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Delia Cardini recalls her childhood as an orphan in a boarding school and how, at the age of 10, she moved to Milan. She remembers how the Fascists used castor oil to humiliate their opponents. Delia also describes how, after a night bombing, she was…

Mirco Marelli describes a bombing raid on the factory where he used to work in 1941: when the alarm sounded, bombs started falling but he was too far from any of the shelters so he took cover under a staircase with a friend. He highlights how…

Giovanni Monchiero (b. 1923) gives a detailed account of his experience in labour camps in Germany: he started working at a train station but it was bombed, then he moved to the Opel garage but it was also bombed. He also describes an occasion when,…

Mariannina Di Palma (b. 1925) recalls the rush to safety when the air-raid siren sounded. She recalls that on one occasion she still had a dish cloth in her hand when she got to the shelter. Mariannina also remembers that her mother used to take…

Maria Grazia Camperi (b. 1923) recalls how people used to take shelter in railway tunnels, standing on narrow walkways along the track. She stresses how dangerous this was and recalls the sight of people being killed or mutilated by passing trains.…

Silvano Scarnicchia (b. 1925) recalls his first assignment as a soldier, when he was posted to an anti-aircraft battery defending a bridge in Piacenza. He also recalls a lunch with high-ranking German officers, especially the wartime dessert made of…

Silvana Morganti (b. 1924) recalls the bombing of the San Lorenzo neighbourhood in Rome, in which she describes the sight of dead people, a destroyed shelter, and children waiting for their dead mothers to return. Silvana also explains that she…

Gino Lanni (b. 1935) describes how he ran through the alleyways of Segni in the aftermath of a bombing. He also recalls his experience of seeing a severed hand being trampled by panic-stricken people and also the sight of dying civilians.

Matteo Basso (b. 1934) recalls his diet during the war: at school for breakfast, he used to eat a slice of polenta and two figs. He also talks about his experience in being caught out in the open when a formation of aircraft dropped bombs close to…

The ruins of buildings and industrial plants in Munich are silhouetted against a wall of flames and smoke. At the top of the frame, a portion of blue sky appears to be full of aircraft, some of them crashing in flames. Anti-aircraft batteries, a…

A group of civilians takes shelter in a ditch at night. In the middle distance, a bare landscape with sparse trees is illuminated by bursts of anti-aircraft fire and flares.

Label reads “93”; signed by the author; caption reads “9 Gennaio…

Returning from an operation against an airfield near Gorizia, British aircraft drop small bombs on a rural lane where two oxen are pulling a cart. Two men are running away from the scene. Buildings are visible on the left.

Label reads “96”;…

Twelve aircraft are dropping bombs on two railway and road bridges, as well as on the nearby town. A figure in uniform is running away and has dropped a rifle.

Label reads “015”; signed by the author; caption reads “19 Maggio 1944.…

Four aircraft have been coned by searchlights amidst scattered bursts of anti-aircraft fire. The countryside is an indistinct mass of darkness, save for the yellow of the searchlights. Label reads “136”; signed by the author; caption reads…

In a bare room, a man is chained to the wall surrounded by five other prisoners. The man at the back has a Star of David badge sewn onto his yellow shirt and is holding his hands in the air, whilst the other men appear to be shouting.

Label reads…

On clear, starry night, target indicators descend over a built-up area while three bombs explode on the ground near the Tagliamento river.

Label reads “183”; signed by the author; caption reads “NOTTE del 10 NOVEMBRE 1944. Bombardieri della…

The wooden bridge takes direct hits causing fires to start along the structure. Four further bombs are dropping through the smoke and an attacking aircraft is visible in the foreground to the left. On the horizon, a further twelve aircraft can be…

Two men of the Unione Nazionale Protezione Antiaerea are in the foreground running. One of them is pointing to the sky with his left arm, whilst the other soldier is holding on to his helmet with his right hand. The buildings around are engulfed in…

Bombers fly over a town. In the scene, every window is lit up. Civilians are running for shelter. A woman reaches out for her child. One man remains stationary and seems confused. The five aircraft are being targeted by anti-aircraft fire.


Bent and twisted railway tracks, flying pieces of metal, smoke and fire are featured prominently in the background, while another bomb is coming in from the left. The nearby railway station and two adjacent tracks look undamaged.

Label reads…

On a starry winter’s night, a yellow glow is visible on the horizon, accompanied by bursts of anti-aircraft fire and tracers. Naked mulberry trees are visible in the distance.

Label reads “212”; signed by the author; caption reads “20…

Repairs being carried out on bombed railway tracks on a starry night. The tracks are bent around a large crater. Men are using picks, shovels and a wheel-barrow while watched over by military personnel. The scene is illuminated by torch-light. A man…

On a clear winter’s day, a bridge on a railway line has been bombed. There is a village nearby where the telegraph poles have come down. In the foreground, a branch of the canal forks off to the left and a boat is moored at the side. Two aircraft…

Men, women and children flee in panic surrounded by fire and destruction. One man falls to the ground near a pylon. Two ships are visible in the background and the nearer of the two has taken a direct hit and exploded in flames. At the top of the…

At night, men are clearing debris by using shovels, pick axes and a wheel barrow. A fire has been lit and men are holding torches and lanterns. In the foreground three military personnel are talking, one with a lantern in his right hand, another…
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