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  • Tags: military service conditions

A side view of an airman at the control of an aircraft. He is wearing a helmet and oxygen mask.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

A description of what happened before and during and operation. The battle order was posted, the crew checked over their aircraft, the bomb load was planned, the crew received their briefing, dinner was eaten (bacon and eggs), they dressed,…

Four tall aerials, two wooden huts, one protected by blast walls, in a open field.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

A duplicated magazine, produced by the personnel at Branston Mere. It includes 'in' jokes, poems, cartoons, and a ghost story.

A duplicated magazine produced by the personnel at Branston Mere Y station. It contains 'in' jokes, stories, a quiz, poems and cartoons.

A duplicated magazine, produced by the personnel of Branston Mere Y station. It includes 'in' jokes, stories, poems, cartoons and a
a crossword puzzle.

a 29 page duplicated magazine produced by the personnel of Branston Mere Y station. All the items are original, mainly 'in' jokes consisting of stories, jokes, poems and cartoons.

A view from roof height looking down on a yard with two small trucks, a cordoned off flag pole and a man with a motorbike. On the reverse 'Yes, that really is me.'

Thanksgiving eulogy for the life and times of Arthur Hollis OBE, DFC of Bomber Command which covers his childhood successes whilst at Dulwich College, his subsequent enlistment into the RAF in 1941, and his pilot training in Florida and the UK. It…

Album page, captioned 'E.F.M. Expedition Force Messages'. Two EFM's to Keith from his family, an acknowledgement from Western union that the EFM Keith sent had been delivered, a Western Union flyer with pricing. Page annotated '3 phrases from a…

Ten photographs, one of Anson in flight captioned 'Avro Anson Mk1'.
one looking forward towards the cockpit captioned 'Inside the Anson'.
Three of countryside taken from the air captioned ' Views from outside'.
One of a woman seated in a rowing…

View of the rear turret of a bomber

View from outside of an airman sitting in rear turret of a Lancaster. Two machine guns are visible.

Top left - three airmen in khaki uniform with side caps standing in line with trees in the background.
Top right - air-to-ground view of landscape with many bomb craters.
Middle left - an airman on bed in barrack room.
Bottom left - air to…

Article by Carl Olssen from 'Illustrated' magazine 19 February 1944. Comments on the operations to Berlin, on the poor living conditions on all the newly built airfields, outlines the preparations for an operation throughout the station. Numerous…

Includes personal details, cash issues, pay and allowances.

Item 1 - wireless operator's station inside a Lancaster.
Item 2 - in-flight view across the starboard wing of a Lancaster.
Item 3 - in-flight view of the mid-upper gun turret.
Item 4 - caption 'RAF Waterbeach 514 Squadron Operational'.


Photo 1 - view across the port wing of a Lancaster in flight. Mostly clouds.

Photo 2 - air-to-air view from the mid-upper turret looking aft towards five Lancasters.

Photo 3 - vertical aerial photograph of Wesel, Germany during a bombing…

Internal images of inside the RAF Lancaster, captioned 'Last time in a Lancaster was on Thursday 20th. March 1947 flying back to Ein Shemer from Malta Now inside a Lancaster some 67 and a half years later.'

Photo 1 - the cockpit, annotated 'Pilot…

Photo 1 - head and shoulders portrait of trainee Denis Bradbury smoking a pipe.

Photo 2 - an air-to-air image of a Percival Proctor.

Photo 3 - modern photograph with a side view of a Lancaster and E-7 Sentry in the distance.

Photo 4 -…

Daily activities from 25 January 1945 to 31 January 1945. Notes writing to family and friends, working and going out.

Unused card is from 18 EFTS, for period 25-31 Jan 1942.

Photo 1 - an airman with sergeant's stripes with his arm round a woman with a man to their left. They are sitting on a park bench.
Photo 2 - an airman identified as Bill Willoughby, Navigator at Wimpey port gun position.
Photo 3 - Bill Willoughby…

Three similar images of airmen peeling potatoes, annotated 'At aircrew pool Scampton Aug '44'.

Five Group Newsletter, number 27, October 1944. Includes a foreword by the Air Officer Commanding, and features about operations, gardening, signals, tactics, air bombing, navigation, this month's bouquets, radar navigation, training, second thoughts…
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