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General Adolph Galland remembers his early life and subsequent career as a Luftwaffe pilot. Recounts various episodes: flying gliders as a young boy; changes in Luftwaffe fighting tactics during the Spanish civil war; the Luftwaffe refraining from…

Liliana Kucic Podda recalls her early years in Fiume, describing a serene childhood playing with her friends. She recalls a severe bombing raid that hit the Whitehead torpedo factory and the ROMSA refinery - the latter burning for days - and mentions…

Richard Harrison was born in Cologne in 1924 to a German mother and English father. His desire to be aircrew was thwarted initially by a failed medical, something he later surmises could be on account of his mother’s nationality. A member of the…

Air gunner's log book for Ernest Cutts, rear gunner, covering the period 23 November 1943 to 21 September 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations and post war flying. He was stationed at RAF West Sale, RAF Litchfield, RAF Marston Moor, RAF…

Target photograph of Koningsberg. River or canal top right, some light streaks, urban area, street patterns and features visible. Captioned '8[degrees ]F', '7B', '2426 SKELL.29/30.8.44//NT8" 8700 [arrow] 030° 0133 KONIGSBERG…

Target photograph of Bois de Cassan. Red dot lower centre. River Oise, bomb craters, roads and field patterns all visible. Partially obscured by bomb explosions, smoke and dust. Captioned '3°F', '5B', '1877 SKELL.6.8.44.// 8" 14000 [arrow] 136°…

Hans-Walter Bendzko recalls his wartime experiences as a young boy in Berlin, before being evacuated. He describes his time at Wannsee, being properly looked after while surviving one of the Berlin bombings and mentions incendiaries falling into a…

Benito Colonna reminisces about the bombings of Rimini and other wartime experiences. Benito was with his mother when he witnessed the 1 November 1943 bombing: he saw aircraft approaching and bombing the town, concentrating the attack on the railway…

Target photograph of La Pallice. Port area, partially obscured by cloud, smoke and dust. Breakwaters, docks, quays, industrial installations and lock gates all clearly visible. Disturbed water from bomb explosions also visible. Captioned '5°F',…

Target photograph of Pilsen. Completely obscured by haze, smoke, dust, light streaks and balls of light. Captioned 'V', '5B', '5152 SKELL.16/17.4.45//NT(C)8" 12750' 165° 0401. PISEN.B. 1HC4000(Tr)IN+6MC500(M2)DT46ANM64DT.27secs.F/L.RAWLE.B.61.'. On…

Target photograph of Brest. Port area, breakwaters, quays, docks, industrial installations, river La Penfeld all clearly visible. Bomb explosions straddling a breakwater. Captioned '3°F', '5B', '2069 SKELL.14.8.44.//.8" 15500' [arrow] 010° 2028…

Target photograph of Molbis. Mainly obscured by light streaks, balls of light and bomb explosions. Visible area mainly rural, no detail clearly visible. Captioned '6V', '5B', '5069. SKELL.7/8.4.45//NT(C)7" 16200' 080° 2302 MOLBIS.D.…

Target photograph of Shiping off Moss. Coastal area, bay or estuary, small area showing quays and docks, larger area showing coast line, but mainly water. Bomb explosions in water. Captioned '8°F', '7B', '4064 SKELL.28/29.12.44//NT(C)8" 8000' 340°…

Target photograph of the Heimbach Dam. Partially obscured by cloud smoke and dust. No detail clearly visible. Captioned '8°F', '5B', '3931 SKELL.11.12.44.// 8" 9000' 125° 1437 DAM-HEIMBACH.T. 14 MC 1000 DT. C 25secs. F/L BARTLETT.T.61'. On the…

Target photograph of Rollencourt. Red dot centre right. Partially obscured by cloud, visible area rural, field patterns and bomb explosions visible. Captioned '5°F', 5B', '2439 SKELL.31.8.44// 8" 14000' [arrow] 172° 1812 ROLLENCOURT…

Target photograph of Wurzburg. Urban area, some light streaks, no clear detail visible. Captioned '8°F', '6B', '4705 SKELL.16/17.3.45//NT/(C).7". 9500 014° 2133 WURZBURG.E. 1HC4000IN,18X4. 19secs. F/O.SWALES.E.61.' On the reverse ' F/O. SWALES.…

Target photograph of Wilhelmshaven. Completely obscured by cloud, smoke, dust and bomb explosions. Captioned '3°F', '6B', '3079 SKELL.5.10.44.//8" 18000' [arrow] 270° 1109 WILHELMSHAVEN RD.B.10X1000.4'J'X500.C34secs.F/O MOURITZ.B.61'. On the…

Target photograph of Royan. Almost completely obscured by light streaks and a ball of light. no clear detail visible. Captioned '8°F', '6CLB', '4179 SKELL.4/5.1.44//NT(C).8" 8000 213° 0402 ROYAN.L. 1HC4000(M) IN,5GP500DT,11MC500DT, 23secs. S/L.…

Target photograph of Politz. Partially obscured by ball of light and haze, no clear detail visible. Captioned '5[degreesF', '5B', '4385 SKELL.8/9.2.45//NT(C).8" 10750 065° 2121 POLITZ.A. 1HC4000IN. 14MC500DT. 21secs. F/O MOURITZ.A.61.'. On the…

Target photograph of Flushing. Port area, breakwater, docks, quays, bomb explosions and disturbed water visible. Captioned '8°F', '5B', '3205 SKELL.11.10.44.// 8" 5000' [arrow] 272° 1458 FLUSHING 96RD.C.11X1000.4X500.C23secs.F/O ABBOTT.C.61.'. On…

Target photograph of Farge. Partly rural and wooded but with industrial structures including oil storage tanks. Roads and field patterns visible. Captioned '3[degree]s F', '4B', '4912 Skell.27.3.45//8" 16200 050° 1303 FARGE.R. 14MC1000(Minol)LD.…

Time based navigators log of operation to Bochum on 13 May 1943 completed by navigator Sergeant Bush.

Target photograph of Bois-de- Cassan. Rural area, roads, woods, field patterns and houses clearly visible. Captioned '3°F', '4B', '1614 SKELL. 2.8.44 // 8" 16000' [arrow] 085° 1719 BOIS-DE-CASSAN RD.M.11X1000.4X500.C33secs.F/O. WHITE. M.61'. On the…
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