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Edwin thanks Mrs Wareing for her recent letter and writes of losses to his family. He also encloses a photograph of his late brother.

He sends his sympathy to Mrs Wareing on her husband’s capture. He mentions that his brother was the wireless operator in her husbands crew and was killed in action. He would appreciate if anything her husband could tell them about his brother was…

Rev. E Goldthorpe and his wife, express their delight that Joan has heard that Bob is alive and passes on other news of friends and acquaintances.

Writes that saying they are pleased to hear that Bob is alive although a prisoner of war. They continue with general social news and gossip.

The father of the pilot writes to help sharing news with the other crew members' families.

The letter is from the father of Reg's pilot. He has just received a telegram saying his son is a prisoner of war.

For Halifax III and VI. Includes duties of flight engineer, annotated drawing of flight engineer's panel, details of systems: anti-icing, oxygen, cabin heating, flying controls, pneumatic system, pyrotechnics, Messier hydraulic system, flap circuit,…

Written from RAF Windrush No 6 PAFU. Writes about mail and that not much is happening but has done a little more flying. Says he would not be able to get leave or get home for Christmas. Catches up with family news.


Writes thanking him for letters and discusses money jointly spent on sons uniform. Talks about his current location and lack of progress and thinks they are wasting their time. Speculates on the near future, Catches up with other family matters.

Settling into new location after arriving safely in Canada. Catches up with family news and talks a little of his activities. Comments on lack of blackout compared to home and writes of hospitable local people. Mentions arrival of snow and how well…


Writes of worrying about correspondence when one is so far away from home and continues with philosophical chat. Catches up with family news. Writes that he is in hospital with septic arm and measles. He would be out the next day but had been put…


Writes about leave and catches up with family matters and travel arrangements.

Thanks her for letter and comments on how lucky she is to have his brother as husband. Mentions he would be leaving current location soon and has only a little night flying to finish. Writes he will be happy to get home as he has been away so long.…


Congratulates David on arrival of a daughter. Mentions brother Ian and writes of life in Canada in particular cold weather and use of coal and rationing. Passes on family news. Mentions contact with Kenneth Lawson and writes that Warrie who had…


Wishes David the best for 1945. Catches up with family news and a relation who has been posted to England. Enquires as to whether Ken has started his fourth tour yet and comments that he is stretching his luck. Mentions he was very kind and helpful…

Pencil sketch of four men playing cards round a table and explanatory note explaining 'sketch by Blenheim wireless operator Sgt E (Ted) Hart (who escaped from Le Kef with Douglas'.

Wedding certificate for Roy Chadwick and Mary Gomersall at Urmston Parish Church on 8 October 1921.

From birth in 1920 until operational pilot in 1944. Covers early life in Battersea and Morden in London, family life, school and first jobs after leaving school at 14 years old. Describes family experiences at beginning of the war volunteering for…

Describes operations as Lancaster pilot. Detailed description of last sortie to attack Dortmund-Ems canal on 6 November 1944. His aircraft was attacked by FW 190 which was driven of and then set on fire by another fighter attack. Describes bailing…

Flight Engineer Ron Jones 61 Squadron, killed in action 25 April 1944. Details of his early life and service career. Some information how he met his wife, then their brief marriage. Initially he was declared missing but on January 1945 he was…

Asks after family and whether John is on active service, had recieved a commission and was on bombers. Catches up with news of other acquaintances and asks after daughter Frances. Mentions their current situation and catches up on their activities,…

Letter from mother of flight engineer, written to the captains wife expressing sympathy, thanks and hope that the crew are safe somewhere.

Story of paratroopers dropped from Stirling over Normandy on 5/6 June 1944 all signing 5 franc note with message 'thanks for the lift'. Stirling crew survived the war and the pilot kept the note. Lists names of paratroopers and the fact that Eric…

From Elizabeth Kirby reminiscing and offering condolence.

Writes he read news in Telegraph and offers sympathy. Notes that there had been similar examples of such news at the office but then they had good news. Relates other news and hopes for the best.
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