1500 425/A - S.O.C. grants permission for m/u a/c to take crew to Woodbridge for Z/425
Proctor (Dishforth) (HM-422 or V-7218) took off at 1400 hrs for Hendon ETR. 1515 Pilot - F/L Smith passenger - W/C Freisner. Inf. Hendon.
DFCO. note Hendon - insists upon notice of a/c prior to their take - off so they can cancel it if they cannot cope. - Also they have no night Flying equipment.
Oxford - V-3533 & Pilot - now at Dishforth preparing for trip to Hendon with Lt. Col Rainville. from Tolthorpe
1600 Oxford (Topcliffe) see entry 1210 hrs. The passengers are Capt. Spencer (Civil Service) and Mr. Crawford (Pensions) Due to arrive at Dishforth at 18.30 hrs. Passed to 61 Base.
1130 1659/N EV-275 CAT - A (R) Pilot F/O Coutte - was doing circuits and landings at Topcliffe - Tail wheel collapsed.
Inf. SASO — SOC — ENG — [deleted] EQUIP [/deleted] — GAIO — GTI
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[blank page]
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Oxford - (61 Base) remaining at Prestwick overnight.
Oxford (61 Base) V-3533 remaining at Dishforth to-night, as Lt. Col. Rainville is remaining at Tholthorpe.
[underlined] Monday August 7. [/underlined]
0001 Ident board changed.
0130 N.F. - based in 6 Grp.
0900 433/H - F/E - Sgt Whitbread - died [inserted] Aug 6 [/inserted] from his injuries sustained in crash at Skipton on 5 Aug. Inf - P4 C of A
Off Duty - B. T - O’Beirn F/O On Duty F/O Mountjoy.
1045 61 Base Oxford V-3533 F/L Homes [sic] requests Oxford to be standing by by 1300 hrs ready to take off for Hendon. Met advise T.O. time should be at 1400 hrs. F/LT Holmes advised. 61 Base advised they have Pilot & Nav. standing by.
1200 61 Base Confirmed T.O. Time for Oxford as 1400 hrs. 6 Grp Met quite happy about weather at that time at base & Hendon, also enrolee. Passed following message to 61 Base
“All training a/c in all Groups must be down before midnight.” - They will pass this to their Squadrons & stations
1310 B/424. F/LT Smith says B/424 Squadron now serviceable at Welford - 63 Base advised.
1315 Hendon V-3533 Hendon gave their permission for this Oxford to land at Hendon.
1330 Diversion Bases Contacted Central Flying Control Re diversion Bases. Asked for Bases as far north as possible with good Met Conditions from 0030 to 0130 hrs. Central F/C gave us the following stations in 93 Grp. Finningly, Worksop, Lichfield, Church Broughton, Wymeswold, Castle Donnington, Hixon, Seighford, Ossington, Gamston, Peplow, Tilstock. advised met.
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[blank page]
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1345 6 Grp Met. Say they have consulted 93 Grp. [deleted] with [/deleted] [inserted] about [/inserted] diversion bases. 93 Grp met & our met do not think that the following bases will hold up after midnight. Finningly, Worksop, Wymeswold Ossington. Gamston, and Castle Donnington not later than 0100 hrs. This leaves 6 bases.
1355 Diversion Bases Contacted 93 Grp with a view to determining whether or not they could land 200 a/c at 6 aerodromes. 93 Grp were not happy, but said in a pinch they thought they could cope but could could not promise a great deal from servicing point of view.
1420 Diversion Bases Contacted Central F/C and asked for some more aerodromes - Also asked for St Eval as diversion base for Gardening a/c. C/F/C say it will be out by Return time of a/c at 0200 hrs. Suggested [indecipherable word] Our met say it will be O.K and Central said they would be O.K too.
1440 62 Base OXFORD C-604 Want permission for this a/c to land at Hendon tomorrow morning. Route Base Lincoln Hendon - This has been approved by SASO.
1500 63 Base OXFORD V-3604 Want permission for this a/c to go to Welford this afternoon. T.O. 1600 hrs. Route Base - Goole - Welford E.T.A. 1730. To pick up B/424. S.O.C gave his permission.
1545 12 Grp Report a/c c/s WBL-F FIX 5424N 0026W class 2. T.O.O. 1523 (1664/F)
1664/U Crash in Sea. [underlined] DG 363 [/underlined] 12 Grp say this a/c was seen to ditch in Robin Hood Bay by R.O.C. Also by above Halifax. 2 Halifax’s an Martinet now circling spot. also a Warwick diverted to spot and a fishing vessel F/L MacIntosh (F/A pilot) in fighter at 1500 hrs reports he approached from the East and called “air Firing a/c formate on my port. Halifax turned steeply to Stbd. Went into a spiral dive and span in.
W/O Harrison in Martinet reports he circled spot - very little wreckage left and a partly inflated Dinghy.
1715 Fishing Vessel reports he picked up 1 body (unidentified) from among small amount of
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[underlined] Prov Weather Diversion [/underlined]
[underlined] Sqn No. a/c. — Station[/underlined]
433 — 6 Hal. — Colerne (Definite) — 10 Gr
408 — 6 Hal. — Tilstock — 93 Gr
420 — 20 Hal. — Tilstock — 93 Gr
433 — 11 Hal. — Peplow — 93 Gr
427 — 21 Hal. — Peplow — 93 Gr
431 — 15 Hal. — Seighford — 93 Gr
434 — 17 Hal. — Seighford — 93 Gr
424 — 16 Hal. — Church Broughton — 93 Gr
426 — 16 Hal. — Church Broughton — 93 Gr
429 — 21 Hal. — Litchfield — 93 Gr
425 — 19 Hal. — Hixon — 93 Gr
415 — 19 Hal. — Hawarden — N.W. Filter
432 — 19 Hal. — High Ercall — N.W. Filter
419 — 15 Lancs — Wymeswold — 93 Gr
428 — 15 Lancs — Castle Donnington — 93 Gr
408 — 10 Lancs — Wymeswold & Castle Don. — 93 Gr
[underlined] Crash in Sea [/underlined]
1664/U - DG-363.
Crew List.
Capt. F/O Green L.A. - J25905
Nav. F/O MacIntosh A.S. - J14575 - identified by Police.
B.A. P/O. Gorman H.E. - J36878 -
W.Op. Sgt. Ellis, J.W. - R196611
Engr. Sgt. Morgan, C - R76725
M.U.G. Sgt. Southwick, N.L. - R186297
A.G. Sgt. Clarke N.E. - R205305
All crew lost.
Informed. A.O.C. — S.A.S.O. — Air I Controller — GII — G.A.I. — Engig. — Equipt. — P.4. — C. of A.
2305 hrs. - Darky heard by Dalton c/s taken N calling but could not make contact.
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wreckage left. Body taken to Scarborough Morgue.
61 Base - when message was first reported say that this may be a Dishforth a/c but as all their a/c are not due back at base until 1715 they will not be able to check.
1845 61 Base Say the a/c was DH-U - 1664 U - will pass us Time of Crash - crew list - a/c No.
1850 1666-J Ex 12 Grp Sent Following messages.
[circled 2] FIX 5434N - 0440W - Class I Hull 1846 ENGINE U/S - Returning to Base
[circled 1] C 0950 H 18000 A/S 2050 1835
[circled 3] FIX 5426 N 0421 W - Class I Hull 1858
[deleted] St 1855 92 Group intercepted SOS from this a/c
[circled 4] Cancel Distress 1904
Advised 61 Base of above. Had Station Flying Control standing by to land a/c on 3 Engines. Landed OK.
1830 Off Duty F/O Mountjoy. On duty [indecipherable] F/O.
1930 Prov. Weather Divn. Bases. Allocation & “gen” passed to Stations, and to 10 & 93 Groups.
Training a/c. To be all down or in circuit by 0001 hrs.
2200 M. St. G. 64 Base report 3 a/c on H2S X - C due back at Midnight. Request us bear in mind diversion base if their state unfit. 6 Group Met feel they will be OK but in any event can put them down within group.
2359 Divns. Named 61 Base to be tee’d up for return of Op. a/c if required - Dishforth Dalton - Womblelton.
[underlined] Tuesday - Aug 8/44. [/underlined]
0025 Divns. Following Sqns Diverted as laid on 408 Lancs, 427, 433, 420, 432. Remainder returning home. Stations informed by S.A.S.O.
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[underlined] Overshoots [/underlined] at Eastmoor
415/H LW 680 - Cat B. Pilot F/L Barnes
415/R NA 517 - Cat B. Pilot P/O Gingrich
408/X NP 713 - Cat E. Pilot F/O Joues
Crews O.K.
[underlined] Take off accident [/underlined] at Croft.
434/E LK 799 (Cat. E) Swerved and crashed into (U.C. Collapsed - Pilot Sgt. Hart, F. R174498)
434/J LW 176 (Cat B) Bomb doors damaged
Crews OK.
[underlined] Take accident [/underlined] Middleton
428/Q KB 751 - Turned wrong direction on clearing runway taxyed thru barrier tearing off HVS Blister. Cat (Pro.) “A” Pilot Hawthorn Crews OK.
[underlined] Missing [/underlined] - Middleton
419/F - KB 755. Pilot. F/O. Walker, B.D.
A.O.C. — S.A.S.O. — Air I — Controller — GII. — G.A.I. — Eng. — Equip. — P4 — C of A
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[underlined] Tuesday - Aug. 8/44 [/underlined]
0120 Gardeners Diversion Definitely diverted - Skipton & 10 Group informed.
0130 Re Diversions C.F.C. in the picture.
N.B. Servicing Parties Arranged by W/C. Smith - To consist of Sr. N.C.O. I/c - 6 fitters, 4 Riggers, 1 electrician
Aircrew Bus, per party
[underlined] Party From [/underlined] — [underlined] Report to [/underlined] — [underlined] Also service a/c at [/underlined]
Linton — Tilstock — -
Leeming — Peplow — High Ercall.
Croft — Seighford — -
Skipton — Church Broughton
Tholthorpe — Litchfield — Hixon
Middleton — Wymeswold — Castle Donnington [sic]
Eastmoor — Hawarden
All parties report to Flying Control .
To take with them - Small spares, spark plugs, Hydraulic lines & fluid, one spare tire & brake assembly. To leave immediately after take-off.
Passed to the Groups concerned. Later instructed party at Hawarden to got to Tilstock
0400 a/c away Groups concerned instructed to have serviceable a/c stand by at 1000 hrs for return.
0900 Off Duty F/O Spence. Off Duty F/O Mountjoy
0950 DIVERTED A/C All diverted a/c have been instructed to return to base. Met has given its O.K. a/c to Take-off as soon as possible.
1000 A/C ON FIRE SKIPTON 63 Base advise there is an a/c at Skipton in its dispersal on fire. Topcliffe is assisting in putting fire out.
1005 93 Grp. Say two a/c at Peplow have complete Bomb loads, and 1 a/c has a hang up that has been made safe. Instructed 93 that it was OK for a/c with bomb loads to take off and return but the hang - up should be removed.
1010 DIVERTED A/C All bases instructed to stand-by for the return of their a/c.
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433/S - MZ - 895 - [underlined] Fire [/underlined]
A.O.C. — S.A.S.O — AIR I — S.O.C. — G.T.I — G.A.I. — ENG. — EQUIP — C of A.
1666/Z - HR 855 Cat E1 Pilot F/O Osbourne
A.O.C. — S.A.S.O — AIR I — S.O.C. — G.T.I — G.A.I. — ENG. — EQUIP — [deleted] P4 N/A C of A [/deleted]
420/K — Cat E. Pilot -
On return from operations landed with full bomb load at Tangmere. Landing was heavy. Swung off runway and put put [sic] u/c through main plane.
A.O.C. — S.A.S.O — AIR I — S.O.C. — G.T.I — G.A.I. — ENG. — EQUIP
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1025 93 Grp Worksop Have a Wellington at Worksop BK 149 - U R/T Order. Pilot - F/O Wood. Bringing S/L Frieson who has an appointment at 6 Grp. a/c wants to land at Linton. O.K. by Linton. Passed to 62 Base.
1045 A/C ON Fire SKIPTON 63 Base advise a/c still burning. It was being refuelled. Bowser and a/c both caught fire. Both a complete write off. Two and possible three killed, presumably ground crew. There is reported to have been a gasoline explosion. (1500 hrs) Two men killed, both ground crew.
1145 OXFORD AS 741 61 Base want permission for G/C Vernes to go to Ossington, thence to Honeybourne. TO. 1200 hrs. Informed Ossington and asked them to let Honeybourne know when he took off for them.
1258 OXFORD T - 1104 64 Base say this Oxford landed at M.S.G at 1236 Apparently T.O. from Linton for Melbourne Reported to 4 Grp.
1515 61 BASE CRASH Z/1666 Z/1666 Squadron swung on Take - off - wiped out his undercarriage. No other information as yet. He was going on an A/A firing detail. Time 1500 hrs. - all Crew O.K.
1530 F/LT SMITH Gransden Lodge L/433 - Repair Crew should arrive today for Engine change.
Q/433 - Cat. AC.
K/420 - Cat E. This a/c made a heavy landing at Tangmere with a full bomb load - Swung off Runway and put his undercarriage through the main plane. Crew OK and returning with crew of J/425 who landed at Ford.
1800 DIVERSION BASE Request for Diversion Base. Contacted Central Flying Control and asked for Gaydon. Satellite to Wellesbourne. Met say this base should be O.K till at least 0400 hrs.
1945 D.S.O. informed of Prov. Weather diversion Base to go out on G.O.F.
1810 Diversion stations passed to 63 Base and Skipton (424 Sqdn Gardeners) W/X Prov.
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Missing a/c.
H/429 - LW 132 -
Not found P. - F/L HALL D.B. - J5492
Dead - A/B - F/O HACKMAN T.A. - J27118
Dead - F/E - P/O GLASS H - C-87159
Dead - WOP - F/S MURRAY D - R94474
Not found MUG - F/S PHILLIPS WS - R192357
Dead RG - P/O SYME L.B. - J87672
[deleted] Z/426 - NP737
P. - P/O SIMMONS SA - J86680
NAV. - F/O LAWSON GH - J24695 Landed
WAG - W/O THISTLE LB - R162804
A/B - F/S MOUNTAIN WB - R129998
F/E - SGT COOPER JF - 1811783
MUG. - F/O JONES EC - 169913
R/G. F/S KOGUCHIS - R193885 [/deleted]
A.O.C. — SASO — SOC — GAI — GTI — EQUIP — C of A — ENG — AIR I
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2100 DIVERSION Bases Information Re Provisional Weather Diversion to Gaydon passed to 91 Group.
1947 MARAUDER 131636 Landed at Eastmoor - F/LT Roe - came from Turnhouse. Landed at 1935. Took off 1946 for Greater Dunmow. He dropped a Passenger.
1955 Oxford P-1820 61 Base advise a/c arrived from M.S.G. for the Communication Flight at Dishforth.
2120 WELLINGTON HZ 653 Landed at Eastmoor - F/O Pattison - Came from Docking. - no reason given other than it was not any trouble with the a/c Landed at 2032 and took of for Bircham Newton at 2110.
2150 Oxford ED-152 9 Grp say this Oxford left Leeming for Wolverhampton and hasn’t arrived Checked with 63 Base. This a/c landed at Leeming at 1530 from Leuchars. He wanted refueling [sic] and he wasn’t sure of his location. He took off for Wolverhampton at 1605. Leeming Signalled him out. 9 Group informed pilot was Capt. Braithwaite - maybe ATA or a yank.
2323 420/J 62 base report this a/c came up on R/T over his home base and said he was proceeding to Carnaby as his Brakes were U/S - Informed 4 Grp. Landed Carnaby 2345. O.K. 62 Base Informed.
2350 62 Base Say Tholthorpe have had a couple of priority Petrol landings think they may be more. [indecipherable word] Dishforth for their OK with 61 Base.
WEDNESDAY - AUG 9 - 1944.
0013 91 Grp D/431 Landed at Honeybourne. Shot up. Crew O.K. Time down 2258 - about 100 Flak holes 64 Base informed.
0115 2 a/c missing. From sighting reports H/429 was seen to be heading back to English Coast on Fire. a/c exploded several parachutes seen. 4 Bodies picked up
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[underlined] Crash [/underlined]
1666/J - HR 780 F/O Harris (capt).
Crew OK. (Pos Z815382)
Informed. A.O.C. — S.A.S.O. — Air I — G.A.I. — G.T.I. — Controller — Engig — Equipt — S.F.C.O.
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an [sic] 1 seriously injured. - F/Sgt Harrod. R.V.
0300 DARKY WELLINGTON Landed at Dishforth - R/T. Downfall Y - a/c of # O.T.U. Westcott. Had accumulators on fire. F/Sgt Pamblyn & Crew O.K. Dishforth passed all information to his base. Crew & a/c will be staying overnight.
0815 OXFORD AS-741 61 Base request permission for Oxford to go to Hendon to take W/C Weiser there [sic] Route Topcliffe Doncaster, Newark Hendon T.O. 1000 hrs E.T.A. 11.30. Hendon say it will be OK to land there. W/C Weiser is going on leave back to U.S.A. must be in London at R.C.A.F H.Q. this afternoon.
0830 Off duty F/O. Mountjoy On duty H.G. Spence F/O
1100 431/D 434/C. Cat A.C. at Honeybourne. Skeleton crew to en train to Exeter to pick up 434/C, dropping down at Honeybourne to pick up remainder of 431/D crew. Cleared with 64 Base & 91 Group. Also to bring 4 ground crew back.
1100 433 & 429. 2 crews require C & L. Controller OK’d use of operational a/c for an hour or so.
0930. 61 Base a/c 5 a/c desire to make C & R detail at 62 Base. Latter say OK for 3 of them at Linton. Cannot handle other 2.
1130. Comm. Flight Proctor reserved for S/L Rawson for 1415 hrs. Going to Wombleton. Later - cancelled, not available.
1245. Crash 166/J (H.R. 780) Ex 12 Group Crash in Z8139. north of M.S.G. on Darlington Stockton Rd.
Middleton had already taken action. a/c called up on Darky, entered circuit on 3 engines, appeared to be OK, then suddenly nosed down and crashed on main highway (Darlington - Stockton Rd.) about 1/2 mile west of Sadberge. Crash tender, ambulance, M.O. and CTO dispatched. Crew shaken but OK. Pilot being detained overnight at S.S.2. Middleton a/c did not burn. Cat E. Time approx 1230 hrs.
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Re - 426/Z - at Ford - Linton sent a P.O.E and a propeller early to-day. Inf. W/C Smith.
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Wed Aug. 9/44
1100 A.V.M. Movement. Ex W/C Smith. Inform F/L Holmes when Proctor takes off from Wombleton to Dishforth. Requested 61 Base to inform us. (Later) Took off 1321 & landed 1341 A.O.C’s car left Wombleton for Dishforth immediately aircraft took off. Informed F/L Holmes.
1300 Lord Herewood Movement Wombleton report request received to have an a/c pick up [indecipherable word] at Barnaby (?) Trying to check up origin of request. Nobody here at Group or 61 Base have any knowledge of this. Later development - place should have been Thornaby, but in any event Lord Herewood was proceeding by M.L. car to Wombleton.
(Why aren’t we given some advance notice of these movements?)
1550. Photo’s for B.C. Com flight Proctor to be lined up for first light take off (0500 - 0530 hrs) to transport photos to B.C. 61 Base Flying Control has this in hand.
1600 1666/J crew Requested 61 Base to advise what transportation arrangements Wombleton were making to get crew home.
1830 Off duty - F/O Spence. On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O.
1930 Met - Forecast bases
2150 63 Base - Report an explosion - 0520 from Leeming.
R.O.C. report that it is army manoeuvres at Newton - le - Willow.
2200 Snape Bombing Range - not operating to-night. After checking with 61 Base, 63 Base & Snape, it appears that Snape B.R. called 61 Base between 1830 - 1900 hrs to say that 6 Grp & Lemming cancelled bombing. Hence no crew at Snape to-night. - No reference in this log. - Query - who gave permission for Snape to stand down?
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[underlined] non starters [/underlined]
433/D - Insufficient petrol with power jet open.
433/G - Insufficient petrol with power jet open.
C.T.O. wishes to check them more thoroughly to-morrow.
[underlined] missing. [/underlined]
427/Y - MZ 363. Pilot - F/L WYSE (14 TRIPS)
Inf. SASO — AIR I — SOC — GAIO — GTI — ENG — EQUIP — P4 — C. Of A. — SFCO.
[underlined] ACCIDENT [/underlined]
425/N - MZ - 674. (MANSTON) CAT AC. Pilot - WO2 RYAN. Crew OK.
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2200 427/G From Southampton - message “Airmen hit silk at 5102N 0112E at 2115 hrs.” - in plain language.
(forward to 63 Base) Ident - 5017N 0054E II at 2123 hrs. 11 Grp - are arranging A.S. Rescue - It is probable that the crew of 427/G are O.K. and that this message is a sighting only.
2230 424/Q - 63 Base sent m/u a/c to Carnaby - “without break [sic] pressure” Inf 4 Grp. (Landed 2255. OK.)
2300 415 & 432 - Cannot report accurate take off time because [inserted] a.c. [/inserted] [deleted] A.O.C. [/deleted] would not let the A.F.C. use an aldis lamp to spot the aircraft letters on take off. Inf. S.O.C., AIR I.
2350 61 Base - report - a red fire north of Dishforth. R.O.C. say it is verey lights of army manoeuvres.
[underlined] Thursday August 10. [/underlined]
0030 427/Y - missing from Z - 3326. This is probably the a/c reported by G/427. A sighting report by 429/A indicates that an a/c was hit by flak both port engines caught fire, and 5 parachutes seen to open. G/C Newson reported that 427/G saw 7 men bale out about 10 miles north of Dieppe and that the port wing broke away and damaged one of the parachutes.
0115 425/N MZ - 674. Pilot WO2 Ryan CAT. AC. Landed Manston at 0028 hrs. Pilot had to feather S.I.E. soon after take off, When near Dunkirk S.O.E began to seize, as pilot unfeathered S.I.E & feathered S.O.E. Before landing at Manston.
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4 Group - J. F. Demonstration at Helmsley - 11/8/44. 4 a/c dropping -
2 x 250 lbs. Green J.F’s 0259 hrs.
2 x 250 lbs. Red J.F’s 0259 hrs.
Will burst at 3000 ft. If target [inserted] can [/inserted] not be seen will burst at 10000 ft.
Main force dropping 27 x 10 lb. flash bombs. 13 a/c in main force. Broadcast to stations at 1935 hrs.
[underlined] D.F.C.O’s. to Note:- [/underlined]
Mock attack on convoy by 1695 Sqn (Dalton) Hurricane. (Grid References are to Ordnance Survey Map Sheet 26)
1. Hurricane will attack Motor convoy between T junction 688874 and X-Road 657856 at 1000 hrs. 14-8-44.
2. Vehicles will have red sheets laid on top to aid recognition
3. Attack will be made on working party at bridge 606801 at 1400 hrs.
Above arranged between Assault School, Ripon and Dalton. OK’d by S.O.C 9-8-44.
Advised 12 Grp. MLO 1245 hrs. 10/8/44. Also Stations.
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Thursday Aug 10.
0115 425/N. S.O.E. blew up. blowing off S.O. prop and damaging S.I. prop. Pilot landed the a/c and crew are OK. Did not reach target a/c is Cat A.C. - requires 2 star ENG.
0635 Oxford (Dishforth) - took off at 0635 with photographs for Halton.
0845 11 Grp ASR. - No success in search for 427/Y - wx poor low level cloud. - but search will be continued.
0900 Off duty F/O O’Beirn On duty H.G Spence F/O.
1000 Snape Range. Ref. Entry 2200 hrs: 65 Base only closed up range during their take-off. Complete close - down a misunderstanding.
0954 Fortress B-17 - 9205 Landed at Linton [inserted] controller [/inserted] Informed Prestwick & requested instructions, as mail on Board. Some confusion at Prestwick trying to contact responsible authority. Meantime guard placed at aircraft. Finally gave up Prestwick end and contacted T.A.C. 44 Group (Controller) who got through to A.D.T.U. Prestwick (F/O. Wilson).
Following instructions received and passed to 62 Base.
[circled 1] a/c to return to Prestwick when weather OK. Prestwick will advise us or Linton when OK.
[circled 2} G/C Leigh is to call F/L Knowles of mail can. Sqn Prestwick.
1100 Bristol Flashlight. Requested by 61 Base from 0200 to 0215 hrs, ht. 16000 ft, approaching from Swindon 16 a/c. Arranged with 10 Group & Controller at S.W. informed. 1664 - 11, 1659 - 4, 1666 - 1. S/L’s co-operate. Time changed to 0115 to 0145 hrs.
1130 Linton Oxford. Mc Powell flying S/L Ewan to Hendon for conference at Handley Paige. [sic] T.O. 1400 - 1500 hrs. Hendon say they already had movement direct from Linton and W/O Self would be Pilot.
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1659/ EB - 275. Cat Prov. Cat A.C.
Pilot - F/L E. T. Sherlock. 315489 No instructor
2nd Pilot - F/L. A.A. Sherlock J15488
Informed: A.O.C. — S.A.S.O. — Air I. — G.A.T. — G.T.T. — Controller — Equipt — Engig. — S.F.C.O.
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1400 425/N Crew Tholthorpe wish to lay on X - C, to land at Tangmere to pick up 425/N crew. OK’d by controller.
Local Bullseye. Gen passed to 62, 63, 64 Bases & Stations by Ops. 61 Base by F.C.
1500 Linton Oxford Now u/s. 61 Base arranging to take S/L. Ewan to Hendon, Pilot returning to-day.
1800 Met. 6 Group Met for return. - vis 4 - 8 miles cloud Strats Cu., north part of 6 Group 1500ft. base south part 1,000 to 1500 ft.
1815 Com. Flight Proctor. Arranged with 61 Base to have Proctor at Linton 1330 hrs, 11-8-44, to pick up photographs to be taken to Hendon. R.C.A. F.O.Ts. H.T will have representative there at Control Tower to receive them. The pilot is then to bring S/L. Ewan back to Linton, if he is ready to come back.
1830. D’vn. Base Petrol. 62 Base queried if Petrol Bases were being laid on. Checked controller who stated the a/c should be OK, but if desired Lancs may be given more petrol if there was time. Informed 62 Base.
2100. ditto Reference entry 1830. Checked again with Controller S.A.S.O. Result tee’d up. Dishforth to handle any emergency landings for 62 Base.
63 Base Offered OK by S.A.S.O. to fly representative to Cranwell to take part in funeral.
[underlined] Friday - Aug. 11/44 [/underlined]
0140 1659/ EB-275. [underlined] Accident. [/underlined]
Ex 61 Base :- Tail wheel collapsed on landing C. & L. detail. Aerodrome Fit. Crew O.K. Capt. F/L Sherlock E.T. Time 2343 hrs. 2nd Pilot F/L. Sherlock A.A. Normal landing cause believed to be structural failure Provisional Cat A.C. No instructor
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415/B - at Exeter - 10 Grp. Report that it needs an engine. P/O Barton checking on it. Then we shall know what instructor to give the crew.
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[underlined] Friday - Aug 11/44 [/underlined]
Off duty. F/O Spence, On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O
1015 Oxford - AD-132 left Skipton for Cranfield at 10-05 hrs.
1040 Fighter Crash into sea. - 61 Base report that Falsgrave N.R. police report that a fighter a/c went into the sea off the coast near Hayburn Wyke, north of Scarborough - 0945 hrs. Grid ref - 491165. 12 Grp F.C. believe it to be a “Tempest” - Grid reference 5317. Assume launch has been sent out though success of search is doubtful.
61 Base had 1 martinet off at 0945 and another at 1010 hrs so it is not likely their a/c. Inf - 61 Base.
1115 Fighter Crash into sea. Contacted Falsgrave Police. - no more details - Estimate a/c crashed into the sea about 3 miles off the coast. Rescue launch dispatched.
1130 Oxford - T1104 - W/C Sutton from H.Q.B.C. landed Dishforth at 1426 hrs, took off at 1820 for Melbourne on 10-8-44. -GFC wish to know if and when he is returning to Halton. Inf. 4 Grp FC. & C.F.C.
1205 415/B. at Exeter - requires P.O.E. change. - Instructed 10 Grp to have the crew return by rail. Inf. 62 Base.
1301 Fighter (sea) - Falsgrave police report to Wombleton that an oil patch is the only thing seen. 12 Grp are investigating what appears to be a dinghy.
1458 Oxford Took off from Linton for Hendon. Hendon informed.
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[underlined] Accident 1664/M - (LL 283) [/underlined]
Intoxicated airman drove crew bus into this a/c Red lights had been placed around it. Cat “A”
Airman R 101217 Lac Johnson S.F.
Inf. A.O.C. — S.A.S.O — Air I — Cont. — Equipt. —Engig. —G.T.I. —G.A.T. — S.F.C.O.
Note Regarding Lord Trenchard.
Likes to talk to aircrew informally - No Parades - Does not stand on ceremony. Hopes to see A.O.C.
This information together with arrival & departure times was passed to F/L Homes at 1340 hrs 11/8/44.
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[underlined] Friday August 11th 1944 [/underlined]
15.00 B/415 At Exeter needs P/O engine change. Asked 62 Base to send down new power plant and working party.
15.30 N/425 At Manston with S. Outer & S. Inner u/s. Formerly cat AC. F/L Smith wants Tholthorpe to send down two engines & two props. Manston will do all the repairs. Passed 62 Base.
16.00 NZJ “D” 91 Group have Wellington overdue now who has been briefed to call 61, 62, 63, 64 Bases on H7/S7 using M/N call-sign. Queried Bases - no word from him. Told 91 Group.
17.10 Bullseye scrubbed in view of weather. Cloud over most of the route and fighter bases mainly unfit.
1830 On Duty F/O Mountjoy.
0045 61 BASE A/C LL-283 DAMAGED 1664/M. Report that this a/c at Dishforth was damaged. A drunken airman stole a crew bus and ran into the a/c. It is Cat A. There were red lights placed around it. Time 0015.
0512. OVERDUE A/C 1664 Called 61 Base re K/1664. ETD 2230 Took-off 2149 - ETR 0410 - No word heard from him as yet. Checked with 61 Base re early take-offs at Dishforth. Reply was C & B a/c were going to interfere with take-off of X/C a/c so started them away early so they could all s/c on time. Called 12 Grp to see if there was any report of prangs. There was none.
0522 61 Base Advise K/1664 landed OK at Dishforth. 12 Grp advised.
0540 LORD TRENCHARD Advised 64 Base of this signal giving arrival and departure times
0830 Off watch F/O Mountjoy On duty HF Spence F/O.
0930 1659/N F/O Armstrong on Nav. Liaison visit to Ossington. OK’d by Air I
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Special Bulls Eye - 12 Group (Maj. Jackson)
Starting Point 5307N 0000.
Route - Base 5307N 0000 - Whitby - 5500N 0055W - 5500N 0155W - Halifax - Nottingham - Base
1st. a/c at 5307N 0000 at 2300 hrs remainder at 30 second intervals.
Window - Type K to be dropped 1 bale per 10 seconds between Whitby & 5500N 0055W.
Height - 16,000 feet.
Target - Newcastle. After pos. 5500N 0055W a/c to dive from 16000 ft to 8,000 ft. at 5500N 0156W. When over Newcastle a/c are to fire white cartridges.
a/c of 1 Group will also take part, flying at 18,000 ft. Over Newcastle they will fire Green cartridges. 1 Group a/c will not dive between positions 5500N 0055W to 5500N 0155W.
Inform 12 Group (Night Ops.) Time at Whitby and run over Newcastle in advance.
1400 - Ex 12 Group - above cancelled in view of Combined Command Bulls Eye. Wish to try it tomorrow.
Ex 12 Grp. There will be Searchlights over Humber area. Mosquitos & Black Widows will be operating over the Humber area and to the North of it. - 61 Base informed
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Sat. Aug. 12/44.
1115 Com. Flight G/C Creighton (Richmond 4383 Tel. No.) 61 Base to have Oxford at Hendon [deleted] by [/deleted] ready to pick up G/C Creighton and 1 other passenger by 1500 hrs. Oxford V 3533 F/L Spencer TO. 1200 - ETA 1330 - 2500’ Hendon informed 1220 hrs. [indecipherable] Signplate “Z”
1135 Crash Nr. Tholthorpe (Stirling) Ex 12 Grp. - crash 2 miles north of Tholthorpe. 62 Base informed. Tholthorpe to take action.
1140 - V.I.P Movement. (A.O.C.) [underlined] N.B. SFCO [/underlined] Request from 64 Base as to type of a/c and take off of A.O.C. for Middleton. This is first information we (F.C.) had of movement, here at Group. Same applied at 61 Base F.C. also Dishforth F.C. Proctor taxied out and took off. No previous advice given Flying Control as to movement or passengers.
(Why aren’t Flying Control put in the picture from source??!!) 61 Base F.C. checking looseness between Communication Flight & Dishforth Flying Control to prevent recurrence. Explained to 64 Base T.O. 1112.
1210. Crash 1665/P. 1300. (NY) Ref. entry 1135 hrs Ex 62 Base - Crash 1 2/3 miles from Tholthorpe - bearing of 1320, on main railroad near Orne. Aircraft burned. Holding up traffic. M.U. at Skipton informed. Railway Company are moving it. 2 of crew killed, 2 seriously injured. Informed Tilstock who are checking number in crew, names etc.
1630. Com Flt. Oxford. V-3533 Ref entry 1115 hrs. Took off from Hendon 1525 hrs. Should arrive approx 1705 hrs. Informed F/C Holmes.
1530. P.G.G/W. Ex 12 Grp confusion in message from this a/c as to position at which dinghy sighted.
“1530 hrs - Dinghy sighted, 5110N 0045W Southampton” confused with 5110N 0444W Search is being made and 12 Group wish correct “gen” as soon as aircraft lands. 62 Base asked to arrange.
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Anson - From Milne - u/s l. at Leeming 1616.
Whitney Straight - took off from Leeming at 1913 hrs to go to Cranfield and thence to Henlow.
Hudson - T9312 from Burn landed 2131 hrs at Topcliffe. T.O. 1816/13/Aug for Burn.
[underlined] Early Returns [/underlined] -
432/O - SIE u/s cont CTO.
Non starter
4701/E/28. 433/I - made false start. P.I.E. oiled up. So he taxied around for another take off he developed tyre creep. Engineers cancelled it.
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Com Flight. Aug 14. Oxford To take a/c to Burton Wood to pick up Mr. Corbin at 1400 hrs on Monday. Burton Wood is in 9th U.S. Air Force and prior clearance should be secured for landing. Mr. Corbin will be at Warrington. Pilot, on landing at Burton Wood is to call F/L Smith at Warrington 2001, Extension 2, advising him he is there to pick up Mr. Corbin.
AT 2000 hrs - Request to 61 Base for [indecipherable word]
1530. Lord Trenchard V.I.P. Took off in Lockeed [sic] from Middleton 1502 hrs for Turnhouse. Informed 12 Group.
1530. PKQ/M. 420 Sqn. Ex 12 Group Message.
“Navigator killed. Returning to base. Will need ambulance” [inserted] (Light flak) [/inserted]
W/C McKenna. TO 1455 TOR. 1509. (6 Grp 1525)
Informed 62 Base & 11 Group.
Bearing taken - 1030 from Exeter.
1600 Leeming Oxford. OK by Air I for G/C Newsome to take Oxford to Everton [inserted] (29 Grp) [/inserted] Also landing at Abbotsinch [inserted] 13 Grp [/inserted] Tomorrow AM.
V.I.P. U.O.C Movement. [deleted] On [/deleted] Ref. entry 1140. On return journey information from 64 Base F.C. was that A.O.C had taken off for Linton. Then it developed that he returned to Dishforth
1830 Off duty - F/O Spence, On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O
1850 AOC - Re visit of G/C Creighton. Enquiries if G/C Creighton has arrived yet at Dishforth. Has not arrived Dishforth checked with 61, 62, 63, 64 bases - also 12 Grp & Hendon.
1915 V-3533 G/C Creighton. Oxford landed at Croft at 1656 and took off again at 1910 for Dishforth. Landed at 1928. Inf. A.O.C. - Requested Dishforth to provide transport to 6 Grp as provided transport sent from 6 Grp had been recalled. S.F.C.O. at 64 Base to check why Croft did not report this earlier.
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Early Returns.
427/C - P.O.E - INGNITION U/S - (CTO)
424/S. P.I.E. U/S - Oil from exhaust landed on [indecipherable word] C.T.O.
428/I - R/G Violently sick.
[underlined] non starters [/underlined]
424/J - S.I.E. U/S - only 2500 RPM. 7lb. boost with full throttle (CTO)
424/ U - High oil temps on all engines (CTO)
433/E - Spare - Oil poured from exhaust of P.I.E. - due to broken seal on carburettor (CTO)
428/S - could not be bombed up in time.
419/B, T, Y, U,
Early Return 429/G. [deleted] (H) [/deleted] - Too late to reach target.
419/R. - KB-772 Pilot - W/O Weston. TAXI ACCIDENT - DAMAGE TO [inserted] S.O. [/inserted] AIRSCREW CAT -
Inf. SASO — AIR I — SOC. — ENG. — EQUIP — GAIO — G.T.I. — S.F.C.O.
Hurricane - from Holme on Spalding Moor landed Dishforth 0208 - Compass u/s staying overnight Inf. - 4 Grp.
[underlined] Wellington [/underlined] - NT/T F/S Peterswold from Bruntingthorpe landed Topcliffe at 0208 Port Engine u/s. Inf 92 Grp.
[underlined] Accident [/underlined] 432/A - NP-720 (crew 415) S/L WILMOT Landed at 0325 - Burst a tyre and blocked runway. Other 415 & 432 a/c being diverted to Linton. Cat. B.
Inf. SASO, — SOC. — AIR I — ENG. — EQUIP — G.A.I.O. — G.T.I. — S.F.C.O.
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2100 428/V - Got off on Bullseye - Tried to recall him but failed.
2115 1664/Z - Took off at 2108 disappeared below the trees toward Ripon. Checked with 12 Grp - no report.
1659. a/c - took off with bomb doors open. S.O.C. instructed 61 Base nit to warn him by W/T.
2120 Mocking Bird - Inf. 12 Grp MLO. to warn Regional Com. for Civil Defence.
[underlined] SUNDAY AUGUST 13th 1944. [/underlined]
0010 Oxford 63 Base - Ref. 1600 entry. Abbotsinch is a naval airfield - all grass - OK for an Oxford. - a/c to get green from A.F.C. Renfrew and aerodrome nearby. Inf 63 Base.
0100 non - starters S.F.C.O NOTE. - 419/M - Ran off the taxi track - bogged and blocked the runway. “B” & “U” blocked by “M”
Y/419 - Could not be bombed up in time.
S/428 - Could not be bombed up on time.
0100 419/R TAXI - ACCIDENT. During the afternoon “R” was taxying along near the south end of main runway, struck a bulldozer working on the edge of the taxi track. Airscrew damaged the top of the bulldozer and the driver received head injury.
0325 432/A (crew 415) - Burst a tyre on landing and blocked the runway. Category B. - 5 remaining Eastmoor a/c diverted to Linton.
0500 N.F. Closed - 5 a/c missing off target sheets - 16 a/c on Bullseye returned safely.
0500 DIVERSION To C.F.C. Only 2 a/c out of 265 landed away from Base.
0900 Off duty - B.T. O’Beirn F/O
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[underlined] MISSING [/underlined] - Night 12/13 AUG.
429/E - MZ-825 - F/O DEPEW 27 Sorties
427/N - LV-821 - F/L CRONYN 32 Sorties
424/A - LV-951 - F/O CAMPBELL G.D. 11 Sorties
434/Q - LW-175 - F/O McINTYRE 14 Sorties
428/Z - KB-758 - F/O McGREGOR 14 Sorties
Inf. - SASO, — AIR I — EQUIP — C of A — P4 — SOC — ENG.
64 Base advise that their Bombing Range at Bradbury will be closed from the 15 - 18th of August inclusive (4 days). Request permission for any bombing details to use Strensall (62 Base). This will be arranged by 64 Base Bombing Leader with Group Bombing Leader. Bradbury u/s by day only.
Master WD 980 - W/C Smith pilot landed Leeming at 1940. From Catterick.
Took off at 2005 for Donibristle after refueling [sic]
Anso LV - 270 landed Croft 2015 from West Freugh - Eng trouble.
Beaufighter HQ/A left Leeming at 2120 hrs 13 Aug for Winkley. Pilot F/O Donovan.
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0900 On Duty F/O Mountjoy.
1020 Ex 12 Grp. Major Jackson wishes us to participate in Bullseye - all information the same as yesterday. 61 Base informed.
1030 Ex 92 Grp. Burning of Incendiary Leaves. Brafferton will be burning [deleted] leaves [/deleted] incendiary leaves during the next week, probably on each day and only during daytime. 12 Grp. 62 Base, 63 Base.
1050 63 Base OXFORD. S/L Kyles reports he will be going flying with G/C Newson this afternoon - S.O.C. say O.K. T.O - 1300 ABBotsinch [sic] 1410 - Refuel T.O. 1440 EVANTON 1540. - Abbotsinch tee’d up on refuelling
1055 61 Base OXFORD Permission given for W/C Weiser to go to Prestwick in this a/c. Movements have route.
1145 BULLSEYE “Gen passed 62, 63, 64 bases. Asked them to make an offer if Non - operational a/c.
1400 433/L. Permission granted for 433 squadron to send an a/c to Church Broughton with an extra crew to pick up L/433.
1545 ANSON Landed at Linton 1508 - Came from Castle Bromwich. T.O. 1515.
1830 Off duty - F/O Mountjoy. On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O
1930 Weather - Met forecast bases will be fit for Local Bullseye return at 0400 hrs.
2145 433/L - Crew was taken down to Church Broughton during the afternoon. Some trouble 93 Grp checking to see the reason.
2210 433/L - Went to take off. P.I.E. developed trouble - staying overnight. Inf 63 Base.
[underlined] MONDAY AUG 14, 1944. [/underlined]
0115 Ex 12 Grp (MOSQUITO) from WYTON Crash occurred at V 2925 N.F.S. dispatched. Guard placed
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[underlined] Accidents [/underlined]
1666/J - DT - 584. Pilot - P/O Egan. Prov. Cat E.
Inf - SASO, — AIR I — SOC. — ENG. — EQUIP. — G.A.I.O. — G.T.I. — S.F.C.O.
1659/F LL - 171 Pilot - F/O LOCKE
Inf. SASO, — AIR I — SOC. — ENG. — EQUIP. — G.A.I.O. — G.T.I. — S.F.C.O.
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CRash. [sic] (MOSQUITO) U KB - 269 (WYTON) by RDF station. Request for an ambulance from Wombleton. Believed to be a twin engine a/c. Crash near Egton village. 61 Base requesting Wombleton to send ambulance
0210 Mosquito Ex - 61 Base (Whitby police) - from Wyton - pilot - F/O Timpton nav - Watkins.
Navigator - located and is OK. - believes the pilot is OK. N.F.S - and an ambulance is standing by.
Two men from Danby Beacon are providing the guard. Wombleton are not sending their ambulance
0215 1666/J DT - 584 P/O EGAN. Ground looped [inserted] on landing [/inserted] damaged U/C and blocked the runway. 61 Base diverting their a/c within the base. [underlined] Prov. Cat E [/underlined] (On circuits and landings)
1659/F LL - 171 Pilot F/O LOCKE - Early return from Bullseye at 2249 hrs. - P.O.E. U/S. The undercarriage came down - then began to retract - came down again but did not lock - hence a/c practically made a belly landing. - Blocked the runway. - [underlined] Category E. [/underlined]
0330 Mosquito (crash) KB - 269. “U” pilot - F/O Timpton suffering from shock. - in Marine Hotel Military Hospital, Whitby a/c completely burned out.
DFCO NOTE (Wombleton, the nearest aerodrome may have to provide the guard to - morrow).
0900 On Duty F/O Mountjoy.
MOSQUITO “U” 12 Grp enquiring about this crash. Report Danby cannot provide guard for more than 24 hours. Wombleton say it is not their crash boundry [sic] but they are nearest aerodrome. 61 Base Engineers to let us know when the M.U. will be able to remove the wreck. Arrangements then to be made to guard wreck when this information is available.
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[blank page]
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1100. 61 Base BRISTOL FLASHLIGHT. Request for Bristol Flashlight 2345 - 0015 at 15000’ - Route Swindon to Bristol to Coast thence due North to Menai Bridge. Contacted 10 Grp who say Flashlight is booked already between 2245 & 2310 hrs. Approach from Northampton. This information passed to 61 Base.
1115 61 Base OXFORD J - 3533. Permission for this Oxford to go to Buttonwood and land obtained. E.T.A. 1400. Checked with 61 Base to see that they have complete instructions. S/L Knight arranged with Dishforth station adjutant to have transport tee’d up to bring this Passenger to 6 Group. R/T c/s “Clockdress.” Z. T.O. 1320.
1204 433/L Returned to base from Church Broughton - He had still got his full bomb load on and was overweight for landing so was sent out to jettison.
1215 MOSQUITO U - CRASH. 61 Base say that local Police have located an Engine & Prop located 1 1/2 miles North East of wreck map Ref. 281261 sheet 16. If inquiries are made at Oliver Welbourn’s store in Egton they will give the required directions - 61 Base have been asked to find out when the Engineering officer at Wombleton is going to make his required report to 60 MU at York.
1230 61 Base BRISTOL FLASHLIGHT advised that they will take part in Bristol Flashlight exercise. Advised 10 Grp we will be participating with about 30 a/c at 16000’ - 10 Suggest we fly route from Bristol to Fishguard as we will get considerable searchlight activity over the Cardiff & Newport I.A.Z area and circuits to Fishguard. - 91 & 92 Groups are also participating - advised 61 Base.
1252 62 Base Report Cloud of Black Smoke N W of Tholthorpe in direction of Brafferton. Informed 12 Group who will check with R.O.C before we take any action. (See not Re burning Incendiary Leaves at Brafferton.)
1310 434/C. 64 Base advise 434 C/ took was - was airborne before he should have been - Bounced hard and damaged his undercarriage - now circling base with one wheel down. (Stbd).
Stood Carnaby by a/c remained over base
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Early Returns
L/420 - Jetissoning [sic] Position - 5413N - 0111E to 12 Grp & Int. Time 1406 S.I.E u/s - C.T. O.’d
R/420 - Jetissoning [sic] Posn. 5407N 0200E. To 12 Grp. & Int P.O.E u/s Throttle Linkage. - C.TO’d.
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and then s/c with other a/c. Contacted 12 Group ROCLO. had attempted to have him plotted to see if he went out to jetisson [sic] or proceeded to target. Apparently continued on to Target.
1330 Ex 4 Grp Special Exercise. There will be a Special Exercise at Helmsley tonight which will involve dropping of Red & Green T. I’s at 0158 hrs.
L/420 Message from L/420 “Returning to Base S.E u/s Bombs dropped.”
1515 Jetissoning [sic] Position 5413N - 0111E. Time 1406 L/420. To 12 Grp L/420 landed at 1448 R/420 at 1511
1537 Ex 4 Grp Special Exercise This Special Exercise has been cancelled for tonight. They will let us know when it is laid on again.
1539 61 Base Report a Spitfire JZ - S an a/c of 57 O.T.U. Eshott shot up Dishforth aerodrome in a dangerous manner at about 1500 hrs. Report turned in to H.W. Fitter.
1628 OXFORD BG 604 Landed at Linton from Lulsgate Bottom. Staying Overnight.
1650 4 Grp. Report C/434 landed at Carnaby at 1645. Wish to emphasize that he made a wizard landing 1 wheel being 450 out of true. Passed to 64 Base.
1655 Ex 6 Grp Signals. Intercepted a message to Leeming HF/D/F. from V/429 - Asked for an Ambulance - Navigator wounded. Checked with 63 Base.
1710 61 Base MOSQUITO “U” CRASH No further “gen” on this crash Except Wombleton are taking over guard on crash at 1800 hrs today. 60 MU not collecting wreckage today. Whereabouts of Watkins the Nav. not known. He is not at Wombleton
1830 Off duty F/O Mountjoy. On duty B.O. O’Beirn F/O
1905 Hurricane Walton - AIR I grants permission for S/L Mc Carthy to send a Hurricane to Catterick to-morrow - 0930 - 1030 Film Unit (A.M.) wish feature of simulated landings & take off
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[deleted] Stirling [/deleted]
[underlined] Accident [/underlined] on Take off.
434/C - NA - 497 Pilot - F/L BOYLE Starboard u/c damaged. fixed at an angle of 450
Informed A.O.C. — S.A.S.O. — Air I — Cont. — G.T.I. — G.A.I. — Engig. — Equipt. — S.F.C.O.
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2000 434/C (Carnaby) NA - 497. F/L BOYLE - Early return mission abandoned. Jettisoned safe at 5404N 0047E Starboard wheel retracted and fixed at an angle of 45 deg.
2015 Re new H2S D.F.C.O. Routes which were to be effective Aug 7. - 12 Grp M.I.S have not yet received copies from M.I.O. Hence 6 Grp movements are to pass to M.I.S. 12 Grp. T.F.N. (1) T.O. (2) S/C time (3) Coast penetration times (4) ETR.
2125 434/C - Croft sending transport for the crew. Carnaby informed.
[underlined] Tuesday August 15[/underlined]
1005 Window - 10 Grp M.I.S. report that 2 a/c on X/country - are dropping window. Inquired from 61 Base - who say the crews were not briefed for window.
0035 X/C - Met advise possibility of low stratus in our Group - suggest recall of 408/P - Inf 62 Base to recall above a/c Inf 61 Base - who are having their a/c cancel bombing exercise and return to base
0115 408/P - 62 Base report that “P” acknowledged recall.
0125 Diversion - 1659/C. landed Tholthorpe 0108 1659/R, P, S - diverted to Linton. Dishforth coping at present.
0215 Night Flying All 6 Group aircraft landed.
0400. Ex 12 Group. Querry [sic] if our a/c all accounted for as a crash reported.
0840. Ex 5 Group Querry [sic] as to Skipton weather at 0230 hrs 600 - 800 ft. cloud vis. 10 - 20 miles. Say they [missing words] a crash near.
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[underlined] State of a/c Away from Base. [/underlined]
426-Z - FORD - Should be ready by 17/8/44.
415-B - EXETER - F/LT. Smith will visit it today.
425-N - MANSTON - Should be ready by 20/8/44.
434-C - CARNABY - Cat AC damaged undercarriage.
Early Return & Non Starters
424/M - Non Starter - Oil leak in S.O.E. - CTO’d.
419/R - Early Return. - P.I.E u/s - FEATHERED. C.TO.’d
433/K - Non Starter - Flat Oleo Leg - Could not be repaired in time - C.T.O’d.
433/G - Early Return - S.O.E u/s FEATHERED - C.T.O.D Lay shaft on S.O.E Broken
425/W - Early Return - P.I.E cut at English Coast. C.T.O.D Throttle Shaft Broken
432/Y - Early Return - Nav. Trouble with D.R Compass. Not C.O.T’d. Later C.T.O’d when Transmission Spring in DR Compass was broken.
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0845 Crash Ref. entries 0400 & 0840. 12 Group advise crash in E 3990 about 50 miles west of [deleted] Wes [/deleted] Topcliffe in the Moors. 1 body found. Crash action was taken by an M.U. in the vicinity and we were not requested to act.
0900 On Duty F/O Mountjoy.
1035 64 Base 419/R. Report R/419 Squadron landed - Not R/T & No W/T contact made. Apparently landed OK with full Bomb load. No further information yet.
1050 BRISTOL FLASHLIGHT Passed information regarding Bristol Flashlight target to 61 Base.
Target Time - 2330 - 2355 91 Group are participating - Position of their route will be - Abingdon - Portland - Bristol - Fishguard. Heights so far allotted, 10000 - 11000 - 17000.
Information also passed to 62, 63 & 64 Bases.
1125 61 Base Offering 7 a/c - 1659; 10 a/c 1664; 10 a/c 166; Doing part of following route. Abingdon - Portland - Bristol - Cardiff (Locals) - Base. Confirmed route later. 10 Grp advised. [inserted] 16000’ [/inserted]
1130 Oxford BG604 Took off for Fulsgate Bottom from Linton. Route Passed to 12 Grp.
1135 RAPIDE N450 Landed at Linton - S/L Turner - Hughes to see W/C Smith. Informed S/L Dawson who says W/C Smith already on his way to Linton.
1220 62 Base K/408 Advise a phone call (very indistinct) from Horham regarding K/408. Will we contact them and see what the call was about.
1223 63 Base G/433 - overhead at Skipton on Early Return.
1225 K/408 Contact Horham who say they have not landed any RAF a/c today, but they were calling Linton regarding an a/c of 408 Sqdn that landed at Horham last March. They had all the information they require. Advised 62 Base.
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a/c Missing - Crew List.
428/A - KB749
NAV. - P/O HETHERINGTON. L. - 179430
A/BOM. - BROWN D.W. - J28937
F/E - SGT WRIGHT S.W. - 1894352
WAG - W/O CLEAVER. S.B. - R90404
MUG. - F/S REVELL. P.C. - R.208111
R/G. - F/S WHYTE. E. - R217083.
A.O.C. — S.A.S.O. — S.O.C. — S.F.C.O — C of A. — ENG. — G.T.I. — GAI. — P4 — AIRI — EQUIPT.
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1250 Darky - Dishforth gave QDM - 2300 - 98m. to a/c “M” For Whitchurch (Tilstock) Overheard by Tholthorpe. - c/s underway
1350 1659/P - Hydraulic trouble. Linton will inform us when it is ready to return.
1659/C - At Tholthorpe - no crew.
1530 COMMUNICATIONS FLIGHT OXFORD A.O.C requests 61 Base Oxford (DISHFORTH) & pilot to take Sgt. Rainville from Dishforth to Hendon. To be ready at Dishforth at 1900 hrs this evening. Advised 61 Base. T.O. 1904.
1615 61 Base BRISTOL FLASHLIGHT Asked us to confirm with 10 Grp that the Bristol Flashlight will be on regardless of whether 91 Group scrub or not. 10 Grp confirm that it will be on regardless of whether 91 Group scrub due to whether [sic] or not.
1620 MOSQUITO NS538 Landed Linton at 1148. Left Linton at 1608 for Swinderby.
1632 62 Base Oxford. Took off from Tholthorpe for Leeming at 1630. Due Back at Tholthorpe at 1800. 63 base advised.
MILES MASTER From Montrose stopped at Linton for refueling [sic] proceeding to Hendon.
1635 COMMUNICATIONS FLIGHT OXFORD Permission granted by Hendon for this a/c to land at Hendon. Warned 61 Base that he must be on time as Hendon have no lighting, also to have pilot report to Duty Flight when he lands.
1820 WELLINGTON LN701 - H An a/c of 14 O.T.U. Market Harborough landed at Dishforth at 1543 with R/T & W/T failure. Pilot was F/Sgt Williams. Trouble was fixed but a/c developed an oil leak in Port Engine - This may involve and engine change - 92 Group Informed the a/c will be staying overnight.
1810 BRISTOL FLASHLIGHT Gen passed to 61 Base re - Flashlight exercise.
2115 Off watch F/O Mountjoy, On watch
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2120 10 Grp - Re Bristol Flashlight - 10 Grp report that Navy do not wish a/c to go over Portland. Must change our route. Inf 61 Base - Their a/c now airborne.
Advised 61 Base to snd on HF/DF message to a/c in 10th day Bomber Code. Negative Portland proceed to Blanford (5052N 0211W) T.O.T same (10 Grp to inform Navy should a/c cross Portland)
2230 Diversion Ex C.F.C. - Prov Weather base for 6 Gardeners 429 Sqdn. Wymeswold - Checked with Met - Vis - 2000 - 4000 yds - up to 0430 hrs.
2350 Diversion “gen” passed to 93 Group.
2355 64 Base - [two indecipherable words] Ops report green flares on Z. 93 at 2346 hrs. ROCLO say it is Bradbury Range. Inf. 64 Base.
[underlined] Wednesday Aug 16, 1944 [/underlined]
0125 1664/J - 9 Grp report that M/U a/c lost - over [indecipherable word - given QDM & distance to base - Has 2 hrs endurance. Inf 61 Base.
0250 Gardeners - Met believe Mid. S.G. will be fit if Leeming closes in so decided to bring 429 a/c home. Inf. 63, 64 Base.
0300 X/C - a/c All X/C a/c landed base - 419 - 1 a/c 428 1 a/c on local Bullseye. Message sent to HQ 12 Grp.
0500 Gardeners - all returned to Base - Inf 93 Grp. 12 Grp.
Off Duty F/O O’Beirn
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[underlined] D.F.C.O. PLEASE NOTE. [/underlined] - GET PERMISSION FOR [symbol] OXFORD TO LAND AT HENDON - TOMORROW AT NOON. 19 AUG 1944.
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On Duty F/O Mountjoy
1015 DISHFORTH OXFORD. S.A.S.O. has given permission for A/C Waite 61 Base to be flown down to Hendon tomorrow T.O. about 1600 hrs. E.T.A. - Hendon about 1730. a/c will be returning immediately. A/C Waite will be contacting us possibly on Saturday to arrange for Oxford to pick him up on Sunday at Hendon. 61 Base informed.
1025 1695 - F/A UNIT DALTON Permission given to Dalton to send a fighter to Catterick this morning to assist in filming of 3 Hurricanes taking off in formation. W/C Miles gave permission. Passed to 61 Base.
1050 ANSON AJ 332 This Anson landed at Dishforth this morning at about 0400 hrs from Jurby. Wishes to return to Jurby via Fleetwood at 1130 Ht 5000’ ETA Jurby 1200 hrs. No luck in contacting Jurby. Passed Met information re conditions at Jurby. Small amounts of low stratus and frontal conditions at about 1400 hrs. Told Dishforth to signal him out. 1110 Ex ADGB. No Bullseye Tonight.
1112 ANSON DJ 244 Visiting Anson at Tholthorpe T.O. at 1130 for Sleap. - P/O More pilot.
Landed at [blank] at 1105, T.O. 1150 return to Honeybourne ETA - 1250.
1230 BARACUDA BU - 910 Landed at 1227 at Dalton - Refuelling - Proceeding to Acklington.
1905 BULSEYE Passed action sheet “gen” to 61 Base. Asked them to make suggested route points between Base & Cromer - They suggest Melton Mowbray.
1910 LIBERTOR 64 XX Landed at Skipton at 1233 from Attle Bridge Returning to Attle Bridge via York - Wisebeck - Attle Bridge. T.O. 1430 ETA. 1600.
1615 DIVERSION BASES S.O.C. asked for best diversion Base area for diversion of all a/c tonight. Consulted met who gave following area. South of Little Snoring to Henlow. West of Watton to Polebrook. Asked CFC for a minimum of 8 aerodromes
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Diversion Bases - Emergency weather.
[underlined] Sqn — No. A/c. — Station. [/underlined] — Group
408 — 9H — Chedburgh — 3
429 — 10H — Chedburgh — 3
427 — 15H — Wratting Common — 3
424 — 12H — Newmarket — 3
415 — 15H — West Raynham — 100
432 — 14H — Oulton —100
420 — 15H — Bourn — 8
425 — 14H — Wyton — 8
426 — 15H — Bassingbourn — 1st US
431 — 11H — Ridgewell — 1st US
434 — 14H — Shepherd’s Grove — 3
419 — 12L — Bury St. Edmunds — 3rd US
428 — 15L — Thorpe Abbotts — 3rd US
433 — 12H — Horham — 3rd US
429 — 5H — Horham — 3rd US
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preferably U.S.A. - large enough to take Halifaxes & Lancasters
1730 1800 DIVERSION CFC C.F.C. have no bases for us as yet. Tie up in all lines due to Met Conference. C.F.C advise that 8 Grp have asked for Prov. Diversion Bases themselves and want to know if we are still happy about this area. Consulted Met who say at Met Conference 6 Group suggested diversions [indecipherable word] East Anglia and there were no protests. Also 100 Group are still happy about this area. Informed Central Flying Control we still would like diversion Bases - Preferably American ones - for our Major effort and that our restrictions on the area might be
1830 Off duty F/O Mountjoy On duty Spence F/O
1830 to 1930 D’v’n Emerg. Weather Stations offered by C.F.C. - allowed as on opposite page - Gen passed to Stations. Met. believe we shall cope on early Ops; some doubt for later one.
Thursday - Aug 17/44
0030 to 0045 Diversion Keyed up 61 Base & M. St. G. to be ready to assist on return of early ops if required. Requested some bases from C.F.C. on West coast in case weather goes duff when we’re landing a/c.
0120 Divn. Decided Met would hold & a/c on early operation should be brought home.
0015 Bulls-Eye Due to uncertainty of Met. Controller recalled BullsEye a/c to have them out of the way for return of ops. a/c. Messages sent on Section K and [deleted] Hull [/deleted] Station K.F.D.F.
0120 D’vn. 9 Group, offer Hawarden High Ercall 12 Group offer Acklington Scorton & Ouston. Advised them not required
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Aug. 17/44
Following [indecipherable word]
429/O 5417N 0226E. Ack.
5401N 0135E Class 2. Ack.
5409N 0128E Class 2. Ack.
428/L Emergency 5426N 0026E Class 2. At 0115 hrs.
434/S S.O.S. 5428N 0043E Class 3. At 0243 hrs.
5427N 0046E Class 3. At 0245 hrs.
Report by F/L. Smith.
415/B - Exeter - should be ready to-day
425/N - Manston - Ready soon - call F/L McCallum at Manston.
426/Z - Ford - soon.
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Thursday. Aug 17/44
0400 D’v’n Met holding Decision to bring M. St. G. a/c home to base Informed 3rd U/S. BD.
0014 429/O. Cancelled Emergency.
0145 428/L Cancelled Emergency.
0212 434/S. [underlined] S.O.S. [/underlined] Emergency bearing [circled 1] 0650 Hull - 0270 [circled 2] Heston. A.S. 1700 Ht. 2000 pos. 5428N 0018E. - 0238 T.O. Fix 5428N 0043E 3rd class - 0243.
Contacted 12 Group F.C.L.O. on above priorities.
0245 Crash. Ex 12 Group F.C.L.O. Report from ROCLO of crash at or near Croft. Checked Middleton who say Croft handling also reported a red glow North east of Middleton which later was confirmed as a fire only. Informed 12 Group.
0300 434/S. S.O.S. On request of 12 Group had M. St. George endeavour to contact mfn on HFDF. As indications were that a/c was in sea at last position heard of it & wished confirmation it was not airborne still.
0330 ditto No joy on HFDF. 12 Group arranging search by 16 Group.
0330 Crash North of Flamboro. 424/G, 424/W and at least one other a/c report what appeared to be a crash at pos. 5409N 0010W at 0210 hrs. explosion on impact. Appeared to be in hills just on coast. Informed 16 Group. Also 12 Group at 0500 hrs. Police searching.
0225 420/N. Landed at Carnaby. Reported collision with another a/c at pos. 5257N 0245E. Perspex smashed & injured Pilot. He is in S.S.2 and should be able to return tomorrow.
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[underlined] Missing [/underlined]
428/Q (K751) F/O. W. Kairgreive J25437.
420/L (MZ687) P/O. G. Pritchard J86684. Co. P/O R.H. Davies J87194)
431/Y (MZ372) F/O. T.H. Dable J17647
434/S (LK796) P/O. J Wagman J35150 - Sea Search.
433/D(MZ899) F/S. Avard JGM.
433/I (MZ863) F/L. J.C. Valk J21433
433/P (MZ808) F/O J.A.W. Morgan J25000
Proctor - BX - 216 landed Linton from Hendon. On route to
Ventura - JP - 862. Landed Linton at 1245 from Pershore owing to weather. Linton inf. Pershore.
Oxford (Leeming) - took off at 1545 for South Cerney.
431/Q - (KST/Q) - MLS. 12 from Pulham message.
Thursday - Aug. 17/44
0600. Crash at Croft. Report of crash by R.O.C. turned out to be incendiaries going off. No damage.
0900 Off Duty - F/O Spence. On duty B. O’Beirn F/O.
1015 mid. (Croft’s Oxford) - Air I grants permission for mid to borrow Croft’s Oxford to take parts to 20 MU. near Gloucester.
1040 Com Fl. Oxford P1820 - (Ref 1015 hr entry 16 Aug. A/C Waite & G/C Creighton to Hendon. T.O. at [underlined] 1400 hrs. [/underlined] - Weather - 5 - 8/10 - 2 - 3000 vis 5 MT.
1105 Hurricane “E” from Northolt wishes to return Take off at 1105 from Dishforth. Pilot - F/L Austin Inf. Northolt.
1105 16 Grp A.S.R. - Report that KST - “G” sent message WBA - am over dinghy position 5313N 0034E (message faint may be 5413N) Checked with D.S.O & with 64 Base may be 431/Q using our non - ops c/s. Inf 16 Grp.
1150 16 Grp A.S.R. - message KST - Q WBA - 5413N 0034E (Dinghy sighted) WBC - IFF (switched on) 16 Group sending out one a/c immediately by S.O.C. & A.S.R.O.
1230 12 MLS A.S.R. (From Pulham
431/Q - Send message “Cannot contact H.S.L. Lindholme dinghy 6. - Inf AIR. SOC. 64 Base. TOR - 1215 (Inf ENG)
1300 408/R. 420/N. At Carnaby - both Cat. A.C. crews require transport from Carnaby - Pilot of 420/N can travel.
62 Base to arrange transport & to let us know time of arrival so we can inform Carnaby as crews are at Lissett.
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Report from S/L Bently - Intelligence Officer at Croft 431 Q - F/L McLeod.
Detailed for Sea Search in Area 5415N - 0000 5435N - 0045E
After completing 1st leg of 1st sweep, observed green, red & Green vereys, seen to our port at position 5413N 0038E at 1025 hrs - Height 400 feet Sea calm - dropped a smoke float between 1025 & 1028 hours. At 1028 Lindholme Dinghy and supplies were dropped, downwind from a height of 120 feet. The equipment landed 25 - 50 yds from the dinghy with crew in it. At 1039 hours we set course from dinghy to make rendez-vous with the H.S.L. Arrived at rendez-vous position at 1055 hrs. The H.S.L. was not there. Instituted a square of search - unsuccessful - at 1112 hrs. returned to Lindholme Dinghy - arrived there at 1131. At 1230 instructed other a/c to stand-by. At 1259 set course from Dinghy to H.S.L. Gave H.S.L. direction to dinghy. At 1325 we returned to dinghy. At 1341 notified dinghy that H.S.L. was on the way by aldis. Maintained contact with H.S.L. and dinghy until 1545 hours when H.S.L. arrived at dinghy. Rescue successfully carried out. Left H.S.L. and dinghy at 1555 hours. Landed at Base at 1622. Night camera in a/c and several exposures made.
Ex 12 Group.
Received a signal from H.S.L. - “Picked up 7 men - 2 slightly injured” - will be in Grimsby at 2000 hrs. Humber suggested they stay in Grimsby tonight. Rescue effected at B-19 - 25 - 26 miles - 25 to 26 miles east Flamboro - Position 5414N - 0039E
434/B - F/O Browning - Detailed for Sea Search over area 5415N 0000 to 5455N 0045E
At first run out at 1023 hrs at position 5412N 0038E at height of 500 feet we sighted a dinghy with crew of 7 aboard. Verey Cartridges were fired to attract other a/c. Then dropped smoke and flame floats, also aluminium sea markers. Smoke floats did not work. 431/Q was seen to drop a Lindholme dinghy and supplies. The crew made contact at 1106 hours. The Lindholme dinghy believed to be only partly inflated. Crew used own dinghy, but were seen
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1340 Message A.S.R. From Q/431 via Pulham:
From : KST/Q - GQ UL YN YU - T.O.O. 13.25 TOR 1328 : 431/Q - Located H.S.L.
1440 Oxford P/1820 - Pilot Chad - passengers G/C Waite & G/C Creighton took off at 1440 for Hendon. ETR 1600. Inf Hendon.
1450 Hurr. (Dalton) - Air I gives permission for S/L McCarthy at Dalton to fly to RAF Scampton on Liaison visit to 1690 Battle Defences Unit (Scampton is 5 miles north of Lincoln). Inf 61 Base.
1507 408/R (crew) 420/N (crew) - AIR I grants permission for W/C [indecipherable word] to fly to Carnaby for crew. Suggested that he also bring back crew of 420/N. Inf 4 Grp to inform the crews.
1558 Message A.S.R. - KST/Q - MUSM, YNGP, DHSM, HXUV, LUUJ. ([indecipherable word] Pulham) Received O.K. returning to Base.
1700 ASR Intell Report of 434/V 434/B.
1725 ASR Intell Report 431/Q.
1730 12 Grp Report WL/S - 434/S - crew of 7 picked up in H.S.L - 2 of which slightly injured - should arrive Grimsby by 2000 hrs. - Humber expect them to remain at Grimsby Inf. A.O.C. SASO. AIR I. SOC. A.S.R.O. 64 Base inf.
1740 Met - Bases should be fit for return
1750 4 Grp - Mocking Bird ex - at Helmsley.
1830 On Duty F/O Mountjoy
1915 Passed times of A.S.R. a/c to 16 Group.
1930 MOCKING BIRD EX Advised 61 Base & 62 Base & 63 Base of Mocking bird Exercise to be carried out by 4 Grp at Helmsley.
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to take supplies. At 1220 hours the Coastal Command Hudson marked dinghy [deleted words] with smoke floats at 1229 - he dropped a Lindholme dinghy [deleted words] upwind. Did not make contact. At 1430 hours W.O.P contacted Hudson a/c with Aldis lamp asking for orders & received “Return home taking over”. At 5417N 0000 at 1439 hours - 1000 feet - passed over 6 ships thought to have been stationary. Query “We were on the job 4:08 hours but no sign of ASR launches - why so long?
434/V - P/O Senberg - Detailed for Sea Search over are 5415N 0000 to 5435 0045E after completing outward leg of sweep, sighted dinghy with 7 occupants, at posn. 5413N 0035E at 1026 - 500 feet - Sea Calm. Circled dinghy dropping smoke floats, immediately east and west of dinghy. Observed leader (431/Q) go up to approx 3000 feet to send message [deleted word] He circled for some time then headed SSE.
(prior to sending message 431/Q dropped a Lindholme dinghy at approx 1032 hrs downwind and to port. Occupants of dinghy made contact with Lindholme dinghy and the crew are of the opinion that the ditched crew used Lindholme dinghy. He continued to circle dinghy dropping occasional aluminium sea markers. At 1220 Coastal Command Hudson appeared and dropped Lindholme dinghy to starboard of crew and wide. Also dropped smoke floats then flew shoreward. Returned in a short time continuing to drop smoke floats. We secured signal from Hudson at 1433 hours. “Return home - taking over”
At 5420N 0010W at 1445 hrs [indecipherable word] passed over 6 good sized ships heading north - no contact - This crew wonders why over 4 hours were necessary for launch to be sent out.
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[inside back cover]
[indecipherable word] B.R - 5728N 0350W cancelled by Lossiemouth
[underlined] S.O. Book 129. [/underlined]
Code 28-69-0.
[underlined]Flying Control Log [/underlined]
From July 21st 1944 to 17 Aug 44
G. [crown symbol] R.
T. 2523. Wt. 5630. Gp. 99-21-0 10/42. E.J A . & S. Ltd.
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[blank page]
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[underlined] Friday July 21st 1944 [/underlined]
1110 G- 1659 To stand by to await Oxford which will change instructor at Ossington to check a/c
1115 Warwick — Thornaby. Airborne for Thornaby from Skipton at 1024 - Passed to GV for direct transmission to Thornaby.
1125 Y - 420 At Cranwell instructed to return as soon as possible to check weather carefully.
1133 OXFORD T - 1104 From Dalton landed at Tholthorpe at 1121. Taking off from Tholthorpe at 1330 for Swinderby thence to Halton. Brought a visiting WAAF officer.
1147 SOS. M.S.G. picked up following message BPO B - that is all very faint no bearing - passed to 12. Can’t find out who it belongs to.
1207 SOS. Following message received by M.S.G H/F D/F. SOS - BEN B X 8 BEN NC NC 090 H 6000 P 5230N 0230W 0900
Bearing 0880 T at 1201 1/2 Passed to 12 Grp. & W/T.
1214 SOS Following Message received by M.S.G. H/F D/F SOS - BEN B X 8 BEN NC 0902K Soi [deleted] 5230W [/deleted] 520 (3) [inserted] faint [/inserted] 0230W 1605
Bearing 0880 T ate 1210 Passed to 12 Grp & W/T.
W/T cannot break message down, nor find out who it belongs to. Position indicates a/c over land, but bearing indicates it is over North Sea. Suggested to 12 Grp. that Posn’ given might be last known position at 0900 hrs. Bearing indicates he might be down in the sea as it doesn’t change. M.S.G. have transmitted to a/c but received no acknowledgment. 12 Grp are getting 16 Group cracking. Bearings were 1st class.
13 13 SOS. 12 Grp advise that 16 Grp have sent an a/c from Thornaby on a COT from M.S.G. of 0880 as far east as 04000 E.
1340 Wellington HF 719 at Skipton going to Gaydon - Bassingham Derby Doncaster Gaydon - Advised to keep clear of these towns. Also check W/X before going. Let it be known we don’t like the route.
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[blank page]
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[underlined] Friday July 21st 1944 [/underlined]
1346 P/427 Needs an engine change. Crew instructed to return to Base by rail. From 63.
1430 Wellington HF719 Route changed to Base - Newark Gaydon Took off at [space] Signalled [one indecipherable word]
MW 362 Hurricane Enroute from Catterick to Andover landed at Leeming with gun panel u/s. Catterick was advised by 63. [deleted] when [/deleted] [one indecipherable word] is serviceable and will be signalled by Leeming on to Andover.
1457 Crashed Sterling Wigsly called Topcliffe regarding Crashed Sterling at Posn. 5325N - 0138W (near Sheffield) - Topcliffe is connected with mountain rescue service - Topcliffe want to know what action they should take with regard to searching for lost crew. - 1 of which had passed information regarding position of a/c. Contacted 5 Group who said Wigsly should not have done this and no action by Topcliffe was required as search of crew was well in hand.
1730 W-6547 Oxford F/L Appleton from Skipton down at Cork, told not to return to base tonight call us in the morning. He says O.K.
1835 W-6547 Oxford. Cork advise us that a/c is airborne at 1828 without our permission. Asked them to have the R.O.C plot him.
1845 Off Duty F/O [signature] On duty F/L W A Warwick.
1900 Met. Re - 61 Base & 420 Sqd x countries met rather worried about conditions on approx E.T.R. 0400 & 0100 respectively put matter in the hands of controller S/L Ganderton.
2015 61 Base - Scrubbed night x countries.
2045 62 Base Tholthorpe doing bombing ex. at Strensall Bombing range until 2315.
2330 62 Base All A/C in Group down
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[underlined] D.F.C.O [/underlined]
F.C.L.O 12 Grp. phoned re. the placing of small searchlites [sic] at practically every R.O.C post in this area, he suggested that in case of emergency re. lost A/C to be homed, that we suggest 2 aerodromes, well placed in location etc. I suggested Topcliffe & Eastmoor, if any Duty officer feels that this is not a suitable suggestion, place suggested places below. (too many suggested etc) [indecipherable letters]
PROCTOR - HM - 422 (6 Grp Com. Flight)
Pilot - S/L BOOSEY
At 2000 hrs 18/7/44, upon return from Dalton swung off runway - tipped up nose and damaged the propeller. Category A.R.
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[underlined] Friday July 21/1944[/underlined]
2345 63 Base Re. A.O.C’s car to be at Leeming by 0945 hrs. on Saturday 22nd July re. Lord Swinton M.T. advised.
[underlined] Saturday July 22nd/44 [/underlined]
0200. All quiet.
0900 Off watch F/L W. A. Warwick. On watch F/O Mountjoy
0930 63 Base advise that Lord Swinton will not arrive at Leeming until possibly tomorrow morning.
1000 A.O.C advised of the above - after [one indecipherable word] conference etc. was completed. Air I also advised when message first received. Unfortunately A.O.C’s car had left for Leeming prior to 0900 hrs.
1127 4 Grp Report of Low flying Report that an a/c - Halifax III GU-N- flew over 4 Grp H.Q at a Height of 400’ at 1118hrs. W/C Warner took his letters. We have no Squadron letters GU. Dishforth with a/c letters ZU have no Halifax III.
1135 ANSON NK710 Air Ambulance This a/c arrived at Dishforth to take Dental Officer injured several nights ago down to Odiham. (25m. SW of London.) Intends to leave about 1300 hrs. 61 Base don’t think Met is good enough and want to delay ETD till 1400 hrs. Our Met say it should improve by 1400 hrs and agree with 61 Base. Route for flight Base - Peterboro [sic] - Odiham. Further check on weather made at 1230 and Controller agrees to let him go at 1400 hrs.
1215 Proctor Damage to Dishforth’s proctor discovered. This was not reported to 6 Grp. Check made and it was not reported to 61 Base. 61 Base are getting all possible “gen” for us. Apparently damage occurred on 18th.
1310 6 Grp met. Anson NK710 Say weather hasn’t developed the way they had anticipated and that cloud base was down to 600 feet in places. SOC scrubbed all thoughts of making flight until 1800 hrs.
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F.C.O. - Please note.
On H2S Cross Country Route [symbol] 28 the Route is as follows Base - Blyth - Conquest I etc.
Blyth is within an I.A.Z. - 12 Group request that this is changed. With permission of S.O.C we have changed it to read Base - Hexham - Cougnet I etc.
Check 23/7.44 for Air I
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[underlined] Saturday July 22nd 1944 [/underlined]
1447 61 Base Complaining of a mosquito shooting up watch tower [inserted] TOPCLIFFE [/inserted] at 50 feet. We haven’t got his letters checked with 12 Grp. - They have nothing.
1537 12 Grp. Report a column of Black smoke about 4 miles SW. from Skipton. in E 7799. Plot from R.O.C. Called Skipton asked them if they could see anything, they couldn’t. Called Snape Bombing Range. They couldn’t see anything either. 12 Grp had nothing
1605 61 Base Oxford Request clearance for 61 Base Oxford to go to Ossington tomorrow morning - S/L. Stinson doing liaison work. AI gave his permission T.O. about 1030.
1637 61 Base Oxford from Full Sutton. Report an Oxford landed at Dalton at 1515 He brought a navigator who wished to pick up some of his kit left there. a/c P-8978 - Took off at 1647 for Full Sutton.
1647 61 Base DARKY Report - Topcliffe - Dalton - Dishforth heard a Darky call from Powder Cream A - Able at 1645 - Sounded like an American and signal was not very strong.
Checked with 12 Grp - R.O.C had a Dakota plotted in E96 in no apparent difficulty - but that was only plot in the area. Asked 12 Grp to watch this plot. Called 4 Grp - they had had no report of a Darky call or any a/c in difficulty.
1730 64 Base Report yesterday that [inserted] Lanc [/inserted] N28/F on Radar X/C on approved route serial No N526 at 10000’ and at position 5435N - 0437W - was fired at by Heavy ack ack bursting below at 8000’ Checked with 12 Grp who checked with 13. This is an artillery zone. Air I wants this to be checked tomorrow to see what is being done. a/c was on track and on time Time of incident 1822.
1805 12 & 13 Grp Report that 2 Halifax a/c crossed coast out this afternoon at St. Abbo Head. Proceeded out to sea to about 100 miles east of Peter Head turned and came in at Peter Head. They were tracked across country and landed at Dishforth.
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[underlined] Crew List Z/426 : NP 700. [/underlined]
Pilot : P/O McIntyre. H.B J86652
Nav : P/O Mahler L.H J35749
WOP : W/O Stone T.A R129668
A/B : W/O St. Pierre A.L R158073
F/E : Sgt. Rhodes F. 1680670 *
M/U : Sgt. Fairty H.C. R201301
R/G : Sgt. Fosty A.M. R147033.
* broken ankle - All the rest O.K.
Sgt Rhodes in R.A.F Hospital Hereford.
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[underlined] Saturday July 22nd 1944 [/underlined]
Checked with 61 Base who were taking it up with Dishforth.
1810 62 Base Z/426 X/country exercise RCAF No 24. Report that they have a report that Z/426 had pranged in South Wales [deleted] Sl [/deleted] Shobdon was looking after it. Pilot reports he saw 5 other parachutes than his own. 5 members of the crew have been located - one with a leg injury. Location VO 9090 5.6 miles from Shobdon airfield.
2200 62 Base Z/426 X/country exercise RCAF No 24. Report from Pilot that the Port outer engine caught on fire - due to the prop overspeeding. Unable to feather and the prop broke off and in doing so, broke the port inner prop. The Port Inner engine then also caught on fire. Five baled out at 5000 ft and the Pilot & Flight Engineer followed. [inserted] a/c crashed & burned [/inserted] All the crew are at Shobdon and are OK with exception of F/E who broke his ankle.
22.00 27 Balloon Centre. BLO says he believes this is now located at Redhill, Surrey - Passed to 64 Base.
[underlined] Saturday July 23. 1944 [/underlined]
0900 Off duty B.T O’Beirn F/O On Duty F/O [indecipherable] Mountjoy Lord Swinton. 63 Base report that Lord Swinton may arrive at Leeming to-day. Request a car at 1000 hrs.
0930 ANSON NK-710 Air Ambulance Air I gave permission for Anson to go to Odiham this morning 61 Base advised Dishforth are handling the notification to Harrogate hospital.
1050 Bullseye Advised 61 Base of Combined Command Bullseye
1055 LIAISON VISIT Sir Ashley Cooper visited the operations room.
1205 Z/426 Crew. Instructed all well members of this crew to return to base by rail - Sgt. Rhodes F. - the injured member of the crew is in Hereford. (R.A.F) Hospital - Casualty signal being sent to [deleted] hosp [/deleted] Air Ministry by Shobdon & Engineer is completing form 1921 re-write off of a/c.
1247 This information passed to 62 Base.
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408/K DS - 705 (Lane)
A.O.C. — S.A.S.O — AIRI — SOC — ENG. — EQUIP — G.A.I.O.
[page break]
1405 61 Base STC in H.C.U a/c Permission given for ATC to fly in Dishforth’s a/c this afternoon - An instructor will be aboard in each case.
1309 0/426 Sqdn. Reported overdue - No report of crash. He was on a bombing detail at Strensall then to go Air to Air Firing - Checked with 61 Base who give following report. He was on R/T at Dalton at 1230. A Martinet was sent out but failed to pick him up so returned to base - refuelled and went out again at 1328 when he presumably completed the detail, but at 1330 he was on R/T again at Dalton, asking for another detail. He is now out to sea on another detail.
1435 MITCHELL FR 297 62 Base F/LT [deleted] ORPEN Flto [/deleted] ALTON from Hartford Bridge landed at Linton at 1410. He will be returning at 1530. F/LT ORPEN
1505 K/408 CRASH On Dalton Aerodrome on Rwy 36. Told to land on 30 and he landed on 36. Dalton were in the process of changing Runways.
a/c still Burning no further “gen” re - crew etc.
1645 Oxford 62 Base Air I gave permission for 62 Base Oxford to take F/LT King to Warboys for Court of Inquiry.
1700 Spitfire EAM From Digby landed at Tholthorpe at 1650. S/C Mc Nab was pilot - 12 Group advised (TO 1900 hrs for Digby - 12 Grp advised).
1703 CRASH K/408 Crew all O.K - a/c ran off end of Runway on landing, turned over - and burst into flames. P/O Smiles was pilot and Crew are all O.K.
1845 MITCHELL FR 297 62 Base report a MITCHELL Pilot F/LT ALTON pilot & passenger F/LT Orpen reported overdue at Base - Hartford Bridge. Pilot reported he had been routed both ways. Checked with 12 Group who had no report of any crashes other than one north of Thornaby believed to be a twin. [inserted] (a mosquito from Benson.) [/inserted] Approx [symbol] TA. 1830. Took off at 1606.
1845 Off duty F/O Mountjoy. On duty B. O’Beirn F/O
1900 K/408 Lancaster - one of 3, D.K.X being delivered to Dalton. Category E Burned.
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408/S - DS - 692 - P/O Brown - J.A. J- 19709
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2100 F/L King - Re 62 Base request for 62 Base Proctor or 6 Grp Anson to take F/L King to Warboys. Air I rule no - He can take the train.
2300 62 Base 408/S [underlined] CRASH [/underlined] 2305 HRS. - Lanc 408/S had difficulty on take off - believe one engine cut. Cannot gain height headed toward Marston Moor at tree top height. Inf 4 Grp - to inform Marston Moor - Also inf 12 Grp and asked for any R.O.C plots and opened our board.
2311 12 Grp 408/S Lanc believed our 408/S crashed at Marston Moor.
4 Grp. confirm this. No details yet.
2320 AIR I Informed A.O.C. of the above crash.
2335 408/S (4 Grp report) - Crew all OK. - a/c landed on a U/S runway about the middle of the aerodrome and burned fiercely.
Inf 4 Grp. of the bomb load 18 x 500 - 2 of them 72 hr delay. Also inf 12 Grp.
2340 408/S (4 Grp report) G/C Dennis reported to 62 Base that the leading edge of the starboard wing between the inner engine and the fuselage folded up on take off.
2350 Flare - 2 small & one large explosion reported by 6 Grp police, 62 Base & 61 Base & 12 Grp - explosion of Lanc 408/S.
[underlined] Monday July 24 [/underlined]
0200 408/S - Crew staying overnight.
0125 434/C Landed at Exeter - S. E U/S.
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[underlined] CRASH [/underlined]
1666/U - JD - 372.
Informed. AOC — SASO — AIRI — SOC — ENG — EQUIP — P4 — GAIO — C of E — SFCO.
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July 24
0325 SOS a/c approached Flamboro from the sea. Inf 62 Base. - Later declared no longer SOS.
0400 Crash 1666/U - Ex 62 Base of A0988 - near Sheriff Hutton.
12 Grp report crash A1793. Instructed 62 Base to send Eastmoor crash tender dispatched via Sherriff Hutton to Shackleton near the position A1793 confirmed by 12 Grp.
0430 1666/U JD-372 - Hurricane Q, reported that his detail 1666/U caught fire and exploded in the air. May be the crash noted above.
0500 424/H Landed at Ossington with 2 long delays - If these bombs were fused pilot is to jettison them 20 miles off Flamboro before returning to base.
0500 a/c Away - Instructed to be interrupted refuelled and sent back to base.
0645 1666/U - Eastmoor crash tender returned to base - They reported all the crew dead and Wombleton was in charge of the crash.
0700 Location 1/2 mile east of Coneysthorpe Village [indecipherable] summary passed to C.F.C. - 8 a/c 7 stations.
0730 1666/U - Pilot of Hurricane Q - F/S GAUKROGER on fighter affiliation with 1666/U reported - Five minutes after contact about 0400 hrs at 7000 ft. the Halifax did a violent corkscrew. After straightening out “Q” saw starboard O.E on fire. He tried to warn the pilot of 1666/U but made no R/T contact. Caught fire very quickly and spun to earth; no one seen to bale out.
0840 1666/U - Malton N.F.S. - report that all 7 bodies found - at least three identified - Wombleton now in charge of the matter.
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[underlined] Re Bullseye [/underlined]
12 Grp. that Black Widow a/c
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July 24.
0900 Off Duty F/O O’Beirn On Duty F/O [indecipherable] Mountjoy
1000 61 Base Request a Blanket cover for the next 5 weeks in permission for Wombleton to fly ATC boys - 35 per day - [deleted] for next [/deleted] in training a/c - carrying an instructor pilot and full crew. 3 ATC per a/c - only in fit weather and only day flying. Referred this to S.A.S.O. Who is going to confer with the G/C Mc Gregor of Wombleton.
1005 12 Grp Report 2 men picked up at sea - presumably both alive - off the Humber in North Sea. Sgt AG. - B-N- Graves 1896264 & W. Good - [one indecipherable word] 169375. Checked with P4. who say these men do not belong to 6 Group. Advised R.
1110 62 Base Proctor LZ 560 From Holton - landed at Linton at 1105 Proceeding to Mildenhall this afternoon. S/L Watson was pilot. Returned at 1430.
1348 12 Grp. Report column of smoke in E 8599 1 mile SW of Skipton. Called Skipton and had fire department check. It turned out to be a Haystack 12 Grp informed.
1410 63 Base a/c at Hampstead Norris. Inquire whether or not it will be O.K for them to send an a/c to Hampstead Norris to pick up crew of P/427 U/S at this station. Controller gave his permission with the reservation that crew of a/c going down should be careful to look the airfield over carefully before attempting to land as it has very short runways. If not satisfied they should proceed to Harwell, drop off extra crew there and continue on training X/C.
1815 W/O Burton Gransden L advises C/434 at Exeter needs S.I.E change Crew are to return home by rail. S.O.C refuses permission for an a/c to pick them up while doing a X/C. Crew instructed to return to Base by rail.
1850 Off Duty F/O [indecipherable] Mountjoy. On duty B. O’Beirn F/O
1910 Petrol To C.F.C. Diversion Bases - Request for Tangmere or equivalent for 408 Lancs.
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[underlined] Definite Diversion Base [/underlined]
408 - LASHAM - II Grp.
[underlined] Emergency Bases if required. [/underlined]
Hartford Bridge
Thorney Island
[underlined] MISSING [/underlined]
420/U - MZ - 713
419/T - KB 719
[underlined] ACCIDENT [/underlined]
CAT - E [deleted] 1 [/deleted]
Collided with another a/c.
Rear Gunner SGT SANDULAK j. R-208898
1664/J - LK - 694 HAL II CAT E (PROP)
AOC — SASO — AIRI — SOC — ENG — EQUIP — P4 — GAIO — C of A — S.F.C.O
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1945 Petrol - Diversion Base - allocated and gen passed to 62 Base & 64 Base.
2015 To 2 Grp - Gen re 408 petrol Diversion given to 2 Grp. for Lasham including the call signs etc.
[underlined] Tuesday July 25 [/underlined]
0100 420/U (FIX) - S.O.S. - 4950N 0134E 1st 0043 [inserted] (From Southampton) [/inserted] passed to 62 Base. Inf 11 Grp and 10 Grp. (overland near Dieppe).
Marston Moor - Re damage by 408/S - no damage to building and no casualties. Left a big crater 25 yds off the main runway. Aerodrome put U/S until 1000 hr - now O.K. One piece of bomb went through an aircraft no damage of any consequence - a few panes of glass broken in Tockwith village. Inf - 62 Base.
0230 From 11 Grp - A Broad IFF. north of fix position - WR 8200 at 0057 hrs faded. 11 Grp reported it to A.S.R. 11 Grp Inf. 62 Base this a/c was possibly 420/U whose posn & fix on giving S.O.S priority was over land. A.S.R. 11 Grp are putting on a search when weather fit around Le Touquet [inserted] South [/inserted] area & will notify us of such. Inf. 62 Base
0700 Diversion -Runway - passed to CFC.
0700 1664/J LK-694 CAT E (Prov) On return from Bullseye on 3 engines, landed at 0406 hrs, swung at right angles to the runway and bounced once to starboard and headed for the Great North Road and then swerved to Runway 16 and undercarriage collapsed crew O.K.
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428/U KB-740 PILOT P/O CORBET. - Landed Woodbridge at 0326. Collided with another aircraft at 2359 hrs. Rear gunner Sgt Sandulak baled out over enemy territory. The other aircraft possibly crashed at time of collision 40 - 50 miles from target and was seen going down in flames (possibly 419/T - missing a/c). 428/U - Category E1.
[deleted] 1000 [/deleted] 0900 U/420 MISSING. Off duty F/O O’Beirn & On duty F/O [indecipherable] Mountjoy. Reported SOS message etc re this a/c to S/L Seaborne.
0915 62 Base Navigator of 408 Sqdn. injured before take - off on Bullseye last night - had a cut requiring two stitches in his head. Nothing serious.
0935 64 Base W/C McLeish wants to send an a/c of [deleted] U/425 [/deleted] 428 Sqdn, on a training flight to Woodbridge to pick up crew of V/428 Sqdn. AIR I would not give his permission. 64 Base will contact Woodbridge re having crew return by rail..
0940 61 Base S/L Stinson wants to go to Ossington in 61 Base Oxford on a liaison visit. AIR I gave his permission
E.T.D 1100 hrs. ETA. 1145.
0945 62 Base all of 408 a/c that landed away are now back at base.
1015 11 Grp U/420 MISSING Called 11 Grp re ASR search for 420/U. They have searched the area WR 8200 and found nothing. S/L Seabourne advised.
1030 ANSON EG 184 This Anson landed at Linton for refuelling he is proceeding to Prestwick via Carlyle. Checked with met. this will be O.K.
T.O. 1045 ETA 1215.
1032 62 Base 415 have one flight that becomes operational tomorrow 26/7/44
408 - offer 11 for duty.
All other 62 Base Squadrons - 426, 432, 420, 425 can offer 15 for duty. operations officer informed.
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1033 63 Base L/433 at Dishforth having an Engine Change.
1037 10 Grp Re U/420 MISSING Checked with 10 Grp. They have taken no action as plots were in 11 Grp area. Suggest we might get in touch with ASR Officer on the beach head who controls A.S.R. fixed positions in the channel. Informed S/L Seaborne who asked 11 Grp to carry out another search this afternoon. They will let us know if they see anything.
1050 4 Grp. S/L Thompson & F/O Jeffson are going to pay us a Liaison visit today. F/Lt Cleland informed.
1150 61 Base DARKY Report a Dark Call - presumably an American a/c using Call sign - CLAPTRAP - FLASHBACK - ALLSACK in FLAPJACK - Y - Yoke. - Reported this to 63 Base who had heard him and were trying work him. Show to 62 Base. Reported to 12 & 4 Grp. 4 Grp had heard him earlier on - 12 Grp are trying to get a plot.
1225 64 Base report that a Cessna Crane with an American Pilot is down at Croft - From Bovington - more “gen” later appeared to be lost. Reported to 12 Grp, 61, 62, 63, Bases.
[deleted] 1230 64 BASE DARKY [/deleted] At 1255 Croft Reported that the a/c they had landed wasn’t calling Darky, his a/c letters were H - 322102. Home Base Bovington destination Turnhouse - Bovington & Turnhouse advised. Croft is refuelling him. His R/T C/S was Longfellow. 12 Grp have been unable to get any more “gen” on the DARKY - although 4 Grp have landed on DARKY call with the letter H.
1245 11 Grp Re U/420 MISSING They are starting search again. Report of a dinghy at Posn 50 30 1/2 N - 0108 E & wreckage at 5030 - 0058 E. These are almost on Track for the a/c, but cannot fit in with the fix as previously given. 11 Gap say there are a great many a/c over most of the channel area today and area should be well covered.
1250 CFC Re Z/425 Advise that this a/c will probably need an Engine Change. F/LT Smith or W/O Burton have inspected it & a signal has been sent by him presumably to Grp engineering officer or Station Engineering officer stating repairs needed. 62 Base advised.
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433/I - LV-911
Pilot - P/O WRIGHT W.H.
Inf. AOC — SASO — AIR1 — SOC — ENG. — EQUIP — S.F.C.O. — C.A.I.O.
Preston “N” HM - 3GH W/C Wally. Landed Wombleton at 1152 from Turnhouse 24/7.
Took off 1935, 25/7 to Northolt ETA - 2045.
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1403 63 Base HAL MH-T Landed at Leeming last night - O.K given for him to return to Snaith. T.O. - 1403.
1435. F/LT SMITH Called Re C/433 at Woodbridge formerly a Cat AC. now repaired. The crew of Z/428 Tholthorpe is flying this a/c and they are also bringing the crew of N/428 that crash landed at Woodbridge last night. The a/c will go to M.S.G first and then on to Skipton. 62 Base advised and asked to organise transport from Tholthorpe for their crew. 64 Base also advised and 63 base.
1535 DIVERSION BASES. Called Central Flying Control for definite diversion bases, as many on the coast as possible. Emphasised these must be had and will be used as this will be extreme range for our a/c.
1725 C/433 went U/S will probably return tomorrow morning. 64, 63, 62, advised.
1940 Diversion Bases. Allocation passed to the stations.
2015 6 Grp Met - do not like the diversion bases offered east of of Isle of Wight. Request a new group of bases.
2000 C.F.C. Offer Thorney Island, Hartford Bridge, Ludham & Dunsfold - We do not like Dunsfold.
2120 Crash 433/I LV-911 P/O WRIGHT - Skipton have a/c crash on take off [inserted] 2112 hrs [/inserted] no details - 63 Base required a crash tender 61 Base are sending one from Topcliffe.
2150 12 Grp - Request us to get a Norseman Bluestream 342 - to land and check weather before proceeding Inf. 63 & 64 Base.
2210 Norseman - Bluestream 364 - Pilot 2nd Lieut Clays landed Dishforth at 2207 from Warton. Staying overnight. Inf. 12 Grp.
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427/J - MZ-316
Pilot - P/O EGLI H.D.
MO/G. F/S G T KOTYK M.W. R177905
F/ENG. SGT BRIERS G.R. LR - 1894468.
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2300 Diversion Bases - Removed - and letters [deleted] signals [/deleted] call signs etc sent to the various Grps. 11, 92, 8, & 38.
2310 433/I crash - Swung on take off - port wing seemed to catch fire as he came to rest about 50 yds from the Bomb dump. His bombs exploded [inserted] 2120 hrs [/inserted] and damaged 2 crash tenders but no casualties. Category burned
[underlined] Wednesday July 26. [/underlined]
0350 Diversion signal sent
420 - Land at Bourn
425 - Land at Warboys
419 - if petrol low land at Polebrook
428 - if petrol low land at Bassingbourn
0420 Diversion Bases - signal repeated.
0400 - 0700 - Numerous messages & fixes from aircraft. - see message sheet.
0725 427/J - T.A.F. report that the a/c that crashed 6 miles S. W. Of Bayeux Pilot - P/O [one indecipherable word] found - but no particulars if alive or dead. Ex 11 Grp - 427/J - navigator F/O Sundrun and 2 others are O.K - slight bruises and in Bayeux hospital.
0730 a/c away - All instructed to be refuelled and to return to base.
0900 off Duty F/O O Beirn. On Duty F/O Mountjoy.
1015 2 Grp 420/X - landed at landing strip B6 in Normandy - Took for Dunsfold will refuel and return to Base
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[blank page]
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1330 61 Base Dalton Hurricane Gave permission for this Hurricane to go to [one indecipherable word] for a major inspection.
1400 Off duty - F/O Mountjoy - On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O.
1430 64 Base - Request permission for S/O Blackburn to fly in 434/X - on SBA tests. SASO says his duty requires it. No permission required by from 6 Grp.
1500 427/J (Bayeux) - From 6 Grp Intelligence - Word received from Bognor :- navigator, F/E, R/G. and M/UG are O.K and plan to return to base via an Anson a/c. Bomber Aimer F/O Campbell has back injury and is in a hospital in France. Captain P/O EGLI is O.K. but his location is vague no news of WOP. - but he is thought to be safe.
427/J bombed the [symbol] at 0153 hrs - was hit by flak at 0155 and hydraulics and U/C damaged. Ran out of petrol over Bayeux and baled out.
Inf 62 Base. Intell advising SASO & A.O.C.
1530 Weather - Met do not advise X/C flights this afternoon. Heavy at 10000 feet risk of thundery showers Warned 64, 61, 62 Base. Re. flashlight target at Bristol - expect 10/10 cloud and bases :- poor in smoke and fog. 0330 hrs and later.
1800 Anson - From Bognor landed with 4 of crew of 427/J.
1830 U/429 and 426/J returning to base tonight remainder to remain overnight.
[page break]
July 25 62 Base - Received a postogram 6G/S42/AIR which is an amendment to BC/S31408/3/AIR/FC Dated July 3/1944 62 Base - claim they have not received the BC letters. Checked - 6G/S42/AIR/16 July with a letter attached to BC/S 314 08/3/air/FC. -
Suggest Emergency Airfield.
Inf - 62 Base.
[underlined] Reference a/c away [/underlined] 1100 hrs 27-7-44
From - F/S Warmsley - Gransden Lodge.
426/R - Tangmere - Requires P.O.E. Change.
420/V - Beaulieu - S. - Tire changed by Ground.
62 Base want it back to-day
[page break]
432 sqdn - given permission by air I to take our a/c to Ford plus 2 crews to follow if weather permits.
1830 Off duty B.T O Beirn F/O
1930 Central FC. Advise crew of Z/425 are returning to base by rail - 62 base advised. 64 Base have no information re the crew of V/428
2002 61 Base LANCASTER PH-A. This a/c landed at Dalton at 1955. - an a/c from Wickenby - No1 Group. No further information yet.
2010 1 Grp Enquired if that we had their a/c, he had sent a W/T message “making a forced landing” Advise that a/c was struck by lightning and Electrical equipment and instruments went for Burton. 1 Grp. Advised. a/c to be made serviceable and to return to base W/X permitting as soon as possible.
0900 Off Duty F/O Mountjoy. On duty B. O’Beirn F/O
0920 425 (AIR I) a/c to Ford - permission granted to take fitters & parts - But must get approval from 6 Grp when weather clears about Sunday.
1000 419/Z - Request permission for flight to Ringway -
[one indecipherable word] Eng. Lanc are fitted with rivets, but Can. Lanc. are fitted with screws. Ringway is believed to be the only place where these screws can be fitted in the fuselage. - If a/c cannot be repaired at Ringway it will not be fit for operations.
1012 419/Z SASO is & AIRI grant permission for above - 64 Base [one indecipherable word] W/X.
1100 424/O At Thorney Island - of Thorney Is will be ready within 24 hrs. - crew have returned by rail.
1300 Top Oxford - Air I grants permission for
[page break]
432/D - T.O. - 1432 for Ford with skeleton crew for 432/G Returned to base 1700.
Wellington - LP-496 landed Linton from Topcliffe. Liaison visit.
Hurricane - W/C Fleming landed from Cranwell at Leeming at 1540.
[page break]
1300 Oxford (Topcliffe) pilot (W/C Weiser) to fly a north Allerton doctor to Castle Kennedy. The doctor will perform an emergency operation at Stranraer and return this afternoon.
433/C Air I grants permission for a trip to Woodbridge with a crew for 433/C. T.O. - 1445
1300 a/c at Silverstone, Turweston and Tangmere & Beaulieu which are serv - are instructed to get a met forecast and return to base.
1320 F/L Betcher at Andreas - Isle of Man is awaiting transport home. Inf. AirI
1600 Local Bullseye - not favoured by 6 Grp Met nor 61 Base Met. 61 Base are withdrawing their offer. Inf 12 Grp night Ops.
1600 [one indecipherable word] Exercise to-morrow afternoon Gave information to 61 Base.
1610 63 Base Oxford - AIR grants permission for a skeleton crew to Harwell for 424/J
1700 431/F - F/L Smith of Gransden - reports craft to supply a Part fin + people to put it on plus variety of hydraulic connections and Hyd. fluid.
420/CK Requires a new P.I. engine starter. Smith of Gransden will provide starter and get it ready to-night or to-morrow.
1750 433/C. - Farmer can AC ex Woodbridge requires inspection by “Bristol Engineers” - before being here. 433/I with additional crew made useless trip.
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D.F.C.O. Please Note.
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1830 Off Duty F/O O Beirn. On Duty F/O Mountjoy.
1840 Ex 92 Grp 432-G 432-E. These a/c landed at Oakley. They were on the way back from Ford. E/432 had hydraulics u/s. It will be O.K to take - off and return by 2100 hrs. After that check with us.
1900 Ex 92. G/432 airborne at 1845 for base landed at Oakley at 1730. E/432 should be S by 2000 hrs. 62 Base advised.
1918 Ex 92. F/429 - Took off for Leeming from Turweston at 1910 63 Base advised (Landed at Base)
Note 4 Grp Bombing 4 Group will be using Helmsley Bomb Range Time 02.10 - 13 a/c involved - 3 Red T.I s. at 1000. hrs. - advised 61 Base
2001 Ex Harwell J/424 airborne for Skipton at 1925 63 Base advised. (Landed at Base)
2030 OXFORD 61 Base Called 9 Group re Topcliffes Oxford. Asked them if this a/c had taken off on Return from Castle Kennedy. Met it will be O.K for him to return, if he is not already on his way.
2040 Met tonight For X/C Checked with met re - 61 Bases X/C training tonight E.T.R 0050 approx. Met say it will be O.K.
2050 Oxford 61 Base. 9 Grp advise that this Oxford was airborne from Castle Kennedy for Topcliffe at 2005 (Landed at Base)
2110 Ex 92 Grp. E/432 E/432 cannot take - off from Oakley before 2130.
2130 Oxford 61 Base. S.A.S.O. - Requests 61 Base’s Oxford be at Linton at 1330 hrs tomorrow, Ready to take - off by 1400 hrs, to pick up A/C Ross and take him to Prestwick and return immediately. 61 Base advised.
2200 E/432 Checked with 92 Group. They have found an Air - lock in Hydraulic system and he is not ready to take - off yet. They will get permission from 6 Grp before he takes off.
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415/U - S.O.E Cut on take off. Pilot knew he was going too fast to stop, so tried to get airborne, lifted his wheels and tried a belly landing clear of the R/W in order to let the other a.c off.
[underlined] CRASH [/underlined]
415/U MZ - 686 Pilot - P/O [deleted] Andrews D R [/deleted] WILLIS.
Inf. - AOC, — SASO — AIR I — SOC — ENG. — EQUIP — G.A.I.O.
Re - the bombs - 16 X 500 - 2 - 6 hr long delay and 14 TD. 025 of which 10 are found. 0130/29 - Bomb Disposal Squad Snaith informed. promised to be at Eastmoor by 0500 hrs.
Eastmoor have blocked the road, posted a guard and a farmer has vacated his home until the bombs are disposed of.
[page break]
2231 92 Grp. Says E/432 airborne for East Moor at 2222 He will be coming back with his wheels down. 62 Base advised also W/C Smith who was in ops room at the time. Landed at Base 2322.
2325 61 BASE DALTON Report one of Daltons Hurricanes coming in to land had a flat tire.
2355 HURRICANE A/C No LF 385 - G - Pilot F/S. Long AUS. 419859 Port tire was flat on landing Port undercarriage and Port main Plane damaged. CAT. A/C. He had been on a weather flight and had done a F/A exercise. Pilot is O.K.
FRIDAY [underlined] JULY 28/1944 [/underlined]
0900 Off duty F/O Mountjoy On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O
0930 Oxford - W/C Lawless requests that F/L Betcher be informed to be at [one indecipherable word] between 1500 - 1700 hrs to-day to be picked up by [one indecipherable word]
1300 Off duty F/O O’Beirn On duty F/O Spence.
1730 CFC. - Request for 8 [one indecipherable word] weather lancs.
1830 Off duty F/O Spence. On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O.
2000 Ops - Met forecast our bases are O.K for return [one indecipherable word] TOT is earlier.
2030 C.F.C. - Cancelled request for bases.
2227 415/U CRASH - Crashed on take off [inserted] 2219 hrs [/inserted] is clear of runway, not burn - no details of crew or reason for crash. MZ - 686 Pilot P/O [deleted] Andrews [/deleted] Willis Other a/c taking off on time.
2240 415/U landed 150 yds off the end of the runway and burned. One member of the crew has a
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[underlined] Missing a/c [/underlined]
408 - A, C, M, P.
426 - P U
420 - N
425 - K. S.
415 - Q
432 - B.
427 - Y
424 - E
433 - W
428 - K
431 - A, B, H, J, R.
434 - X X.
All missing a/c passed to W/C Guest. Equipment officers & crashed a/c P4 notified of all casualties, G.T.I, — AIRI, — ENG, — S.O.C, — SASO — C of A.
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slight cut over his eye; the remainder of crew are O.K. Inf. 12 Grp. - AIR I. S-O-P.
2300 Bases - met forecast northern bases OK for return. 62 Base may get yellow. Inf. C.F.C. that we may need - 4 - 6 bases.
[underlined] Saturday July 29. [/underlined]
0130 Bases - Request for 1 or 2 bases north of 6 Grp. - Met recommend Charter Hall, Ouston etc.
0200 Bases - C.F.C. & 12 Grp offer Ashlington - 15 a/c Ouston 10 a/c. Charter Hall also open. In emergency can use Syerston, Wigthorpe and Wigsley - 6 Grp.
0200 62 Base - Offered Dishforth for Eastmoor, and Wombleton for Tholthorpe. 61 base inf.
0315 Linton - vis decreasing. - Eastmoor improving. Linton to use Dishforth if necessary.
0405 408/K DS - 730 Pilot - WO McLeod Landed at Woodbridge 0351 - no brake pressure. - Questioned 62 Base why not briefed for Carnaby. [inserted] P.I.E SO.E U/S. [/inserted]
420/E - Fix from Hull
5354N 0152E 3rd 0330 ask. Message P.E. U/S - 0330 Inf. 62 Base. (Landed base at 0427)
0410 Bases - remaining fit - Tholthorpe 3 miles. 12 Grp & 61 Base stood down.
0530 Diversion Summary to C.F.C. - 3 a/c landed away at 3 stations.
0530 429/D HX-339. P/O STEWART. Landed at Charter Hall at 0405 navigator seriously injured - in Peel Hospital. Pilot and MUG. slightly injured and in S.S.Q Charter Hall. Aircraft is badly
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shot up. - Ailerons and one tire - Pilot - wounded in the shoulder made a good landing a/c totally U/S.
0520 408/K DS - 730. - at Woodbridge PI. & SO U/S - a cannon shell in bomb bay. Pilot and F/ENG slightly injured.
0530 415/U - Landed Skipton at 0423 hrs. - short of petrol. Both starboard engines kept cutting all the way from the target. Gee & W/T U/S.
Crew instructed to remain at Skipton & bring aircraft back when serviceable.
0540 433/J MZ - 284 Pilot F/O DEVINE - Came in on emergency landing at Skipton, all engines cutting, short of petrol. As he landed two engines cut, a/c ground - looped and collided with 433/N, which was at dispersal without a crew.
Crew of 433/J - O.K.
Categories - 433/J - Cat - AC 433/N - Cat EI.
0600 431/U NA - 550 Pilot F/O Holden. - Landed Strubby. Aircraft badly shot up, rear turret shot to pieces, holes shot in the wings, bomb doors will not close.
Category -
Crew - Pilot, W.O.P, & F/E OK. now. B/A, MU/AG - baled out and are OK. - all six at SSQ Strubby Rear Gunner - badly wounded taken to RAF - Rauceby.
0900 Off Duty F/O [one deleted word] O’Beirn On Duty F/O Mountjoy
1115 62 Base Eastmoor aerodrome U/S TFN - Unexploded bombs - They will advise us when the aerodrome EASTMOOR is S.
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Ex. F/L Justason
Careful check made of flying training times result in following totals for 64 Base.
419 Sqn. 281:40 hrs (Group total Shows 268:38 hrs
428 Sqn. 481:35 hrs (Group total Shows 443:55 hrs
431 Sqn. 322:04 hrs (Group total Shows 333:28 hrs
434 Sqn. 321:57 hrs (Group total Shows 331:53 hrs
Explanatory letter & tabulation from July 1 to July 26 (incl.) being forwarded by 64 Base - S/L Ganderton informed.
[underlined] Poor Weather Bases [/underlined]
420 - 15 Little Harwood
426 - Little Harwood
425 - 15 Wing
426 - 5 Wing
424 - 15 Silverstone
433 - 15 Market Harborough
427 - 15 Bruntingthorpe
429 - 15 Bitteswell
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1130 62 Base Report that last night several of their a/c reported a searchlight exposed at Flamboro Head, parallel to the sea and shining out to sea on the track of a/c returning. Pilots report that a/c could be seen silhouetted against it. Checked with 12 Grp.
1424 F/434 FORD F/LT Smith informs us that this a/c is definitely serviceable and is ready to be collected. [one indecipherable word] advised that in view of the weather situation, it would not be advisable to send a crew by air to pick up F/434. Therefore Controller suggests they send down a crew by rail today.
1500 SKIPTON Require 1/2 hrs notice before any a/c can take-off or land. - Due to work on Rwys. - All Rwys till 1800 hrs.
1556 MET WARNING Local thunderstorms expected this afternoon & evening over England & Wales.
1815 LOCKHEED AE 628 G/C Keddie landed at Lemming at 1813. Presumably staying the night
1830 Off duty F/O Mountjoy On duty H.L. Spence F/O.
2140 Harvard “20” (R/T) (284591) Took off from M. St. G at 2120 for Turnhouse Pilot Major [one indecipherable word] Informed M.R.S. 12 Grp. Who state this a/c is u/s. (Cessna C-78 previously advised by 12 Grp not to take-off.) Both a/c from Kingscliffe, or are same one.
2220 ditto “Outcry 20” called Darky. Heard by M. St. G. Landed at Croft 2222 hrs.
Sunday - July 30/44.
0100 Div’n Bases Provisional Weather bases received from C.F.C. and allotted as follows - see opposite page. - passed to Stations 0130 hrs.
D.F.C.O.’s to note Authorisation by S.A.S.A. for Wombleton a/c to take up A.2C. personnel during week July 30 to Aug. 6 (incl.) (daylight - with Instructions)
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Sunday - July 30/44
425/Z Serviceable at Woodbridge (ex. 62) Authorisation by S.A.S.O. to fly skeleton crew down to pick up [one indecipherable word]
0450 Div’n Bases Met in 92 Group not so favourable. Most of our own bases Red for take off.
0500 Div’n Bases Checked C.F.C. who state weather bases given will be unfit at 0600 hrs but should be fit by 0900 or slightly thereafter. 6 Group Met suggest some other bases be laid on in case 92 Group cannot cope.
0530 Div’n Bases Requested C.F.C. to let us know what other stations might be able to assist. Suggested (by 6 Group) service stations in 3 & 8 Groups. C.F.C. still feel 92 Group will be O.K. but agreed to check for other bases.
0615 Div’n Bases 92 Group quite satisfied to take the diversion. Gen passed. S.A.S.O. Ruling is that if bases in 6 Group are 800 - 1000 ft. cloud base with “bags” of visibility aircraft are to be brought home. Decision to be made by 0800 hrs for 0820 & 0850 broadcasts.
0810 Div’n Bases S.O.C requested diversions to 92 Grp
Off duty F/O Spence, On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O.
0900 Div’n Bases 92 Grp advised W/C had not cleared - re - diverting on R/T to 93 Grp
0920 Div’n W/X in 6 Grp clearing. Recalling all a/c to 6 Grp stns by Grp W/T & R/T. Inf. 62 & 63
1005 427/D Landed at Mildenhall at 0832. - 3 eng - 13 X 500 lb. bombs aboard - Instructed 3 Grp to have him de - bombed and repaired for return.
1010 Proctor - 6 Grp - Request for m/u a/c for 1315 hrs - for S/L Rawsden - for trip to Wombleton - 61 Base OK.
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420/G - NA - 528 Crashed at White Waltham Crew.
Pilot F/L KALLE R.A. DFC. J-19881
Killed. W/OP. F/S CUSACK. C. 551450
Bristol Flashlight Inf 61 Base 1420 hrs.
2345 - 0100 hrs.
91 Grp. - 17000 ft.
6 Grp - 16000 ft.
Route - Swindon, Bristol, Cardiff, Swansea.
W/C Fleming HV - 366 Hurricane landed Linton 1205 hrs - [one indecipherable word] M.S.G.
Hudson (AE - 628) G/C Keeder T.O at 1300 hrs from Lemming for Acaster Malbis (York)
Mosquito - PZ - 313 landed Tholthorpe at 1302 from Little Snoring.
Mosquito HK - 285 landed Dishforth at 1552 from Coltishall.
Oxford PH - 124 landed Shipton 1805 from Gransden.
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1015 424/D - Landed Defford at 0950 - sun - Instructed to return to base.
1020 61 Base - request Bristol Flashlight tonight
1025 92 Group - say they are poor for landings in foggy weather as they are fairly high. Consider they were a bad choice. Evidently C.F.C. would not allow [underlined] other [/underlined] bases for our operational returns.
1130 420/G NA - 528 F/L KALLE - Crash landed at White Waltham at 0920 hrs. Aircraft ran across the tee, overshot and crashed into railway line. It burned but the crew were taken out in time It had bombs aboard, and these blew up, blocking the railway.
Rear gunner has died and the other 7 are in hospital at TAPLOW. - broken arms & legs - details later. The railway runs E - W on north side of airfield.
1600 Request to CFC. For diversion bases (4) in 92 - 93 Groups and one more for C.V. a/c from Bristol Flashlight.
1630 429/A - Landed at Litchfield [sic] this morning - 93 Grp definitely reported it as an engine change. - Now proves that CSO was u/s but crew had returned meanwhile.
1700 429/D at Charter Hall is Cat B. - all crew, except navigator who is ill in hospital, are instructed to return by train. Inf 62 Base.
1730 424/R - at Litchfield [sic] is S. - Instructed to return.
433/U - at Litchfield [sic] - Bad had leak in the wing - will be a day or two
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1830 C.F.C. Request for definite diversion base - for 1666 & if necessary 1664 - area Middle Wallop Boscombe Down.
SASO has ruled they can do this, as met have said bases in 92 - 93 are good up to at least 0200 hrs.
Off duty - B.T O’Beirn F/O On Duty F/O Mountjoy.
WELLINGTON BJ - 644 63 Base report this Wellington landed at Leeming. He brought a S/L to hospital from Leconfield and is returning immediately to Ossington. Landed at 1830. T.O. for Ossington at 2020.
[deleted] 1845 [/deleted] 1910 DIVERSION BASE Secured Hartford Bridge as an [one indecipherable word] diversion base for 61 Base a/c. (Provisional) WX.
[deleted time] 1930 DIVERSION BASE W/C Weiser says this would not make a long enough X/CC route. Wants to have a/c brought back to base and if its not possible to land them, divert them on R/T. Says Hartford Bridge would then be too far suggests some place in 93 Group.
[deleted time] 1955 He secured Castle Donington from CFC as best place so far as weather, but 93 Group met can not promise even that after 0200 hrs. Passed this to 61 Base who say they will have their down by 0200. Informed 93 Group and C.F.C.
2035 61 Base Hurricane from Dalton going out to sea 50 miles east of Whitby for a weather check T.O 2100 hrs. T.O. 2057
2110 12 Grp Say the movement has been passed to them as going out to sea at Seaton Snook which is an IAZ and therefore banned.
Checked with 61 who had given the route at first as out at Whitby then on suggestion of their met had changed the route to NE [one indecipherable word] without getting approval or checking the route. 12 Group say they will try and warn the guns as a/c has already taken off.
[deleted] 2315 61 Base [/deleted] 2315 61 Base W/C Weiser asks us to try and get Ossington as a diversion base, as Castle Donington is not in Bomber Code. Secured it and 61 are sending diversion signal.
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F/LT SMITH. - Will give a recap of serviceability and progress in work on a/c away from base.
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MONDAY - JULY 31st - 1944
0230 [underlined] DIVERTED AC. [/underlined] All training A/C down O.K. Seven at Ossington. Standing By ready to return by 0900 - 1000 hrs today weather permitting. Met don’t think it will be possible to have them back before 1100 hrs.
0800 OSSINGTON V/1666 on landing at Ossington last nite, landed with hydraulic trouble & swung off the runway. Crew A/C. & have not stated the cat of the A/C.
0835 SKIPTON W.I.P. will require 1 hr. notice to land A/C, should have work completed by 1200 noon.
0900 Off duty F/O Mountjoy. On duty H. L. Spence F/O.
1000 Wombleton Oxford Flight to Ossington S/L Mc Gowan and servicing assistant authorised by S.A.S.O.
Liaison Visit Permission for F/L Carew (O.C) to go to Holme on Spalding Moor in Hurricane this p.m. S.A.S.O. says OK. subject, to OK from Base Commander
1100 420/G Crew Ex. Sick Bay - White Waltham:- F/S Cussack (W.O.P.) is the person killed - not Sgt. Metcalfe. F/S. Harvey & Sgt. Wallace are O.K. F/S Hallburton & P/O Meson have fracture of femur. F/L Kalle and Sgt Burton progressing satisfactory. Sgt Metcalfe unconscious on admission. 62 Base informed. Also Controller.
1120 428/M Lanc. To fly to Ashton Down this p.m. for inspection. Special job of W/C Powell’s. Controller says O.K.
Hal. at. Elvington. Allotted to Wombleton. Skeleton crew to be Instructors. Wish to fly down in Hal. O.K.d by S.A.S.O.
1425 Div’n Bases Provis. Weather Requested 3 bases for 46 Lancs from C.F.C. To let us know after Met conference.
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Reported by F/L Smith
426/R. - Tangmere - S.
420/F - Tangmere - S.
425/B - Tangmere - should be ready in 1 day.
420/T - BEAULIEU - Should be ready in 1 day.
433/C - Serv - Woodbridge.
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1500 429/(A & H) Now serviceable. Skeleton crew to be flown to Litchfield [sic] & Turweston this P.M. OK’d by Controller.
1530. W/C Powell. Accommodation arranged at Ashton Down for 5 Officers (4 Senior) & 4 Sgts overnight.
1520. 420/F Now serviceable at Tangmere. Permission granted by Controller to fly crew down to pick it up.
1555 Prov. Weather Div’n Bases. Requested 8 more diversion bases for 100 Hals. from C.F.C.
1600 Com Flt. Proctor Reserved for W/C Smith to go to Ashton Down, 0900 hrs 1-8-44. Pilot arranged for.
1745 Div’n Bases Weather C.F.C. could not give us any definite bases for after 0300 hrs.
1810. 426/R Permission by Controller to fly crew to Tangmere to pick up [one indecipherable word] Both a/c on training details.
1830 Off duty H.L. Spence F/O. On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O.
1910 Re Bases - Since T.O. is now earlier our met believe we can cope in 6 Grp.
2100 Div. Base - C.F.C. allocate Harwell as prov. W/X base for our 4 Gardeners - 92, 91 Grp will be prepared for emergencies.
2200 Oxford. W - 6574 - S/C Newson requests clearance from Lemming 1000 hrs ETR Hendon 1130 hrs. July 1st. Hendon & 12 Grp MLS - will not give clearance now - must be done with both early to - morrow.
2300 X/Country a/c - S.O.C. on SASO’s ruling recalls all X/C a/c to be down by 0001 hrs. Inf 63, 61, 62, 64 Bases.
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HAL - WZ - 363 landed Lemming at 1955 from -
possibly allocated to Leeming
[underlined] Missing [/underlined]
429/C - LV950 Pilot - WO2 IRISH. Inf w/c [one indecipherable word]
[underlined] Early Returns [/underlined]
420/C at 2326 at posn 5407N 0140E at 5500ft
Reason - Hyd’ U/S. Could not retract undercarriage Conf by C.T.O.
420/S - 2324 at posn 5407N 0130E at 10000ft
Reason - could not get above 6000’ at 2400 rev & 6 boost speed - 155 - 160 M.P.H. Tried to gain lift - went to gate - a/c responded - climbed to 10000, - fly O.K.
Wouldn’t respond at first very rough.
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2310 63 Base - Are recalling 433/I,E,M,P,R,V. - by HF/DF.
2315 61 Base - TO 1664 / K,A,L,W,O,Z,M, - Return to Base - ETA 0001.
426/R. - Remaining at Tangmere. “R” took off at 2113, but returned to Tangmere at 2118. - Weather bad.
2330 Clunas - Bombing Range - controlled by Lossiemouth - not informed - by 61 Base - Wish to be advised of bombing. Inf. 61 Base.
2330 420/C. - Early return - going to jettison.
August 1st
0025 Gardeners Diverted to Harwell. -
0115 Gardeners Diversion [one indecipherable word] to Harwell.
0150 426/A,F,J,M,W - diverted to Skipton.
0200 Tholthorpe - 23 a/c Skipton.
0212 420/U “D” rated U/S sent to Croft
425/N - No Art Horizon sent to Croft.
0225 16 a/c sent to Croft and mid S. G. From 63 Base.
0225 4 Grp - Sending us a/c from 5 Grp, 1 Grp and 4 Grp - 10 - 15 in all. Offered Dishforth. 62 Base informed. Have Dalton and Topcliffe ready if needed.
0430 All aircraft down in 6 Grp. 4 Gardeners 433 sqdn at Harwell. 9 a/c of other groups landed at 3 of 6 Grp stations.
0515 C.F.C. - Diversion summary reported.
0750 63 Base X/C - planned for take off 0930 - return 1230 - advised to wait 2 or 3 hours. Bases 10/10 1200’ vis 2 miles.
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[underlined] Serviceability [/underlined] of a/c diverted within the Group.
F/426 - Hyd - used emergency landing procedure.
X/420 - Oil leak, low oil pressure.
N/425 artificial horizon U/S.
I/425 - serv.
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0800 Oxford (63 Base) G/C Newsom - Weather poor at base and at Hendon. Advise 63 Base to have him wait.
0820 W/C Smith - proctor to Aston Down. Inf. that weather was good until 1100 hrs or later.
0900 Off Duty F/O O’Beirn On Duty F/O Mountjoy.
1030 12 Grp LOCAL BULLSEYE Major Jackson says local Bullseye in the Tyne Tees area - [deleted] for [/deleted] dropping window and firing white Verey Cartridges - Scheduled for tonight is off until Saturday due to weather. They will check with us on Saturday re this.
1125 38 Grp SKIPTON DIVERTON [sic] Called them. They report all a/c are serviceable and will wait for the O.K to return from us.
1210 63 Base N/425 W/O Ryan reports that when diverted to M.S.G. He had artificial Horizon U/S and was in their circuit when lights went out. Called on R/T but got no answer. Croft answered and he saw their lights. Also saw Leeming’s lights and proceeded there. Takes a dim view of M.S.G. Reported to 64 Base who will look into it.
1220 Oxford W - 6574 63 Base T.O. Time for Hendon 1300 E.T.A. Hendon 1430 Hendon say this is OK. M.L.O. 12 Grp say OK also - going direct. 63 Base advised. Permission to make this flight was granted by S.O.C.
1225 DIVERTED A/C. Wickenby ask us to have their a/c standing by for T.O. at 1330 hrs. 61 Base & 63 Base informed.
1547 COMMUNICATIONS FLIGHT OXFORD 61 Base asked to lay on Communication flight Oxford to go to Halton to be ready at first light - to take photographs to Halton.
1555 S.O.C. 61 Base. Permission given for Tholthorpe to send for 2 crews by air to Tangmere to pick up 2 a/c - B/425 & F/420 - now serviceable - providing it is on training flight - weather permitting otherwise send crews by train.
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431/L - Pilot P/O Skeaff.
[underlined Damage [/underlined] :- U.C wiped off. - broken back.
[underlined] ML 853. [/underlined] Other damage. Cat E. Crew OK.
Informed Controller — SASO — G.A.S.O. — AIRI — Equipt — ENG — GTI
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1700 62 Base R/426 Request permission for R/426 to return to base. Controller gave his permission. Asked 11 Group to see he was routed clear of all high ground, and that he checks with weather.
DIVERTED A/C at HARWELL Checked with met who say weather enroute a little improved. Cloud base 1000 to 1500 with cloud at 800’ on hills. Bases will be O.K. Controller gave his permission for them to return. Harwell informed.
1720 4 Grp [one indecipherable word] Gave permission for this a/c at Eastmoor to return to base.
1735 PROCTOR 61 Base Communication Flight. Controller OK’d change to Proctor. It will be standing by ready to Take off at first daylight together with pilot & navigator.
1830 Off duty F/O Mountjoy On duty H. L Spence F/O.
2100 425/N Ref entry 1210 hrs. Ex. 64 Base. Possible explanation of Middleton not being lit up & failing to hear [one indecipherable word] when called. “Told to prepare for some a/c being diverted, by S.A.S.O. at 0215 hrs. In past, due to interference of balloon squeakers permission was given not to listen out on 6440 kcs. Possibly 425/N came up before Middleton were able to switch over from channel D to 6440 kcs” Informed 62 Base.
431/L Throttles jammed on touch down. Kicked left rudder, swung off runway, could not get stopped and crossed over perimeter track. Damage to aircraft not yet assessed - Cat, E.
2200 a/c off course (Op’l) Ex 12 :- Some a/c approaching up North Sea & crossing in at Flamboro. Want to know why? Have requested 63 Base to check & let us know.
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1100. 4 Grp Ex 6 Group Met :- Query by 4 Group for possible diversion. Believe Leeming, Skipton & Dishforth may hold.
1150. Met Informed 61 Base low stratus at 1000ft & would be down to 500’ within next 30 - 40 minutes.
Liaison Visit S.F.C.O. to note. Ex. Ouston - F/L Tennant. Flying Control, desires to visit Middleton and Croft for purpose of acquainting himself with conditions of a heavy bomber operational station. Feels it would be to advantage in case of diversion to them. This occasioned by several instances of diversions earlier in year. Had in mind visit on Thursday or Friday this week. Told him it should be O.K. and didn’t require further clearance. Advised F/L Justason, who was agreeable subject to S.F.C.O’s O.K. but suggested first of next week as a better time. Possibly you may wish to confirm this with F/L Tennant.
[underlined] Wednesday - Aug. 2/44 [/underlined]
0010 429/D D.F.C.O. note. C.T.O. at Charter Hall has not yet signalled category of mfn. Please check him up.
0900 Off duty F/O Spence. On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O.
1030 433/Hal + 2 extra crews to go to [underlined] Litchfield [/underlined] & [underlined] Woodbridge [/underlined] for U/433 and C/433 respectively. S.O.P. gave permission for ops crew & a/c. when w/x is fit.
1055 Hurr. PG-523 - Took off at 1050 from Linton for Melbourne. Inf. 44 Grp x [one indecipherable word] Weather not good at Melbourne. he may have to return.
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Re - 429/D - at Charter Hall. - Cat B. Checked with Charter Hall, who had signalled it. (G.T.I.) have a copy of the signal. Inf. 63 Base F.C. to inform C.T.O.
Re - [underlined] Routing to Hendon [/underlined] - (Heston, HALTON, NORTHOLT)
D.F.C.O. NOTE 12 Grp. MLS. say they do not require routing to Hendon. - but that Hendon must be advised and willing to accept the aircraft.
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1105 Hurricane PG - 523. - back over Linton. Landed Linton 1110. Inf 4 Grp & 12 Grp F.C. Instructed 62 Base to insist that the Pilot get approval before T.O.
1120 420/G - Re crash of July 30 at White Waltham from 62 Base adj x F.C.
W/OP F/S - SUSACK. C. 552450 - KILLED
A/B. F/S HALIBURTON. W. R - 170839. Severely Injured.
R/G. SGT METCALFE DH. R - 192794 Severely Injured.
Inf. PA. — C. of A.O.
1135 Proctor - P-6248 - (2 F/L.) Took off from Linton at 1133 for Melbourne without permission. - seemed to slip off without any control by Linton - Bad show by Linton F.C. 4 Grp & 12 Grp annoyed as the weather is bad. Landed Melbourne 1150 - OK.
1155 A/C Constantine - left Halton at 1100 hrs for Linton. Inf. 62 Base F.C. S.A.S.O. S.O.C. Linton F.C.
1155 12 Grp - Request whereabouts of a Dominie - who had crashed as landed - Linton.
62 Base report no Dominie in their base.
61 Base [underlined] Dominie X - 7395 [/underlined] w/c VAUX. landed from Northolt - a Searton a/c - owing to w/x proceeding to to Northolt later to-day. Landed [underlined] Dishforth 1145 [/underlined] Inf. 12 Grp. 61 Base inf. Searton.
1255 A/C Constantine (Ex 62 Base) landed Denton at approx 125 - remaining there until the weather clears - Inf. S.A.S.O.
1310 Weather - conditions in 6 Grp & inland will improve. At 1500 hrs expect 7 - 10/10 at 1000’ - 1500’ - vis 3 - 6 miles. Advising X/C. a/c to be down by 2200 hrs.
1515 Woodbridge - C.F.C. say their weather is OK. Can send a/c with crew for 433/C Inf. 63 Base.
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Fairchild - 314419 - Pilot Capt. Coken. Landed Leeming 1809/2/8 from Alconbury - Returning to - morrow. 3/8/44.
S.F.C.O. - Wants July average landing times from 62 & 64 Base stations Inf. 62 & 64 Base.
Request - Total number of a/c and average time.
(1) Time up on R/T to Last Landing (amended figure)
(2) Time up on R/T to Last Landing Throwing out waste time.
(3) Average time - 1st down to last down.
Received - Eastmoor’s Repair.
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1520 Lichfield - Cloud base 800’ - 1000’ broken cloud - Inf - 63 Base - Requested that the 433 a/c go to Woodbridge first, - drop one crew there and proceed to Lichfield - if favourable land and if not return home.
1630 420/F Instructed 11 Grp to have [one indecipherable word] a/c return to base. ETA before 2100 hrs.
1630 Hurricane (Dalton) [two indecipherable words] “R” going on weather test off Flamborough head to 01300 E M.L.S. 12 Grp inf. also Church Fenton.
1650 Proctor LZ-586. - a/c Constantine left Denton at 1430. Linton F.C. had this information by telephone but a/c has not arrived.
1650 JP-166 Took off from Leeming at 1643 for Kinloss. Had stopped at Leeming en route from York to Kinloss.
1700 Proctor LZ-586 - a/c Constantine landed at Linton at 1657. Inf - Denton Inf SASO.
1730 Weather - met advise x/country a/c to land not later than 2359 hrs. Inf. 61, 62, 63, 64 Bases F.C. re above.
1830 off Duty F/O O’Biern on Duty F/O Mountjoy.
1935 11 Grp F/420 advise that pilot says he has a Mag Drop of 150 on Port Inner Engine Does this make kite u/s? Told him to check with the engineering officer at Tangmere. If he says O.K then return to base. Otherwise stay until a/c is fixed.
2050 12 Grp. Report on a/c around Linton Skipton Topcliffe area - a Halifax with 1 wheel down. Called 61, 62, 63 bases. He landed at Skipton. It was U/433.
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CRASH OF - HAL. III - NA 581 425/U
PILOT - F/LT. STARK. C.D. - J85641
NAV - P/O PITKIN. E.F. - J86151
WOP - P/O DAVIES P.P. - J87366
A/B - F/Sgt. PIGEON J.C. - R155052
R/G - F/Sgt. CODE J.E. - R155143
M/U - SGT SNIDER L. - R192720
F/E - SGT WATERS M.H. - R70189
AOC. — SASO. — ENG. — SOC. — AIRI. — SFCO. — EQUIP. — P4 — C of E. — G.A.T.O — [indecipherable] — SFCO.
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2105 Proctor. a/c Constantine left for Sheffield at 2050 advised 4 Grp.
2110 CRASH. Ex - 12 Grp 425/U An a/c of 425 Sqdn. crashed between Worksop & Fubeck near Hobstock Grange at A 0805. 2 bodies identified - a/c Burnt out. Sgt. MK Waters Sgt L. Snider - Flying NNW at 4000’ turned suddenly S and spun in. Checked with 62 Base. He was on a X/C. It must have been U/425 as he was 1 hour overdue - 12 Grp are checking further.
93 Grp. Confirmed above - Worksop took Crash action. Crash occurred at 1855 - there was a report from a villager that a/c was on fire in the air. The ROC did not confirm this. - All crew killed - Wreckage strewn over a large area and burnt.
2350 62 Base Say Tholthorpe will be demolishing 2 X 500 lb bombs. 61, [deleted] 62 [/deleted] 63 bases, 12 Grp and 4 Grp advised.
0900 Off duty F/O. Mountjoy On duty H.L. Spence.
1510. 1666/V Permission for crew to be flown to Ossington to pick [one indecipherable word] OK. - by Controller.
1625 Oxford for A.O.C. No Oxford in Communication flight. 62 Base checking Linton if their’s available for Sunday. (4 passengers.)
1620 420/F C.T.O’s office at Tangmere say mag drop has developed in 2 motors now. F/L. Smith’s office informed.
1650 62 Base Linton Oxford (for A.O.C.) Linton’s Oxford reserved for A.O.C. & passengers for. Aug 6th (Sunday) at 1430 - 1500 hrs. Pilot & standby navigator to be ready also. Going to Prestwick - may stay overnight.
1710 Nickeling Paris Query from 62 Base as to pts on trips counted for nickering Paris in Nso./943. Have some crews who took part when at Gaydon. 91 Group say these trips were not counted as operational. Informed
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[underlined] D7/C/O N.B. [/underlined]
Oxford for A.O.C.
Suggest D.F.C.O. on duty Sunday, Remind 61 Base in the morning of 6-8-44
[underlined] CRASH [/underlined] - on farm - of W.C. Ingledew - [one indecipherable word] Leeming Bar.
1666/S - JD - 274 Pilot - P/O SICOTE crew OK. Cat. - prov. E
Inf - SASO — AIR I — SOC — ENG — EQUIP — G.A.I.O. — S.F.C.O. — G.T.I.
2040 hrs. [underlined] Report by F/L Smith. [/underlined]
427/E - at Woodbridge - former Cat AC - serv - but requires a small piece of cowling - looking at S.O.E. head on, the piece is at about 4.30 hrs. It is not on the cowling around the engine but just behind the gills - 6 X 12 inches roughly. Inf 63 base
(63 base to send crew & above piece of cowling
420/Z - Tholthorpe working on it at Woodbridge. - Requires new oleo leg & new feathering parts - supposedly serv
420/F Tangmere - 50 mag drop. 150 mag drop.
[page break]
1710 Oxford for A.O.C. Entries 1625 & 1650 cancelled. Oxford and Pilot [inserted] F/L Holmes [/inserted] being provided by Dishforth.
1715 431/F. Permission granted by Controller to fly crew to Wing if a/c & crew are not required on todays ops.
1830 Off duty F/O Spence. On duty F/O O’Biern.
1845 1666/S JD - 274 [underlined] CRASH [/underlined] - On air to air and practice bombing detail, crash landed in a field near Catterick. Grid Ref - sheet 21 739138 crew are O.K. Lemming are guarding the crash. Pilot P/O SICOTE
2050 427/U - [one indecipherable word] 5134N 0210E I at 2032 hrs.[inserted] from Southampton [/inserted] [underlined] Message [/underlined] Aircraft hit by bomb completed operations, returning to base. 2030 hrs. - confirmed by 11 Grp from MLS Stanmore - Inf 4.3.R.
2055 420/C. FIX priority “P” fix from Hull 5130N 0208E I at 2041 hrs.
2100 Night Flying - 61 Base have only C & Bs - 62 Base, 64 Base nil. 63 Base 1 a/c ETA. 1130. Advised all bases that met forecast is duff after midnight.
2110 431/F at Wing ready to take off. Instructed not to take off until after 2130 hrs so he will arrive after the operations.
2145 431/F - 92 Group now report that the pilot phoned some one at Croft and decided that stratus cloud was [inserted] expected to [/inserted] come in at Croft and that the pilot decided to wait until to-morrow. Inf. 64 Base and asked them to check up who gave authority for the crew to stay.
2240 431/F 64 Base & Croft F.C. and 431 Flight Commander had no phone conversation with pilot re his staying overnight [one missing word]
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[underlined] Re - movements - MLS 12 GRP. [/underlined]
[underlined] Pass [/underlined] - (1) All movements north of a line - Edinburgh - Glasgow if route is overland even in the green area -
(2) All movements over the Irish Sea - north of Mull of Galloway and south of Strumble Head (Aberporth)
(3) Bombing or Air Firing - if not covered by Day Blanket coverage.
(4) movements over the north Sea north sea, or crossing the coast out, north of Berwick.
F/431 - WING - S - CREW THERE - SHOULD BE RETURNING M.S.G.’S Oxford was to take Hyd. Fluid today but flight was cancelled.
T/420 - BEAULIEU. -
B/424 - WELFORD -
[page break]
2330 Ops - 261 a/c - returned safely to base - a record, only 2 early returns. All Night Flying finished. Stations turning yellow - stratus Inf - 12 Grp & C.F.C.
[underlined] August 4th. [/underlined]
0745 Bases - For take off at 1000 hrs met forecast 800 to 1000’ - vis 3 miles plus. For returns - 4 - 7/10 at 1500 - 2000’ lowest vis - 2000 yds with possible smoke haze; most of the stations will be better than this.
0800 431/F - at Wing - Requested 92 Group to have him airborne as soon as weather permits - perhaps about midday - 92 Group will give us take off time and will consider our weather as fit unless we contact them.
0910 431/F - Requested 64 Base to have 431 Squadron Commander take up the matter with the pilot on return.
Off duty. B.T. O’Beirn F/O. On Duty F/O Mountjoy.
1015 A/C u/s away from Base. Checked with F/LT Smith Re a/c unserviceable and away from base.
1130 DALTON HURRICANE Permission granted for F/L Crewe - O C Clay F/A - to go to Wittering and return this afternoon on a liaison visit.
1400 64 Base Say Visibility a M.S.G. down to 1 mile in smoke. [one indecipherable word] Wombleton & Dishforth. - 419 to Dishforth 428 at Wombleton - 61 Base advised and O.K this. Provisionally Croft say they can cope O.K.
1410 Ex 12 Grp 433/S 433/S passed two Fixes on this a/c
1415 Distress message from 433/S
1417 Cancel Distress message - Backing out. - Ex 11 & 12 Grps. asked them to plot this a/c if possible.
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CRASH - [underlined] A/C NO HX275 433/2. [/underlined] ASHFORD, KENT.
J28667 F/O Simpson R.H. Capt.
J35750 F/O Woodhouse R. nav.
R130038 W/O Benoit J.P. WOP.
J35761 P/O Dandy C.M. A/B.
I855215 Sgt Purdie W. F/E.
R200588 Sgt. Budd R.E. M/U.
R182018 Sgt. Brown, O.M. a/g.
Doc, — saso, — Eng, — SOC, — air I, — STCO, — Equip, — [circled P4,] — [circled C of a], — Ga. — T.O., — GTI
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1430 DIVERSION 419 a/c diverted to Dishforth by W/T. - 428 are going to try & cope
1445 428 a/c diverted to Wombleton by W/T.
1506 CRASH S/433 11 Grp Report Halifax crashed near ASHFORD in Kent County - 6 Parachutes seen by R.O.C.
1520 Ex 64. Report 419/X in X/C on early return with a duff engine - Weather Duff so sent him to Dalton.
1530 DIVERTED A/C CROFT. Croft can’t cope instructed them to send remaining a/c to Dalton, as previously arranged. Following a/c sent.
431 - D, S, T.
434 - W, Q, S, N, E, J, P.
1540 Permission given for Z/1666 to go to Ossington with crew to pick up V/1666. This a/c did not go as yet (1845).
1550 61 Base Dalton reports black smoke to south. Checked with 63 & 62 base & 12 Grp. Turned out to be 4 Grp aerodrome burning incendiaries.
1557 CRASH S/433 11 Grp advise P/O DANDY in County Hospital at Canterbury & F/O Woodhouse picked up O.K. Dandy baled out when too low. Others not accounted for. Time of Crash 1440 approx.
1605 62 Base say Pilot F/O Simpson phoned from Lympe - he says all crew got out O.K.
1705 64 Base Weather has cleared will we have all serviceable a/c return to base. Contacted 61 Base and told them to have all serviceable a/c with crews ready to take - off as soon as possible they must have 2 hrs flying endurance before they take off.
Permission given for W/426 with extra crew to go to Woodbridge to pick up A/426 a former Cat AC.
1825 62 Base Halifax LL362 - From BLYTON LANDED at Linton at 1810 - Member of crew sick. 1 Grp informed.
[page break]
0915 hrs 5 Aug.
From - 6 Grp - Servicing Gransden
434/C - Exeter S.I.E Charge - ignition trouble and oil pressure men working on it.
431/F - Wing - requires hyd fluid - Gransden instructed to send it no other information.
[underlined] Non - starters [/underlined]
424/D - HYD. Leak - sealed off but there was an air lock. Bomb door would not close and u/c. would not retract.
424/V mag drop.
[underlined] Early Returns [/underlined]
420/L - Carnaby - Hyd. U/S.
408/I - Carnaby - one wheel would not retract.
433/V - Wouldn’t climb, excessive petrol consumption will have to be air tested.
424/O - Oil leak. S.O.E - front cover gasket broken C.T.O.
Flamingo - Lord Swinton landed Leeming at 1157. From Hendon. a/c went to 4 Grp in the afternoon without Lord Swinton.
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Aug. 4. 1944
2135 11 Group - re disposition of crew of 433/S that crashed on todays operation on Z-3257.
F/O Simpson & Woodhouse - RAF - Lympne
Sgt. Brown. RAF - Hawkinge.
Sgt. Budd. RAF - Hawkinge.
Sgt. Purdy. RAF - Hawkinge.
W/O Binart. RAF - Hawkinge.
P/O Dandy = Canterbury Hosp.
phoned to 63 Stn. ops. (to relay to 63 Base ops.
2245 All Flying down in Group.
[underlined] AUG 5. 1944. [/underlined]
0200 Very quiet.
0800 Off duty F/L. Warwick. On duty B. T - O’Beirn F/O
1000 1666/B. - SASO grants permission for F/L Bond to go to Honeybourne on liaison visit - dropping hydraulic fluid at Ossington.
1025 Oxford - W/C Weiser has permission of S.O.C. to go to Abington with a crew to pick up AOC’s Anson.
1125 426/A - TO. 1115. Took off without permission, as we had instructed CFC to hold him until we informed them that base was fit. Inf. 62 Base. Requested that the squadron commander checks the pilot.
1150 420/L (Early Return) Landed Carnaby - Hyd. u/s. at 1143. Inf. 62 Base. Jettison Posn 5415N 0022E at 1120. expect to return at 1300 hrs.
433/U 63 Base given permission by SASO to go to Lympne or Newchurch to pick up crew of 433/S who baled out 4/8.
[page break]
1430 - Report by F/L Smith.
425/Z - Woodbridge S. & awaiting a crew. Can a crew from Pocklington fly it to Tholthorpe & the latter [two indecipherable words] to Pocklington.
SASO agrees also 62 Base FC.
1845hrs CFC. - now report this a/c as U/S for a day or two. 4 Grp are having Pocklington a/c return by train.
433/H MZ - 828 Pilot - F/O Harrison J.R. Crash at Skipton Village.
Equipt G.T.I.
[deleted] 433/Y [/deleted] l. Linton
[deleted] 415/V [/deleted] l. Boscombe Down.
425/U - [deleted] NA - 581 [/deleted] [inserted] LL - 594. [/inserted] - S/L PHILBIN G.B. (25)
Equipt G.A.I. C of A P4
Aug 5.
1250 433/L. Fix from Southampton 5033N 0048W I at 1240
433/V From Southampton - message Returning to Base.
1500 64 Base - Laid on Wombleton for Croft and Dishforth
1550 Croft - 431/G, & S to Wombleton 431/K to Dishforth.
1700 Croft weather improving. a/c at Dishforth and Wombleton may return to base.
1715 C.F.C. Request for Colerne as diversion base for 4 Gardeners. Colerne is crowded will try & get us another.
1730. 425/Z now serv. - at Woodbridge but without a crew. F/L Smith suggests that Pocklington crew fly it to Tholthorpe & the latter provide transport to Pocklington.
SASO agrees, also 62 Base contacted 4 Grp who will reply.
1745 Oxford 61 Base DFCO NOTE - for AOC - To be ready with pilot & navigator at 1430 hrs on Sunday Aug 6 at Dishforth for trip to Prestwick. Arranged OK with 61 Base.
[underlined] Oxford [/underlined] Request to 61 & 62 Base. F/L Holmes requests another Oxford - pilot & navigator to go to Hendon at 0900 hrs to-morrow Sunday Aug 6, to bring LT. Col. RAINVILLE to Tholthorpe.
Pilot is to go to Flying Control at Hendon to meet L.t Col. there. Flying Control Tholthorpe is to advise the adjutant of 425 squadron when the Col. arrives. Col. Rainville is to return to Hendon Sunday eve. Or early Monday.
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433/H - M.Z - 828
CAT. E - Burned.
[underlined] Crew [/underlined]
Pilot - F/O Harrison JR - 21448 - Killed. (203)
NAV. - F/O KINDER JF - North Allerton Hosp - not seriously injured.
WOP. F/O Dutresne. LE. - N. ALL. HOSP. - slight
AB. F/O WIDENOSA ET - N. ALL. HOSP. - seriously
A/G P/O GODFREY NS - N. ALL. HOSP. - slight
F/E SGT WHITBREAD DL. N. ALL. HOSP. - Dangerously Injured
M/U F/S BOURNS R N. ALL. HOSP. Slightly Injured.
[underlined] Civilians [/underlined]
1 - 5 - YR - old Boy - Killed.
1 Woman - Seriously injured.
1 Woman - dangerously injured.
Inf. SASO — AIR I — SOC — ENG — EQUIP — C of A — P4 — G.A.I.O. — G.T.I. — SFCO.
0930/ Aug. 7/44.
F/E. - SGT WHITBREAD - DIED. - There were 3 civilian casualties - One infant killed and two women severely injured.
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AUG. 5
1900 DIV. Base. [underlined] Lyneham [/underlined] - Definite weather base for 4 a/c of 424 passed gen to 63 Base.
1915 433/H Crash. MZ - 828 Crashed Skipton Village at 1535 hrs.
Made normal approach on 3 engines turned and crashed - Pilot killed, and rest of crew injured, see opposite page.
2025 61 Base - Continuing a search for pilot and Oxford a/c for to-night.
On duty F/O Mountjoy.
2045 61 Base V-3533 F/O BALDWIN (Heston) Have this Oxford with Pilot & Navigator ready to take off for Hendon. Checked with Hendon and find that they close airfield at 2200 hrs. As they are not allowed to use airfield lighting Sent a/c to Northolt arranged his accommodation for the night and left instructions for him to proceed to Hendon to be there by 0900 hrs. tomorrow morning.
2130 Checked with bases re - training a/c and their ETA’s in view of weather.
64 Base, 63 Base, 61 Base, all down. 62 Base have 3 a/c of 420 Sqdn out on X/C. ETA. 2320. This time was near dead line for bases to be open according to met forecast. Discovered these a/c were 1 hr to 1 3/4 late in taking off. This had not been reported and made their ETA about 0100 hrs. Reported this to met who spoke to 62 Base at Tholthorpe met. Poor conditions were known by OC night flying at Tholthorpe but he let a/c go. Not being available at the moment 62 Base sent a recall signal and Controller OK’d this.
2336 DARKY Wellington Reported by 61 Base say Tholthorpe is working him. Turned out to be Wellington from Bramcote - F/L Lucani - Had W/T U/S. Pilot contacted Bramcote who suggested he finish his detail as a/c was otherwise serviceable. TO 2234.
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Re - points for target. Forêt de Nieppe. night of Aug 3/4
63 Base, 62 Base for Eastmoor request this.
Points 3 - 2 Inf 62 & 63 Base
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[underlined] SUNDAY AUG 6. [/underlined]
Off Duty. F/O Mountjoy. On Duty B.T O’Beirn F/O
433/H Crash - Yesterday - S.O.E was cut and the pilot was making a righthand circuit with wheels up. He was near the led - in lights when the wing dropped and he spun in and crashed. a/c was completely broken up and burned. Damaged 2 houses broke telephone wires and a tree.
Later report that pilot tried to overshoot.
0955 Oxford V-3533 F/O BADWIN at Heston for Lt. Col RAINVILLE. Requested F.C. Henden to contact pilot of Oxford at Heston. LT - Col. RAINVILLE was at Heston F.C. at the time. Inf. 61 & 62 Base.
1115 Proctor 61 Base. - W/C Friesen [inserted] Dishforth [/inserted] to be flown in m/u a/c to H.Q. London this afternoon SASO grants permission Inf. 61 Base
1140 4333/L - Crew. a/c u/s at Church Broughton - Re - crew. SASO grants permission for 424/A at Lyneham to drop in to Church Broughton to bring back crew of 433/L. Inf. Lyneham - to have 2 a/c airborne by 1230 hrs. Inf 63 Base.
1150 420/O - Former Cat a/c at [underlined] Edgehill [/underlined] now S. 62 Base granted permission [inserted] by SASO [/inserted] for 420/U - S/L Kluger to take a crew to Edgehill for 420/O. Inf. 62 Base.
1210 Oxford (Topcliffe) with a pilot and nav. will be ready at Dishforth at [deleted] 1430 [/deleted] [inserted] 1730 [/inserted] hrs for AOC. to go to Prestwick. Inf. P.A. to AOC. & 61 Base.
1210 X/Country - 61 Base planning Day X/C. 1445
1445 to 2000. Bombing 2100
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Re - Key - to “Gen” Room, no 23.
A.O.C. wanted to show a visitor around but the door was locked. Clerk had left the key in the girls rest room.
A.O.C. requests that we keep a duplicate of the key in Ops room for ready use.
Gen Room clerk instructed to leave the key with S.P. at main Door.
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1320 64 Base - Have 3 X/C - with ETR 1650 - Request a prov. w/x base - offered Leeming. Above x/c cancelled at 1300 hrs.
1345 Oxford 61 Base - Request Oxford V-3533 Pilot F/O Baldwin & nav. To be prepared to take Lt - Col Rainville to Hendon to-night or tomorrow.
1405 Oxford - V-3533 - (61 Base) with Lt. Col Rainville arrived Tholthorpe at 1400 hrs. Inf. F/L. Holmes & 61 Base.
1415 415/K - at Sturgate serv & ready to leave soon. Landed - Eastmoor
431/F - Left Wing at 1342 for Croft.
1500 425/A - S.O.C. grants permission for m/u a/c to take crew to Woodbridge for Z/425
Proctor (Dishforth) (HM-422 or V-7218) took off at 1400 hrs for Hendon ETR. 1515 Pilot - F/L Smith passenger - W/C Freisner. Inf. Hendon.
DFCO. note Hendon - insists upon notice of a/c prior to their take - off so they can cancel it if they cannot cope. - Also they have no night Flying equipment.
Oxford - V-3533 & Pilot - now at Dishforth preparing for trip to Hendon with Lt. Col Rainville. from Tolthorpe
1600 Oxford (Topcliffe) see entry 1210 hrs. The passengers are Capt. Spencer (Civil Service) and Mr. Crawford (Pensions) Due to arrive at Dishforth at 18.30 hrs. Passed to 61 Base.
1130 1659/N EV-275 CAT - A (R) Pilot F/O Coutte - was doing circuits and landings at Topcliffe - Tail wheel collapsed.
Inf. SASO — SOC — ENG — [deleted] EQUIP [/deleted] — GAIO — GTI
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[blank page]
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Oxford - (61 Base) remaining at Prestwick overnight.
Oxford (61 Base) V-3533 remaining at Dishforth to-night, as Lt. Col. Rainville is remaining at Tholthorpe.
[underlined] Monday August 7. [/underlined]
0001 Ident board changed.
0130 N.F. - based in 6 Grp.
0900 433/H - F/E - Sgt Whitbread - died [inserted] Aug 6 [/inserted] from his injuries sustained in crash at Skipton on 5 Aug. Inf - P4 C of A
Off Duty - B. T - O’Beirn F/O On Duty F/O Mountjoy.
1045 61 Base Oxford V-3533 F/L Homes [sic] requests Oxford to be standing by by 1300 hrs ready to take off for Hendon. Met advise T.O. time should be at 1400 hrs. F/LT Holmes advised. 61 Base advised they have Pilot & Nav. standing by.
1200 61 Base Confirmed T.O. Time for Oxford as 1400 hrs. 6 Grp Met quite happy about weather at that time at base & Hendon, also enrolee. Passed following message to 61 Base
“All training a/c in all Groups must be down before midnight.” - They will pass this to their Squadrons & stations
1310 B/424. F/LT Smith says B/424 Squadron now serviceable at Welford - 63 Base advised.
1315 Hendon V-3533 Hendon gave their permission for this Oxford to land at Hendon.
1330 Diversion Bases Contacted Central Flying Control Re diversion Bases. Asked for Bases as far north as possible with good Met Conditions from 0030 to 0130 hrs. Central F/C gave us the following stations in 93 Grp. Finningly, Worksop, Lichfield, Church Broughton, Wymeswold, Castle Donnington, Hixon, Seighford, Ossington, Gamston, Peplow, Tilstock. advised met.
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[blank page]
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1345 6 Grp Met. Say they have consulted 93 Grp. [deleted] with [/deleted] [inserted] about [/inserted] diversion bases. 93 Grp met & our met do not think that the following bases will hold up after midnight. Finningly, Worksop, Wymeswold Ossington. Gamston, and Castle Donnington not later than 0100 hrs. This leaves 6 bases.
1355 Diversion Bases Contacted 93 Grp with a view to determining whether or not they could land 200 a/c at 6 aerodromes. 93 Grp were not happy, but said in a pinch they thought they could cope but could could not promise a great deal from servicing point of view.
1420 Diversion Bases Contacted Central F/C and asked for some more aerodromes - Also asked for St Eval as diversion base for Gardening a/c. C/F/C say it will be out by Return time of a/c at 0200 hrs. Suggested [indecipherable word] Our met say it will be O.K and Central said they would be O.K too.
1440 62 Base OXFORD C-604 Want permission for this a/c to land at Hendon tomorrow morning. Route Base Lincoln Hendon - This has been approved by SASO.
1500 63 Base OXFORD V-3604 Want permission for this a/c to go to Welford this afternoon. T.O. 1600 hrs. Route Base - Goole - Welford E.T.A. 1730. To pick up B/424. S.O.C gave his permission.
1545 12 Grp Report a/c c/s WBL-F FIX 5424N 0026W class 2. T.O.O. 1523 (1664/F)
1664/U Crash in Sea. [underlined] DG 363 [/underlined] 12 Grp say this a/c was seen to ditch in Robin Hood Bay by R.O.C. Also by above Halifax. 2 Halifax’s an Martinet now circling spot. also a Warwick diverted to spot and a fishing vessel F/L MacIntosh (F/A pilot) in fighter at 1500 hrs reports he approached from the East and called “air Firing a/c formate on my port. Halifax turned steeply to Stbd. Went into a spiral dive and span in.
W/O Harrison in Martinet reports he circled spot - very little wreckage left and a partly inflated Dinghy.
1715 Fishing Vessel reports he picked up 1 body (unidentified) from among small amount of
[page break]
[underlined] Prov Weather Diversion [/underlined]
[underlined] Sqn No. a/c. — Station[/underlined]
433 — 6 Hal. — Colerne (Definite) — 10 Gr
408 — 6 Hal. — Tilstock — 93 Gr
420 — 20 Hal. — Tilstock — 93 Gr
433 — 11 Hal. — Peplow — 93 Gr
427 — 21 Hal. — Peplow — 93 Gr
431 — 15 Hal. — Seighford — 93 Gr
434 — 17 Hal. — Seighford — 93 Gr
424 — 16 Hal. — Church Broughton — 93 Gr
426 — 16 Hal. — Church Broughton — 93 Gr
429 — 21 Hal. — Litchfield — 93 Gr
425 — 19 Hal. — Hixon — 93 Gr
415 — 19 Hal. — Hawarden — N.W. Filter
432 — 19 Hal. — High Ercall — N.W. Filter
419 — 15 Lancs — Wymeswold — 93 Gr
428 — 15 Lancs — Castle Donnington — 93 Gr
408 — 10 Lancs — Wymeswold & Castle Don. — 93 Gr
[underlined] Crash in Sea [/underlined]
1664/U - DG-363.
Crew List.
Capt. F/O Green L.A. - J25905
Nav. F/O MacIntosh A.S. - J14575 - identified by Police.
B.A. P/O. Gorman H.E. - J36878 -
W.Op. Sgt. Ellis, J.W. - R196611
Engr. Sgt. Morgan, C - R76725
M.U.G. Sgt. Southwick, N.L. - R186297
A.G. Sgt. Clarke N.E. - R205305
All crew lost.
Informed. A.O.C. — S.A.S.O. — Air I Controller — GII — G.A.I. — Engig. — Equipt. — P.4. — C. of A.
2305 hrs. - Darky heard by Dalton c/s taken N calling but could not make contact.
[page break]
wreckage left. Body taken to Scarborough Morgue.
61 Base - when message was first reported say that this may be a Dishforth a/c but as all their a/c are not due back at base until 1715 they will not be able to check.
1845 61 Base Say the a/c was DH-U - 1664 U - will pass us Time of Crash - crew list - a/c No.
1850 1666-J Ex 12 Grp Sent Following messages.
[circled 2] FIX 5434N - 0440W - Class I Hull 1846 ENGINE U/S - Returning to Base
[circled 1] C 0950 H 18000 A/S 2050 1835
[circled 3] FIX 5426 N 0421 W - Class I Hull 1858
[deleted] St 1855 92 Group intercepted SOS from this a/c
[circled 4] Cancel Distress 1904
Advised 61 Base of above. Had Station Flying Control standing by to land a/c on 3 Engines. Landed OK.
1830 Off Duty F/O Mountjoy. On duty [indecipherable] F/O.
1930 Prov. Weather Divn. Bases. Allocation & “gen” passed to Stations, and to 10 & 93 Groups.
Training a/c. To be all down or in circuit by 0001 hrs.
2200 M. St. G. 64 Base report 3 a/c on H2S X - C due back at Midnight. Request us bear in mind diversion base if their state unfit. 6 Group Met feel they will be OK but in any event can put them down within group.
2359 Divns. Named 61 Base to be tee’d up for return of Op. a/c if required - Dishforth Dalton - Womblelton.
[underlined] Tuesday - Aug 8/44. [/underlined]
0025 Divns. Following Sqns Diverted as laid on 408 Lancs, 427, 433, 420, 432. Remainder returning home. Stations informed by S.A.S.O.
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[underlined] Overshoots [/underlined] at Eastmoor
415/H LW 680 - Cat B. Pilot F/L Barnes
415/R NA 517 - Cat B. Pilot P/O Gingrich
408/X NP 713 - Cat E. Pilot F/O Joues
Crews O.K.
[underlined] Take off accident [/underlined] at Croft.
434/E LK 799 (Cat. E) Swerved and crashed into (U.C. Collapsed - Pilot Sgt. Hart, F. R174498)
434/J LW 176 (Cat B) Bomb doors damaged
Crews OK.
[underlined] Take accident [/underlined] Middleton
428/Q KB 751 - Turned wrong direction on clearing runway taxyed thru barrier tearing off HVS Blister. Cat (Pro.) “A” Pilot Hawthorn Crews OK.
[underlined] Missing [/underlined] - Middleton
419/F - KB 755. Pilot. F/O. Walker, B.D.
A.O.C. — S.A.S.O. — Air I — Controller — GII. — G.A.I. — Eng. — Equip. — P4 — C of A
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[underlined] Tuesday - Aug. 8/44 [/underlined]
0120 Gardeners Diversion Definitely diverted - Skipton & 10 Group informed.
0130 Re Diversions C.F.C. in the picture.
N.B. Servicing Parties Arranged by W/C. Smith - To consist of Sr. N.C.O. I/c - 6 fitters, 4 Riggers, 1 electrician
Aircrew Bus, per party
[underlined] Party From [/underlined] — [underlined] Report to [/underlined] — [underlined] Also service a/c at [/underlined]
Linton — Tilstock — -
Leeming — Peplow — High Ercall.
Croft — Seighford — -
Skipton — Church Broughton
Tholthorpe — Litchfield — Hixon
Middleton — Wymeswold — Castle Donnington [sic]
Eastmoor — Hawarden
All parties report to Flying Control .
To take with them - Small spares, spark plugs, Hydraulic lines & fluid, one spare tire & brake assembly. To leave immediately after take-off.
Passed to the Groups concerned. Later instructed party at Hawarden to got to Tilstock
0400 a/c away Groups concerned instructed to have serviceable a/c stand by at 1000 hrs for return.
0900 Off Duty F/O Spence. Off Duty F/O Mountjoy
0950 DIVERTED A/C All diverted a/c have been instructed to return to base. Met has given its O.K. a/c to Take-off as soon as possible.
1000 A/C ON FIRE SKIPTON 63 Base advise there is an a/c at Skipton in its dispersal on fire. Topcliffe is assisting in putting fire out.
1005 93 Grp. Say two a/c at Peplow have complete Bomb loads, and 1 a/c has a hang up that has been made safe. Instructed 93 that it was OK for a/c with bomb loads to take off and return but the hang - up should be removed.
1010 DIVERTED A/C All bases instructed to stand-by for the return of their a/c.
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433/S - MZ - 895 - [underlined] Fire [/underlined]
A.O.C. — S.A.S.O — AIR I — S.O.C. — G.T.I — G.A.I. — ENG. — EQUIP — C of A.
1666/Z - HR 855 Cat E1 Pilot F/O Osbourne
A.O.C. — S.A.S.O — AIR I — S.O.C. — G.T.I — G.A.I. — ENG. — EQUIP — [deleted] P4 N/A C of A [/deleted]
420/K — Cat E. Pilot -
On return from operations landed with full bomb load at Tangmere. Landing was heavy. Swung off runway and put put [sic] u/c through main plane.
A.O.C. — S.A.S.O — AIR I — S.O.C. — G.T.I — G.A.I. — ENG. — EQUIP
[page break]
1025 93 Grp Worksop Have a Wellington at Worksop BK 149 - U R/T Order. Pilot - F/O Wood. Bringing S/L Frieson who has an appointment at 6 Grp. a/c wants to land at Linton. O.K. by Linton. Passed to 62 Base.
1045 A/C ON Fire SKIPTON 63 Base advise a/c still burning. It was being refuelled. Bowser and a/c both caught fire. Both a complete write off. Two and possible three killed, presumably ground crew. There is reported to have been a gasoline explosion. (1500 hrs) Two men killed, both ground crew.
1145 OXFORD AS 741 61 Base want permission for G/C Vernes to go to Ossington, thence to Honeybourne. TO. 1200 hrs. Informed Ossington and asked them to let Honeybourne know when he took off for them.
1258 OXFORD T - 1104 64 Base say this Oxford landed at M.S.G at 1236 Apparently T.O. from Linton for Melbourne Reported to 4 Grp.
1515 61 BASE CRASH Z/1666 Z/1666 Squadron swung on Take - off - wiped out his undercarriage. No other information as yet. He was going on an A/A firing detail. Time 1500 hrs. - all Crew O.K.
1530 F/LT SMITH Gransden Lodge L/433 - Repair Crew should arrive today for Engine change.
Q/433 - Cat. AC.
K/420 - Cat E. This a/c made a heavy landing at Tangmere with a full bomb load - Swung off Runway and put his undercarriage through the main plane. Crew OK and returning with crew of J/425 who landed at Ford.
1800 DIVERSION BASE Request for Diversion Base. Contacted Central Flying Control and asked for Gaydon. Satellite to Wellesbourne. Met say this base should be O.K till at least 0400 hrs.
1945 D.S.O. informed of Prov. Weather diversion Base to go out on G.O.F.
1810 Diversion stations passed to 63 Base and Skipton (424 Sqdn Gardeners) W/X Prov.
[page break]
Missing a/c.
H/429 - LW 132 -
Not found P. - F/L HALL D.B. - J5492
Dead - A/B - F/O HACKMAN T.A. - J27118
Dead - F/E - P/O GLASS H - C-87159
Dead - WOP - F/S MURRAY D - R94474
Not found MUG - F/S PHILLIPS WS - R192357
Dead RG - P/O SYME L.B. - J87672
[deleted] Z/426 - NP737
P. - P/O SIMMONS SA - J86680
NAV. - F/O LAWSON GH - J24695 Landed
WAG - W/O THISTLE LB - R162804
A/B - F/S MOUNTAIN WB - R129998
F/E - SGT COOPER JF - 1811783
MUG. - F/O JONES EC - 169913
R/G. F/S KOGUCHIS - R193885 [/deleted]
A.O.C. — SASO — SOC — GAI — GTI — EQUIP — C of A — ENG — AIR I
[page break]
2100 DIVERSION Bases Information Re Provisional Weather Diversion to Gaydon passed to 91 Group.
1947 MARAUDER 131636 Landed at Eastmoor - F/LT Roe - came from Turnhouse. Landed at 1935. Took off 1946 for Greater Dunmow. He dropped a Passenger.
1955 Oxford P-1820 61 Base advise a/c arrived from M.S.G. for the Communication Flight at Dishforth.
2120 WELLINGTON HZ 653 Landed at Eastmoor - F/O Pattison - Came from Docking. - no reason given other than it was not any trouble with the a/c Landed at 2032 and took of for Bircham Newton at 2110.
2150 Oxford ED-152 9 Grp say this Oxford left Leeming for Wolverhampton and hasn’t arrived Checked with 63 Base. This a/c landed at Leeming at 1530 from Leuchars. He wanted refueling [sic] and he wasn’t sure of his location. He took off for Wolverhampton at 1605. Leeming Signalled him out. 9 Group informed pilot was Capt. Braithwaite - maybe ATA or a yank.
2323 420/J 62 base report this a/c came up on R/T over his home base and said he was proceeding to Carnaby as his Brakes were U/S - Informed 4 Grp. Landed Carnaby 2345. O.K. 62 Base Informed.
2350 62 Base Say Tholthorpe have had a couple of priority Petrol landings think they may be more. [indecipherable word] Dishforth for their OK with 61 Base.
WEDNESDAY - AUG 9 - 1944.
0013 91 Grp D/431 Landed at Honeybourne. Shot up. Crew O.K. Time down 2258 - about 100 Flak holes 64 Base informed.
0115 2 a/c missing. From sighting reports H/429 was seen to be heading back to English Coast on Fire. a/c exploded several parachutes seen. 4 Bodies picked up
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[underlined] Crash [/underlined]
1666/J - HR 780 F/O Harris (capt).
Crew OK. (Pos Z815382)
Informed. A.O.C. — S.A.S.O. — Air I — G.A.I. — G.T.I. — Controller — Engig — Equipt — S.F.C.O.
[page break]
an [sic] 1 seriously injured. - F/Sgt Harrod. R.V.
0300 DARKY WELLINGTON Landed at Dishforth - R/T. Downfall Y - a/c of # O.T.U. Westcott. Had accumulators on fire. F/Sgt Pamblyn & Crew O.K. Dishforth passed all information to his base. Crew & a/c will be staying overnight.
0815 OXFORD AS-741 61 Base request permission for Oxford to go to Hendon to take W/C Weiser there [sic] Route Topcliffe Doncaster, Newark Hendon T.O. 1000 hrs E.T.A. 11.30. Hendon say it will be OK to land there. W/C Weiser is going on leave back to U.S.A. must be in London at R.C.A.F H.Q. this afternoon.
0830 Off duty F/O. Mountjoy On duty H.G. Spence F/O
1100 431/D 434/C. Cat A.C. at Honeybourne. Skeleton crew to en train to Exeter to pick up 434/C, dropping down at Honeybourne to pick up remainder of 431/D crew. Cleared with 64 Base & 91 Group. Also to bring 4 ground crew back.
1100 433 & 429. 2 crews require C & L. Controller OK’d use of operational a/c for an hour or so.
0930. 61 Base a/c 5 a/c desire to make C & R detail at 62 Base. Latter say OK for 3 of them at Linton. Cannot handle other 2.
1130. Comm. Flight Proctor reserved for S/L Rawson for 1415 hrs. Going to Wombleton. Later - cancelled, not available.
1245. Crash 166/J (H.R. 780) Ex 12 Group Crash in Z8139. north of M.S.G. on Darlington Stockton Rd.
Middleton had already taken action. a/c called up on Darky, entered circuit on 3 engines, appeared to be OK, then suddenly nosed down and crashed on main highway (Darlington - Stockton Rd.) about 1/2 mile west of Sadberge. Crash tender, ambulance, M.O. and CTO dispatched. Crew shaken but OK. Pilot being detained overnight at S.S.2. Middleton a/c did not burn. Cat E. Time approx 1230 hrs.
[page break]
Re - 426/Z - at Ford - Linton sent a P.O.E and a propeller early to-day. Inf. W/C Smith.
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Wed Aug. 9/44
1100 A.V.M. Movement. Ex W/C Smith. Inform F/L Holmes when Proctor takes off from Wombleton to Dishforth. Requested 61 Base to inform us. (Later) Took off 1321 & landed 1341 A.O.C’s car left Wombleton for Dishforth immediately aircraft took off. Informed F/L Holmes.
1300 Lord Herewood Movement Wombleton report request received to have an a/c pick up [indecipherable word] at Barnaby (?) Trying to check up origin of request. Nobody here at Group or 61 Base have any knowledge of this. Later development - place should have been Thornaby, but in any event Lord Herewood was proceeding by M.L. car to Wombleton.
(Why aren’t we given some advance notice of these movements?)
1550. Photo’s for B.C. Com flight Proctor to be lined up for first light take off (0500 - 0530 hrs) to transport photos to B.C. 61 Base Flying Control has this in hand.
1600 1666/J crew Requested 61 Base to advise what transportation arrangements Wombleton were making to get crew home.
1830 Off duty - F/O Spence. On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O.
1930 Met - Forecast bases
2150 63 Base - Report an explosion - 0520 from Leeming.
R.O.C. report that it is army manoeuvres at Newton - le - Willow.
2200 Snape Bombing Range - not operating to-night. After checking with 61 Base, 63 Base & Snape, it appears that Snape B.R. called 61 Base between 1830 - 1900 hrs to say that 6 Grp & Lemming cancelled bombing. Hence no crew at Snape to-night. - No reference in this log. - Query - who gave permission for Snape to stand down?
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[underlined] non starters [/underlined]
433/D - Insufficient petrol with power jet open.
433/G - Insufficient petrol with power jet open.
C.T.O. wishes to check them more thoroughly to-morrow.
[underlined] missing. [/underlined]
427/Y - MZ 363. Pilot - F/L WYSE (14 TRIPS)
Inf. SASO — AIR I — SOC — GAIO — GTI — ENG — EQUIP — P4 — C. Of A. — SFCO.
[underlined] ACCIDENT [/underlined]
425/N - MZ - 674. (MANSTON) CAT AC. Pilot - WO2 RYAN. Crew OK.
[page break]
2200 427/G From Southampton - message “Airmen hit silk at 5102N 0112E at 2115 hrs.” - in plain language.
(forward to 63 Base) Ident - 5017N 0054E II at 2123 hrs. 11 Grp - are arranging A.S. Rescue - It is probable that the crew of 427/G are O.K. and that this message is a sighting only.
2230 424/Q - 63 Base sent m/u a/c to Carnaby - “without break [sic] pressure” Inf 4 Grp. (Landed 2255. OK.)
2300 415 & 432 - Cannot report accurate take off time because [inserted] a.c. [/inserted] [deleted] A.O.C. [/deleted] would not let the A.F.C. use an aldis lamp to spot the aircraft letters on take off. Inf. S.O.C., AIR I.
2350 61 Base - report - a red fire north of Dishforth. R.O.C. say it is verey lights of army manoeuvres.
[underlined] Thursday August 10. [/underlined]
0030 427/Y - missing from Z - 3326. This is probably the a/c reported by G/427. A sighting report by 429/A indicates that an a/c was hit by flak both port engines caught fire, and 5 parachutes seen to open. G/C Newson reported that 427/G saw 7 men bale out about 10 miles north of Dieppe and that the port wing broke away and damaged one of the parachutes.
0115 425/N MZ - 674. Pilot WO2 Ryan CAT. AC. Landed Manston at 0028 hrs. Pilot had to feather S.I.E. soon after take off, When near Dunkirk S.O.E began to seize, as pilot unfeathered S.I.E & feathered S.O.E. Before landing at Manston.
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4 Group - J. F. Demonstration at Helmsley - 11/8/44. 4 a/c dropping -
2 x 250 lbs. Green J.F’s 0259 hrs.
2 x 250 lbs. Red J.F’s 0259 hrs.
Will burst at 3000 ft. If target [inserted] can [/inserted] not be seen will burst at 10000 ft.
Main force dropping 27 x 10 lb. flash bombs. 13 a/c in main force. Broadcast to stations at 1935 hrs.
[underlined] D.F.C.O’s. to Note:- [/underlined]
Mock attack on convoy by 1695 Sqn (Dalton) Hurricane. (Grid References are to Ordnance Survey Map Sheet 26)
1. Hurricane will attack Motor convoy between T junction 688874 and X-Road 657856 at 1000 hrs. 14-8-44.
2. Vehicles will have red sheets laid on top to aid recognition
3. Attack will be made on working party at bridge 606801 at 1400 hrs.
Above arranged between Assault School, Ripon and Dalton. OK’d by S.O.C 9-8-44.
Advised 12 Grp. MLO 1245 hrs. 10/8/44. Also Stations.
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Thursday Aug 10.
0115 425/N. S.O.E. blew up. blowing off S.O. prop and damaging S.I. prop. Pilot landed the a/c and crew are OK. Did not reach target a/c is Cat A.C. - requires 2 star ENG.
0635 Oxford (Dishforth) - took off at 0635 with photographs for Halton.
0845 11 Grp ASR. - No success in search for 427/Y - wx poor low level cloud. - but search will be continued.
0900 Off duty F/O O’Beirn On duty H.G Spence F/O.
1000 Snape Range. Ref. Entry 2200 hrs: 65 Base only closed up range during their take-off. Complete close - down a misunderstanding.
0954 Fortress B-17 - 9205 Landed at Linton [inserted] controller [/inserted] Informed Prestwick & requested instructions, as mail on Board. Some confusion at Prestwick trying to contact responsible authority. Meantime guard placed at aircraft. Finally gave up Prestwick end and contacted T.A.C. 44 Group (Controller) who got through to A.D.T.U. Prestwick (F/O. Wilson).
Following instructions received and passed to 62 Base.
[circled 1] a/c to return to Prestwick when weather OK. Prestwick will advise us or Linton when OK.
[circled 2} G/C Leigh is to call F/L Knowles of mail can. Sqn Prestwick.
1100 Bristol Flashlight. Requested by 61 Base from 0200 to 0215 hrs, ht. 16000 ft, approaching from Swindon 16 a/c. Arranged with 10 Group & Controller at S.W. informed. 1664 - 11, 1659 - 4, 1666 - 1. S/L’s co-operate. Time changed to 0115 to 0145 hrs.
1130 Linton Oxford. Mc Powell flying S/L Ewan to Hendon for conference at Handley Paige. [sic] T.O. 1400 - 1500 hrs. Hendon say they already had movement direct from Linton and W/O Self would be Pilot.
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1659/ EB - 275. Cat Prov. Cat A.C.
Pilot - F/L E. T. Sherlock. 315489 No instructor
2nd Pilot - F/L. A.A. Sherlock J15488
Informed: A.O.C. — S.A.S.O. — Air I. — G.A.T. — G.T.T. — Controller — Equipt — Engig. — S.F.C.O.
[page break]
1400 425/N Crew Tholthorpe wish to lay on X - C, to land at Tangmere to pick up 425/N crew. OK’d by controller.
Local Bullseye. Gen passed to 62, 63, 64 Bases & Stations by Ops. 61 Base by F.C.
1500 Linton Oxford Now u/s. 61 Base arranging to take S/L. Ewan to Hendon, Pilot returning to-day.
1800 Met. 6 Group Met for return. - vis 4 - 8 miles cloud Strats Cu., north part of 6 Group 1500ft. base south part 1,000 to 1500 ft.
1815 Com. Flight Proctor. Arranged with 61 Base to have Proctor at Linton 1330 hrs, 11-8-44, to pick up photographs to be taken to Hendon. R.C.A. F.O.Ts. H.T will have representative there at Control Tower to receive them. The pilot is then to bring S/L. Ewan back to Linton, if he is ready to come back.
1830. D’vn. Base Petrol. 62 Base queried if Petrol Bases were being laid on. Checked controller who stated the a/c should be OK, but if desired Lancs may be given more petrol if there was time. Informed 62 Base.
2100. ditto Reference entry 1830. Checked again with Controller S.A.S.O. Result tee’d up. Dishforth to handle any emergency landings for 62 Base.
63 Base Offered OK by S.A.S.O. to fly representative to Cranwell to take part in funeral.
[underlined] Friday - Aug. 11/44 [/underlined]
0140 1659/ EB-275. [underlined] Accident. [/underlined]
Ex 61 Base :- Tail wheel collapsed on landing C. & L. detail. Aerodrome Fit. Crew O.K. Capt. F/L Sherlock E.T. Time 2343 hrs. 2nd Pilot F/L. Sherlock A.A. Normal landing cause believed to be structural failure Provisional Cat A.C. No instructor
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415/B - at Exeter - 10 Grp. Report that it needs an engine. P/O Barton checking on it. Then we shall know what instructor to give the crew.
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[underlined] Friday - Aug 11/44 [/underlined]
Off duty. F/O Spence, On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O
1015 Oxford - AD-132 left Skipton for Cranfield at 10-05 hrs.
1040 Fighter Crash into sea. - 61 Base report that Falsgrave N.R. police report that a fighter a/c went into the sea off the coast near Hayburn Wyke, north of Scarborough - 0945 hrs. Grid ref - 491165. 12 Grp F.C. believe it to be a “Tempest” - Grid reference 5317. Assume launch has been sent out though success of search is doubtful.
61 Base had 1 martinet off at 0945 and another at 1010 hrs so it is not likely their a/c. Inf - 61 Base.
1115 Fighter Crash into sea. Contacted Falsgrave Police. - no more details - Estimate a/c crashed into the sea about 3 miles off the coast. Rescue launch dispatched.
1130 Oxford - T1104 - W/C Sutton from H.Q.B.C. landed Dishforth at 1426 hrs, took off at 1820 for Melbourne on 10-8-44. -GFC wish to know if and when he is returning to Halton. Inf. 4 Grp FC. & C.F.C.
1205 415/B. at Exeter - requires P.O.E. change. - Instructed 10 Grp to have the crew return by rail. Inf. 62 Base.
1301 Fighter (sea) - Falsgrave police report to Wombleton that an oil patch is the only thing seen. 12 Grp are investigating what appears to be a dinghy.
1458 Oxford Took off from Linton for Hendon. Hendon informed.
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[underlined] Accident 1664/M - (LL 283) [/underlined]
Intoxicated airman drove crew bus into this a/c Red lights had been placed around it. Cat “A”
Airman R 101217 Lac Johnson S.F.
Inf. A.O.C. — S.A.S.O — Air I — Cont. — Equipt. —Engig. —G.T.I. —G.A.T. — S.F.C.O.
Note Regarding Lord Trenchard.
Likes to talk to aircrew informally - No Parades - Does not stand on ceremony. Hopes to see A.O.C.
This information together with arrival & departure times was passed to F/L Homes at 1340 hrs 11/8/44.
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[underlined] Friday August 11th 1944 [/underlined]
15.00 B/415 At Exeter needs P/O engine change. Asked 62 Base to send down new power plant and working party.
15.30 N/425 At Manston with S. Outer & S. Inner u/s. Formerly cat AC. F/L Smith wants Tholthorpe to send down two engines & two props. Manston will do all the repairs. Passed 62 Base.
16.00 NZJ “D” 91 Group have Wellington overdue now who has been briefed to call 61, 62, 63, 64 Bases on H7/S7 using M/N call-sign. Queried Bases - no word from him. Told 91 Group.
17.10 Bullseye scrubbed in view of weather. Cloud over most of the route and fighter bases mainly unfit.
1830 On Duty F/O Mountjoy.
0045 61 BASE A/C LL-283 DAMAGED 1664/M. Report that this a/c at Dishforth was damaged. A drunken airman stole a crew bus and ran into the a/c. It is Cat A. There were red lights placed around it. Time 0015.
0512. OVERDUE A/C 1664 Called 61 Base re K/1664. ETD 2230 Took-off 2149 - ETR 0410 - No word heard from him as yet. Checked with 61 Base re early take-offs at Dishforth. Reply was C & B a/c were going to interfere with take-off of X/C a/c so started them away early so they could all s/c on time. Called 12 Grp to see if there was any report of prangs. There was none.
0522 61 Base Advise K/1664 landed OK at Dishforth. 12 Grp advised.
0540 LORD TRENCHARD Advised 64 Base of this signal giving arrival and departure times
0830 Off watch F/O Mountjoy On duty HF Spence F/O.
0930 1659/N F/O Armstrong on Nav. Liaison visit to Ossington. OK’d by Air I
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Special Bulls Eye - 12 Group (Maj. Jackson)
Starting Point 5307N 0000.
Route - Base 5307N 0000 - Whitby - 5500N 0055W - 5500N 0155W - Halifax - Nottingham - Base
1st. a/c at 5307N 0000 at 2300 hrs remainder at 30 second intervals.
Window - Type K to be dropped 1 bale per 10 seconds between Whitby & 5500N 0055W.
Height - 16,000 feet.
Target - Newcastle. After pos. 5500N 0055W a/c to dive from 16000 ft to 8,000 ft. at 5500N 0156W. When over Newcastle a/c are to fire white cartridges.
a/c of 1 Group will also take part, flying at 18,000 ft. Over Newcastle they will fire Green cartridges. 1 Group a/c will not dive between positions 5500N 0055W to 5500N 0155W.
Inform 12 Group (Night Ops.) Time at Whitby and run over Newcastle in advance.
1400 - Ex 12 Group - above cancelled in view of Combined Command Bulls Eye. Wish to try it tomorrow.
Ex 12 Grp. There will be Searchlights over Humber area. Mosquitos & Black Widows will be operating over the Humber area and to the North of it. - 61 Base informed
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Sat. Aug. 12/44.
1115 Com. Flight G/C Creighton (Richmond 4383 Tel. No.) 61 Base to have Oxford at Hendon [deleted] by [/deleted] ready to pick up G/C Creighton and 1 other passenger by 1500 hrs. Oxford V 3533 F/L Spencer TO. 1200 - ETA 1330 - 2500’ Hendon informed 1220 hrs. [indecipherable] Signplate “Z”
1135 Crash Nr. Tholthorpe (Stirling) Ex 12 Grp. - crash 2 miles north of Tholthorpe. 62 Base informed. Tholthorpe to take action.
1140 - V.I.P Movement. (A.O.C.) [underlined] N.B. SFCO [/underlined] Request from 64 Base as to type of a/c and take off of A.O.C. for Middleton. This is first information we (F.C.) had of movement, here at Group. Same applied at 61 Base F.C. also Dishforth F.C. Proctor taxied out and took off. No previous advice given Flying Control as to movement or passengers.
(Why aren’t Flying Control put in the picture from source??!!) 61 Base F.C. checking looseness between Communication Flight & Dishforth Flying Control to prevent recurrence. Explained to 64 Base T.O. 1112.
1210. Crash 1665/P. 1300. (NY) Ref. entry 1135 hrs Ex 62 Base - Crash 1 2/3 miles from Tholthorpe - bearing of 1320, on main railroad near Orne. Aircraft burned. Holding up traffic. M.U. at Skipton informed. Railway Company are moving it. 2 of crew killed, 2 seriously injured. Informed Tilstock who are checking number in crew, names etc.
1630. Com Flt. Oxford. V-3533 Ref entry 1115 hrs. Took off from Hendon 1525 hrs. Should arrive approx 1705 hrs. Informed F/C Holmes.
1530. P.G.G/W. Ex 12 Grp confusion in message from this a/c as to position at which dinghy sighted.
“1530 hrs - Dinghy sighted, 5110N 0045W Southampton” confused with 5110N 0444W Search is being made and 12 Group wish correct “gen” as soon as aircraft lands. 62 Base asked to arrange.
[page break]
Anson - From Milne - u/s l. at Leeming 1616.
Whitney Straight - took off from Leeming at 1913 hrs to go to Cranfield and thence to Henlow.
Hudson - T9312 from Burn landed 2131 hrs at Topcliffe. T.O. 1816/13/Aug for Burn.
[underlined] Early Returns [/underlined] -
432/O - SIE u/s cont CTO.
Non starter
4701/E/28. 433/I - made false start. P.I.E. oiled up. So he taxied around for another take off he developed tyre creep. Engineers cancelled it.
[page break]
Com Flight. Aug 14. Oxford To take a/c to Burton Wood to pick up Mr. Corbin at 1400 hrs on Monday. Burton Wood is in 9th U.S. Air Force and prior clearance should be secured for landing. Mr. Corbin will be at Warrington. Pilot, on landing at Burton Wood is to call F/L Smith at Warrington 2001, Extension 2, advising him he is there to pick up Mr. Corbin.
AT 2000 hrs - Request to 61 Base for [indecipherable word]
1530. Lord Trenchard V.I.P. Took off in Lockeed [sic] from Middleton 1502 hrs for Turnhouse. Informed 12 Group.
1530. PKQ/M. 420 Sqn. Ex 12 Group Message.
“Navigator killed. Returning to base. Will need ambulance” [inserted] (Light flak) [/inserted]
W/C McKenna. TO 1455 TOR. 1509. (6 Grp 1525)
Informed 62 Base & 11 Group.
Bearing taken - 1030 from Exeter.
1600 Leeming Oxford. OK by Air I for G/C Newsome to take Oxford to Everton [inserted] (29 Grp) [/inserted] Also landing at Abbotsinch [inserted] 13 Grp [/inserted] Tomorrow AM.
V.I.P. U.O.C Movement. [deleted] On [/deleted] Ref. entry 1140. On return journey information from 64 Base F.C. was that A.O.C had taken off for Linton. Then it developed that he returned to Dishforth
1830 Off duty - F/O Spence, On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O
1850 AOC - Re visit of G/C Creighton. Enquiries if G/C Creighton has arrived yet at Dishforth. Has not arrived Dishforth checked with 61, 62, 63, 64 bases - also 12 Grp & Hendon.
1915 V-3533 G/C Creighton. Oxford landed at Croft at 1656 and took off again at 1910 for Dishforth. Landed at 1928. Inf. A.O.C. - Requested Dishforth to provide transport to 6 Grp as provided transport sent from 6 Grp had been recalled. S.F.C.O. at 64 Base to check why Croft did not report this earlier.
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Early Returns.
427/C - P.O.E - INGNITION U/S - (CTO)
424/S. P.I.E. U/S - Oil from exhaust landed on [indecipherable word] C.T.O.
428/I - R/G Violently sick.
[underlined] non starters [/underlined]
424/J - S.I.E. U/S - only 2500 RPM. 7lb. boost with full throttle (CTO)
424/ U - High oil temps on all engines (CTO)
433/E - Spare - Oil poured from exhaust of P.I.E. - due to broken seal on carburettor (CTO)
428/S - could not be bombed up in time.
419/B, T, Y, U,
Early Return 429/G. [deleted] (H) [/deleted] - Too late to reach target.
419/R. - KB-772 Pilot - W/O Weston. TAXI ACCIDENT - DAMAGE TO [inserted] S.O. [/inserted] AIRSCREW CAT -
Inf. SASO — AIR I — SOC. — ENG. — EQUIP — GAIO — G.T.I. — S.F.C.O.
Hurricane - from Holme on Spalding Moor landed Dishforth 0208 - Compass u/s staying overnight Inf. - 4 Grp.
[underlined] Wellington [/underlined] - NT/T F/S Peterswold from Bruntingthorpe landed Topcliffe at 0208 Port Engine u/s. Inf 92 Grp.
[underlined] Accident [/underlined] 432/A - NP-720 (crew 415) S/L WILMOT Landed at 0325 - Burst a tyre and blocked runway. Other 415 & 432 a/c being diverted to Linton. Cat. B.
Inf. SASO, — SOC. — AIR I — ENG. — EQUIP — G.A.I.O. — G.T.I. — S.F.C.O.
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2100 428/V - Got off on Bullseye - Tried to recall him but failed.
2115 1664/Z - Took off at 2108 disappeared below the trees toward Ripon. Checked with 12 Grp - no report.
1659. a/c - took off with bomb doors open. S.O.C. instructed 61 Base nit to warn him by W/T.
2120 Mocking Bird - Inf. 12 Grp MLO. to warn Regional Com. for Civil Defence.
[underlined] SUNDAY AUGUST 13th 1944. [/underlined]
0010 Oxford 63 Base - Ref. 1600 entry. Abbotsinch is a naval airfield - all grass - OK for an Oxford. - a/c to get green from A.F.C. Renfrew and aerodrome nearby. Inf 63 Base.
0100 non - starters S.F.C.O NOTE. - 419/M - Ran off the taxi track - bogged and blocked the runway. “B” & “U” blocked by “M”
Y/419 - Could not be bombed up in time.
S/428 - Could not be bombed up on time.
0100 419/R TAXI - ACCIDENT. During the afternoon “R” was taxying along near the south end of main runway, struck a bulldozer working on the edge of the taxi track. Airscrew damaged the top of the bulldozer and the driver received head injury.
0325 432/A (crew 415) - Burst a tyre on landing and blocked the runway. Category B. - 5 remaining Eastmoor a/c diverted to Linton.
0500 N.F. Closed - 5 a/c missing off target sheets - 16 a/c on Bullseye returned safely.
0500 DIVERSION To C.F.C. Only 2 a/c out of 265 landed away from Base.
0900 Off duty - B.T. O’Beirn F/O
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[underlined] MISSING [/underlined] - Night 12/13 AUG.
429/E - MZ-825 - F/O DEPEW 27 Sorties
427/N - LV-821 - F/L CRONYN 32 Sorties
424/A - LV-951 - F/O CAMPBELL G.D. 11 Sorties
434/Q - LW-175 - F/O McINTYRE 14 Sorties
428/Z - KB-758 - F/O McGREGOR 14 Sorties
Inf. - SASO, — AIR I — EQUIP — C of A — P4 — SOC — ENG.
64 Base advise that their Bombing Range at Bradbury will be closed from the 15 - 18th of August inclusive (4 days). Request permission for any bombing details to use Strensall (62 Base). This will be arranged by 64 Base Bombing Leader with Group Bombing Leader. Bradbury u/s by day only.
Master WD 980 - W/C Smith pilot landed Leeming at 1940. From Catterick.
Took off at 2005 for Donibristle after refueling [sic]
Anso LV - 270 landed Croft 2015 from West Freugh - Eng trouble.
Beaufighter HQ/A left Leeming at 2120 hrs 13 Aug for Winkley. Pilot F/O Donovan.
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0900 On Duty F/O Mountjoy.
1020 Ex 12 Grp. Major Jackson wishes us to participate in Bullseye - all information the same as yesterday. 61 Base informed.
1030 Ex 92 Grp. Burning of Incendiary Leaves. Brafferton will be burning [deleted] leaves [/deleted] incendiary leaves during the next week, probably on each day and only during daytime. 12 Grp. 62 Base, 63 Base.
1050 63 Base OXFORD. S/L Kyles reports he will be going flying with G/C Newson this afternoon - S.O.C. say O.K. T.O - 1300 ABBotsinch [sic] 1410 - Refuel T.O. 1440 EVANTON 1540. - Abbotsinch tee’d up on refuelling
1055 61 Base OXFORD Permission given for W/C Weiser to go to Prestwick in this a/c. Movements have route.
1145 BULLSEYE “Gen passed 62, 63, 64 bases. Asked them to make an offer if Non - operational a/c.
1400 433/L. Permission granted for 433 squadron to send an a/c to Church Broughton with an extra crew to pick up L/433.
1545 ANSON Landed at Linton 1508 - Came from Castle Bromwich. T.O. 1515.
1830 Off duty - F/O Mountjoy. On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O
1930 Weather - Met forecast bases will be fit for Local Bullseye return at 0400 hrs.
2145 433/L - Crew was taken down to Church Broughton during the afternoon. Some trouble 93 Grp checking to see the reason.
2210 433/L - Went to take off. P.I.E. developed trouble - staying overnight. Inf 63 Base.
[underlined] MONDAY AUG 14, 1944. [/underlined]
0115 Ex 12 Grp (MOSQUITO) from WYTON Crash occurred at V 2925 N.F.S. dispatched. Guard placed
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[underlined] Accidents [/underlined]
1666/J - DT - 584. Pilot - P/O Egan. Prov. Cat E.
Inf - SASO, — AIR I — SOC. — ENG. — EQUIP. — G.A.I.O. — G.T.I. — S.F.C.O.
1659/F LL - 171 Pilot - F/O LOCKE
Inf. SASO, — AIR I — SOC. — ENG. — EQUIP. — G.A.I.O. — G.T.I. — S.F.C.O.
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CRash. [sic] (MOSQUITO) U KB - 269 (WYTON) by RDF station. Request for an ambulance from Wombleton. Believed to be a twin engine a/c. Crash near Egton village. 61 Base requesting Wombleton to send ambulance
0210 Mosquito Ex - 61 Base (Whitby police) - from Wyton - pilot - F/O Timpton nav - Watkins.
Navigator - located and is OK. - believes the pilot is OK. N.F.S - and an ambulance is standing by.
Two men from Danby Beacon are providing the guard. Wombleton are not sending their ambulance
0215 1666/J DT - 584 P/O EGAN. Ground looped [inserted] on landing [/inserted] damaged U/C and blocked the runway. 61 Base diverting their a/c within the base. [underlined] Prov. Cat E [/underlined] (On circuits and landings)
1659/F LL - 171 Pilot F/O LOCKE - Early return from Bullseye at 2249 hrs. - P.O.E. U/S. The undercarriage came down - then began to retract - came down again but did not lock - hence a/c practically made a belly landing. - Blocked the runway. - [underlined] Category E. [/underlined]
0330 Mosquito (crash) KB - 269. “U” pilot - F/O Timpton suffering from shock. - in Marine Hotel Military Hospital, Whitby a/c completely burned out.
DFCO NOTE (Wombleton, the nearest aerodrome may have to provide the guard to - morrow).
0900 On Duty F/O Mountjoy.
MOSQUITO “U” 12 Grp enquiring about this crash. Report Danby cannot provide guard for more than 24 hours. Wombleton say it is not their crash boundry [sic] but they are nearest aerodrome. 61 Base Engineers to let us know when the M.U. will be able to remove the wreck. Arrangements then to be made to guard wreck when this information is available.
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[blank page]
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1100. 61 Base BRISTOL FLASHLIGHT. Request for Bristol Flashlight 2345 - 0015 at 15000’ - Route Swindon to Bristol to Coast thence due North to Menai Bridge. Contacted 10 Grp who say Flashlight is booked already between 2245 & 2310 hrs. Approach from Northampton. This information passed to 61 Base.
1115 61 Base OXFORD J - 3533. Permission for this Oxford to go to Buttonwood and land obtained. E.T.A. 1400. Checked with 61 Base to see that they have complete instructions. S/L Knight arranged with Dishforth station adjutant to have transport tee’d up to bring this Passenger to 6 Group. R/T c/s “Clockdress.” Z. T.O. 1320.
1204 433/L Returned to base from Church Broughton - He had still got his full bomb load on and was overweight for landing so was sent out to jettison.
1215 MOSQUITO U - CRASH. 61 Base say that local Police have located an Engine & Prop located 1 1/2 miles North East of wreck map Ref. 281261 sheet 16. If inquiries are made at Oliver Welbourn’s store in Egton they will give the required directions - 61 Base have been asked to find out when the Engineering officer at Wombleton is going to make his required report to 60 MU at York.
1230 61 Base BRISTOL FLASHLIGHT advised that they will take part in Bristol Flashlight exercise. Advised 10 Grp we will be participating with about 30 a/c at 16000’ - 10 Suggest we fly route from Bristol to Fishguard as we will get considerable searchlight activity over the Cardiff & Newport I.A.Z area and circuits to Fishguard. - 91 & 92 Groups are also participating - advised 61 Base.
1252 62 Base Report Cloud of Black Smoke N W of Tholthorpe in direction of Brafferton. Informed 12 Group who will check with R.O.C before we take any action. (See not Re burning Incendiary Leaves at Brafferton.)
1310 434/C. 64 Base advise 434 C/ took was - was airborne before he should have been - Bounced hard and damaged his undercarriage - now circling base with one wheel down. (Stbd).
Stood Carnaby by a/c remained over base
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Early Returns
L/420 - Jetissoning [sic] Position - 5413N - 0111E to 12 Grp & Int. Time 1406 S.I.E u/s - C.T. O.’d
R/420 - Jetissoning [sic] Posn. 5407N 0200E. To 12 Grp. & Int P.O.E u/s Throttle Linkage. - C.TO’d.
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and then s/c with other a/c. Contacted 12 Group ROCLO. had attempted to have him plotted to see if he went out to jetisson [sic] or proceeded to target. Apparently continued on to Target.
1330 Ex 4 Grp Special Exercise. There will be a Special Exercise at Helmsley tonight which will involve dropping of Red & Green T. I’s at 0158 hrs.
L/420 Message from L/420 “Returning to Base S.E u/s Bombs dropped.”
1515 Jetissoning [sic] Position 5413N - 0111E. Time 1406 L/420. To 12 Grp L/420 landed at 1448 R/420 at 1511
1537 Ex 4 Grp Special Exercise This Special Exercise has been cancelled for tonight. They will let us know when it is laid on again.
1539 61 Base Report a Spitfire JZ - S an a/c of 57 O.T.U. Eshott shot up Dishforth aerodrome in a dangerous manner at about 1500 hrs. Report turned in to H.W. Fitter.
1628 OXFORD BG 604 Landed at Linton from Lulsgate Bottom. Staying Overnight.
1650 4 Grp. Report C/434 landed at Carnaby at 1645. Wish to emphasize that he made a wizard landing 1 wheel being 450 out of true. Passed to 64 Base.
1655 Ex 6 Grp Signals. Intercepted a message to Leeming HF/D/F. from V/429 - Asked for an Ambulance - Navigator wounded. Checked with 63 Base.
1710 61 Base MOSQUITO “U” CRASH No further “gen” on this crash Except Wombleton are taking over guard on crash at 1800 hrs today. 60 MU not collecting wreckage today. Whereabouts of Watkins the Nav. not known. He is not at Wombleton
1830 Off duty F/O Mountjoy. On duty B.O. O’Beirn F/O
1905 Hurricane Walton - AIR I grants permission for S/L Mc Carthy to send a Hurricane to Catterick to-morrow - 0930 - 1030 Film Unit (A.M.) wish feature of simulated landings & take off
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[deleted] Stirling [/deleted]
[underlined] Accident [/underlined] on Take off.
434/C - NA - 497 Pilot - F/L BOYLE Starboard u/c damaged. fixed at an angle of 450
Informed A.O.C. — S.A.S.O. — Air I — Cont. — G.T.I. — G.A.I. — Engig. — Equipt. — S.F.C.O.
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2000 434/C (Carnaby) NA - 497. F/L BOYLE - Early return mission abandoned. Jettisoned safe at 5404N 0047E Starboard wheel retracted and fixed at an angle of 45 deg.
2015 Re new H2S D.F.C.O. Routes which were to be effective Aug 7. - 12 Grp M.I.S have not yet received copies from M.I.O. Hence 6 Grp movements are to pass to M.I.S. 12 Grp. T.F.N. (1) T.O. (2) S/C time (3) Coast penetration times (4) ETR.
2125 434/C - Croft sending transport for the crew. Carnaby informed.
[underlined] Tuesday August 15[/underlined]
1005 Window - 10 Grp M.I.S. report that 2 a/c on X/country - are dropping window. Inquired from 61 Base - who say the crews were not briefed for window.
0035 X/C - Met advise possibility of low stratus in our Group - suggest recall of 408/P - Inf 62 Base to recall above a/c Inf 61 Base - who are having their a/c cancel bombing exercise and return to base
0115 408/P - 62 Base report that “P” acknowledged recall.
0125 Diversion - 1659/C. landed Tholthorpe 0108 1659/R, P, S - diverted to Linton. Dishforth coping at present.
0215 Night Flying All 6 Group aircraft landed.
0400. Ex 12 Group. Querry [sic] if our a/c all accounted for as a crash reported.
0840. Ex 5 Group Querry [sic] as to Skipton weather at 0230 hrs 600 - 800 ft. cloud vis. 10 - 20 miles. Say they [missing words] a crash near.
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[underlined] State of a/c Away from Base. [/underlined]
426-Z - FORD - Should be ready by 17/8/44.
415-B - EXETER - F/LT. Smith will visit it today.
425-N - MANSTON - Should be ready by 20/8/44.
434-C - CARNABY - Cat AC damaged undercarriage.
Early Return & Non Starters
424/M - Non Starter - Oil leak in S.O.E. - CTO’d.
419/R - Early Return. - P.I.E u/s - FEATHERED. C.TO.’d
433/K - Non Starter - Flat Oleo Leg - Could not be repaired in time - C.T.O’d.
433/G - Early Return - S.O.E u/s FEATHERED - C.T.O.D Lay shaft on S.O.E Broken
425/W - Early Return - P.I.E cut at English Coast. C.T.O.D Throttle Shaft Broken
432/Y - Early Return - Nav. Trouble with D.R Compass. Not C.O.T’d. Later C.T.O’d when Transmission Spring in DR Compass was broken.
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0845 Crash Ref. entries 0400 & 0840. 12 Group advise crash in E 3990 about 50 miles west of [deleted] Wes [/deleted] Topcliffe in the Moors. 1 body found. Crash action was taken by an M.U. in the vicinity and we were not requested to act.
0900 On Duty F/O Mountjoy.
1035 64 Base 419/R. Report R/419 Squadron landed - Not R/T & No W/T contact made. Apparently landed OK with full Bomb load. No further information yet.
1050 BRISTOL FLASHLIGHT Passed information regarding Bristol Flashlight target to 61 Base.
Target Time - 2330 - 2355 91 Group are participating - Position of their route will be - Abingdon - Portland - Bristol - Fishguard. Heights so far allotted, 10000 - 11000 - 17000.
Information also passed to 62, 63 & 64 Bases.
1125 61 Base Offering 7 a/c - 1659; 10 a/c 1664; 10 a/c 166; Doing part of following route. Abingdon - Portland - Bristol - Cardiff (Locals) - Base. Confirmed route later. 10 Grp advised. [inserted] 16000’ [/inserted]
1130 Oxford BG604 Took off for Fulsgate Bottom from Linton. Route Passed to 12 Grp.
1135 RAPIDE N450 Landed at Linton - S/L Turner - Hughes to see W/C Smith. Informed S/L Dawson who says W/C Smith already on his way to Linton.
1220 62 Base K/408 Advise a phone call (very indistinct) from Horham regarding K/408. Will we contact them and see what the call was about.
1223 63 Base G/433 - overhead at Skipton on Early Return.
1225 K/408 Contact Horham who say they have not landed any RAF a/c today, but they were calling Linton regarding an a/c of 408 Sqdn that landed at Horham last March. They had all the information they require. Advised 62 Base.
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a/c Missing - Crew List.
428/A - KB749
NAV. - P/O HETHERINGTON. L. - 179430
A/BOM. - BROWN D.W. - J28937
F/E - SGT WRIGHT S.W. - 1894352
WAG - W/O CLEAVER. S.B. - R90404
MUG. - F/S REVELL. P.C. - R.208111
R/G. - F/S WHYTE. E. - R217083.
A.O.C. — S.A.S.O. — S.O.C. — S.F.C.O — C of A. — ENG. — G.T.I. — GAI. — P4 — AIRI — EQUIPT.
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1250 Darky - Dishforth gave QDM - 2300 - 98m. to a/c “M” For Whitchurch (Tilstock) Overheard by Tholthorpe. - c/s underway
1350 1659/P - Hydraulic trouble. Linton will inform us when it is ready to return.
1659/C - At Tholthorpe - no crew.
1530 COMMUNICATIONS FLIGHT OXFORD A.O.C requests 61 Base Oxford (DISHFORTH) & pilot to take Sgt. Rainville from Dishforth to Hendon. To be ready at Dishforth at 1900 hrs this evening. Advised 61 Base. T.O. 1904.
1615 61 Base BRISTOL FLASHLIGHT Asked us to confirm with 10 Grp that the Bristol Flashlight will be on regardless of whether 91 Group scrub or not. 10 Grp confirm that it will be on regardless of whether 91 Group scrub due to whether [sic] or not.
1620 MOSQUITO NS538 Landed Linton at 1148. Left Linton at 1608 for Swinderby.
1632 62 Base Oxford. Took off from Tholthorpe for Leeming at 1630. Due Back at Tholthorpe at 1800. 63 base advised.
MILES MASTER From Montrose stopped at Linton for refueling [sic] proceeding to Hendon.
1635 COMMUNICATIONS FLIGHT OXFORD Permission granted by Hendon for this a/c to land at Hendon. Warned 61 Base that he must be on time as Hendon have no lighting, also to have pilot report to Duty Flight when he lands.
1820 WELLINGTON LN701 - H An a/c of 14 O.T.U. Market Harborough landed at Dishforth at 1543 with R/T & W/T failure. Pilot was F/Sgt Williams. Trouble was fixed but a/c developed an oil leak in Port Engine - This may involve and engine change - 92 Group Informed the a/c will be staying overnight.
1810 BRISTOL FLASHLIGHT Gen passed to 61 Base re - Flashlight exercise.
2115 Off watch F/O Mountjoy, On watch
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[blank page]
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2120 10 Grp - Re Bristol Flashlight - 10 Grp report that Navy do not wish a/c to go over Portland. Must change our route. Inf 61 Base - Their a/c now airborne.
Advised 61 Base to snd on HF/DF message to a/c in 10th day Bomber Code. Negative Portland proceed to Blanford (5052N 0211W) T.O.T same (10 Grp to inform Navy should a/c cross Portland)
2230 Diversion Ex C.F.C. - Prov Weather base for 6 Gardeners 429 Sqdn. Wymeswold - Checked with Met - Vis - 2000 - 4000 yds - up to 0430 hrs.
2350 Diversion “gen” passed to 93 Group.
2355 64 Base - [two indecipherable words] Ops report green flares on Z. 93 at 2346 hrs. ROCLO say it is Bradbury Range. Inf. 64 Base.
[underlined] Wednesday Aug 16, 1944 [/underlined]
0125 1664/J - 9 Grp report that M/U a/c lost - over [indecipherable word - given QDM & distance to base - Has 2 hrs endurance. Inf 61 Base.
0250 Gardeners - Met believe Mid. S.G. will be fit if Leeming closes in so decided to bring 429 a/c home. Inf. 63, 64 Base.
0300 X/C - a/c All X/C a/c landed base - 419 - 1 a/c 428 1 a/c on local Bullseye. Message sent to HQ 12 Grp.
0500 Gardeners - all returned to Base - Inf 93 Grp. 12 Grp.
Off Duty F/O O’Beirn
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[underlined] D.F.C.O. PLEASE NOTE. [/underlined] - GET PERMISSION FOR [symbol] OXFORD TO LAND AT HENDON - TOMORROW AT NOON. 19 AUG 1944.
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On Duty F/O Mountjoy
1015 DISHFORTH OXFORD. S.A.S.O. has given permission for A/C Waite 61 Base to be flown down to Hendon tomorrow T.O. about 1600 hrs. E.T.A. - Hendon about 1730. a/c will be returning immediately. A/C Waite will be contacting us possibly on Saturday to arrange for Oxford to pick him up on Sunday at Hendon. 61 Base informed.
1025 1695 - F/A UNIT DALTON Permission given to Dalton to send a fighter to Catterick this morning to assist in filming of 3 Hurricanes taking off in formation. W/C Miles gave permission. Passed to 61 Base.
1050 ANSON AJ 332 This Anson landed at Dishforth this morning at about 0400 hrs from Jurby. Wishes to return to Jurby via Fleetwood at 1130 Ht 5000’ ETA Jurby 1200 hrs. No luck in contacting Jurby. Passed Met information re conditions at Jurby. Small amounts of low stratus and frontal conditions at about 1400 hrs. Told Dishforth to signal him out. 1110 Ex ADGB. No Bullseye Tonight.
1112 ANSON DJ 244 Visiting Anson at Tholthorpe T.O. at 1130 for Sleap. - P/O More pilot.
Landed at [blank] at 1105, T.O. 1150 return to Honeybourne ETA - 1250.
1230 BARACUDA BU - 910 Landed at 1227 at Dalton - Refuelling - Proceeding to Acklington.
1905 BULSEYE Passed action sheet “gen” to 61 Base. Asked them to make suggested route points between Base & Cromer - They suggest Melton Mowbray.
1910 LIBERTOR 64 XX Landed at Skipton at 1233 from Attle Bridge Returning to Attle Bridge via York - Wisebeck - Attle Bridge. T.O. 1430 ETA. 1600.
1615 DIVERSION BASES S.O.C. asked for best diversion Base area for diversion of all a/c tonight. Consulted met who gave following area. South of Little Snoring to Henlow. West of Watton to Polebrook. Asked CFC for a minimum of 8 aerodromes
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Diversion Bases - Emergency weather.
[underlined] Sqn — No. A/c. — Station. [/underlined] — Group
408 — 9H — Chedburgh — 3
429 — 10H — Chedburgh — 3
427 — 15H — Wratting Common — 3
424 — 12H — Newmarket — 3
415 — 15H — West Raynham — 100
432 — 14H — Oulton —100
420 — 15H — Bourn — 8
425 — 14H — Wyton — 8
426 — 15H — Bassingbourn — 1st US
431 — 11H — Ridgewell — 1st US
434 — 14H — Shepherd’s Grove — 3
419 — 12L — Bury St. Edmunds — 3rd US
428 — 15L — Thorpe Abbotts — 3rd US
433 — 12H — Horham — 3rd US
429 — 5H — Horham — 3rd US
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preferably U.S.A. - large enough to take Halifaxes & Lancasters
1730 1800 DIVERSION CFC C.F.C. have no bases for us as yet. Tie up in all lines due to Met Conference. C.F.C advise that 8 Grp have asked for Prov. Diversion Bases themselves and want to know if we are still happy about this area. Consulted Met who say at Met Conference 6 Group suggested diversions [indecipherable word] East Anglia and there were no protests. Also 100 Group are still happy about this area. Informed Central Flying Control we still would like diversion Bases - Preferably American ones - for our Major effort and that our restrictions on the area might be
1830 Off duty F/O Mountjoy On duty Spence F/O
1830 to 1930 D’v’n Emerg. Weather Stations offered by C.F.C. - allowed as on opposite page - Gen passed to Stations. Met. believe we shall cope on early Ops; some doubt for later one.
Thursday - Aug 17/44
0030 to 0045 Diversion Keyed up 61 Base & M. St. G. to be ready to assist on return of early ops if required. Requested some bases from C.F.C. on West coast in case weather goes duff when we’re landing a/c.
0120 Divn. Decided Met would hold & a/c on early operation should be brought home.
0015 Bulls-Eye Due to uncertainty of Met. Controller recalled BullsEye a/c to have them out of the way for return of ops. a/c. Messages sent on Section K and [deleted] Hull [/deleted] Station K.F.D.F.
0120 D’vn. 9 Group, offer Hawarden High Ercall 12 Group offer Acklington Scorton & Ouston. Advised them not required
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Aug. 17/44
Following [indecipherable word]
429/O 5417N 0226E. Ack.
5401N 0135E Class 2. Ack.
5409N 0128E Class 2. Ack.
428/L Emergency 5426N 0026E Class 2. At 0115 hrs.
434/S S.O.S. 5428N 0043E Class 3. At 0243 hrs.
5427N 0046E Class 3. At 0245 hrs.
Report by F/L. Smith.
415/B - Exeter - should be ready to-day
425/N - Manston - Ready soon - call F/L McCallum at Manston.
426/Z - Ford - soon.
[page break]
Thursday. Aug 17/44
0400 D’v’n Met holding Decision to bring M. St. G. a/c home to base Informed 3rd U/S. BD.
0014 429/O. Cancelled Emergency.
0145 428/L Cancelled Emergency.
0212 434/S. [underlined] S.O.S. [/underlined] Emergency bearing [circled 1] 0650 Hull - 0270 [circled 2] Heston. A.S. 1700 Ht. 2000 pos. 5428N 0018E. - 0238 T.O. Fix 5428N 0043E 3rd class - 0243.
Contacted 12 Group F.C.L.O. on above priorities.
0245 Crash. Ex 12 Group F.C.L.O. Report from ROCLO of crash at or near Croft. Checked Middleton who say Croft handling also reported a red glow North east of Middleton which later was confirmed as a fire only. Informed 12 Group.
0300 434/S. S.O.S. On request of 12 Group had M. St. George endeavour to contact mfn on HFDF. As indications were that a/c was in sea at last position heard of it & wished confirmation it was not airborne still.
0330 ditto No joy on HFDF. 12 Group arranging search by 16 Group.
0330 Crash North of Flamboro. 424/G, 424/W and at least one other a/c report what appeared to be a crash at pos. 5409N 0010W at 0210 hrs. explosion on impact. Appeared to be in hills just on coast. Informed 16 Group. Also 12 Group at 0500 hrs. Police searching.
0225 420/N. Landed at Carnaby. Reported collision with another a/c at pos. 5257N 0245E. Perspex smashed & injured Pilot. He is in S.S.2 and should be able to return tomorrow.
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[underlined] Missing [/underlined]
428/Q (K751) F/O. W. Kairgreive J25437.
420/L (MZ687) P/O. G. Pritchard J86684. Co. P/O R.H. Davies J87194)
431/Y (MZ372) F/O. T.H. Dable J17647
434/S (LK796) P/O. J Wagman J35150 - Sea Search.
433/D(MZ899) F/S. Avard JGM.
433/I (MZ863) F/L. J.C. Valk J21433
433/P (MZ808) F/O J.A.W. Morgan J25000
Proctor - BX - 216 landed Linton from Hendon. On route to
Ventura - JP - 862. Landed Linton at 1245 from Pershore owing to weather. Linton inf. Pershore.
Oxford (Leeming) - took off at 1545 for South Cerney.
431/Q - (KST/Q) - MLS. 12 from Pulham message.
Thursday - Aug. 17/44
0600. Crash at Croft. Report of crash by R.O.C. turned out to be incendiaries going off. No damage.
0900 Off Duty - F/O Spence. On duty B. O’Beirn F/O.
1015 mid. (Croft’s Oxford) - Air I grants permission for mid to borrow Croft’s Oxford to take parts to 20 MU. near Gloucester.
1040 Com Fl. Oxford P1820 - (Ref 1015 hr entry 16 Aug. A/C Waite & G/C Creighton to Hendon. T.O. at [underlined] 1400 hrs. [/underlined] - Weather - 5 - 8/10 - 2 - 3000 vis 5 MT.
1105 Hurricane “E” from Northolt wishes to return Take off at 1105 from Dishforth. Pilot - F/L Austin Inf. Northolt.
1105 16 Grp A.S.R. - Report that KST - “G” sent message WBA - am over dinghy position 5313N 0034E (message faint may be 5413N) Checked with D.S.O & with 64 Base may be 431/Q using our non - ops c/s. Inf 16 Grp.
1150 16 Grp A.S.R. - message KST - Q WBA - 5413N 0034E (Dinghy sighted) WBC - IFF (switched on) 16 Group sending out one a/c immediately by S.O.C. & A.S.R.O.
1230 12 MLS A.S.R. (From Pulham
431/Q - Send message “Cannot contact H.S.L. Lindholme dinghy 6. - Inf AIR. SOC. 64 Base. TOR - 1215 (Inf ENG)
1300 408/R. 420/N. At Carnaby - both Cat. A.C. crews require transport from Carnaby - Pilot of 420/N can travel.
62 Base to arrange transport & to let us know time of arrival so we can inform Carnaby as crews are at Lissett.
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Report from S/L Bently - Intelligence Officer at Croft 431 Q - F/L McLeod.
Detailed for Sea Search in Area 5415N - 0000 5435N - 0045E
After completing 1st leg of 1st sweep, observed green, red & Green vereys, seen to our port at position 5413N 0038E at 1025 hrs - Height 400 feet Sea calm - dropped a smoke float between 1025 & 1028 hours. At 1028 Lindholme Dinghy and supplies were dropped, downwind from a height of 120 feet. The equipment landed 25 - 50 yds from the dinghy with crew in it. At 1039 hours we set course from dinghy to make rendez-vous with the H.S.L. Arrived at rendez-vous position at 1055 hrs. The H.S.L. was not there. Instituted a square of search - unsuccessful - at 1112 hrs. returned to Lindholme Dinghy - arrived there at 1131. At 1230 instructed other a/c to stand-by. At 1259 set course from Dinghy to H.S.L. Gave H.S.L. direction to dinghy. At 1325 we returned to dinghy. At 1341 notified dinghy that H.S.L. was on the way by aldis. Maintained contact with H.S.L. and dinghy until 1545 hours when H.S.L. arrived at dinghy. Rescue successfully carried out. Left H.S.L. and dinghy at 1555 hours. Landed at Base at 1622. Night camera in a/c and several exposures made.
Ex 12 Group.
Received a signal from H.S.L. - “Picked up 7 men - 2 slightly injured” - will be in Grimsby at 2000 hrs. Humber suggested they stay in Grimsby tonight. Rescue effected at B-19 - 25 - 26 miles - 25 to 26 miles east Flamboro - Position 5414N - 0039E
434/B - F/O Browning - Detailed for Sea Search over area 5415N 0000 to 5455N 0045E
At first run out at 1023 hrs at position 5412N 0038E at height of 500 feet we sighted a dinghy with crew of 7 aboard. Verey Cartridges were fired to attract other a/c. Then dropped smoke and flame floats, also aluminium sea markers. Smoke floats did not work. 431/Q was seen to drop a Lindholme dinghy and supplies. The crew made contact at 1106 hours. The Lindholme dinghy believed to be only partly inflated. Crew used own dinghy, but were seen
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1340 Message A.S.R. From Q/431 via Pulham:
From : KST/Q - GQ UL YN YU - T.O.O. 13.25 TOR 1328 : 431/Q - Located H.S.L.
1440 Oxford P/1820 - Pilot Chad - passengers G/C Waite & G/C Creighton took off at 1440 for Hendon. ETR 1600. Inf Hendon.
1450 Hurr. (Dalton) - Air I gives permission for S/L McCarthy at Dalton to fly to RAF Scampton on Liaison visit to 1690 Battle Defences Unit (Scampton is 5 miles north of Lincoln). Inf 61 Base.
1507 408/R (crew) 420/N (crew) - AIR I grants permission for W/C [indecipherable word] to fly to Carnaby for crew. Suggested that he also bring back crew of 420/N. Inf 4 Grp to inform the crews.
1558 Message A.S.R. - KST/Q - MUSM, YNGP, DHSM, HXUV, LUUJ. ([indecipherable word] Pulham) Received O.K. returning to Base.
1700 ASR Intell Report of 434/V 434/B.
1725 ASR Intell Report 431/Q.
1730 12 Grp Report WL/S - 434/S - crew of 7 picked up in H.S.L - 2 of which slightly injured - should arrive Grimsby by 2000 hrs. - Humber expect them to remain at Grimsby Inf. A.O.C. SASO. AIR I. SOC. A.S.R.O. 64 Base inf.
1740 Met - Bases should be fit for return
1750 4 Grp - Mocking Bird ex - at Helmsley.
1830 On Duty F/O Mountjoy
1915 Passed times of A.S.R. a/c to 16 Group.
1930 MOCKING BIRD EX Advised 61 Base & 62 Base & 63 Base of Mocking bird Exercise to be carried out by 4 Grp at Helmsley.
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to take supplies. At 1220 hours the Coastal Command Hudson marked dinghy [deleted words] with smoke floats at 1229 - he dropped a Lindholme dinghy [deleted words] upwind. Did not make contact. At 1430 hours W.O.P contacted Hudson a/c with Aldis lamp asking for orders & received “Return home taking over”. At 5417N 0000 at 1439 hours - 1000 feet - passed over 6 ships thought to have been stationary. Query “We were on the job 4:08 hours but no sign of ASR launches - why so long?
434/V - P/O Senberg - Detailed for Sea Search over are 5415N 0000 to 5435 0045E after completing outward leg of sweep, sighted dinghy with 7 occupants, at posn. 5413N 0035E at 1026 - 500 feet - Sea Calm. Circled dinghy dropping smoke floats, immediately east and west of dinghy. Observed leader (431/Q) go up to approx 3000 feet to send message [deleted word] He circled for some time then headed SSE.
(prior to sending message 431/Q dropped a Lindholme dinghy at approx 1032 hrs downwind and to port. Occupants of dinghy made contact with Lindholme dinghy and the crew are of the opinion that the ditched crew used Lindholme dinghy. He continued to circle dinghy dropping occasional aluminium sea markers. At 1220 Coastal Command Hudson appeared and dropped Lindholme dinghy to starboard of crew and wide. Also dropped smoke floats then flew shoreward. Returned in a short time continuing to drop smoke floats. We secured signal from Hudson at 1433 hours. “Return home - taking over”
At 5420N 0010W at 1445 hrs [indecipherable word] passed over 6 good sized ships heading north - no contact - This crew wonders why over 4 hours were necessary for launch to be sent out.
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[inside back cover]
[indecipherable word] B.R - 5728N 0350W cancelled by Lossiemouth
“Flying Control Log Book,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 10, 2024,
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