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  • Tags: Resistance

In a farmhouse, three civilians are being interrogated by soldiers in fascist and nazi uniforms. The prisoner in the foreground is being tortured by strappado i.e. suspending the entire weight of the person on their wrists, which are tied together…

A firing squad opens fire on a group of civilians lined up against the wall of a cemetery. Two officers are featured in the bottom-left corner. Two other men in uniforms are visible in the background, near a built-up area. A copy of the execution…

Eight partisans with red handkerchiefs tied around their necks are approaching a dairy in a snowy, mountainous landscape. Other men with green handkerchiefs are scattered in front of the building.

Label reads “221”; signed by the author;…

In the Palmanova prison, a semi-naked man is chained to a prison wall while a figure in fascist uniform is pressing a glowing iron onto his chest. Three other uniformed figures are standing nearby. Irons are being heated in a brazier at the bottom…

In a prison cell, a naked partisan is chained to a wall by his wrists. Two men in uniform are beating him, the one on the right with a chair, the one on the left with a blood-stained club. A third man is throwing the contents of a bucket at the…

Partisans disguised as fascists pretend to escort “Romano” to the yard of the Udine prison. He is wearing a dark cloak and a wide-brimmed hat. A German officer stands in front of the prison gate from which light is seeping out. The prison wall…

Partisans disguised as fascists reveal their identity and attack the guards. “Romano” has concealed a machine gun under his cloak and opens fine on a man in uniform. Illuminated windows are visible in the background. The partisan in the far left…

Partisans are greeted and cheered by inmates, while three figures are running in the background. The partisan “Romano”, in dark cloak and wide-brimmed hat, is featured prominently in the middle of the composition being hugged by a kneeling …

German soldiers have entered the town square during the day and are herding civilians together by pointing guns and shouting orders. Five figures (who have their hands tied behind their backs) have been separated out and taken towards the front of a…

In a mountainous area, partisans are firing at unarmed civilians, causing confusion for both the civilians and their animals. One woman and three men have been hit by the gunfire.

Label reads “254”; signed by the author; caption reads…

On an isolated hill against a red sky, four soldiers are aiming their guns, ready to execute four standing civilians. They are chained together by their wrists, whilst two other soldiers are holding each end of the chain. The civilian on the extreme…

A surprise attack by fascists is taking place in a room where three civilians are cooking food over an open fire. The civilians have been taken by surprise, knocking over a chair as one of them stands and a plate being dropped. The soldiers are…

Seven, bloodied men have been lined up against a wall to be executed. The men are chained together with their hands behind their backs. The soldiers are dressed in green and black and are preparing to fire their guns. An officer is hitting one of the…

A semi-clothed man, whose left arm has been amputated at the elbow, has a rifle slung over his right shoulder and is directing men and one woman who are walking in knee to waist high water. Most of the men are armed and some are carrying boxes. The…

Men have surrounded a house and captured two German soldiers. Guns are pointed at the surrendering men, who have their arms held up. In the doorway of a house, one of the soldiers is being searched. The partisans are wearing mainly everyday clothes…

Men in khaki uniforms attack a stable where three German soldiers are hiding. A German soldier has been hit and is falling onto the ground, while two of the soldiers in khaki have also been hit and are falling down. One German soldiers is firing a…

Four German soldiers have been captured by men in khaki and red uniforms. The Germans have thrown their guns to the ground and hold their arms up in the air in surrender. A large house and water-mill are visible in the background.


Six soldiers have captured three civilians near a high stone wall. One of the civilians has been shot in the face and is falling to the ground. The two remaining civilians have been blindfolded and have guns pointed to their heads. An officer is…

In a town square, a figure in priest's clothes approaches a partisan who is brandishing a sub-machine gun. Two other figures in uniform are featured on the right hand side. Three Italian flags are visible on a bell tower with a clock.

Label reads…

An explosion destroys a check-point killing many soldiers. A machine gun emplacement is visible on the left hand side.

Caption reads “10” and “Novembre 1944. (4) Costretti dal fuoco dei partigiani, a starsene nell’interno della baracca,…

Nino Zanninello has been stopped by two of the soldiers manning a mountain check-point. One of the soldiers is holding onto the right handlebar of a bicycle, whilst another soldier is asking him questions and taking down notes.

Caption reads…

A group of partisans under cover behind rocks in the mountains are firing on a check-point. The figures below have been taken by surprise and are running around holding guns in the air. Two of the four partisans behind the rocks are firing with…

In a mountain landscape, a man disassembles a red bicycle. The frame hangs from a tree. Parts and tools are scattered across the ground.

Caption reads “107” and “Novembre 1944. (1) L’inverno si avvicina a grandi passi e necessitano i…

Lucia Muratori recalls her early life in Bologna in the family of a well-off foundry owner. She stresses that she had less traumatic war experiences compared to many other people at that time, the only disturbing episode being witnessing the killing…

Fausta Maggioni recalls memories of her wartime life in Milan. She describes a sizeable shelter reinforced with wooden props; a little bag with the few valuables she had always to bring along; as well as the many duties of her father, as warden, who…
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