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  • Tags: Lancaster

Two airmen are sitting on top of a Lancaster cockpit. Underneath is nose art featuring a round saw blade with wings cutting and producing sparks.
12 bombs are painted on.
There is a second image with 'PL28042'.

An airman wearing glasses sitting in the cockpit of a Lancaster. Underneath is a cartoon of Donald Duck with a horn. There are also 11 maple leaves with a letter.

Don Browning was posted to 463 Squadron at RAF Waddington. On one operation two aircraft collided and Don lost friends he had undertaken training with. On an operation to Calais the weather was very poor and the attack aborted but not all aircraft…

A detailed map of Saint-Maximin. It is marked with four aircraft crashes - a Halifax (3 deaths) two Lancasters (one death) and a Mosquito (three deaths).

A large group of WAAFs arranged in three rows in front of a Lancaster. Additional information supplied with the collection states 'W.Cdr Hull & female staff'.

Canadian built Lancaster KB700 on a test run.

Four images of a Lancaster and a Standard 8 drop head coupe. In the car is a mixture of civilian women and men. The captions read 'Leeming 1945'.

Seven RAF Aircrew in front of Lancaster CA-M partial serial number; “NG41[?]. John Cuthbert is second from the left.

Eleven RAF personnel, some in flight gear, in front of a Lancaster with some of them sitting on bombs on a bomb trolley. John Cuthbert is second from right.

102 aircrew wearing tunic and peaked or side caps sitting and standing in five rows in front of a Lancaster. There is a defaced set of characters in the top left of the photograph. Captioned 'August 1942, Wyton: Pathfinder Force'.

Lancaster R5669, letters OL-E (also known as “E for Edward”) from the side. Two other Lancasters are visible on the ground in the mid background facing in the opposite direction, in the far background there are two hangers and, in the air, a…

A Lancaster, caught in searchlights with anti-aircraft fire bursts around it, diving toward Dusseldorf on the night of 9 September1942, with a title reading “The Night of September 9th 1942.” A note next to the Lancaster reading, “450.…

Transcription of extract from a recording made in a Lancaster bomber while over target. Gives crew intercom commentary including bombs gone and reports on defences.

A 25 page account of the preparation for, and carrying out of a maximum effort operation against Duisburg by Lancasters of 83 Squadron at RAF Wyton, part of 8 Group Bomber Command. Account provides detailed description of preparations, briefing and…

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for F Mottershead, wireless operator, covering the period from 29 April 1943 to 9 April 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RCAF Calgary, RCAF Mossbank, RCAF…

Pickford's cab on the right attached to trailer with part of aircraft fuselage loaded, Behind to the left a large doorway in wall of a factory. Submitted with caption 'Repairs to Lancaster bombers. Rear section fuselage completed and loaded for…


End on view looking down part of aircraft fuselage mounted on a trolley. Submitted with caption 'Repairs to Lancaster Bombers. Fuselage front section (D2) on repair trolley'.


Side view of rear fuselage of a bomber with rear turret at left-hand end. Damage is visible on lower and starboard side. Resting on a trolley. Submitted with caption 'Repairs to Lancaster bombers. Damaged rear fuselage (D4) before repairs'.


End on view of centre section of aircraft wing with hole ripped in upper surface. Submitted with caption 'Repairs to Lancaster bombers. Damaged centre section before repairs'.


View inside a large factory dispatch shed. On the left a Pickford's cab attached to a trailer on which is loaded part of an aircraft fuselage. Submitted with caption 'Repairs to Lancaster Bombers. Completed rear fuselage (D4) loaded for despatch'.


View end on of an aircraft wing centre section resting on a trolley. Submitted with caption 'Repairs to Lancaster bomber. Centre section on repair trolley'.


View inside factory workshop. Part of a wind held vertical with small trolley to right. A man and a woman are working on wing at the righthand end. Panels are missing at the right middle and spars visible. Submitted with the caption 'Repair of…


View inside large factory workshop. In the foreground three main plane jigs with wing sections held vertically orientated backwards. Two men are working on the right hand wing part. In the background lined up, more mail plane wing sections. Submitted…


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