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  • Tags: childhood in wartime

file 1c.jpg
A boy in tears with amputated hands is holding a green toy truck. His stumps are bandaged. Behind him, an explosion is throwing in the air four maimed children. On the reverse, different kinds of explosive devices are shown. The text urges not to…

Ode to a local village girl whose mother took in washing from aircrew. Refers to 100 Squadron. Two versions both annotated 'Kathryn Reid, (half pint)' and other notes.

Roy in scout uniform, September 1942.

Roy on VE day, wearing his boy scout uniform.

A half length portrait of Roy Saunders, aged eight.

Jean's stories about growing up in wartime England. Food features in her tales as do crashed RAF aircraft. She describes village life and personalities then tales about her village school.

Hector's stories about growing up in wartime Edgcott. His family moved there in 1941 when he was 10. He covers his school life, working on his father's farm, mock fighting, playing on a bombing range, working as a cowman, tractor work, working in a…

A postcard from George Shephard Johns sent to his mother and father, Harold Johns and Florence Shephard. In the postcard George thanks his parents for the card he received from them.

Popeye doll with red scarf, blue jumper and trousers taken on flights by a crew for luck. The word 'Foreign' is written on the back of its neck.
The mascot was recovered from the crash of Lancaster WS-O LM432. The aircraft was flying from Manston…

Photographs of the five children and their gravestone

Top left - a full length image of an airman wearing tunic with half brevet and sergeant rank and a side cap, standing in a garden with a dog seated on his left.
Top right - an airman wearing tunic with half brevet and sergeant rank squatting down in…

A group of 27 people in front of a Lancaster. Captioned 'Aircrew, ground crew on opposite page'. Photograph shows 26 air force personnel in two rows. The back row standing all have aircrew brevet. 12 are wearing side caps and one an officer's peaked…

Four children sitting round a table. A girl on the right is in a high chair and a boy in centre is back to the camera. There are Christmas crackers on the table. In the background windows. On the reverse 'No 46, Sergeant J R M Valentine, British…

Ceramic tile commemorating Operation Manna. A woman holding a child's hand is waving a handkerchief. the child is waving a Dutch flag. Two aircraft are flying over dropping food. At the bottom the caption reads 'Voedsel-Vrede-Vrijheid 29 April . 1945…

file 3.jpg
A boy in summer clothing is about to touch an unexploded bomb partially embedded in the ground. Behind him, a young woman in anguish with outstretched arm and open palm. Below, line drawings of fuses, bombs and other explosive devices. The text urges…

This occurred on 1 December 1943, Ken Hook was the only crew member to survive. Five small children were killed.

Reminisces about pre-war and early war days as a schoolboy in Lewisham. Recalls events at the beginning of the war. Includes photographs of aircraft and naval ships. Continues with history of events through the war's early years including…

A document written as a Summer Project whilst Aidan was at school. She discusses their early years after her grandparents got married in London. During the war the family moved to Wales for safety.
After the war John, possibly her brother, became a…

Mary Brophy, in summer dress, is sitting on a brick wall; behind the wall is a hedge and tree in full foliage and in front of the wall a grass verge. Mary Brophy remained in the village after the war to go to grammar school. Captioned 'Mary Brophy.…

13 handwritten pages, Margaret describes in some detail her early life and service in the WAAF as a nurse.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Glad she enjoyed panto and explains aeroplane picture he sent. Mentions that Mr Jenkinson was pleased with the letter he received from her. Concludes by saying no chance to sail boat yet.

Writes of visits to cinema and of domestic activities. Continues with story of her sister's photographic efforts. Mentions letters she has dispatched with photographs. Writes of spending session in air raid shelter which daughter Frances took in good…

A letter to George Shephard Johns' grandfather from George thanking him for his letter and post order. George says his mother was glad to see him.

A hand written letter sent to George Shephard Johns from a relative. The letter concerns sending sympathies to George on the death of his mother. The letter also provides general family updates concerning George's relatives.

Letter to George Shephard John's mother from Florence R Field. The letter informs Mrs Johns that George has arrived and reassures George's mother to not worry.
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