Browse Items (86 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "England--Salcombe"

Writes of the saga of getting permission to move into new house, going to Chalfont St Giles and all pubs being full. Writes of friendly neighbour putting her up and paying some of house purchase fee, Goes on to describe her activities the next day in…

Writes of plans to move in to new house even if purchase is not completed. Glad she has his confidence over house and that it will suit his future plans. Concludes with plans for new garden.

Worries that he last parcel to him may have been lost in sunken Red Cross ship and lists contents. Writes of arranging violin strings to be sent and problems with their piano. Writes still no news of house completion and mentions other financial…

Writes about finances and that there is no moving in date yet. Hopes his weather will not be too cold and that he will have a cheerful Christmas.

Still waiting to move into their new house. Reports arrival of his letters written in September and writes describing their new house. Mentions finances and sends Christmas greetings and talks of future plans. Concludes with mention of daughter's new…

Writes of much progress on house purchase and her plans to move in. Writes their new address in Chalfont St Giles. Mentions repairs to their piano and of financial matters. Continues with gossip and news of their daughter activities.

Writes on about getting nervous of the responsibilities of owning a house and whether she should have stayed with parents and saved money instead. Mention she will be sending his quarterly parcel and writes about Red Cross labels, Concludes with news…

Notes little progress on house purchase and mentions arrangements his firm, Touches, has made for his pension fund. Notes shed has had two letters and is sorry change has not been for the better. Looks forward to moving into their new house and…

Still waiting for news of new camp and writes about her recent activities. Mentions there has been no progress on house purchase and writes of future plans when she moves in. Concludes with news of daughter's latest activities.

Writes about purchase of their new house and other financial matters. Concludes with news of daughters progress.

She writes about the lack of post from him, their house purchase, finances, going fishing in the bay with friends and of their daughter latest activities.

Complains of lack of mail from him and wished they would come more often. Catches up with family news and describes her and daughter's activities. Updates on progress of house purchase and mentions parents settling in to new home.

She writes about staying with her parents by the sea in Salcombe and her daily activities. She also writes about the purchase of their new home and of the financial situation around that and of their daughter’s activities.

Starts with financial matters but that there is no sign of a house yet despite much searching. Describes life and activities and suggests he address letters to her parents in Devon, Concludes with stating she will have no hesitation in buying a house…

Still trying to decide whether to but a house or not. Mentions that parents are buying house in Salcombe. Describes visiting one prospective house and mentions another possibility and her continuing efforts including financial help from family.…

She writes long account of about her efforts with house hunting in Hatfield Herford, Ashdown Forrest, Essex and possible financial solutions to buy. Mentions going to Epping Forest to visit Sir Hubert and Lady Llewellyn Smith.

Number 177-34. Reports arrival of many letters and joy of photographs. Catches up with family/friend news. He talks about their finances and of her purchase of extra land and out buildings. He tells her how depressed he has been and how she was…

Number 166-23. Writes how her recent letter has restored his good spirits but still awaiting missing clothing parcels. Reports arrival of tobacco and thanks her for music. Catches up with financial issues. Mentions he is fit and working hard with…

Number 165-22. No letters from her but recent news has thrilled them but will probably lead to more delays in mail. Others are optimistic about invasion but not him. Hope she will have holiday after all her efforts in past year. Mentions he is…

Number 164-21. Writes he has received no letters from her but one from his mother. Asks that she let it be known that when writing of anniversaries not to hope that he would be there next year, he is sick of this. Comments that he is fit and working…

Number 148-5. Only letters that have arrived sent before Christmas. Mention a recent cold but otherwise fit. Mentions camp is currently dry and that he had received a food parcel from Portugal. Thanks for cigarette and tobacco parcel.

Number 147-4. Very few letters have arrived. Comments on weather not cold but slush. Got new boots from Red Cross and comments on climate and lack of exercise. Mention that there are plenty of Red Cross parcels available but misses bread and…

Number 146-3. List her letters that have arrived. Anxious for news of new house. Mentions weather and seeing British medical officer. Feels fit despite lack of exercise.

Number 145-2. Awaiting news of progress with house. Writes of preparing his daughter for eventual liberation. Comments on atrocious weather. Recent arrival of tobacco parcel.
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