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  • Tags: military living conditions

An aerial view of the airstrip and camp at Robat. It is captioned 'No 12 (B) Squadron Robat Aden S Arabia 1935/36'.

Four photographs from an album. All four images show tents being taken down or erected and various items being moved around.

Letter mounted over seven album pages with envelope with last page of letter on seventh album page. Next page has four b/w photographs. Letter gives excuses for not having written. Catches up with family news. Explains they could not get off camp…

Letter mounted on four pages of album. Writes of her activities at RAF Leeming and catches up with family news. Gives reasons for not coming home on leave for Christmas. Describes shirt and pillow cases she had just bought. Writes about several…

left page:
Top - course photograph with a large group of members of Women's Auxiliary Air Force sitting and standing in three rows with wooden hut in the background. Captioned 'Senior NCOs Admin Course, RAF Wilmslow, March 1944'.
Bottom - document…

Left page:
Top left - view out to sea with cliffs on the right.
Top right - six men and a woman wearing summer clothes sitting on chairs round a table in grass field.
Middle left - two women wearing dresses on a beach with sea behind them.

A laundry book used by John whilst at Bassingbourn.

Left - convoy of military lorries on road through tented camp.
Right - a group of airmen standing behind a truck, with some others climbing onto it. Vehicle parked in street with buildings in the background.

Top left - view across grass of two large buildings surrounded by trees.
Top right - view along road with cars. Large building on the left with tower.
Bottom left - view across road junction of two large buildings in the distance.
Bottom right -…

A road runs left to right with an number of pedestrians in military uniform walking in both directions. A large two storey building with attic windows is on the far side of the road.

Identification kindly provided by Tommy Hmlnk and Ed Strohmaier…

View across road of a long building with two storeys and windows in attic roof. Two pedestrians on far left. On the reverse 'A426 Detmold'.

Identification kindly provided by Tommy Hmlnk and Ed Strohmaier of the Finding the location WW1 & WW2…

View down a road with a large two storey building on the right. A truck and bicycle going down road and pedestrian either side.

A booklet used by John for his laundry account.

Speculates on Rosser's current (civil/military) status and therefore addresses him as 'Mr'. Writes that he arrived in India some months ago but after the Japanese surrender and that he was flying transport on Dakotas from Rangoon. Comments on…

Writes about his new station, the local area and places to go. Writes that they had not done much yet due to weather but he had gone solo. Writes a little about his flying, ground school and staff. Continues with description of sports and athletics.…

Asks after Lewis's Christmas and writes about his own activities over the holiday. Continues with banter and gossip.

Explains why he had not written and complains about his current location and course. Expects to be there for another 10 weeks before being sent to a station to act as a wireless operator. Mentions many people on aircrew courses and adds a little…

Writes from RAF El Ballah, Egypt. Mentions letter had been finally been received from Vic. Catches up with news. Envious that Rosser was going back to old job and wished he could have the opportunity to fly with him. Describes a little of life in…

Relates history of his recent postings and that he was happy at Morpeth as it was near his home and girlfriend even though he would have liked to joined Rosser. Asks how things are with him. Mentions he has leave coming and describes some of his…

Writes complaining about his current location goes on with gossip about various people there. Mentions he had done nothing recently and continues to complain about his situation. Envelope is covered with handwritten flying hours calculations.

Catches up with news after recent meeting and thanks him for posting on letters. Writes about cost of sending his bicycle by train and explains why it is essential in his current location. Catches up with gossip and his activities and flying.…

Note on envelope 'Johnny Cantrell - deceased 21 Feb 46'. Writes that he had not received to his invitation and then tells a story about spending 12 days at Bari. Continues with news and gossip about the squadron and his activities. Concludes that he…

Bill for renewing two broken panes of obscure glass to door panel in N.C.O. Hut No 4 Site, RAF Edgehill (RAF Shenington). Made out to Warrant Officers Smith and Rosser. Annotated payment received 20 April 1944.

Details instructions for aircrew arriving detailing transport, duties, meals, messing and water. On the reverse - hints on Bari detailing bathing beach, lack of entertainment in town apart from hotel and NAAFI. advice on eating local fruit.

Navigator's. air bombers and air gunners log book used as a daily diary from 23 January 1944 until 31 January 1944. Describes daily activities including lectures as well as training and test flights. Mentions social activities, weather, inspections…
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