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  • Tags: Lancaster

Account of Lancaster attack on the Nordstern benzol plant Gelsenkirchen escorted by Spitfires and Mustangs. Captioned '28.2.45'.

Account of Lancaster operation to Munster and Rheine railyards and Bremen oil refinery. Munster rail yards underlined. Captioned '21-5-45'.

Account of bombing targets near Paderborn and Bielefeld, benzol plants at Scholven and Osterfeld. Osterfeld is underlined. Pinpoint attack on targets. Captioned '22-2-45'.

Concise account of marshalling yards at Wanne-Eickel. Marshalling yards and Wanne-Eickel is underlined. Captioned '4.3.45'.

Account of Lancasters bombing benzol plant near Gelsenkirchen. Spitfire's dropped bombs on railway trucks. Benzol plant and Gelsenkirchen is underlined. captioned '5.3.45'.

Account of bombing synthetic oil plant at Dortmund. Synthetic oil plant and Dortmund is underlined.
Captioned '26-2-45'.

Bombing a tank factory at Hanover. Marshalling yards at Munster. Benzol plants near Huls and Dortmund. Warning to civilians and foreign workers at Frankfurt-on-Main and Mannheim-Ludwigshafen. Captioned '17.3.45'.

Account of attack on synthetic oil plant at Kamen and Linz. Synthetic oil plant and Kamen underlined. Captioned '24-2-45'

Navigator’s air bombers and air gunner’s flying log book for Donald Fraser DFM, flight engineer, covering the period from 17 July 1943 to 25 February 1946. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at…

Part of letter to Mary talking of friendship and acquaintances. Mentions that they are glad that Roy Chadwick is being recognised for his work. Writes that the Lancasters are doing great work.

Over 120 airmen in four rows in front of a Lancaster. Titled '576 Squadron June 1945'

Seven aircrew known as Skilling's Follies standing in front of a Lancaster. Captioned 'Photo edge Fred Clark, Flt Engineer UK, Dugy Cruckshank, Bomb aimer, New Zealand, Bob Martin Wirless [sic] Opp UK, Hugh Skilling Pilot New Zealand, Len Petford…

A Top Secret document referring to the operation to the Ruhr dams. There is a general section describing the purpose of the operation, a section on defences and the priorities of the attack. There is a list of 19 aircraft and their crew from 617…

Lancaster JO-P taking off. The photograph has been censored where the H2S and Monica aerials are.

Large group of personnel (one holding a dog) waving with Lancasters in the distance.

Four Lancasters taxiing nose to tail on perimeter track, airfield scene in background.

Close up of Lancaster tail turret from directly behind aircraft, individual visible in turret.

Close up of Lancaster bomb sight taken through flat optical panel, individual visible holding bomb release switch.

Close up of three bomb trolleys with bombs and carriers, armourer winching up bomb, nose and centre section of Lancaster with nose art.

Snowy landscape with five Lancasters on their dispersals, in the foreground tractor and bomb trolley with large bomb, armourers waiting to load.

In foreground, large bomb on its trolley, standing behind seven aircrew in flying clothing, Lancaster in background.

Snowy landscape, taken from an elevated view point showing large number of Lancasters lined up either side of the cleared taxiway or perimeter track. Some personnel are standing in the snow. Engine trestles, bomb trolleys with bombs, and hangars in…

Lancaster tail turret with officer in flying equipment standing beside it. Airfield and trolley accumulator in background.

Six aircrew in flying equipment standing in front of forward section of Lancaster, airfield and engine trestle in background.

Snowy landscape, snow piled up in foreground, two individuals facing away from camera, Lancasters in the background.
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