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  • Tags: aerial photograph

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Two oblique aerial photographs of a large school with some outbuildings in a snowy landscape near St Albert, Edmonton. Poundmaker Road and Canadian National Railway tracks are also visible. Identification kindly provided by Steven Boisvert of the…

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An oblique aerial photograph of four grain silos.
In Bob's memoirs he identifies these as being at Josephburg, close to Fort Saskatchewan.

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An oblique aerial view of a railway bridge crossing a river.
In Bob's memoirs he identifies the bridge as over the North Saskatchewan River about 1.5 miles SW of Fort Saskatchewan looking in the general direction of Edmonton.

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Two oblique aerial photographs of a grain silo at a railway junction. The ground is covered in snow.
In Bob's memoirs the location is identified as Carbondale, a few miles north of Edmonton.

Oblique aerial views of Udine Campoformido airfield. On the reverse ' "My Domain from the Air" while still under construction. Udine Feb 1946'.

Oblique aerial views of the signal square and control tower at Udine airfield. Two C-47s can be seen on the hard standing. Airfield marking reads "LIGHT AIRCRAFT".
In the background, the 'caserma avieri', the 'Voisin' hangars, the main road, and the…

Three aerial photographs showing bomb craters and damage to the seawall. Much of the area is flooded. Houses and roads forming part of the village of Westkapelle are visible in the lower right corner of the main (topmost) photograph which is…

A low level oblique of Djibouti. Streets are laid out in a regular grid pattern. On the reverse 'Djibouti (French Somaliland)'.

An aerial view of a domed church with large crowds visible.
On the reverse 'Adis Abbaba [sic] (Abyssinia)'.

LH page, target photograph of the coastline southwest of Sangatte, with the current D940 road. Captioned '953 EWS 20.9.44// 8" 3000 120 (degrees) 1640 Sangatte ? U 13 X 1000 4 X 500 16secs F/L Josey U 103'. Handwritten caption 'Daylight on coastal…

LH page target photograph caption ' 4231. EWS. 29/30.8.44//nr?8" 12000 230(degrees) 0200 Stettin U 1 X 4000 7 X 4 6 X 30 28secs F/L Josey U 103'. Handwritten caption 'Taken right at the start of a night attack on Baltic port of STETTIN.
TIs can…

LH page, target photograph rural area with road running left to right and several buildings in top left. Many bomb explosions visible, captioned '429.EWS.30.7.44.//8" 2500 200(degrees) 0832.CAHAGNES MTT/TGT. U. 20 X 500.C.23 secs. F/Lt Josey. U.103'.…

Target photograph shows explosions with dust and smoke clouds. Some target indicator flares are to right. Rural area with some buildings visible in top left with track crossing left to right. Captioned '429.E.W.S. 30.7.44//8" 2.500 200(Degrees) 08.32…

First, a sketch of a Lancaster in flight, captioned 'Wismar, 12/13.X.42 F/Sgt Turner, F/Sgt Anderson, Sgt Davies, Sgt Hunter, Sgt Coombes, Sgt Cass, Sgt Osterloh. 61 Squadron.' Signed 'A Pollen P/O 1942.' Second, four men in uniform and side caps…

The two photographs on the left page show aerial views of the countryside.
The photograph on the right page shows an aerial view of Niagara Falls.

The photographs on the left of the left page and the two photographs on the right page show aerial views of urban settlements.
The photograph on the right of the left page shows an aerial view of the countryside.

The photograph on the left of the left page shows an aerial view of Kincardine taken from an aircraft. The wing of the aircraft can be seen in the right of the photograph.
The photograph on the right of the left page shows an aerial view of the…

The photograph on the right page shows an aerial view of a settlement taken from an aircraft. An aircraft wing can be seen in the foreground on the right of the photograph.

The photograph on the top left of the left page shows an aerial view of Picton airfield Ontario.
The photograph on the top right of the left page shows an aerial view of Picton airfield with a runway in the background. A wing of an aircraft can be…

A low level oblique aerial photograph of Wesel with Willibrordi-Dom [Cathedral] in the centre with the Dombrunnen in front of it. Handwriting on reverse: 'Wesel'.

A low level oblique aerial photograph of Dortmund. Grabeskirche Liebfrauen (Church of the Holy Sepulchre) can be seen in the foreground and railway lines in the background. Handwritten annotation on the reverse.

Identification kindly provided by…

A low level oblique aerial photograph identified as "Brunswick" on the reverse. To the bottom left of the photograph is the Braunschweiger Schloss [Brunswick Palace].

A low level oblique aerial photograph with handwriting identified as "Rheine" on the reverse. The centre of the photograph show a railway line from left to right with wagons on it. In the background the town of Rheine is visible with the St.…

A low level oblique aerial photograph of Hannover. In the centre of the photograph is the Christuskirche on the Schoßwender strasse at the intersection with Arndtsraße. In the background on the top left is Katholisches Pfarramt St. Maria [St Mary's…
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