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  • Contributor is exactly "Jan Waller"

This account was written by Henry for publication in 'The Digger'. Henry recounts that in 2010 he became aware that the National Lottery were awarding grants to veterans to visit places with special memories for them, he applied and was successful.…

Gives instructions for disposal of his possessions.

Acknowledging that they both now know that their husbands had been killed in action. Says they should be proud of them and mentions she is fortunate because she has three children. Offers sympathy.

Catches up with family news and writes about current location. Mentioned he pinched some of David's kit and that he is waiting for promotion to come through. Catches up with acquaintances.

Diary commences on joining Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 3 October 1940 and training at Babbacombe, Newquay and passing out as an aircraft fitter. Posting to RAF Kenley 6 January 1942 and association with fighter pilots Bluey Truscott, Paddy…

A programme of events for a IX Squadron reunion and presentation of the portrait of George Thomson VC. The booklet covers the events leading to the award of his VC, the programme of events and the menu, a biography of the artist, a thank you to the…

Mentions letter from Douglas's mother informing writer that Douglas was missing and now delighted to know he was alive and safe. Catches up with news of acquanitances. Hopes he got Christms card. Asks Douglas to let them know if there is anything…

Sending message to Helen Newton


Was pleased to receive Easter greetings cable and that they had received more of his letters. Speculates on what they might be doing and mentions sunsets, nights and weather. Comments on visit by padre from Algiers a long and difficult journey by…

Catches up with mail with photographs and cables received. Writes that they have obtained film and mentions plans for photographs. Discusses problem with cable he tried to send. Mentions recent visit by Red Cross representative who investigated…

Reports arrival of latest letters, comments on life over the past three years and speculates on future. Notes his views on life, hope and faith which vary over time. Comments on weather and heat and daily routine. Assures them he is fit and well.…

Starts with a letter to him after she finds out he is a prisoner telling how she felt when he was missing and how happy she was with the news that he was a prisoner. After a day by day diary of her feelings, activities, news of friends and…

She writes she was sorry to hear that Robert was taken to Germany before Le Havre was liberated and was not rescued by allied forces and sent home like others. Describes sending her a message from her husband shortly after he was shot down and…

Letter informs his mother that due to Aubrey's death she has a pension of £52 per year. With two forms one describing how to draw the pension, the other describing how it had been calculated.

Writes that he is well and wishes them happy Christmas. Reports he is still without news from them and he wonders why as mail is getting through. Suggests sending by air mail as well as cable. .

Reports arrival of two letters from them and an aunt. Hopes they had a happy Christmas and asks them to thank everyone who asked after them. Mentions he has also written a letter to them.

Reports that he was very pleased with the arrival of nine of their letters as well as mail from other relatives and friends. As he is only allowed two letters a month and one postcard a week, he would not be able to reply to everyone. He writes that…

Reports arrival of three of their letters. Catches up with family news and is glad they had received his letters. Glad that all is well at home and hopes it will not be long before they are together again. Writes he is still keeping well.

Catches up on mail sent and received and sends thanks to all who have written. He continues with pay and that he is trying to increase his allotment to them. Says he is still well and mentions weather. Thanks relative for birthday money sent to…

Writes about mail received and that airmail was best method. Continues with commiseration about situation with his dad, Hopes she will get allotment from his pay which he has tried to increase three times. He suggest she contact the air ministry to…

Acknowledges receipt of latest mail and cable. Thanks them for efforts to send parcel with cigarettes but now no need as Red Cross parcels are coming through with them and tea, so no shortage of either. Suggest that they do not need to try and sent…

Acknowledges receipt of all numbered letters apart from three which he suspects have gone via Germany. Comments on snow and rough winter in England but says spring and warming weather on the way there. Writes of lunch, Red Cross, weather and…

Writes that he is enclosing three more photographs and describes them and the shows during which they were taken. Hopes for improvements in time taken for his mail to reach them. Describes new scheme where cables sent from Laghouat are charged for at…

Reports arrival of two letters and discusses content including some financial matters. Catches up on other news from home. Writes of going through his photographs of home and comments on some. Says there was no sign of cigarette or book parcels that…
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