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  • Tags: pilot

Six airmen in battledress, with brevets. Three are sitting in the ground and three behind them, sitting on a bench. Bernard Ross is seated on the left. The airman front centre is a pilot. The one at the rear left is holding a book. In the background…

Head and shoulders portrait of Bernard Ross and a pilot. Both are in uniform without headdress.

Full length image of a pilot in uniform, standing by a car MG SA, registration VV7181. In the background there are trees. On the reverse of one copy is written: 'DID 1448'

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Pilot's wings cloth brevet.

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G Highton’s Pilot’s Flying Log Book covering the period from 08 May 1942 to 08 April 1944. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as a pilot. He was stationed at RCAF Penhold (36 SFTS), RAF Kingstown (15 EFTS), RAF Church Lawford (18…

George Highton's pilot's flying log book covering the period from 19 May 1944 to 31 July 1946. As an instructor and Bomber Command communications flight pilot, he was stationed at RAF Kinloss and RAF Halton. Aircraft flown in were Anson, Whitley,…

Four head and shoulders portraits of George.
#1 and 2 - Two identical head and shoulders portraits of George. The first is in a cardboard mount. On the reverse of the second is a rubber stamped 'Dixon Studios Edgware'.
In the third photograph…

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Five airmen with George in the centre, front. On the reverse '192 Sq GH Centre. Roy Shirley flt/sgt'.

The group is arranged in four rows. They appear to all be pilots. On the reverse ' GH 3 rows back. RIGHT'.

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Five airmen standing in grass outside a hut.
Kneeling bottom right is Freddie Webber (Navigator).
On the reverse 'Arthur W/O Junior Pilot Roy Gunner
F Ruddin Navigator ? Merv Clark Bomb Aimer/Front Gunner'.

Bertie's Father's flying certificate.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

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Five photographs from an Album.
#1 is an unidentified airman.
#2 is three airmen
#3 is a football team.
#4 is a view of Vesuvius from the air.
#5 is seven airmen in two rows.

RAF Form 494 completed by John Holden.

Six photographs from an album.
#1 is Johnnie Holden as a trainee. It is signed on the front 'Lots of Love, Green Eyes, Johnnie x'.
#2 is a full length portrait of Johnnie Holden in flying kit.
#3 is a grave in the woods.
#4 is a head and…

Ahead and shoulders portrait of Bryan Bell annotated with his name.
On the reverse 'Skipper F/O Tim Bell. Died in crash'.

Head and shoulders of F/Lt White with his name annotated on the front.
On the reverse 'Chalkie - died in crash'.
[Holden's pilot was Flying Officer Bryan Esmond Bell.]

A note stating that Johnnie has the required educational standard for remustering as Pilot.

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A list of ten airmen lost during the war. It covers surnames starting 'HO', identifying the men by surname, rank, forenames, service number, age, trade, date killed and burial details (where known).

A head and shoulders portrait of Geoff Dixon in sergeants uniform with pilots brevet. On the reverse 'Geoffrey Walter Dixon born 11.12.1922 died: 4.8.1974.'

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