Browse Items (964 total)

  • Contributor is exactly "Sue Smith "

Poem with a photograph of Hubert standing in the back garden, row of houses in the background.

A booklet providing information on resettlement of ex prisoners of war.

Three verse poem about Christmas. Relates to a children's party and mentions WAAF officer doing party planning, trying to bring cheer to Waltham station. On the reverse 'Keith Burrows, RAFA'.

A two verse memorial to those who died flying as members of 50 Squadron.
It is endorsed 'With best wishes' F/Lt J.C.A. Rodgers D.F.M. Dip I.E.T. R.A.F.V.R.

No 39 - He 111, on one side a photograph of a He 111 in flight and on the reverse a description of the aircraft and three silhouettes.


He thanks her for a cable which arrived via Moncton plus 13 letters from her and family. His new camp is a very high standard, as is the food and sporting facilities. He has been at a National Park in the mountains.

To Norman Powell. Notice given at the time of him offering to join RAFVR. Lays down general conditions.

List of deficiencies on arrival from the UK. No rank and name filled out.

List airmen for movements in and out as well as leave.

From CRC Worcester to officer i/c attestation section, no 2 recruit centre. Lists three names including Powell N I. Expected draft 1943-04-15.

Airmen's Mess menu for Christmas day 1943.

A thirteen page collection of target photographs and sortie reports.

Page 1: Vertical aerial target photograph of Argenta. Some roads, houses and open fields are visible in the upper half of the image. There are also canals, rail tracks or roads…

Letter written to Mr B Luke at Air Service Training from Norman Powell's wartime skipper. Gives Powell's wartime service background and states he was one of the best flight engineers on the squadron. Recommends Powell for aircraft engineering…

Encloses King's Badge for members of the armed forces, the merchant navy, the home guard and civil defence organisations who were disabled a a result of war service.

A 6 page collection of target photographs and sortie reports.

Page 1: Sortie report for an operation to Bruck Marshalling yards

Page 2:Vertical aerial target photograph of an unknown location showing some ground detail as tracer trails. Not all…

Jack writes thanking her for her letter. He might be getting a 48 hour pass and he discusses how they could meet in London.

Jack writes he has arrived safely and describes his journey.

Satisfied technical requirements for category "A" licence for DH 104 landplanes [DH Dove].

Concerns application for extension of licence.

Asks if he is able to attend oral examination on compasses.

States that he has satisfied requirements for category "A" licence for installation, adjustment and compensation of direct reading compasses in aircraft.

States that he had satisfied the technical requirements for category "A" licence for D H gypsy major engines.

States that he had satisfied the technical requirements for category "A" licence for Bristol 170 landplanes.

States that he had been recommended for category "A" licence for the DH 104 (Dove)
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