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  • Tags: military service conditions

Peter Lamprey writes that he has very little free time as most of the time is spent flying.

Peter Lamprey starts with some friendly banter and comments that weather has curtailed flying. He notes that there are now many Australians and Canadians on base. He goes on to say he was glad that the rumour of a bomb hitting his previous place of…

Peter Lamprey writes that has moved RAF stations again and has only flown once on an air-test since arriving. He notes that the station has a good mess and food but that it’s a long way to the nearest town.

Peter Lamprey writes that he is continuing with operations over Germany. He complains that the station is a long way from the glamour of big cities although there are some closer hostelries. He concludes with banter and chatter about acquaintances.

Peter Lamprey provides a detailed description of the procedures and emotions of the crew before, during and after an operation..

Peter Lamprey writes about cancelled operations and a difficult trip to Hanover during which they lost a crew and after which their airfield was bombed. He concludes by asking to be remembered to friends.

Peter Lamprey explains that they have not seen so much action this month, Stuttgart being their last target when they met no resistance. The squadron is under strength and the new crews are not yet settled in. He recalls social life and concludes…

Peter Lamprey writes about his journey to and life at Royal Air Force Castle Kennedy, including intensive training and exhaustion.

Peter Lamprey writes complaining about life at Royal Air Force Yatesbury. In particular that his course has not started and they are doing fatigue duties in the mean time.

Peter Lamprey writes about life on Tiree including the terrible weather and having to stay on to train new operators.

Peter Lamprey writes to his work mates complaining about life and hoping to get leave to visit them. He also mentions that some personnel have left for the next stage of training and he might be soon to follow.

Peter Stevenson's account of his service in the Officer Training Corps at Grantham and later in the Air Training Corps. Tells of his life in Grantham and the effect of the war on the town. Also his involvement post war in museums and projects to…

Ask Vic about his arrangement to take Ron up and asking what he needed to do. Writes about his new job driving the quarter master's three ton ration truck.

Describes recent journey to camp and current new accommodation as well as daily activity. Mentions visits to Manchester.

Writes that he is back in camp and comfortably billeted. Describes daily activities and speculates on future. Mentions train journey to camp but does not think he will get home again for some time. Says he will send laundry home.

Discusses sending laundry home with unsure future. Mentions still continuing lessons and that he will let her know when he hears of his next posting.

Writes that he is expecting posting to Canada shortly and that she should get his laundry back to him quickly.

Thanks her for parcel and writes of his immanent departure and that he will cable when he arrives at destination.

Mentions he wrote this letter just after airgraph and ask he to let him know how long each took to arrive. Writes that he is settling but it is cold with snow but they are comfortably billeted with amazing food. Says there is no shortage of food…

Part 1. Explains delay in writing due to 48 hour pass which allowed him to go to new York. Describes activities there.
Part 2. On return was posted to air observers school and was packing to go. Arrive in Toronto and did tour including Niagara…

Trying out airmail letter to see if it is quicker than airgram. Reports arrival of mail from home some of which was taking a long time. Catches up with news and gossip, comments on weather and his health. Comments on distance to Toronto which he can…

Had just arrived in Canada. Mentions and describes some aspects of voyage and arrival in New York. Followed by train journey to Moncton Canada awaiting posting to flying training unit.

Writes of his activities at Moncton. Mentions social activities, weather, accommodation, the camp and going into town.

Reports receiving a large amount of mail from family and friends. Writes he is having the time of his life and describes events surrounding his 21st birthday with visit to Montreal. Says he should be off to navigator school shortly. Compares speed of…

Writes that he is receiving a constant flow of mail. States he would be at his current location for 12 weeks. Says it is a good station with plenty of hard work but weekend off and a 48 hour pass every month. Describes Toronto city and mentions…
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