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  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Great britain"

Alan writes from Torquay during his training. He had just arrived in pitch black then the next day turned up at the receiving unit. There are lectures and physical training. He will then move to an Initial Training Wing in about a week. Then he…

A letter written from a prisoner of war camp to his family. He has just arrived and states that he is well. His tone is quite up beat.

Alan writes from Stalag Luft 3. He lists food to be sent in Red Cross parcels.

He presents a list of items he would like sent. He spends a lot of time reading, finding it difficult to write. He asks after his other family members.

Alan still has not heard from his parents. He asks after Basil. He lists some items to be sent to him.

Alan still has not heard from his parents. he is worried about his car and his belongings. He asks about family and friends at home.

Alan still has had no news from his parents. He asks for exercise books. He asks after family and friends and looks forward to seeing them soon.

Alan is pleased that he has received mail from his parents. He has received a letter from a girl but is quite offensive about her literacy. He is looking forward to getting home at the end of the war.

Alan states that he is well and asks for chocolate. He asks after friends and family.

Alan writes that mail is coming through from his parents. He asks after Basil and states he is keeping fit, physically and mentally.

Alan writes that he is being transferred to another camp. He recalls previous Christmases and talks about family and friends.

Alan has moved to a different camp. He has had news that his friend, Pip is missing. He has been reading a lot. He asks for an Oxford Concise Dictionary.

Alan writes that more letters have been arriving. He asks about his Caterpillar Club badge. He is losing a lot of hair but is fit.

Alan writes he has received letter from family and friends but also bad news about Ruth's mother.

Alan writes during his training at Torquay. He had just heard about the bombing of Coventry, where his family lived. He has arranged leave to visit his family. His course has finished and he has been made Guard Commander.

A telegram asking if he received package previously sent. Handwritten annotation states all received and letter being sent.

The telegram sends thanks for messages, Mary for letters, strips and badge.

Alan talks about issues with the family building firm.

12 postcards written by Alan Green whilst a prisoner of war. He thanks his parents for their mail, news of Basil, requests cigarettes, photographs, socks and a toothbrush, receipt of parcels and a list of clothing.

Alan asks if all is well.

Alan writes that his father's cable has been received.

Alan says he is fine and was not involved in a crash examination.


Alan advises he passed his observer's course and was now studying for an astro-navigation course.

He asks if his father received his cable last week. Handwritten is an address in Goderich and 'Hearty congratulations. Letter posted. Cables rec'd'.
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