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  • Tags: flight engineer

Photograph of car parked in a street, Keith Thompson and civilian standing by car, captioned 'May '44-1936 Ford 10-My first car'.
Second and third pictures, same car, somewhat battered, parked on road, houses in distance, captioned 'Topcliffe,…

Six airmen wearing flying clothes or battledress standing in line behind a Lancaster. Captioned at top 'Crew from left to right, Sid Grimes wireless operator, Ken Gill navigator, Charlie Randon bomb aimer, Jack Penswick gunner, Eddy Barnett engineer,…

Six airmen standing behind a Lancaster. Captioned '1944, Left to right, all shorties well nearly all, Sid Grimes (Wireless Op), yours truly, Charlie Randon (Bomb dropper of), Jack Penswick (Gunner), Eddy Barnett (Engineer), Barney Gumbley…

Seven airmen standing in a row in front of Lancaster 'C'. The image has been colourised.
On the reverse
'Brailey J. F/E Peters R/G Killeen K Nav. Thornton J. Pilot Wilcox W W/Op Thomas D MU/G Ross J BA'.

Two head and shoulder portraits of Kenneth Pope in uniform, cap has aircrew training flash. Third is an informal photograph of a lady sitting on a low wall.

Head and shoulders portrait of Kenneth Pope, in uniform with flight engineers brevet, together with coloured drawing of RAF badge superimposed on a three bladed propeller with a small ribbon bow in RAF colours.

Head and shoulder portrait of Kenneth Pope, in uniform, half wing brevet, and flight sergeants rank badges.

Head and shoulders portrait of Sergeant Kenneth Pope in uniform with flight engineers brevet and whistle.

Head and shoulders portrait of Kenneth in uniform, flight engineer's brevet, sergeants stripes and Muriel in dress with necklace. Captioned '23 June 44'.

Two photographs, the first captioned 'Ken', 'Bill W.O.P.', shows Ken with Bill Maurer, in uniform, with a corner of a building in the background. The second, captioned 'The Skipper ''Jimmy" just after his commission', showing his captain, in…

Kenneth Pope's crew in uniform with four members of their ground staff, one with a cigarette. With Lancaster PO-Y in background. Captioned ' The crew and ground staff', 'Darcy Vic Bill Bill Ken Jim Jack'.

Five photographs, three head and shoulders portraits of Kenneth Pope, one right side, one from front one looking half right, in jacket, shirt and tie captioned 'Sgt Pope',
Kenneth Pope and an airman in flying clothing with a trolley accumulator and…

Royal Air Force flying log book for Sergeant Kenneth Pope, flight engineer, covering the period 25 September 1944 to 17 May 1945, detailing training, and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Winthorpe, RAF Syerston, RAF Waddington. Aircraft…

Three photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a target photograph of a night attack on Koblenz. All detail is obscured by target indicators and incendiaries.
Photo 2 is Terry's flight engineer seen from the bomb aimer's position.
Photo 3 is a…

Flying log book for navigators, air bombers, air gunners and flight engineers for LG Kirrage, flight engineer, covering the period from 9 May 1944 to 5 July 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Ricall and…

Air-to air view looking down at front quarter of an airborne Lancaster flying at low level over fields with undercarriage down. Accompanying note 'Lancaster PA474 Waddington 1968. On route to Abingdon for Queens Review of the RAF 60th anniversary.…

Air-to-air photograph of a Lancaster in flight showing crew positions, annotated with the names of Kenneth Pope's crew. Pilot Jim Cross, navigator Darce Edwards, flight engineer Ken Pope, radio operator Bill Maurer, mid-upper gunner Bill Perry, rear…

Photo 1 is a port side view of a Lancaster with engines running on the ground. Other aircraft are visible in the background.
Photo 2 is a group of 17 flight engineers arranged in three rows. Each individual is identified in the caption.

Top page - title caption 'RAF Aston Down (Gloucestershire) Air Ministry Film Unit'.
Top - four aircrew all wearing battledress with brevet standing in line with a dog in front, all in front of a Lancaster. In the distant background other aircraft…

A starboard side view of a Lancaster, PA964, on the ground. There are eight aircrew standing at the nose. On the reverse is a list of the aircrew including Tom Jones and a list of his operations.

Eight airmen at the port door of a Lancaster, PA964. Two men are sitting in the door and the other six are standing or leaning on the fuselage. On the reverse are the aircrew names.'

Eight aircrew, including Tom Jones, standing at the starboard side front of a Lancaster, PA964. On the reverse the aircrew are identified.

Three photographs annotated with individual crew names.
Photo 1 is seven airmen arranged in two rows in front of the tail of a Lancaster.
Photo 2 is one airmen posing in front of the tail turret. He is holding onto two guns.
Photo 3 is one airman…

Front cover of A V Roe's flight engineers notes for a Lancaster aircraft. Published March 1944.
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