Browse Items (119 total)

  • Contributor is exactly "Robin Christian"

Catches up with family news and discusses the christening of his nephew and whether he will be able to attend. Remarks that being a Christian has made being in the RAF 'such a grand enjoyment' rather than a 'misery'.

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Writes about how happy he was to receive lots of letters following the birth of her baby Michael. Looking forward to leave at the end of month so he can see him and (when he his a longer leave, even take him out in his pram). Writes about life on his…

Writes from 'The Freugh, nr Stranraer'. Catches up with post and thanks for sending letters and parcels. Catches up with news of family and acquaintances, Writes of gardening and speculates about leave. He is disappointed that the RAF will not…

Describes life at RAF Upper Heyford including visiting servicemen living locally and bemoaning the posting of a colleague to another Operational Training Unit. Remarks that neither Harry nor the 'censor gentleman' will find the letter particularly…

From Bill Akrill who is undergoing training at No.1 Elementary Air Observer School, Eastbourne, congratulating him on the birth of his son and saying how good the food is.

States date 19 June 1944, Target constructional works Watten, zero hour 1915/1931. Lists leader/marker Wing Commander Cheshire and marker 2, Squadron Leader Shannon in Mosquito with 18 crews flying Lancaster all armed with Tallboy bombs.

Explains that the enemy had brought much vaunted secret weapons into action including V2 missile. Five launching platforms were known to exits and 617 as a precision bombing squadron to destroy these sites. First target allotted was at Watten to the…

Writes to tell Mrs Brooks about her husband's death as a result of a recent flying accident. States that it was absolutely instantaneous and that, as the crash had been from a low height, he would not have felt anything. Explains that he had been…

Letter to Mr Moth from Doris explaining how sorry she feels for Winnie and all of Harry Brooks' relations and asks recipient to convey her sympathy to Winnie. Apologises that she had insufficient time to wire a wreath for Harry's funeral.

Writes from Scarborough about how hot the weather has been and that they will leave shortly, Writes about going to the beach despite defences and swimming in local pool. Talks of swatting for examinations and thanks for sending cake and laundry.…


Announces he has completed first solo flight and has received letters from home. Tells of several days lead up to first solo and describes flight itself. Mentions he went to town with his mechanics to celebrate and goes on to describe flying activity…

Pamphlet giving official guidance to relatives on privately published notices concerning RAF casualties to ensure they do not contain information of use to enemy. Press have been asked to cooperate and any premature reference in press might…

From press officer. Writes that a copy of approved radio script being sent. Continues that copy has been sent to other official to see if there are any points to which exception is taken. Concludes with thanks for help in rubber salvage campaign.

Welcome letter congratulating recipient on being selected for aircrew training with immediate entry. Goes on to exhort recipient to keep fit and that the honour of the Royal Air Force is in recipient hands.

First page biography of Dennis William Raettig with information on other family members. Father was in merchant navy and brothers both served during the war in the navy and air force. Dennis joined Royal Air Force as an engine fitter. Dennis married…

Four documents. First a title page. Second a newspaper article summarising Hull's bombing experience in number of raids, people killed, houses destroyed or damaged, damage incidents, people rendered homeless and number of alerts. Notes that only 5938…


Letter date 21 July from 'Don'. Reply to letters sent two years after Don left the squadron. Notes that he is in touch with some other squadron members and recounts what happened to him after he left the squadron. He went originally to 1669 Heavy…

The notebook contains written accounts of 32 operations to targets in Germany, Italy and France between June and November 1943 and a list of his crew. Accounts include bomb loads and descriptions of operations including Pathfinder operations while on…

Account of problems of accurate bombing, introduction of pathfinders and use of marker flares. Relates use of cameras and photo-flash to obtain aiming point pictures. Goes on to talk on the introduction of colour film by attaching pieces colour film…
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