Marcello Volponi being tortured by Capitain Venier
Marcello Volponi being tortured by Capitain Venier
In a prison cell, a naked partisan is chained to a wall by his wrists. Two men in uniform are beating him, the one on the right with a chair, the one on the left with a blood-stained club. A third man is throwing the contents of a bucket at the prisoner, while an officer is holding a gun.
Label reads “238”; signed by the author; caption reads “PALMANOVA, MARCELLO VOLPONI, anni 21 da S. GIORGIO di NOGARO UD. “Tito” catturato a Gonars dal Rebez, il giorno 26 Febbraio 1945. Torturato dal Capitano Venier, gli fu’ riservato un trattamento speciale, nudo lo picchiarono con sedie, con la frusta tutti a dosso, sanguinante, svenne, preso per il capelli e trascinato alla cella No 1 dove fu’ impiccato al gancio. E ancora legnate. Tormenti atroci, da legacci che non lasciavno circolare il sangue, secchi d’acqua fredda e botte: supplica il Rebez: [sic] “per favore sparatemi”, e il Rebez “ti faremo morire lentamente”. Febbre alta, gli diedero da bere, acqua salata mista a orina, e olio, penzolava inerte come uno straccio, poi calci e pugni di nuovo. Il calcio del fucile gli fracasso’ la testa, e spaccarono una costola, ancora 18 indicibili ore, attaccato a quel gancio, poi lo portarono alla cella No 2 fino al 13 febbraio, assieme ad altri, fui [sic] messo alla cella No 8 il 6 marzo lo portarono a Udine, in via Spalato dove assistette al processo dei 30 patrioti, piu’ tardi giustiziati, il 22 marzo partii [sic] per la Germania."
Caption translates as “PALMANOVA, MARCELLO VOLPONI, 21 years old, from S. GIORGIO di NOGARO UD. Nicknamed “Tito”, captured in Gornars by Rebez on 26 Frebruary 1945. Tortured by Captain Venier in an especially cruel way. Naked, he was bludgeoned with chairs and whipped by everyone. Bleeding, he passed out, and was dragged to his cell by his hair where he was hanged to a hook. Then more beating. Excruciating pain because of tight ropes that stopped blood, buckets of cold water, even more beating. He pleads Rebez: “Shot me, please”. Rebez replied “We’ll slowly kill you”. High fever, they gave her to drink brine mixed with urine and oil, dangling idle like a cloth, then punches and kicks again. The butt of a rifle fractured his skull, they also fractured a rib. 18 hours of further tortures dangling from that hook, the he was sent to cell 2 until the 13 of February, then to cell 8 with others. On the 6 March they carried him to Udine, via Spalato, where he saw the trial of the 30 patriots who where later executed. On 22 March he set off to Germany.
Label reads “238”; signed by the author; caption reads “PALMANOVA, MARCELLO VOLPONI, anni 21 da S. GIORGIO di NOGARO UD. “Tito” catturato a Gonars dal Rebez, il giorno 26 Febbraio 1945. Torturato dal Capitano Venier, gli fu’ riservato un trattamento speciale, nudo lo picchiarono con sedie, con la frusta tutti a dosso, sanguinante, svenne, preso per il capelli e trascinato alla cella No 1 dove fu’ impiccato al gancio. E ancora legnate. Tormenti atroci, da legacci che non lasciavno circolare il sangue, secchi d’acqua fredda e botte: supplica il Rebez: [sic] “per favore sparatemi”, e il Rebez “ti faremo morire lentamente”. Febbre alta, gli diedero da bere, acqua salata mista a orina, e olio, penzolava inerte come uno straccio, poi calci e pugni di nuovo. Il calcio del fucile gli fracasso’ la testa, e spaccarono una costola, ancora 18 indicibili ore, attaccato a quel gancio, poi lo portarono alla cella No 2 fino al 13 febbraio, assieme ad altri, fui [sic] messo alla cella No 8 il 6 marzo lo portarono a Udine, in via Spalato dove assistette al processo dei 30 patrioti, piu’ tardi giustiziati, il 22 marzo partii [sic] per la Germania."
Caption translates as “PALMANOVA, MARCELLO VOLPONI, 21 years old, from S. GIORGIO di NOGARO UD. Nicknamed “Tito”, captured in Gornars by Rebez on 26 Frebruary 1945. Tortured by Captain Venier in an especially cruel way. Naked, he was bludgeoned with chairs and whipped by everyone. Bleeding, he passed out, and was dragged to his cell by his hair where he was hanged to a hook. Then more beating. Excruciating pain because of tight ropes that stopped blood, buckets of cold water, even more beating. He pleads Rebez: “Shot me, please”. Rebez replied “We’ll slowly kill you”. High fever, they gave her to drink brine mixed with urine and oil, dangling idle like a cloth, then punches and kicks again. The butt of a rifle fractured his skull, they also fractured a rib. 18 hours of further tortures dangling from that hook, the he was sent to cell 2 until the 13 of February, then to cell 8 with others. On the 6 March they carried him to Udine, via Spalato, where he saw the trial of the 30 patriots who where later executed. On 22 March he set off to Germany.
One tempera on paper, pasted on mount board
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Angiolino Filiputti, “Marcello Volponi being tortured by Capitain Venier,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 18, 2024,
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