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Brief details of early life. Joined Royal Air Force 26 March 1941, trained as pilot in Canada. Flew operations on 106 Squadron at RAF Syerston and RAF Metheringham from June 1943 to February 1944. Instructional tour at 5 Lancaster Finishing School…

Pilots flying log book for John L Kennedy, covering the period from 2 February 1942 to 30 November 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Induna, RAF Kumalo, RAF Perth, RAF South Cerney,…

A report stating that Sam is not suitable for Pilot, Navigator or Bomber.

J Flint’s Flying Log Book covering the period 30 August 1938 to 16 February 1944.
Detailing his flying training and operations flown as pilot. He was stationed at RAF Tollerton (27 E&RFTS), RAF Hanworth (5 EFTS), RAF Yatesbury (10 EFTS), RAF Brize…

J Flint’s pilot’s flying log book covering the period from 17 March 1944 to 23 October 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as pilot. He was stationed at RAF Bruntingthorpe (29 OTU), RAF Swinderby (1660 HCU), RAF Syerston (5…

Pilots flying log book for A P Gamlin, covering the period from 5 January 1945 to 8 August 1945. Detailing his flying duties with 1693 general reconnaissance flight. He was stationed at RAF Sumburgh and RAF Kastrup. Aircraft flown in was…

RAF Form 765 (C) covering the accident to Sam's aircraft. The report concludes that an engine failed and the crash was an error of judgement by the pilot.

South African Air Force pilots flying log book one, for P H Gaunt, covering the period from 23 August 1943 to 19 November 1944. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at SAAF Witbank, SAAF Pietersburg, RAF Qastina and…

Pilots flying log book for P H Gaunt, pilot, covering the period from 20 October 1944 to 21 June 1952. Detailing his operations flown and post war flying at 69 reserve centre and 7 reserve flying school. He was stationed at RAF Foggia and RAF…

Relates story of Lancaster on operation to Berlin being hit by night fighter fire which wounded crew and damaged aircraft. Returning home with wounded crew and belly landed.

Note listing 1st tour crew. 'Pat Finnerty DFM, Nav C Boyes, F/E Cowling, W/O T Bellamy, B/A H Jones, M/U T J Page DFM, RG WBB, "J" was KO-J DS626 a Lancaster II with Hercules engines'.

Combat report by Flying Officer V S Breckenridge. Relates first attack by fighter killed wireless operator and wounded rear and mid-upper gunners as well as damaging the aircraft. Second fighter attack caused more damage and the pilot and navigator…

Lancaster ED838 and crew took off from RAF Bardney on an operation to Essen on 1 May 1943.
The report contains information about the crew, the operation to Essen and their loss as well as maps and photographs.
The crew were:
Pilot Officer G A…

First page - photograph of seven airmen wearing battledress with brevet standing in front of a Lancaster. Captioned 'Lancaster - 138 Squadron, Alf Warren (3rd from the left) mid upper gunner'. Then follows a list of thirty-one operations between 2…

Seven airmen wearing a variety of flying kit standing in line in front of the rear fuselage of a Lancaster (registration ME584 squadron letter "Y"). Captioned 'Jimmie Hall wireless op Scot (marked with cross), Jack Meek observer Canada, Bill…

Top left - newspaper cutting (London Gazette) with citation for Pilot Officer Baker and Warrant Officer Meek.
Top right - newspaper cutting - Lancaster lands on bomb door. Account of badly damage Lancaster with wounded crew returning from operation…

Top - head and shoulders image of three aircrew wearing tunics with brevet (one pilot, one wireless operator and one air gunner) standing in a group with another figure in civilian dress behind them. They are standing on a railway station platform…

Top - eleven aircrew, except one, all wearing battledress with pilot's brevet sitting and standing in a group in front of a building.
Middle - sixteen aircrew, all wearing battledress, some with discernible observers or navigator's brevet standing…

Seven aircrew all wearing tunics with brevet and side or peaked caps standing in line with trees in the background. Captioned from second man from left 'Ted W.Op, Art bomb aimer, Pat (DFM) skipper, Don engineer, Cliff navigator'.

Records that Jack Meek a Canadian navigator was going back on operations after having been wounded on an operation to Berlin the previous January. Describes his crew and relates the story of the January operation where they were attacked by fighters…

A cutting from a newspaper with Reg and John Bushell's names recorded as prisoner of war. Handwritten on it is Evening Standard 12.4.44.

A list of the other six members of Reg's crew...Harvey, Laurie Underwood, Jack McArdle, Bill Ross, John Bushell and Alec McCarroll.

Description of three (one aborted due to weather) operations against Tirpitz, photograph of crew on return from sinking Tirpitz, poor photocopy of target photograph of attach on Tirpitz. Account of operation on E & R boat pens at Ijmuiden along with…
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