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  • Tags: military living conditions

Terry in his pajamas, lying on his bunk, captioned 'Off to bed, C.P.R. style on the 'Dominion'.

Letter of thanks to families for food parcels etc, plus detailed description of Laghuoat prisoner of war camp and surrounding area. Mentions they were allowed out twice week to walk in the desert and obtaining a few items through a local agent.…

A letter from Terry Ford to his family, where he writes the training for flying–boats takes 18 months – 2 years. The hut has had to be fumigated after Clem Fletcher reported with mumps. He was hoping to see ‘Dubarry was a lady’ at the Opera…

Terry writes about his arrival at Dalcross. He is very impressed with the accommodation and food.

A group of eight airmen standing ankle deep in mud beside their tents.

Letter number sixteen. First letter from him as Pilot Officer J D Hudson and has moved into officers mess. Writes of celebrating with the boys previous night. Mentions daily routine in officers mess and describes new billet. Says the food was much…

Letter number 7. Writes he has been in bed all day resting after duties of the night. Says he and the boys are all OK. Had not been to town since last Wednesday. Thanks them for their letter but is concerned they would not get this one from him due…

Acknowledges receipt of letter and glad mother is feeling better. Proposes numbering his letters, this is number 1. Writes of news of crew and other gossip. Continues letter at later time and says he is in better spirits than the last time he wrote.…

Notes arrival of latest letter and arrival of a selection of books with which he is very pleased. Comments on books and says he will send list in next letter which he will dispatch by registered airmail. Writes of acquaintance who is still missing…

A group of six airmen with a snowman. Behind are wooden huts.
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Catches up with mail with photographs and cables received. Writes that they have obtained film and mentions plans for photographs. Discusses problem with cable he tried to send. Mentions recent visit by Red Cross representative who investigated…

Had received no new letters but was pleased to get a telegram to which he replied on the same day. Mentions problem with a cable that was returned because it needed his Christian name appending which delayed it. Discusses new scheme for cables to be…

Mentions strong wind blowing bringing heat and sand and describes how they manage their days in the heat. Thinks he is better acclimatised than previous year. Reports good supply of Red Cross food and lists contents. Tells story of what they did…

Reports arrival of latest letter. Sorry his cables take so long to get to them and they are investigating the reason. Discusses their difficulties with parcels for him but says he is looking forward to them arriving. Writes that he would like their…

Raymond spent his time in the R.A.F. overseas, this lengthy memoir covers the period July 1943 until August 1946. He served in the Middle and Far East and Italy. He was an Engine Mechanic/Fitter and this is his story. The memoir has maps of his…

Owen Cox went to a grammar school in York and joined the Home Guard when the war started. At 18 he joined the Royal Air Force, although his parents were not keen. His initial trade was ground wireless operator (Morse), waiting to attend a gunnery…

Reports letters that have arrived since his last letter to them and a cable that only took two days. Mentions letters from other people but he could not write back to them all because of his mail allowance and lack of post cards. Catches up with…

Catches up with mail sent and received. Mentions he is sunburned and comments on local weather. Writes that it is grape season and they are five francs a kilo. Mentions his weight, food and exercise opportunities. Goes on to comment on conditions and…

A cartoon from Dick Curnock's Wartime Log Book. A prisoner is in a bunk which has had the slats removed. The mattress and his body sinks down where the slats are missing. It is captioned 'Life seems full of Ups and Downs'.

A note to the Heliopolis Palace Hotel requesting accommodation for Dick Curnock.

In the log Dick Curnock recorded crew and friends names and addresses, an obituary of Ginge Wheeldon who was shot by a Typhoon whilst on a march, cartoons, sketches of aircraft, dates of letters received and samples of window.

Four images:
1. Three airman, two shirtless and one in swimming trunks, using a stirrup pump and fire buckets outside a nissen hut. Caption unreadable.
2. Two airmen (shirtless) washing down nissen hut with hose. Caption '.. AT 76 SQDN'.
3. Three…

A wartime log kept by Jim Tyrie. He lists his crew on the night they were shot down over Berlin, the construction of tin trays, addresses of co-prisoners, cartoons, London restaurants, newspaper cuttings in German and English and finally more…

Photo 1 is two men standing in the snow.
Photo 2 is one man standing in the snow, captioned 'McGarr '41'
Photo 3 is two men standing in the snow.
Photo 4 is eight men standing in the snow.
Photo 5 is four men around a table, playing backgammon,…

The detailed biography begins with government measures at the start of National Service. Philip Hopgood volunteered and enlisted at Padgate, Warrington. He was classified as medically Grade 1. Initial training was at RAF Regent's Park (Lord's Cricket…
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