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  • Tags: bombing

Peter Lamprey provides a detailed description of the procedures and emotions of the crew before, during and after an operation..

Peter Lamprey writes about cancelled operations and a difficult trip to Hanover during which they lost a crew and after which their airfield was bombed. He concludes by asking to be remembered to friends.

Mentions operation to Mannheim ad asks her to send him some gloves.

Writes that he went to Milan on previous night and had to divert to station in south of England. Says he would be there for a few days until aircraft ready to go back.


Catches up with family news and mentions a recent operation that Ken took part in on a battleship and noted he was back on operations with a famous squadron. The only famous one he knew was 12. Noted that he would be very busy.

Part 1. Catches up with family news and comments on time mail takes to reach him. mentions he had heard of heavy air attack on Hull and hopes that they are all OK. Catches up with other news and gossip. Mentions bomb site scroungers and that he is…

Part 2. Writes of his concern over recent air attack on Hull. Discusses Norman's future training and recommends book on aircraft recognition. Catches up with family news.

Writes that he is still managing to get through exams alright. Comments on news that his friend had failed one of his exams at another station and suggests that this was an example where results of exams did not give guidance to a person's…

Catches up with latest mail sent/received. Mentions that he has sent food parcels to them. Says he will hand onto photographs rather than risking losing them in the mail. Comments on his satisfactory financial situation.


Catches up with news of Norman's activities. Mentions hearing on the radio of air attack on Hull and hopes family are safe and well. Mentions the importance of having good friends.

Highlights two items about operation to Dusseldorf. Firstly the effect of 'G' and secondly the effect of adrenalin. Describes impressions on Dusseldorf trip. Goes on to describe reasons for his apprehension all during his first tour. Goes on to…

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With sympathy to Reg's mother following missing in action report.

He refers to feeling 'isolated and diminished' when returning to civilian work. He rejoined the Royal Air Force, but the jobs became more menial and supplies and maintenance were poor. He describes the contrast with some of the operations he took…

A letter to Bob Moore from Terry Ford about 75 Squadron. He describes how his crew was the only completely non-New Zealanders, a disposal of a long delay bomb in the North Sea, the loyalty of his ground crew, the station Commander and his failed…

The letter invites Sergeant Spencer Lewis Belton to repeat a British Broadcasting Corporation broadcast entitled ‘Bringing a Damaged Bomber back from Wilhelmshaven’. The reverse contains the conditions attached to the broadcast.

Congratulatory letter concerning daylight operation by Bomber Command Lancasters on U-boat factory at Augsburg. 'Undeterred by heavy losses at the outset 44 and 97 Squadrons pierced in broad daylight into the heart of Germany and struck a vital point…

Continues to discuss where she will go and mentions alternatives, joining him and problems of him moving on during his training. Writes of baby matters. Mentions getting a letter from her sister sent before recent 'Blitz' and is not sure if she is…

Writes it was lovely to hear his voice and that his first operational trip was over safely. Continues that the next few months will be worst for him and she was thinking of him in church on Easter Sunday. Writes of possible future and one being left…

Writes that she was glad to finally get a letter from him and that his second trip was safely done and now only 28 more to go. Continues with news of visitor and other activities. Writes that daughter Frances has had a number of cards with savings…

Glad to hear him and hopes he will ring as often as possible as it is a good way to spend money. It means a lot to her as she need not worry for at least a night and desperately watch for the postman. Was sorry top hear of lost crews. Tells him not…

Writes that she is sending his pyjamas, of a visitor to his daughter and present to her from her grandfather. Comment that no letter from him perhaps later. Writes she was worried after hearing of heavy attack on the Ruhr and bombers missing.…

Glad to receive his letters and comments on how quickly he is getting through trips. Glad he has been to see the padre and that he was helpful. Comments on his navigational error and expected that he had done some damage somewhere. Glad that his…

Glad that he received his parcel with compass birthday present. Writes of other activities and her hair standing on end with story of their forced landing with a landmine on board. Continues with news of other activities and encourages him to make…


Writes about laundry she is sending as well as latest photographs of daughter. She asks what photographs he would like. Writes that she is sending stamped postcards so he can slip one in post after a trip to say he is alright. Reports it was grand to…


Writes of sorting out family financial and tax issues for her mother. Mentions bomb damage to Westminster Abbey and arrival of his letters. Says she is sending parcels to Jurby.


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