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  • Tags: Resistance

A memoir of an operation involving Len Curtis and his crew members. During the operation his aircraft was shot down and Len was captured. However, he was liberated by American soldiers and returned to London six weeks later.

This item was sent to…

A complicated story of how Hemmens was mixed with four aircrew who survived a Halifax crash. They were all arrested on their way to Paris. They were sent to Fresnes prison then Buchenwald where Hemmens died due to medical neglect.

An account of the crash of Lancaster ND533 written by Pierre Madry. It is followed by an address given by Air Commodore Eustace at a ceremony for the crew of the Lancaster.
Finally there is an address by Abbe Plante, parish priest of Lyons-la-Foret,…

First witness statement from a Resistance fighter
They had been warned by an English airman that the SS were going to carry out shootings and found refuge on 25th August. They were liberated on 29th August. The SS shot eight Resistance fighters and…

An oblique aerial view of some mountains, with a scattering of snow, taken from an aircraft. The two starboard engines of the aircraft are at the right edge of the photograph. An area of water is visible below the inboard propeller. On the reverse:…

A badge of the Comet Line escape group maintained by the French during the War.

The events after Ronald was shot down on the morning of D-day.

Draft comments on last operation of John Davies. Died on active service with 166 Squadron. List crew of his Lancaster (pilot and flight engineer survived) and recounts operation to V1 site at Trossy St Maximin in which and other crew John were…

An envelope containing three head and shoulder photographs of John. On the cover is handwritten 'To be given to French underground movement in order to facilitate escape'.

A letter in French with an English translation from a French reistance fighter.


A card belonging to Michel. On the front is annotated 'This person was with the last F.F.I Camp I was with. On the reverse 'Jack Marsden'.

A celebration of an act of heroism involving Jack Marsden, Paul and Gaston Charruet. An introduction to the story of Jack Marsden's escape. The second part is a history of the events by Michel Hallard. She describes the screams of Gaston Charruet and…

Sticker with union flag at the top, the letters RAF surrounding a large V cross of Lorraine inside it.


On the left, an RAF officer wearing greatcoat is shaking hands with a woman on the left who is wearing a dark jacket. On the reverse 'Jack Newton meets Mlle DeJongh. She helped rescue many servicemen and was awarded the George Medal'.

Top left - view over concrete captioned 'Runway, Deurne, concrete, said by Mr Dum[..]in to be the place where we landed'.
Top centre - view down a lane with trees/hedge either side. Captioned 'Lane leading to Mr dr Voegt's house'.
Top right -…

Was glad to receive his letter and reminisces about time he spent with her as well as mentioning other people. Asks him and his wife to come and stay if he ever gets to Belgium.

Photograph and account of Adree De Jongh going to Buckingham Palace to receive the George Medal. Helped 200 servicemen escape along the "Comet Line". On the reverse a list of her decorations.

Includes photographs of twelve squadron officers, the crashed aircraft, some of the crew, Jack and Mary Newton and Sgt R D Porteous. Recounts the last sortie of the crew to Aachen when they had to jettison their bombs, an engine caught fire and they…

A sketch map showing a route off the Creil to Martigny road, over a bridge then into a field. The route is through St Maximin.
Information supplied with the collection describes it as 'ANACR map original'. [French Resistance] and as a map drawn by…

Four photographs and two sketch maps on an album page.

Photo 1 is an aerial view of the beachhead at Anzio, dated Oct 12th 1944.
Sketch map 1 is a route across Sardinia and Corsica to Naples with Anzio and Rome marked.
Photo 2 is a group of men…

Four civilians with Sten Gun and rifles, sitting under a tree. Information supplied with the collection states 'Partisans near Krakow'.


Photo 1 is a Stirling dropping supplies containing arms, ammunition and medical supplies.
Photo 2 is the supplies on parachutes.
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