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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Large number of men working in a paddy field.

Seven Japanese prisoners pushing and pulling a trolley full of boxes, supervised by a man with a rifle. There are three more copies.

A group of seven prisoners working with a pile of corrugated steel.

Japanese prisoners at work in a paddy field. There is a second identical copy.

A line of prisoners handing over their weapons.
There is a second identical copy.

Lists stages and dates of forced march from POW camp Stalag Luft VII. Route via Winterveldt, Karlsruhe, Schonfeld, Jenkwitz, Wanzen, Heidersdorf, Pfaffendorf, Stansdorf, Peterwitz, Prausnitz, Goldberg. Eventually by train to Stalag 3A at Luckenwalde.…

Notes arrived at POW Camp Luckenvalde IIIA February 8th. Escaped form there in May. Lists some of his operations and result of combat against enemy aircraft and damage by anti-aircraft fire. Includes forced landing at Pershore and eventually shot…

Full face portrait of an airman. Prisoner of war intake photograph on the bottom annotated number '1678638'.
Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

Part of letter. Mentions things were dull as activity had stopped due to flu epidemic., but the British doctor has it under control. Says he had written to Australia house asking to be sent home via England. Comments that Australian air force men…

Two names and addresses. AUS421402 H E C Scott F/O and AUS 402516 Jay Lynch F/O. Note 'Scotty taken prisoner August 1944'.

Annotated 'Prisoner of war, YX5500, 92732, Cpl Walker A M, B Company, 2nd A.I.F. Stalag VII A, Austria (crossed out) Germany'.
Left - a small photograph of a family group, men, women and a baby.
Right - head and shoulders portrait of a man…

Account of his aircraft, in which he was air observer, being attacked on return from operation in Germany by intruder aircraft. The aircraft was crash landed and caught fire. Miller escaped through the top hatch but noticed that the pilot and…

Transcription of day by day account of activities from 19 April 1942 to 3 October 1942. Commences with photograph of Squadron in front of Halifax and of pilots on training course (Pattisson top left), Records daily activities, casualties, losses of…

Pleased to be able to send a letter rather than postcards he had only been able to send previously. Assumed the Red Cross would have informed her we was a prisoner of war. Writes that he is well and with a jolly crowd of companions. Mentions that he…

Writes that he is still well, gives love to all at home.

Writes that mail issue had arrived and he had had a good meal. Asks how she was getting on and regrets that long awaited date was now even further away, but he was still looking forward to it.

Writes that he was now feeling much better and had received half a Red Cross parcel with more to follow. Says he was rationing cigarettes and asks how things were at home. Says it will now not be long before he is home and closes with family banter…

Blank form with headings for addresses printed on one side.

Three photographs and four leaflets captioned 'Escape Aids & Instructions 1. Book of Do's and Don'ts in the event of capture. 2 List of phrases. 3. Photographs sewn inside battledress for use on false papers'.
Items 1 to 3 are head and shoulder…

Statuette of man wearing greatcoat and scarf wrapped round head pulling a sledge containing a box and other items.

Metal plate with embossed writing on paracord string.

Informs her that information received through Red Cross stated that her husband was a prisoner of war.

Six newspaper cuttings.
Left - headlines 'Lincoln flight sergeant is prisoner of war'. Gives some details of family.
Middle, two cuttings concerning news that Scott was promoted and to his Air Training Corps Squadron that he was prisoner of war.…

Newspaper cutting with map of Germany and parts of Poland and Hungary with locations of prisoner of war camps, towns/cities and Allied Fronts.
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