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  • Tags: Women’s Auxiliary Air Force

An air commodore is taking the salute from a Women‘s Auxiliary Air Force march past. The air commodore is standing on a temporary structure with cloth, low post and rope fence. There are buildings in the background with overhead services.

A group of seven members of Women’s Auxiliary Air Force holding a folded barrage balloon with another one holding the balloon bag which has handles and a printed D on the side. There are vehicles behind and a hedgerow with a utility pole and…

Left - three-quarter length portrait of an airwoman wearing tunic and holding a black dog with window in the background. Captioned 'Betty Swindells' Submitted with description 'WAAF Cpl Betty Swindells in uniform, standing outside a civilian property…

Describes posting to, journey to and arrival at Bawtry Hall. Goes on to describe accommodation and living conditions. Continues with description of duties including cleaning ablutions and lecture rooms. Goes on with description of life and…

Describes farewell concert at undisclosed location and closure of chapter of authors introduction to service life. Goes on to write of arrival at Bawtry Hall with friend Dorothy at new location with description of accommodation and cleaning…

Describes arrival at Cranwell in a cold December. Describes accommodation in detail. Goes on with mention of living conditions and description of camp and facilities. Continues with descriptions of daily activities, classrooms, instructors and…

Describes meeting and becoming friends at RAF Huntingdon in late 1941. Writes of their work, common interests and activities including listening to classical music. Mentions promotions and change of job restricting meetings and subsequent postings.…

Posted to motor transport section of 77 Squadron at RAF Elvington in November 1942. Writes of duties, location and social activities. Mentions commanders and feeling part of the squadron. Posted to RAF Sandtoft in 1944. Gives dates of service June…

Discusses life on the home front, the bombing of Hull, and her training and service in the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force at RAF Driffield.

Top, 12 airmen and airwomen all in uniform, one holding a balloon, standing in two rows in front of building, captioned 'Met Office Staff', 'RAF Chivenor'.
Bottom left, is of a bride in wedding dress with veil and flowers standing on path in front…

Top right, six ground personnel, three female, two in Women's Auxiliary Air Force uniform, three men in RAF uniform, standing in front of hedge in a country lane. Captioned 'Mary Ozzy Wendy Bish Roy & Liz', '1946', 'Near Chivenor'.
Right, same…

Twenty two Royal Air Force and Woman's Auxiliary Air Force members of a band standing, wearing tunic uniform, in two rows. Most are holding musical instruments. In the centre of the front row are a male and a female officer standing behind a pile of…

A newspaper cutting about Lancaster Mike Squared which completed 140 operations and Joan Rooke's time in the WAAF.

Photograph 1 is of an airman standing beside a car.
Photograph 2 is of a group of airmen.
Photograph 3 is of a group of airmen and a woman.
Photograph 4 is of a pilot standing beside a car.
Photograph 5 is of a four airmen, two airwomen and two…

23 men and women in front of and on two vehicles. On the reverse is a post it with EW=3R 2 row

Head and shoulders portrait of Mrs Barfoot in Women’s Auxiliary Air Force uniform at Brandon.

The description of this item is partially based on information provided by the donor. This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in…

Mrs Barfoot in Women’s Auxiliary Air Force dress uniform with cap at Brandon, standing in front of a house porch.

The description of this item is partially based on information provided by the donor. This item was sent to the IBCC Digital…

Introduces the visitors book started on 30 December 1931 to 13 September 1959. The World War 2 part has 46 pages have a large number of signatures of Canadian airmen. Next a sketch map of RCAF and RAF airfields in North Yorkshire. Account of a visit…

A group photo of 40 men and women arranged in three rows flanked by MT vehicles.
Underneath each individual is named.

Six servicemen wearing variety of uniform standing and six members of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force sitting in front. Left front has a dog. In the background right, part of a hut. On the reverse 'MT Section, Sandtoft Aug 1944'.

Five photographs of Ann Marie in WAAF uniform.
Photo 1 and 2 are the same head and shoulders images.
Photo 3 is a half length portrait of her in section officer uniform, leaning on a balcony overlooking the sea.
Photo 4 is her in WAAF blouse and…

Muriel Blake kneeling on the ground with three civilian men standing behind her. On the reverse 'Armstrong Sidley[sic] Mech RAF Mepal 1944'.

Muriel Blake's diary with only entries from 6 March to 19th.

RAF Form 543 recording Muriel's service record
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