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  • Tags: pilot

Head and shoulders portrait of Raymond Harris with pilots brevet and DFC ribbon.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

From information kindly supplied by the donor, Raymond is backrow on the left.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

A memoir of an operation involving Len Curtis and his crew members. During the operation his aircraft was shot down and Len was captured. However, he was liberated by American soldiers and returned to London six weeks later.

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Alain Harvey on left and W R Fairey on the right, airfield as background.

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Group photograph, head and shoulders, two pilots, three observers, two air gunners, brevets not visible on others.

Head and shoulders portrait of a pilot in uniform.

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Frederick at the controls of an Oxford. On the reverse is a post it with 'Frederick Davy'

Seven airmen at the nose of their Lancaster. On the nose is 'Green Goddess' and a cartoon woman. On the reverse is a post it with 'F Davy 3rd from Right'.

A montage featuring a photograph of Frederick, his medals and ribbons, letter from the King, his crew, letter from his group Air Vice Marshal and a note with his crew names and a comment that they were shot down over Cologne.

Six medals awarded to Frederick:
DFC, Air Force Cross, 1939-1945 Star, France and Germany Star, Defence Medal and War Medal.

A list of aircraft and crew for an operation to Wurzburg.

A colourised image of six airmen standing in grass. Four are holding cigarettes.

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Four airmen standing in by a Lancaster with the registration "Q-PO".

A handwritten account of the Lancaster ditching and subsequent rescue.

A group of RAF personnel outside station headquarters. On the reverse are the date "July 1941" ant the signatures: B S Burgess, R W Jaad, J.Thomson, [indecipherable], Weni Dwels, Twiddle, L Gow, W Mackenzie, Y G Grant, F Levias O’Rillp, D E…

A group of airmen and a dog on the grass in front of an aircraft. In the back right of the photograph the nose of a Lysander and some military buildings can be seen.

Five aircrew posed in a line in front of a wooden building. By the door 'MT Workshop Keep Out' is painted. On the reverse, 101 Squadron P/O Brodie Navigator, Sgt Davies W/Op, Sgt Waterhouse, Captain, Self A/G, Sgt Clark Bomb Aimer' and Roberts 54…

A sergeant pilot in uniform in front of a building.

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The photograph on the left of the left page shows two men in military uniforms standing next to a sign with indecipherable writing near Malahat Chalet. Aircrew brevets can be seen on the top left pockets of the men's uniforms.
The photograph on the…

Two airmen in the cockpit of an Anson.

A group of seven airmen seated or leaning on the front of a car.
On the reverse each man is identified.

Matthew Joseph Coe, on the bottom row on the right of the photograph with six other airmen. Matthew Joseph Coe and five other airmen can be seen with whistles on their uniforms.

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