Letter from Peter Lamprey to W Gunton



Letter from Peter Lamprey to W Gunton


Peter Lamprey writes that has moved RAF stations again and has only flown once on an air-test since arriving. He notes that the station has a good mess and food but that it’s a long way to the nearest town.




Temporal Coverage




Envelope and six page handwritten letter


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[postage stamp]

Mr. W. Gunton.
Machine Room.
Waterlow and Sons. Ltd.
Twyford Abbey Road.
Park Royal. N.W.10.

[page break]

Reverse of envelope

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Sgt. Lamprey.
Sgt’s Mess
RAF. Station.
Church Broughton
Nr. [underlined] Derby. [/underlined]

Dear Unk – Others.

Well my friends, look at the above address and then let your eyes weep in sympathy. If ever a man stood the shoving around I get without breaking down, I refuse to believe it. One of these days, heaven knows when, someone in authority in the RAF will have an idea that will work out all right and then perhaps we will be left alone for a few months.

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[underlined] 2. [/underlined]

They dragged me away from Hixon just as I got my roots well and truly planted. Talk about take the skin of [sic] your chest when they move you. I feel as if I had been inoculated with a nice deep sepia paint. Real browned off. If only the perishers knew who we were it wouldn’t matter. But they don’t know – don’t care and worry less. However they manage to bomb Germany beats me. It must be done by mirrors.

I don’t know whether you have written to me at Hixon but as

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[underlined] 3. [/underlined]

usual my mail will be in a proper lash up for Lord knows how long, so don’t expect me to answer any queries for a while.

I hope they haven’t yet grabbed Bro. G. and slapped a rifle in his hand with a book of instructions on how to use it. These modern weapons take a bit of getting used to. If they should ever get him, let me know and I’ll get a transfer to his mob and show him the ropes – us youngsters are always willing to help.

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[underlined] 4. [/underlined]

This joint has got a nice little mess and the grub is pretty fair. But local attractions are practically nil – and in any case there are too many blokes to get one all your own. The nearest local is twenty minutes hard walk away and the beer is no credit to its nearness to Burton.

We moved into Derby in force on Saturday night but there are a few too many women and it looks like an eleven mile walk if you fall so that has the elbow from

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[underlined] 5 [/underlined]

the start.

There is no real news from here. I have flown once since arriving and stayed up a whole half-hour on an air-test. After being in the air for so long I felt exhausted. If they only keep it up and let me fly once a week like that I can just about manage to see the war out on a one page log-book.

I trust everything is all hunky-dory at the shop and no alarms, as to moving the personnel, have caused an outbreak of ring-pout. [sic]

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[underlined] 6. [/underlined]

Not but that it won’t do a few of you a world of good to get around and see a bit of the world.

Let me know how things go and if any big changes are made – give my love to Rusty and all the rest. Remember me to the OAP’s etc.

All the best.




Peter Lamprey, “Letter from Peter Lamprey to W Gunton,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 15, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/6614.

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