Browse Items (2013 total)

  • Contributor is exactly "Tricia Marshall"

The telegram informs Mrs Cahir that her son is missing in action during an operation at Frankfurt.

The message advises Mrs Cahir that her son has been reported as a prisoner of war by the International Red Cross.

Writes that she will be pleased to see him in two weeks. Catches up with news of school and illness. Says she went to the Lacarno with aunt and mentions that air raid warning and all clear have gone off.

A group of trainees arranged in four rows in front of the Trenance Hotel, Newquay.
On the reverse are the signatures of some of the trainees. A yellow post-it note states 'RRE Freeman 2nd row from left row 3'.

Bill writes to his sister about being captured and how he would send letters with coded messages. She would then have to get in touch with the Director of Information at the Air Ministry.

A letter and envelope written to Jack whilst he was in hospital. The letter is from Billie and Doris at the office where he used to work. They wish him well and describe office life at the office.


Writes about the farm, hatching eggs and the garden, detailing the flowers. Includes illustrations of plants, hatching eggs, animals and people.


Lists recently sold calves, prices and the names of their new owners. Comments on the sales process and about taking the pigs to market, includes amounts made from their sale also. Includes drawings of the cow auction and market.

Writes about farm animals and a recent visit to the college. Illustrated with pictures of animals and people. The last page is a coloured, comic strip style drawing about chickens on the farm.

Writes of the weather, a visit to Fillingham Castle, acquaintances, new kittens, geese laying and family members. Includes a number of drawings of people, places and animals.

Written in dialect as 'Johnathan Trumpitt', including small illustrations.

Writes about Stainless Stephen, a thunderstorm ('mother covered up the mirror and fender') and the garden and includes a number of drawings of people and coloured flowers.

Billy mixes real events with fantasy stories, illustrated with small people and animals.

The letter thanks George's mother for his Notification of Death certificate.

The letter explains the circumstances of the night Charles was shot down. Charles jumped out first and Brian next. Brian landed on land but there was no sign of Charles.

Invitation to visit relative graves in Holland from the Netherlands War Graves Committee through the British Legion. Provides list of dates and gives details of arrangements.

Writes inviting him to speak at their village’s festivities during the “Wings for Victory” week and, in particular to officially open the week at the garden fete.

Writes thanking him for giving a talk at the “Wings for Victory” opening ceremony in Colsterworth. He states that the funds raised were £11,363/10/11d. He hopes to see Squadron Leader Wareing in the near future.

Comments on recent rheumatism and that she was currently writing while on duty. Continues with news that WAAF watchkeepers were now allowed to fly on cross country flights over the continent. Recently this was done on the quiet. Mentions two routes…

Highlights two items about operation to Dusseldorf. Firstly the effect of 'G' and secondly the effect of adrenalin. Describes impressions on Dusseldorf trip. Goes on to describe reasons for his apprehension all during his first tour. Goes on to…

Writes to her from India on second Christmas away saying he is well looked after but would prefer to be with her at home with all the family. Ask her to pray that he will be home next Christmas. Writes of his activities and adds poetic vision of war…

Writes to two year old daughter how sad he is to have been away from her. mentions his time in the middle east and then describes his training role in India. Concludes he is sorry he cannot send her any presents. Includes birthday greetings card.

Write that he thinks she did not receive the last letter he sent a year ago. Repeats what he wrote in that letter about his activities in the middle east and India at the Indian Military Academy. Says he now has some pictures of her and tells her…

Writing for Christmas and the new year. Recalls news of her that mother had passed on to him. Mentions it is cold where he is and mentions the photograph he has of her. Mentions he has a dog and sends seasons greetings.
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