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Addressed to Rosemary Chadwick from Roy Chadwick. Writes he has arrived and had an interesting day. Postcard is of hotel where he is staying. On the front a painting of a large multi-story building with American Flags on top and trees in the…

Postcard to Rosemary Chadwick from Roy Chadwick written while airborne between Los Angeles to San Francisco. Sends love to all. Postmarked Seattle, Washington State. On the front a photograph of a United Airlines DC 3.

Recounts recent correspondence and food parcels. Talks of school activities and effects of bad snow conditions. Catches up with family news and events. Plain postcard with address to St Elphin's School on front.

Addressed to Rosemary Chadwick at V.P.S. Camp at Wells House School, Malvern Wells. Glad to receive arrival telegram and relaying family news. On the front a girl in pink dress in front of tree with spider and poem Little Miss Muffet.

Addresses to the Wells House Malvern Wells thanking her for letter and adding family news. On the front artwork illustrating the poem Ride a cock-horse to Banbury Cross.

Asks after Rosemary and hopes she is having happy enjoyable time. Looking forward to having her home again. On the front artwork of a boy giving a diamond ring to a girl and a dog. Title 'Ain't life grand?'.

Asking how things are going and wishing her luck. On the front artwork of a girl in white dress looking at letter box with dog at her feet. Title 'No news again? - Still hoping'.

Writes with exam encouragement. On the front artwork of a boy in deckchair with dog underneath. Title 'Take it easy - it's been well earned'.

A detailed report on the flight over Denmark, the explosion on the aircraft and evacuating the damaged aeroplane. The subsequent evasion to Sweden is also described.

Item 1 is a statement by Roy Maddock-Lyon on the events leading to the loss of the aircraft and his evasion and return to the UK.
Item 2 is a letter from the Air Ministry advising his parents that he is safe in Sweden. It is captioned 'RAF Letter…

A receipt signed by Ruth Arrowsmith for a one quarter share of her mother's savings.

A letter to the Manageress of the Salvation Army unit requesting tea and cakes for 30 men 'whose games period has been cancelled and are now engaged in Barrack room cleaning'.

Account of David Donaldson's Distinguished Service Order, biographic and family details.

Describes George lost on a drive but finding a disused airfield. He meets ghosts from the war and becomes emotional, then recovers and drives off.

Memoir including photographs of the crew and aircraft. Thomas Jones was a flight engineer on Stirling and Lancaster and completed 64 operations on two tours. Describes early life, joining the RAF, selection and training., crewing up and first posting…

#1 Ted Neale's account of a train trip in South Africa. Ted and his tall friend were attacked in Bloemfontein by a group of six locals.
#2 Designated pilots-navigators or bomb aimers at Heaton Park then sent to Bridgnorth to await a ship to South…

Memories of an early operational sortie for Ted Neale. An hour into the flight the cover of the photoflash spinner had come off. This could have caused the flash to ignite in the aircraft and brought it down.

Ted Neale's account of his last operation on a Wellington Mk 10. They had to fly to Grotaglie to take soldiers to Athens. He describes how they fitted the 12 men into the aircraft. On reaching Kalamaki, the airfield was being besieged by ELAS…

Ted Neale's recalls his absence of memory of the food at No 1 Aircrew Reception at Lords Cricket Ground, apart from the fresh milk. He was posted to Scarborough where the food was so bad that they ate fish and chips and flapjacks at a nearby cafe.…

Ted arrived in Portici, south of Naples from training in Palestine. He recalls a trip to Rome driven by Jesse Owens, the Olympic athlete. Afterwards he was transferred to Foggia to join 37 Squadron. There was a shortage of crews and he did not fly…

A notebook kept by Ted Neale with his notes recorded during training in South Africa with 42 Air School, Port Elizabeth.

An exercise book kept by Ted Neale when training in South Africa with notes about Metrology and Magnetism.

An exercise book kept by Ted Neale with notes recorded during his training at the Air Force Training School.

Letters from The Amalgamated Press Ltd, London, regarding winning the ‘Adventures’ Competition'. David’s name to appear in the 20th January issue of Crackers, he won a postal order for 2/6d

First letter is a reply to Derrick Allen acknowledging his request to join the Caterpillar Club, welcoming him to the club and asking for further confirmatory information. It also states his club pin will be sent as soon as it is available. The…
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