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  • Tags: Women’s Auxiliary Air Force

A WAAF in a horse drawn carriage, in front of ruins. On the reverse 'Malta. Your mum - in a Gharry RAF Malta 1944/5 en-route from HQ Air Command, Singapore to UK.' and, in pencil 'Mum in Malta Mum RAF Malta 1944'.

A WAAF sitting on a donkey cart. On the reverse 'Mum - with RAF crew enroute from Singapore & Malta'.

A cartoon of three parachute section WAAFs distressed by demands from airmen. The demands are annotated.

Service release book for Audrey Maud Saunders (ACW1, 2149007). Contains details and instructions for release from RAF service. Saunders was a teleprinter operator in the Women's Auxiliary Air Force.

A port side view of an Avro Lancastrian wirh Anne Imming standing under the port wing. On the reverse 'Your mum - under the Wing of RAF VIP aircraft - en-route from HQ Air Command S/East Asia - forced landing at RAF Iraq to UK. 1945 1945'.

Babs Howes hanging out some washing. Large tree and a building in the background.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Barbara sitting on a wall.

Barbara sitting on a grassy hillside. On the reverse 'Ramsey May 1945'.

Barbara in uniform sitting on a stone wall. On the reverse 'June / 45 All my love darling Babs xxxx'.

Five photographs of Barbara in uniform.
Photo 1 is Barbara walking up a hill overlooking Ramsay.
Photo 2 is Barbara leaning on a bridge at Dhoon Valley. On the reverse 'June 26th, 1945 On one of the wee bridges across the Dhoon'.
Photo 3 is…

Barbara sitting on a hillside. On the reverse 'June 26th, 1945. Dhoon Bay'.

Two poems. The first about being Air Force GD (General Duties) and having job of cleaning floors and steps. The second about not envying WRENs.

A collection of head and shoulder portrait photographs on a piece of card. The photographs are annotated with names and dates of WAAF personnel at Bawtry Hall: [indecipherable], Pat Garlick, Pamela Hiosell, Joan Shingler, Cissy Ward, Marion…

Individual seated on wooden folding chair at a wooden folding table, two brick walls, one with a poster exhorting everyone to 'Ask their hairdresser for a Liberty Cut'. The other has a large sink and two taps.

Additional information about this…

A head and shoulders portrait of Beatrice. On the reverse is a sticky note with her name.

Beatrice wearing a great coat is standing in a street. On the reverse on a sticky note is 'Beatrice Holden' and handwritten 'Beatrice 1943'.

Three members of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force wearing greatcoats. On the reverse 'L. Doreen from Larne. R. Violet from Portrush and myself. 24/1/43' and on a sticky note 'Beatrice Holden centre'.

Geraldine Sadler, daughter of Joyce Bell, with her husband and her [mother, Joyce] at the IBCC memorial, Canwick. [Her mother] is in a wheelchair holding [his/her RAF/WAAF} cap.

Bessie and eight other ground crew from 625 Squadron at RAF Binbrook, sitting on a loaded bomb trolley.

Bride and groom are Bessie and Wally Birkby, then a sergeant with air gunner.

Head and shoulders portrait of a member of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force wearing tunic with corporal rank, On the reverse 'To Jill, one of the best from Betty 1943 xxxxxx'.

Head and shoulders portrait of Betty Turner in Women's Auxiliary Air Force uniform. On the reverse 'Blk peak Blk band Gold Badge - RAF cap blue Blk tie, pale blue shirt, Uniform greyblue'.

Head and shoulders portrait of a Women's Auxiliary Air Force corporal wearing tunic side by side with an airman wearing tunic with sergeant rank and observer brevet.

Bill Chubb, his crew and four women. The airmen are in uniform and the women are in civilian clothes. The image has a caption with the names and trade of each airmen.
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