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  • Tags: Stalag Luft 3

Leonard Trent involved in car crash on his way to the Air Ministry. The article includes details of his last operation on a power station at Amsterdam, then his incarceration at Stalag Luft 3 and the Great Escape.

John, standing outside with trees in the background. He is wearing a side cap and his uniform shows his sergeant's stripes and his air gunner's brevet. On reverse 'To:- Sergeant J.W.G. Saunders prisoner of war no.250760 Stalag Luft III (Stalag IVB)…

A head and shoulders portrait of Richard's wife, in uniform. On the reverse 'Group Captain R Kellett 738 St Luft III'.

An obituary published in the Times with a second cutting with a correction from an air vice-marshal.

A complicated story of how Hemmens was mixed with four aircrew who survived a Halifax crash. They were all arrested on their way to Paris. They were sent to Fresnes prison then Buchenwald where Hemmens died due to medical neglect.

Two telegrams with details of the escape from Stalag Luft III.

A head and shoulders portrait of a prisoner of war in a greatcoat. Behind is a wooden hut with barbed wire. On the front, at the top and bottom the word 'Cut' is annotated. On the reverse are several handwritten annotations - 'Tom May'
- 'No flight…

A group of 13 POWs arranged in three rows. Behind is a timber frame building. On the reverse is 'This photo was taken in Dec '39 at Oflag IX Spangenburg. It is a photo of all the RAF officers taken by the Germans up to then + 1 Fleet Air Arm officer.…

A table with prizes and three airmen. On the reverse 'Sports Day at Luft 3.' , ' No Flight 7 [circled]' and '1:1'.

Six airmen, two with musical instruments, in a room in a wooden building. One man is laying on the top of a double bunk

A map of 41 POW camp locations. The key gives each camp's name and number.

Five annotated photographs and a sketch of life in a prisoner of war camp.

A biography of Anthony David Lambert. He joined the RAFVR at age 19. He was shot down over the Baltic Sea and was able to swim ashore, where he was captured. He took part in the Long March. After the war he remained in the RAF.

A biography of his life. He joined the RAF as a wireless operator/air gunner. He volunteered for the Special Operations Exceutive. He was shot down in the Black Forest area and ended up at Sagan, Stalag Luft 3. He spent time building secret radios…

A tall man dressed as a woman is being stared at by three men and a man dressed as a younger woman. One man is wearing a monocle. The tall woman is wearing outdoor clothes, a hat and is carrying a bag. The others are standing behind a table which has…

A man dressed as a woman in a dress is standing on a sofa. A man is at each end of the sofa. Behind is a chair, window, standard lamp, a painting and a fireplace.

Four men and three men dressed as women standing in front of the sheet music backdrop. One is wearing a long dress, and two are dressed as schoolgirls.

Two men dressed as women and three men in a line on stage. One is wearing a long dress, three are dressed as schoolboys and one is dressed as a schoolgirl. Behind is a backdrop of a music sheet.

Eight members of the band in front of a painted backdrop. There is a trumpeter, guitarist, drummer, saxophonists and a double bass player.

Some of the cast performing in the show. Behind is a large band with woodwind and string sections, guitar double bass and drums.

Some of the cast performing the show in front of a painted backdrop. There is a man dressed as a bear and another dressed as a woman. The band include guitar, double bass, drums and woodwind.

Eleven members of the cast of the show lined up. Seven are dressed as women.

Members of the cast lined up at the end of the show. They are in a multitude of costumes. Several men are dressed as women.

A scene from the musical show. One man is dressed as an animal.
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