Letter from Bill Akrill to Ros



Letter from Bill Akrill to Ros


Writes about how happy he was to receive lots of letters following the birth of her baby Michael. Looking forward to leave at the end of month so he can see him and (when he his a longer leave, even take him out in his pram). Writes about life on his navigators' course which is more difficult than pilot training and how expensive the equipment is that they are using.




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Four page handwritten letter


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No 1436220 L.A.C. Akrill
2 Flight D Squadron.
No1 E.A.O.S.
Wed. 11. 3. 42 R.A.F.

Dear Ros,

I’d been feeling like a nice large mail bag when somebody handed me a very fat envelope at tea time. I wondered just what was inside & could hardly believe that it was all letters. It was grand to have so many - especially as they were full of news about Michael James (I’d been wondering what his name was like John & Rosamund though Mary said it might be that) I’d been wondering how you were both going on as he was only 3 hours old when Mary wrote.

I guessed there’d be some excitement at Potter Hill but judging by the letters you seem to have nearly turned the world upside down. Auntie Mary & Granny are already accusing one another of spoiling the young man. I’m afraid his poor old uncle won’t get a look in anywhere. Never mind I’ll

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Adopt his young brother when there’ll p’raps be not so much competition.

I’m glad he’s such a fine baby. Auntie M seems to think there’s never been one like him. But oh dear are you sure he’s anything like me? I am disappointed if he is. I hoped he he’d be exactly like his father & then his sister could be like her mother. However, lets hope he’ll grow out of it. I’m [underlined] sure [/underlined] you can’t tell yet who he’ll be like. If you say he can yell he must be like me as I’ve heard stories of how good I was at that in my tender years.

You can’t guess how excited I was when I got to know. I’d thought about him several times a day for weeks now - especially at the end & was looking out anxiously for news. Then I got mum’s letter & thought “no news yet” & then quite suddenly I read Mary’s bit at the end telling me all about it. I wasn’t expecting it then & gave quite a jump of surprise. I wanted to go rushing round to tell everyone but I’d just said good bye to every soul I knew so there was no one I could tell.

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[underlined] 3 [/underlined]

Then a funny thing happened - a had queer feeling (the more I thought of the little fellow) That I wanted to have a good weep. I didn’t of course as I was waiting in my full kit to come here, but my eyes were a bit watery I admit.

You bet I’m looking forward to seeing him. And if all goes well I shall be coming on a flying visit on the 28[underlined] th [/underlined]. We get a 48 every month here which is quite useful for me. And then about the end of April I should get 7 days so I shall be able to take Michael James out in one of his prams, provided he doesn’t yell - I should be scared stiff if he did.

Yes I like being here very much. There’s going to be plenty of hard work but its good to know I’ve something definite to work for again. It’s much more difficult than the pilots course & really in most cases more important but I’d soon be back at E.F.T.S. I never thought I was brainy enough for this job. We’ve been issued with no end of stuff, including a 15 guinea watch, but we have to share one of these between 4. I’ve not one myself which is as well as I wouldn’t

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feel safe with it. Also issued with sextants from which we learn to find our position from the sun, moon, planets or stars. They cost 45 guineas each.

I’m on duty tonight & feeling pretty tired too and stiff after playing tennis yesterday afternoon. I’ve got a darkie chap as companion for the night. He’s an amusing fellow.

Well I hope all the Aunties & Grannies don’t give you too bad a time rushing around admiring the baby. Don’t let them spoil him. I’ll be along to see him soon. Have enclosed something for a present. You’ll be able to get him something that will be useful. It’s a nice new one for a new baby!

Would you please tell mum that we don’t get much supper here & that I feel hungry after working all night so if she has time & if there is anything eatable going to the dogs I’d be real glad of it. Hope she doesn’t knock herself up again. Hope Harry’s feeling better.

Just been thinking how pleased Grandad would have been.

Thanks to every body for grand lot of letters. Love to all of you. [underlined] Bill [/underlined]



William Akrill, “Letter from Bill Akrill to Ros,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed July 22, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/17981.

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