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  • Tags: fear

Bill Moore grew up in Scotland and volunteered for the Royal Air Force. He completed 36 operations as a navigator with 138 and 161 Squadrons.

Please note: The veracity of this interview has been called into question. We advise that corroborative…

Jan Black flew operations as an air gunner with 300 Squadron. He was badly burned when his aircraft crashed on a training flight and he became a member of the Guinea Pig Club. He underwent ten operations at East Grinstead Hospital. He describes his…

Harold Allen’s parents travelled to the UK to escape the pogroms in Europe. He lived in London during the Blitz. When Harold volunteered for the RAF he trained as a wireless operator on the ground. He did not want to join aircrew because he was…

Her first letter to John since she heard that we was a prisoner of war. She describes the time when he was missing and the reactions of friends to the good news. Suggests starting a game of chess and asks him to tell her what he wants her to send…

Reports arrival of his letters and a postcard. Comments on his description of bailing out of his aircraft and looks forward to the end of the war but says not much hope this year. Glad he is receiving a few more parcels mentions some of the senders.…

Mr Herbert's account of the events at Moltkestraße 7 and 8, Untere Königstraße.

Mrs Hannah, K's account of the events at Wildemannsgasse 19 (“Pinne”).

Police Sergeant Karl E's account of the events at Police Station no 4 (Reuterstraße 12) and Moltke-straße 8.

Heinrich H , Martha H's account of the events at lower Königsstraße 77.

Heinz W's account of the events at Königsplatz 36 ½, Turmgasse.

Elisabeth G's account of the events at Ständeplatz 13.

Emilie Niemeyer's account of the events at Hafenstraße 37.

Paul Harthke's account of the events at Töpfenmarkt 19, Public House ‘Zur Pinne’.

Heinrich von der E's account of the events at Fischgasse 10.

Clara H's account of the events at Moltkestraße nos. 12 and 7.

Ludwig Heinemann and Karl M's account of the events at Frankfurter Straße 26/28 (City Tax Offices, public air raid shelter), Hartwigstraße, Wolfsschlucht 22.

Grete G's account of the events at Große Rosenstraße 9.

August Keppler's account of the events at Obere Karlsstraße 12/14 (Old Townhall, Public Welfare Office).

Emil E's account of the events at Schäfergasse 21, Müllergasse, Pferdemarkt.

Fritz Hundhausen's account of the events at Essiggasse 6 (Inn ‘Stadt Frankfurt’), air raid shelter at the Karl Hospital.

Gives background on what inspired him to write a memoir. Theme of chronical is 'Luck'. Writes of joining RAF as soon as he was old enough and of initial tests and selection as a wireless operator/air gunner followed by 18 months deferred service.…

Efrem Colombi recalls his care-free childhood, initially in the Bergamo countryside and then in Milan. Emphasises his life-long radical anti-Clericalism and recounts how he ran away several times from Catholic boarding schools because of his…

Santina Colombo describes her early life in a family of farmers, her father a fervent socialist. She mentions the start of the war announced on the radio and gives a detailed account of civilian life in wartime Milan: scarce food, growing vegetables…
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